Our leader and President JZ Zuma who has an estimated support of over 4 million Nazareth Shembe church members,which is more than the combined national ANC vote in national elections.All support for one man.Someone somewhere needs to think very very deep and do a lot of Maths before ill treating our leader and destroy anc support.Opposition parties are waiting at the gates for more mistakes.
Uma sekufike okuphelele kuyacaca... Khula sthandwa sethu ❤️muntu omuhle ngisho esenyathela💗💗💞
Amen. Bazebabusa abantu
Benkosi umhlangano wonke
Ngosuku olulodwa.
Khula bunazareth washaaaa
Kwaze kwakuhle kwelakithi kufika uNyazi lwavele lwamnandi kimi lolusuku ngavele ngabusiseka noma ngingakhonzi enazarete kodwa ngiyawathanda amanazarete ngoba akhona ekhaya kithi ngise Pretoria langikhona
Amen inkosi ikubusise nawe lapho ukhona
Imfihlakalo kaNkulunkulu inkulu ngenkonzo yobu Nazaretha.yilapho uMvelikuqala ekhombisa khona ukuxhuma nomuntu wakhe ngomuzwa awufihle kuye njengesidalwa sakhe
aphelile lamacala manje duuu thula ubukele imilingo kashembe
Aphelile impela namanje sbuka ushembe ehlela umhlaba ngendlela yakhe
Is this the one who won in court or the other one.
Kodwa Jobe 😂
Cha uNYAZI lolu we Jobe kumele ulazi ke manje
Our leader and President JZ Zuma who has an estimated support of over 4 million Nazareth Shembe church members,which is more than the combined national ANC vote in national elections.All support for one man.Someone somewhere needs to think very very deep and do a lot of Maths before ill treating our leader and destroy anc support.Opposition parties are waiting at the gates for more mistakes.