I think Akutagawa was on top with his Ellora Symphony 1958 and turned back to his "primitivistic" style later. He was a VIP of his time und presented his compositions in his own TV-shows. My personal thesis is, that he wanted to stay in contact with his audience. This impressing Rhapsody is the farest he could go. And it is, as you say, on the highest level. Best piccolo-soli ever!
Something has happened to this audio file. It might be ripping it as a lower quality file, or the transfer process. I don't know. But the sound has been condensed and theirs an electronic whirr (more audible in the quieter points). I've heard this on a number of TH-cam videos. It's a little like when you put spoken audio through a 'noise remover' program. A pity, because the music is very interesting. I am motivated to hunt out a superior recording.
Once Akutagawa found his own voice his music progressed to the highest levels, this being a prime example.
I think Akutagawa was on top with his Ellora Symphony 1958 and turned back to his "primitivistic" style later. He was a VIP of his time und presented his compositions in his own TV-shows. My personal thesis is, that he wanted to stay in contact with his audience. This impressing Rhapsody is the farest he could go. And it is, as you say, on the highest level. Best piccolo-soli ever!
1:54 through 2:01 dark, mysterious,
4:19 through 5:22 working hard and persistently ; 10:20 again
12:17 through 13:10 powerful
Stunning and exciting melodies, dynamics and instrumentation.
This is Japanesque .
I am astounded that this performance is incomparable and exquisite .
This is brilliant!
Clares connotacions de la influència de Xostakóvitx, Khatxaturian i Kabalevski...
Música vital i engrescadora!
Something has happened to this audio file. It might be ripping it as a lower quality file, or the transfer process. I don't know. But the sound has been condensed and theirs an electronic whirr (more audible in the quieter points). I've heard this on a number of TH-cam videos. It's a little like when you put spoken audio through a 'noise remover' program.
A pity, because the music is very interesting. I am motivated to hunt out a superior recording.
Es increíble... que sea japonés el composito
Para no causar molestias... lo dijo, porque usa música clásica más occidental que de su propio país
Nice background image you have choose fit to the music ? do you have it in high resolution ? plz
It's bad. Repetitive and unimaginative.
Listen again
it isnt. its just fantastic
6 years later, & you're still wrong