Thanks so much, Pr. Wolfmueller! All the years spent working up enough tears and emotion over sin! Repentance was something I had to do, and yet never was assured of forgiveness if I confessed. And now all my friends in Evangecostalism react when I say I’m a sinner; even when I note I’m a forgiven one! Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift! His Son, forgiveness (won for us by His Son), and the gift/s of repentance and faith!
We have become AWARE of our sin and the implications that all this brings. Conviction and knowledge to know that when we have sinned we CAN always approach our Lord, and know that we are forgiven. And most importantly WE SHOULD CONFESS EACH SIN EVERY NIGHT before sleep or sooner,And be THANKFUL FOR A NEW MORNING.
The fact that even contrition is a gift of the Holy Spirit is a comfort in itself that was new to me. To think that He ‘nudges’ me to ask for forgiveness gives me a greater understanding of His work in us and the hope we have through the Son.
GREAT teaching! And timely for myself. I sometimes forget that repentance involves faith, and not just my sorrow for my sins. I'm sure if Jesus were standing next to me, he'd say, "Oh you of little faith." Thank you for this very good teaching.
I love your videos. Weird fact: My late Mom’s maiden name was Schaus and I traced her family back to the Moselle Valley in Germany. They were Lutherans. I’ve tried to find out why they left (or got kicked out). Anyway, I think I might be Lutheran in my beliefs after listening to your Biblical interpretations. Is it in my blood? 😂
I wonder if the word "agreement" might be helpful in understanding belief and repentance. James speaks of the demons believing or knowing there's a God, but I don't think they ultimately agree with God about their condition or judgement. Ultimately, the Spirit does his work in the believer such that we agree fully with God. We agree with Him about our sinful condition, need for salvation and ongoing need for sanctification. And as we grow it's necessary that we understand and agree with God more and more. Agreement with God leads us to the love of God and a growing desire to live a fruitful life. Not out of fear, but out of love.
The only way a sin can be forgiven is through sacrifice. You can either slay a lamb in the temple or have the blood of Christ be your sacrifice. Repentance is trusting Christ to the exclusion of all else for your salvation. Elaborating a bit: There is regret inherent in faith. Repentance is regretting being this way (fallen) and wanting to be the way God wants us to be. The only way to get there is to believe on Christ. Christians cannot even agree on what sin is.
FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD AS SINNERS When we hear the words "Faith comes by hearing God's Word," they refer to people who hear the proclamation of the Gospel, which tells us that God the Son (Jesus) was sent by God the Father, in human form to die on the cross for the sins of humankind. The message of Christ is made known to us from the Scriptures (The Bible), and also by the preaching, of the same, by Christian disciples - Ministers or pastors. Either way, humankind is made aware, from Scripture, that we are helpless sinners who deserve God's punishment of eternal damnation. We cannot free ourselves from God's judgement. Christ's death on the cross satisfied the Old Testament demands of the Law and the demands of God's justice (Substitutionary Atonement). Christ voluntarily submitted to God the Father's plan of reconciliation, with humankind, in that our sin and judgement was laid on Christ who took our punishment for our sins, and forgave us, and He conquered death through His resurrection (Objective justification). Christ now pours into our hearts, His Word, which is proclaimed from the Bible (God's Word) to sinful people, which causes the hearers to have faith in Christ's message, and by their faith, sinners become truly penitent (Sorry), and they confess their sin to Christ, and turn (Repent) from their sins (Subjective justification) by accepting what Christ did for us through the power of the Holy Ghost, and we are in fellowship with God. God the Son (Christ) is the way through which God the Father forgives our sins, and He has cleansed us and removed our judgement, and has conquered sin, death, and the devil. The spoken words of the forgiveness of sins, which are received by sinful people who are truly penitent, are from John 20: 19-23. Jesus said unto Mary Magdalene (John 20: 17) "Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God, and your God." Jesus came to the disciples who were assembled (John 20: 19), and said to them "Peace be unto you," and the disciples were glad and they knew that this was the Lord Jesus. Jesus said (John 20: 21), "As my Father hath sent me, even so I send you, and the Holy Ghost was given to the disciples when Jesus breathed on them, and they received the Holy Ghost (John 20: 22). In John 20: 23, Jesus said, to the disciples, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." This is not to be interpreted as the absolving of sin by a priest, when the priest or pastor falsely believes that he or she has power to remitt or retain someone's sins. Instead, the context is that the disciples were given power to proclaim that Christ paid for humankind's sin (Objective justification), which includes the disciples, who had already accepted that Christ remitted their sins. Sinful people who receive the disciples' message of Christ, have received that their sins are remitted by Christ, and the disciples can also make this proclamation. Sinful people who reject Christ's message of peace with God, their sins are retained, and this can also be proclaimed by the disciples. In Luke 7: 37-50, we read about the stingy pharisee named Simon, who is not to be confused with the disciple named Peter. Simon's discernment, of the woman who visited Jesus, was that she was a sinner (retained; not forgiven). Jesus reminded Simon that it was He (Christ) who forgave both the woman's sin and Simon's sin. Jesus said unto the woman "Thy sins are forgiven," and He said "Thy faith has saved thee: go in peace." When we are in fellowship with God as Christians, we become more focused, not on our continued will to sin, but on God's will to save. We begin to discover the Biblical pattern of worship, prayer, and fellowship. Devotion is fellowship with God through Adoration (Worship), Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, either done privately, or in public fellowship (Church). When the elements of bread and wine (Communion) are included in The Thanksgiving, this is part of the same fellowship. Christ, who is present in a hidden way, but present in a visible way by Christ's own words, gives His body and blood to us (Sacrament), by His own grace (Not earned by us), to be received by us; He says "Take eat;" and "Drink (1 Corinthians 11: 24-25)." The Church bodies who do not admitt visitors to the Communion part of public fellowship, unless the guests are absolved by a pastor or priest, refuse to believe, by faith, that it is Christ who has invited both pastors and congregants to fellowship. Christ alone is the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (John 1: 29); God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53: 6). Christ's righteousness, which is His own righteousness, comes from Christ, but remains outside of us, and it is merely imputed to us, rather than infused into us. Said Luther, "God pours out Christ his dear Son over us and pours Himself into us and draws us into Himself, so that he becomes completely humanified and we become completely deified and everything is altogether one thing, God, Christ, you." True, Christians are righteous and fully deified, but the righteousness and deification, imputed to us by Christ, is not yet revealed to us on this side of eternity. As long as we live here on earth, sin stays with us, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we wrestle against sin, and it is by this that we have cause for hope. We may understand Paul to be saying, in Romans 8: 24-25, that we wait in the spirit, through faith, for the righteousness that we hope for, which in due time will be revealed to us. This does not require deeds of further cleansing (Penance), or continually attaining higher levels of perfection and unity with God, by following a false notion of us becoming a god (Becoming Deified). We are already fully cleansed and fully deified through the merits of Christ's substitutionary atonement. Ascetism or the gradual attaining of higher levels of deity is supported by the Satisfaction Atonement Theory, the Re-capitulation Atonement Theory, and the Ransom Atonement Theory. Very quickly explained, the Ransom theory teaches the release from prison, meaning the death of Christ was the payment to Satan to have humankind released from prison. The Satisfaction Atonement theory is the teaching in Roman Catholic theology, which draws from the works of Anselm; it holds that Jesus Christ redeemed humanity by making satisfaction for humankind's disobedience, with His own obedience, by an act of payment beyond what is needed or asked (Supererogation). The satisfaction theory teaches that Christ forgave original sin, which is the inward sin of all human souls, but we must pay a human price for actual sins committed outwardly. Thomas Aquinas articulated this idea of salvation, that justifying grace is provided through penance, which are deeds done, after repentance, like contrition with the determination to never sin again, or performance of some act to repair the damage caused by sin, called Reparation: A payment of money, sacraments, ceremonies, sacrifices, works. The Re-capitulation Atonement theory is in keeping with the Ascetism of Irenaeus; the keeping of this theory, by John Climacus who created the "Ladder Of Divine Ascent" icon, is the theology that the Eastern Orthodox Church accepts. Irenaeus said of Jesus: "He became what we are, that He might bring us to even what He is Himself." We do not become, and we do not rise to higher levels of divinity, and eventually become fully deified. Since Christ cleansed us from our sins, there is no cleansing that further takes place. Our sins and judgement were laid on Christ and Christ overcame death. When we acknowledge what Christ did for us on the cross, and when we trust Christ, and confess our sins to Christ, and turn(Repent) from our sins, by the power of the Holy Ghost, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us from Christ himself, and Christ has fully cleansed and deified us. None of this is yet realized by us, because we are dealing with the remaining presence of our sinful will, where we will, either knowingly or unknowingly, to walk out of fellowship with God, which is why we must return to fellowship with the Lord our God through confession to Him by faith and believing by faith that Christ took our judgement for us. Confession, receiving of forgiveness and the Holy Ghost to empower us to turn from our sins, is not a "One-time" occurrence. Now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (1 John 3: 2).
The Greek word for repentance is metanoia. It simply means a change of mind. For salvation it means to change your mind from trusting in what you do to save you, your works, to trusting in Jesus finished work on the cross as the only way of salvation by grace. It means to accept His free gift of eternal life through faith in His one blood sacrifice for all our sin. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. it means that our sin debt is paid in full, and we can never be condemned again. John 3:18. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, (we did nothing for it) it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. You can not boast in a free GIFT. if we had to do one thing to accept the gift, then it would no longer be a GIFT, but something we have to earn. But, since we are all sinners we have no way to pay our debt. So Jesus, Just because He loves us, came down from heaven to pay for the sins of the whole world, so that anyone who would believe He did it for them would be sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.. Ephesians 4:30. And grieve not the Holy Spirit, in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Romans 11:6 All grace, no works. AMAZING GRACE, JESUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0. IT IS FREE, or not at all.
Agreed. Unfortunately... so many denominations (without realizing it) have added their "confessions" as another sacred text to be trusted. And as is seen here, they have redefined "repentance" to mean something which the scriptures never stated. Can it mean to "turn from you sin"? Absolutely -- if the context calls for that. But that is not a necessary act to obtain salvation. Faith alone (belief in Christ as Savior) is the only condition, and the rest is part of living out that faith, as a born again child of God.
mike smith original sin is an Old Testament teaching and was a part of the early church and leads us to Baptism. The creeds remind us of this. Blessings.
mike smith mike it applies because regardless of what David was doing he is right in his words that he was born and conceived in sin. But I think what your asking is covered in Romans 5:12. God’s word here is clear that sin entered through Adam (obviously OT) and salvation through Jesus.
Ewww. I “got” your joke - I guess I’m a Liturgical nerd. And thanks for closing your window while recording. Hope you weren’t getting overheated in there😜
@@Mygoalwogel Well a proper view of repentance is not a turning from sin really. It's a changing of the mind towards the Gospel of Grace, justification by faith. We also cannot possibly know the terror of our sin. I don't think Luther would have agreed that a person could know the depth of his sin. He tried that under the his Catholic pre-salvation phase. He would confess unrelentingly trying to achieve that. So Metanoia means, change of mind. Believe the Gospel. Turn from not believing it (ie. self effort) to believing it (Grace alone).
@@metalcomposition that's why Pastor Wolfmueller said "begin to understand the depth of out sin". we can never fully understand how horrible our sin is, but because repentance is entirely God's work, God the Holy Spirit gives us this gift of contrition to where we can "begin" to understand the depth of our sin which is realizing that the sin we have committed is rightly worthy of God's wrath and punishment and us being terrified and sorry over this.
@@LukeBowman08 It's a rabbit hole. The Gospel shows us that we can't "begin" to understand our total depravity. When you have cancer, you can't fight it. Sin is a terminal disease which kills us with immediate effect. It's direct result (wage) is death. Going to jail because you stole, or feeling guilty because you didn't honor your parents as a child, is not the result of sin. Death is. We are born into sin and born again into the righteousness of Christ. We can't somehow scratch the surface through our own contrition. That is in fact the exact place the devil wants us to be.
I love the work you do for the Lord. He has truly blessed you with shepherding the flock.
Thanks so much, Pr. Wolfmueller! All the years spent working up enough tears and emotion over sin! Repentance was something I had to do, and yet never was assured of forgiveness if I confessed. And now all my friends in Evangecostalism react when I say I’m a sinner; even when I note I’m a forgiven one! Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift! His Son, forgiveness (won for us by His Son), and the gift/s of repentance and faith!
It says " I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power unti salvation for those appointed to His purpose."
We have become AWARE of our sin and the implications that all this brings.
Conviction and knowledge to know that when we have sinned we CAN always approach our Lord, and know that we are forgiven.
And most importantly WE SHOULD CONFESS EACH SIN EVERY NIGHT before sleep or sooner,And be THANKFUL FOR A NEW MORNING.
The fact that even contrition is a gift of the Holy Spirit is a comfort in itself that was new to me. To think that He ‘nudges’ me to ask for forgiveness gives me a greater understanding of His work in us and the hope we have through the Son.
Just bought Has American Christianity Failed, great book highly recommend it
Thanks again Pastor Wm.
GREAT teaching! And timely for myself. I sometimes forget that repentance involves faith, and not just my sorrow for my sins. I'm sure if Jesus were standing next to me, he'd say, "Oh you of little faith." Thank you for this very good teaching.
I love your videos. Weird fact: My late Mom’s maiden name was Schaus and I traced her family back to the Moselle Valley in Germany. They were Lutherans. I’ve tried to find out why they left (or got kicked out). Anyway, I think I might be Lutheran in my beliefs after listening to your Biblical interpretations. Is it in my blood? 😂
Thank you Pastor!
thank you
Love your videos Pastor! God bless you!
Amen! God's peace be with you Pastor.
Thank you for this clear explanation
I wonder if the word "agreement" might be helpful in understanding belief and repentance. James speaks of the demons believing or knowing there's a God, but I don't think they ultimately agree with God about their condition or judgement. Ultimately, the Spirit does his work in the believer such that we agree fully with God. We agree with Him about our sinful condition, need for salvation and ongoing need for sanctification. And as we grow it's necessary that we understand and agree with God more and more. Agreement with God leads us to the love of God and a growing desire to live a fruitful life. Not out of fear, but out of love.
Thanks for sharing this good message.
Good stuff
The only way a sin can be forgiven is through sacrifice. You can either slay a lamb in the temple or have the blood of Christ be your sacrifice. Repentance is trusting Christ to the exclusion of all else for your salvation.
Elaborating a bit: There is regret inherent in faith. Repentance is regretting being this way (fallen) and wanting to be the way God wants us to be. The only way to get there is to believe on Christ. Christians cannot even agree on what sin is.
When we hear the words "Faith comes by hearing God's Word," they
refer to people who hear the proclamation of the Gospel, which tells us that God the Son (Jesus) was sent by God the Father, in human form to die on the cross for the sins of humankind. The message of Christ is made known to us from the Scriptures
(The Bible), and also by the preaching, of the same, by Christian disciples - Ministers or pastors. Either way, humankind is made aware, from Scripture, that we are helpless sinners who deserve God's punishment of eternal damnation. We cannot free ourselves from God's judgement. Christ's death on the cross satisfied the Old Testament demands of the Law and the demands of God's justice (Substitutionary Atonement). Christ voluntarily submitted to God the Father's plan of reconciliation, with humankind, in that our sin and judgement was laid on Christ who took our punishment for our sins, and forgave us, and He conquered death through His resurrection (Objective justification). Christ now pours into our hearts, His Word, which is proclaimed from the Bible (God's Word) to sinful people, which causes the hearers to have faith in Christ's message, and by their faith, sinners become truly penitent (Sorry), and they confess their sin to Christ, and turn (Repent) from their sins (Subjective justification) by accepting what Christ did for us through the power of the Holy Ghost, and we are in fellowship with God. God the Son (Christ) is the way through which God the Father forgives our sins, and He has cleansed us and removed our judgement, and has conquered sin, death, and the devil. The spoken words of the forgiveness of sins, which are received by sinful people who are truly penitent, are from John 20: 19-23.
Jesus said unto Mary Magdalene (John 20: 17) "Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father; and to my God, and your God." Jesus came to the disciples who were assembled (John 20: 19), and said to them "Peace be unto you," and the disciples were glad and they knew that this was the Lord Jesus.
Jesus said (John 20: 21), "As my Father hath sent me, even so I send you, and the Holy Ghost was given to the disciples when Jesus breathed on them, and they received the Holy Ghost (John 20: 22).
In John 20: 23, Jesus said, to the disciples, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." This is not to be interpreted as the absolving of sin by a priest, when the priest or pastor falsely believes that he or she has power to remitt or retain someone's sins. Instead, the context is that the disciples were given power to proclaim that Christ paid for humankind's sin
(Objective justification), which includes the disciples, who had already accepted that Christ remitted their sins. Sinful people who receive the disciples' message of Christ, have received that their sins are remitted by Christ, and the disciples can also make this proclamation. Sinful people who reject Christ's message of peace with God, their sins are retained, and this can also be proclaimed by the disciples.
In Luke 7: 37-50, we read about the stingy pharisee named Simon, who is not to be confused with the disciple named Peter. Simon's discernment, of the woman who visited Jesus, was that she was a sinner (retained; not forgiven). Jesus reminded Simon that it was He (Christ) who forgave both the woman's sin and Simon's sin. Jesus said unto the woman "Thy sins are forgiven," and He said
"Thy faith has saved thee: go in peace." When we are in fellowship with God as Christians, we become more focused, not on our continued will to sin, but on God's will to save. We begin to discover the Biblical pattern of worship, prayer, and fellowship.
Devotion is fellowship with God through Adoration (Worship), Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication, either done privately,
or in public fellowship (Church). When the elements of bread and wine (Communion) are included in The Thanksgiving, this is part of the same fellowship. Christ, who is present in a hidden way, but present in a visible way by Christ's own words, gives His body and blood to us (Sacrament), by His own grace (Not earned by us), to be received by us; He says "Take eat;" and
"Drink (1 Corinthians 11: 24-25)." The Church bodies who do not admitt visitors to the Communion part of public fellowship, unless the guests are absolved by a pastor or priest, refuse to believe, by faith, that it is Christ who has invited both pastors and congregants to fellowship. Christ alone is the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world (John 1: 29); God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53: 6).
Christ's righteousness, which is His own righteousness, comes from Christ, but remains outside of us, and it is merely imputed to us, rather than infused into us. Said Luther, "God pours out Christ his dear Son over us and pours Himself into us and draws us into Himself, so that he becomes completely humanified and we become completely deified and everything is altogether one thing, God, Christ, you." True, Christians are righteous and fully deified, but the righteousness and deification, imputed to us by Christ,
is not yet revealed to us on this side of eternity. As long as we live here on earth, sin stays with us, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we wrestle against sin, and it is by this that we have cause for hope. We may understand Paul to be saying, in
Romans 8: 24-25, that we wait in the spirit, through faith, for the righteousness that we hope for, which in due time will be revealed to us. This does not require deeds of further cleansing
(Penance), or continually attaining higher levels of perfection and unity with God, by following a false notion of us becoming a god (Becoming Deified). We are already fully cleansed and fully deified through the merits of Christ's substitutionary atonement.
Ascetism or the gradual attaining of higher levels of deity is supported by the Satisfaction Atonement Theory, the Re-capitulation Atonement Theory, and the Ransom Atonement Theory. Very quickly explained, the Ransom theory teaches the release from prison, meaning the death of Christ was the payment to Satan to have humankind released from prison.
The Satisfaction Atonement theory is the teaching in Roman Catholic theology, which draws from the works of Anselm; it holds that Jesus Christ redeemed humanity by making satisfaction for humankind's disobedience, with His own obedience, by an act of payment beyond what is needed or asked (Supererogation). The satisfaction theory teaches that Christ forgave original sin, which is the inward sin of all human souls, but we must pay a human price for actual sins committed outwardly. Thomas Aquinas articulated this idea of salvation, that justifying grace is provided through penance, which are deeds done, after repentance, like contrition with the determination to never sin again, or performance of some act to repair the damage caused by sin, called Reparation: A payment of money, sacraments, ceremonies, sacrifices, works.
The Re-capitulation Atonement theory is in keeping with the Ascetism of Irenaeus; the keeping of this theory, by John Climacus who created the "Ladder Of Divine Ascent" icon, is the theology that the Eastern Orthodox Church accepts. Irenaeus said of Jesus: "He became what we are, that He might bring us to even what He is Himself."
We do not become, and we do not rise to higher levels of divinity,
and eventually become fully deified. Since Christ cleansed us from our sins, there is no cleansing that further takes place.
Our sins and judgement were laid on Christ and Christ overcame death. When we acknowledge what Christ did for us on the cross,
and when we trust Christ, and confess our sins to Christ, and turn(Repent) from our sins, by the power of the Holy Ghost, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us from Christ himself, and Christ has fully cleansed and deified us. None of this is yet realized by us, because we are dealing with the remaining presence of our sinful will, where we will, either knowingly or unknowingly, to walk out of fellowship with God, which is why we must return to fellowship with the Lord our God through confession to Him by faith and believing by faith that Christ took our judgement for us. Confession, receiving of forgiveness and the Holy Ghost to empower us to turn from our sins, is not a "One-time" occurrence. Now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is (1 John 3: 2).
The Greek word for repentance is metanoia. It simply means a change of mind. For salvation it means to change your mind from trusting in what you do to save you, your works, to trusting in Jesus finished work on the cross as the only way of salvation by grace.
It means to accept His free gift of eternal life through faith in His one blood sacrifice for all our sin. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
it means that our sin debt is paid in full, and we can never be condemned again. John 3:18. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, (we did nothing for it) it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. You can not boast in a free GIFT. if we had to do one thing to accept the gift, then it would no longer be a GIFT, but something we have to earn. But, since we are all sinners we have no way to pay our debt. So Jesus, Just because He loves us, came down from heaven to pay for the sins of the whole world, so that anyone who would believe He did it for them would be sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.. Ephesians 4:30. And grieve not the Holy Spirit, in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Romans 11:6 All grace, no works. AMAZING GRACE, JESUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0. IT IS FREE, or not at all.
Agreed. Unfortunately... so many denominations (without realizing it) have added their "confessions" as another sacred text to be trusted. And as is seen here, they have redefined "repentance" to mean something which the scriptures never stated. Can it mean to "turn from you sin"? Absolutely -- if the context calls for that. But that is not a necessary act to obtain salvation. Faith alone (belief in Christ as Savior) is the only condition, and the rest is part of living out that faith, as a born again child of God.
I suffer guilt of sins long past I’ve confessed them for years,but still guilt is there? Is it a lack of faith ?
Contrition and faith are the two parts of repentance, and the fruit of repentance is good works.
Now go home and read your Augustana.
Thank you.
mike smith because he points us to Christ
mike smith original sin is an Old Testament teaching and was a part of the early church and leads us to Baptism. The creeds remind us of this. Blessings.
mike smith hey Mike. Psalm 51:5 is the ‘go to’ for this doctrine. Start from here and see where your cross index’s take you.
mike smith Also, Genesis 8:21, and Psalm a few pages later..Psalm 58:3. Hope this helps.
mike smith mike it applies because regardless of what David was doing he is right in his words that he was born and conceived in sin. But I think what your asking is covered in Romans 5:12. God’s word here is clear that sin entered through Adam (obviously OT) and salvation through Jesus.
Grapes aren't citrus...
Ewww. I “got” your joke - I guess I’m a Liturgical nerd. And thanks for closing your window while recording. Hope you weren’t getting overheated in there😜
I feel that this is terribly erroneous
How so?
@@Mygoalwogel Well a proper view of repentance is not a turning from sin really. It's a changing of the mind towards the Gospel of Grace, justification by faith. We also cannot possibly know the terror of our sin. I don't think Luther would have agreed that a person could know the depth of his sin. He tried that under the his Catholic pre-salvation phase. He would confess unrelentingly trying to achieve that. So Metanoia means, change of mind. Believe the Gospel. Turn from not believing it (ie. self effort) to believing it (Grace alone).
@@metalcomposition that's why Pastor Wolfmueller said "begin to understand the depth of out sin". we can never fully understand how horrible our sin is, but because repentance is entirely God's work, God the Holy Spirit gives us this gift of contrition to where we can "begin" to understand the depth of our sin which is realizing that the sin we have committed is rightly worthy of God's wrath and punishment and us being terrified and sorry over this.
@@LukeBowman08 It's a rabbit hole. The Gospel shows us that we can't "begin" to understand our total depravity. When you have cancer, you can't fight it. Sin is a terminal disease which kills us with immediate effect. It's direct result (wage) is death. Going to jail because you stole, or feeling guilty because you didn't honor your parents as a child, is not the result of sin. Death is. We are born into sin and born again into the righteousness of Christ. We can't somehow scratch the surface through our own contrition. That is in fact the exact place the devil wants us to be.