EnderHeart5911 actually,....HK-47 survived 'til the clone wars and tried making a droid army but failed and was scrapped but translated his consciousness to a computer and his body was made in to a jet pack....but he is still alive
The only companion of Revan who COULD have lived that long is Zaalbar. Wookiees have long lives; Han Solo's foster mother was 600ish when she was killed
I disagree. Revan was strong, indeed, but after he was released from captivity he wasn't the same Revan we know, but a megalomaniac psychopath that thinks he is some sort of messiah. In other words, what we saw in KotOR and before it was Revan in his prime, now it is a tortured, delusional old man
As a longtime KoTOR player myself, I believe SWTOR portrayed Revan well enough. He was hardly ever invincible, and was always a flawed but driven and respectable character. Besides, it’s pretty much made clear he’s weakened after being held captive by Emperor Vitiate. Darth Malgus explains he hasn’t been free for long, and likely isn’t all right in the head. Plus, anyone who actually plays the game beyond the class story levels knows this isn’t the last we see of him or HK-47.
I watched all videos about ToR because I do not play it. I knew that most comments hate what ToR did to to Revan. I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks that TOR potrayed Revan logically ( I did not like it, but it made sense for me). This video showed me the whole quest which comes to the Foundry, and when we met HK-47 and his explanation about Revan's plan, I was like "whoa it is insane, but it is very-Revan" (based on HK-47 word's about Revan's plan during Mandalorian war in kotor 2). I noticed many plotholes in TOR's Revan story, but I still find the story enjoyable. Honestly, the main reasons I dislike the Revan story in TOR are; (1) the ending of Revan's novel is too cruel. Revan and the Exile deserved their happiness. And knowing Revan never meet his son is so heartbreaking and unfair, even Anakin met Luke and Leia. (2) Revan is NOT the one who kill the emperor. The emperor is literally the one who influence Revan the most (he and malak become sith, jedi civil war, torturing him for 300 years, separating him with his family), and he had no role in killing him!!! I said it is BS! Anakin killed the one who destroy his whole life (Palpatine), why cant Revan.
Exactly. In Revan novel we start to see what happens to you when you are overhyped (and I mean that as "in-universe"). We start to see Revan's obsession with the Sith Empire and it's Emperor. For the sake of that obsession he abandons his friends and family, after being freed 300 years later he sacrifices the Jedi way to commit genocide "for the greater good". Some people just don't get that after all the praise Revan got, after failing repeatedly to kill Vitiate and after being tortured for 300 years it's no longer the Revan we grew to know and love, but just an old, megalomaniac, delusional murderer with a messiah complex
@@HonestHappyHater No no, people get that perfectly. People just don't like that that's what happened. I've seen some epic what if's where Revan, Meetra and Scourge defeat the emperor 300 years before swtor. Search "What if Revan Killed The Sith Emperor?" from the channel "100% Star Wars". What an amazing conclusion that would have been.
@@Kyfas7 I honestly would've preferred the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline but set in the immediate aftermath of KOTOR II. Revan would've gone to face Tenebrae again only to be defeated and imprisoned in Carbonite. Not long after that, Tenebrae would've then unleashed the full might of the true Sith Empire upon the galaxy, which would naturally have fallen without a fight given that the Republic was already on the verge of total collapse at the time all while there was only fewer than a dozen Jedi alive in total by that point in time. Meanwhile, the Exile and T3-M4 would've eventually made their way to Dromund Kaas, rescued Revan from his imprisonment and then escape with him back to the now conquered and defeated Galactic Republic. From there, the rest of the story would revolve around trying to liberate the galaxy and stop Tenebrae from enacting his galaxy-consuming ritual with the backing of all of the characters from both of the previous KOTOR games (Carth Onasi and Bastila Shan would be leaders of an underground resistance movement, Canderous Ordo would be leading the Mandalorians in a crusade against the true Sith Empire alongside the Resistance, HK-47 would be serving as an assassin that's been targeting/exterminating key Sith/Imperial meatbags all across the galaxy under orders of the Resistance, etc., etc.). That's just my 2 cents, of course.
Meetra Surik, the legendary jedi exile, Breaker of the Sith Triumvirate, Honorary general of the galactic republic during the mandalorian war, died in cold blood, betrayed by Lord Scourge, Revan watched helplessly as his most trusted ally fell lifelessly to the ground, impaled from behind, the story of the prodigal knight and the jedi exile, KOTOR FOREVER
That was so sad with Revan :( I ****ing loved KoTOR 1 & 2; to see him die like tha was sad - really depressing. Revan is still Revan, though, if anything I cannot believe he had the strength to hold on as well as he did.
Actually... people cried about how it was 'unrealistic' that four of the empire's greatest heroes could 'kill' Revan, so instead of actually killing him Bioware edited Revan's animation so he just disappears. Bioware is leaving it open in case they ever want to bring him 'back' via expansion..
Actual characterization of Revan and HK perfect, how they were beaten unacceptable. Also Revan's last words I nearly cried, that was one of the best lines in all of Star Wars.
I get that they are the best the empire has to offer...but this is Revan we are talking about. The guy that managed to resist the Emperors corruption for a couple houndred years. The guy that went all darkside badass just to become a good guy badass all over again.
Revan was a master tactician, and a truly loved character for many. While I agree he had to die at some point I think the fans deserved a better conclusion/continuation of his story and legacy. Chris Avellones take on Revan was truly spectacular and I am very saddened to see his character end and be portrayed like this.
@@Rez090 From what I've read, purple lightsabers represent not being a grey jedi, but the moral ambiguity of the wielder. And Mace Windu had a lot of potential darkness within him. Which was part of what led him to develop Form VII Vaapad. As a way of channeling his inner darkness for the sake of fighting for the light, but also, according to Count Dooku, skirting the edges of the dark side.
5:12 Why didn't they take her blaster pistol? Once you take someone prisoner, the VERY first thing your supposed to do is take their gun/blaster away, then search them to make sure they aren't hiding anything else.
(2/2) It’s just a short period of time from his life where he’s *my* character and where I can actually account for his choices. Also my Revan is female in most playthroughs, I hate Bastilla and love Carth so I see this male Revan even less as *my Revan*. Don’t know how to explain this any better. Hope you get my meaning.
Revan is the best ever, he was charismatic and scary. He was a great Sith-Lord and a powerful Jedi. He married and he was wise. He should have been the jedi who killed the Emperor, Lord Vitiate
This guy showed him soloing Revan with a level 50 for the ease of recording. Realistically, Revan was taken out by 2 of the most powerful Sith lords of the time as they are nearing their full potential and one of which takes out a dark council member shortly after. Also among the strike team, an imperial Agent with plenty of experience taking out powerful force users having defeated Darth Jadus with only a Killik joiner as assistance. And lastly, a Mandalorian Grand champion that has the highest force user kill count of any non-Jedi/Sith class in the game. So imagine it being like he got 4v1ed by Visas, Dark Bastila, Canderous, and the meatbag equivalent of HK-47. And even though the Shadow of Revan expansion is pure garbage, it was an operation so imagine him getting 8v1ed by Malak, Nihilus, light side Bastila, a Jedi who succeeded where he failed by killing Vitiate, Canderous, meatbag equivalent of HK-47, Canderous again, and Atton. But you shouldn't imagine that because Shadow of Revan was pure garbage and should be forgotten faster than KOTOR 2.
Didn't enjoy it. Thought the only good companions were Canderous and HK-47, straight up did not want to bring on G0-T0 to my crew but the game forced me to. Saw Kreia coming a million miles away and she was incredibly irritating every second she was in my party. The Jedi masters are incredibly stupid and annoying and utterly indefensible. And I don't mean in the hamfisted way the writers intended so it'd be easier to see Kreia's point of view. Speaking of which, Kreia fails as a villain because her one supposedly good character quality is that you're supposed to see where she's coming from, but if you stop to think about it for more than five seconds her philosophy makes no sense and she's worse than any of the people she rejected. And then there's Darth Edgelord. Nihilus has 0 character and is the worst Star Wars villain I have ever encountered, and I played KOTET so I include Vaylin in that. If he didn't look cool or didn't have a planet death ritual no one would give a shit about him. So the most compelling villain is the scarred up guy who heals himself and manages to blow away both of the game's other villains in the 2 minutes of dialog you have during your duel on Malachor V, not that that's saying much. And the game is stupid easy compared to the original KOTOR. KOTOR occasionally had some really hard fights that you had to save scum pretty hard, but the sequel never got even close to difficult.
(1/2) Idk, I think I’m actually more attached to my SWTOR chars than to Revan. Maybe it’s just that I see Revan as less *mine* since I didn’t have any impact on most of his story (Jedi Revan, Darth Revan and the post-KotOR events from the book). You remember the scene back on Ebon Hawk, after the Leviathan events, when your crew questions you about being Revan and you can say something like “I’m not Revan, I’m INSERTYOURNAMEHERE”? So I kinda feel like this about Revan.
For Sith Warrior I planned on dark side fem, but that’s for later. I don’t know if I can make it, I feel really bad playing dark/renegade characters but I wanted to have at least one, to see what it’s like. And I was thinking Malavai Quinn was a great match for a dark side char. We’ll see..
I hope that one day Star Wars in make a KOTOR trilogy. With all the great characters and story points we know from the games. Revan is probably my favorite character in all of Star Wars. Was a Sith Lord and then a Jedi Master. I love his story from the first 2 games. Wasn't a fan of what they did with him in the book or this game.
Terrible portrayal of Revan. He reinstates his extreme, mass-geonicdal tendancies as when he was Darth Revan and continues to rely on ancient Rakatan Star Forges, learning nothing of how he and the super weapons failed in the past. It is either poor writing that contradicts his story after redemption, or he has gone completely mad and returned to be Darth Revan despite him disowning the title.
Why did SWTOR forced us to fight the character we onced we're I remember kotOR and now all the good days is gone Making us kill HK-47 and Revan and then take the foundry? My goodnes BioWare ruined it.
Lol she’d be right to think you’re a fanboy ;))) Anyway Revan and Bastila’s grand grand grand… daughter Satele Shan also has those little braids! So cute! :D
I really hate what Bioware did to Reven. From my experience with KOTOR and the novels, Reven was this ultimate Jedi that had tasted of both sides of the force; dark and light, finding a perfect medium in-between. He wasn't a mindless emotionless drone of the light nor was he a brutal arrogant killer of the dark. He was the best of both sides. Yet now we seen him in this MMO atrocity as a prisoner of the emperor who tortured him for 300 years. No one wanted an MMO. Everyone screamed for KOTOR 3.
Revan still has a lot of potential. I wish they brought him back as a companion or a quest giver (he could become a military leader again, since it's one of his greater strengths).
Agreed. The thing that made Revan so great as a character was that he used the dark side for the greater good, and he didn't become a goody-good two shoes under the light. Kreia explains that his fall wasn't a fall at all and more like a sacrifice to showcase the weakness in the Jedi Council. Here he's just some overzealous madman.
Question, At this point, had you never done the flashpoint before? because I know once you do it once, you cant get it from the courier droids again, and the robes you are wearing are level 50 robes.
Great to see Revan and HK here. Not a great way for them to show up and go out though. Revan is the ultimate force user. He is the mergence of Light and Dark. The most powerful and The Chosen One. He defeated Mandalore the Ultimate his kind. He beat Malak. He survived Vitiate twice. He survived Vitiate unbroken for 300 years. He deserved better.
people say SWTOR did a BS thing with Revan and that he shouldn't die at the hands of nobody. But really, Revan was executed fairly well and your character is FAR from nobody, they are this game's equivalent of Revan, so yeah.... - Still, I can't forgive the fact that HK-47 was wasted here.
Not really. Emperor had been trying to get all Revan's knowledge out of him, but not only he didn't totally succeed, but also had Revan influence him into believing that the Republic is too strong and it's better to wait before attacking it (while it was really messed up by the Civil Jedi and The Dark Wars). So basically Revan was bullshitting Emperor for 300 years, giving the Republic a chance to recover and get stronger. We can say that Revan saved it once more.
It was inevitable after 300 years waging a mental war with the Emperor - that his mind would be affected by the pure evil he was fighting against. Revan is Revan. No one denies that, but if you play through the story classes, then you'll realise the acomplishments of these guys, who've they beaten is nothing to scoff at. They won this round, Revan will be back once again. His part isn't over.
Well its that he doesn't think anyone else is capable of controlling such said power. People will either fall to the dark in obsession of power, or out of good not utilize its full potential. That's why Revan trusts that only he is capable of controlling such power.
Ha! So I'm guessing that we can expect the Republic Flashpoint where you break out Revan next. What are you gonna do for The False Emperor though? You'd have to be the luckiest player in SWTOR to survive that alone. Although I imagine someone like you can easily find a few like-minded players. Oh, and which storyline and romance are you gonna do after this? I'm hoping for Sith Pureblood Warrior with Vette. Or something light side. But you already knew that.
Because it’s the same person?! YOU, the player! I fail to see why you find that strange. In SWTOR you really feel power of your character, even at lower levels.
I made a Sith Marauder who wears exact armor and color pattern as Revan's except slightly orange and has same color stripe on hood as yours, Blue and Red sabers for his Classic look. Just not the voice :c or scares or beard, just aftershave but it somethin.
Yeah I did it alone, just like the Republic side Revan flashpoints. I keep escaping all conversations to see/record all versions so I guess it would be painful for someone to tag along. :D Revan fight was such a fail though, he knocked back Ashara and she fell off platform and died right at the beginning of the fight so I had to fight him alone *facepalm*
Did you do this whole flashpoint by yourself? Because if you did, even at level 50, taking on a level 38 Champion alone is no small feat. Good luck with the next video, and keep on being light side!
I don't believe this. All this time I thought I kept the Foundry a secret from the Emperor but he knew all along. He wanted me to escape so I could lead his followers right to it.
Yeah, in SW:KOTR-2 there was this part where HK said Revan was going somewhere where he didn`t take anyone. Also another part where Canderous says that Revan had told him to unite all the Mandalore clans and wait for his return. IT is bullshit that the Emeperor had him tortured for 300 years. I refuse to accept this. I rather want to believe that Revan was defending us from an unknown threat because that was who Revan was.
Two things: One, I take it that the young sith lord is you right? Because he looks kind of cool. Two, y does ur character have a green double-bladed lightsaber? Is that a trophy he obtained after killing a Jedi? Just curious.
I know! It must be the voice modulator they use for masked chars :D I don’t play Diablo… maybe one day, I don’t know. It’s not really my type of game, you know? ^^ No romances, not much of a story, and I didn’t even play the first two parts.
"Only I have been Jedi AND Sith!" HAH! Mind wiped by the Emperor to be his drone, then again by the Council. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Revan may have been both Jedi and Sith, but he hardly had a choice in either turn.
It's unclear at this point. It's speculated that he used an ability called Fold Space (basically Force teleport.) I don't know the consequences of this power; I'm sure there's some because we've seen dire drawbacks as more powerful Force techniques are used. Regardless, there was no corpse or even robes like when Obi-Wan and Yoda died. I don't think we've seen the end of Revan just yet.
They aren't non-entitites. The canon hasn't been fully established as of yet, but those characters represent the best of the best of the Empire. Even Revan couldn't face 4 of them by himself.
This is depressing. HK is gone, everyone from KotOR is dead, and Revan died a shell of himself.
Yeah, but this game isn't canon. They could have a KOTOR movie, series or comic with these characters in it! :)
EnderHeart5911 actually,....HK-47 survived 'til the clone wars and tried making a droid army but failed and was scrapped but translated his consciousness to a computer and his body was made in to a jet pack....but he is still alive
HK is never gone. He'll be back when they need new sub-goodies.
The only companion of Revan who COULD have lived that long is Zaalbar. Wookiees have long lives; Han Solo's foster mother was 600ish when she was killed
@@NeidalRuekk exactly, this is 300 years later. Like, what did you guys expect?
The one fight you shouldn't be able to win.
couldn't agree more! you're so damn right!!
Speak for yourself. My Wrath would slaughter this version of Revan. He'd need to be Reborn before he could challenge any of my characters.
I disagree.
Revan was strong, indeed, but after he was released from captivity he wasn't the same Revan we know, but a megalomaniac psychopath that thinks he is some sort of messiah.
In other words, what we saw in KotOR and before it was Revan in his prime, now it is a tortured, delusional old man
And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing. Now I know how you felt my friend.
@@HonestHappyHater the Revan we were in Kotor was literally 3 times weaker than Darth Revan. What we have here is literal injustice
The KotOR theme playing slowly when Revan is talking... I got chills.
As a longtime KoTOR player myself, I believe SWTOR portrayed Revan well enough. He was hardly ever invincible, and was always a flawed but driven and respectable character. Besides, it’s pretty much made clear he’s weakened after being held captive by Emperor Vitiate. Darth Malgus explains he hasn’t been free for long, and likely isn’t all right in the head. Plus, anyone who actually plays the game beyond the class story levels knows this isn’t the last we see of him or HK-47.
I watched all videos about ToR because I do not play it. I knew that most comments hate what ToR did to to Revan. I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks that TOR potrayed Revan logically ( I did not like it, but it made sense for me). This video showed me the whole quest which comes to the Foundry, and when we met HK-47 and his explanation about Revan's plan, I was like "whoa it is insane, but it is very-Revan" (based on HK-47 word's about Revan's plan during Mandalorian war in kotor 2). I noticed many plotholes in TOR's Revan story, but I still find the story enjoyable.
Honestly, the main reasons I dislike the Revan story in TOR are; (1) the ending of Revan's novel is too cruel. Revan and the Exile deserved their happiness. And knowing Revan never meet his son is so heartbreaking and unfair, even Anakin met Luke and Leia. (2) Revan is NOT the one who kill the emperor. The emperor is literally the one who influence Revan the most (he and malak become sith, jedi civil war, torturing him for 300 years, separating him with his family), and he had no role in killing him!!! I said it is BS! Anakin killed the one who destroy his whole life (Palpatine), why cant Revan.
In Revan novel we start to see what happens to you when you are overhyped (and I mean that as "in-universe").
We start to see Revan's obsession with the Sith Empire and it's Emperor. For the sake of that obsession he abandons his friends and family, after being freed 300 years later he sacrifices the Jedi way to commit genocide "for the greater good".
Some people just don't get that after all the praise Revan got, after failing repeatedly to kill Vitiate and after being tortured for 300 years it's no longer the Revan we grew to know and love, but just an old, megalomaniac, delusional murderer with a messiah complex
@@HonestHappyHater No no, people get that perfectly. People just don't like that that's what happened. I've seen some epic what if's where Revan, Meetra and Scourge defeat the emperor 300 years before swtor. Search "What if Revan Killed The Sith Emperor?" from the channel "100% Star Wars". What an amazing conclusion that would have been.
@@Kyfas7 I honestly would've preferred the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline but set in the immediate aftermath of KOTOR II. Revan would've gone to face Tenebrae again only to be defeated and imprisoned in Carbonite. Not long after that, Tenebrae would've then unleashed the full might of the true Sith Empire upon the galaxy, which would naturally have fallen without a fight given that the Republic was already on the verge of total collapse at the time all while there was only fewer than a dozen Jedi alive in total by that point in time.
Meanwhile, the Exile and T3-M4 would've eventually made their way to Dromund Kaas, rescued Revan from his imprisonment and then escape with him back to the now conquered and defeated Galactic Republic.
From there, the rest of the story would revolve around trying to liberate the galaxy and stop Tenebrae from enacting his galaxy-consuming ritual with the backing of all of the characters from both of the previous KOTOR games (Carth Onasi and Bastila Shan would be leaders of an underground resistance movement, Canderous Ordo would be leading the Mandalorians in a crusade against the true Sith Empire alongside the Resistance, HK-47 would be serving as an assassin that's been targeting/exterminating key Sith/Imperial meatbags all across the galaxy under orders of the Resistance, etc., etc.).
That's just my 2 cents, of course.
Damn it Bioware, Revan didn't deserve an ending like that... I liked the reference to Malak though before he thunderbolts his way out of there.
Im actually in tears.....
I understand his last words......
David Rice Kreia? Or the Exile? I can't quite place it.
Meetra Surik, the legendary jedi exile, Breaker of the Sith Triumvirate, Honorary general of the galactic republic during the mandalorian war, died in cold blood, betrayed by Lord Scourge, Revan watched helplessly as his most trusted ally fell lifelessly to the ground, impaled from behind, the story of the prodigal knight and the jedi exile, KOTOR FOREVER
^this guy deserves a medal
David Rice and what exactly do you base this on
Daniel Thompson For someone who knows as much lore as I do
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, REVAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bioware, this is not a deserved ending for the prodigal knight!!!!!!!
That was so sad with Revan :( I ****ing loved KoTOR 1 & 2; to see him die like tha was sad - really depressing. Revan is still Revan, though, if anything I cannot believe he had the strength to hold on as well as he did.
Actually... people cried about how it was 'unrealistic' that four of the empire's greatest heroes could 'kill' Revan, so instead of actually killing him Bioware edited Revan's animation so he just disappears. Bioware is leaving it open in case they ever want to bring him 'back' via expansion..
DIsturbios1234 As far as I am concerned my Wrath alone could kill Revan.
DIsturbios1234 Annnd now they have an expansion.. Good call
@@DIsturbios1234 u were right
revan killed by a random sith and the emperor killed by a random jedi? God this is lame.
Quiet weakling
Darth Nox was one of the most powerful sith atthe time of old republic,
he wasn't a random sith
@@biggybigbongo4464 Nor was the Empire’s Wrath.
Actual characterization of Revan and HK perfect, how they were beaten unacceptable. Also Revan's last words I nearly cried, that was one of the best lines in all of Star Wars.
Wuhhhh.....so this is the ultimate fate of Revan? Defeated by an upstart??
Revan quoted malak's quote in Kotor
I think part of me died with Revan when he said that....
I get that they are the best the empire has to offer...but this is Revan we are talking about. The guy that managed to resist the Emperors corruption for a couple houndred years. The guy that went all darkside badass just to become a good guy badass all over again.
Revan was a master tactician, and a truly loved character for many. While I agree he had to die at some point I think the fans deserved a better conclusion/continuation of his story and legacy. Chris Avellones take on Revan was truly spectacular and I am very saddened to see his character end and be portrayed like this.
I appreciate the detail given to Revan's appearance and the fact that he dons a purple lightsaber signifying him as a grey Jedi.
Purple doesn't signify Grey Jedi, that goes out the window around Mace Windu.
@@Rez090 From what I've read, purple lightsabers represent not being a grey jedi, but the moral ambiguity of the wielder. And Mace Windu had a lot of potential darkness within him. Which was part of what led him to develop Form VII Vaapad. As a way of channeling his inner darkness for the sake of fighting for the light, but also, according to Count Dooku, skirting the edges of the dark side.
Why didn't they take her blaster pistol? Once you take someone prisoner, the VERY first thing your supposed to do is take their gun/blaster away, then search them to make sure they aren't hiding anything else.
(2/2) It’s just a short period of time from his life where he’s *my* character and where I can actually account for his choices. Also my Revan is female in most playthroughs, I hate Bastilla and love Carth so I see this male Revan even less as *my Revan*. Don’t know how to explain this any better. Hope you get my meaning.
I almost cried when revan said "and in the end when darkness
Takes me i am nothing" malk and revan ultimate sith lords
Revan is the best ever, he was charismatic and scary. He was a great Sith-Lord and a powerful Jedi. He married and he was wise. He should have been the jedi who killed the Emperor, Lord Vitiate
This is 300% dog doo. Revan would not lose to that fruitcake, this is all wrong.
After being drained and tortured for 300-400 years, yeah he would.
Maybe if the Inquisitor had more depth to him this'd be more acceptable.
This guy showed him soloing Revan with a level 50 for the ease of recording.
Realistically, Revan was taken out by 2 of the most powerful Sith lords of the time as they are nearing their full potential and one of which takes out a dark council member shortly after. Also among the strike team, an imperial Agent with plenty of experience taking out powerful force users having defeated Darth Jadus with only a Killik joiner as assistance. And lastly, a Mandalorian Grand champion that has the highest force user kill count of any non-Jedi/Sith class in the game.
So imagine it being like he got 4v1ed by Visas, Dark Bastila, Canderous, and the meatbag equivalent of HK-47.
And even though the Shadow of Revan expansion is pure garbage, it was an operation so imagine him getting 8v1ed by Malak, Nihilus, light side Bastila, a Jedi who succeeded where he failed by killing Vitiate, Canderous, meatbag equivalent of HK-47, Canderous again, and Atton. But you shouldn't imagine that because Shadow of Revan was pure garbage and should be forgotten faster than KOTOR 2.
Why do you think Kotor 2 should be forgotten.
Also side note Butthurt Fanboys/girls everywhere down here.
Didn't enjoy it. Thought the only good companions were Canderous and HK-47, straight up did not want to bring on G0-T0 to my crew but the game forced me to. Saw Kreia coming a million miles away and she was incredibly irritating every second she was in my party. The Jedi masters are incredibly stupid and annoying and utterly indefensible. And I don't mean in the hamfisted way the writers intended so it'd be easier to see Kreia's point of view. Speaking of which, Kreia fails as a villain because her one supposedly good character quality is that you're supposed to see where she's coming from, but if you stop to think about it for more than five seconds her philosophy makes no sense and she's worse than any of the people she rejected.
And then there's Darth Edgelord. Nihilus has 0 character and is the worst Star Wars villain I have ever encountered, and I played KOTET so I include Vaylin in that. If he didn't look cool or didn't have a planet death ritual no one would give a shit about him.
So the most compelling villain is the scarred up guy who heals himself and manages to blow away both of the game's other villains in the 2 minutes of dialog you have during your duel on Malachor V, not that that's saying much.
And the game is stupid easy compared to the original KOTOR. KOTOR occasionally had some really hard fights that you had to save scum pretty hard, but the sequel never got even close to difficult.
(1/2) Idk, I think I’m actually more attached to my SWTOR chars than to Revan. Maybe it’s just that I see Revan as less *mine* since I didn’t have any impact on most of his story (Jedi Revan, Darth Revan and the post-KotOR events from the book). You remember the scene back on Ebon Hawk, after the Leviathan events, when your crew questions you about being Revan and you can say something like “I’m not Revan, I’m INSERTYOURNAMEHERE”? So I kinda feel like this about Revan.
For Sith Warrior I planned on dark side fem, but that’s for later. I don’t know if I can make it, I feel really bad playing dark/renegade characters but I wanted to have at least one, to see what it’s like. And I was thinking Malavai Quinn was a great match for a dark side char. We’ll see..
He isn't dead. His fate is unknown, and given the huge backlash at what happened, he will definitely be back in the future.
when he say: I know how you felt my friend, he mean when malak dies he said: the Darkness takes me
Poor Revan.... what a waste.
+Joshua Thom The Exile was dead before SWTOR
The Exile was female, but even if she did survive she'd be dead of old age at the time of the fight.
In my mind, the only thing that's canon in the entire StarWars universe is KotOR 1 and 2. Nothing else.
Plus the explanation for what heppened to revan's crew is beneath what they all deserved. I think zaalbar and the others earned more than that.
I hope that one day Star Wars in make a KOTOR trilogy. With all the great characters and story points we know from the games. Revan is probably my favorite character in all of Star Wars. Was a Sith Lord and then a Jedi Master. I love his story from the first 2 games. Wasn't a fan of what they did with him in the book or this game.
Statement: This game was terrible - it did me no justice. As far as I'n concerned, it never happened.
Agreement: If I may make a suggestion, please allow Obsidian to continue my legacy.
That is a waste of a good character like revan
Terrible portrayal of Revan. He reinstates his extreme, mass-geonicdal tendancies as when he was Darth Revan and continues to rely on ancient Rakatan Star Forges, learning nothing of how he and the super weapons failed in the past. It is either poor writing that contradicts his story after redemption, or he has gone completely mad and returned to be Darth Revan despite him disowning the title.
yeah he shouldnt have been defeated by some random sith when he couldn't be defeated by the emperor. complete disrespect
The aliens they are talking about that once ruled the galaxy were called the rakatans
Why did SWTOR forced us to fight the character we onced we're I remember kotOR and now all the good days is gone
Making us kill HK-47 and Revan and then take the foundry? My goodnes BioWare ruined it.
Lol she’d be right to think you’re a fanboy ;))) Anyway Revan and Bastila’s grand grand grand… daughter Satele Shan also has those little braids! So cute! :D
I really hate what Bioware did to Reven. From my experience with KOTOR and the novels, Reven was this ultimate Jedi that had tasted of both sides of the force; dark and light, finding a perfect medium in-between. He wasn't a mindless emotionless drone of the light nor was he a brutal arrogant killer of the dark. He was the best of both sides. Yet now we seen him in this MMO atrocity as a prisoner of the emperor who tortured him for 300 years. No one wanted an MMO. Everyone screamed for KOTOR 3.
Revan still has a lot of potential. I wish they brought him back as a companion or a quest giver (he could become a military leader again, since it's one of his greater strengths).
Agreed. The thing that made Revan so great as a character was that he used the dark side for the greater good, and he didn't become a goody-good two shoes under the light. Kreia explains that his fall wasn't a fall at all and more like a sacrifice to showcase the weakness in the Jedi Council.
Here he's just some overzealous madman.
If only Scrourge told Revan the truth would have saved him so much heartache
It's mostly a Medieval future. A starfighter cannon from the Clone Wars can plow through the shields of an Old Republic or Ancient Sith dreadnought.
And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing... Malak's most epic line!
Ikr! Poor HK-47 :( There was nothing I could do to save him D:
HK-47's waste is the only gripe I have with this game.
I imagine Revan, Like Kallig, Will become a quest giver and teacher from within the force.
interjection: Don't feed the trolls, Leave the meat-bag to me.
I wonder if moff phenir is related to to Turr Phenir
I always Tought Malgus was Malak, because he use this mask too '-' But they're different.
I love how your level 50 and you doing it Solo so people don't go Interfere
Question, At this point, had you never done the flashpoint before? because I know once you do it once, you cant get it from the courier droids again, and the robes you are wearing are level 50 robes.
Clearly Revan forgot the sole rule of KOTOR, save often and in different slots
No he isn't dead. They left it open for him to return in the future. Drew Karpyshan who was working for Bioware until recently, stated this.
He said it once in The False Emperor flashpoint. But, that's it. So I guess back to your original question.
Great to see Revan and HK here. Not a great way for them to show up and go out though.
Revan is the ultimate force user. He is the mergence of Light and Dark. The most powerful and The Chosen One. He defeated Mandalore the Ultimate his kind. He beat Malak. He survived Vitiate twice. He survived Vitiate unbroken for 300 years.
He deserved better.
after playing KOTOR all those years ago i was kind of sad to see revan die :(
and HK-47
foundry, they mean the star forge?
people say SWTOR did a BS thing with Revan and that he shouldn't die at the hands of nobody. But really, Revan was executed fairly well and your character is FAR from nobody, they are this game's equivalent of Revan, so yeah.... - Still, I can't forgive the fact that HK-47 was wasted here.
It's a mercy kill for HK, Revan made him more like a HK-50 for the Foundry's mission of mass slaughter.
No, it’s not him. He’s The Architect from DA Awakening and Ser Thrask from DA2.
I like that Malak reference when Revan died.
Hope Revan comes back.
I think he will be back he next expantion is about him :)
ferrynator15 *expansion
Gabe Newell Get a life...... that comment was from 2014
ferrynator15 The generally accepted amount of periods for a pause is three. You have six? What is the meaning of this?
Not really. Emperor had been trying to get all Revan's knowledge out of him, but not only he didn't totally succeed, but also had Revan influence him into believing that the Republic is too strong and it's better to wait before attacking it (while it was really messed up by the Civil Jedi and The Dark Wars). So basically Revan was bullshitting Emperor for 300 years, giving the Republic a chance to recover and get stronger. We can say that Revan saved it once more.
Is Foundry a Star Forge? The descriptions are really the same.
Four Stations. The Star Forge Builds Fleets. The Foundry Builds Droids. A Third Terraformed Planets. Does anyone know what the Fourth Station did?
It was inevitable after 300 years waging a mental war with the Emperor - that his mind would be affected by the pure evil he was fighting against.
Revan is Revan. No one denies that, but if you play through the story classes, then you'll realise the acomplishments of these guys, who've they beaten is nothing to scoff at.
They won this round, Revan will be back once again. His part isn't over.
glad i never played this, what a disgraceful way to kill one of the best characters ever written in star wars lore.
If Star Wars would be real, you would have no chance against Revan
He's probably going to be back. Malgus suffers a similar fate.
There's a bit more to it than that, Fluffy. I won't give it away but it's not entirely spoiled.
Well its that he doesn't think anyone else is capable of controlling such said power. People will either fall to the dark in obsession of power, or out of good not utilize its full potential. That's why Revan trusts that only he is capable of controlling such power.
*sigh* yes well what’s done is done, don’t worry, it happens to the best of us
So I'm guessing that we can expect the Republic Flashpoint where you break out Revan next. What are you gonna do for The False Emperor though? You'd have to be the luckiest player in SWTOR to survive that alone. Although I imagine someone like you can easily find a few like-minded players.
Oh, and which storyline and romance are you gonna do after this? I'm hoping for Sith Pureblood Warrior with Vette. Or something light side. But you already knew that.
Because it’s the same person?! YOU, the player! I fail to see why you find that strange. In SWTOR you really feel power of your character, even at lower levels.
I would follow Revan to the end galaxy and I would help him wipe anything related to the Sith from existence.
I made a Sith Marauder who wears exact armor and color pattern as Revan's except slightly orange and has same color stripe on hood as yours, Blue and Red sabers for his Classic look. Just not the voice :c or scares or beard, just aftershave but it somethin.
Yeah I did it alone, just like the Republic side Revan flashpoints. I keep escaping all conversations to see/record all versions so I guess it would be painful for someone to tag along. :D Revan fight was such a fail though, he knocked back Ashara and she fell off platform and died right at the beginning of the fight so I had to fight him alone *facepalm*
i need to know what robes you are wearing
What armour set were you wearing and is it still available?
Damn you Darth Malgus. He stole my Foundry and my HK droid. 😡
How did you return to moff?? I killed revan and its making me run around
He still has it; when you go through the fhe Foundry he says stuff like that.
Did you do this whole flashpoint by yourself? Because if you did, even at level 50, taking on a level 38 Champion alone is no small feat.
Good luck with the next video, and keep on being light side!
What else is there to do after you kill Revan and HK-47?
Even though he is a Sith he is noble in the way you play him
what robes are you wearing
I don't believe this. All this time I thought I kept the Foundry a secret from the Emperor but he knew all along. He wanted me to escape so I could lead his followers right to it.
they say he disappeared. Nobody said "he's dead" not even bioware!
but nobody said: "He's still alive!"
How do you get HK- 47 as a companion.
Why does bioware never add Revan's cape.
Yeah, in SW:KOTR-2 there was this part where HK said Revan was going somewhere where he didn`t take anyone.
Also another part where Canderous says that Revan had told him to unite all the Mandalore clans and wait for his return.
IT is bullshit that the Emeperor had him tortured for 300 years. I refuse to accept this. I rather want to believe that Revan was defending us from an unknown threat because that was who Revan was.
Not a regular Sith, a member of the Dark Council. Duh.. :D Anyway, to me they’re just 2 of my in-game characters, so they’re both "equal", see? :D
Two things:
One, I take it that the young sith lord is you right? Because he looks kind of cool.
Two, y does ur character have a green double-bladed lightsaber? Is that a trophy he obtained after killing a Jedi? Just curious.
The way Meetra Surik basically got offed as if she's a nobody kinda pisses me off.
I know! It must be the voice modulator they use for masked chars :D I don’t play Diablo… maybe one day, I don’t know. It’s not really my type of game, you know? ^^ No romances, not much of a story, and I didn’t even play the first two parts.
R.I.P. icons killed by blioware revan, HK, shepard.
This looks really dumb. But Revan's last words made me tear up
So yes?
when reaven dies he tells malek's last word
I wonder what will happen to raven next
"Only I have been Jedi AND Sith!"
HAH! Mind wiped by the Emperor to be his drone, then again by the Council.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Revan may have been both Jedi and Sith, but he hardly had a choice in either turn.
They really killed him off in a flashpoint
Ya playing as a Sith sounds cool I guess but if you knew you’d have to kill dismantle HK-47 and kill Revan would you still serve the empire.
It's unclear at this point. It's speculated that he used an ability called Fold Space (basically Force teleport.) I don't know the consequences of this power; I'm sure there's some because we've seen dire drawbacks as more powerful Force techniques are used. Regardless, there was no corpse or even robes like when Obi-Wan and Yoda died. I don't think we've seen the end of Revan just yet.
They aren't non-entitites. The canon hasn't been fully established as of yet, but those characters represent the best of the best of the Empire. Even Revan couldn't face 4 of them by himself.