mel saint you need to read his comment again. You sound very dumb it’s a entry level job for the millions of children created every year to gain job experience, and money to better themselves and move on. Everyone has the ability to get an education in America and better themseleves anyway possible. I know first hand as I am debt free paying for a university education and now in my final year of studies. To pity a woman who was old enough to make decisions that would affect her life forever doesn’t change the fact a man running 20 business and paying each and every worker more money will effect him drastically. To where some of his store may infact have to be shut down. Also I have worked full time and went to school. A deli isn’t all day she can take night classes and better herself. She needs no vacations just a family member or babysitter to watch her children after school.
mel saint Waitresses won't go away you dipshit. There are constantly kids graduating from schools replacing waitresses as they move to better jobs that make more money.
Believe it or not, most people have no interest in the corporal world. Most just want to live an honest life and don't have an issue with honest work. And people like you assume we're slacking, working the bare minimum at fast food joints apparently. We're the 78% that builds, feeds and teaches the full 100% We're not asking for charity or pity, just what's ours.
@@nymbus4376 yea I get wanting to live an honest life. I cut grass and it doesn’t get more honest than that however working jobs meant for high schoolers will not earn you a living wage or what’s “”yours””
henry nenjamin The McDonald's near my city has kiosks. And some even have the fast food lane order is conducted out of the state remotely. We even have ads if you want to start an employee free franchise business.
Wait a minute I worked two jobs while going to school then attained a good job because of my knowledge and work ethic. Then I got married and had a child.What an idiot i am I should have just had a family while working at minimum wage and cried the world owes me a living. As Judge Judy would say Dumb is Forever.
All of these jobs are meant for high schoolers to work and for teenagers they're not meant for you to live off of or to carry a family all these years with
Minimum wage was meant to cover living expenses... but greed has out paced the desire to pay workers a fair price !! How come companies like in-n- out can pay more than living wages while keeping prices down.. don’t be dumb people it is all corporate greed and bowing down to investors and Wall Street.. they are in it for themselves and getting people to blame each other for there greed..
Everytime politicians talk about increasing minimum wage I hear MORE TAXATION. during my working career. I have made more net income in the seventies & eighties doing manual than I, myself and people generally do today. Taxation is every increasing and more of it, with reduction in government services. Reduce the taxation,, that is what would benefit the accompany. More net cash relates to more spending > more spending relates to more services and jobs.
keith hutchins keith hutchins yea, who she expects to get paid more, and how does her company pay her more? By people eating or shopping at that company, and in return, giving her more money. Learn economics, dimwit.
I think it is by design, keep people poor and uneducated on finances, that way they get paid on Friday and on Monday are broke and have to go back to work.
I mean when the entire american culture is a blatant and raw consumerism honestly how do you can even get shock when most of you spend all that money on shopping or paying credit card from last time shopping instead of saving for investment or opening new bussines
They have even taken home economics out of high schools. It's a deliberate attempt to keep people financially ignorant until they can get either socialism or the Great Reset in place.
I plan to own a business one day. It amazes me that people think it's necessary for executives to make $10m+ per year while the people who would literally stop the business in its tracks make $15k-$30k. The problem isn't minimum wage going up, it's that literally no wages have gone up except the wealthy while everything costs more. FYI it was determined that it costs about $16/hr for base standard of living in Illinois. I bet the people who discovered and published that are coincidentally planning on committing suicide very soon. It appears that $15/hr became a thing shortly after this began circulating.
NoFlu but he does get hit hard by it. In his business, labor costs are guaranteed to be his biggest expense and this wage hike will cut through his profits like a hot knife. Everybody loses when you make minimum wage laws. Except the politicians who created it, that is. They get to say "We're fighting poverty!".
EAGLESFAN925 yeah who cares about the person who employs these people it doesn't matter if they lose money and close up businesses these people will all still get paid when they lose their jobs.
Let’s face it the minimum goes up prices goes up. All business are there to make money not loose it. Of course owners will increase prices and lay people off.
Prices already went up... In fact they never stopped going up. But the wages sat stagnant for years.. What you have with the Deli Dork is him wanting to keep all the money and the people that do the work to not make any. Fuck him and any of the mental midgets that can't see reality because they watch FAUX noise.
Dennis S I think you are an idiot, bud. If you go to the bank and get thousands of dollars into debt, work your ass off 10 - 12 hours a day, and risk it all just so you can get a business grown makes you deserving of a lot money more then any old unskilled person wanting a basic job. The business owners are the ones who work their ass off in the beginning but after many years of hard work, their businesses run themselves. You have absolutely no understanding of what its like running a business.
How original.. a person.. LOL... Ignatz I OWN my own business. I am aware of what it takes. I also know that the minimum wage is way behind the cost of living... A person working at the Federal minimum wage 40 hours per week can not pay rent much less anything else.. Been awhile since you were poor I gather. Get off your entitled ass and try surviving on minimum wage for 30 days. Go ahead and try... I doubt that you could. You lost any sense of intelligence with silver poisoning from that silver spoon you have shoved up your ass.
He's says minimum wage is for teenagers and yet hires full grown adults. "Please work for me for nothing so that I can make bank. Plus your an idiot if you stay working for minimum wage."
The core problem is that for about 10 years, especially during the great recession of 08, employers have used the "well the economy is bad so no raise this year" line, yet inflation didnt stop growing during that period. Now the economy has recovered, and employers are trying to get away with paying people the same that they did before 2008. That's ten years of stagnant wages yet increasing inflation. Thats why the raises are in dollars, not in cents. You are making up for 10 years of no raises.
Minimum wage when I started working in 2005 was like 6 dollars. At 15 dollars an hour that's almost triple the pay. Finances are tough on everyone including the ones that give people jobs.
He wasn't arguing for the big companies, he was arguing for the small companies that just developed because they can’t handle such a big pay raise. Imagine this, you're in school and you miss 4 months or 5 months, then you come back and they give you so much work that you can’t handle it, so you get held back one year cause you can’t possibly finish. That’s how it is for small companies that just started a year or two ago. They start their business, then they raise up the wage $1 every year, that may not seem like a lot but if you add it all up it can cost them so much that they are forced to fire employees and eventually close down. You seem to think that because the economy is good then small businesses are thriving, no, that’s not the case. The lady says that rent goes up, prices go up, and minimum wage stays the same, but in reality some business profits stay the same sometimes even lessens while minimum wage goes up. Small business can’t afford that.
This woman don't think for a second, raise minimum wage and every thing else will go up in cost to, than those same people screaming give us $15.00 an hour will be crying we need $20.00 because 15 isn't enough,
everything goes up every year anyway, rent health care, food, bills, every year is expensive damnit. getting bigger minimum wage is most logical thing to do so those people can fucking survive and at least not be homeless. why are people in america against giving people decent wage for job they are doing. come here in switzerland and work for a month a job thats paid least amount of money thats fixed minimum 20 chf per hour, and with one month working you can buy enough food for 6 months I swear with my life. and yeah we dont have homeless people at all, one of the highest standards of living in the world because our constitution doesnt let companyes get rich by overworking and underpaying workers. workers have rights here and are protected by government not likein USA where you have that thing which seems like a modern era slavery. People working just to survive like they are living in 3rd world countryes its insane. I was in Iowa for 2 months and I saw some sick shit there Im never coming in USA again your country is really fucked up. to hell with american dream, concept created to make people work like animals in hope of having good life while they never even have a chance to pay debts and credits and mortgages, basically working like slaves their whole life so they dont become homeless. 2 choices modern slave or homeless. no option for progress if your family is not wealthy to begin with. if your father is a lawyer yeah you gonna have a good life, but if your father works in mcdonalds well good luck getting out of poverty ever in your life. maybe one in a thousand
Rose Marie No, but it is a job... And not everyone is capable of jumping from McDonalds to the executive training program at IBM. If you have a "career" that you are happy with, congratulations. That does not give you the right to piss on anyone caught in a low-paying job trap. When you really know it all, present some workable solutions instead of submitting nasty comments to help make you feel superior. Try that for a change.
She's from Mexico and probably is illiterate. They don't want her in Mexico at least she can make minimum wage here and get a lot of government assistance. In Mexico she would be starving.
25% of the consumer good's value goes to payroll. Doubling the worker's salary increases prices... by 25%. 200% salary - 125% price = 75% more spending power. What's actually going to happen is, it'll increase overturn. The boss is going to have to cut the dead weight, and only keep hard workers. Basically, this means hard workers don't get paid the same as slackers. it's a good thing.
Basically that means slackers will never get a job therefore will never learn and rank up. I mean, why don't we double the sallary again? it will only increase prices by 25%..... wait.... double it again!!! WOW HOLY SHIT INFINITE MONEY!!! You're a genius Bill.
amzing how with a few misinformed number you can create free money. i dont see why Africa and other third would countries don't do this, they could really build up their economy
And businesses do better, thus are able to expand and rehire anyway. people will be able to afford things more, the economy will be stiulated. When the economy does well wages should rise with them otherwisse you'll have inflation outpace income and end up with a balloon that bursts
The advocates for the $15 minimum wage don't realize that businesses will adjust to this change. They'll reduce the hours of the lower skilled workers, give more hours to the more skilled workers (read: valuable) or have the shift supervisor and other management team members handle various duties INCLUDING what would've been assigned to the lower skilled workers. You'll also see the rise of kiosks and self-serve registers. Businesses will adjust to the forced changes in order to survive. If you want to be worth $15/hour or more, you will need the skills equivalent to what the business requires.
To be fair, I've been to fast food places that have cashiers and self serve kiosks and I very rarely see people use the kiosks. Americans are very lazy, it's easier to make someone else put your order in as opposed to doing the work yourself.
And if people complain about everything is going up, then they should understand that small business owners are also hit by the increases in rent, taxes, utilities and other fees. Business is about profits and losses. We only tend to look at the profits and want to share in them but we do not want to share in the losses a business also will take. So, don't get angry if a business has to close because it cannot survive anymore. I used to only see the employee's side until I tried being self-employed and learned of the risks involved.
Doge Falcon that's already happening. Jobs are being automated. What we need some way to help this unemployed group of ppl to either transition to another job or introduce some kind of basic income strategy. The ppl who are still working deserve a livable wage. I also think it can't be federally set. It needs to be based on cost of living and inflation
You already see the replacement of minimum wage workers in fast-food restaurants with electronic cashiers. You just go to a screen to place your order instead of talking to a real cashier.
They have this everywhere in Korea (where I live). The machine just speeds up the line. Instead of 1-2 cashiers, they now use 3 machines. Yet, they still hire the same amount of employees. But now, these employees are free to do other tasks like clean or package the food.
@Sadie MayYour opinion is biased then. Listen, there are a lot of hard working people in this world but things like self-check outs and automations will replace far more jobs than just cashiers. We all need to wake up to that reality or we'll be left behind.
@Nk100: Or they are just silly liberals who live in a fantasy world. Then again, Most liberals do things because they feel good, consequences be damned.
Well, I learned that wage disparity is still growing. Minimum wage used to be enough to own a home, now it's not even livable. If you want to run a business, YOU need to work hard and suffer too. If you want all the glamor of being the DELI DOCTOR, you better be willing to offer your employees a livable wage. I bet he has been giving himself raises every year!
Sal A. Nobody has to pay anybody a “livable wage.” If someone agrees to work for $5/hr and another person agrees to pay them then there is no issue. Government needs to mind its business.
CTdrowning Typical idiot. If they want a functioning and healthy economy, they do need to pay a living wage. If we want a functioning economy, we need to make sure they do.
Sal A. An owner needs to pay whatever someone is willing to work for. You can call me an idiot all you want but I wasn’t sleeping during economics class. You nor anyone else needs to get between an owner and someone who voluntarily works for that owner. The pay is strictly between those two people. If $5/hr isn’t enough then work for someone else. It is called the free market.
00:53 "The deli doctor is of course me. I'm the Michael Jordan of the deli business." A clear narcissist who has been divorced from the cost of living of his workers for decades. He speaks with a clear air of entitlement. He came from money. His meteoric rise as "The Deli Doctor" wasn't as difficult for him, as he had resources, versus someone who came from nothing and built their own success stories.
it's an unfortunate thing that people don't realise, having to maintain a business, pay utilities, manage equipment safely, purchase produce, pay rent/mortgage and so on, there's not lots of wiggle room. Corners can't be cut on safety or fixed cost and outputting lower quality products to save on money results in lower customer satisfaction, less return customers and inevitably, failure. Like it or not, employees are where most budget cutting will be done. People think higher wages are the end of all their problems, just makes job market more competitive and difficult, with fewer workers. It leads to lost jobs and positions being eliminated.
Yeah, 'cuz you keep raising the minimum wage; and smart policy makers use that to increase prices further. Minimum Wage increase is only a Short Term solution. California has increased 'minimum wage' like 50% under 5yrs to cover its inflation and deficit problems.
Claudia will be in a worst situation, once the rent increase and all the other costs of doing business catch up. Claudia will be screwed again but only from a different angle.
too late, frisco is already there. That economy is collapsing under the weight of it's wealth. The super rich want a city that doesn't have anyone in it that makes less than 35 dollars an hour, yet they want people who do minimum wage jobs in san francisco for at least 8 hours a day, then those workers are expected to commute to somewhere that is affordable on 15 bucks an hour. Closest place for them to commute to is Las Cruses, New Mexico. That economy is fucked indeed.
selah taylor low interest rates drive inflation. Folks buy way more and way bigger than they need on credit when interest rates are low. Raise interest rates and it forces folks to buy what they need, not what they want. Inflation is stupid right now. Contractors act like they want to retire on the first job they do. Cost of everything including housing is stupidly high. I see young people paying as much for a damn vehicle as I paid for my first house, some even more.
let's remember not all people can afford to go to college, and the inflation of housing does not make it easy for people. if you are a business owner with multiple locations than I do not see how paying your employees more money would be a problem. Plus you have several businesses out there that do not give they employees raises based on hard work, which just tell me it is more about greed than taking care of your employees.
Yeah it's a huge difference, after taxes at 80 hours $10 is about 640. At $15 it becomes about 960. A difference of 320 every pay period. Now, I don't know how much these restaurants are paying in taxes and overall expenses, but assuming hypothetically he has 20 employees not making the wage or greater at this point, that's about an additional 12,800 the restaurant has to pay out a MONTH. Odds are, they have more than 20 employees, I wouldn't expect a table busser to make as much as a chef, and they already cheap out of their waiters, basically making it custom that each customer gives them part of their paycheck like they live off of some kind of sandwich commission. I like more money, but get real. Unless you're at a 4 or 5 star restaurant you can't possibly expect that much. Food service is the equivalent of sales but MUCH cheaper to buy. This will destroy small businesses almost entirely. You want better pay? Find a better job or START YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Then hand out all the $15 an hour wages you want, you won't last the year
I am assuming the original commenter is taking into account biweekly pay periods. Which 40 hours a week is typically what is considered "full time", so getting paid every other week amounts to 80 hours. Regardless, Damien has the correct idea on the toll a sudden shift of increasing minimum wage can have on a small business.
@irishbreakfast couple things, first, most employers are biweekly pay periods. (Read previous comment) and the correct word to use is "You're" Example, "You're" clearly not smart enough for me to believe half of what you say. You're an idiot Your use of "you're" is so bad that I bothered to type this out You're is LITERALLY You ARE They're is LITERALLY They ARE Congratulations! You passed second grade English, now on to deutsch! Trottel! Dummkopf! Lernst du? Btw, I worked at jack and Wendy's too. I regularly worked 75 hours a week. Your fast food experience is less than impressive. I could be nicer about it, but fuck you and your face. Consider that nerve touched.
As a son of a boss I can tell you high minimum wage makes Boss want to enploy less people. Minimum wage increase will only benefit Performing Staff who will be the last to be fired or retrenched.
Shows the level of greed of big corporations. They can easily afford to pay workers just dont want to while the ceos make more than the whole labor force they run combined
This guy obviously doesn't know that everyone is not going to college, so if he wants to hire school kids for less then fine, but how can kids do the job doing school hours, here is a solution, go out of business or do it yourself. Lmao
@@georgegreene9418 well looking at the story it seems the lady is a single mother of three kids the roughly the same age. You don't have to go to college to get a good job. The problem is that the lady made it impossible for her to get a good job because she starting having kids first.
So, are you're piling the work and duties of the fired employees or your existing employees? How is that fair? Shouldn't you consider less profit? You are operating your business in our country, state, city or community?
Forget this dudes bravado about being “Dr deli”, restaurants like this have very thin profit margins, usually 3 to 5 percent, and payroll consists of 70-80% of their expenses so any increase in wages, especially forced ones, will be a struggle to balance. Here’s an article that explains this in more detail:
@@liberalbias4462 I think if you are a colleague kid and work just 3-4 hours a day 30-40 dollars aint that bad at all.I mean you can also save up with that money
@@liberalbias4462 actually as a teen I find that minimum wage is is good enough. I can't do much with the money, except go on shopping sprees with friends and save up for university. Minimum wage is good enough. We don't have to pay bills and we can't vote, so there ain't much to do. When entering adulthood you should be working towards or going to uni, the army, open a business, or find an actually good paying job.
Liberal bias minimum wage is fair for what they do. I worked in Burger King for 2 years when I was in high school and it’s nothing compared to factory work
Okay so here is my question should the minimum wage should cover the cost of living for just one person or should we expect it to be able to Maintain a family of 4 .
@Alfredo pevez: One person. If you are working for minimum wage don't have a family until you can afford to. if you can't afford to, don't have a family.
Ideally 1 person and a half, just so the person has more buffer for rainy days and capital to do greater things provided they're smart with $. In a lot of places the cost of living is eating out the average person paycheck even if they're the best of savers.
Why can't you pay? In the ideal case it's because your business isn't competitive. But in this case a govt construct is Setting payroll costs independent of supply and demand. This gives an advantage to certain businesses over others and now small businesses that create a significant amount of jobs start to fail. This has already happened in many Industries most notably banking. While Dodd-Frank regulation appeared to put a check on the big banks, all it really did was kill off many smaller banks who couldn't take on the extra cost. The same happens with the minimum wage.
Translation: We used to be able to raise the price by $.25 when the wage raised by $.25. Now, with a $2.00 raise, customers will FINALLY notice the change in price! 😫 We dont need to raise minimum wage. We need to lower the price of goods!
If can afford $30 per hour for labor. I can hire 3 at $10 per hour. Now at minimum $15, I can only hire 2, without raising prices. If I still need 3 people to handle everything, prices will have to go up. So this will in turn negate the benefits of a minimum wage increase.
people don't realize if you increase minimum wage its going to go n the customers and the stnadard of living increases, making everything basically the same as before
Sadly, most of them, (not all) is the only thing they want to do and they are basically thinking in their retirement after 30+ years of working in a restaurant doing the same thing. Trust me, I used to sale life insurance for many years to people from this kind of jobs. And a high % of them, they don't even speak English after 20 years living in the US.
@@Thatit777 The interesting part is the democrats talk about how great fdr was, but he said , when foreigners come here, they need to learn OUR language. Now the democrats say we need to learn others. Even Forcing schools to require spanish as a second language.
What pile of BS - it's just greed by the owner - Australia's minimum hourly is $19.25 - coffee is still $4.50-$5.00 There is no economic collapse - well run businesses make a profit badly run ones don't. Slave labour always ends badly
Why have so many children, and choose to work an entry level, minimum wage position?! Most folks royally screw themselves, and in-turn, conveniently blame others.
Tony Steel I don’t think they choose to work a minimum wage job, they just can’t get hired anywhere else. Also it depends on where you live. When I was living in the Midwest last year the minimum wage was 7.95 an hour or something, I made 8.50 as a cook. Now I live in New England doing the same work and I make 16.50 per hour
I am ok with fast food places paying 15/hr and raising prices a bit as long as they at least up their hiring standards so maybe my order is actually correct for once.
TheRotaryDemon won’t happen. After all, what incentive do those workers have to do a better job? Indeed it might get worse. After all, they didn’t have to get better at their job and got their raise (if they still have the job) anyway didn’t they? The minimum wage isn’t just about the job but the minimum standards for a job. Minimum wage gets minimum work. It doesn’t matter what the wage is in that regard. Those who do more move on to get paid more, leaving those who will do the minimum. Of course, you can already go get food at a place that pays better and spend more money for it. But do you? Or do you decide that sure service and food aren’t as good but the price is better and eat at fast food? No judgements here, just pointing out that you can make that choice today.
@@IAmTheRealBill I don't mean raising the pay of the current breed of potato people working fast food. I am saying fire all of them and wildly up the performance standards for employees so that only quality people can stay employed there.
@@TheRotaryDemon , as Bill said, you have the choice to pay $10 now for a correctly made burger. But don't think you'll ever find that at a McyD's or similar establishment; even if you get the right one it usually looks like it was sat on. . Rather, go to a local steak house. Might cost you $12-13 with tax and tip, but in my area a reasonably good quality burger runs about $8-$9 on the menu. I am always pleased with the friendly service, quality of the food, and accuracy of the order. . If we pass $15/minimum wage, you will have no choice but to pay $10 for the wrong burger and it will most likely have been sat on.
"Minimum wage was meant for someone coming out of highschool" Oh cool, so you agree then that you'd be happy with all your employees having the skillset of people right out of highschool?
No one is working for 2.13/hr in the US. You're making it sound like it's Africa and they have us starving over here. FFS man, 12 dollars an hour is a lot of damn money, the problem is the type of people and their lifestyles that simply cannot be supported by such a wage.
Prices have gone up due to recent raises (at least in california). Any citizen who isn't living off of the state has clearly seen the difference between normal price hikes and the hikes we've seen accompanying a raise in minimum wage for no good reason. All this is doing is letting people who use food stamps and live off of welfare have more spending money at the expense of people who actually work their butts off to succeed at life for their families.
Actually yes, in some states, jobs that include tips like waitresses can be paid only 2.13 an hour. Some nights you don't receive good tips. This is why tipping at restaurants is a culture issue in America.
Skoda $12 dollars an hour is not a lot of money if you are trying to pay rent anywhere near a large city. I worked a labor job 60+ hours a week for the summer to pay for my books for school and made quite a reasonable amount of money for a college student who has his rent covered by college savings, but there is no way I could have even stayed above water making that without a savings account to draw from, not living anywhere near where I do. Fortunately, I am now qualified for much higher paying internships and research assistant positions.
This guy is full of bs...I own two successful companies and thy are successful because of my employees not just myself! Pay people a living wage they deserve it for helping your company be successful. If you can’t run a company without having to pay people at least $15/hr then you shouldn’t be running a company! I pay my employees min $16/hr, one day a month vacation, pay 6months maternity leave for husband and or wife, 4% minimum total earnings a year for two weeks paid vacation, 10 sick days paid, and Xmas bonus. That’s how you become successful is to pay employees what they deserve make them part of your family and in return you get their best making your company the best. Or you can continue to just piss on the desperate....
Thanks, your doing what you can. If things werent so fucked with the economy too you could probably afford to pay more but thats the way it is. Even a dollar more than minimum would be less than monimum wage paid in the 70s but its a start.
Minimum Wage will always suck, when we got a pay rise in the north region of the UK, you know what happened? the cost of food, clothes, gas and electricity increased. If the minimum wage were to go to $15 respectively, the price of everything else will adjust to the minimum wage economy, making the whole thing pointless.
Increasing minimum wage means people earn more money which leads to everything going up in price because the businesses having to pay more to their employees, and because everyone is able to afford that increase in price due to the minimum wage increase. Meaning everyone is earning more and everyone is spending more, which is simply inflation. That's why you can't just increase the minimum wage for no reason, it just causes inflation, and everyone is still earning the same amount as before, except the dollar currency gets less valuable.
Hello 123456789 Dude if People made more money theyd be able to save, buy real estate and get off welfare. But if theyre not college educated and work some Office job then they deserve to be in poverty right? You do realize that ideology is what creates poverty right? You talk about skills? Do you want to know why the United States was blooming in the 1950s? It's because of all the factory jobs and unskilled labor and decent wages that were being paid. My grandmother was a stay at home mom and my grandfather was an unskilled factory worker and owned house. People got greedy and decided to shut all of those factories down and send them overseas thus creating this college degree level ridiculousness we have now. The people who are college educated in this thread are so stupid to the fact that if everybody made money there would be less poverty. Unskilled labor is what this country was built on and now you marginalize these people and doom of them to poverty because you want to stay special with your college education.
Once my dog passed I saved over $1500 a year, I will not get another pet due to the cost associated with owning one. I had one child because that is what I could afford if things got really bad. People never think about what children cost and what will happen to them if they are in financial trouble. People don't take time educating themselves they choose to have children without a solid foundation.
Tony Miele No ... You don't get it. You have to look at all of your expenses in order to make the right life choices. By the way my fur baby cost me over $3000 when I purchased her and she was very important in my life until she passed a year ago. I can never replace her since she was truly one of a kind. Sad that my statement Triggered such a negative emotion but this is why I valued my fur baby more than some people. You have proven my point.. Thank you.
Can't you please use common sense and logic to find out why he is stupid and delusional instead of asking why. This is similar to can you explain why earth is not flat and fairies and santa claus are not real.
The problem with aggressively raising minimum wages is that people who cannot deliver that wage's amount of productivity will not remain employed. For instance, by 2020 all McDonald's will have automated kiosks to replace human cashiers.
ExaltedDuck I make $13 an Hour and put out $1,000 in profit of Food a night. My pay could get raised considerably but Business owners are fucking cheapskates. Especially when its a corporation held to being greedy by Shareholders. FOH
Profit? Revenue maybe but I guarantee you're not bringing in $1000 in profit. Look at it this way. At $13/hr if you have a 6 hour shift, that's about $80 in wages. But they don't just pay wages. They pay payroll taxes, rent, gas, electricity, water bills, general liability insurance, unemployment insurance, business licensing and taxes, income tax, etc. So for you to have the opportunity to earn than $80 there's about another $150 or so paid in both variable and fixed costs. Then there's also raw materials. The kitchen can't make food unless the fridge is stocked. And the food isn't going g to cook itself so there probably a chef and some line cooks. Maybe a host, too, if it's a reasonably busy place. A d each of them need to be paid and each of them will be sharing similar various overhead costs. So in that 6 hour shift, if you have more than 2-3 coworkers present, you'll need to be pulling in $1000 in sales each night just to keep the doors open over the next few weeks. And when you dont, those bills still get paid. It comes out of the owner's pocket. So if you really think you've found so e secret of productivity to where your time generates 900% or in profit, you wouldnt be schlubbing it at 13/hr. You'd be rubbing elbows with richest people in the world. Chances are, you don't have the knowledge and experience to understand why 13/hr is a stretch for the things you do and instead resent that you're not given more.
If employers cant help themselves from exploiting their workers especially during hard times then that was when the Government stepped in . You don't need to pay the minimum wage - just do the work yourself .
@Rahamses Galvan : How about not getting paid the agreed to amount be it wages or piece rate or not getting paid at all if times are tough and the worker is desperate for money .In a perfect world this would not happen but unfortunately it can and does ,I have told numerous bosses to fuck off and quit when they try to screw me . They don't talk about that stuff in any economics textbooks do they .
I don't know where the idea that '$15/hr is a livable wage' came from. A livable wage is more like $50,000 a year. In LA, try $150,000 a year. In NY, try $250,000.
A person you sound like a person who actually has a home,pays bills and buys food. A lot of these commenters think that people should not expect to be able to make 15$ an hour and are calling them whiners if they do!!!!!! America, we in trouble!!!!!!!!!
very true, not sure where $15/hr is a liveable wage either. certainly not in LA where ppl making 80-90k cant afford to live. it makes you wonder how employers expect employees to survive day to day though so that they can keep working there.
Haha minimum wage only for entry level job everyone at the restaurant makes minimum wage Then they dont hire people because of no experience but said it was an entry level job
he just shot his own argument in the foot. to quote "minimum wage is meant for entry level employee". has he look around his restaurant and see most of his employees are not exactly "entry level employee"
Lol. "It will benefit everyone." "How so?" "It will give me more money to take my kids out." Yes a wage increase would help her, but she still avoided telling why it would benefit anyone else. 2:30
I make 65k a year and that's without college degree, the wife and I don't want to have a baby until we are stable enough to have one. We both understand when wage goes up, so does everything else, so live within your means
I don’t understand why this isn’t basic knowledge, if you force business owners to pay 15$ then ofcourse they’re going to let go of staff they can’t afford to keep on, as easy as it is to vilify the business owner for it he’s still got a business to run to support himself and his own family. You shouldn’t be raising a family on minimum wage in a low-skilled job where you can be easily replaced, if you choose to then you shouldn’t cry about it afterwards, the world doesn’t owe you anything.
Matsu Endo I meant that the lady should not complain about being unable to support her family on minimum wage when it was her decision to start a family whilst on minimum wage.
I dont get this American way of thinking. Its like protest against more taxations, still no universal healthcare, guess all those wars has to be paid somehow ? I dont get how you can even have minimum wage, its bullshit, its like asking a kid, what he wants for dinner, fries and burgers, or a healthy salad. Tbh if a employer cant make ends meet over a couple of more dollars an hour, then his business deserves to go under. You dont save money, then starts jabbering about how you MAKE money..
It’s tuff because she doesn’t wanna get out of her comfort zone this lady can get her money to stretch longer by moving to another cheaper place like Bakersfield but no she wants to stay in the struggle because she’s comfortable. No one can tell me jack I’m from skid row
What the lady with the kids dose not realize if they raise her pay, her costs will go up too. In the end it will just be harder for herself. Case in point. San Francisco, CA I've seen bagel and cream cheese only, no toppings etc. go for $11.50 They city has $15 min. wage now. Look at costs like rent. It's crazy and not even avg. worker can afford to live there. All the increase does is put more pressure on everybody. Very short sighted. People in the city I live voted for min wage increase, yet they complain when costs go up. They voted for the increase, they should not complain.
I work in Pennsylvania at 3.00 an hour plus tips serving. in 6 hrs on a Saturday morning I bring in about $250. no way im gonna want $90 instead of my 250.
Well in California, you earn the same minimum wage as everyone, and you claim tips. I have friends who earn 300 a week from hourly work, and then an additional 500 a week from tips. It’s insane. It just proves that tipping is stupid.
People dont understand basic economics... if you raze minimum wage it raises the price of EVERYTHING ELSE... you make more money but the prices of "recources" increases more. therefor money is less valuable. let me be VERY CLEAR.... you do NOT make more money with a minimum wage increase.
He said it's entry level.... In that case there should be a raise every few months or at least a year in. He didn't do that, therefore contradicts his statement
Denilson Martinez washing dishes takes no skill and should be for young people, not skanks that got knocked up and demand shit because they had kids at an awful time
@@someedgyaccount3589 Some Edgy Account I believe he said "entry level employee someone who's coming out of high school", so one doesn't have to have a skill to get a pay raise. No one ever mentioned a career either, so how about you learn to listen. You comment about the woman is disgusting and I wonder if your mother was like that since it would appear you weren't raised right
I appreciate you trying to analyze the situation. However, I think you may be leaving out some key facts that lead to a different conclusion. It is my goal to give clear, respectful examples of where you might reconsider your position. . Raises are effective when the employee's work warrants it, not just based on how many months or years they've been clocking in. If the employee continues to do minimal level work, they continue to receive minimum pay or are let go. . Maybe you've never worked in or owned a business that has a lot of entry-level workers. They aren't even worth minimum wage at first, in most cases. The employer has to train them. Beginner employees are messing up orders, destroying product, and slowing down the more skilled employees (shift managers) who have to spend time training them and monitoring the quality of their work. Therefore, most entry-level employee cost more than they provide value. But employers aren't allowed to pay them less (due to minimum wage), so by the time several months have passed, it's time for the now fully-trained employee to "pay back" the extra they were paid while learning the ropes. This is why most folks don't get a significant raise--or any raise--until 6 months - a year. The employer is recouping training costs. . Many employers have a "first 90 days" window where the employer is looking for key basic skills: Can they show up on time, having taken a bath and combing their hair, with a positive attitude, wearing a clean set of clothes, and do the job vs. playing on their phone? Once they prove their value by earning their employer more than it costs to hire them, train them, and keep them on staff, then they get a raise. . So raises aren't automatic based on time. That notion should be abolished. The reason most people make this mistake is the majority of low-skill workers do advance beyond the basic skill set and therefore get a raise at regular intervals. It appear that raises are given only based on time, but in reality it is based on skill and experience that often develop over time. . I don't know about the lady they interviewed, but perhaps she only moves at two speeds: slow and slower. Maybe she scowls at customers. I don't know, but as a former McyD's employee I recall there were some folks who just couldn't cut it even flipping burgers. Some showed up stinking from having not bathed in a week. Some called in "sick" at least once a week. Some had terrible attitudes. They got fired. My experience was newbie employees who made it thru the first 90 days on the grill or taking over-the-counter orders got a $0.15/hour bump...a little "atta boy" to encourage them. If you stayed on and moved to the next level (drive-thru operator), about $0.25/hour more. There wasn't much beyond that unless you became a shift manager: then you got about $1.50/hour more. $2.25/hour for night/weekend shift. . So the employer is not contradicting himself. Intelligent employers quickly reward high-quality employees because they want to keep them. For all the reasons I stated above, turn-over is expensive! When each employee takes 30-90 days to bring up to the level where they are valuable enough to justify the amount they receive for minimum wage, there's several thousand $$$ invested. No reason to make them want to quit and waste all the time and money spent training them unless they're not very good to begin with. I don't know here either: maybe this employer is dumb too and he loses lots of good employees for failing to give them a decent raise. But if he's been in the biz 25-30 years, my guess is he's not dumb at all. . Regardless, I think it's clear that "time at the job = automatic raise" is faulty logic. I hope I have clearly and respectfully expressed my thoughts and shared pertinent experiences to show why. . If you're still in doubt, maybe go open a business sometime and give it a try. Or work as a manger for low-skilled workers. See if the real world changes your views.
You're thinking in terms of the job at hand. Entry level meaning the position in general in comparison to others, not length of time at it. If you start at min. Wage washing dishes, washing those same dishes 5 years later doesn't mean you should automatically be getting a raise for doing the same thing you did day 1. Entry level means a basic standardized pay for a basic job that allows you to gain experience overall in the industry. Wash your dishes, then apply to run the cash registers or go for a cook spot, if availability permits put in your couple years and try for manager, if not look elsewhere. They standardized a baseline wage so some jackass couldn't pay you a dollar an hour on the premise of washing dishes being too easy to pay more. The concept was to move on, not sit in the same shit job and bitch about demanding a higher salary for doing it.
@@denilsonmartinez4393 A lot of companies DO in fact give their employees annual raises or whatever. It isn't mandatory, however and it varies company to company. But you're missing the bigger picture here. This isn't about incremental pay increases of 25 or 30 cents an hour. Minimum wage is designed for basically unskilled workers. It doesn't matter if you've been washing dishes for 3 weeks or 10 years. It is still by definition an unskilled type of job by it's nature. It doesn't require experience, prior training, vocational school, or a college degree to get hired for it. It is not supposed to cost the employer a significant amount. It isn't designed to be a final destination, or a career choice. Don't you think that people who currently make $9.00 an hour or whatever would rather get that over being fired because their boss could no longer afford to keep them on the payroll? Finally, no one is forcing these people to keep having kids they can't afford. If you don't want to raise a family on minimum wage, than either wait till you are making good money, or don't have a family. Agree or disagree?
So these min wage workers justify an exorbitant raise because they want it? The deli Dr. guy comes across as particularly arrogant, but he's not wrong that these were meant to be starting jobs where a student gets some extra money and basic job skills. I recently completed a Bachelors degree while working my normal FT job (from a regionally and nationally accredited university) and my loan debt is under $10k. The trick is to not buy into the BS that you have to go to some renowned university. Go to community college for your basics then transfer them in to a public university. This isn't even needed for a good job. With IT going the way it is, you can spend 6 months online learning a number of disciplines, such as coding (for FREE), and get a decent job with a starting pay at minimum of about $40k. It helps to have an interest in this, but people want to retain their brainless, skill-less jobs and get paid well for it. It's an asinine notion.
jw11432 No what you say about minimum wage is false and should be simple for one with a college degree to actually research. the only part of it that was about kids was the limiting of hours they could be worked.
Pretty bold to call me the idiot right out of the gate. Let me walk you through some highlights of business 101 so it becomes painfully clear how you have that backwards, champ. Burger King makes (hundreds of) millions for its parent company. You also alleged that I said these jobs were not important, but that's not what I said. First indication that you're actually the idiot since you can't read. What I said was that it was a skill-less job. You might argue that flipping a piece of meat on a grill at a fast food restaurant is a skill, but I'd be embarrassed if that was the upper echelon of my talent, but we can't all be CEO's, as you've already pointed out. The problem is that it's a matter of both proportion and purpose. 1) Proportion - When you see that Burger King has a quarterly revenue of, let's say $100 million, you have to consider operating costs, first and foremost, as well as taxation and other costs of doing business. For every $5 burger sold, they're likely only profiting about 25 cents. The reason you see figures in the millions is because the proportion of burgers sold adds up to that amount, and what people like you don't realize is that there's a difference between revenue and profit. Revenue, which is typically the figure you'll see that companies report on, is total incoming money flow. Net income removes some expenses (off the top of my head, I don't recall which expenses these are), but ultimately, net profit is the figure that goes into pockets or reinvestment. Given the risk they take operating a company, they are entitled to keep that money. 2) Purpose - As the ending of the first section noted, they are taking a risk operating a company. Are you going to pony up financial support if they go under so you can help get your job back? Of course not. The purpose of a company is not a humanitarian effort for you to seek a comfortable life, it is to facilitate a cog in the bigger wheel of their operational efforts and make money for THEM, the owner/shareholders. Not everyone can have a great job, but it's not as if many are really trying. Do you know why so many tech companies are utilizing the H1B visa program? Because not enough people here want to go to school and get the education required to fill these jobs. These jobs will essentially guarantee you a six-figure income by 10-15 years of tenure, at which point, you build experience to write your own ticket and can demand an absurdly high salary. But there's an intended cycle to the workforce. Young people go to school, work the crappy job, finish school, get an internship, then entry-level job and go up from there. As older generations retire, more jobs become available. Hope you learned something here. Feel free to tell me if you still think I'm the idiot.
evilhealer999 - So you're saying people can't afford to take out a $10k loan to get a Bachelors degree? If you can't justify that, then your priorities are completely wrong.
bigw86 exactly!! They want outstanding employees but give them no reason to be dedicated to their business. Look what McDonald's pays. They have the worst employees I've ever seen.
Oh well boo hoo.. other ppl need to be able to live . Deli doctor.. get a new line of work.. minimum wage is meant to ppl to pay their bills with. How can they do that when rent goes up yet minimum wage stays the same?? The world is progressing going forward, that means that the pay needs to keep up as well. He better get a new job (just like all the ppl did when Covid hit) they realized they deserved better and they got it..
What used to be entry level has become permanent jobs. The job market in the US is a disaster.
If there are no waitresses then who the fuck will serve the food? Odd jobs will always be there, moron.
mel saint you need to read his comment again. You sound very dumb it’s a entry level job for the millions of children created every year to gain job experience, and money to better themselves and move on. Everyone has the ability to get an education in America and better themseleves anyway possible. I know first hand as I am debt free paying for a university education and now in my final year of studies. To pity a woman who was old enough to make decisions that would affect her life forever doesn’t change the fact a man running 20 business and paying each and every worker more money will effect him drastically. To where some of his store may infact have to be shut down. Also I have worked full time and went to school. A deli isn’t all day she can take night classes and better herself. She needs no vacations just a family member or babysitter to watch her children after school.
mel saint Waitresses won't go away you dipshit. There are constantly kids graduating from schools replacing waitresses as they move to better jobs that make more money.
Lloyd Duncan and yet companies have been offshoring jobs at a record pace since Trump took over. I guess thats the Dems fault too.
Lloyd Duncan you believe all those lies? Brainwashed idiot
Either minimum wage needs to go up or the standard price for living needs to go down.
A little of both needs to happen.
Can't happen. More pay=less workers. There's only so much to go around sadly
Or you should get an actual job and not a high school job
Believe it or not, most people have no interest in the corporal world. Most just want to live an honest life and don't have an issue with honest work. And people like you assume we're slacking, working the bare minimum at fast food joints apparently. We're the 78% that builds, feeds and teaches the full 100% We're not asking for charity or pity, just what's ours.
@@nymbus4376 yea I get wanting to live an honest life. I cut grass and it doesn’t get more honest than that however working jobs meant for high schoolers will not earn you a living wage or what’s “”yours””
McDonald's now will require min 2 year college
That would be hilarious.
henry nenjamin
The McDonald's near my city has kiosks. And some even have the fast food lane order is conducted out of the state remotely. We even have ads if you want to start an employee free franchise business.
What about those with one year college education?
They are not drunk enough
morelli tech - What city? I want to look those ads up! I have people around me who don't believe this is coming...
They'll require multiple PhDs 5 years later
"I can't rear a family on minimum wage!"
Yes. That's correct.
Wait a minute I worked two jobs while going to school then attained a good job because of my knowledge and work ethic. Then I got married and had a child.What an idiot i am I should have just had a family while working at minimum wage and cried the world owes me a living. As Judge Judy would say Dumb is Forever.
All of these jobs are meant for high schoolers to work and for teenagers they're not meant for you to live off of or to carry a family all these years with
If they raise the minimum wage all of those employees fighting to get more money not going to have a job
Minimum wage was meant to cover living expenses... but greed has out paced the desire to pay workers a fair price !! How come companies like in-n- out can pay more than living wages while keeping prices down.. don’t be dumb people it is all corporate greed and bowing down to investors and Wall Street.. they are in it for themselves and getting people to blame each other for there greed..
Everytime politicians talk about increasing minimum wage I hear MORE TAXATION. during my working career. I have made more net income in the seventies & eighties doing manual than I, myself and people generally do today. Taxation is every increasing and more of it, with reduction in government services.
Reduce the taxation,, that is what would benefit the accompany. More net cash relates to more spending > more spending relates to more services and jobs.
The issue is not low pay, it's high cost of living.
It's modern slavery.
3 kids and no husband to feed them?? so we should pay her more money. california will sink into the ocean with dept.
Terry Frederickson What is that word that begins with the letter "r" and ends with "esponsibility"?
That's called wellfair, she has a job you dimwit.
LiquidDevil,Inc. god, you don't want that. The rats will jump ship into other states. You want to keep it contained. 👍🏻😆
keith hutchins keith hutchins yea, who she expects to get paid more, and how does her company pay her more? By people eating or shopping at that company, and in return, giving her more money. Learn economics, dimwit.
LiquidDevil,Inc. I think he meant debt not "dept"
Our schools failed to educate on economics.
I think it is by design, keep people poor and uneducated on finances, that way they get paid on Friday and on Monday are broke and have to go back to work.
I mean when the entire american culture is a blatant and raw consumerism honestly how do you can even get shock when most of you spend all that money on shopping or paying credit card from last time shopping instead of saving for investment or opening new bussines
They have even taken home economics out of high schools.
It's a deliberate attempt to keep people financially ignorant until they can get either socialism or the Great Reset in place.
Nah schools have failed to educate PERIOD!!!
I plan to own a business one day. It amazes me that people think it's necessary for executives to make $10m+ per year while the people who would literally stop the business in its tracks make $15k-$30k. The problem isn't minimum wage going up, it's that literally no wages have gone up except the wealthy while everything costs more. FYI it was determined that it costs about $16/hr for base standard of living in Illinois. I bet the people who discovered and published that are coincidentally planning on committing suicide very soon. It appears that $15/hr became a thing shortly after this began circulating.
It's kinda hard to feel bad for this guy when he's dressed like that and calling himself the deli doctor
EAGLESFAN925 well he doesn't get hit too hard by it, hist staff is getting dumbed....
EAGLESFAN925 He s the Deli Dick!
EAGLESFAN925 he dress like a pimp
NoFlu but he does get hit hard by it. In his business, labor costs are guaranteed to be his biggest expense and this wage hike will cut through his profits like a hot knife.
Everybody loses when you make minimum wage laws. Except the politicians who created it, that is. They get to say "We're fighting poverty!".
EAGLESFAN925 yeah who cares about the person who employs these people it doesn't matter if they lose money and close up businesses these people will all still get paid when they lose their jobs.
Let’s face it the minimum goes up prices goes up. All business are there to make money not loose it. Of course owners will increase prices and lay people off.
Yea these $15/hr minimum wage supporters must think that business owners just magically pull money out of their ass like cmon.
Prices already went up... In fact they never stopped going up. But the wages sat stagnant for years.. What you have with the Deli Dork is him wanting to keep all the money and the people that do the work to not make any. Fuck him and any of the mental midgets that can't see reality because they watch FAUX noise.
Dennis S I think you are an idiot, bud. If you go to the bank and get thousands of dollars into debt, work your ass off 10 - 12 hours a day, and risk it all just so you can get a business grown makes you deserving of a lot money more then any old unskilled person wanting a basic job. The business owners are the ones who work their ass off in the beginning but after many years of hard work, their businesses run themselves.
You have absolutely no understanding of what its like running a business.
How original.. a person.. LOL... Ignatz I OWN my own business. I am aware of what it takes. I also know that the minimum wage is way behind the cost of living... A person working at the Federal minimum wage 40 hours per week can not pay rent much less anything else.. Been awhile since you were poor I gather. Get off your entitled ass and try surviving on minimum wage for 30 days. Go ahead and try... I doubt that you could. You lost any sense of intelligence with silver poisoning from that silver spoon you have shoved up your ass.
He's says minimum wage is for teenagers and yet hires full grown adults. "Please work for me for nothing so that I can make bank. Plus your an idiot if you stay working for minimum wage."
Unless I must, I avoid businesses where clearly employees are treated like shit. And I talk shit about said business.
It's messed up.
The minimum wage employees want $15 an hour. Good they can start their own business when everyone else leaves
Well, what good is that going to do when this guy, the Michael Jordan of delis can’t pay his workers.
dont have kids if u couldnt afford to.
kokxin fang yes life is tough because you have 3 kids and are expecting a glamorous lifestyle working at a damn McDonald's
But I love going berserk mode and cumming full blast in whores.
They forgot about condom
Your mother thought the same thing when she had you Lol
kokxin fang couldn't agree more. Why do they deserve $15 an hour? Because she is a single mother and has three children. Great answer.
The core problem is that for about 10 years, especially during the great recession of 08, employers have used the "well the economy is bad so no raise this year" line, yet inflation didnt stop growing during that period. Now the economy has recovered, and employers are trying to get away with paying people the same that they did before 2008. That's ten years of stagnant wages yet increasing inflation. Thats why the raises are in dollars, not in cents. You are making up for 10 years of no raises.
We need to rebuild the union movement and make the bosses pay.
u probably work minimum wage but are in your 30s it’s called poor life choices
Minimum wage when I started working in 2005 was like 6 dollars. At 15 dollars an hour that's almost triple the pay. Finances are tough on everyone including the ones that give people jobs.
He wasn't arguing for the big companies, he was arguing for the small companies that just developed because they can’t handle such a big pay raise. Imagine this, you're in school and you miss 4 months or 5 months, then you come back and they give you so much work that you can’t handle it, so you get held back one year cause you can’t possibly finish. That’s how it is for small companies that just started a year or two ago. They start their business, then they raise up the wage $1 every year, that may not seem like a lot but if you add it all up it can cost them so much that they are forced to fire employees and eventually close down. You seem to think that because the economy is good then small businesses are thriving, no, that’s not the case. The lady says that rent goes up, prices go up, and minimum wage stays the same, but in reality some business profits stay the same sometimes even lessens while minimum wage goes up. Small business can’t afford that.
We can't pay the minimun wage, says those who only care about profits, we are just numbers to this people.
1:25 which was when a house costed $15,000 and gallon of gas was $0.25. (1959)
And adjusted for inflation it would be $8.03......
Lady who agrees has 3 kids and a dog. What good is more money if your decision making in life is dangerous?
This woman don't think for a second, raise minimum wage and every thing else will go up in cost to, than those same people screaming give us $15.00 an hour will be crying we need $20.00 because 15 isn't enough,
Austin Craig I bet she is to and crying because of her stupid liberal beliefs.
everything goes up every year anyway, rent health care, food, bills, every year is expensive damnit. getting bigger minimum wage is most logical thing to do so those people can fucking survive and at least not be homeless. why are people in america against giving people decent wage for job they are doing. come here in switzerland and work for a month a job thats paid least amount of money thats fixed minimum 20 chf per hour, and with one month working you can buy enough food for 6 months I swear with my life. and yeah we dont have homeless people at all, one of the highest standards of living in the world because our constitution doesnt let companyes get rich by overworking and underpaying workers. workers have rights here and are protected by government not likein USA where you have that thing which seems like a modern era slavery. People working just to survive like they are living in 3rd world countryes its insane. I was in Iowa for 2 months and I saw some sick shit there Im never coming in USA again your country is really fucked up. to hell with american dream, concept created to make people work like animals in hope of having good life while they never even have a chance to pay debts and credits and mortgages, basically working like slaves their whole life so they dont become homeless. 2 choices modern slave or homeless. no option for progress if your family is not wealthy to begin with. if your father is a lawyer yeah you gonna have a good life, but if your father works in mcdonalds well good luck getting out of poverty ever in your life. maybe one in a thousand
mudza92 McDonald's isn't supposed to be a career.
Rose Marie No, but it is a job... And not everyone is capable of jumping from McDonalds to the executive training program at IBM. If you have a "career" that you are happy with, congratulations. That does not give you the right to piss on anyone caught in a low-paying job trap. When you really know it all, present some workable solutions instead of submitting nasty comments to help make you feel superior. Try that for a change.
She's from Mexico and probably is illiterate. They don't want her in Mexico at least she can make minimum wage here and get a lot of government assistance. In Mexico she would be starving.
As soon as he referred himself to Michael Jordan, I disliked this video instantly
ChinoCarson He’s a dumbass that was extremely apparent
MJ has class, this douche sucks.
He said the MJ of his business. You fucking nugget.
That's not right , you shouldn't dislike a video bc of that , you're just affecting the channel who posted it
All of these retards thinking he doesn't know what he's talking about. There's a reason you all get paid minimum wage instead of pay minimum wage.
Is this why California has gone bankrupt so many times?
Samuel Johnston Last time I checked, California is the only profitable state.
They pay more taxes than they use.
"I'll have more money to take my kids out" yes you will but everything is going to cost more
25% of the consumer good's value goes to payroll. Doubling the worker's salary increases prices... by 25%. 200% salary - 125% price = 75% more spending power.
What's actually going to happen is, it'll increase overturn. The boss is going to have to cut the dead weight, and only keep hard workers.
Basically, this means hard workers don't get paid the same as slackers. it's a good thing.
Basically that means slackers will never get a job therefore will never learn and rank up. I mean, why don't we double the sallary again? it will only increase prices by 25%..... wait.... double it again!!! WOW HOLY SHIT INFINITE MONEY!!! You're a genius Bill.
amzing how with a few misinformed number you can create free money. i dont see why Africa and other third would countries don't do this, they could really build up their economy
And businesses do better, thus are able to expand and rehire anyway. people will be able to afford things more, the economy will be stiulated. When the economy does well wages should rise with them otherwisse you'll have inflation outpace income and end up with a balloon that bursts
Businesses are going to need to fire
The advocates for the $15 minimum wage don't realize that businesses will adjust to this change. They'll reduce the hours of the lower skilled workers, give more hours to the more skilled workers (read: valuable) or have the shift supervisor and other management team members handle various duties INCLUDING what would've been assigned to the lower skilled workers. You'll also see the rise of kiosks and self-serve registers. Businesses will adjust to the forced changes in order to survive. If you want to be worth $15/hour or more, you will need the skills equivalent to what the business requires.
To be fair, I've been to fast food places that have cashiers and self serve kiosks and I very rarely see people use the kiosks.
Americans are very lazy, it's easier to make someone else put your order in as opposed to doing the work yourself.
Doge Falcon most businesses just increase all prices by 5% or less. Not a big deal.
5% increase will be the baseline.
And if people complain about everything is going up, then they should understand that small business owners are also hit by the increases in rent, taxes, utilities and other fees. Business is about profits and losses. We only tend to look at the profits and want to share in them but we do not want to share in the losses a business also will take. So, don't get angry if a business has to close because it cannot survive anymore. I used to only see the employee's side until I tried being self-employed and learned of the risks involved.
Doge Falcon that's already happening. Jobs are being automated. What we need some way to help this unemployed group of ppl to either transition to another job or introduce some kind of basic income strategy. The ppl who are still working deserve a livable wage. I also think it can't be federally set. It needs to be based on cost of living and inflation
You already see the replacement of minimum wage workers in fast-food restaurants with electronic cashiers. You just go to a screen to place your order instead of talking to a real cashier.
They have this everywhere in Korea (where I live).
The machine just speeds up the line. Instead of 1-2 cashiers, they now use 3 machines. Yet, they still hire the same amount of employees. But now, these employees are free to do other tasks like clean or package the food.
@Sadie May That's because you are a cashier.
@Sadie MayYour opinion is biased then. Listen, there are a lot of hard working people in this world but things like self-check outs and automations will replace far more jobs than just cashiers. We all need to wake up to that reality or we'll be left behind.
@Sadie May So disingenuous. You asked if there was a problem if you were one and I replied accordingly.
@Sadie May Are you certifiable?
Of course she assumes she will still have a job .
I like how they assume she's legal and take her word over a business owner.
I think its amusing how you assume she is illegal.
Seemor Disillusioned...jajajajaja right, of course she wants the increase, she has 3 kids and make minimum wage.
Seemor Disillusioned or the same hours for that matter
Na on.
deli doctor!? Narcissism much
I hate to ask where the "doctor" gets his meat from
phiksit He does have that dishonest business guy vibe.
Could've titled this vid 'World's Most Spiteful Small Business Owner"
sagramore1 Thank you
He's fearmongering. Subconsciously, he has told us he's in a grave panic. He's not as smart as he thought.
"When do we want to lose our jobs?" "Right now!"
If you look at the reviews, people were saying was Lenny was a garbage owner and ran the place to the ground. The place is now closed.
I can see that half of this comment section slept through their high school economics class
@Nk100: Or they are just silly liberals who live in a fantasy world. Then again, Most liberals do things because they feel good, consequences be damned.
Well, I learned that wage disparity is still growing. Minimum wage used to be enough to own a home, now it's not even livable. If you want to run a business, YOU need to work hard and suffer too. If you want all the glamor of being the DELI DOCTOR, you better be willing to offer your employees a livable wage. I bet he has been giving himself raises every year!
Sal A. Nobody has to pay anybody a “livable wage.” If someone agrees to work for $5/hr and another person agrees to pay them then there is no issue. Government needs to mind its business.
CTdrowning Typical idiot. If they want a functioning and healthy economy, they do need to pay a living wage. If we want a functioning economy, we need to make sure they do.
Sal A. An owner needs to pay whatever someone is willing to work for. You can call me an idiot all you want but I wasn’t sleeping during economics class. You nor anyone else needs to get between an owner and someone who voluntarily works for that owner. The pay is strictly between those two people.
If $5/hr isn’t enough then work for someone else. It is called the free market.
"Its so unfair that I have to pay my employees enough for them to actually live."
The job of a boss is to do whats best for the business. Can't pay anyone anyrhing of the business isn't making profit.
00:53 "The deli doctor is of course me. I'm the Michael Jordan of the deli business." A clear narcissist who has been divorced from the cost of living of his workers for decades. He speaks with a clear air of entitlement. He came from money. His meteoric rise as "The Deli Doctor" wasn't as difficult for him, as he had resources, versus someone who came from nothing and built their own success stories.
And I'm sure you just magic'd that information from thin air.
Claudia will be the first one laid off and doesn’t even know it😂
Because she only knows to see one side of the economic equation.
All she knows is what her socialist overlords tell her.
it's an unfortunate thing that people don't realise, having to maintain a business, pay utilities, manage equipment safely, purchase produce, pay rent/mortgage and so on, there's not lots of wiggle room. Corners can't be cut on safety or fixed cost and outputting lower quality products to save on money results in lower customer satisfaction, less return customers and inevitably, failure. Like it or not, employees are where most budget cutting will be done. People think higher wages are the end of all their problems, just makes job market more competitive and difficult, with fewer workers. It leads to lost jobs and positions being eliminated.
i was so high i read the title as 15 million and i was like what?
really? cool
Bruh same and I'm not even high
i thought the title said i hate paying 15 dollar million wage: now i am firing my employees
Elite GamingWolf same fam
15 million an hour? Pretty spicy.
Life is tough in California everything is so expensive...
Yeah, 'cuz you keep raising the minimum wage; and smart policy makers use that to increase prices further. Minimum Wage increase is only a Short Term solution. California has increased 'minimum wage' like 50% under 5yrs to cover its inflation and deficit problems.
My state Pennsylvania is expensive ash to live in andwe only get$7.25 an hour for minimum wage.
Claudia will be in a worst situation, once the rent increase and all the other costs of doing business catch up. Claudia will be screwed again but only from a different angle.
I wouldn't get out of bed for $15 an hour....
too late, frisco is already there. That economy is collapsing under the weight of it's wealth. The super rich want a city that doesn't have anyone in it that makes less than 35 dollars an hour, yet they want people who do minimum wage jobs in san francisco for at least 8 hours a day, then those workers are expected to commute to somewhere that is affordable on 15 bucks an hour. Closest place for them to commute to is Las Cruses, New Mexico. That economy is fucked indeed.
If wages drive inflation then why do costs skyrocket while wages remain stagnant?
selah taylor low interest rates drive inflation. Folks buy way more and way bigger than they need on credit when interest rates are low. Raise interest rates and it forces folks to buy what they need, not what they want. Inflation is stupid right now. Contractors act like they want to retire on the first job they do. Cost of everything including housing is stupidly high. I see young people paying as much for a damn vehicle as I paid for my first house, some even more.
Rent increases every year anyway
let's remember not all people can afford to go to college, and the inflation of housing does not make it easy for people. if you are a business owner with multiple locations than I do not see how paying your employees more money would be a problem. Plus you have several businesses out there that do not give they employees raises based on hard work, which just tell me it is more about greed than taking care of your employees.
Doctor said, no raise for you.
No soup! No soup for you!
If you can't afford to pay your employees a livable wage , then you shouldn't owne a business
U dumb
this greedy amazon-type of asshole is still in business. minimum wage is clearly not hurting him!
Brad Forbes Well it’s obvious you’ve never owned a business.
Yeah it's a huge difference, after taxes at 80 hours $10 is about 640. At $15 it becomes about 960. A difference of 320 every pay period. Now, I don't know how much these restaurants are paying in taxes and overall expenses, but assuming hypothetically he has 20 employees not making the wage or greater at this point, that's about an additional 12,800 the restaurant has to pay out a MONTH. Odds are, they have more than 20 employees, I wouldn't expect a table busser to make as much as a chef, and they already cheap out of their waiters, basically making it custom that each customer gives them part of their paycheck like they live off of some kind of sandwich commission. I like more money, but get real.
Unless you're at a 4 or 5 star restaurant you can't possibly expect that much. Food service is the equivalent of sales but MUCH cheaper to buy. This will destroy small businesses almost entirely. You want better pay? Find a better job or START YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Then hand out all the $15 an hour wages you want, you won't last the year
@irishbreakfast is that a serious question? Or are you 14?
I am assuming the original commenter is taking into account biweekly pay periods. Which 40 hours a week is typically what is considered "full time", so getting paid every other week amounts to 80 hours.
Regardless, Damien has the correct idea on the toll a sudden shift of increasing minimum wage can have on a small business.
@irishbreakfast couple things, first, most employers are biweekly pay periods. (Read previous comment) and the correct word to use is "You're"
Example, "You're" clearly not smart enough for me to believe half of what you say.
You're an idiot
Your use of "you're" is so bad that I bothered to type this out
They're is LITERALLY They ARE
Congratulations! You passed second grade English, now on to deutsch!
Trottel! Dummkopf! Lernst du?
Btw, I worked at jack and Wendy's too. I regularly worked 75 hours a week. Your fast food experience is less than impressive. I could be nicer about it, but fuck you and your face. Consider that nerve touched.
As a son of a boss I can tell you high minimum wage makes Boss want to enploy less people.
Minimum wage increase will only benefit Performing Staff who will be the last to be fired or retrenched.
That is a good thing
Shows the level of greed of big corporations. They can easily afford to pay workers just dont want to while the ceos make more than the whole labor force they run combined
Ask her if she's happy to lose her job so others can get $15 hour.
Lol she wanting a pay raise. But what use is it with no job.
She needs birth control. It's called, Plane Parenting. You got to know your limitations.
Hate to say but just get rid of the employees and use kiosks.
This guy obviously doesn't know that everyone is not going to college, so if he wants to hire school kids for less then fine, but how can kids do the job doing school hours, here is a solution, go out of business or do it yourself. Lmao
@@georgegreene9418 well looking at the story it seems the lady is a single mother of three kids the roughly the same age. You don't have to go to college to get a good job. The problem is that the lady made it impossible for her to get a good job because she starting having kids first.
20% of this service kinda worker will lose thier job to automation sooner than later
The Chick says it’ll benefit everyone.
Reporter: how so?
She: I can take my children out
Me: 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
So, are you're piling the work and duties of the fired employees or your existing employees? How is that fair? Shouldn't you consider less profit? You are operating your business in our country, state, city or community?
Forget this dudes bravado about being “Dr deli”, restaurants like this have very thin profit margins, usually 3 to 5 percent, and payroll consists of 70-80% of their expenses so any increase in wages, especially forced ones, will be a struggle to balance.
Here’s an article that explains this in more detail:
no the guy is right minimum wage should be for highschool or college students not people trying to take care of a family
@Dug M and you did ?
So hight school and collage kids shouldn't be paid fairly? Fuck you.
@@liberalbias4462 I think if you are a colleague kid and work just 3-4 hours a day 30-40 dollars aint that bad at all.I mean you can also save up with that money
@@liberalbias4462 actually as a teen I find that minimum wage is is good enough. I can't do much with the money, except go on shopping sprees with friends and save up for university. Minimum wage is good enough. We don't have to pay bills and we can't vote, so there ain't much to do. When entering adulthood you should be working towards or going to uni, the army, open a business, or find an actually good paying job.
Liberal bias minimum wage is fair for what they do. I worked in Burger King for 2 years when I was in high school and it’s nothing compared to factory work
Okay so here is my question should the minimum wage should cover the cost of living for just one person or should we expect it to be able to Maintain a family of 4 .
@Alfredo pevez: One person. If you are working for minimum wage don't have a family until you can afford to. if you can't afford to, don't have a family.
Ideally 1 person and a half, just so the person has more buffer for rainy days and capital to do greater things provided they're smart with $. In a lot of places the cost of living is eating out the average person paycheck even if they're the best of savers.
@RayRay: I agree
It used to but wages have been stagnant while prices have risen
Minimum wage should support the entire extended family. About 18 people for the average immigrant family.
If you cant afford to pay your workers, the free market has decided that you should fail. case closed.
Why can't you pay? In the ideal case it's because your business isn't competitive. But in this case a govt construct is Setting payroll costs independent of supply and demand. This gives an advantage to certain businesses over others and now small businesses that create a significant amount of jobs start to fail. This has already happened in many Industries most notably banking. While Dodd-Frank regulation appeared to put a check on the big banks, all it really did was kill off many smaller banks who couldn't take on the extra cost. The same happens with the minimum wage.
If you can't afford to pay staff enough to live then you don't deserve to be in business
I agree!
Translation: We used to be able to raise the price by $.25 when the wage raised by $.25. Now, with a $2.00 raise, customers will FINALLY notice the change in price! 😫
We dont need to raise minimum wage. We need to lower the price of goods!
He's firing his employees? So he's gonna make those sandwiches all by himself?
nyx211 not all of them 😑
Pure greeed.
Well maybe instead of making 300k a year you could pay your hard working staff a decent wage and make $250k a year... just a thought.
it would cost a lot more than 50k in most situations
If can afford $30 per hour for labor. I can hire 3 at $10 per hour. Now at minimum $15, I can only hire 2, without raising prices. If I still need 3 people to handle everything, prices will have to go up. So this will in turn negate the benefits of a minimum wage increase.
I’m a 23 y/o college dropout I tint windows and install vinyl wraps on cars and I make $30/hr.
Wtf. Now after 2 years, you still making that kind of money? I would imagine competition getting harder if there is that kind of value somewhere
The real problem is the cost of rent goes up. It should be a cap on how someone can charge for a apartment or a house.
He talks too cocky but he has a point.
lvlaple4Ever no he has knowledge but people in America have no logic how business are run he has a solid point.
I was now thinking
He needs some cocky in his mouth
I like cocky people who can back it up. Clearly this guy can back it up. Kudos.
Well why should I as a taxpayer susidize employers?
people don't realize if you increase minimum wage its going to go n the customers and the stnadard of living increases, making everything basically the same as before
The day a person begins to become an adult is the day they leave their parents home.
Sounds to me like his business is doing just fine. He simply doesn't want to pay that difference.
It's going to hurt his business and it doesn't help the people at all all it goes is strangle small businesses
Cost will be passed on to the customers eventually and that includes these employees too. Then they will scream, everything is so expensive.
The lady needs to find other skills she is her own worst enemy
exactly trying to raise 3 kids with a minuimum wage job?? I mean come on try to do better.
Sadly, most of them, (not all) is the only thing they want to do and they are basically thinking in their retirement after 30+ years of working in a restaurant doing the same thing.
Trust me, I used to sale life insurance for many years to people from this kind of jobs. And a high % of them, they don't even speak English after 20 years living in the US.
The interesting part is the democrats talk about how great fdr was, but he said , when foreigners come here, they need to learn OUR language. Now the democrats say we need to learn others.
Even Forcing schools to require spanish as a second language.
That lady is 75% of America
What pile of BS - it's just greed by the owner - Australia's minimum hourly is $19.25 - coffee is still $4.50-$5.00 There is no economic collapse - well run businesses make a profit badly run ones don't. Slave labour always ends badly
Says the guy who doesn't know anything about economics. Australia probably has a more competent government. The U.S.A. has the worst government.
@@boneappleteeth3127 what a stupid comment. You're living the American dream I guess. Fooled every day
@@agylub How so? How is the U.S. government more competent than the Australian government?
Why have so many children, and choose to work an entry level, minimum wage position?! Most folks royally screw themselves, and in-turn, conveniently blame others.
Tony Steel I don’t think they choose to work a minimum wage job, they just can’t get hired anywhere else. Also it depends on where you live. When I was living in the Midwest last year the minimum wage was 7.95 an hour or something, I made 8.50 as a cook. Now I live in New England doing the same work and I make 16.50 per hour
Jared Raef ::::: That’s awesome!!
@@jaredraef18 you're not entry level though so you should get paid more
Lmao tell them to get abortion before giving it to birth...oh wait that will be banned under conservative
I am ok with fast food places paying 15/hr and raising prices a bit as long as they at least up their hiring standards so maybe my order is actually correct for once.
TheRotaryDemon won’t happen. After all, what incentive do those workers have to do a better job? Indeed it might get worse. After all, they didn’t have to get better at their job and got their raise (if they still have the job) anyway didn’t they?
The minimum wage isn’t just about the job but the minimum standards for a job. Minimum wage gets minimum work. It doesn’t matter what the wage is in that regard. Those who do more move on to get paid more, leaving those who will do the minimum.
Of course, you can already go get food at a place that pays better and spend more money for it. But do you? Or do you decide that sure service and food aren’t as good but the price is better and eat at fast food? No judgements here, just pointing out that you can make that choice today.
@@IAmTheRealBill I don't mean raising the pay of the current breed of potato people working fast food. I am saying fire all of them and wildly up the performance standards for employees so that only quality people can stay employed there.
Will you pay $10 for a burger?
@@willn8664 I will if I actually get the burger I order for once lmao
@@TheRotaryDemon , as Bill said, you have the choice to pay $10 now for a correctly made burger. But don't think you'll ever find that at a McyD's or similar establishment; even if you get the right one it usually looks like it was sat on.
Rather, go to a local steak house. Might cost you $12-13 with tax and tip, but in my area a reasonably good quality burger runs about $8-$9 on the menu. I am always pleased with the friendly service, quality of the food, and accuracy of the order.
If we pass $15/minimum wage, you will have no choice but to pay $10 for the wrong burger and it will most likely have been sat on.
What sounds more livable: $10/hour, or unemployment?
how about neither....
Economics is not a zero sum game.
Unemployed people make way more than minimum wage lol.
A total different story now in 2021 - restaurants are begging for workers.
"Minimum wage was meant for someone coming out of highschool"
Oh cool, so you agree then that you'd be happy with all your employees having the skillset of people right out of highschool?
i know a 50 year old that works a job like that. she has three bachelors and a masters but no one will hire her.
To make sandwiches? Absolutely, a ten year old could hold that job.
Why not? What 17-19 year old can’t take orders and slice meat?
She deserves more because "life is tough". Not because she can do better or harder work.
well everything has gone, foods, insurance, gas, EVERYTHING...except you are still working for 2.13/hr
No one is working for 2.13/hr in the US. You're making it sound like it's Africa and they have us starving over here. FFS man, 12 dollars an hour is a lot of damn money, the problem is the type of people and their lifestyles that simply cannot be supported by such a wage.
Skoda true 12$/hr is more than what you can earn in most countries for such basic work, they just can't seem to manage their lives and facilities
Prices have gone up due to recent raises (at least in california). Any citizen who isn't living off of the state has clearly seen the difference between normal price hikes and the hikes we've seen accompanying a raise in minimum wage for no good reason.
All this is doing is letting people who use food stamps and live off of welfare have more spending money at the expense of people who actually work their butts off to succeed at life for their families.
Actually yes, in some states, jobs that include tips like waitresses can be paid only 2.13 an hour. Some nights you don't receive good tips. This is why tipping at restaurants is a culture issue in America.
Skoda $12 dollars an hour is not a lot of money if you are trying to pay rent anywhere near a large city. I worked a labor job 60+ hours a week for the summer to pay for my books for school and made quite a reasonable amount of money for a college student who has his rent covered by college savings, but there is no way I could have even stayed above water making that without a savings account to draw from, not living anywhere near where I do. Fortunately, I am now qualified for much higher paying internships and research assistant positions.
This guy is full of bs...I own two successful companies and thy are successful because of my employees not just myself! Pay people a living wage they deserve it for helping your company be successful. If you can’t run a company without having to pay people at least $15/hr then you shouldn’t be running a company! I pay my employees min $16/hr, one day a month vacation, pay 6months maternity leave for husband and or wife, 4% minimum total earnings a year for two weeks paid vacation, 10 sick days paid, and Xmas bonus. That’s how you become successful is to pay employees what they deserve make them part of your family and in return you get their best making your company the best.
Or you can continue to just piss on the desperate....
Thanks, your doing what you can. If things werent so fucked with the economy too you could probably afford to pay more but thats the way it is. Even a dollar more than minimum would be less than monimum wage paid in the 70s but its a start.
I'd pay money to watch the deli dr. Scrub his own toilet, just sayn.
I’m sure he has before. In fact, I’m sure he’s done it all.
He IS the Deli doctor after all...
Minimum Wage will always suck, when we got a pay rise in the north region of the UK, you know what happened? the cost of food, clothes, gas and electricity increased. If the minimum wage were to go to $15 respectively, the price of everything else will adjust to the minimum wage economy, making the whole thing pointless.
I do kinda agree with him.. the job pays the lowest cause its a POS job. get something better. we need low paying jobs
$15.00 is low paying hourly wage....
Ye like a minimum wage of 8usd per hour
Baby boomers were able to live off minimum wage and buy a houses no struggle and support a family
Increasing minimum wage means people earn more money which leads to everything going up in price because the businesses having to pay more to their employees, and because everyone is able to afford that increase in price due to the minimum wage increase. Meaning everyone is earning more and everyone is spending more, which is simply inflation. That's why you can't just increase the minimum wage for no reason, it just causes inflation, and everyone is still earning the same amount as before, except the dollar currency gets less valuable.
Hello 123456789 have the owner take home less
WonderWaffles terrible analogy try harder
Hello 123456789 Dude if People made more money theyd be able to save, buy real estate and get off welfare. But if theyre not college educated and work some Office job then they deserve to be in poverty right? You do realize that ideology is what creates poverty right? You talk about skills? Do you want to know why the United States was blooming in the 1950s? It's because of all the factory jobs and unskilled labor and decent wages that were being paid. My grandmother was a stay at home mom and my grandfather was an unskilled factory worker and owned house. People got greedy and decided to shut all of those factories down and send them overseas thus creating this college degree level ridiculousness we have now. The people who are college educated in this thread are so stupid to the fact that if everybody made money there would be less poverty. Unskilled labor is what this country was built on and now you marginalize these people and doom of them to poverty because you want to stay special with your college education.
That's a fantastic definition of inflation. I would subscribe to your newsletter but it might be too smart for me.
If he can't afford to pay a living wage, he should get out of business.
The $15 minimum wage only works as long as the employer is obligated to keep you. If not, well ... at least you looked good fighting for justice
I DEMAND THE MIN WAGE BE $1,000,000 PER HOUR, IT's MY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean like slavery?
This is hilarious - 25 cents/hr?! It has been pretty stationary for a long time. Let him pay himself a minimum wage and see what happens.
Once my dog passed I saved over $1500 a year, I will not get another pet due to the cost associated with owning one. I had one child because that is what I could afford if things got really bad. People never think about what children cost and what will happen to them if they are in financial trouble. People don't take time educating themselves they choose to have children without a solid foundation.
Tony Miele
No ... You don't get it. You have to look at all of your expenses in order to make the right life choices. By the way my fur baby cost me over $3000 when I purchased her and she was very important in my life until she passed a year ago. I can never replace her since she was truly one of a kind. Sad that my statement Triggered such a negative emotion but this is why I valued my fur baby more than some people. You have proven my point.. Thank you.
bigw86 how is he delusional?
Man stick to your stupidity to your self please.
Jun Kim Can you please explain how he is stupid ?
Can't you please use common sense and logic to find out why he is stupid and delusional instead of asking why. This is similar to can you explain why earth is not flat and fairies and santa claus are not real.
The problem with aggressively raising minimum wages is that people who cannot deliver that wage's amount of productivity will not remain employed. For instance, by 2020 all McDonald's will have automated kiosks to replace human cashiers.
the increase in minimum wage will simply progress the process of automation.
Facts man now you only be seeing around 2-4 people in every McDonald’s
Atom Alexandra that’s what he was saying - they were going to do it anyway, but the minimum wage increase is going to make it happen faster
ExaltedDuck I make $13 an Hour and put out $1,000 in profit of Food a night. My pay could get raised considerably but Business owners are fucking cheapskates. Especially when its a corporation held to being greedy by Shareholders. FOH
Profit? Revenue maybe but I guarantee you're not bringing in $1000 in profit. Look at it this way. At $13/hr if you have a 6 hour shift, that's about $80 in wages. But they don't just pay wages. They pay payroll taxes, rent, gas, electricity, water bills, general liability insurance, unemployment insurance, business licensing and taxes, income tax, etc. So for you to have the opportunity to earn than $80 there's about another $150 or so paid in both variable and fixed costs. Then there's also raw materials. The kitchen can't make food unless the fridge is stocked. And the food isn't going g to cook itself so there probably a chef and some line cooks. Maybe a host, too, if it's a reasonably busy place. A d each of them need to be paid and each of them will be sharing similar various overhead costs. So in that 6 hour shift, if you have more than 2-3 coworkers present, you'll need to be pulling in $1000 in sales each night just to keep the doors open over the next few weeks. And when you dont, those bills still get paid. It comes out of the owner's pocket. So if you really think you've found so e secret of productivity to where your time generates 900% or in profit, you wouldnt be schlubbing it at 13/hr. You'd be rubbing elbows with richest people in the world. Chances are, you don't have the knowledge and experience to understand why 13/hr is a stretch for the things you do and instead resent that you're not given more.
Work under the table 10$ below and u take tips under the table, it’s a win win situation
- from your local Asian employee
i like how politicians made this decision without consulting business owners....
Excuse me: NOWHERE in the Constitution do I find any justification for government to dictate what employers pay employees.
If employers cant help themselves from exploiting their workers especially during hard times then that was when the Government stepped in . You don't need to pay the minimum wage - just do the work yourself .
@Rahamses Galvan : How about not getting paid the agreed to amount be it wages or piece rate or not getting paid at all if times are tough and the worker is desperate for money .In a perfect world this would not happen but unfortunately it can and does ,I have told numerous bosses to fuck off and quit when they try to screw me . They don't talk about that stuff in any economics textbooks do they .
I don't know where the idea that '$15/hr is a livable wage' came from. A livable wage is more like $50,000 a year. In LA, try $150,000 a year. In NY, try $250,000.
A Person Yeah but republicans like getting fucked in the ass by the 1%.
A person you sound like a person who actually has a home,pays bills and buys food. A lot of these commenters think that people should not expect to be able to make 15$ an hour and are calling them whiners if they do!!!!!! America, we in trouble!!!!!!!!!
very true, not sure where $15/hr is a liveable wage either. certainly not in LA where ppl making 80-90k cant afford to live. it makes you wonder how employers expect employees to survive day to day though so that they can keep working there.
nachos $15/hr full time here in Ohio is enough for a person to rent a 2 br house and live comfortably.
A Person they mean plus housing subsidy food stamps free Obama phone free utilities. You haven t followed their narrative
Haha minimum wage only for entry level job everyone at the restaurant makes minimum wage
Then they dont hire people because of no experience but said it was an entry level job
he just shot his own argument in the foot. to quote "minimum wage is meant for entry level employee". has he look around his restaurant and see most of his employees are not exactly "entry level employee"
Lol. "It will benefit everyone."
"How so?"
"It will give me more money to take my kids out."
Yes a wage increase would help her, but she still avoided telling why it would benefit anyone else.
she might just be laid off if shes not worth 15 + tips or her employer might have to close
I make 65k a year and that's without college degree, the wife and I don't want to have a baby until we are stable enough to have one. We both understand when wage goes up, so does everything else, so live within your means
Meg Que department of defense
I don’t understand why this isn’t basic knowledge, if you force business owners to pay 15$ then ofcourse they’re going to let go of staff they can’t afford to keep on, as easy as it is to vilify the business owner for it he’s still got a business to run to support himself and his own family.
You shouldn’t be raising a family on minimum wage in a low-skilled job where you can be easily replaced, if you choose to then you shouldn’t cry about it afterwards, the world doesn’t owe you anything.
looks like the owner cry, not employee
Matsu Endo I meant that the lady should not complain about being unable to support her family on minimum wage when it was her decision to start a family whilst on minimum wage.
I dont get this American way of thinking. Its like protest against more taxations, still no universal healthcare, guess all those wars has to be paid somehow ? I dont get how you can even have minimum wage, its bullshit, its like asking a kid, what he wants for dinner, fries and burgers, or a healthy salad. Tbh if a employer cant make ends meet over a couple of more dollars an hour, then his business deserves to go under. You dont save money, then starts jabbering about how you MAKE money..
@@christofferjohn2055 yep
It’s tuff because she doesn’t wanna get out of her comfort zone this lady can get her money to stretch longer by moving to another cheaper place like Bakersfield but no she wants to stay in the struggle because she’s comfortable. No one can tell me jack I’m from skid row
Having both compassion and a pragmatic outlook is key to great solutions.
What the lady with the kids dose not realize if they raise her pay, her costs will go up too.
In the end it will just be harder for herself.
Case in point. San Francisco, CA I've seen bagel and cream cheese only, no toppings etc. go for $11.50
They city has $15 min. wage now. Look at costs like rent. It's crazy and not even avg. worker can afford to live there.
All the increase does is put more pressure on everybody. Very short sighted.
People in the city I live voted for min wage increase, yet they complain when costs go up.
They voted for the increase, they should not complain.
It's does not dose
I work in Pennsylvania at 3.00 an hour plus tips serving. in 6 hrs on a Saturday morning I bring in about $250. no way im gonna want $90 instead of my 250.
Well in California, you earn the same minimum wage as everyone, and you claim tips. I have friends who earn 300 a week from hourly work, and then an additional 500 a week from tips. It’s insane. It just proves that tipping is stupid.
Ok what about people you don’t have it as good?
It's actually Delli Docked Her because he docked her hours to part time
People dont understand basic economics... if you raze minimum wage it raises the price of EVERYTHING ELSE... you make more money but the prices of "recources" increases more. therefor money is less valuable.
let me be VERY CLEAR.... you do NOT make more money with a minimum wage increase.
Carl The Llama The price of resources in an era of automation wouldn't robots dont need wages, just electrical bills.
The employees like that their getting paid more, but that will soon end when the restaurant will go out of business and can’t pay their employees.
He said it's entry level.... In that case there should be a raise every few months or at least a year in. He didn't do that, therefore contradicts his statement
Denilson Martinez washing dishes takes no skill and should be for young people, not skanks that got knocked up and demand shit because they had kids at an awful time
@@someedgyaccount3589 Some Edgy Account I believe he said "entry level employee someone who's coming out of high school", so one doesn't have to have a skill to get a pay raise. No one ever mentioned a career either, so how about you learn to listen. You comment about the woman is disgusting and I wonder if your mother was like that since it would appear you weren't raised right
I appreciate you trying to analyze the situation. However, I think you may be leaving out some key facts that lead to a different conclusion. It is my goal to give clear, respectful examples of where you might reconsider your position.
Raises are effective when the employee's work warrants it, not just based on how many months or years they've been clocking in. If the employee continues to do minimal level work, they continue to receive minimum pay or are let go.
Maybe you've never worked in or owned a business that has a lot of entry-level workers. They aren't even worth minimum wage at first, in most cases. The employer has to train them. Beginner employees are messing up orders, destroying product, and slowing down the more skilled employees (shift managers) who have to spend time training them and monitoring the quality of their work. Therefore, most entry-level employee cost more than they provide value. But employers aren't allowed to pay them less (due to minimum wage), so by the time several months have passed, it's time for the now fully-trained employee to "pay back" the extra they were paid while learning the ropes. This is why most folks don't get a significant raise--or any raise--until 6 months - a year. The employer is recouping training costs.
Many employers have a "first 90 days" window where the employer is looking for key basic skills: Can they show up on time, having taken a bath and combing their hair, with a positive attitude, wearing a clean set of clothes, and do the job vs. playing on their phone? Once they prove their value by earning their employer more than it costs to hire them, train them, and keep them on staff, then they get a raise.
So raises aren't automatic based on time. That notion should be abolished. The reason most people make this mistake is the majority of low-skill workers do advance beyond the basic skill set and therefore get a raise at regular intervals. It appear that raises are given only based on time, but in reality it is based on skill and experience that often develop over time.
I don't know about the lady they interviewed, but perhaps she only moves at two speeds: slow and slower. Maybe she scowls at customers. I don't know, but as a former McyD's employee I recall there were some folks who just couldn't cut it even flipping burgers. Some showed up stinking from having not bathed in a week. Some called in "sick" at least once a week. Some had terrible attitudes. They got fired. My experience was newbie employees who made it thru the first 90 days on the grill or taking over-the-counter orders got a $0.15/hour bump...a little "atta boy" to encourage them. If you stayed on and moved to the next level (drive-thru operator), about $0.25/hour more. There wasn't much beyond that unless you became a shift manager: then you got about $1.50/hour more. $2.25/hour for night/weekend shift.
So the employer is not contradicting himself. Intelligent employers quickly reward high-quality employees because they want to keep them. For all the reasons I stated above, turn-over is expensive! When each employee takes 30-90 days to bring up to the level where they are valuable enough to justify the amount they receive for minimum wage, there's several thousand $$$ invested. No reason to make them want to quit and waste all the time and money spent training them unless they're not very good to begin with. I don't know here either: maybe this employer is dumb too and he loses lots of good employees for failing to give them a decent raise. But if he's been in the biz 25-30 years, my guess is he's not dumb at all.
Regardless, I think it's clear that "time at the job = automatic raise" is faulty logic. I hope I have clearly and respectfully expressed my thoughts and shared pertinent experiences to show why.
If you're still in doubt, maybe go open a business sometime and give it a try. Or work as a manger for low-skilled workers. See if the real world changes your views.
You're thinking in terms of the job at hand. Entry level meaning the position in general in comparison to others, not length of time at it. If you start at min. Wage washing dishes, washing those same dishes 5 years later doesn't mean you should automatically be getting a raise for doing the same thing you did day 1. Entry level means a basic standardized pay for a basic job that allows you to gain experience overall in the industry. Wash your dishes, then apply to run the cash registers or go for a cook spot, if availability permits put in your couple years and try for manager, if not look elsewhere. They standardized a baseline wage so some jackass couldn't pay you a dollar an hour on the premise of washing dishes being too easy to pay more. The concept was to move on, not sit in the same shit job and bitch about demanding a higher salary for doing it.
@@denilsonmartinez4393 A lot of companies DO in fact give their employees annual raises or whatever. It isn't mandatory, however and it varies company to company. But you're missing the bigger picture here. This isn't about incremental pay increases of 25 or 30 cents an hour. Minimum wage is designed for basically unskilled workers. It doesn't matter if you've been washing dishes for 3 weeks or 10 years. It is still by definition an unskilled type of job by it's nature. It doesn't require experience, prior training, vocational school, or a college degree to get hired for it. It is not supposed to cost the employer a significant amount. It isn't designed to be a final destination, or a career choice.
Don't you think that people who currently make $9.00 an hour or whatever would rather get that over being fired because their boss could no longer afford to keep them on the payroll?
Finally, no one is forcing these people to keep having kids they can't afford. If you don't want to raise a family on minimum wage, than either wait till you are making good money, or don't have a family. Agree or disagree?
If you can't pay your employees, work harder than moving a cake two inches.
Dude has a head that is built to be on a bobble head toy
So if "MS.Claudia that can barely speak english" knows better why is she not running a business.
So these min wage workers justify an exorbitant raise because they want it? The deli Dr. guy comes across as particularly arrogant, but he's not wrong that these were meant to be starting jobs where a student gets some extra money and basic job skills. I recently completed a Bachelors degree while working my normal FT job (from a regionally and nationally accredited university) and my loan debt is under $10k. The trick is to not buy into the BS that you have to go to some renowned university. Go to community college for your basics then transfer them in to a public university. This isn't even needed for a good job. With IT going the way it is, you can spend 6 months online learning a number of disciplines, such as coding (for FREE), and get a decent job with a starting pay at minimum of about $40k. It helps to have an interest in this, but people want to retain their brainless, skill-less jobs and get paid well for it. It's an asinine notion.
jw11432 No what you say about minimum wage is false and should be simple for one with a college degree to actually research.
the only part of it that was about kids was the limiting of hours they could be worked.
Pretty bold to call me the idiot right out of the gate. Let me walk you through some highlights of business 101 so it becomes painfully clear how you have that backwards, champ.
Burger King makes (hundreds of) millions for its parent company. You also alleged that I said these jobs were not important, but that's not what I said. First indication that you're actually the idiot since you can't read. What I said was that it was a skill-less job. You might argue that flipping a piece of meat on a grill at a fast food restaurant is a skill, but I'd be embarrassed if that was the upper echelon of my talent, but we can't all be CEO's, as you've already pointed out. The problem is that it's a matter of both proportion and purpose.
1) Proportion - When you see that Burger King has a quarterly revenue of, let's say $100 million, you have to consider operating costs, first and foremost, as well as taxation and other costs of doing business. For every $5 burger sold, they're likely only profiting about 25 cents. The reason you see figures in the millions is because the proportion of burgers sold adds up to that amount, and what people like you don't realize is that there's a difference between revenue and profit. Revenue, which is typically the figure you'll see that companies report on, is total incoming money flow. Net income removes some expenses (off the top of my head, I don't recall which expenses these are), but ultimately, net profit is the figure that goes into pockets or reinvestment. Given the risk they take operating a company, they are entitled to keep that money.
2) Purpose - As the ending of the first section noted, they are taking a risk operating a company. Are you going to pony up financial support if they go under so you can help get your job back? Of course not. The purpose of a company is not a humanitarian effort for you to seek a comfortable life, it is to facilitate a cog in the bigger wheel of their operational efforts and make money for THEM, the owner/shareholders.
Not everyone can have a great job, but it's not as if many are really trying. Do you know why so many tech companies are utilizing the H1B visa program? Because not enough people here want to go to school and get the education required to fill these jobs. These jobs will essentially guarantee you a six-figure income by 10-15 years of tenure, at which point, you build experience to write your own ticket and can demand an absurdly high salary.
But there's an intended cycle to the workforce. Young people go to school, work the crappy job, finish school, get an internship, then entry-level job and go up from there. As older generations retire, more jobs become available.
Hope you learned something here. Feel free to tell me if you still think I'm the idiot.
it not that people don;t want to go to college but just can.t afford too.
evilhealer999 - So you're saying people can't afford to take out a $10k loan to get a Bachelors degree? If you can't justify that, then your priorities are completely wrong.
bigw86 exactly!! They want outstanding employees but give them no reason to be dedicated to their business. Look what McDonald's pays. They have the worst employees I've ever seen.
Oh well boo hoo.. other ppl need to be able to live . Deli doctor.. get a new line of work.. minimum wage is meant to ppl to pay their bills with. How can they do that when rent goes up yet minimum wage stays the same?? The world is progressing going forward, that means that the pay needs to keep up as well. He better get a new job (just like all the ppl did when Covid hit) they realized they deserved better and they got it..