Without a change in government spending it doesn't look very good.Labour always spend too much and always end up with an economic disaster.The mistake they made this time is they gave away too much to the public service workers especially the railway workers.We can't afford it as a country but time will tell.They are also tapping too much off the money markets.
@@shadrana1 Yeah, we'd all rather be shafted by a Tory government that did FA for the nation in over 14 years, but throw our public purse to their friends and donors. History is a good thing to learn about and get to know real truths, the Tory party has never in its whole history, not even once left the country or the people that live within in better shape, healthier or with a healthier economic standard. The Tories just means a lack of investment in the UK and its people. Perhaps with the Tories being in power ever again in the foreseeable future perhaps we can get the chance, money, time to repair at least so of the damage and neglect that we have always had from the Conservatives. Lack of vision and future planing is a Tory trait that takes us back to before Victorian times and their brutality of the working classes. Jacob Reece - Mogg would love to see us back and stuck in that era permanently.
Many people who fall into Labour's class war don't understand that punishing others won't improve their lives. Often, it has the opposite effect in the long run. History has taught this lesson over and over again. Yet Labour still plays it.
History hasn’t proven anything other than keeping the status quo. How is a rich person with a less than average child getting a top class education when a poor intelligent kid is not even getting adequate education improving society?
My brother went to private school through infant and junior education and ended up as a drug addicted cretin (he is 4 years older than me). I went to iInfant and junior state schooling then onto a State funded Secondary School and later a State funded Technology Colege to get an HNC. Private education is elitist and not in the interests of the UK particularly since Brexs*it and the destruction caused by the last "Government". If you can afford to privately educate your children, then the schools that willingly suck up your cash need to pay for it, and bill you accordingly, because State schools can, with sufficient funding, surpass what these creaky and weird organisations are about.
Any force attracts a reaction. In our modern world children seem to suffer most. Moreover the current government are a miserable advertisement for State education.
Wasn't this in Labours manifesto? The parents have the last 6 months to decide what to do it's up to them, as for VAT it's the Tories who always put it up, from 8% to 15% (good old Maggie) from 15% to 17-5% from 17-5% to 20% and of course that's for everyone to pay!
The private school I attended in Scotland has in the last few years advertised a scheme in Africa for pupils to attend with drastically reduced fees. The scheme attracted a big response resulting in a large influx of Africans with their children. The parents got jobs in supermarkets and driving busses etc., Well, that scheme no longer exists and the parents can now no longer afford the real price, £15,000 plus vat a term. This has resulted in a massive influx to the academies in the region causing class room numbers to overflow. The African parents also club together to take short term rental of property within the school catchment area of their preferred alternative, to ensure their children get a place at the school to the detriment of legally qualifying local children. This started when the Tories were in power so, as has been stated before - Labour and Tory are both cheeks of the same arse.
You have to wonder who was behind this scheme, and who was subsidising it, because someone or something was. Why would Scotland want to educate Africans when those subsidies could have been given to socio-economically deprived indigenous white Scottish children whose parents would jump at the chance for their kids to have a private education at a reduced fee.
An interesting lesson from Modern Monetary Theory is that taxes aren’t to generate revenue. All government spending is new money, taxes act to withdraw money to control inflation and nudge behaviour etc. But not to generate income for the government.
@@DrBenVincent Correct. Governments and Banks print as much money as needed Tax and Interest rates are merely a brake on Inflation. A way to destroy excess money. HMRC does not have a big vault full of cash.
A stain on Labour for disrupting the education of the children affected . I had no envy of those that used it, which seems the stance of that party, and I went through state system, as did all of my children
Hmmph! Professor, it's not a great surprise that Reeve's action is based on unfortunate lack of thought to this matter. She suffers from nearsightedness and doesn't recognise the fact that it's a single action out of others that demonstrate it! She's simply the same as with other things as well. The Inheritance difficulties with her policies of farming. Demonstrate it only too well! Thus could severely backfire on her.
The Emanuel Prep School is hiding behind the VAT charge as an excuse - in 2019 it had 681 pupils - in 2024 it was down to 467 - a more than 35% drop off. This is from a parents forum back in 2020 - its been dying for year before we had a Labour Govt "Any Emanuel parents feeling disillusioned and fed up with the school? Massive changes to the school over the last 2-3 years seem to have created a huge concern for the ‘wider community’ and pupils of other ‘local’ schools at the cost of a complete indifference to it’s own current pupils. Fee increases coupled with poor teaching; high turnover of inexperienced staff; massive amounts of homework (which teachers sometimes can’t be bothered to mark); anxiety from pupils that teaching is insufficient to support exam passes; very little interest in sport. Anyone any idea what’s going on there?"
We have relied that integrity in politics would prevail, that only the trustworthy could be successful to govern us. Those days are over. Now we need honesty and integrity laws to begin applying to MPs to give a platform to oppose runaway governments.
How else do we pay up to 79B for the length of the Chagos Island deal? Then there's reparations on top of that. Then theres all the other islands that need the same resolution. It's very selfish to expect to put on your heating when we've got so much to say sorry for. I say triple the taxes, then we won't feel so guilty living on the street.
How about following Finland and banning the private sector from education then no one can complain and the schools would have to be fully funded and I would do the same with healthcare then politicians of all colours would have to fully fund them.
Improvements in society should be made lifting the bottom up & not smashing everything to leave nothing of note or value. Labour branded nihilism is just destructive leaving nothing useful or of any value.
You are so twisted by your political ideology it seems you don t care what your Labour parties does ... pensioners, children and the private sector... we saw people like you in Germany in the 30's.. the brown shirts
The pinch is being felt in the South of England & there are no places for kids leaving private ed in the likes of Surrey. Starmer had his high end education free & came out with poor results considering the silver spoon investment in him. Something just does not add up. But he does prefer Davos to Westminster & has no time for White England......
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. This is a real hatchet job, no matter how you look at it. Labour will never learn. Wealth, business, and know-how are disappearing into the ether equally matching the speed of vanishing common sense by Labour.
There are some 30,000 state schools in the UK. Even if a whopping (and highly unlikely) 30,000 private pupils dropped out of the private system, that would amount to one pupil per state school on average. Strained as our state schools are after more than a decade of underfunding, I'm sure they'd be able to take up the slack.
@@ftumschk Numerically illiterate comment. There are only around 3400 secondary schools. Please research, do your home and submit your answer back to the professor. You get an F
hmm. sounds like complete bollocks seeing as how Surrey council has already issued a communique saying it has no spare places in years 9 10 or 11 of its state schools. because it has 20% of its pupils educated independently normally and expects there to be 2400 pulled out of private schools there. numbers are not spread even round the country and to think they can be is extremely naive. something else Rachel from accounts obviously didnt cover in her degree.
@ if one want to bandy numerical arguments then do the research. It is not hard. There are currently 32,163 schools in the UK. Of these, 3,079 are nurseries or early-learning centres, 20,806 are primary schools, 23 are middle schools and 4,190 are secondary schools. There are 2,461 independent schools, 1,546 special schools, 57 non-maintained special schools and 348 pupil referral units (PRUs). One needs to add context. Are we saying we should put 15 year old pupils in state nursery. ??
Yippee, it’s obviously he is doing all the hard decisions now, if you don’t understand that people have a short memory then to quote Bob Dylan “Then I will go out and say a prayer for you.”
So how much do you think we need to fund them by? Currently £7500 per pupil .. £55 Billion per annum. Vat on private schools means zip on this and what is needed.
@@marshyman66 If all public schools were funded properly, taxpayer-funded private schools would not be needed. The UK is a first-world country and requires a well-educated workforce to secure and increase everybody's lifestyle. A well-funded public school system is necessary; private schools are a luxury we can do without. Private schools have a right to exist but must stand on their own feet and fund themselves fully and without tax breaks.
@@honberg193 A country that cannot afford to look after its children shouldn't exist and has no right to exist, Children are the future of every civilized country and indeed civilization itself. Are you even human or an AI algorithm, honbery?
Education is a necessary good, so should be VAT free. Also, by paying for their education, they are not using public money for state education. Another massive mistake by Labour.
Hello Professor I was wondering if you could perhaps do a video about political nastyness in the future because I think its a interesting topic and discussion and to explore if that's just the norm for British politics now, overblown or just a phase where it will dissipate away again. Thank you
@californiadreamin8423 the big difference is Labour are going to do some serious damage, I mean *serious* damage and this is no praise at all for the Tories; simply net zero is going to come to a head during this parliament.
The 'law of diminishing returns' has to be accounted for else the taxman could end up with less revenue.Honest money is the best way to enforce efficiency and mistakes cannot be coverd up by printing money.
@@Charonupthekuiper Be specific….what serious damage , and which crystal ball are you using ? I see you subscribe to Taylor…..is he your crystal ball ?
@@californiadreamin8423 just look at the industry collapsing now, not all unique to Britain and not all Labour's doing but the flat line figures since July are not a great sign. Labour have a habit of taxing jobs right back to the bizarre selective employment tax in the 60s. I hope I am wrong because my pension funds will tank along with the rest of the economy, but I have no confidence in a chancellor who wasn't 100% accurate with her career description.
Remember Tories/Capitalists have their cruel ideology which impoverishes many in our Society too. Adequate funding for all so there is no need for private schools. The Finnish education system is a good example to follow.
@@davidsmith5523 The inheritance tax on farmers plus VAT on schools will raise about 1 billion. Spend about 7 billion on pampering illegal immigrants. Labour hate us Brits.
I like the way you put this. After all, the way it has been done will have far worse effects than if they were brought in gradually. However, i cannot see any way in which these tax increases will do any good at all. I suspect we shall see a reduction in tax receipts and an increase in public spending. Ideology should never lead economic or fiscal policy.
The question really is! Blackhole you have to raise taxes. So a socialist governent, I'm not a socialist. Either raises it from taxing the poor or the richer. The reality is. You may get your child a slightly better education by paying or get it free on normal taxation. I've been a governor in a state school. They waste money, so must private schools.
@honberg193 Private schools by negotiating favourable conditions are socialist then. Same as employers who don't pay enough wages for tgrircemployees to live on so that to survive, these employees must apply for tax credits. You seem to dislike socislism. Which part do you object to most? THE NHS POLICING BY CONSENT EDUCATION FOR ALL Just curious. I would prefer you site a real world example if possible. From practise in the UK from th3 last 1ee 00 years. Not some monsters uhder the bed parable from someone's fevered imagination. If you can?
@@davidsmith5523 David I'm not a socialist, but I'm Farley Liberal with what people do with their lives. I waa brought up on a socialist household. I do beleive unison's need to exist. The NHS etc. I would call myself now a centrist. The part of socialism I detest is anything which is related to Neo maoism. Which is quite wide these days. Feminism, social constructionist, egalitarianism idea being pushed on society. If the shoe fits then wear it. Don't makeup philosophies and ideology to explain nature. Calling your self politcal identities such as non binary. If someone has a genuine medical condition then that's diferent. I call these the radical left. It apears in todays world politcaly people are being pushed to the extremes of the left and the right. Even if they aren't. So I'm not in opposition to salt of the earth traditional non communism socialism, but I say I'll take science over bullshite as far as Liberal science over ideology.
The Times reports the City of London is in for a bit of a boom year ahead. Shein are going to list on the LSE, predicted to be valued at $50bn. You see the thing is we now have freed ourselves of EU control and the steps taken recently by Starmer on improving relations with China has born fruit. The UK should stop being so miserable and be on the look out for business opportunity to replace all the crud that is failing. There are a lot of changes going on in the global economy at the moment. Being out of the EU can make us more nimble. By the time the EU has agreed something we can already be doing it. As for tax rises, well it makes it tougher for organizations, but look at how China coped with US sanctions. It just made them economically fitter than before. Some of our greatest minds have had some of the hardest lives and often it is this that pushes them into achieving beyond the ordinary. There will be more modern ways to replace the education these failing schools can not now do. Also you often find the reality of the measures when brought in are far less severe than the papers go on about. I hear for farmers they can claim allowances upto £3m in some circumstances. The tax will cause land prices to drop as it is less of a tax avoidance thing and then they will find it was not so bad after all. Around our area you see farmers driving some swanky new Range Rovers. They have been supported by Tories for years.
You certainly have got it wrong.Big business is leaving the LSE and moving to New York.We certainly have more flexibility getting out of Europe but Labour have increased costs all around the NI hikes.Business will simply cut costs by getting rid of bodies and increasing prices where they can.
@@shadrana1 Chinese firms want to get out of the US but are unwelcome in the EU. We could provide a home for them away from home. The hikes in NI are trivial compared to the sanctions imposed by the US. Right now they are trying to build a huge London embassy. I think it is clear they want to increase business here. Our industry is very inefficient, so they could make it worth a lot more with better management and the right investment.
@@patrickmccarthy5462 I think the global economy will become more free market. You are as good as the products you have for sale. Protectionism is like keeping a wild animal in a zoo. As soon as it faces the wild it can't compete and dies. The EU market system is too much in the control of politicians, and often those who don't understand industry. They have quotas for everything. I think we should get back more to playing our old game and look to the wider world. A lot of developing countries are starting to get rich now. They need kitting out with modern technology which we should be in a position to supply them.
Reeves is right. These taxes are right. Faith schools need to close - teaching kids nonsense. Any institution capable of producing things like Johnson needs to go.
@@californiadreamin8423 when pricing a tax or any other commodity you have to be able understand the difference between the possible and the impossible.
They dont care. Its the struggling middle class families who will now use public funds to send their children to state schools. Massive blunder by Labour.
Great video and I agree with you. I don’t have an objection private schools paying VAT, but it does need to be phased in, as all tax changes do. I’m not saying 15 years, but something reasonable. The only thing I disagree with is the statement 1minute 42 seconds in “if one person is hurt by this it is bad”. Taxes would never change if no individual is ever adversely impacted. Having disagreed with this one statement I agree with the message.
except of course this isnt a loophole "break" as all other other education is VAT exempt. it cant be a "break" if nobody else pays it either. This is a punishment tax.
One of the biggest issues for me is that they bring it in in the middle of the school yeat with no warning. Kids who are getting ready to take exams this year and have to change school will be scuppered! Not to mention that they will likely be the prime targets for the school bullies
So will this be extended to private nurseries which there are a huge numbers and which are funded by local authorities for those on benefits. ?? Also will private tutors now have to charge VAT. ? Answers on a post card please.
@ We already have political prisoners, the government is a corporation, your council, the police, the judiciary are all corporations. And therefore yes they are all about making money. I have my councils corporation number.
I’m heartbroken, but when state schools roofs are safe from RAAC concrete collapse, it will all have been worth it. PS Tomorrow I’m going skinny dipping in Etons boating lake which can be seen from outer space, and if I need to relieve myself then I might have a smile on my face. Don’t forget to mention that trail hunting with horse n hounds and terriers is being banned too.
I wouldn't want to be a kid going from private to state school That'll be a reality check for them It's hard for me to sympathise with people in private schools, but i totally agree that it's just a pushed through strategy that will end up badly like most the other stuff labour will do
@ryansweeney1661 why? the ones affected will be the kids of the grafters who have saved to get their kids into decent education (like any parents capable would), not the ancestrally minted parents, who will just pay the VAT without even noticing and probably will claim it back as a business expense through some other rich loophole.
Well, I find people in public schools they think they are better They behave like they are better I've never met anyone from the middle class that ever cared about me or my class So why should I care about them ? At the end of the day , my class is at the bottom and gets treated like that from everyone I don't hate people in private schools, but I certainly have no sympathy for them I was homeless, starving many times, not one of them came to help or care about me or my people But it doesn't mean I agree with labour making them pay for money
"Taxes are there to do good". I don't really know how to start taking that apart but that's almost the most Orwellian statement I've ever heard, ignorance is strength.
indeed taxes "should" be there to pay for public infrastructure, but we all know these days that government is quite desperate for the public NEVER to know how they spend the taxes because they dont like the idea of a revolution.
Faith schools a waste of time the Koran is not a study book but a story book there should be no room for this crazyness
@@peteduch2151 What about Jewish, catholic and other faiths. It not just the Muslim faith it will affect.
The what now? Oddly your observation is undermined a little by you being unable to spell the name of the book.
We should all learn about the Quran. Especially libz.
@Themanwithnoname386 if you need it to run your life go ahead
@Themanwithnoname386 Islam is evil,... no one needs to learn about it.
Imagine what the UK will be like in 4 years.
no imagination needed, you'll be kneeling on a carpet chanting "alan's snack bar" or be in prison for being a native and complaining.
Without a change in government spending it doesn't look very good.Labour always spend too much and always end up with an economic disaster.The mistake they made this time is they gave away too much to the public service workers especially the railway workers.We can't afford it as a country but time will tell.They are also tapping too much off the money markets.
Yeah, we'd all rather be shafted by a Tory government that did FA for the nation in over 14 years, but throw our public purse to their friends and donors.
History is a good thing to learn about and get to know real truths, the Tory party has never in its whole history, not even once left the country or the people that live within in better shape, healthier or with a healthier economic standard.
The Tories just means a lack of investment in the UK and its people.
Perhaps with the Tories being in power ever again in the foreseeable future perhaps we can get the chance, money, time to repair at least so of the damage and neglect that we have always had from the Conservatives.
Lack of vision and future planing is a Tory trait that takes us back to before Victorian times and their brutality of the working classes.
Jacob Reece - Mogg would love to see us back and stuck in that era permanently.
@@andyt741shire law is based on surrender this is the root being taken but still have to pay intrest on your mortgage
@@andyt741your a racist.
Many people who fall into Labour's class war don't understand that punishing others won't improve their lives. Often, it has the opposite effect in the long run. History has taught this lesson over and over again. Yet Labour still plays it.
They've been found out quicker this time,that's all!
History hasn’t proven anything other than keeping the status quo. How is a rich person with a less than average child getting a top class education when a poor intelligent kid is not even getting adequate education improving society?
She is contemplating an exit tax to leave the country so they must know. Rachel (never an economist) Reeves is a midwit.
These tax policies are a symptom of policy makers only ever having worked in government institutions.
Spot on.Rachel Reeves for CEO of Shell and I don't think!
My brother went to private school through infant and junior education and ended up as a drug addicted cretin (he is 4 years older than me). I went to iInfant and junior state schooling then onto a State funded Secondary School and later a State funded Technology Colege to get an HNC. Private education is elitist and not in the interests of the UK particularly since Brexs*it and the destruction caused by the last "Government". If you can afford to privately educate your children, then the schools that willingly suck up your cash need to pay for it, and bill you accordingly, because State schools can, with sufficient funding, surpass what these creaky and weird organisations are about.
After what happened in Ireland, I should think anyone thinking about going into teaching, will have second thoughts
Any force attracts a reaction. In our modern world children seem to suffer most. Moreover the current government are a miserable advertisement for State education.
@@yousoufkirkwood6289 and the last 14 years of privately educated plonkers has been brilliant I suppose?🤣🤣🤣🤣
That’s what they want, RR put a tweet out a while back saying we should abolish private schools altogether 😢
Wasn't this in Labours manifesto? The parents have the last 6 months to decide what to do it's up to them, as for VAT it's the Tories who always put it up, from 8% to 15% (good old Maggie) from 15% to 17-5% from 17-5% to 20% and of course that's for everyone to pay!
Because of tax avoidance by the wealthy.
Britain needs very top downwards change!
Very well said professor, you speak words of wisdom, and I enjoyed the content, a lot of this I did not know any of this
2:33 We all need luck for next year with labour 5crewing anyone who works for a living 🙏
The private school I attended in Scotland has in the last few years advertised a scheme in Africa for pupils to attend with drastically reduced fees. The scheme attracted a big response resulting in a large influx of Africans with their children. The parents got jobs in supermarkets and driving busses etc., Well, that scheme no longer exists and the parents can now no longer afford the real price, £15,000 plus vat a term. This has resulted in a massive influx to the academies in the region causing class room numbers to overflow. The African parents also club together to take short term rental of property within the school catchment area of their preferred alternative, to ensure their children get a place at the school to the detriment of legally qualifying local children. This started when the Tories were in power so, as has been stated before - Labour and Tory are both cheeks of the same arse.
You have to wonder who was behind this scheme, and who was subsidising it, because someone or something was. Why would Scotland want to educate Africans when those subsidies could have been given to socio-economically deprived indigenous white Scottish children whose parents would jump at the chance for their kids to have a private education at a reduced fee.
An interesting lesson from Modern Monetary Theory is that taxes aren’t to generate revenue. All government spending is new money, taxes act to withdraw money to control inflation and nudge behaviour etc. But not to generate income for the government.
@@DrBenVincent Correct.
Governments and Banks print as much money as needed
Tax and Interest rates are merely a brake on Inflation. A way to destroy excess money.
HMRC does not have a big vault full of cash.
Almost certainly this tax will cost the government money rather than make any
Segregated education divides society, whether this is according to religion or the ability to pay.
@@nicholasbethell2921 Bring back Grammars. Segregation by ability.
And 4 years of more borrowing. It`s not going to end well.
@@damianbutterworth2434 We've had a National Debt since 1692.
It has averaged 92% of GDP and peaked at 248% in 1947.
A stain on Labour for disrupting the education of the children affected . I had no envy of those that used it, which seems the stance of that party, and I went through state system, as did all of my children
Hmmph! Professor, it's not a great surprise that Reeve's action is based on unfortunate lack of thought to this matter. She suffers from nearsightedness and doesn't recognise the fact that it's a single action out of others that demonstrate it! She's simply the same as with other things as well. The Inheritance difficulties with her policies of farming. Demonstrate it only too well! Thus could severely backfire on her.
The Great Socialist Ideal of the Labour Government certainly has created a Happy Population ,
The Emanuel Prep School is hiding behind the VAT charge as an excuse - in 2019 it had 681 pupils - in 2024 it was down to 467 - a more than 35% drop off. This is from a parents forum back in 2020 - its been dying for year before we had a Labour Govt
"Any Emanuel parents feeling disillusioned and fed up with the school? Massive changes to the school over the last 2-3 years seem to have created a huge concern for the ‘wider community’ and pupils of other ‘local’ schools at the cost of a complete indifference to it’s own current pupils. Fee increases coupled with poor teaching; high turnover of inexperienced staff; massive amounts of homework (which teachers sometimes can’t be bothered to mark); anxiety from pupils that teaching is insufficient to support exam passes; very little interest in sport. Anyone any idea what’s going on there?"
We have relied that integrity in politics would prevail, that only the trustworthy could be successful to govern us. Those days are over. Now we need honesty and integrity laws to begin applying to MPs to give a platform to oppose runaway governments.
@@buntthebass Thatcher attacked Trust. Blair, Cameron and Johnson destroyed it.
How else do we pay up to 79B for the length of the Chagos Island deal?
Then there's reparations on top of that.
Then theres all the other islands that need the same resolution.
It's very selfish to expect to put on your heating when we've got so much to say sorry for.
I say triple the taxes, then we won't feel so guilty living on the street.
How about following Finland and banning the private sector from education then no one can complain and the schools would have to be fully funded and I would do the same with healthcare then politicians of all colours would have to fully fund them.
Sent private schools have charity status..if so they need to demonstrate benefits to us the public.. 🙄🙄🙄🥴🥴😎
Improvements in society should be made lifting the bottom up & not smashing everything to leave nothing of note or value. Labour branded nihilism is just destructive leaving nothing useful or of any value.
The Tories are the World Champions in imposing ideological nastiness. We've had 14 years of it.
It hasn't stopped.
You are so twisted by your political ideology it seems you don t care what your Labour parties does ... pensioners, children and the private sector... we saw people like you in Germany in the 30's.. the brown shirts
@@marshyman66. Tripe.
@@marshyman66 You need therapy. I'd make an appointment tomorrow if I was you.
@ Rubbish.
The pinch is being felt in the South of England & there are no places for kids leaving private ed in the likes of Surrey. Starmer had his high end education free & came out with poor results considering the silver spoon investment in him. Something just does not add up. But he does prefer Davos to Westminster & has no time for White England......
..."It's all a waste of electric..." said grandma
It is only going to get worse for all of us.
Only two things are certain in life, death and more taxes and Reeves has delivered on both.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
This is a real hatchet job, no matter how you look at it.
Labour will never learn.
Wealth, business, and know-how are disappearing into the ether equally matching the speed of vanishing common sense by Labour.
There are some 30,000 state schools in the UK. Even if a whopping (and highly unlikely) 30,000 private pupils dropped out of the private system, that would amount to one pupil per state school on average. Strained as our state schools are after more than a decade of underfunding, I'm sure they'd be able to take up the slack.
@@ftumschk Numerically illiterate comment. There are only around 3400 secondary schools. Please research, do your home and submit your answer back to the professor. You get an F
@marshyman66 Still 10 per school I suppose is a point?
@@marshyman66there are 30,000 state schools. No one said secondary schools - can you understand English ?
hmm. sounds like complete bollocks seeing as how Surrey council has already issued a communique saying it has no spare places in years 9 10 or 11 of its state schools. because it has 20% of its pupils educated independently normally and expects there to be 2400 pulled out of private schools there. numbers are not spread even round the country and to think they can be is extremely naive. something else Rachel from accounts obviously didnt cover in her degree.
@ if one want to bandy numerical arguments then do the research. It is not hard. There are currently 32,163 schools in the UK. Of these, 3,079 are nurseries or early-learning centres, 20,806 are primary schools, 23 are middle schools and 4,190 are secondary schools. There are 2,461 independent schools, 1,546 special schools, 57 non-maintained special schools and 348 pupil referral units (PRUs). One needs to add context. Are we saying we should put 15 year old pupils in state nursery. ??
Yippee, it’s obviously he is doing all the hard decisions now, if you don’t understand that people have a short memory then to quote Bob Dylan “Then I will go out and say a prayer for you.”
If all public schools were funded properly, taxpayer-funded private schools would not be needed.
So how much do you think we need to fund them by? Currently £7500 per pupil .. £55 Billion per annum. Vat on private schools means zip on this and what is needed.
@@marshyman66 If all public schools were funded properly, taxpayer-funded private schools would not be needed. The UK is a first-world country and requires a well-educated workforce to secure and increase everybody's lifestyle. A well-funded public school system is necessary; private schools are a luxury we can do without. Private schools have a right to exist but must stand on their own feet and fund themselves fully and without tax breaks.
A socialist unaffordable option.
@@honberg193 A country that cannot afford to look after its children shouldn't exist and has no right to exist, Children are the future of every civilized country and indeed civilization itself. Are you even human or an AI algorithm, honbery?
but why should these schools get away with not paying things that main stream have to
Like what. ?
Education is a necessary good, so should be VAT free. Also, by paying for their education, they are not using public money for state education. Another massive mistake by Labour.
@@Globaldave1970Ha ha ha ha that's good.
They didn't waste money on you clearly.
Less than 7% of people send their kids to private schools and the majority of them can afford the VAT.
Thats why thousands have transferred to state schools. Minimal tax gain for huge unpopularity. Hope they think it is worth it.
Is that a fact?
@@yousoufkirkwood6289 Yes. Last year 557,000 out of 9.3 million kids.
About 6%.
You presume! Bet you voted Liebour!
@@Globaldave1970Why would they have moved before the VAT rules comes into force ?
Shameful Labour
No it doesn't. No tax will be payable until six months in to 2025/26.
6 October 2025.
But the Vat is applied from 1st Jan. Rachel from accounts is giving parents 6 months to get the cash.. maybe selling grannies down the car boot
Hello Professor I was wondering if you could perhaps do a video about political nastyness in the future because I think its a interesting topic and discussion and to explore if that's just the norm for British politics now, overblown or just a phase where it will dissipate away again. Thank you
Labour haven't grown out of the "soak the rich" rhetoric. I fear their projected revenue figures will be just as accurate as all their other pledges.
I thought you were going to say as accurate as Boris Johnson and his pledges !!! Where have you been for the last 14 years ?
@californiadreamin8423 the big difference is Labour are going to do some serious damage, I mean *serious* damage and this is no praise at all for the Tories; simply net zero is going to come to a head during this parliament.
The 'law of diminishing returns' has to be accounted for else the taxman could end up with less revenue.Honest money is the best way to enforce efficiency and mistakes cannot be coverd up by printing money.
@@Charonupthekuiper Be specific….what serious damage , and which crystal ball are you using ? I see you subscribe to Taylor…..is he your crystal ball ?
@@californiadreamin8423 just look at the industry collapsing now, not all unique to Britain and not all Labour's doing but the flat line figures since July are not a great sign. Labour have a habit of taxing jobs right back to the bizarre selective employment tax in the 60s. I hope I am wrong because my pension funds will tank along with the rest of the economy, but I have no confidence in a chancellor who wasn't 100% accurate with her career description.
Remember Tories/Capitalists have their cruel ideology which impoverishes many in our Society too. Adequate funding for all so there is no need for private schools. The Finnish education system is a good example to follow.
Labour traditionally supports the ‘working class’.
However the people who this will effect the most, will be the working class! 🤦♂️
So you support the magic money tree policy of yesteryear. Did you vote for Jeremy Corbyn?
You mean the cleaners at the private schools.
@@davidsmith5523 The inheritance tax on farmers plus VAT on schools will raise about 1 billion. Spend about 7 billion on pampering illegal immigrants. Labour hate us Brits.
Cos all working class kids attend private school?
@karencarroll1324 You mean Aproved schools lol
I like the way you put this. After all, the way it has been done will have far worse effects than if they were brought in gradually. However, i cannot see any way in which these tax increases will do any good at all. I suspect we shall see a reduction in tax receipts and an increase in public spending.
Ideology should never lead economic or fiscal policy.
Where should government get money from? To do things?
Unfortunately,Labour punish the hard workers and reward the shirkers in both taxation and excessive public spending.
@shadrana1 shirkers such as junior doctors do you mean?
Tim, as a working class man, why should private schools be treated differently to public education? So feck em.
He won't reply. Just reads newspaper articles. But he does appear to support the Harry Potter sorting theory of life.
... because private schools are "charidees", apparently.
The question really is! Blackhole you have to raise taxes. So a socialist governent, I'm not a socialist. Either raises it from taxing the poor or the richer. The reality is. You may get your child a slightly better education by paying or get it free on normal taxation. I've been a governor in a state school. They waste money, so must private schools.
@honberg193 Private schools by negotiating favourable conditions are socialist then. Same as employers who don't pay enough wages for tgrircemployees to live on so that to survive, these employees must apply for tax credits.
You seem to dislike socislism. Which part do you object to most?
Just curious. I would prefer you site a real world example if possible. From practise in the UK from th3 last 1ee 00 years.
Not some monsters uhder the bed parable from someone's fevered imagination. If you can?
@@davidsmith5523 David I'm not a socialist, but I'm Farley Liberal with what people do with their lives. I waa brought up on a socialist household. I do beleive unison's need to exist. The NHS etc. I would call myself now a centrist. The part of socialism I detest is anything which is related to Neo maoism. Which is quite wide these days. Feminism, social constructionist, egalitarianism idea being pushed on society. If the shoe fits then wear it. Don't makeup philosophies and ideology to explain nature. Calling your self politcal identities such as non binary. If someone has a genuine medical condition then that's diferent. I call these the radical left. It apears in todays world politcaly people are being pushed to the extremes of the left and the right. Even if they aren't. So I'm not in opposition to salt of the earth traditional non communism socialism, but I say I'll take science over bullshite as far as Liberal science over ideology.
The Times reports the City of London is in for a bit of a boom year ahead. Shein are going to list on the LSE, predicted to be valued at $50bn. You see the thing is we now have freed ourselves of EU control and the steps taken recently by Starmer on improving relations with China has born fruit. The UK should stop being so miserable and be on the look out for business opportunity to replace all the crud that is failing. There are a lot of changes going on in the global economy at the moment. Being out of the EU can make us more nimble. By the time the EU has agreed something we can already be doing it.
As for tax rises, well it makes it tougher for organizations, but look at how China coped with US sanctions. It just made them economically fitter than before. Some of our greatest minds have had some of the hardest lives and often it is this that pushes them into achieving beyond the ordinary. There will be more modern ways to replace the education these failing schools can not now do. Also you often find the reality of the measures when brought in are far less severe than the papers go on about. I hear for farmers they can claim allowances upto £3m in some circumstances. The tax will cause land prices to drop as it is less of a tax avoidance thing and then they will find it was not so bad after all. Around our area you see farmers driving some swanky new Range Rovers. They have been supported by Tories for years.
You certainly have got it wrong.Big business is leaving the LSE and moving to New York.We certainly have more flexibility getting out of Europe but Labour have increased costs all around the NI hikes.Business will simply cut costs by getting rid of bodies and increasing prices where they can.
@@shadrana1 Chinese firms want to get out of the US but are unwelcome in the EU. We could provide a home for them away from home. The hikes in NI are trivial compared to the sanctions imposed by the US. Right now they are trying to build a huge London embassy. I think it is clear they want to increase business here. Our industry is very inefficient, so they could make it worth a lot more with better management and the right investment.
Being nimble has gotten you worse trade deals than when you were an EU member.
@@patrickmccarthy5462 I think the global economy will become more free market. You are as good as the products you have for sale. Protectionism is like keeping a wild animal in a zoo. As soon as it faces the wild it can't compete and dies. The EU market system is too much in the control of politicians, and often those who don't understand industry. They have quotas for everything. I think we should get back more to playing our old game and look to the wider world. A lot of developing countries are starting to get rich now. They need kitting out with modern technology which we should be in a position to supply them.
My son’s private school class, had nearly half the class leave this summer for state school.
Didn't you vote for labour professor or am I mistaken.
Even he can see this policy is misguided and spiteful
Aw my heart bleeds for all the Little Lord Fauntleroys. Will Mummy have to sell her 5th favourite Bentley to pay for Whitsun term?? Diddums.
The royals send their kids to such schools and it won’t affect them, we will pay it , there’s no way their school will close
We managed with 35 plus in a class Tim.
He’s obsessed.
Reeves is right. These taxes are right. Faith schools need to close - teaching kids nonsense. Any institution capable of producing things like Johnson needs to go.
It takes a real accounting genius to impose a tax that costs the government money
Are you an accounting genius ?
@@californiadreamin8423 when pricing a tax or any other commodity you have to be able understand the difference between the possible and the impossible.
@@shadrana1 ….and you do. Write to your MP and copy Rachel Reeves into it.
RIP President Carter. He was truly a good man
He was but what’s that got to do with this upload😂
@timetraveller9321 What's that got to do with you
Big Diddums for the extremely wealthy having to pay some tax lmao
They dont care. Its the struggling middle class families who will now use public funds to send their children to state schools. Massive blunder by Labour.
Any short term gain will be dwarfed by the long term losses this budget will cause.
Great video and I agree with you. I don’t have an objection private schools paying VAT, but it does need to be phased in, as all tax changes do. I’m not saying 15 years, but something reasonable. The only thing I disagree with is the statement 1minute 42 seconds in “if one person is hurt by this it is bad”. Taxes would never change if no individual is ever adversely impacted. Having disagreed with this one statement I agree with the message.
It will raise a smidgen. Less than a billion. Spaff 7 billion on year on pandering to illegal invaders.
except of course this isnt a loophole "break" as all other other education is VAT exempt. it cant be a "break" if nobody else pays it either. This is a punishment tax.
One of the biggest issues for me is that they bring it in in the middle of the school yeat with no warning. Kids who are getting ready to take exams this year and have to change school will be scuppered! Not to mention that they will likely be the prime targets for the school bullies
So will this be extended to private nurseries which there are a huge numbers and which are funded by local authorities for those on benefits. ?? Also will private tutors now have to charge VAT. ? Answers on a post card please.
That funding is now basicicaly not party political anymore. Both saw the advantages.
This ideological communism of spreading the jam evenly will just mean that the educational dumbing down will spread wider.
You think government should deliberately supress certain citizens do you? Do you think government is just a business? Nothing else?
@ We already have political prisoners, the government is a corporation, your council, the police, the judiciary are all corporations. And therefore yes they are all about making money. I have my councils corporation number.
Double figure interest rates before end of labours term
@@gswiftgs23 Don't be ridiculous.
I’m heartbroken, but when state schools roofs are safe from RAAC concrete collapse, it will all have been worth it.
PS Tomorrow I’m going skinny dipping in Etons boating lake which can be seen from outer space, and if I need to relieve myself then I might have a smile on my face.
Don’t forget to mention that trail hunting with horse n hounds and terriers is being banned too.
hatred over reason
@ Nonsense. You should go skinny dipping in Etons boating lake, farmboy.
I wouldn't want to be a kid going from private to state school
That'll be a reality check for them
It's hard for me to sympathise with people in private schools, but i totally agree that it's just a pushed through strategy that will end up badly like most the other stuff labour will do
@ryansweeney1661 why? the ones affected will be the kids of the grafters who have saved to get their kids into decent education (like any parents capable would), not the ancestrally minted parents, who will just pay the VAT without even noticing and probably will claim it back as a business expense through some other rich loophole.
That's how I feel , it is what it is
You can have your opinion on it, and that will be that
Why so much hatred? What did they do to you?
@@steveday6671 One of the truest comments I have seen on You Tube...
Well, I find people in public schools they think they are better
They behave like they are better
I've never met anyone from the middle class that ever cared about me or my class
So why should I care about them ?
At the end of the day , my class is at the bottom and gets treated like that from everyone
I don't hate people in private schools, but I certainly have no sympathy for them
I was homeless, starving many times, not one of them came to help or care about me or my people
But it doesn't mean I agree with labour making them pay for money
"Taxes are there to do good". I don't really know how to start taking that apart but that's almost the most Orwellian statement I've ever heard, ignorance is strength.
indeed taxes "should" be there to pay for public infrastructure, but we all know these days that government is quite desperate for the public NEVER to know how they spend the taxes because they dont like the idea of a revolution.
That is a nonsense unless you don't pay tax.Ignorance is more strength,you get more benefits from the welfare.
@shadrana1 welfare holds people down like crabs in a bucket.