Oh also something that Slay forgot to mention! (I am from the mod server so I know this) TR.eden won't get any useless reroll, there is a blacklist of items that TR eden't can't get his items reroll into, like HP upgrades, alabaster box, dead cat, heartbreak, quarter, ANY TYPE OF BOMB UPGRADES and a lot more items (basically any item that only gives you health or bombs/coins/keys or moves around you health). Oh and also, the creators are very happy that all the people seem to like TR eden, so they wanna say thanks to all of you!
If anyone wants (for some reason) all the blacklist, here It is: -- Items that revolve around removing health: BRITTLE_BONES,DEAD_CAT,HEARTBREAK. --The too good because the effect persists after reroll: THE_MIND,BLACK_CANDLE,TREASURE_MAP,BLUE_MAP,COMPASS. -- These items are too confusing on a constantly rerolling character: POLYDACTYLY,BELLY_BUTTON,NUMBER_TWO,MOMS_PURSE. -- No soul hearts for the room and you can't even use it: ALABASTER_BOX. -- Does nothing but give you collectibles: SKELETON_KEY,PYRO,DOLLAR,QUARTER. -- Boring bomb modifiers that clog up the item pool: FAST_BOMBS,NANCY_BOMBS,GHOST_BOMBS,ROCKET_IN_A_JAR,STICKY_BOMBS,SCATTER_BOMBS,GLITTER_BOMBS,BOMBER_BOY,SAD_BOMBS,MR_MEGA,HOT_BOMBS,BUTT_BOMBS, BOOM,BOBBY_BOMB, BOBS_CURSE. -- Strong item pool modifiers: CHAOS,TMTRAINER,ROSARY. -- Too OP on a constantly rerolling character: R_KEY,FORGET_ME_NOW,RED_STEW, PHD,BATTERY. -- Absolutely sucks on a constantly rerolling character: FALSE_PHD,EXPERIMENTAL_TREATMENT,LITTLE_BAGGY,POUND_OF_FLESH,BLOOD_OATH. -- Revive as another character: LAZARUS_RAGS,JUDAS_SHADOW,ANKH. -- Health upgrade: HEART,MAGGYS_BOW,RAW_LIVER,BLACK_LOTUS,SNACK,DINNER,LUNCH,DESSERT,BREAKFAST,ROTTEN_MEAT,BUCKET_OF_LARD,THUNDER_THIGHS,CRACK_JACKS,GREEDS_GULLET,MIDNIGHT_SNACK,SUPPER, THE_BODY,SUPER_BANDAGE,MARROW. -- Health upgrade, Soul Heart edition: PJS,LATCH_KEY,MATCH_BOOK. -- These items suck so much ass that it instantly makes the run un-fun: SHARD_OF_GLASS,GLASS_CANNON,BROKEN_GLASS_CANNON,BOBS_BRAIN,MISSING_NO. -- Does nothing except spawn cards, pills, or other collectibles on the floor: BOX,COLLECTIBLE_STARTER_DECK,BOOSTER_PACK,COLLECTIBLE_BATTERY_PACK.
@@IKEACherryChair yeah you can see all the list, they choosed the items carefully, there is a lot of items that with T eden they totally suck, especially the 636 items of *"when you get hit"*
Far more complete and entertaining than he seemed at first, wasn't expecting him to drop this early tho, I also would like to know more about tarnished lost, I did all the completion marks for his "demo version" and enjoyed him a lot, but I haven't heard any news about him
ya he’s like “noo why did you do that my existence is pain and your taking me to be your puppet of entertainment ohh well youu brought this on your self”
next up is Broken Eden, who will glitch out fo the game and crash your whole computer in 10 minutes if you arent running more than 5 antivirus softwares
@@Vepzzzzz Eden but he restarts your run if you get hit, randomly rerolls enemies, throws you into random rooms (labyrinth curse), and + that Tainted Eden does
@@xdarin_ All your items reroll if you get hit, and when it resets the run(after 3 hearts of damage) they drop 1 in quality Quality 1 items get erased from ur pool Game damage like spike door, blood machine, etc. don't count
Holy crap I LOVE the visual effects on this character - the way his boss portrait glitches out, the way his sprite constantly cycles between random items in his inventory and even the way his base sprite looks with that wavy cap face at all times, this character looks really cool
Design detail i like: other glitch associated things in the game are relatively colourful (gb bug, soul of Eden, i am error rooms), but TrEden and objects associated with it have a pale colour pallet, making it even more alien
@@winterFox2r there was a demo on the character, it is suspected to change but in the demo he gets a heart every floor that blocks a hit and is able to reroll every item pedestal once, so he is basically t lost with wooden cross and actual better items
@@drjackbright4527 I imagine a rage state where he loses from unchecked fury... Which generates slight Devil Deal chance if he kills in this rampage. Birthright boosting Angel Deal chance for his calm form, usually through acts of kindness and keeping his anger in check. Every three hostile rooms, he goes insane and must vent his anger somehow. One being an item like a backwards Breath of Life where he counts to calm down (getting hit or releasing early screws this up and harms him with extra damage)... And the other being simply to kill everything, which extends the delay between auto damage.
I remember seeing a sneakpeek of this a month ago. Don't like saying this usually, but it does feel like a just better designed Tainted Eden. There's an actual method to the character's madness. Now I wonder if Tarnished Lost will be finished soon, since there was also gameplay of a prototype a month ago.
Tarnished lost was not just a gameplay though, it was a demo that was left as an easter egg, someone discovered it and uploaded a little gameplay alongside a tutorial on how to play him
Tarnished Eden's constant expression of horror/agony during the boss transition screens is really cool to me. Just shows how tormented and glitched he is
That's fascinating! I like the concept for TR Eden even more, that character really rewards knowing Isaac facts and taking advantage of what items can do. Great showcase!!
i love how disturbing this character and most things surrounding them look, and the concept is fun as hell looking, random but balanced, exactly how i love it
i wasn't really on board with the tarnished characters, as i feel adding another layer of characters would make the game more complicated, and isaac/maggy had some weird gimmicks i haven't gotten used to the idea of, combined with adding unlocks for a modden characters feeling like a bad idea, and also not having dead god yet makes it feel like i'm trying to stay away from progress by playing new characters. since then, however, the mod has only gotten better and better, with some really unique gimmicks that i find really fun and interesting. it's cool seeing a mod that looks like it won't be good turn into a must-have mod for isaac players
@@AusbilderGruenn i know the feeling. Sine posting this comment I've been getting closer and closer to DG but the mods that come out are so wantable. Since I see other people playing these mods I feel like I've been left behind, and trying multiple major mods (to catch up) isn't recommended because some cause gamebreaking bugs or easy crashes. It feels bad, feeling left in the dust, but if I didn't have things I considered more important, would they really be as fun? No matter how I think of it, it doesn't sound good
this character is designed much better than tainted eden. tainted eden is a chaotic stress mess while this character still has chaos but it is controllable.
I think that the chaining corruption through enemies is borked and the aesthetic leans way too hard into the glitchiness, but the core concept is stellar.
I really like when these characters give you trade off options with the abilities (as in, saving debug's charge for if you want to keep an item vs using it any time you don't like your items), it really adds a lot of depth into the choices you make as the character!
Really cool idea, and I'd love to see an unlock for the character that allows for other characters to gain the TR Eden birthright effect and gives your tears a glitched appearance.
At first, i thought " so its just a more boring and difficult tainted eden" But then birthright and debug appeared and MASSIVELY saved the character. The idea of Debug protecting and item from the chaos is amazing, and makes it so that the character actually sounds fun
I really wasn’t sold on this character at first because I thought it was another McMuffin Terror special. Seems like they made the character fun and interesting, gives you a lot to think about in a run.
a quick follow up from tr edens update in wave 6 (for those who came here late): now he starts with 1 random active and passive item and a capsule D8 instead of the normal D8
for azazel i think they are gonna give him acual brime stone but no damage and some other mechanics to boost his damage, or possibly just make him an angel or smth
Wtf they already released another Tarnished Character? He looks interesting and very well made (i.e he's even more random and complex than t Eden but fairly balanced and you still have some degree of control) although I think the glitched gapers mechanic is a bit overkill EDIT: Unlock is also far cooler than the other tarnished chars
Wow. There is actually some control to this RNG FEST unlike Tainted Eden. And it has strategy and the ability to lock an item in if you don’t want it rerolled.
i hope yes. otherwise it would be too trivial. Yes, starting is made more complicated, but on the further floors you will also get more mobs from lower floors, it basically averages the difficulty of the run.
@@oacmd282 considering that new enemies are not meant for the room layout, and some layouts are directly built for their sets of enemies, also, some enemies, are not meant to spawn together, cheap hits are likely to happen, yes. Perhaps, I was hasty about my judgement and miscalculated.
@@tlotro625 it is refreshing to see people on the internet admit when their judgements are not perfect, incorporate new information, and learn Whoever you are, have a good day, you just made mine a bit brighter
The hardest thing is the d10 every room, it does not matter the character you are playing that is really hard, I only got tarnished eden because we need to go deeper skipped me 2 entire floors
Oh man to be completely honest the glitched Polaroid was amazing to have even though some of the enemies were a little difficult. The amount of utility I got from gold poops rainbow poops and random crawl spaces was nice
Wow this is definitely a lot more creative than Tainted Eden, seems more fun overall too. I think that whole bit with enemies turning to gapers is a bit unnecessary though (and probably overpowered since it essentially gets rid of really tanky or annoying enemies when they land a hit)
I'm playing the character now for the first time and my only problem is when your speed stat gets rerolled to anything less than .50 because Wormwood was having a great time with me.
Does the D4 glitch work on TR Eden the same way it works on T. Eden? For reference, I'm talking about the phenomenon where if you generate an item from a pool and then leave it, then generate an item from a different pool, when you go to pick it up again it will be treated as from that different pool. For example: On a given floor as Tainted Eden, you walk into the Treasure Room but don't pick up the item. Then you walk into the Shop and don't pick up the items there. Then you kill the boss, don't pick up the boss item, and walk into the Angel Room. The last generated pool is the Angel Pool, so you pick up the Angel item and then go back to pick up all the items you skipped. When you pick up the boss item, the shop items, and the treasure room item, the pool that was last used was the Angel Pool (you already generated the item in their respective pools by walking in but not picking up the item; the boss/shop/treasure pool is not used after walking in the first time). When you get hit, everything will reroll into an Angel Item, because the pool that was last used before picking up each item was the Angel pool.
Tr Eden is out already? That's faster than I expected. Still, great character Also, I'm really surprised by the fact that The Skill Issue'd isn't a thing yet.
Tarnished Lost is probably the kind of character that dies after a certain amount of time if you don't complete the room fast enought but can be op after 5 floors
hello! idk if this has been said before, nor is it meant to be an attack in anyway, but edmund himself has stated that eden isn't a boy or a girl, so they/them pronouns are better suited for them than he/him!
Oh also something that Slay forgot to mention! (I am from the mod server so I know this)
TR.eden won't get any useless reroll, there is a blacklist of items that TR eden't can't get his items reroll into, like HP upgrades, alabaster box, dead cat, heartbreak, quarter, ANY TYPE OF BOMB UPGRADES and a lot more items (basically any item that only gives you health or bombs/coins/keys or moves around you health).
Oh and also, the creators are very happy that all the people seem to like TR eden, so they wanna say thanks to all of you!
If anyone wants (for some reason) all the blacklist, here It is:
-- Items that revolve around removing health:
--The too good because the effect persists after reroll:
-- These items are too confusing on a constantly rerolling character:
-- No soul hearts for the room and you can't even use it:
-- Does nothing but give you collectibles:
-- Boring bomb modifiers that clog up the item pool:
-- Strong item pool modifiers:
-- Too OP on a constantly rerolling character:
-- Absolutely sucks on a constantly rerolling character:
-- Revive as another character:
-- Health upgrade:
-- Health upgrade, Soul Heart edition:
-- These items suck so much ass that it instantly makes the run un-fun:
-- Does nothing except spawn cards, pills, or other collectibles on the floor:
Ah, cool! that actually sounds really useful
now if only the isaac team could do that for tainted eden as well
@@IKEACherryChair yeah you can see all the list, they choosed the items carefully, there is a lot of items that with T eden they totally suck, especially the 636 items of *"when you get hit"*
oh, so the mechanic TE should already have
help, I cant get the Item to get Tarnished Eden
Oh, this character seems like an absolute blast! That "tracking of the quality value of rerolled items" mechanic alone is a stroke of genius!
The item pool rerolling is great too
I really love the way that the character was designed, fun, chaotick and balanced
Me when choatick
sorry to be that guy but it's "chaotic" lmao
but yeah i agree, he seems way fun than both edens
Far more complete and entertaining than he seemed at first, wasn't expecting him to drop this early tho, I also would like to know more about tarnished lost, I did all the completion marks for his "demo version" and enjoyed him a lot, but I haven't heard any news about him
I think he's the one they rushed the most to kinda set the pace for rest of them, looks decent at least
@@fumokaze I mean, it was a beta version
@@Evenvagolor It was an early alpha, so yeah.
I like to think the second tarnished Eden gets up, he's like "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???" before the game crashes
ya he’s like “noo why did you do that my existence is pain and your taking me to be your puppet of entertainment ohh well youu brought this on your self”
I like how every version of Eden is becoming more random and corrupted.
Soon we'll have a version of eden that when chosen starts you as anyone except eden, it's just that random!
next up is Broken Eden, who will glitch out fo the game and crash your whole computer in 10 minutes if you arent running more than 5 antivirus softwares
@@Vepzzzzz Eden but he restarts your run if you get hit, randomly rerolls enemies, throws you into random rooms (labyrinth curse), and + that Tainted Eden does
@@xdarin_ amazing.
@@xdarin_ All your items reroll if you get hit, and when it resets the run(after 3 hearts of damage) they drop 1 in quality
Quality 1 items get erased from ur pool
Game damage like spike door, blood machine, etc. don't count
Holy crap I LOVE the visual effects on this character - the way his boss portrait glitches out, the way his sprite constantly cycles between random items in his inventory and even the way his base sprite looks with that wavy cap face at all times, this character looks really cool
Design detail i like: other glitch associated things in the game are relatively colourful (gb bug, soul of Eden, i am error rooms), but TrEden and objects associated with it have a pale colour pallet, making it even more alien
i hope the existing characters get a similar unlock events to this. this is the only one that feels unique
Can't wait to see what the rest of tainted characters are like. Especially interested in seeing T. Azazel and Lilith.
Imagine Tarnished Lost doesn’t get its single Holy Mantle (Holy Card) shield.
@@winterFox2r there was a demo on the character, it is suspected to change but in the demo he gets a heart every floor that blocks a hit and is able to reroll every item pedestal once, so he is basically t lost with wooden cross and actual better items
i'm waiting to see what they can do for tarnished samson
@@deliamartinez7993 that actually sounds really cool.
@@drjackbright4527 I imagine a rage state where he loses from unchecked fury... Which generates slight Devil Deal chance if he kills in this rampage.
Birthright boosting Angel Deal chance for his calm form, usually through acts of kindness and keeping his anger in check.
Every three hostile rooms, he goes insane and must vent his anger somehow. One being an item like a backwards Breath of Life where he counts to calm down (getting hit or releasing early screws this up and harms him with extra damage)... And the other being simply to kill everything, which extends the delay between auto damage.
I remember seeing a sneakpeek of this a month ago. Don't like saying this usually, but it does feel like a just better designed Tainted Eden. There's an actual method to the character's madness.
Now I wonder if Tarnished Lost will be finished soon, since there was also gameplay of a prototype a month ago.
Tarnished lost was not just a gameplay though, it was a demo that was left as an easter egg, someone discovered it and uploaded a little gameplay alongside a tutorial on how to play him
Tarnished Eden's constant expression of horror/agony during the boss transition screens is really cool to me. Just shows how tormented and glitched he is
That's fascinating! I like the concept for TR Eden even more, that character really rewards knowing Isaac facts and taking advantage of what items can do. Great showcase!!
i love how disturbing this character and most things surrounding them look, and the concept is fun as hell looking, random but balanced, exactly how i love it
i wasn't really on board with the tarnished characters, as i feel adding another layer of characters would make the game more complicated, and isaac/maggy had some weird gimmicks i haven't gotten used to the idea of, combined with adding unlocks for a modden characters feeling like a bad idea, and also not having dead god yet makes it feel like i'm trying to stay away from progress by playing new characters.
since then, however, the mod has only gotten better and better, with some really unique gimmicks that i find really fun and interesting. it's cool seeing a mod that looks like it won't be good turn into a must-have mod for isaac players
same dude, I really have to try hard not to download this mod or fiend folio until I finally have dead god
@@AusbilderGruenn i know the feeling. Sine posting this comment I've been getting closer and closer to DG but the mods that come out are so wantable. Since I see other people playing these mods I feel like I've been left behind, and trying multiple major mods (to catch up) isn't recommended because some cause gamebreaking bugs or easy crashes. It feels bad, feeling left in the dust, but if I didn't have things I considered more important, would they really be as fun? No matter how I think of it, it doesn't sound good
Same dude, just got dead god and already got friend folio and epiphany xD
i love eden's glitched and corrupted concept, idk, theres something charming in it, my fav character of the game for sure.
The true definition of 'order within chaos' but in character form. Can't wait to see the others!
I love the detail that you have to actually pick up an item to debug it, so you can't debug any items you got from rerolls
honestly this mod deserves to have a price tag with how well it's made
Each tarnished caracter's release gives me the same excitement when JOJO part 6 anime got released. Same with your videos.
the blinking cosmetics is such a great detail I would have loved T. Eden had to make him look different than Eden
I think birthright is way too strong, but it looks like a really fun character
Well, you still have the glitched gapers afterwards, which probably do scale with depth.
@@edward9487 but they are charmed and will kill themselves
@@edward9487 since they're charmed, they'll attack each other too, often resulting in only one damaged gaper being left.
Birthright does either barely anything or a LOT, and it’s a shop item that is not particularly easy to come by
It does reroll every room, so it's not too consistent, and it's in the shop pool, which is one you might want to skip.
This is now probably one of my top three (with cain and judas), can't wait how the others will work.
I like the idea of game corruption legitimately becoming its own infection for tarnished Eden and all the mobs in the game
This is a great video! Super informative. The only thing I’d suggest is adding a flash/epilepsy warning to the title!
This character seems hard as hell, but also really fun. I do like how you can debug an item. That makes the character a lot better imo
this what would I expect from tarnished eden. the mod developer is amazing for creating all of this tarnished characters
definitely, I love this character 🤍
Ooh, being able to debug an item is actually amazing for this character!
this character is designed much better than tainted eden. tainted eden is a chaotic stress mess while this character still has chaos but it is controllable.
This look so sick bro, I cant wait to se the others, especialy the lost
Wow this is really amazing. Especially love how Debug works
Wake up, honey, new favorite German Isaac man’s new video just dropped.
I have not been keeping up with these mods. >.
I can't wait to see the Tar. Eden's unlocks video!
Thanks for the video! Good explained as always!
I think that the chaining corruption through enemies is borked and the aesthetic leans way too hard into the glitchiness, but the core concept is stellar.
Funny character, congrats at reaching 100k subs!
My goodness all these Tarnished characters are so flippin' good!
I can’t get any of these guys yet but tarnished eden has thoroughly convinced me to get this mod anyway
I really like when these characters give you trade off options with the abilities (as in, saving debug's charge for if you want to keep an item vs using it any time you don't like your items), it really adds a lot of depth into the choices you make as the character!
Honestly my favorite character.
That's just it.
Really cool idea, and I'd love to see an unlock for the character that allows for other characters to gain the TR Eden birthright effect and gives your tears a glitched appearance.
Those dev are fricking creative, i almost forgot this is a mod itself
I wasn't too sold at first, but the fact that you can kinda control e
Items don't get rerolled is amazing
it’s honestly sad how much better this character is in every way than regular tainted eden
Yeah, at first, i was thinking "even worse" but then, i quickly change my mind. Another great Tarnished character.
Hey SlayXc2, There is a way to play tarnished lost, do restart 48 / 49 in the debug console!
He got removed in Wave 3
@@opensauce04 Wave 3?
At first, i thought " so its just a more boring and difficult tainted eden"
But then birthright and debug appeared and MASSIVELY saved the character. The idea of Debug protecting and item from the chaos is amazing, and makes it so that the character actually sounds fun
I recently unlocked this character, and it is the most fun tarnished character in my opinion. It has the perfect mix between difficulty and fun
This is bizarre but also absolutely incredible
Tainted Eden is easily my least favourite character in the vanilla game, but tarnished eden seems way better
I really wasn’t sold on this character at first because I thought it was another McMuffin Terror special. Seems like they made the character fun and interesting, gives you a lot to think about in a run.
a quick follow up from tr edens update in wave 6 (for those who came here late): now he starts with 1 random active and passive item and a capsule D8 instead of the normal D8
These tarnished characters look incredibly well made. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were official!
Now this is how you make a character!
Give him a very good mechanic and an item to allow him to keep the items you want
yo this character is way better than normal tainted eden this is way more fun
for azazel i think they are gonna give him acual brime stone but no damage and some other mechanics to boost his damage, or possibly just make him an angel or smth
Damn, that actually seems like a fun character
My boi tarnished Eden looks like the gold creepypasta with a brain aneurysm
In My opinion, stronger enemies should turn into glitched "fatties"
they made an not unfair and annoying tainted eden while being even more random. GJ
i thought this was a bad character until I saw the debugging items ability
now he seems like an actually interesting character
Pretty ironic how my phone was buffering super bad for no reason while I was watching this video.
Wtf they already released another Tarnished Character?
He looks interesting and very well made (i.e he's even more random and complex than t Eden but fairly balanced and you still have some degree of control) although I think the glitched gapers mechanic is a bit overkill
EDIT: Unlock is also far cooler than the other tarnished chars
Wow. There is actually some control to this RNG FEST unlike Tainted Eden. And it has strategy and the ability to lock an item in if you don’t want it rerolled.
One question, if you take damage as tainted eden, do you reroll the glitched polaroid or not
probably not, seems like it would be a story item
i hope yes. otherwise it would be too trivial. Yes, starting is made more complicated, but on the further floors you will also get more mobs from lower floors, it basically averages the difficulty of the run.
@@tlotro625 “averages” more like skyrocketing the difficulty
@@oacmd282 considering that new enemies are not meant for the room layout, and some layouts are directly built for their sets of enemies, also, some enemies, are not meant to spawn together, cheap hits are likely to happen, yes. Perhaps, I was hasty about my judgement and miscalculated.
@@tlotro625 it is refreshing to see people on the internet admit when their judgements are not perfect, incorporate new information, and learn
Whoever you are, have a good day, you just made mine a bit brighter
My inner pokemon gen1 glitches lover is being positively stimulated
didn't add missing.no as starting item, disliked
@@handyes42 oh crap 😔
@@LordRemiem make missing.no reroll anyways and i will like
I thing the bivger problem will be unlocking than actually getting complition mark, cause he seems like really fun character
Speedrun the first floor as t. Eden
Then get to depths 2? Man.
This is my opinion. If you thing that 1 minute first boss as t eden is not the problem I okey with that
The hardest thing is the d10 every room, it does not matter the character you are playing that is really hard, I only got tarnished eden because we need to go deeper skipped me 2 entire floors
I really don't like playing Tainted Eden, so this is definitely my favorite Tarnished character thus far. Crazy way to unlock but very befitting.
This is actually really cool
It’s mods like this that make me contemplate whether or not I should buy the game again on steam
i like everything besides the birthright, that item makes your run basically free
Hope they do more unlocks like this, its very cool
Hey congrats on 100k
I hope Edmund puts this mod into a DLC. This seems like fun times.
I’d like to see a mod that adds stuff like the quality thing to Tainted Eden as well as removing useless items from their pool
Tarnished characters never dissapoint
Probably the most fun tarnished character
Oh man to be completely honest the glitched Polaroid was amazing to have even though some of the enemies were a little difficult. The amount of utility I got from gold poops rainbow poops and random crawl spaces was nice
Congrats on 100k
Epiphany mod is going too well for a big Isaac Chars mod with unique mechanics!
This guy feels like a pokemon randomizer, and I mean a FULL randomizer, like random types and stats.
Wow this is definitely a lot more creative than Tainted Eden, seems more fun overall too.
I think that whole bit with enemies turning to gapers is a bit unnecessary though (and probably overpowered since it essentially gets rid of really tanky or annoying enemies when they land a hit)
"The debug item is now re roll proof"
*like you could reroll depression in the first place*
I am watching this while I am about to go to sleep...maybe I can do just one run. Just one...
Yoooo. New Tarnished!
I'm playing the character now for the first time and my only problem is when your speed stat gets rerolled to anything less than .50 because Wormwood was having a great time with me.
Whenever I read the word tarnished, I always read it in Margot’s voice.
The Tainted Eden we deserved
Does the D4 glitch work on TR Eden the same way it works on T. Eden?
For reference, I'm talking about the phenomenon where if you generate an item from a pool and then leave it, then generate an item from a different pool, when you go to pick it up again it will be treated as from that different pool. For example:
On a given floor as Tainted Eden, you walk into the Treasure Room but don't pick up the item. Then you walk into the Shop and don't pick up the items there. Then you kill the boss, don't pick up the boss item, and walk into the Angel Room. The last generated pool is the Angel Pool, so you pick up the Angel item and then go back to pick up all the items you skipped. When you pick up the boss item, the shop items, and the treasure room item, the pool that was last used was the Angel Pool (you already generated the item in their respective pools by walking in but not picking up the item; the boss/shop/treasure pool is not used after walking in the first time). When you get hit, everything will reroll into an Angel Item, because the pool that was last used before picking up each item was the Angel pool.
I believe It also works.
I like how tarnished eden is more balance and fun than tainted eden, just because you have some control over your items
Tr Eden is out already? That's faster than I expected. Still, great character
Also, I'm really surprised by the fact that The Skill Issue'd isn't a thing yet.
yooo its edin
%÷*$&=:@&×:×^ ---FATAL ERROR---
Eden your mom out
Tarnished Lost is probably the kind of character that dies after a certain amount of time if you don't complete the room fast enought but can be op after 5 floors
Nah I am in the server of the mod and they said "I don't wanna make TR lost just "harder T lost" that'd be just CBT at that point."
@@masterblaster38 so they are making Tarnished lost god now
hello! idk if this has been said before, nor is it meant to be an attack in anyway, but edmund himself has stated that eden isn't a boy or a girl, so they/them pronouns are better suited for them than he/him!
Holy shit.
They made tainted Eden good I can’t believe it.
Soon enough Eden will just be delirium
it really seems way more fun than tainted eden, i'm still wondering what future tarnished character's gimmicks will be like, samson for example.
suggestion: make the name in the boss intro a whole bunch of jumbled and glitched letters and symblols and names