21st Annual Storybook Gala Highlights

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2024
  • Spread the Word Nevada's 21st Annual Storybook Gala presented by Findlay Toyota, Findlay Honda Henderson, and Findlay Honda in Centennial Hills was a smashing success! We had over 600 guests join us at the ARIA Resort & Casino and raised over $850,000 for Nevada's children in need!
    Spread the Word Nevada is a children’s lit­er­acy non­profit, 501 (C)(3) cor­po­ra­tion, ded­i­cated to advanc­ing early child­hood lit­er­acy by plac­ing books into the hands and homes of chil­dren within Nevada’s at-risk, low income com­mu­ni­ties. While devel­op­ing a love of read­ing, these libraries pro­mote future aca­d­e­mic achieve­ment and self-confidence, which impacts life­long success.
    Since 2001, Spread the Word Nevada has dis­trib­uted more than 7 mil­lion gen­tly used and new books to more than 830,000 low-income youth in Nevada.

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