I like a lot of this, however, it makes me feel like I have to be perfect. I'd rather just be my best self and accept myself the way I am. I have men fallin all over me and I'm just my natural self.
Really love your site, I understand that these are generic observations. I have found that however confident, supportive or try to change to be a better person, when you are physically ugly and overweight, the only men you attract are men who want to be financially looked after. They feed you all the right lines, make you feel special, then take all you have and hurt you terribly. Solution be born pretty.😢
Oh Claire, this is so sad!!! Everyone has their own beauty. God doesn’t make ugly people. I truly believe we can make themselves more beautiful these days with make up, having our hair nicely done, nice lashes and nails… and yes we even have Botox, fillers or even surgery if something is really bothering us about the way we look. Weight is a really hard one. No one feels good when they are overweight, and weight is important to men. No one needs to be super skinny but we do need to be healthy! These days we have so many solutions, diet, exercise and now we have weight loss medications!!! Do whatever it takes till you feel healthy and good about yourself so you feel that your outer beauty is matching your inner beauty.. It’s up to you to make whatever changes you need in your life. Don’t ever tell yourself you are ugly!! When you are happy with yourself, the right guy will come. Go for it! Much love
Hey girl, you need to change your mind set (easier said than done I realize). True beauty shines from the inside out, even if you feel XYZ about yourself. God made us all different and that’s the beauty of love and people. Don’t dim your light for anyone and I mean that. You better shine bright and make people feel uncomfortable with your presence. Shine so bright people need their sunglasses 😎! Your authentic self will attract the correct person for you. Love yourself in your loneliness, that will radiate a beauty that will be so remarkable your confidence will boost so fast you won’t even recognize yourself. At that point, you will detach easier, let things flow and not need validation from any outside source - only God! That is the greatest gift. Happy 2025, you got this ❤🙏🏼🎉!
I love this and i am going to start implementing all of this in my life and become a better version of myself
I like a lot of this, however, it makes me feel like I have to be perfect. I'd rather just be my best self and accept myself the way I am. I have men fallin all over me and I'm just my natural self.
Really love your site, I understand that these are generic observations. I have found that however confident, supportive or try to change to be a better person, when you are physically ugly and overweight, the only men you attract are men who want to be financially looked after. They feed you all the right lines, make you feel special, then take all you have and hurt you terribly. Solution be born pretty.😢
Oh Claire, this is so sad!!! Everyone has their own beauty. God doesn’t make ugly people. I truly believe we can make themselves more beautiful these days with make up, having our hair nicely done, nice lashes and nails… and yes we even have Botox, fillers or even surgery if something is really bothering us about the way we look. Weight is a really hard one. No one feels good when they are overweight, and weight is important to men. No one needs to be super skinny but we do need to be healthy! These days we have so many solutions, diet, exercise and now we have weight loss medications!!! Do whatever it takes till you feel healthy and good about yourself so you feel that your outer beauty is matching your inner beauty.. It’s up to you to make whatever changes you need in your life. Don’t ever tell yourself you are ugly!! When you are happy with yourself, the right guy will come. Go for it! Much love
Hey girl, you need to change your mind set (easier said than done I realize). True beauty shines from the inside out, even if you feel XYZ about yourself. God made us all different and that’s the beauty of love and people. Don’t dim your light for anyone and I mean that. You better shine bright and make people feel uncomfortable with your presence. Shine so bright people need their sunglasses 😎! Your authentic self will attract the correct person for you. Love yourself in your loneliness, that will radiate a beauty that will be so remarkable your confidence will boost so fast you won’t even recognize yourself. At that point, you will detach easier, let things flow and not need validation from any outside source - only God! That is the greatest gift. Happy 2025, you got this ❤🙏🏼🎉!