The hist is some of the coolest and most mysterious lore in TES. Kind of dont want a mainline game set in Black Marsh despite how cool the province is, I'd prefer they maintain the mystery surrounding the province and the Hist/Argonian relationship
Yea I agree the novels, The Infernal City and Lord of Souls does a great job of fleshing out Black Marsh but I’m not sure the tech we have could do a swamp justice. There’s a whole lot more to black marsh that I didn’t even get into, it’s a really cool place. Maybe Elder Scrolls 7 with my grandkids
If and when the next ES6 comes out, a DLC for a coast/border along Blackmarsh would be perfect. We would get to see a little slice, without diving full bore into the mainland.
I'll never get tired of hearing how the Argonians were so aggressive the deadra just closed the gate.
It’s pretty badass
Argonians are property
Lizard Supremacy!
I'm still of the opinion that Harold has a Hist tree growing on his head in Fallout.
Trees with memory hist tree... History.
lol yea when I was first playing those games and I didn’t know the lore I thought fallout was just elder scrolls in the future
@WeirdGamingLore same universe, different kalpa
That’s a deep lore cut right there
Final Fantasy did it best, imo.
Every game is its own universe while themes, archetypes, and idea persist
The hist is some of the coolest and most mysterious lore in TES. Kind of dont want a mainline game set in Black Marsh despite how cool the province is, I'd prefer they maintain the mystery surrounding the province and the Hist/Argonian relationship
Yea I agree the novels, The Infernal City and Lord of Souls does a great job of fleshing out Black Marsh but I’m not sure the tech we have could do a swamp justice. There’s a whole lot more to black marsh that I didn’t even get into, it’s a really cool place. Maybe Elder Scrolls 7 with my grandkids
If and when the next ES6 comes out, a DLC for a coast/border along Blackmarsh would be perfect. We would get to see a little slice, without diving full bore into the mainland.
Nice Hellbenders thumbnail!
You have nice titties for a little boy
I wonder if this is where the "Weirwood-net" idea in ASoIaF came from.
lol what are you talking about you sound like you’re having a stroke?
@@WeirdLore-00 A Song of Ice and Fire by GRRM has trees called Weirwoods which are reminiscent of the Hist.
Ah gotcha, couldn’t get into a song of fire and ice. If GRRM played Elder Scrolls and read the novels I would be really impressed and surprised
funny to think that theres a bunch of argonians stuck in hell right now
lol yea sacrifices were made but they at least saved Black Marsh
It's ;loraxeseseses'. Ur welcome
Thank you brotha