I thought I had a broken heart when I had to have life saving open heart surgery & died twice on the table in August of 2023. Now with the loss of the Nelons I know my heart is broken. I was just informed the surgery didn't work as hoped for so my days on earth will be cut short. I'm going to die soon but I will have the comfort of listening to the angelic voices of the Nelons on their videos. Gives you an early taste of Heaven. I was myself a trumpet player as well as a gospel soloist but this chapter of my life is coming to a close. So I will listen to the Nelons until God calls me home. R.I.P. Jason, Kelly, & Amber. Your work on earth is done. You have finished the race. Well done thou good & faithful servants. Enter now the joy of the Lord. Condolences to Autumn on her tragic loss. God will give her the comfort and strength she needs to carry on her family's legacy. She has a beautiful voice and would make a great soloist. Things happen we don't always understand but we have to realize it's God's will & not our own. He is all powerful. We can't make it by ourselves. Good bye for now.
I have loved the Nelons since I started listening to them since about 1989. They will be sorely missed, and my prayers are with Autumn and the rest of their families.
Such a beautiful song!!! Really listen to the words!!!! It tells the whole story----do you know Him? Know Jesus today----time is short!!!! The Nelons are in His presence now!!! Glory be!!!
My heart❤ is saddened by the loss of your family. May God be with you in your hour of loss. I know the loss of a loved one. My sister passed a way about 2 months ago, so I know little about what you are going through. My sister was my best friend and I still miss her so.❤❤❤❤❤
She definitely is singing again. It has been so amazing to watch her sing! She is definitely doing her family and God proud. It will be interesting to see what direction God leads her in. She will do amazing in any of them.
Man! Beautiful anointing! Yeh, they can sing but that anointing just catapults it to next level... My heart hurts that they're gone... So glad they're with Jesus though... God be with Autumn and the rest as they carry on until that day❤😭🙏✝️🕊️
I've seen them in them Concert at Gethsemane Baptist in Louisville Kentucky. Such A Sweet Family. was then the min minister then. They always love to sng about Our L❤
@catsbyondrepair- here in Matthew 19:23-26 it says And Jesus said to his disciples "truly I say to you it is HARD for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Again I say to you it is easier for a camel 🐪 to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this they were very astonished & said "then who can be saved?" And looking at them Jesus said to them, "with People this is impossible but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. So yes a rich person can go to Heaven but only by God's hand. No one can go to heaven on their own. No good deeds nothing. If a person whether rich or poor puts their trust in God alone they will go to heaven. Jesus spoke quite often in parable so do your studying & learn the truth. Rich people can go to heaven.
Oh my. Thank you God for the sacrifice of your son for a sinner such as I!
I thought I had a broken heart when I had to have life saving open heart surgery & died twice on the table in August of 2023. Now with the loss of the Nelons I know my heart is broken. I was just informed the surgery didn't work as hoped for so my days on earth will be cut short. I'm going to die soon but I will have the comfort of listening to the angelic voices of the Nelons on their videos. Gives you an early taste of Heaven. I was myself a trumpet player as well as a gospel soloist but this chapter of my life is coming to a close. So I will listen to the Nelons until God calls me home. R.I.P. Jason, Kelly, & Amber. Your work on earth is done. You have finished the race. Well done thou good & faithful servants. Enter now the joy of the Lord. Condolences to Autumn on her tragic loss. God will give her the comfort and strength she needs to carry on her family's legacy. She has a beautiful voice and would make a great soloist. Things happen we don't always understand but we have to realize it's God's will & not our own. He is all powerful. We can't make it by ourselves. Good bye for now.
Wishing you peace as you travel down the road.
Bro you didn't die LOL
Also read a Bible the nelons are in hell cause they were rich
That was soooo beautiful!! Thank God for technology that allows us to listen to so many recorded music songs like these over and over!! ❤😢❤
@catsbyondrepair - We should not judge. God has the last say..
Beautiful. They will be missed.
Yes they will
@@wmatay1more than you could ever know, we are all heart broken
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you JESUS for blessing us with them while they were here. Precious people. ❤
I have loved the Nelons since I started listening to them since about 1989. They will be sorely missed, and my prayers are with Autumn and the rest of their families.
For Jason and Kelly and Amber their morning has come and life won but still so heartbreaking! 💔
Such a beautiful song!!! Really listen to the words!!!! It tells the whole story----do you know Him? Know Jesus today----time is short!!!! The Nelons are in His presence now!!! Glory be!!!
The anointing man... Just WOW! The vocals are perfect but that anointing you can't miss! Glory!
Oh the lyrics. This rendition is beautifully delivered by the best I miss them.
uughh... SO GOOD!!! Praise God! Very soon, no more tears, no more death... at the midnight cry, we will be going home.
So grateful we still get to hear their beautiful angelic voices. I still can't believe it.
Thank you for Autumn and Thank you for using her greatly. 💕 yes i do miss the ones That are with JESUS ❤
They are in hell
Rip with Jesus in Heaven
Love that precious song autumn i love u dearly praying for u through this difficult time
Outstanding! The presence of Jesus was there! Glory to His beautiful name!! JESUS... Hallelujah
Pure talent! What a tragic loss of them all.
So saddened to lose them but we have videos. I hope Autumn soon is singing again when she is ready..
My heart❤ is saddened by the loss of your family. May God be with you in your hour of loss. I know the loss of a loved one. My sister passed a way about 2 months ago, so I know little about what you are going through. My sister was my best friend and I still miss her so.❤❤❤❤❤
She definitely is singing again. It has been so amazing to watch her sing! She is definitely doing her family and God proud. It will be interesting to see what direction God leads her in. She will do amazing in any of them.
Man! Beautiful anointing! Yeh, they can sing but that anointing just catapults it to next level... My heart hurts that they're gone... So glad they're with Jesus though... God be with Autumn and the rest as they carry on until that day❤😭🙏✝️🕊️
I love you god❤
MUCH, Hurtmynheartsomuch to losethem❤
I cry every time I listen to these lovely people
Wow, just wow! Love this!
Their morning has now come🙏👏🏼💕🙇♀️
One of the best songs today!
I've seen them in them Concert at Gethsemane Baptist in Louisville Kentucky. Such A Sweet Family. was then the min minister then. They always love to sng about Our L❤
MUCH, Hurtmynheartsomuch to losethem
I'm crying listening to this!😢
🥹🥹🥹 what a beautiful tribute thank you Bill!
Lovely God Gifted Voices but The Nelons Gospel Music lives on
Little did they know how long they had🙈🥵😰😹🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇬🇧
@catsbyondrepair- here in Matthew 19:23-26 it says And Jesus said to his disciples "truly I say to you it is HARD for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Again I say to you it is easier for a camel 🐪 to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this they were very astonished & said "then who can be saved?" And looking at them Jesus said to them, "with People this is impossible but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. So yes a rich person can go to Heaven but only by God's hand. No one can go to heaven on their own. No good deeds nothing. If a person whether rich or poor puts their trust in God alone they will go to heaven. Jesus spoke quite often in parable so do your studying & learn the truth. Rich people can go to heaven.