Vatican target of organized crime?: Last Week in the Church with John Allen Jr.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 46

  • @frederiquecouture3924
    @frederiquecouture3924 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank You very much for your video.

  • @thedangeroussaint
    @thedangeroussaint 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I live in Oregon now, but I used to go to LAREC every year. It was always a bunch of fun.

  • @alfonsvancraeynest2461
    @alfonsvancraeynest2461 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Let's face it hypocrites in all shapes and sizes have been around since original sin entered the world even in church leadership. Jesus abhorred them.

    • @josephcade3541
      @josephcade3541 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Vatican 2 documents explained :
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      1) Indifferentism
      2) Syncretism and Synthesis
      3) Immanent
      4) Transcendentalism
      5) Individualism
      6) Existentialism, naturalism
      7) Stoicism
      8) Pantheism
      9) Evolution
      10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…
      If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
      “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.
      As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!
      The Vatican II documents : briefly
      1) Christ is united with each man in the Incarnation before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22)
      2) Protestant religions are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3)
      3) non-catholics made lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27)
      4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16)
      5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. Lumen Gentium #15)
      6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God through no fault of their own. Lumen Gentium #16)
      7) and the Buddhism man search the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2)
      8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12).
      Then what are we to do you ask ?
      If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!
      What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! You can be in the soul of the church and not be a member heresy these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A condemned missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are - A - Liar !! don't believe them, they're a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!!
      You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible and no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!
      What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!
      But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here.
      P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.
      God Love You

  • @patrickmelling8404
    @patrickmelling8404 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Headline: the modernist Jesuit mafia.

    • @josephcade3541
      @josephcade3541 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Vatican 2 documents explained :
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      1) Indifferentism
      2) Syncretism and Synthesis
      3) Immanent
      4) Transcendentalism
      5) Individualism
      6) Existentialism, naturalism
      7) Stoicism
      8) Pantheism
      9) Evolution
      10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…
      If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
      “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.
      As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!
      The Vatican II documents : briefly
      1) Christ is united with each man in the Incarnation before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22)
      2) Protestant religions are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3)
      3) non-catholics made lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27)
      4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16)
      5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. Lumen Gentium #15)
      6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God through no fault of their own. Lumen Gentium #16)
      7) and the Buddhism man search the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2)
      8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12).
      Then what are we to do you ask ?
      If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!
      What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! You can be in the soul of the church and not be a member heresy these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A condemned missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are - A - Liar !! don't believe them, they're a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!!
      You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible and no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!
      What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!
      But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here.
      P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.
      God Love You

  • @MsHburnett
    @MsHburnett 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    In your show notes share the web link to the venues you will speak at in the US

  • @ognqski
    @ognqski 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I am sure you meant to elicit a ton of sarcastic comments with that headline. I am going to resist being the first one, but I am thinking it.

  • @matthewneugebauer4325
    @matthewneugebauer4325 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    oh no he's away next week that just about guarantees something major is going to happen :D

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Although usually he's not around next week when yet another Francis catastrophes comes to light during the prior 48 hours and he pretends he hasn't heard for this week.

  • @caterinemasak2193
    @caterinemasak2193 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Francis must Go!

    • @martinaryan92
      @martinaryan92 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @eabm1984
      @eabm1984 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No. You should, though.

    • @joeandrade8158
      @joeandrade8158 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Not at all
      Pope Francis is a Good pope

    • @josephcade3541
      @josephcade3541 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Vatican 2 documents explained :
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      1) Indifferentism
      2) Syncretism and Synthesis
      3) Immanent
      4) Transcendentalism
      5) Individualism
      6) Existentialism, naturalism
      7) Stoicism
      8) Pantheism
      9) Evolution
      10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…
      If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
      “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.
      As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!
      The Vatican II documents : briefly
      1) Christ is united with each man in the Incarnation before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22)
      2) Protestant religions are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3)
      3) non-catholics made lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27)
      4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16)
      5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. Lumen Gentium #15)
      6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God through no fault of their own. Lumen Gentium #16)
      7) and the Buddhism man search the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2)
      8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12).
      Then what are we to do you ask ?
      If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!
      What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! You can be in the soul of the church and not be a member heresy these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A condemned missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are - A - Liar !! don't believe them, they're a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!!
      You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible and no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!
      What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!
      But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here.
      P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.
      God Love You

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@joeandrade8158 Sadly, he's a catastrophically dreadful pope.

  • @D4Disdain
    @D4Disdain 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Would have being more honest if John Paul II had enlightened the Christians about what the Religious Orthodox Jews say about Jesus in their book, which is not the Torah/Old Testament as we read it. The opinion is not nice, enough said. I guess Bergoglio only found out like so many thousands, in the last few months, and he probably was not pleased. Thank you for the news.

    • @josephcade3541
      @josephcade3541 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The Vatican 2 documents explained :
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      Without understanding the following you will never be able to understand the documents. I will list here, what the documents consist of, by name and by title. But you will never find the list of these names inside the documents this is deliberate. For the purpose of concealment. But what you will find in every paragraph of every page the “definition” of the terms listed. Therefore the Vatican two documents consist of “definition” only:
      1) Indifferentism
      2) Syncretism and Synthesis
      3) Immanent
      4) Transcendentalism
      5) Individualism
      6) Existentialism, naturalism
      7) Stoicism
      8) Pantheism
      9) Evolution
      10) The Sciences such as historian sociology psychology critic…
      If you look up Saint Pope Pius 10 Encyclical
      “ Pascendi Dominici Gregis” you will find he new about Vatican 2 and wrote a detailed comprehensive explanation of Vatican 2, listing in detail more than half of the items above listed, and he even explains, in example, how it is meant to diminish Jesus Christ and the one true church and desecrate all seven sacraments and to leave the door open for more of modernism and Progressive changes in the future. He is not alone !!! Pius 10 on the Errors of Modernism, Pius 9 his Syllabus of Errors and Pope Gregory 16 in his Encyclical “Mirari Vos” see #19 on the waldensians,the Beghards,the Wycliffites, and all the popes condemned the documents of Vatican 2 and the Synod of Pistoia and warned the faithful with excommunication, anathema if you don't reject the Vatican two documents, and church, and embrace the one true traditional Catholic Church, the depository of faith, before the end of your life.
      As you examine these terms and then read the Vatican two documents you can clearly see the “definition” of all the above listed terms, but not the terms themselves, and the evil,and that it is no longer Catholic but a new religion that will lead you straight to hell !!!
      The Vatican II documents : briefly
      1) Christ is united with each man in the Incarnation before Jesus was even born (Gaudium et Spes #22)
      2) Protestant religions are a means of salvation and all other denominations. (Unitatis Redintegratio #3)
      3) non-catholics made lawfully receive Holy Communion and the sacraments of the church.(Orientalium Ecclesiarum #27)
      4) Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God (Lumen Gentium #16)
      5) the Catholic church is united with those who don't accept the Catholic faith or the papacy. Lumen Gentium #15)
      6) some people above the Age of Reason don't believe in God through no fault of their own. Lumen Gentium #16)
      7) and the Buddhism man search the highest illumination. (Nostra Aetate #2)
      8) all things on earth should be related to man as their Center and Crown. (Gaudium et Spes #12).
      Then what are we to do you ask ?
      If you are a true Traditional Catholic then you are supposed to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do, in these evil times, that she described at Fatima, in the “Third Secret”. Not the fake phony Third Secret that John Paul II falsified and Rewritten, along with the fake Lucia !!! But the real true Third Secret of Fatima. You are also to do what the Blessed Virgin Mary told us to do at La Salette, France and again at Our Lady of Good Success, who described in great detail what is to happen to the Catholic church at the end of the 20th century and she was 100% right !!!
      What do we do then ? what did she say to do ? She said, to say the Traditional Rosary, not the rosary of John Paul II, the Traditional Rosary !! 15 decades, everyday or 5 decades on Monday, 5 decades on Tuesday, and 5 decades, on Wednesday. Since the Mass is the greatest prayer of all !!! you get the Saint Andrews missile (and no other missile) but the St Andrews missile, and you say Mass every Sunday (you're not able to consecrate) but you can still say the prayers of the Mass !!! From only the Saint Andrew's missile!! You can say the rosary, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross, all at home. Have nothing to do with today's fake Catholic Church!!! NOTHING !!! This means all Vatican 2 priests and parishioners also the sspx, sspv, cmri, fssps… It will be a mortal sin and send you straight to hell if you go to any of these groups who support and embrace “Invincible ignorance” and also “baptism of desire and blood” that the Traditional Catholic church teaches against !!! Subjective v.s Objective heresy !!! You can be in the soul of the church and not be a member heresy these groups, the sspx and others Embrace these heresies !!! along with using the St Joseph's missile (THIS IS A condemned missile) if anyone, even the Pope, tells you that it's not a condemned missile they are - A - Liar !! don't believe them, they're a liar and a Heretic !!! Heretics will send you to Hell !!!
      You say your prayers at home, you stay at home, and you say your prayers at home, the Traditional prayers of the church and you say them every day. You read the Bible the Catholic Bible and no other since all other Bibles have been Rewritten with attacks againt Mary !!! and study the lives of the Saints of the church, and stay away from newly written or revised books on the market today !!! Don't buy any books on the market after 1960 !!!!
      What about confession and all that ? You confess your sins to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost using the prayers in the St Andrews missile, in the confessional which is in the back of the book, or you say one of the seven penitential Psalms along with the act of contrition. That's your confession, at home where you are safe both in body and soul !! For baptism you do the same at home with the proper, Matter, Form and Intent !!!
      But whatever you do have nothing to do with the Vatican 2 Church sspx, sspv, fssp…. even if it's empty do not go in it !!! Judgment day is almost here.
      P.S.- the Most Holy Family Monastery is a good resource me and my colleagues have kept a close eye on them for over 20 years I highly recommend them.
      God Love You

  • @Jimboken1
    @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Millei's campaigning is proof positive that Pope Francis isn't really "da man" in Argentina.
    And Argentina definitely would be well advised to ban the Jesuits once again.
    Come to think of it, the Catholic Church should ban the Jesuits.

    • @patrickmelling8404
      @patrickmelling8404 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Pope John Paul 1 was actively about to sign off on cancelling the Jesuits, then he died, after an argument with secret freemason Cdl Baggio, who, it seems, triggered JP1s condition. Rather cynically, if true.

    • @patrickmelling8404
      @patrickmelling8404 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      My Argentine colleague roundly dislikes Francis, who is known as a Peronista.

  • @artstrology
    @artstrology 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    John follows the days in order by chapter beginning with Batz, so thats why chapter 4 has a woman at a well, and she commands the village. That is Chinese.
    Genesis follows the trecenas, by chapter beginning with Ix, so in that order chapter 18 is the correlate to I-Ching hexagram # 5,....which has 3 'guests", a feast, and a calamity...and a bargaining with death. Anyone can check it.

  • @tjdomerny4847
    @tjdomerny4847 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Obviously, you have never raised children. "He started it!" I don't care who strated it. STOP it.

  • @Jimboken1
    @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Francis to Jews: "Who me? No no no no noooo I'm not an antisemite. Hard leftist yes but antisemite noooooo..."

    • @D4Disdain
      @D4Disdain 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe he found out like many thousands in the recent months, what their book says about Jesus, which is not the Torah/Old Testament, and took offense. Or he didn't like the fact of the oldest church from the time of the 2cd century which was in Gaza, was blown up to kingdom come along with some people that were praying there. Just saying. Is a messy world.

    • @michaelhaywood8262
      @michaelhaywood8262 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He's not a 'hard leftist'.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@michaelhaywood8262 Stephen Moore, the chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, and himself a Catholic:
      "I think this is a Pope who clearly has some Marxist leanings. It's unquestionable that he has a very vocal scepticism (about) capitalism and free enterprise and… I find that to be very troubling."
      Philip Booth, a Catholic economist of the Institute for Economic Affairs, suggests Francis's rhetoric is close to that of the Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee and the left-wing French economist Thomas Piketty, whose book on inequality became an international bestseller last year.
      He describes Francis as a "corporatist" who believes in a big state.
      There are literally thousands of references to Pope Francis socialism and anti-capitalist rhetoric. Many thousands more show him to be a supranationalist and advocate government of experts particularly the UN and WHO.
      Every pope since the early 1800's has said socialism is incompatible with catholicism.
      Pope Francis is indeed and very clearly a hard leftist.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@D4Disdain What is "their book" "which is not the Torah/Old Testament" ?
      You do know Jesus was an observant Jew?
      I agree that is is a messy world and the last thing we need is a pope who says he wants to make an even bigger mess.

  • @vincentciliberti5026
    @vincentciliberti5026 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "...people say all kind of things when they're running for office. You just have to wait and see what they do one the campaign is over . I''m not boethered by it..."
    On the other hand we have a liberal theologiin Cardinal who hails from Salzburg and who supports the Pontiff "...and yet he has been very critical of this letter rom Pope Francis for failing to call a spade a spade..."
    Mr. Allen, just in case you haven't learned the lesson (though I doubt that very much) is that in politics (which the Vatican uses a lot) anything goes. People tend to forget 😇

  • @jfmc6170
    @jfmc6170 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank God for Francis. May he be succeeded by Cardinal Fernandez.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Or a tripdytch clown papacy with Cupich, Fernandez and Roche with Hollerich and McElroy as deputy popes.

    • @michaelhaywood8262
      @michaelhaywood8262 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I'd like to see an African Pope.

    • @freddobbs1564
      @freddobbs1564 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ha ha ha!