The book Quran contains: (a) the Nazarene chants (b) the non-Nazarene poetry (c) Surah two - a text on Mosaic law in non-chat/poetry format (d) The opening surah (surah 1). The Nazarene chants would have come from a long scroll (mu-sahf), spilt into multiple surahs by putting a line across at some arbitrary point. The mu-sahf text had words crossing over two lines (the word begins at the end of one line, and ends at the beginning of the following line). By putting the line at some arbitrary point, the Nazarenes have created the 'the mysterious letters' (Muqattaʿat). Nothing mysterious about them. What is mysterious though is the assignment of pronunciation to those orphaned half-words! The non-Nazarene poetry is clearly visible in at least the surahs 53, 85, 113 and 114. 113 addresses the 'lord of the day-break'. Sun? Venus? 114 had god ("lower-case g") written in it. Pronounced not as Allah, but ilah! 85 praises the faith of the Tawhidi (Trinitarian) Christians of Najran. Nazarenes before the time of the Abbasids had qurra' - the hereditary chanters from the Quraysh (Karaites) branch of the Nazarenes. When the Abbasids took over, they dismissed the Nazarene clergy. The Quraysh too disappeared. It would have been then that all the various text was collected and formed into a book.
thank you for teaching us. All my friends are muslims. For years we have lived in tolerance together, but now i am finally able to show them how wicked this cult is. pray for my muslim friends that they accept the only true way. we are all nothing but dying people, i will try my best to convert as many muslims to the only true God untill the day i die. all praise to him
@@jjdoubleu6034 Hi, I want to ask a genuine honest question. you stated there are wicked people and misguided people. What happens to the good people who were only misguided. It doesn’t seem merciful of God to punish good people even if they practiced bring righteous in their life’s. I would appreciate a kind respectful answer 😊
Since Christians aren't really sure who Jesus is, the son of God or God and Christianity is so mysterious, it's a possibility though illogical the moon is the god of anyone though equally as illogical God became a baby@@jobsonjose8268
Not true? In reality islam is equally silly as faith to christianity. Just another false prophet who belonged to prison. There is no reason, proof or physical evidence of allah existing. Only moron would think your faith is proven to even believers of islam. You only got books that are purely fictional.
@@nunya54 You say it has been 1400 years and Islam is still here.Not for long according to your own Prophet Muhammad.Read his prediction Sahih Muslim 001.0270 "Islam started as something strange and it would again revert to being strange and crawl back between the two masjids just like a snake crawls back in its hole"
Yes, and if I understand that hadith correctly, that means the people who practice it, like he and his companions did, will be strange and a small group. This would be similar to how Christianity today isn't practiced like how it was during the time of Jesus by him and his disciples or those after them in the first three centuries. This is why we will see people accepting Islam but they will not practice like he did. Islam will grow but the Muslims who practice correctly will be small in number and strange while the majority will behave and do things that are not correct or innovated into the religion. Sometimes that is due to people becoming Muslim and not adopting all its practices or those born Muslim as well trying to copy the Jews and Christians which Muhammad also predicted. They said if the companions during his time saw us during our time, they wouldn't recognize anything of our practice of Islam except the prayer. And think about it? How now we have people accepting Islam or raised in Islam that don't cover, shave their beards, are musicians, singers, rappers, probably even sex workers! Doing all kinds of things that are not allowed in the religion but still, accepting it (like in Christianity too)@@ajmersingh3043 That's why you can see Muslims today and you will not know they are Muslim at all by how they dress or act, they are weak in faith, but the numbers will still grow. The difference is, while the true nature of Christianity and Judaism or the religion of the other original prophets was lost, Islam will be preserved as it was revealed; just practiced by a small group correctly.
The bible encourages you to think n ponder the mysteries of God. The Qwrong encourages to blindly follow nonsense Because even if it doesn’t make sense “ Allah knows best”😂
Forever Islam will never be a Right Religion. Simply because they have Doctrinising with Hatred, killings and lies from Muhammad. But having said that there are people who are willing to know the truth of salvation. And we should really appreciate an apostate disclosing about islam muhammad and quran.
ps.the mohammed you know today may not had been really how mohammed was, not one really can know if you were not living there with him and rememver how it was this also apply with god
yessir Brotha 💪🏽✝️ God REALLY humbled himself, for coming down earth so he can become human flesh. He was beaten, humiliated, hated, n spat on. He died to save us n guide us to him. 🤲🏽💯✝️🤍 all glory in Jesus’ name, AMEN
@@Ootazfromda03- that sounds a very weak god indeed. Being bullied by his own creation. Bravo to the killer of god, if not your salvation will not happen.😂
@@defenderoftruth3212ha ha a case of sour grapes. Quaran is man made. It was only written by a group of scholars in Azahar University in Cairo Egypt in 1924 base on Hafs recitation. Several verses of the Quaran are lost due to the people who memorised the Quaran died during the battle of Yamama. Quaran 11:114, how many sholat do you do in a day dude?? From where do Muslims copy the word Amen or Amiin since no such word in Quaran. Muslims pray to muhamMad and pagan moon god allah who has three daughters, al-alat, al-uzza and al-manat. Come out of darkness Dude and stop worshipping a DEAD man into the light of the world. Read your Quaran dude. Why is Quaran full of sex organs, vaginas and penises, pedophile sex, gay sex,love to suck the tongues of young boys and have sex with his adopted son's wife. Puji Tuhan!! Praise God 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️♥️ Puji
The NT GOSPELS - Evidence of Author's & Dates Written ▪︎ Matthew - A tax collector who became Jesus' apostle and wrote about the life of Jesus as the Messiah for the Jewish community c. 60 AD. ▪︎ Mark - A Jew, and a companion of Peter and Paul, who wrote for both Jews and Gentiles about Christ's death and resurrection c. 60 AD. ▪︎ Luke - A Gentile doctor, and a companion of Peter and Paul who wrote for the Gentiles about Christ the saviour for humankind. c. 60 AD ▪︎ Luke - also wrote the Acts of the Apostles c. 60 AD. ▪︎ John - The 'beloved' apostle of Jesus, wrote in his later years about the Word who took on Flesh (John 1:1,14) c. 80-90 AD. ▪︎ John - also wrote 3 Letters and The Book of Revelations c. 80-90 AD. ▪︎ James - Jesus' step-brother, wrote 1 letter c. 35 AD. ▪︎ Paul - wrote 13 letters c.49 - 65 AD. ▪︎ Jude - wrote 1 letter c. 65 AD. ▪︎ Peter - wrote 2 letters c. 67 AD. ▪︎ The author of The Letter to Hebrews is unknown c. 65 AD. (Wikipedia). ▪︎ Jesus Christ's' ministry occurred between 27-30 A.D. ▪︎ Christianity began after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ when thousands of Jews became followers of 'The Way' (Jesus). ▪︎ The New Testament scholar, F.F. Bruce, gives strong historical evidence that the New Testament was completed by A.D. 100. ▪︎ Most writings of the New Testament were completed twenty to forty years before 100 AD. (Wikipedia). ▪︎ The apostles and their companions wrote the New Testament from their first-hand experiences with Jesus. New Testament integrity is supported by historians, biblical and textual scholars, along with thousands of early codices, manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, proving the validity and preservation of the Gospels written between c. 35-90 A.D (Eusebius, Church History 111. 39 .15; Irenaeus Against Heresies, 111.1) INTERNAL Evidence: ▪︎ The internal evidence supports these early dates for several reasons. The first three Gospels prophesied the fall of the Jerusalem Temple which occurred in A.D. 70. However, the fulfillment is not mentioned. It is strange that these three Gospels predict this major event but do not record it happening. Why do they not mention such an important prophetic milestone? The most plausible explanation is that it had not yet occurred at the time Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written. ▪︎ In the book of Acts, the Temple plays a central role in the nation of Israel. Luke writes as if the Temple is an important part of Jewish life. He also ends Acts on a strange note: Paul living under house arrest. It is strange that Luke does not record the death of his two chief characters, Peter and Paul. The most plausible reason for this is that Luke finished writing Acts before Peter and Paul's martyrdom in A.D. 64. A significant point to highlight is that the Gospel of Luke precedes Acts, further supporting the traditional dating of c. A.D. 60. Most scholars agree Mark precedes Luke, making Mark's Gospel even earlier. ▪︎ Finally, the majority of New Testament scholars believe that Paul's epistles are written from A.D. 48-60. Paul's outline of the life of Jesus matches that of the Gospels. 1 Corinthians is one of the least disputed books regarding its dating and Pauline authorship. In 1Corinthians chapter 15, Paul summarizes the gospel and reinforces the premise that this is the same gospel preached by the apostles. Paul quotes from Luke's Gospel in 1 Timothy 5:18, showing us that Luke's Gospel was indeed completed in Paul's lifetime. This would move the time of the completion of Luke's Gospel along with Mark and Matthew. This Internal Evidence presents a strong case for the early dating of the Gospels. EXTERNAL Evidence - Gospel Dates: ▪︎ Were the Gospels written by eyewitnesses of the events, or were they not recorded until centuries later? As with the internal evidence, the external evidence also supports a first century date. ▪︎ Fortunately, New Testament scholars have an enormous amount of ancient manuscript evidence. The documentary evidence for the New Testament far surpasses any other work of its time, with over 5000 manuscripts, and many are dated within a few years of their authors' lives. KEY documents: ▪︎ Chester Beatty Papyri contains most of the N.T. writings, and is dated around A.D. 250. ▪︎ The Bodmer Papyri contains most of John, and dates to A.D. 200. ▪︎ Rylands Papyri that was found in Egypt and contains large fragments of John, and dates to A.D. 130. From this fragment we can conclude that John was completed well before A.D. 130 because, not only did the gospel have to be written, it had to be hand copied and make its way down from Greece to Egypt. The majority of scholars agree that John is the last gospel written, so we can affirm its first century date along with the other three with greater assurance. EARLY New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts: ▪︎ Dead Sea Scrolls, the Full Text of Isaiah 53 and a portion of every book, c. 250 BC. ▪︎ Old Testament Greek Septuagint c. 200 BC. ▪︎ P52 (John Rylands Fragment) - John 18:31-33; 37-38 c. 96 AD ▪︎ P90 (Oxyrhynchus) - John 18:36; 19:7 c. 96 AD ▪︎ P104 (Oxyrhynchus) - Matthew 21:34-37, 43, 45 c. 60-65 AD ▪︎ P46 (Chester Beatty Papyrus) - Romans 5:17-6; 5-14; 8:15-25; 27-35; 10:1-11, 22, 24-33, 35; 16:1-23; 25-27. And Hebrews; 1 & 2; Corinthians; Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9-10; 2:1-3; 5:5-9, 23-28 c. 50’s-70’s AD ▪︎ P98 (IFAO) - Revelation 1:13; 2:1 c. 90 AD ▪︎ P66 (Bodmer Papyrus) - John 1:1-6,11; 6:35; 14:26; fragment of 14:29; 21:9 c. 70’s AD ▪︎ P67 Matthew 3:9, 15; 5:20-22; 25-28 c. 60-65 AD ▪︎ Evidence also comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Cave 7. Jose Callahan discovered a large fragment of the Gospel of Mark and dated it to have been written in A.D. 50. Also large fragments of Acts and other epistles and dated them to have been written slightly after A.D. 50.4 Another line of evidence is the writings of the church fathers. ▪︎ CLEMENT of Rome sent a letter to the Corinthian church in A.D. 95. in which he quoted from the Gospels and other portions of the N.T. ▪︎ IGNATIUS, Bishop of Antioch, wrote a letter before his martyrdom in Rome in A.D. 115, quoting all the Gospels and other N.T. letters. ▪︎ POLYCARP wrote to the Philippians in A.D. 120 and quoted from the Gospels and N.T. letters. ▪︎ JUSTIN MARTYR, A.D. 150 quotes John 3. Church fathers of the early second century were familiar with the apostle's writings and quoted them as inspired Scripture. ▪︎ Early dating is important for two reasons. The closer a historical record is to the date of the event, the more likely the record is accurate. Early dating allows for eyewitnesses to still be alive when the Gospels were circulating to attest to their accuracy. The apostles often appeal to the witness of the hostile crowd, pointing to their knowledge of the facts as well (Acts 2:22, 26:26). Also, the time is too short for legends to develop. Historians agree it takes about two generations, or eighty years, for legendary accounts to establish themselves. From the evidence, we can conclude the Gospels were indeed written by the authors they are attributed to. THE First Fully Bound Bible Books/Codices ▪︎ Codex Vaticanus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 280 - 330 AD ▪︎ Codex Siniaticus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 300 - 350 AD ▪︎ Codex Alexandrius: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 350 - 400 AD ▪︎ Codex Vulgate: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 380 - 400 AD JESUS and the Jews were multilingual ▪︎ "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: 'JESUS Of NAZARETH, THE KING Of THE JEWS'. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek" (John 19:19-20) ▪︎ The Gospels were written in Koine Greek being the World's language in the 1st century The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek (Septuagint) c.200 BC for the many Greek speaking Jews It is well known that first-century Jerusalem was inhabited by Greek speaking Jews who were at least bilingual. And Jesus most likely was trilingual apart from the ability to read minds. So the original Gospels were written in Koine Greek and sent throughout the World.. ▪︎ Jewish culture was heavily influenced by Hellenistic culture, and Koine Greek was used not only for international communication but also as the first language of many Jews. This development was furthered by the fact that the largest Jewish community in the world lived in Ptolemaic Alexandria. (Wikipedia) GOD Protects His Sacred Words: ▪︎ "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9). ▪︎ Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matt 24:35). ▪︎ God protects His Word & Gospels and warns of antichrists. (1John2:22). ▪︎ Christ's Good News of Salvation, His Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection hasn't changed for 2000 years. ▪︎ The Gospels are evidenced by internal and external historical, archeological & literary facts. ▪︎ The Gospels are reliable and transparent with any variations transparently referenced in the footnotes. ▪︎ The Gospels have 1000 times more manuscripts than the most documented ancient literature by Greco-Roman historian, Suetonius. ▪︎ Bible is the most comprehensive and reliable source re. 1st century Jerusalem history & used by archaeologists supporting research today.. Hallelujah...
Further, the Quran states that anyone who does not believe blasphemes. The very doctrine itself seeks to prohibit Muslims from critically analyzing it, questioning secular and social authority, or leaving their flock. The Quran is terrifying in this manner.
Any time one questions or ridicules the status quo, he suffers backlash. It's not an Islam thing, necessarily, it's a human thing. We need sincere challengers but the jokers who are just throwing shade are just trolls. Jay Smith is an expert who has educated himself in Islam but Al Fadi has that firsthand experience in the culture and the teaching of Islam, having grown up in it. I have a lot of respect for Jay Smith but I relate more to Al Fadi because I too grew up in an errant religion. I grew up Catholic and the things I see in Islam (from watching these and other videos) I recognize in my Catholic upbringing. Christianity has a holy book (the bible) but it has been abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day out of Vatican City. If one studies the bible, he will soon leave Catholicism. If one reads the Quran, he will soon leave Islam. Whereas, Catholicism bares very little resemblance to the Christianity of the apostles, Islam does seem to embody the teaching of the Quran. The bible teaches of a good religion that leads to peace and prosperity and Catholicism is loathe to follow it (converting souls at the point of a spear). The Quran teaches a violent and savage religion of hatred and virtueless rigor that leads to corruption and decay (converting souls at the point of a spear).
"If one reads the Quran, he will soon leave Islam". Not true. Almost every Mus1im reads the Quran. But there are two problems with reading: (a) 85% of the Mus1ims around the world know no Arabic. So they will not understand what is written. (b) The Arabs understand perhaps 75% of the content. But to understand the rest, one needs not only some background in Aramaic, but also in the mindset of the writers - such as the Nazarenes who followed the Jewish religion. So, hardly anyone has the capacity to question anything.
Aramaic? You mean Arabic right? @@vicmath1005 You can actually question a lot since it is of high importance in Islam to learn all the time. There are also specific area of asking questions called fatwa where people are always asking questions for rulings to those who DO know the language of the Quran and who have detailed knowledge of the religion.
@@nunya54 When I said Aramaic, I meant Aramaic. Not Arabic. It is obvious to me that you do not know Arabic, let alone Aramaic. BTW, I know Arabic and some Aramaic. The scholars that you are talking about will not understand the religion until they understand the Nazarene Aramaic, and more importantly, understand the Nazarene concepts. For example, what is the story behind the root word nṣr ( نصر )? Why does this root word not exist in a single SPOKEN variant of Arabic? What does Anṣār-Allāh (أنصار الله) mean? How does this term relate to nṣr? All these questions can be answered by learning Aramaic which occupies a layer in Quran. But Arab Mus1ims do not have a clue. 85% of the Mus1ims are non-Arab, and they imagine everything of the Quran is in Arabic. So they make Arabs equivalent to gods. You must be Bakistani or Bengali. You will never understand 1slam.
@@vicmath1005 - I never understood any of that. Thanks for sharing. It just seems to me that a normal person would never accept such over-the-top barbarism.
@@GizmoFromPizmo You said "Christianity of the apostles". But bear in mind that the apostles (I am talking about the 12, and not Paul of Tarsus) were not Christian! Instead, they were Levites who became Nazirites - and hence came to be called the Nazarene sect. They strictly observed the Law of Moses, and at some point in time, accepted Jesus to be the promised Messiah. Many of the chants (qur-an) found in the Quran are the chants of the Nazarene. As the Temple in Jerusalem was demolished in 70 CE, the Nazarenes (and any non-Nazarene Levites) would have left Jerusalem/Judaea. Why? Every family had to dedicate their first-born male to the Temple as a priest, and there were many Nazirites in the community who also needed the Temple for their rituals. There are sufficient indications (from various sources) the Nazarenes moved to Petra and set up their Temple there. Just for the record, the Levites were extremely violent towards any of the blasphemers. They murdered the blasphemers. Jesus was a Levite.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. No one takes words away from me Yashua picked up his cross, that's what it means to be a Christian Freedom of speech, Adam fucked up in the beginning but Yashua was like Forgive them for they not know (this is my English translation of the english words of the Greek or Hebrew texts of his words that might have been spoken in Aramaic or hebrew or any other language) We Christians only know God is who leads nobody else but Yashua leads to God
From your 1st statement "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God". How can 1. the word be in existence, 2. then the word transforms to become God 3. And now saying the word was God. So is the bible (as you call the word) God or is the Bible different from God? Between God and the word, who came 1st??
Wow you can tell that Islam is from the beast of Babylon, as she does not like to be questioned in your mind or by others questioning you. JESUS told us to question all, by holding all thoughts captive and subject all our thoughts to reason. Praise to the ELOHIM of YHWH for revealing all.
1. Yahweh is a demonic entity from the Egyptian pantheon, ... 2. ( Set versus Horus ) 3. Moses was able to channel this entity, and placate it via animal sacrifice. 4. This same entity later claims in Book of revelation 7: 1 4a. that the earth has (4 CORNERS ) 4b. and on this ( 4 CORNERS) 4c. there are (4 Angels), 4d. who are holding ( 4 winds ). 5. This genocidal entity even boasts about 5a. (Tree of Life) Preventing Adam and Eve, from obtaining immortality, by placing Cherub s with swords 5b. Confusing languages of the people who chose not be controlled by Yahweh. 5c. about drowning Billions of people and animals of this planet in a Flood 6. Committing more Genocide at Armageddon 7. And possible ( everlasting) torture in a Lake of Fire This guy is anything but Love as claimed by Xtians
Good overview of the prejudice toward valid critiques of the Quran which have been applied to the Biblical texts. Should we hold the Quran to no standard or a low standard? Of course not. As with the long tradition of the textual and critical analyses that have been applied, so too should one apply an equally rigorous standard toward the Quran. Allah tells Muslims to go to the Ahl al-Kitab if in doubt. Those are the right people to go to. They've been doing this for the longest time and it has enriched us all.
Psalms 110:1-:7 The LORD said to My Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Your people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. The LORD has sworn And will not relent, “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.” The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries. He shall drink of the brook by the wayside; Therefore He shall lift up the head.
Matthew 22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, :42 Saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The Son of David.” :43 He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying: :44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool” ’? :45 If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.
Jesus ✝️ Christianity Bible teaches and preaches ❤ love peace ✌ tranquility humanity harmony goodness compassion non violence forgiveness 🙏 Jesus is the Savior of the world 🌏 Amen
They can’t question Islam….but they can question Jews, Christians and people of ‘The Book’ (because there’s only one real Holy book) when they get stuck on a section.
What happened to the other bodies that resurrected? "The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people," Matthew 27:52.
That was token of things to come .. so something like the rapture would have happened, and they would all transfer to heaven. What happened to "Quranic Mohammed" is anyone's guess since the Quran is vague on narrative and events. Hadithal Mohammed is probably considerably elaborated from whoever was majorly authoring the Quran, and his decease was not marked by signs, but by a fairly hasty burial, and then warmongering, as many wanted to leave Islam.
All Muslim funerals are done hastily. It's what God legislated to be done with dead bodies; bury them quickly. There are no authors of the Quran other than God@@collybever
They went to Heaven with Jesus Christ. They were in paradise in Abraham's bosom until Christ was crucified and shed His Blood to forgive their sins. Haven't you read about Lazarus and the rich man. No one was allowed to enter Heaven until their sins were forgiven
If Muslims are not aware of their religion, then, nothing to do but they should oblige. The should find out what is true if Islam all right but if not then, what?It is a question.
I keep on telling people that Islam is arabian culture , everyone must communicate with God through his culture 👊🏿 religions are political parties that were brought to devide and divert us from our origins
And Jesus is the Light of the World. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. A universal point from Whom all things are made and all humanity will find salvation if they choose to believe Him.
The answer is simple, the quran is written on eternal tablets without any defects or changes. Don’t believe me, ask Alonzo Harris. She will set you straight.
And children of Isreal understand, its only cause of Yashua the sane world is with Isreal, the new world Yashua gave us wouldn't be effected but the chosen one brought you the Hebrews all the protection by teaching the world your way of life, the tanakh, the words "inspired" by God that govern the world now. To all the "jews" out there, you don't give much creadit for Yashua, he single handedly kept Isreal alive,
Allah do not hear you, muslims!. Wait at the last third of the night, he is nearer...😂 Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) (p.b.u.h) said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْلَمَةَ، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، عَنْ أَبِي سَلَمَةَ، وَأَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الأَغَرِّ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " يَنْزِلُ رَبُّنَا تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى كُلَّ لَيْلَةٍ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الدُّنْيَا حِينَ يَبْقَى ثُلُثُ اللَّيْلِ الآخِرُ يَقُولُ مَنْ يَدْعُونِي فَأَسْتَجِيبَ لَهُ مَنْ يَسْأَلُنِي فَأُعْطِيَهُ مَنْ يَسْتَغْفِرُنِي فَأَغْفِرَ لَهُ ". Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 1145
Since night comes usually in the equatorial band around 6pm and ends around 6am, that gives us 12 hours of night. The last third of the night round mean between 2am to 6am. What a pity that the pitiful Muslims have to be awake around that time to really do their prayers to catch Allah coming down at that time frame or else it’s all pointless. But then if it’s summer around the 30 degree latitude and above, then in some places, Allah will only appear for maybe 1 or 2 hours each night!!! Not much time to catch him in your Islamic prayers, Abdul or you’ll miss both your prayers and your sleep!! 😂😂😂😂😂
They r busy fighting their morality, trying to defend a guy who would be in prison today, due to being a: pdf, slave owner, caravan robber, etc. If Jesus was on earth today, he would be a moral example that is being seen by all.
Jesus was a supporter and follower of Judaic Law which sets adulthood and allowed marriage at 12 years old which is considered pdf today. If he is God, which some people believe, that means he wrote that law@@abm5707 He also would be the God which allowed slavery in the Bible. Everyone in the Bible, including Jesus would be in prison today if we're going by the subjective standards of people today. Everyone in the Middle Ages would as well.
@@abm5707 Before the Abbasids started ruling, the Mu-hammad of 1slam was indeed Jesus. The Mus1ims then were Nazarenes - Jews who also believed in a Messiah. The Abbasids created a new religion.
Muslims are not allowed to question Islam or even Imams Sahih Muslim 4.0859.0860.0861 "Allah will change the face of a man if he lifts his head before the Imam"
He didn't!! There is NOTHING in the Bible that indicates Mohammed is a prophet any more than any other person alive today. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. He proved it by his miracles, his birth to a virgin, the word of God being spoken audibly as Jesus was baptised, and by his being raised to life 3 days after he was crucified. Jesus was predicted in the Bible hundreds of years before he came to earth in many different prophecies. Nunya, this video explains that the Muslim religion is not based on what you are told about it from your religious leaders . Cira Internatioinal have lots of videos that show the problems with the quran, and with the story of Mohammed that Muslims are told, which is very far from the truth. In the quran (3.54) it even says "Allah is the best deceiver". The Bible tells us that God hates deceivers, so Allah is definitely NOT God. "You will destroy those who tell lies. The Lord detests murderers and deceivers." Psalm 5 verse 6 So do you trust Allah, a self confessed deceiver, or do you trust the God of truth who hates lies?
So Jesus is God and he did NOT create Muhammad?@@blindcuckoo6680 The Bible says a prophet would come that was unlettered. In Isaiah's vision, there were two chariots. Who was the chariot of camels, the burden of Arabia? The one who would fight the sons of Kedar with 10,000 saints? The himdah, "that prophet" the Jews asked about and went to look for in Teima, who had a law from Mount Paran? Why does he fit the criteria in the Bible to know when a person speaks from God? Why did Jesus create Muhammad and send him with a book that has nothing in it proven false but let the Bible get corrupted? They've found many false parts in the Bible. Why did he make the revelation he claimed he got so clear and logical while Christianity is mysterious and illogical? If the Bible prophesizes many things to come in the future and is the last book, why wouldn't it predict the coming of Muhammad? A man who convinced billions of people to believe in Jesus, is considered the most influential in history and whose religion is set to overtake Christianity? Seems these descriptions and prophecies MUST be about him and who else could they be? Like Jesus claiming to be the son of God. There's not authentic evidence of that. Why is that? Why were the gospels written anonymously and no one knows who they were? Why did they write 45-50 years after Jesus and why did the people Jesus taught directly not know he was the son of God if it was clear Jesus said it? For three centuries the Jews followed Jesus as a prophet. Why if it he claimed otherwise? How did they miss that when they knew Jesus better than anyone? Why is the BIble's authorship unclear? The Bible says God sends delusions. This is not different from God deceiving those who deserve it Who thinks ill of God and judges His actions? If Allah is God, he cannot be detested as a murder and deceiver. When these traits come to God, they are praiseworthy, not blameworthy. Why do you judge God? When God says vengeance is His or He is jealous, these are bad qualities. Do you judge God as being blameworthy?
More and more as the truth about cults hit the internet. The cults have no place to hide. Christianity is the truth and sets people free. Love and eternal life with Jesus Christ
I am a Yemeni Muslim and I studied the Quran and Islam. I also studied Christianity and the Bible. I thoroughly read the King James version and the Standard Revised version. After extensive studies, I became more convinced than ever that Islam is the complete religion and the salvation and the Quran is full of miracles and it proved to be the final and last testament. Now where else can you find the belief in One Supreme Almighty God who is the Creator of everything and everyone in the universe and beyond and therein. All are signs of his Oneness and there is none like unto Him. IT IS MARVELOUS AND ALTOGETHER LOVELY. WE CAN SEE HIS MIRACLES IN EVERY BEING FROM THE EXPANSIVE UNIVERSE TO THE ATOM AND SMALLER THAN THAT. ALL IS MENTIONED IN THE GLORIOUS QURAN IF YOU HAVE THE LIGHT OF KNOWLEDGE IN YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS. GOD SAID REGARDING SUCH THAT THEIR BLINDNESS IS IN THEIR HEARTS AND NOT THEIR EYES. THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THEIR HEARTS.
islam /quran ' seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave ' v. bible ' god is now 3 coequal godheads. don't ask how. just believe ' very easy to obliterate islamapobe talking points
@mysotiras0187 this from the folks who kiss touch bow and pray to a stone wall in Jerusalem when they're not doing the same to their hubbies and boyfriends. as Jerusalem holds the largest gay pride parade in the world every year. shame
If you find Christianity confusing then it show you are caught in bondage, the best deceiver blinding you. There is one way to get delivered from bondage....
How does it feel knowing you most likely only follow your religion because your ancestors were enslaved into it and couldn't leave due to apostasy laws?
Actually, inside you, you know it’s true but as an Abdul, you dare not doubt because you fear hellfire 🔥, which you also question, but then you fear the ummah more.
So Christianity? They had brutal apostasy laws, much harsher than Islam and no one believes in it unless they're indoctrinated or forced into it@@Xbalanque84
The multiple errors of Allah of the Quran - the false god, an imposter Muslims claim that Allah is the true God, Islam is the true religion, the Qur’an is the true Word of God, and Muhammad is a true prophet. Are their claims true? The answer to this is a resounding "No." Islamic sacred tradition discourages believers from asking questions. Allah and Muhammad discourage Muslims from asking questions. From infancy Muslims are groomed to abstain from questioning the tenets of Islam. Thus, Muslims grow up learning not to question their religion. Questioning Islam is viewed the same as the sin of apostasy. To prevent someone from asking questions is to take away the basic rights of that individual. Asking questions is an inherent part of human nature. By quelling questions, Islam is destroying the reasoning power of humans. Surah 5:101: “O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.” (Yusuf Ali) Surah 5:102: “Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” (Yusuf Ali) Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 92: Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet was asked about things which he did not like, but when the questioners insisted, the Prophet got angry. Questions for Muslims Why did Allah and Muhammad discourage people from asking questions? What is Islam trying to hide? Is blind faith the way to Islam? Why did Muhammad become angry at those who asked him questions? Why were people warned by Allah not to ask questions? How is that in Islam, questioning can lead to losing one’s faith? Does not this prove that even the right answers can lead to losing one’s faith in Islam? Only an information control cult would discourage its members to raise questions. Is it rational to accept a religion as true without ever investigating or questioning it? Surely not! Is it based on truth? With that we have to examine the true teachings of Islam. THE FIRST MUSLIM The Qur’an states Muhammad was the first Muslim. Surah 6:163: “He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.” (Hilali-Khan) However, the Qur’an also states that Abraham who lived centuries before Muhammad was a Muslim. Surah 3:67: Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian but he was a Muslim, true in faith. He was not one of the Pagans (who set up partners with Allah). (Farook Malik) And the Qur’an teaches that the disciples of Jesus who lived before Muhammad were also Muslims. Surah 5:111: And as I revealed to the Disciples (The followers of Isa “Jesus”, also called the Apostles) Saying, “Believe in Me and in My Messenger.” They said, “We believe, and bear you witness that surely we ourselves are Muslims.” (Muhammad Ghali) In fact, the Qur’an claims that all true worshippers, from the time of Abraham to the time of Muhammad were Muslims. Surah 22:78: Strive in the way of God with a service worthy of Him. He has chosen you and laid no hardship on you in the way of faith, the faith of your forbear Abraham. He named you Muslim earlier, and in this Qur’an. (Ahmed Ali) Questions for Muslims Since the Qur’an states that Muhammad was the first Muslim, while at the same instant affirming that there were Muslims living before his time, is this not a clear proof of a contradiction in the Qur’an? How are you going to reconcile the claim in the Qur’an that Muhammad was the first Muslim with the statement in the Qur’an that Abraham who lived before him was also a Muslim? How are you going to reconcile the claim in the Qur’an that Muhammad was the first Muslim with the statement in the Qur’an that the disciples of Jesus who lived before him were also Muslims? Do you not agree that if Abraham was truly a Muslim as the Qur’an claims, then Muhammad cannot be the first Muslim? Do you not agree that if the disciples of Jesus were truly Muslims as the Qur’an claims, then Muhammad cannot be the first Muslim? Do you not agree that one or the other verse in the Qur’an is a lie? Does this not clearly prove that the Qur’an contains a false statement in it? Can the true Word of God contain an error/lie in it? Can you really trust the Qur’an as the Word of God, now that you have discovered an error in it? Well who was the first Muslim? Was it Muhammad? Are you sure? Or was it Moses? In obedient submission to Allah, Moses declares that he is the first Muslim: Surah 7:143: So when his Lord directed His light on the mountain, He blew it into bits and Moosa (Moses) fell down unconscious; then upon regaining consciousness he said, “Purity is to You! I incline towards You, and I am the first Muslim.” (Faridul Haque) And in acknowledgement, Allah replies: Surah 7:144: Said Allah, “O Moosa! I have chosen you from mankind by bestowing My messages and by My speech, so accept what I have bestowed upon you and be among the thankful.” (Faridul Haque) So Muslims, according to the teachings of your Qur’an, who do you believe was the first Muslim???
Do not be led astray by these types of people, I get very sad when I see this, a GOD fearing person would never ignorantly talk like this about another Abrahamic Religion, a true GOD fearing person would show kindness, love and tolerance. GOD is ONE the paths are many.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” - Matthew 7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10
This is the problem of almost every Christian, they think they are above God and they think God can do anything until to an extent God can also become human and dies on a Roman cross!
To quote that guy from _Billy Madison,_ "What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
@@solochristo741 If you really know about Christianity, why don't follow your Christian Professors and Christian Priests who really studied [both Christianity and Islam!] and [they!]ended up converting to Islam?
Dr. Jay is a bravery and man of God, may God bless him and protect his family.
No one should be above question, _not even God._ If anything, in my experience, the Lord welcomes honest questioning.
The way Jesus handled all kinds of questions directed to Him is marvelous and remains in the minds of anyone who hears and reads the discussions.
Another interesting subject Al-Fadi. 😎👍
The book Quran contains:
(a) the Nazarene chants
(b) the non-Nazarene poetry
(c) Surah two - a text on Mosaic law in non-chat/poetry format
(d) The opening surah (surah 1).
The Nazarene chants would have come from a long scroll (mu-sahf), spilt into multiple surahs by putting a line across at some arbitrary point.
The mu-sahf text had words crossing over two lines (the word begins at the end of one line, and ends at the beginning of the following line).
By putting the line at some arbitrary point, the Nazarenes have created the 'the mysterious letters' (Muqattaʿat). Nothing mysterious about them.
What is mysterious though is the assignment of pronunciation to those orphaned half-words!
The non-Nazarene poetry is clearly visible in at least the surahs 53, 85, 113 and 114.
113 addresses the 'lord of the day-break'. Sun? Venus?
114 had god ("lower-case g") written in it. Pronounced not as Allah, but ilah!
85 praises the faith of the Tawhidi (Trinitarian) Christians of Najran.
Nazarenes before the time of the Abbasids had qurra' - the hereditary chanters from the Quraysh (Karaites) branch of the Nazarenes.
When the Abbasids took over, they dismissed the Nazarene clergy. The Quraysh too disappeared. It would have been then that all the various text was collected and formed into a book.
thank you for teaching us. All my friends are muslims. For years we have lived in tolerance together, but now i am finally able to show them how wicked this cult is. pray for my muslim friends that they accept the only true way. we are all nothing but dying people, i will try my best to convert as many muslims to the only true God untill the day i die. all praise to him
I hope your friends covert over and become a son or daughter of god! Your friends will be in my prayers tonight!
Remember they themselves are not wicked, just misguided. I appreciate your efforts in showing the light.
@@prussia4428lol hell is hot my boy I can straight up tell off what u said u hate islam to the fullest may Allah guide us all
@@jjdoubleu6034 Hi, I want to ask a genuine honest question. you stated there are wicked people and misguided people. What happens to the good people who were only misguided. It doesn’t seem merciful of God to punish good people even if they practiced bring righteous in their life’s.
I would appreciate a kind respectful answer 😊
Islam needs the bible but the bible does not need islame
Out of ur mind 😂
@@mohammedtambadou8215 if I was out of my mind I would be a Muslim and believe in la la
Islam doesn't need the Bible. No one does.
@@nunya54islam 1000000% needs the bible 😂
@@nunya54 no one needs la la and his three wife religion unless you hate women
The Truth Shall Set You Free Yes, Free Indeed! God bless you both and your ministry!
Why is this channel not getting enough recognition! 😕
You can ask TH-cam!
Is there anyway to maximize the viewership? its such an irony that a Dawah short gets 100x views ....
Great presentation brothers. The facts are the facts and you are doing a great job of revealing it. Shalom
God is Good and he's Jesus Christ ✝
Who was Jesus's God?
@@nunya54definitely it's not the moon god Lah.
Since Christians aren't really sure who Jesus is, the son of God or God and Christianity is so mysterious, it's a possibility though illogical the moon is the god of anyone though equally as illogical God became a baby@@jobsonjose8268
Islam is like a seaside castle .. Once a wave questioning comes.. that it.. dissolve in waters...
Not true? In reality islam is equally silly as faith to christianity. Just another false prophet who belonged to prison. There is no reason, proof or physical evidence of allah existing. Only moron would think your faith is proven to even believers of islam. You only got books that are purely fictional.
When is that coming? It's been 1400 years.
@@nunya54 You say it has been 1400 years and Islam is still here.Not for long according to your own Prophet Muhammad.Read his prediction
Sahih Muslim 001.0270
"Islam started as something strange and it would again revert to being strange and crawl back between the two masjids just like a snake crawls back in its hole"
Yes, and if I understand that hadith correctly, that means the people who practice it, like he and his companions did, will be strange and a small group. This would be similar to how Christianity today isn't practiced like how it was during the time of Jesus by him and his disciples or those after them in the first three centuries. This is why we will see people accepting Islam but they will not practice like he did. Islam will grow but the Muslims who practice correctly will be small in number and strange while the majority will behave and do things that are not correct or innovated into the religion. Sometimes that is due to people becoming Muslim and not adopting all its practices or those born Muslim as well trying to copy the Jews and Christians which Muhammad also predicted.
They said if the companions during his time saw us during our time, they wouldn't recognize anything of our practice of Islam except the prayer. And think about it? How now we have people accepting Islam or raised in Islam that don't cover, shave their beards, are musicians, singers, rappers, probably even sex workers! Doing all kinds of things that are not allowed in the religion but still, accepting it (like in Christianity too)@@ajmersingh3043 That's why you can see Muslims today and you will not know they are Muslim at all by how they dress or act, they are weak in faith, but the numbers will still grow.
The difference is, while the true nature of Christianity and Judaism or the religion of the other original prophets was lost, Islam will be preserved as it was revealed; just practiced by a small group correctly.
The bible encourages you to think n ponder the mysteries of God. The Qwrong encourages to blindly follow nonsense Because even if it doesn’t make sense “ Allah knows best”😂
@@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid Qwrong /Quoran same thing just my preference.
@@Hunter00717😂 man said qwrong
Well said!!!😂
@@Hunter00717I prefer koratsass.😂
God bless you brother thank you for exposing Islam and bringing people too the truth the Bible and Christianity, God bless you and your family
Forever Islam will never be a Right Religion. Simply because they have Doctrinising with Hatred, killings and lies from Muhammad. But having said that there are people who are willing to know the truth of salvation. And we should really appreciate an apostate disclosing about islam muhammad and quran.
ps.the mohammed you know today may not had been really how mohammed was, not one really can know if you were not living there with him and rememver how it was this also apply with god
Great work!
so glad to see this duo is in one frame again
I graduated from Senior High School learning lots. Thanks from Indonesia
Amen, glory to God for these 2 for spreading knowledge and truth 🙏🏾
yessir Brotha 💪🏽✝️ God REALLY humbled himself, for coming down earth so he can become human flesh. He was beaten, humiliated, hated, n spat on. He died to save us n guide us to him. 🤲🏽💯✝️🤍 all glory in Jesus’ name, AMEN
The koo-wrong
@@Ootazfromda03- that sounds a very weak god indeed. Being bullied by his own creation. Bravo to the killer of god, if not your salvation will not happen.😂
@@defenderoftruth3212ha ha a case of sour grapes. Quaran is man made. It was only written by a group of scholars in Azahar University in Cairo Egypt in 1924 base on Hafs recitation. Several verses of the Quaran are lost due to the people who memorised the Quaran died during the battle of Yamama.
Quaran 11:114, how many sholat do you do in a day dude??
From where do Muslims copy the word Amen or Amiin since no such word in Quaran.
Muslims pray to muhamMad and pagan moon god allah who has three daughters, al-alat, al-uzza and al-manat.
Come out of darkness Dude and stop worshipping a DEAD man into the light of the world.
Read your Quaran dude. Why is Quaran full of sex organs, vaginas and penises, pedophile sex, gay sex,love to suck the tongues of young boys and have sex with his adopted son's wife. Puji Tuhan!! Praise God 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️♥️ Puji
Good topic brothers.
The NT GOSPELS - Evidence of Author's & Dates Written
▪︎ Matthew - A tax collector who became Jesus' apostle and wrote about the life of Jesus as the Messiah for the Jewish community c. 60 AD.
▪︎ Mark - A Jew, and a companion of Peter and Paul, who wrote for both Jews and Gentiles about Christ's death and resurrection c. 60 AD.
▪︎ Luke - A Gentile doctor, and a companion of Peter and Paul who wrote for the Gentiles about Christ the saviour for humankind. c. 60 AD
▪︎ Luke - also wrote the Acts of the Apostles c. 60 AD.
▪︎ John - The 'beloved' apostle of Jesus, wrote in his later years about the Word who took on Flesh (John 1:1,14) c. 80-90 AD.
▪︎ John - also wrote 3 Letters and The Book of Revelations c. 80-90 AD.
▪︎ James - Jesus' step-brother, wrote 1 letter c. 35 AD.
▪︎ Paul - wrote 13 letters c.49 - 65 AD.
▪︎ Jude - wrote 1 letter c. 65 AD.
▪︎ Peter - wrote 2 letters c. 67 AD.
▪︎ The author of The Letter to Hebrews is unknown c. 65 AD.
▪︎ Jesus Christ's' ministry occurred between 27-30 A.D.
▪︎ Christianity began after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ when thousands of Jews became followers of 'The Way' (Jesus).
▪︎ The New Testament scholar, F.F. Bruce, gives strong historical evidence that the New Testament was completed by A.D. 100.
▪︎ Most writings of the New Testament were completed twenty to forty years before 100 AD. (Wikipedia).
▪︎ The apostles and their companions wrote the New Testament from their first-hand experiences with Jesus.
New Testament integrity is supported by historians, biblical and textual scholars, along with thousands of early codices, manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, proving the validity and preservation of the Gospels written between c. 35-90 A.D
(Eusebius, Church History 111. 39 .15; Irenaeus Against Heresies, 111.1)
INTERNAL Evidence:
▪︎ The internal evidence supports these early dates for several reasons. The first three Gospels prophesied the fall of the Jerusalem Temple which occurred in A.D. 70. However, the fulfillment is not mentioned. It is strange that these three Gospels predict this major event but do not record it happening. Why do they not mention such an important prophetic milestone? The most plausible explanation is that it had not yet occurred at the time Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written.
▪︎ In the book of Acts, the Temple plays a central role in the nation of Israel. Luke writes as if the Temple is an important part of Jewish life. He also ends Acts on a strange note: Paul living under house arrest.
It is strange that Luke does not record the death of his two chief characters, Peter and Paul. The most plausible reason for this is that Luke finished writing Acts before Peter and Paul's martyrdom in A.D. 64. A significant point to highlight is that the Gospel of Luke precedes Acts, further supporting the traditional dating of c. A.D. 60.
Most scholars agree Mark precedes Luke, making Mark's Gospel even earlier.
▪︎ Finally, the majority of New Testament scholars believe that Paul's epistles are written from A.D. 48-60. Paul's outline of the life of Jesus matches that of the Gospels.
1 Corinthians is one of the least disputed books regarding its dating and Pauline authorship.
In 1Corinthians chapter 15, Paul summarizes the gospel and reinforces the premise that this is the same gospel preached by the apostles.
Paul quotes from Luke's Gospel in 1 Timothy 5:18, showing us that Luke's Gospel was indeed completed in Paul's lifetime. This would move the time of the completion of Luke's Gospel along with Mark and Matthew.
This Internal Evidence presents a strong case for the early dating of the Gospels.
EXTERNAL Evidence - Gospel Dates:
▪︎ Were the Gospels written by eyewitnesses of the events, or were they not recorded until centuries later? As with the internal evidence, the external evidence also supports a first century date.
▪︎ Fortunately, New Testament scholars have an enormous amount of ancient manuscript evidence. The documentary evidence for the New Testament far surpasses any other work of its time, with over 5000 manuscripts, and many are dated within a few years of their authors' lives.
KEY documents:
▪︎ Chester Beatty Papyri contains most of the N.T. writings, and is dated around A.D. 250.
▪︎ The Bodmer Papyri contains most of John, and dates to A.D. 200.
▪︎ Rylands Papyri that was found in Egypt and contains large fragments of John, and dates to A.D. 130.
From this fragment we can conclude that John was completed well before A.D. 130 because, not only did the gospel have to be written, it had to be hand copied and make its way down from Greece to Egypt.
The majority of scholars agree that John is the last gospel written, so we can affirm its first century date along with the other three with greater assurance.
EARLY New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts:
▪︎ Dead Sea Scrolls, the Full Text of Isaiah 53 and a portion of every book, c. 250 BC.
▪︎ Old Testament Greek Septuagint c. 200 BC.
▪︎ P52 (John Rylands Fragment) - John 18:31-33; 37-38 c. 96 AD
▪︎ P90 (Oxyrhynchus) - John 18:36; 19:7 c. 96 AD
▪︎ P104 (Oxyrhynchus) - Matthew 21:34-37, 43, 45 c. 60-65 AD
▪︎ P46 (Chester Beatty Papyrus) - Romans 5:17-6; 5-14; 8:15-25; 27-35; 10:1-11, 22, 24-33, 35; 16:1-23; 25-27.
And Hebrews; 1 & 2; Corinthians; Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9-10; 2:1-3; 5:5-9, 23-28 c. 50’s-70’s AD
▪︎ P98 (IFAO) - Revelation 1:13; 2:1 c. 90 AD
▪︎ P66 (Bodmer Papyrus) - John 1:1-6,11; 6:35; 14:26; fragment of 14:29; 21:9 c. 70’s AD
▪︎ P67 Matthew 3:9, 15; 5:20-22; 25-28 c. 60-65 AD
▪︎ Evidence also comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Cave 7.
Jose Callahan discovered a large fragment of the Gospel of Mark and dated it to have been written in A.D. 50. Also large fragments of Acts and other epistles and dated them to have been written slightly after A.D. 50.4
Another line of evidence is the writings of the church fathers.
▪︎ CLEMENT of Rome sent a letter to the Corinthian church in A.D. 95. in which he quoted from the Gospels and other portions of the N.T.
▪︎ IGNATIUS, Bishop of Antioch, wrote a letter before his martyrdom in Rome in A.D. 115, quoting all the Gospels and other N.T. letters.
▪︎ POLYCARP wrote to the Philippians in A.D. 120 and quoted from the Gospels and N.T. letters.
▪︎ JUSTIN MARTYR, A.D. 150 quotes John 3. Church fathers of the early second century were familiar with the apostle's writings and quoted them as inspired Scripture.
▪︎ Early dating is important for two reasons. The closer a historical record is to the date of the event, the more likely the record is accurate. Early dating allows for eyewitnesses to still be alive when the Gospels were circulating to attest to their accuracy.
The apostles often appeal to the witness of the hostile crowd, pointing to their knowledge of the facts as well (Acts 2:22, 26:26).
Also, the time is too short for legends to develop.
Historians agree it takes about two generations, or eighty years, for legendary accounts to establish themselves.
From the evidence, we can conclude the Gospels were indeed written by the authors they are attributed to.
THE First Fully Bound Bible Books/Codices
▪︎ Codex Vaticanus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 280 - 330 AD
▪︎ Codex Siniaticus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 300 - 350 AD
▪︎ Codex Alexandrius: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 350 - 400 AD
▪︎ Codex Vulgate: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 380 - 400 AD
JESUS and the Jews were multilingual
▪︎ "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross.
Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Greek" (John 19:19-20)
▪︎ The Gospels were written in Koine Greek being the World's language in the 1st century
The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek (Septuagint) c.200 BC for the many Greek speaking Jews
It is well known that first-century Jerusalem was inhabited by Greek speaking Jews who were at least bilingual. And Jesus most likely was trilingual apart from the ability to read minds.
So the original Gospels were written in Koine Greek and sent throughout the World..
▪︎ Jewish culture was heavily influenced by Hellenistic culture, and Koine Greek was used not only for international communication but also as the first language of many Jews. This development was furthered by the fact that the largest Jewish community in the world lived in Ptolemaic Alexandria. (Wikipedia)
GOD Protects His Sacred Words:
▪︎ "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!
As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9).
▪︎ Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matt 24:35).
▪︎ God protects His Word & Gospels and warns of antichrists. (1John2:22).
▪︎ Christ's Good News of Salvation, His Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection hasn't changed for 2000 years.
▪︎ The Gospels are evidenced by internal and external historical, archeological & literary facts.
▪︎ The Gospels are reliable and transparent with any variations transparently referenced in the footnotes.
▪︎ The Gospels have 1000 times more manuscripts than the most documented ancient literature by Greco-Roman historian, Suetonius.
▪︎ Bible is the most comprehensive and reliable source re. 1st century Jerusalem history & used by archaeologists supporting research today..
I highly recommend and appreciate all efforts done in this regard,
The Bible is the Gospel Truth AMEN
Peace in sanatan❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Har har Mahadev 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Another great show with Dr. Jay
Good honest discussion.
Great efforts
Amos 3:7
Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.
His prophets not Muhammad
Being born Muslim and Islamic Researcher, Im 100% agreed with you.
Further, the Quran states that anyone who does not believe blasphemes. The very doctrine itself seeks to prohibit Muslims from critically analyzing it, questioning secular and social authority, or leaving their flock. The Quran is terrifying in this manner.
Glory to Jesus fir the wonderful job that Dr. Jay is doing!
Thank you ✝️🇺🇸
The standard narrative has holes in it…
Were you got that information from
Web site
Unfortunately we are in these situations with Islamic cult.
Did Al Tabari write for the general reader, or for jurists and judges?
Because if they did, there would be no islam!
Why no slides?
Any time one questions or ridicules the status quo, he suffers backlash. It's not an Islam thing, necessarily, it's a human thing. We need sincere challengers but the jokers who are just throwing shade are just trolls.
Jay Smith is an expert who has educated himself in Islam but Al Fadi has that firsthand experience in the culture and the teaching of Islam, having grown up in it. I have a lot of respect for Jay Smith but I relate more to Al Fadi because I too grew up in an errant religion.
I grew up Catholic and the things I see in Islam (from watching these and other videos) I recognize in my Catholic upbringing. Christianity has a holy book (the bible) but it has been abandoned in favor of the flavor of the day out of Vatican City. If one studies the bible, he will soon leave Catholicism. If one reads the Quran, he will soon leave Islam.
Whereas, Catholicism bares very little resemblance to the Christianity of the apostles, Islam does seem to embody the teaching of the Quran. The bible teaches of a good religion that leads to peace and prosperity and Catholicism is loathe to follow it (converting souls at the point of a spear). The Quran teaches a violent and savage religion of hatred and virtueless rigor that leads to corruption and decay (converting souls at the point of a spear).
"If one reads the Quran, he will soon leave Islam".
Not true.
Almost every Mus1im reads the Quran.
But there are two problems with reading:
(a) 85% of the Mus1ims around the world know no Arabic. So they will not understand what is written.
(b) The Arabs understand perhaps 75% of the content. But to understand the rest, one needs not only some background in Aramaic, but also in the mindset of the writers - such as the Nazarenes who followed the Jewish religion.
So, hardly anyone has the capacity to question anything.
Aramaic? You mean Arabic right? @@vicmath1005 You can actually question a lot since it is of high importance in Islam to learn all the time. There are also specific area of asking questions called fatwa where people are always asking questions for rulings to those who DO know the language of the Quran and who have detailed knowledge of the religion.
@@nunya54 When I said Aramaic, I meant Aramaic. Not Arabic.
It is obvious to me that you do not know Arabic, let alone Aramaic.
BTW, I know Arabic and some Aramaic.
The scholars that you are talking about will not understand the religion until they understand the Nazarene Aramaic, and more importantly, understand the Nazarene concepts.
For example, what is the story behind the root word nṣr ( نصر )?
Why does this root word not exist in a single SPOKEN variant of Arabic?
What does Anṣār-Allāh (أنصار الله) mean? How does this term relate to nṣr?
All these questions can be answered by learning Aramaic which occupies a layer in Quran.
But Arab Mus1ims do not have a clue.
85% of the Mus1ims are non-Arab, and they imagine everything of the Quran is in Arabic. So they make Arabs equivalent to gods.
You must be Bakistani or Bengali. You will never understand 1slam.
@@vicmath1005 - I never understood any of that. Thanks for sharing. It just seems to me that a normal person would never accept such over-the-top barbarism.
@@GizmoFromPizmo You said "Christianity of the apostles".
But bear in mind that the apostles (I am talking about the 12, and not Paul of Tarsus) were not Christian!
Instead, they were Levites who became Nazirites - and hence came to be called the Nazarene sect. They strictly observed the Law of Moses, and at some point in time, accepted Jesus to be the promised Messiah. Many of the chants (qur-an) found in the Quran are the chants of the Nazarene.
As the Temple in Jerusalem was demolished in 70 CE, the Nazarenes (and any non-Nazarene Levites) would have left Jerusalem/Judaea. Why? Every family had to dedicate their first-born male to the Temple as a priest, and there were many Nazirites in the community who also needed the Temple for their rituals.
There are sufficient indications (from various sources) the Nazarenes moved to Petra and set up their Temple there.
Just for the record, the Levites were extremely violent towards any of the blasphemers. They murdered the blasphemers. Jesus was a Levite.
Cant wait ❤
In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
No one takes words away from me
Yashua picked up his cross, that's what it means to be a Christian
Freedom of speech, Adam fucked up in the beginning but Yashua was like Forgive them for they not know (this is my English translation of the english words of the Greek or Hebrew texts of his words that might have been spoken in Aramaic or hebrew or any other language)
We Christians only know God is who leads nobody else but Yashua leads to God
From your 1st statement "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God".
How can
1. the word be in existence,
2. then the word transforms to become God
3. And now saying the word was God.
So is the bible (as you call the word) God or is the Bible different from God? Between God and the word, who came 1st??
Can some one write what paradigm is it?
We don't have any question to ask Islam.
Christian is partying right now
Love you all
Al, do you produce these videos in Arabic?
Wow you can tell that Islam is from the beast of Babylon, as she does not like to be questioned in your mind or by others questioning you. JESUS told us to question all, by holding all thoughts captive and subject all our thoughts to reason. Praise to the ELOHIM of YHWH for revealing all.
1. Yahweh is a demonic entity from the Egyptian pantheon, ...
2. ( Set versus Horus )
3. Moses was able to channel this entity, and placate it via animal sacrifice.
4. This same entity later claims in Book of revelation 7: 1
4a. that the earth has (4 CORNERS )
4b. and on this ( 4 CORNERS)
4c. there are (4 Angels),
4d. who are holding ( 4 winds ).
5. This genocidal entity even boasts about
5a. (Tree of Life) Preventing Adam and Eve, from obtaining immortality, by placing Cherub s with swords
5b. Confusing languages of the people who chose not be controlled by Yahweh.
5c. about drowning Billions of people and animals of this planet in a Flood
6. Committing more Genocide at Armageddon
7. And possible ( everlasting) torture in a Lake of Fire
This guy is anything but Love as claimed by Xtians
Good overview of the prejudice toward valid critiques of the Quran which have been applied to the Biblical texts. Should we hold the Quran to no standard or a low standard? Of course not. As with the long tradition of the textual and critical analyses that have been applied, so too should one apply an equally rigorous standard toward the Quran. Allah tells Muslims to go to the Ahl al-Kitab if in doubt. Those are the right people to go to. They've been doing this for the longest time and it has enriched us all.
only one truth,, Jesus our beautiful God ,, no one else
But 2 gods behind you forget them? 😅
@mohammedtambadou8215 He's One God into three.
Who was Jesus' God? He said My Lord and your Lord. Who was that?
Psalms 110:1-:7 The LORD said to My Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” The LORD shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies! Your people shall be volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. The LORD has sworn And will not relent, “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.” The Lord is at Your right hand; He shall execute kings in the day of His wrath. He shall judge among the nations, He shall fill the places with dead bodies, He shall execute the heads of many countries. He shall drink of the brook by the wayside; Therefore He shall lift up the head.
Matthew 22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, :42 Saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”
They said to Him, “The Son of David.”
:43 He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying:
:44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool” ’?
:45 If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.
Perhaps a clue can be found in the video description when you click 'more'
Well said. From my observation there is too much acceptance and protection of Islam in Western countries particularly the english speaking ones.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV
Prove all things;
hold fast that which is good.
Jesus ✝️ Christianity Bible teaches and preaches ❤ love peace ✌ tranquility humanity harmony goodness compassion non violence forgiveness 🙏 Jesus is the Savior of the world 🌏 Amen
The Bible teaches love and peace? In the Old Testament? The law that Jesus said he came to uphold and fulfil? Have you read the Bible??
would you be able to question a roman emperor? its the same thing you cannot question an empire
They can’t question Islam….but they can question Jews, Christians and people of ‘The Book’ (because there’s only one real Holy book) when they get stuck on a section.
What happened to the other bodies that resurrected? "The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people," Matthew 27:52.
That was token of things to come .. so something like the rapture would have happened, and they would all transfer to heaven. What happened to "Quranic Mohammed" is anyone's guess since the Quran is vague on narrative and events. Hadithal Mohammed is probably considerably elaborated from whoever was majorly authoring the Quran, and his decease was not marked by signs, but by a fairly hasty burial, and then warmongering, as many wanted to leave Islam.
All Muslim funerals are done hastily. It's what God legislated to be done with dead bodies; bury them quickly.
There are no authors of the Quran other than God@@collybever
They went to Heaven with Jesus Christ. They were in paradise in Abraham's bosom until Christ was crucified and shed His Blood to forgive their sins. Haven't you read about Lazarus and the rich man. No one was allowed to enter Heaven until their sins were forgiven
Why did the story end abruptly? and why did they add on a longer ending later?@@georgeo785
Does freedom of speech allow to put Allah and His Messenger into question? What kind of freedom is this? Is it not foolish?
very true bro
If Muslims are not aware of their religion, then, nothing to do but they should oblige. The should find out what is true if Islam all right but if not then, what?It is a question.
Prophet mohobbat is the best. Long live razu lala 😍
I keep on telling people that Islam is arabian culture , everyone must communicate with God through his culture 👊🏿 religions are political parties that were brought to devide and divert us from our origins
If you want to be a man of god you have to be an Arab
Islam logic
God is truth, by definition. Find out what is true and false and you'll be fine.
And Jesus is the Light of the World.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
A universal point from Whom all things are made and all humanity will find salvation if they choose to believe Him.
Problem is Islamic god is the best deceiver pretending to be the Creator...
Religion of peace really
This is true...
Questions have been asked through biblical time, and God and his son Jesus have answered those questions. Why should anything be different.
Thank God I believe a God who has said in the Bible .test all things .
The answer is simple, the quran is written on eternal tablets without any defects or changes. Don’t believe me, ask Alonzo Harris. She will set you straight.
Agonzo is a SHE???
Alonzo a transgender?
And children of Isreal understand, its only cause of Yashua the sane world is with Isreal, the new world Yashua gave us wouldn't be effected but the chosen one brought you the Hebrews all the protection by teaching the world your way of life, the tanakh, the words "inspired" by God that govern the world now.
To all the "jews" out there, you don't give much creadit for Yashua, he single handedly kept Isreal alive,
Allah do not hear you, muslims!. Wait at the last third of the night, he is nearer...😂
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) (p.b.u.h) said, "Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: "Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation? Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request? Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?"
حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ مَسْلَمَةَ، عَنْ مَالِكٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، عَنْ أَبِي سَلَمَةَ، وَأَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الأَغَرِّ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " يَنْزِلُ رَبُّنَا تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى كُلَّ لَيْلَةٍ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الدُّنْيَا حِينَ يَبْقَى ثُلُثُ اللَّيْلِ الآخِرُ يَقُولُ مَنْ يَدْعُونِي فَأَسْتَجِيبَ لَهُ مَنْ يَسْأَلُنِي فَأُعْطِيَهُ مَنْ يَسْتَغْفِرُنِي فَأَغْفِرَ لَهُ ".
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 1145
Since night comes usually in the equatorial band around 6pm and ends around 6am, that gives us 12 hours of night. The last third of the night round mean between 2am to 6am.
What a pity that the pitiful Muslims have to be awake around that time to really do their prayers to catch Allah coming down at that time frame or else it’s all pointless.
But then if it’s summer around the 30 degree latitude and above, then in some places, Allah will only appear for maybe 1 or 2 hours each night!!!
Not much time to catch him in your Islamic prayers, Abdul or you’ll miss both your prayers and your sleep!!
Respond to invocations 😂🐍🐍🐍
Where are all the muslims.....christians leave messages in Islamic videos about Mohammeds horrific actions.
All comments exposing their ignorance or hypocrisy.
They r busy fighting their morality, trying to defend a guy who would be in prison today, due to being a: pdf, slave owner, caravan robber, etc.
If Jesus was on earth today, he would be a moral example that is being seen by all.
Jesus was a supporter and follower of Judaic Law which sets adulthood and allowed marriage at 12 years old which is considered pdf today. If he is God, which some people believe, that means he wrote that law@@abm5707 He also would be the God which allowed slavery in the Bible.
Everyone in the Bible, including Jesus would be in prison today if we're going by the subjective standards of people today. Everyone in the Middle Ages would as well.
@@nunya54 mohamPPlll EEEEGG rusuI was into rocks
@@abm5707 Before the Abbasids started ruling, the Mu-hammad of 1slam was indeed Jesus.
The Mus1ims then were Nazarenes - Jews who also believed in a Messiah.
The Abbasids created a new religion.
Muslims are not allowed to question Islam or even Imams
Sahih Muslim 4.0859.0860.0861
"Allah will change the face of a man if he lifts his head before the Imam"
Muslim don't question. Follow. Even it wrong!!!
I didnt see many people criticizing the clot shot . ???
What does that have to do with Islam except that both lead to death?
Why did Jesus send Muhammad?
He didn't!!
There is NOTHING in the Bible that indicates Mohammed is a prophet any more than any other person alive today.
Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. He proved it by his miracles, his birth to a virgin, the word of God being spoken audibly as Jesus was baptised, and by his being raised to life 3 days after he was crucified.
Jesus was predicted in the Bible hundreds of years before he came to earth in many different prophecies.
Nunya, this video explains that the Muslim religion is not based on what you are told about it from your religious leaders . Cira Internatioinal have lots of videos that show the problems with the quran, and with the story of Mohammed that Muslims are told, which is very far from the truth.
In the quran (3.54) it even says "Allah is the best deceiver".
The Bible tells us that God hates deceivers, so Allah is definitely NOT God.
"You will destroy those who tell lies.
The Lord detests murderers and deceivers." Psalm 5 verse 6
So do you trust Allah, a self confessed deceiver, or do you trust the God of truth who hates lies?
So Jesus is God and he did NOT create Muhammad?@@blindcuckoo6680
The Bible says a prophet would come that was unlettered. In Isaiah's vision, there were two chariots. Who was the chariot of camels, the burden of Arabia? The one who would fight the sons of Kedar with 10,000 saints? The himdah, "that prophet" the Jews asked about and went to look for in Teima, who had a law from Mount Paran? Why does he fit the criteria in the Bible to know when a person speaks from God?
Why did Jesus create Muhammad and send him with a book that has nothing in it proven false but let the Bible get corrupted? They've found many false parts in the Bible. Why did he make the revelation he claimed he got so clear and logical while Christianity is mysterious and illogical?
If the Bible prophesizes many things to come in the future and is the last book, why wouldn't it predict the coming of Muhammad? A man who convinced billions of people to believe in Jesus, is considered the most influential in history and whose religion is set to overtake Christianity? Seems these descriptions and prophecies MUST be about him and who else could they be?
Like Jesus claiming to be the son of God. There's not authentic evidence of that. Why is that? Why were the gospels written anonymously and no one knows who they were? Why did they write 45-50 years after Jesus and why did the people Jesus taught directly not know he was the son of God if it was clear Jesus said it? For three centuries the Jews followed Jesus as a prophet. Why if it he claimed otherwise? How did they miss that when they knew Jesus better than anyone? Why is the BIble's authorship unclear?
The Bible says God sends delusions. This is not different from God deceiving those who deserve it Who thinks ill of God and judges His actions? If Allah is God, he cannot be detested as a murder and deceiver. When these traits come to God, they are praiseworthy, not blameworthy. Why do you judge God? When God says vengeance is His or He is jealous, these are bad qualities. Do you judge God as being blameworthy?
Red and black again.
What a lot of non sense. Thus evangelicals apologetics is getting really desperate 😂😂😂😂
Is anyone still a Christian anymore
mohamPPlll EEEEEGGGG rusuI is in heII
More and more as the truth about cults hit the internet. The cults have no place to hide. Christianity is the truth and sets people free. Love and eternal life with Jesus Christ
The cult of Christianity has been proven false long ago. The more time passes, the more we find false about it. Let's be honest. @@georgeo785
I am a Yemeni Muslim and I studied the Quran and Islam.
I also studied Christianity and the Bible. I thoroughly read the King James version and the Standard Revised version.
After extensive studies, I became more convinced than ever that Islam is the complete religion and the salvation and the Quran is full of miracles and it proved to be the final and last testament. Now where else can you find the belief in One Supreme Almighty God who is the Creator of everything and everyone in the universe and beyond and therein. All are signs of his Oneness and there is none like unto Him.
islam /quran ' seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave ' v. bible ' god is now 3 coequal godheads. don't ask how. just believe ' very easy to obliterate islamapobe talking points
@mysotiras0187 this from the folks who kiss touch bow and pray to a stone wall in Jerusalem when they're not doing the same to their hubbies and boyfriends. as Jerusalem holds the largest gay pride parade in the world every year. shame
Yashua was basically preaching to follow tanakh, follow God and be whoever you want to be
More slanders. Its the other way around. Allah encourage us to think. Christianity's trinity is illogical thats why we reject.
False we free to ask any questions
Allhamtoallah the handicapped idol.
Anybody can question Islam and get answers. Everyone can question Christianity and get more confusing answers than the question was to begin with
😂 run from the cult of the fake prophet as long as you have time
If you find Christianity confusing then it show you are caught in bondage, the best deceiver blinding you.
There is one way to get delivered from bondage....
If you find that Islam has an answer, it means you are fooled by man-made Tafsirs and footnotes
That would be everyone. I know no one who can explain Christianity clearly@@andrevisser7542
The sources of Islam are the Quran and hadith@@IlhamPrayoga-x2q
You misleading
Amos 3:7
Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.
His prophets not Muhammad
How does it feel knowing you most likely only follow your religion because your ancestors were enslaved into it and couldn't leave due to apostasy laws?
Actually, inside you, you know it’s true but as an Abdul, you dare not doubt because you fear hellfire 🔥, which you also question, but then you fear the ummah more.
So Christianity? They had brutal apostasy laws, much harsher than Islam and no one believes in it unless they're indoctrinated or forced into it@@Xbalanque84
The multiple errors of Allah of the Quran - the false god, an imposter
Muslims claim that Allah is the true God, Islam is the true religion, the Qur’an is the true Word of God, and Muhammad is a true prophet. Are their claims true? The answer to this is a resounding "No."
Islamic sacred tradition discourages believers from asking questions. Allah and Muhammad discourage Muslims from asking questions. From infancy Muslims are groomed to abstain from questioning the tenets of Islam. Thus, Muslims grow up learning not to question their religion. Questioning Islam is viewed the same as the sin of apostasy. To prevent someone from asking questions is to take away the basic rights of that individual. Asking questions is an inherent part of human nature. By quelling questions, Islam is destroying the reasoning power of humans.
Surah 5:101: “O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.” (Yusuf Ali)
Surah 5:102: “Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” (Yusuf Ali)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 92:
Narrated Abu Musa: The Prophet was asked about things which he did not like, but when the questioners insisted, the Prophet got angry.
Questions for Muslims
Why did Allah and Muhammad discourage people from asking questions?
What is Islam trying to hide?
Is blind faith the way to Islam?
Why did Muhammad become angry at those who asked him questions?
Why were people warned by Allah not to ask questions?
How is that in Islam, questioning can lead to losing one’s faith?
Does not this prove that even the right answers can lead to losing one’s faith in Islam?
Only an information control cult would discourage its members to raise questions. Is it rational to accept a religion as true without ever investigating or questioning it? Surely not! Is it based on truth? With that we have to examine the true teachings of Islam.
The Qur’an states Muhammad was the first Muslim.
Surah 6:163: “He has no partner. And of this I have been commanded, and I am the first of the Muslims.” (Hilali-Khan)
However, the Qur’an also states that Abraham who lived centuries before Muhammad was a Muslim.
Surah 3:67: Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian but he was a Muslim, true in faith. He was not one of the Pagans (who set up partners with Allah). (Farook Malik)
And the Qur’an teaches that the disciples of Jesus who lived before Muhammad were also Muslims.
Surah 5:111: And as I revealed to the Disciples (The followers of Isa “Jesus”, also called the Apostles) Saying, “Believe in Me and in My Messenger.” They said, “We believe, and bear you witness that surely we ourselves are Muslims.” (Muhammad Ghali)
In fact, the Qur’an claims that all true worshippers, from the time of Abraham to the time of Muhammad were Muslims.
Surah 22:78: Strive in the way of God with a service worthy of Him. He has chosen you and laid no hardship on you in the way of faith, the faith of your forbear Abraham. He named you Muslim earlier, and in this Qur’an. (Ahmed Ali)
Questions for Muslims
Since the Qur’an states that Muhammad was the first Muslim, while at the same instant affirming that there were Muslims living before his time, is this not a clear proof of a contradiction in the Qur’an?
How are you going to reconcile the claim in the Qur’an that Muhammad was the first Muslim with the statement in the Qur’an that Abraham who lived before him was also a Muslim?
How are you going to reconcile the claim in the Qur’an that Muhammad was the first Muslim with the statement in the Qur’an that the disciples of Jesus who lived before him were also Muslims?
Do you not agree that if Abraham was truly a Muslim as the Qur’an claims, then Muhammad cannot be the first Muslim?
Do you not agree that if the disciples of Jesus were truly Muslims as the Qur’an claims, then Muhammad cannot be the first Muslim?
Do you not agree that one or the other verse in the Qur’an is a lie?
Does this not clearly prove that the Qur’an contains a false statement in it?
Can the true Word of God contain an error/lie in it?
Can you really trust the Qur’an as the Word of God, now that you have discovered an error in it?
Well who was the first Muslim? Was it Muhammad? Are you sure? Or was it Moses?
In obedient submission to Allah, Moses declares that he is the first Muslim:
Surah 7:143: So when his Lord directed His light on the mountain, He blew it into bits and Moosa (Moses) fell down unconscious; then upon regaining consciousness he said, “Purity is to You! I incline towards You, and I am the first Muslim.” (Faridul Haque)
And in acknowledgement, Allah replies:
Surah 7:144: Said Allah, “O Moosa! I have chosen you from mankind by bestowing My messages and by My speech, so accept what I have bestowed upon you and be among the thankful.” (Faridul Haque)
So Muslims, according to the teachings of your Qur’an, who do you believe was the first Muslim???
Plz 🙏 , change your image dear Fadi and take this rug of your head 🗣️
He is a Saudi and still proud of his heritage minus Islam.
Love this❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Goo bless you guys
Do not be led astray by these types of people, I get very sad when I see this, a GOD fearing person would never ignorantly talk like this about another Abrahamic Religion, a true GOD fearing person would show kindness, love and tolerance. GOD is ONE the paths are many.
No Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE life, nobody comes to the father except through him.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
- Matthew 7
Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them.
I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
- John 10
@torguy5763 These and us Christian are already like this. It's the Muslims' belief that does the opposite unless it's their own kind.
They're not talking ignorantly, and they're not talking about an Abrahamic Religion. What are these many paths you speak of?
They are not abrahamic 😂😳 . Say they worship the moon god
This is the problem of almost every Christian, they think they are above God and they think God can do anything until to an extent God can also become human and dies on a Roman cross!
I don’t think you understand Christianity. Please stick to your pagan lies.
No wrong !
The probem is you think you know Christianity and almost every Christian.
To quote that guy from _Billy Madison,_ "What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
Every Protestant thinks that way.
@@solochristo741 If you really know about Christianity, why don't follow your Christian Professors and Christian Priests who really studied [both Christianity and Islam!] and [they!]ended up converting to Islam?
All the bismillah stuff just for nothing
Good honest discussion.