The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
Beautiful Vintage Kellys Collection!
Thanks for watching!
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *hotdups*
Just bought a 35 yo Kelly and this was so helpful. Thanks!
If you send your bag to the Hermes Spa they can add the additional extra d-ring and also make a new matching strap! X
Good to know!
Oh dear, thank you for your video. Since I knew it *hotdups* , my material space has expanded a lot more.
The intrinsic value of any handbag (or any other item) is limited to the value of the materials it’s made of. This means that the tougher the financial situation, the closer the resale value of an authentic designer bag will be to the value of its leather and hardware, so if you buy a replica outright you’ll get a high-end bag that’s closest to the value of the raw materials.
Great comparison video but I noticed your vest-coat, where is it from?
From zara :) thanks for watching!!
What is color? For 35 size
@@JaneLee-bx7gt tabac camel :) beautiful vintage color
@ *Niceshopx* Every time I see this bag I can't help but stop here.
#lvguci Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.