God is Real

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 13

  • @C2K125
    @C2K125  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    These are not my attempts of forcing my beliefs on you, merely my personal beliefs. I am hoping to point you towards Christ, but u will not force you.

  • @THEcatinamicrowave
    @THEcatinamicrowave 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love how RawRockK literally completely refreshed his channel after this

  • @susimex420
    @susimex420 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Here’s a great book, “The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism” by Timothy Keller

  • @PatrickSwindle
    @PatrickSwindle 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    1. To use the words "suddenly" or "accidentally" to refer to the means by which Earth and the life on it arrived to its current state (from the view of evolutionists, at least) is inappropriate in my opinion. I don't know what your specific beliefs are regarding the age of the Earth, for example, but at minimum our records of lawful human civilization go back about 6000 years to earliest Mesopotamia, and evidence of human art (e.g. cave wall paintings) may go back as far as 40,000 years. Yet these time ranges are a blink of the eye relative the tens of billions of years posited by evolutionists. The iterative process by which simple single-celled organisms could branch out to become ever so slightly different organisms is not a process that takes a few dozen generations, but rather hundreds of thousands. Bear in mind bacteria reproduce at *significantly* faster and greater rates than mammals like humans or dogs, for example, so the iterative process happens for these simple organisms at exponential speed.
    2. The idea that God is exempt from causality, in the sense He simply is and always has been, only works by presupposing His divine/transcendent nature to begin with. Otherwise people would simply object that the universe has always been eternal too, and is in some way similarly divine. Why can't this be the case? And is there something specific about this belief that makes it apply to only the Christian articulation of God, and not the many other views of divine, eternal beings?
    3. I did not understand your point about people mourning the deaths of others only because they have a purpose. Did you mean to suggest the purpose is handed down by God? I mourn the deaths of my friends and family because I love them and will miss their company, but my love for them does not seem strictly like the purview of your God specifically, or deities in general.
    4. To your final point RE: the apostles' willingness to face death and torture before renouncing their faith, how does this argument support the validity of Christ or Christianity specifically? As I'm sure you know, martyrdom is not only a Christian phenomenon. Some extremist Muslim followers, for example, are willing to expressly die for the glory of their faith in Allah; their interpretation of the divine. To an even greater extent, martyrdom and the willingness to fight for one's faith is a core tenet of Sikhism, because they were born out of oppression under the Muslim Mughal emperors who wanted them to forcibly convert. And Sikhism is a relatively newer religion, of which we have (in quantifiable terms) a much more detailed records of instances of martyrdom deaths than say the Biblical accounts. My point is, people have always been willing to die, or worse, for their faith.

    • @C2K125
      @C2K125  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      are you some form of theology student, cause i hope you know i sure aint.

  • @C2K125
    @C2K125  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If anyone starts insulting my beliefs in the comments, I will turn off comments.

  • @johnhammond6423
    @johnhammond6423 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There is a lot to unpack here and it would take a book rather than a coment to cover it all.
    Fore example, if this planet was so perfect then why have over 99% of all species now gone extinct.
    Or we now know that there are billions of galaxies out there, each one with billions of stars, and most of those stars have their own planetary systems. That makes the number of planets out there beyond our comprehension.
    So given that plus time, billions of years of time and the chances that at least one of them would be able to support carbon based life becomes virtually inevitable. And the result of that is here we are. Lucky old us! 😊
    We have no good testible verifiable evidence for any God or anything supernatural. But what we know with overwhelming evidence is that we are just an evolved species of ape [homo sapiens] And we homo sapiens got smart enough to start making up Gods to explain what we did not understand. And religion[s] were born.
    My advise would be to take every one of your claimed evidences for God and Google them and read how they are debunked by people that are far more intelligent than you or I.
    I was never indoctrinated into religion and my long life has been free to enjoy almost all life has to offer. You only get one life so please don't hamstring yourself and waist even one moment of it on religion.
    With respect and all the best to you my young friend,

    • @C2K125
      @C2K125  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I you had done your research, you would have found that the person who created the “big bang theory” was a catholic. And like I said in my video, you can’t have life come from something non-living. What you are suggesting is that a rock floating through space with no life on it would suddenly create a being capable of problem solving and creativity, ie humans. It makes a lot more sense to believe an eternal, powerful God created humans in his image. These are my personal beliefs and you don’t have to accept them.

    • @johnhammond6423
      @johnhammond6423 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Of course I new that a catholic priest named the rapid expansion of our present universe the big bang. [he didn't create the big bang] What has that got to do with anything?
      We are beginning to understand how abiogenesis happed but we are still working on it. What we do know with 100% certainty is once this planet was unable to support any form of carbon based life and now there is life in abundance. So abiogenesis must have happened.
      _'It makes a lot more sense to believe an eternal, powerful God created humans in his image'_
      I agree, it does seem to. That is until you take your religious blinkers off and actually look at all the evidence. [Or in your case the lack of evidence]
      You said a rock suddenly created humans? My friend, no offence but this is the sort of thing I would expect from a five year old. Have you ever had a science lesson? Are you home schooled by ultra religious parents perhaps? Have you ever opened and read a science book in your life? I am shocked by your reply here.
      I will leave it at that and hope someone some day opens your mind to reality.
      All the best to you my friend and goodbye.

    • @Ilikefrogs-q9g
      @Ilikefrogs-q9g 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi not a pastor or anything but I have a few questions/comments.
      1 Where did the supposed Homo sapiens come from? How did they get here? And if we actually did evolve from them then why are we still not evolving?
      2 To say that 90% of earth's species have gone extinct would require the earth to be 3.5 billion years old which can be proven false very quickly by simply looking at family lines and historical genealogies (which have been proven not to show gaps). Therefore once looking at these genealogies we can determine that the earth is anywhere from 6,000- 7,000 years old. Also, the dating that is used to determine the age of the earth is called "Carbon Dating" and it has proven HIGHLY inaccurate and actually proves itself wrong. The way that carbon dating works is through testing the age of a fossil that they believe is a certain age with a rock of another age to see if the chemical composition lines up. The problem with that method is that they are stuck in a constant inaccurate loophole of testing rocks with fossils that have been tested by the same rocks.
      3 Yes there are billions of galaxies outside our solar system and my question is, if that is so vast and intricately made, where did all of it come from? Did it just appear out of nowhere? Or was there a God who knows far more than us who was able to set all of it into motion?
      4 Did you know that if Earth were any closer to or further away from the sun life on out planet would not be possible? What told the earth where to rest in the orbit around the sun? Who told the sun its gravitational pull on the earth so that the earth could have a gravitational pull on the moon so that it can control the tides? To say that all of this was just random is frankly rather ignorant.
      5 If we were just an accident the please explain to me how we have 100 trillion brain connections, 85 billion brain cells, and 86 billion other cells? If any of those were missing the brain would no longer be able to process information correctly, have muscle movements, and other necessary things for survival.
      6 If you are a follower of Christ then no, you do not have only one life. You can look forward to so much more after this life. Those who don't know Him will lose their souls forever after they die but those who know Him will not perish, but have eternal life in a place where there is no sorrow, pain, or death.
      I was just a skeptic like you until I actually looked at the facts and opened my eyes. I would encourage you to read a book called "the case for Christ" it has lots of historical evidence for the existence of God and the death and Resurrection of Jesus.
      Again, not a preacher, just an educated student who loves Jesus and is probably a little too well read in Science.
      God Bless,
      Also, someone having a different view than you doesn't mean that they haven't done their research or that they are less intelligent than you or others. It simply means that they are stating an opinion and frankly it's rather impudent to say or imply that they are less intelligent just because you don't agree with their view. It also doesn't mean that they have been "indoctrinated". Js a respectful heads up :)

  • @alovelytime
    @alovelytime 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    fairy tales, my good man. there's only me, you, and everybody else. stop with the deities. its ridiculous. i know it feels good to think some deity is out there and that it loves you, but grow up already

    • @C2K125
      @C2K125  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I would suggest that you do some research. There are millions of people a lot older than me who believe in God. This is not a fairytale. Even atheists from Jesus’ time talk about him

    • @sharismith3027
      @sharismith3027 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ok so even if you don't believe the Bible such as I do, you still have to believe that the objective reality is that Jesus isn't just a religious figure but an actual historical person whose existence can be proven. Not only through research and the Bible but also through artifacts. Even secular atheists don't deny the existence of Jesus because there are too many hard proven truths and artifacts to deny His existence. I recommend that if you would like to learn more about proofs then you should definitely read The Case For Christ. I'm not some pastor or anything but that's what I would recommend. God Bless from the PC Eagles, C.