Les Go Dan Gna (Joaquin "Joe" Claussell)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
  • As we approach the end of April, the celebration of life for my dear friend @chrissantosmix continues.
    In today’s TV…we present Joaquin “Joe” Claussell’s masterpiece: Les Go Dan Gna (Sacred Rhythm Vokal Journey)
    Chris would always play both versions of this remix (Sacred Rhythm Vokal Journey & Sacred Rhythm Drum Long Mix). However, I truly believe this version was his favorite, as it also included keys from the late Boyd Jarvis. Chris and Boyd’s friendship would expand for decades. If you knew Boyd, and his contribution to dance music dates back from the days of Larry Levan’s Paradise Garage…chances are you would have known Chris. Both Chris & Boyd would eventually collaborate to bring the Suvonic Movement…(more on that next Tuesday).
    In the meantime, enjoy…and stay blessed.
    Produced by Bruce Swedien
    Remix and new music produced & arranged by Joaquin “Joe” Claussell
    Additional production by Boyd Jarvis
    Vocals by: Les Go: Maate Keita, Awa Sangho, Alama Kante
    Programming, Bass & Percussion: Joaquin “Joe” Claussell
    Percussion: Daniel Moreno
    Keyboards: Boyd Jarvis
    African Drums: Daniel Moreno, Olu, and Joaquin “Joe” Claussell
    Spiritual Life Music 2001
    #vinyl #housemusic #gratitudetomusic #suvonicmovement #tuesdayvinyl #supportyourlocalrecordstore

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