Here’s a free idea. 😂. How about implementing the receiver filter on your TX module. That way it would have the correct band pass on RX to match the TX module that is installed.
Good idea! In fact, the Rx-Tx board taps the receive signal off at the input to the class E matching network, which provides selectivity and impedance matching. A future project is to do a sweep to see just what the response curve looks like.
That's a very good presentation! It's been a pleasure working with you on this project!
Very nice presentation, with Jon's pico-rx concept laid out in a easy to understand video!
incredible :)
Did you use Julia/Makie to do your animations?
No, Jon Dawson created them all in Python. All can be found in the Simulations directory at
Here’s a free idea. 😂. How about implementing the receiver filter on your TX module. That way it would have the correct band pass on RX to match the TX module that is installed.
Good idea! In fact, the Rx-Tx board taps the receive signal off at the input to the class E matching network, which provides selectivity and impedance matching. A future project is to do a sweep to see just what the response curve looks like.
This is wonderful. 73s de va7wpx