Aliya to Israel, Opening the Gate of Mercy, Suffering of the Righteous

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    0:01:50 move to Israel or not?
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    0:35:15 the "right stick" - right is mercy, left is judgement
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    0:37:46 being a lefty is like a partial defect
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    0:39:28 the Book of God
    0:40:41 conscious and subconscious
    0:41:25 capacity of human brain: 10 trillion connection
    0:43:30 kids before and now
    0:46:37 "amud ha yemani" the right pole
    0:48:07 Rav Ovadia Yosef, joke
    0:48:51 the GATE OF MERCY OPENS UP
    0:50:13 Satan, evil inclination, angel of death
    0:50:54 Eliyahu ha navi didn't have a burial
    0:51:56 the complete fool, Aron Barak, head of supreme court of Isr
    0:55:52 the MOMENT OF MERCY in the synagogue
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    1:03:26 mental desease of being hungry for attention
    1:07:28 Kikar Malchei Yisrael (Kings of Israel Square)
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    1:09:01 Shabbat
    1:10:50 the best compliment today
    1:13:52 secular Jews aren't really Jews
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    1:34:53 convincing answers with doubt
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    2:10:53 Sasson Shabbat
    2:12:42 KABBALIST R. Yaakov Mutsafi z"l, av bet din of Yerushalaim
    2:13:25 testifying while holding a deceased's hand
    2:18:05 R. Ben Zion Abba Shaul LAID ON R. Mutzafi's OPEN GRAVE
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