immortality(last items) shown is the gold one not the blue one guys (athena shields) petrify is the go to spell for most of the time since its pretty useful for everything teamfights, targeting mobile hero’s, punishing people for getting to close to your back lines etc vegenence- well me personally i use it when we need tankiness and if theres high damage hero since vengence reflects a portion of their atk and reduces their damage pretty useful
yu zhong needs skill revamp. Make his 3rd skill able to aim farther and freely instead of horizontally, and reduce the delay when it knock up enemies. Because even after petrify combo, it still has a little delay, heroes with alot of dash can easily escape.
immortality(last items) shown is the gold one not the blue one guys (athena shields)
petrify is the go to spell for most of the time since its pretty useful for everything teamfights, targeting mobile hero’s, punishing people for getting to close to your back lines etc
vegenence- well me personally i use it when we need tankiness and if theres high damage hero since vengence reflects a portion of their atk and reduces their damage pretty useful
Yu zhong is The best fighter in the game He can defeat anyone if you know the right combo👍⚡️🐉
yu zhong needs skill revamp. Make his 3rd skill able to aim farther and freely instead of horizontally, and reduce the delay when it knock up enemies. Because even after petrify combo, it still has a little delay, heroes with alot of dash can easily escape.
Whens the next incarnation of great dragon?
MLBB speedrunning their game to damnation🤣