Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK Chp Just a what if scenario, what would the general populous do if Edrogen turned Turkey into a Islamic state? By that I mean repeal it's Constitution and replace it with Shariah Law?
But I thought Erdogan was good..? With all respect, could you explain to me why Erdogan is bad? Because a lot of people keep saying that if you're gay you shouldnt vote for him
why can't people understand lgbtq people are just normal humans that want to live and it has nothing to do with your religion. you respect atheists, christians etc? they don't have to be muslims. also they can. why people are so obsessed over not giving people their basic human rights?
I am sorry for the people. But tell me why don't you accuse men for being abusers then, since most of the abusers are man? That is literally what you said. Same logic. Obv not all men are abusers.
Husky McLovin that's a good point, people seem to not realize homosexuality has been fine before and during the Islamic eras of Turkey. Some people were openly gay and no one had a problem.
Michael Lewis yeah but ottoman empire wasn't like saudi arabia. It was almost secular. You could drink alcohol, visit some whorehouse. Same-sex relations was legalized in the ottoman empire in 1858. And since 1923, its legal in modern turkey. So yeah Muslims are majority in Turkey but we're not that much Islamic country. I'm an atheist and I hope and inshaallah :D we'll be majority in the turkey and all around the globe
I'm Turkish and I really hate how the police act and get violent to them... I don't care if it's about gay people or about politics... they all are human beings and they have rights top... #lovedonthate
Two grown men shouldn't kiss in front of kids. But not because they are gay and will cause a 'bad influence'.They shouldn't kiss because no one should kiss in front of kids. Like a man and a woman shouldn't kiss either
Every single LGBT communities on earth went through hard time to claim their rights and the societies eventually accepted minorities as members in their society. Turkish LGBT would have tough time but their voices will be heard and their existence will be recognised eventually. Time will heal their pain and scars will be remain in the past history.
@@atakanmcd7334 you can at least respect and move on. You may not want to accept us but this is who we are, it ain’t something we wanted. We are in this world and we don’t want to be invisible, that’s it. Religion should also be freely decided as it says in the books, nothing is obligated. We aren’t turning the world 100% gay or anything, we do respect straight people and all we want is to be respected back. I hope you understand, even if you don’t I won’t fight with homophobic people here. As we’re ourselves looking for freedom, I won’t stop you from defending your own thoughts freely. I respect your opinion even though it makes me sad. Peace. 🕊️
In Erdoğan's power the gay parades started to happen, the violence the trans people had in police stations ended thanks to Erdoğan!!! It was worse before him, so if you have a solid argument just put it out otherwise stop bullshitting
In Erdoğan's power the gay parades started to happen, the violence the trans people had in police stations ended thanks to Erdoğan!!! It was worse before him, so if you have a solid argument just put it out otherwise stop bullshitting
im a turkish gay guy and i never got offended by somebody, everyone respects me mostly, there are some shy people when they know you are gay and some stop speaking to me, but its life, friends change.
brassrox smaller? Istanbul is a large city, larger than you’d expect, and larger than some European COUNTRIES . The real problem isn’t the city being small or big, it’s how the government and the people acts towards them. Our government is the biggest obstacle that keeps us from becoming a proper, secular, modern country. But we will not be silenced so easily!
/Ada/ Slothland by smaller I meant smaller cities and towns in the US where there is still anti gay discrimination. Istanbul was the seat of the Roman Empire and is a world class global city...can’t wait to visit, just wish Erdogan wasn’t president. But then again we have Trump, about as bad.
@@adaslothland850 rural areas in Turkey and virtually every country are far more conservative than cities. In Istanbul and Izmir they are a lot more open-minded towards homosexuality but if you go to towns and villages in eastern turkey and are openly gay you might get beaten up
Wtf do you mean modern city being gay will make Istanbul a modern city and being gay comes after your religion this is the generation of 2023 ladies and gents
@Kayra Eşcinsel evliliği Türkiye'de yok. Ayrıca toplumsal baskı ve devlet baskısı LGBTQ+ bireyler üzerinde şüphesiz var. Avrupa'da ki en kötü ülkelerden biridir bu konuda Türkiye.
As a turkish dude who grew up in Britain, I am ashamed that my country whose face discrimination, chooses to discriminate against those who just want to be free
Melih Çalıcı Yes but yaşadığına yaşayacağına pişman ediyorlar burnundan getiriyorlar let them freaking get their rights about preventing hate crimes and marriage equality. Maybe it's legal but yetti bu adaletsizlik ve çifte standart.
It makes me very sad to see this. He didn't do anything wrong. So why did he get arrested? The people who started that fight should be arrested, not him.
in turkey a man can rape and stab his wife multiple times but doesnt even get arrested which has happened over a ten thousand times... welcome to erdogan dictatorship before erdogan turkey was not like this what happened to our once beautiful country
hate it. People are suffering just because homophobes are just scared of change. I can't understand why it is just so hard to accept that there are people with different sexualities and move on.
They are foreign agents of armenia and Grecce in turkey .Turks have every right to defend their culture and country from these species.Turkey is for turks .
Ok you are right when you compare Turkey to Iran but ...... in other countries such as the U.K., Netherlands, Germany, Belgium etc ..... LGBTQIA+ is totally legal and you will never be bothered by anyone including the police. In some of those countries you may even get married to someone of your sex if you wish 🏳🌈🏳🌈
@@blackyellowred2000 very nice. I would proud of my country if stuation was like that in turkey. I ve big symphaty tp dutch people especially they never show racism , supportive gopd community they sent us aids fpr earthquake huge amouth. Their society accepted and living democracy fully
I'm turkish and I'm transgender. It's so sad to see that. Unfortunately being gay and transtransgender in Turkey is hard cuz most of society are homophobic and don't respect differences Although most of society are homophobic, there are so many people that respect lgbtq+ community. I hope whole world will respect us. #lovedonthate🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈❣
I feel you dear. I’m a female pansexual and people don’t even know the term. They’re just like “Ew, you’re gay.” whenever I open up to them. Nothing can stop me though, I’m super happy with my bisexual girlfriend and still have friends who accept and respect us. Hopefully we’ll reach freedom someday. Keep marching on. 🏳️🌈
You were not born this way, you think this way. If you had been without the luxuries of this world you would have said differently. Repent to the almighty who created you.
“Know that there will be a day When everyone's treated the same It's the only way it's gotta be” Woman’s World by Little Mix. it’s mainly a woman empowerment song but this part just explains the whole thing
Being a human means as a man to pair with a woman and as a woman to pair with a man. THAT'S ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN BEINGS BUT EVEN ANIMALS HAVE THIS CHARACTERISTICS.
I am gay myself but since every religion is against us, and we are here to show tolerance I would say it isn't good to hold this during ramadan. hold it after that month
@qwerty 100 So you say Holland is better right because they respect every Human beeing you should never hole to Europe by your Logic. You don't even know why this is beeing hold... The only thing is that you Talk to much without knowing a thing.
Ramadan rotates throughout the year every year it changes. So do you think that all parades that are offensive to ramadan should constantly be rotating?
it's hard to be gay in Turkey, so many homophobic people living in Turkey and we always under the pressure of hate comments and I hate it I don't wanna live like this...
Deniyorum, olmuyor. Ekonomi kötü olduğu için euro filan çok yüksek... Türkiye çok güzel bir ülke ve çok seviyorum, ama herkesi kabul etse ve burada aç kalmayacağıma dair umudum olsa daha da güzel bir ülke olurdu ve kalırdım.
Batıyı o kadar sevmiyorum. Az önce Türkiyeyi ne kadar sevdiğimden bahsettim. Arkadaşlarımın çoğu yurt dışına kaçmayı planlıyor ben kalmak istiyorum hatta. Ve şu an k. Kore olmayabiliriz ama çok da özgür de sayılmayız
@@GalaxyGal- then why did they have protest? If they want live in peace? Before doing that protest nobody interrupted them. Theyre the one here who forcing something that aren't allowed there.
I am turkish. I don't like the idea of being gay, because it is against human nature etc. However I still accept and tolerate them. It is still their business. I don't have to like them but I must tolerate them
For repruduction yes, but for human sexual behaviour it's not always about repruduction, sex is also about bonding and social, that's why there are gay people...
More often than not the "respect" for Turkey comments are made by people who live in countries that no Westerner would live a day in. Iran, Pakistan, etc. I'm curious to the Western Europeans who make such comments: Why do you believe that you have a right to an opinion but another person should be arrested if you don't agree with their opinion? Why do you have free speech, but you demand that LGBT people be quiet? Either we have freedom to speak our minds or not, regardless of any position.
Translate to English of my words please. İlgilendirir. İleride bana veya yakın çevreme sapıklık yapabilirler. Benden hoşlanabilirler. Aile yapısını bozabilirler. Zaten LGBT aile yapısını bozmak için uydurulmuş bir zırvadır.
@@Emirr4413 olm sapıklığı nasıl hala cinsel yönelime bağlıyonuz çözemiyorum, yani biri eşcinsel olunca sapık ama sizin gibi homofobikler gibi hetero olunca düzgün mü oluyo bi düşün bunu bak, aile yapısını bozmak için kurulmuş diyon ya bide en çok ona güldüm, lgbt sonradan kurulmuş bi dernek yada şirket fln mı sanıyonuz siz, kökeni Milattan önceki zamana dayanıyo git bi bak ona da, sanki adamlar size kendi yönelimlerini zorla dayatıyolarmış gibi tepki vermeyi de bırakmazsınız zaten ,şuan dayatılan şey tam tersi homofobik olmak, o kadar hakları olmasına rağmen hiçbir hak tanımamak zaten büyük bi dezavantaj bide daha da üstlerine gidiyonuz, senede bir olan pride walk yapmalarına bile izin yok ama lgbt karşıtı miting düzenlenebiliyo?
I love that guy that says using violence and repression against the gay community would be as much a sin as being gay. At least he's speaking against violence, I could be proud of him if he were my father.
erdogan ve hükümetinin ne kadar zayıf olduğunu gösterir. Demek istediğim, büyükelçilik Kudüs'e taşındığında erdogan İsrail'e karşı çok sert davranıyor, erdogan bu eylemden rahatsız oldu, çok konuştu, ama gerçek bir korkak gibi hiçbir şey yapmadı, erdogan sadece boş bir takım. erdoğan sadece en zayıf ülkelerle kavga ediyor. erdogan bir eşcinsel eşcinsel durduramadığı zaman zayıf bir liderdir çok kötü adamlar boş konuşmaları için düşüyorlar. sadece erdogan ölü gün için wsiting ve biz gerçek uygun bir lider olsun. Ortadoğulu ülkeler Türkiye'yi terk ediyor çünkü kimse erdogan'a güvenmiyor veya saygı duymuyor. erdogan bu eşcinselleri durduramadığında ne bekliyorsunuz ve eşcinselleri bile yenemediğinde İsrail ile karşılaşacağını mı düşünüyorsunuz? kaybol seni kaltak orospu çocuğu!
Guys I feel like something is misunderstood. I'm a proud Turk and I have a gf. I can say that I'm happy and peaceful in my country. The only problem is that İstanbul is such a crowded city. Which means every type of people is there. But in Mediterrean (sorry I can't spell that) Region, especially Izmir is open-minded. I live in Antalya and I don't ever wanna leave here.
Respect for authoritarianism? Arresting people who say things you don''t agree with? You wouldn't want to be a citizen in a country where you get arrested if someone doesn't like what you say. Why don't I demand you get arrested? I don't like your opinion. How sad that you don't understand the basis for democracy.
Allah’ın cezaları ya... bu zulmü yapan herkes tek tek cezasını çekecek, ya burada ya ahirette ama hepsi cezasını çekecek. ‘Allah’ın rızası’ adı altında masum insanlara haksızlık etmek değil Allah’ın hoşlanacağı.
sen nerden biliyorsun Allah'ın neyden hoşlanıp neyden hoşlanmayacağını şu LGBTliler Mekkenin fotorafını alıp yere attılar ve sen diyorsun "Allah bundan hoşlanmaz" sende büyük ihtimalle lgbt destekçisisin yada lgbt üyesisin resmen Kuranda escinselliği, fenalığı Allah'ın yasak kıldığı yazıyor. Eğer insan olsaydınız size insan muamelesi yapardık
Allah bundan hoşlanmaz, islam hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğin zaman söylemeyi bırak, islamda yasak, türk değilim ben müslümanım ve sen islam hakkında yalanlar yayman hoşgörmediğim bir şey
@@trashposs3849 Islam accepts everyone. Also it has been proved by science that homosexuality is genetic and not a choice. Are you saying that Allah created them wrong or something?
you are saying why are people not tolerating gays in turkey..98% of turkey is muslim most are practicing muslims and gays are about lets say 3% max. the question here is why are they not tolerating us its ramadan a holy month.
Turkey is a free country. We must all respect the secular revolution movement for more fair societies to emerge. As long as people are acting as contributing and decent human beigns, it's not our buisness to bother on their personal choices.
Turkish LGBT: we will demonstrate Turkish goverment: All kinds of demonstrations are prohibited Turkish youth: let them demonstrate Other Turks: I wonder what's going to be on TV soon oh LGBT boring Yes football
I'm gay and my parents do not know, I live in turkey I'm studying college, I will go from my country for graduate to become a citizen of a country where gay marriage is legal, hope they know the meaning of love, our language may be different but we are family, LGBTIQ 💗, I told my cat that I am gay ,Countries where gay marriage is legal, if only there were no visa requirement for homosexuals ,I graduated from 3 universities,Countries with same-sex marriage should require university
Leo Moretti because they are uneducated and dont have respect! imagine there was a hetero pride where everyone provokes. it would be critizised too. those persons should not live in turkey when they disrespect ramadan!
@@dawahdeutschland5375 why would heteros have a pride gays are the ones oppressed all over the world. What would you even celebrate in a straight pride? The fact that you have an easier and more previleged life?
It's because of these types of men that American society faces a problem today. Man like this are now allowed to call themselves women and use women's spaces.
I don’t get why they specifically choose that fasting period. Ramadan etc. If most of the people don’t want you to march on a specific religious day, then change your schedule guys? Easy
DereMemo I love how people calls ''dictator'' to a leader who doesn't like. Okay tell me how he was a dictator and what did he wrong? He rescued Turkey, made a new republic... wait these are the good ones he did. xD
Well, if Turkey joined the European Union, I am sure they would have to force Turkey to legalize LGBT. I know that Turkey really wanted to join the EU so badly. They told Turkey that if the country really wanted to join the EU, the country would have to need to withdraw the Turkish troops out of Northern Cyprus, but the country has refused to withdraw, so the EU told Turkey to not join until the country willingly has to withdraw first prior to processing with the EU.
🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love to all LGBTQ+ people❤️❤️🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
It must be terrible to live in a country of surpression. Being gay is is not a choice it's genetic. its always strange that straight people dhow so much interest when it's not there business. religion causes so much anger. good luck to you all there and happy pride))
Because the Ottoman Empire (basically Turkey) decriminalized homosexuality in 1858 as one of the first countries in the world. It was an Islamic empire without secularism, yet it was decriminalized. The issue isn't religion, it's the government.
Flexxshitt A Do you think Kemalist people or Atatürk himself would accept gay people? Just asking out of curiosity, by the way im not turkish and not intolerant.
+A S Ataturk would definitely have accepted it since he wanted nothing else than a Turkey with an European or Western civilization and society. He succeeded in that, in the 30s 40s 50s 60s etc Turks dressed en behaved no different than e.g Germans and most houses looked like the ones in Italy, but sadly, Erdogan is removing all of his achievements.
Each Country has Majority of Homophobes ! It's not New Even our Hindu Majority India is Homophobic Though our Culture Never Demeaned it(It Didn't Talk about it Much)
If this post was in Turkish, there would be a lot of hate comments.
Halil Aybar Thats right we hate erdogan
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK Chp Just a what if scenario, what would the general populous do if Edrogen turned Turkey into a Islamic state? By that I mean repeal it's Constitution and replace it with Shariah Law?
there are many gay people who voted for Erdogan, I don't understand why.
But I thought Erdogan was good..? With all respect, could you explain to me why Erdogan is bad? Because a lot of people keep saying that if you're gay you shouldnt vote for him
why can't people understand lgbtq people are just normal humans that want to live and it has nothing to do with your religion. you respect atheists, christians etc? they don't have to be muslims. also they can. why people are so obsessed over not giving people their basic human rights?
well why would lesbians want to film porn? why is homosexuality is seen as pornographic? especially for girls
I am sorry for the people. But tell me why don't you accuse men for being abusers then, since most of the abusers are man? That is literally what you said. Same logic. Obv not all men are abusers.
***** christians worship jesus as a god muslims are follwers of muhammad he was never worshiped as a god
Cause we dont love ourselves, we dont love our children, we dont love our environment then hating feels the best and easiest
Being gay has been legal in turkey since the ottoman era. But i think what annoyes conservative turks the most is gay men acting so feminine.
Husky McLovin that's a good point, people seem to not realize homosexuality has been fine before and during the Islamic eras of Turkey. Some people were openly gay and no one had a problem.
Michael Lewis yeah but ottoman empire wasn't like saudi arabia. It was almost secular. You could drink alcohol, visit some whorehouse. Same-sex relations was legalized in the ottoman empire in 1858. And since 1923, its legal in modern turkey. So yeah Muslims are majority in Turkey but we're not that much Islamic country. I'm an atheist and I hope and inshaallah :D we'll be majority in the turkey and all around the globe
Confirmed Russian Bot you're damn right! Iran is a wonderful country that is full of great people.
lmao they're probably mad cos they got turned on
Has it? It's been suffering lately
If there's any turkish people part of the LGBTQ community I'M TURKISH AND I SUPPORT YOU ! YOU'RE NOT ALONE
i thought turks were asian looking because turks told me so. Many look like white southern europeans.
Selin Ibrim lm turkish and lsbian
Niles. u are a Turkish n u support evil..
Proof that they support evil? I’ll wait to counter any childish arguments that arise from your pea sized brain
I love the gay turks in Germany. I wish they can return home and be accepted by Turkish.
dude, as a turk i am very ashamed of how the government reacted to this
Blue Potatoes ı Agree !
Me too
And even now some Turks say that Greeks are gays. Well look at that🤫
@@grotesque. bro sorry about who says like that ı wish turks and greeks became friends not rivals
@@itsleagamingyt1950 yeah me too
I'm Turkish and I really hate how the police act and get violent to them... I don't care if it's about gay people or about politics... they all are human beings and they have rights top... #lovedonthate
Chica Kiss two grown man kissing infront of public and childrens to demonstrate their rights ! what you ecpect from police in return then ?
"Two GROWN men" - that's enough, no more words should be said
@@robertchristophersmith5450 Disrespectful!
You see this is why erdogan takes power and should stay in office
Two grown men shouldn't kiss in front of kids. But not because they are gay and will cause a 'bad influence'.They shouldn't kiss because no one should kiss in front of kids. Like a man and a woman shouldn't kiss either
Hey I'm Turkish. I Livid in Turkey for 24 years wich means all of my life. And trustly i can say it "These people never harm anyone. "
i support you
...that's not news for the rest of the world.
Narmeen Ulfdfd it came from
bats in africa that was transmitted to a straight man. youre ignorant
Thats why erdogan will stomp down on people like you.
But it’s gay though
And it’s against Turkish government
@@bunyamin9337 what? Can you explain? Are you saying that someone transmitted gayness from a bat to a man?
Every single LGBT communities on earth went through hard time to claim their rights and the societies eventually accepted minorities as members in their society.
Turkish LGBT would have tough time but their voices will be heard and their existence will be recognised eventually. Time will heal their pain and scars will be remain in the past history.
Turkish society: Acceptance is bad for you lmao
The protesters are islamaphobic so why should we accept them?
@@atakanmcd7334 you can at least respect and move on. You may not want to accept us but this is who we are, it ain’t something we wanted. We are in this world and we don’t want to be invisible, that’s it. Religion should also be freely decided as it says in the books, nothing is obligated. We aren’t turning the world 100% gay or anything, we do respect straight people and all we want is to be respected back. I hope you understand, even if you don’t I won’t fight with homophobic people here. As we’re ourselves looking for freedom, I won’t stop you from defending your own thoughts freely. I respect your opinion even though it makes me sad. Peace. 🕊️
@@fluffypancake8508 Yeah, well sorry sir. The caliphates existed.
Cream Separator it’s a test for them only. Love god and overcome it.
@@هدي-ه8ظ I hope. If they don't, man they failed.
This is what you get when you have a non open minded person as president.
Burrito_Destroyer the people aren't too their culture defines who they are which is normal
so many Turkish people hate him, we think he steals the votes...
Burrito_Destroyer actually it was even before that president
In Erdoğan's power the gay parades started to happen, the violence the trans people had in police stations ended thanks to Erdoğan!!! It was worse before him, so if you have a solid argument just put it out otherwise stop bullshitting
In Erdoğan's power the gay parades started to happen, the violence the trans people had in police stations ended thanks to Erdoğan!!! It was worse before him, so if you have a solid argument just put it out otherwise stop bullshitting
To my gay brothers and sisters of Turkey...STAY STRONG AND ALWAYS BE YOURSELVES! :)
Im not turkish, but-- WOOP! ❤❤❤
Thank you!! :))
Matt Arnold, that goes for my gay turkish aunt, (BTW I’m turkish)
Thx good man 'u')
Hii all gay of turkey , love from indai
im a turkish gay guy and i never got offended by somebody, everyone respects me mostly, there are some shy people when they know you are gay and some stop speaking to me, but its life, friends change.
Koray everyone respects? Nasıl ya? Vay be
Taylan Özkan evet öyle kimse karışmaz bana
Happy to hear that :) I'm also Turkish and gay but in live in America
I have gay friends and they are happy jolly people so they only attract the same kind of people around them, nice&sweet
There's nothing like that, benim yaşadığımı burnumdan getiriyorlar.
Oh please I’m Turkish and American and turkey is way more tolerant than most Americans. In Russia its even worse. Rhetoric is powerful
Aren't they the same in that sense?
what do you mean rhetoric is powerful
Gorkem is incredibly brave...we forget how easy we have it in many large cities in the west...but even people in smaller towns face discrimination.
brassrox smaller? Istanbul is a large city, larger than you’d expect, and larger than some European COUNTRIES . The real problem isn’t the city being small or big, it’s how the government and the people acts towards them. Our government is the biggest obstacle that keeps us from becoming a proper, secular, modern country. But we will not be silenced so easily!
/Ada/ Slothland by smaller I meant smaller cities and towns in the US where there is still anti gay discrimination. Istanbul was the seat of the Roman Empire and is a world class global city...can’t wait to visit, just wish Erdogan wasn’t president. But then again we have Trump, about as bad.
@@adaslothland850 rural areas in Turkey and virtually every country are far more conservative than cities. In Istanbul and Izmir they are a lot more open-minded towards homosexuality but if you go to towns and villages in eastern turkey and are openly gay you might get beaten up
Thats good
Wtf do you mean modern city being gay will make Istanbul a modern city and being gay comes after your religion this is the generation of 2023 ladies and gents
They're brave, it takes balls to put yourself out in public in countries like that
@ULU RİMET turkey is fine compared to those countries thanks to republican era.
yeah but like most people are kinda homophobic.
@Kayra Eşcinsel evliliği Türkiye'de yok. Ayrıca toplumsal baskı ve devlet baskısı LGBTQ+ bireyler üzerinde şüphesiz var. Avrupa'da ki en kötü ülkelerden biridir bu konuda Türkiye.
You're right it takes balls 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
supports from kazakhstan! fight for our rights ,brothers and sisters!
Nestegfirullah, sheytan is playing you well
Thank you ! Someone that can actually think I love Kazaks. My Family is Turkish I was born in Germany they reacted the worst way.
Awe thank you
Oh wow did you just assumed their genders???
As a turkish dude who grew up in Britain, I am ashamed that my country whose face discrimination, chooses to discriminate against those who just want to be free
tht gay guy is dam brave...👍 its about their life..let them live
Amrit Bunny it's legal to be gay dammit.
Melih Çalıcı Yes but yaşadığına yaşayacağına pişman ediyorlar burnundan getiriyorlar let them freaking get their rights about preventing hate crimes and marriage equality. Maybe it's legal but yetti bu adaletsizlik ve çifte standart.
@@metee.7368 I guess I know English really well. Edit it so others may understand what you think.
I only wanted you to understand though
Hi Amrit
Don´t let Turkey in to EU, before they respect the LGBT community.
Nicholas Colding Turkey don't want to be in the EU
Last time I saw news Erdogan doesnt want to join EU now
And please dont disrespect Turkey because of its president and islamists. I'm Turk also homophobic but even i do respect lgbt guys
Anıl Koç
How are you homophobic if you respect it? But i'm still glad that you respect it though
As a bisexual in Turkey, the support of people from other countries in the comments makes me very happy and I want to thank them
bisexuality doesn’t exist
stop lying to look cool and different, kiddo
@@Hfhdjsaa11 ne?
@@Hfhdjsaa11 sizin kuşakta tweeterda birbirine penisini yolluyor .
@e 98% of ppl in earty are hetero lmao
@@crusader6929 In the future, there will be heterophobia. They will see straight people weird, may be in some countries.
Turkish people aren't against homosexuality they are only against the LGBTQ ideology, that's the difference.
They’re against both of them actually
But being one of them is allowed
It makes me very sad to see this. He didn't do anything wrong. So why did he get arrested? The people who started that fight should be arrested, not him.
@triple O.N.B yea! thank god there is islam! if there was not, monsters like him will be free lol
@triple O.N.B I support islam on this one. They chose to do this on holy month? why? just to offend their culture?
Everyone is Holy and a child of God, not just people who follow a religion called Islam.
@@newworldlove7031 not true
in turkey a man can rape and stab his wife multiple times but doesnt even get arrested which has happened over a ten thousand times... welcome to erdogan dictatorship before erdogan turkey was not like this what happened to our once beautiful country
Guns fighting against love smfh...
Justified and I love it.
@@cxarhomell5867 me too
hate it. People are suffering just because homophobes are just scared of change. I can't understand why it is just so hard to accept that there are people with different sexualities and move on.
Justified and based
Stay strong! You will eventually win this fight!
Rember this: LOVE WINS!
2 years passed and there is no win
Mohamed Ali You will be punished by years
No, they will be cleaned bro
@Fire and Ice 😂
Kemalizm wins. Love for the land and people. Not for buggery.
They are foreign agents of armenia and Grecce in turkey .Turks have every right to defend their culture and country from these species.Turkey is for turks .
I am 100% Turkish and an LGBT person This is a free country, you will respect it
but turkey’s situation are much better than iran for LGBT because i’m iranian and i’ve been to turkey so much
Maybe. That doesn't cover the ongoing, serious issues, you know.
Iran should not be the standard.
Ok you are right when you compare Turkey to Iran but ...... in other countries such as the U.K., Netherlands, Germany, Belgium etc ..... LGBTQIA+ is totally legal and you will never be bothered by anyone including the police. In some of those countries you may even get married to someone of your sex if you wish 🏳🌈🏳🌈
Welcomed, i hope you can live freely
@@blackyellowred2000 very nice. I would proud of my country if stuation was like that in turkey. I ve big symphaty tp dutch people especially they never show racism , supportive gopd community they sent us aids fpr earthquake huge amouth. Their society accepted and living democracy fully
I'm turkish and I'm transgender. It's so sad to see that. Unfortunately being gay and transtransgender in Turkey is hard cuz most of society are homophobic and don't respect differences Although most of society are homophobic, there are so many people that respect lgbtq+ community. I hope whole world will respect us. #lovedonthate🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈❣
I am too
@Elijah' Mathews You are so right. You don't need to be gay or transgender to support them. It's so great to see people like you 💓
I feel you dear. I’m a female pansexual and people don’t even know the term. They’re just like “Ew, you’re gay.” whenever I open up to them. Nothing can stop me though, I’m super happy with my bisexual girlfriend and still have friends who accept and respect us. Hopefully we’ll reach freedom someday. Keep marching on. 🏳️🌈
@@fluffypancake8508 I support you and im proud of you stay strong sister ! 🏳️🌈❣❣❣
@@hande2159 aww, thank you buddy. You’re so sweet. Our world needs more people like you. ♥
The Turkish people arent THAT bad.. The government is the problem
Fifty two percent of Turkey Erdogan backs
@@IleriyeGidenAdam Lies lol plus the reasons they support him isnt this.
@Alp K. Ayıp, homophobları iyileştirin
@kqro you re literally 13 years old how can you be the government?
@Alp K. rlly?
The parade ended the second it started
This is a good thing
@UCH-QkJ5Rz8JsC3dTkywYrYw no it isn't 🔪
get my like
@@thatonekid.2451 Allah said to only judge by piety, the gays have no piety, i am allowed to judge them
@@chamismadontknowher4563 Yes it is
Am a gay guy from Nigeria and it very hard for us to life ..but I can't change my self because I was born this way....
You were not born this way, you think this way. If you had been without the luxuries of this world you would have said differently. Repent to the almighty who created you.
@@jena9106 god isnt real
Come to Europe. Spain for example is too easy to emigrate. People supports you🏳️🌈❤️
Then don't be gay be a simple man
fight for your rights. more power to you and also to LGBTQ+ in Turkey love from Philippines
LOL nope. This is why erdogan should stay in power.
the trump of turkey...more like the putin of turkey
If you fight, then you die. You can't know how much turkish people hate the lgbt+
probably %80 of turkısh people are homophobic
@@cxarhomell5867 you are arap And you can't interfere with us, go talk from your country, coach
Support the gay community in turkey. Be strong be resilient.
“Know that there will be a day
When everyone's treated the same
It's the only way it's gotta be” Woman’s World by Little Mix. it’s mainly a woman empowerment song but this part just explains the whole thing
Yes 😁😁👏👏👏
My Respect for Turkey 📈📈📈📈
I'm so sorry for the LGBT people in Turkey I'm Turkish but I'll always support! I hope things will get better
xoxo xoxo hiii men
*_I think People Need to Understand What Humanity Means and What does Being a Human Mean !_*
Being a human means as a man to pair with a woman and as a woman to pair with a man. THAT'S ONE OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN BEINGS BUT EVEN ANIMALS HAVE THIS CHARACTERISTICS.
@kqro yazık sana
@kqro gücenmem mi lazımdı
@@nestororiginal2344 ikr
Being a human means
Idk being a human?
I am gay myself but since every religion is against us, and we are here to show tolerance I would say it isn't good to hold this during ramadan. hold it after that month
@qwerty 100 So you say Holland is better right because they respect every Human beeing you should never hole to Europe by your Logic. You don't even know why this is beeing hold... The only thing is that you Talk to much without knowing a thing.
Not Buddhism. Buddhism never against lgbtq
@@ඉතිහාසය5Yup, because Buddhism doesnt have the rules 😂
Ramadan rotates throughout the year every year it changes. So do you think that all parades that are offensive to ramadan should constantly be rotating?
Good Lord 😯 never knew the beautiful country Turkey has turned into a Police State !!
Sometimes I feel bad to be turkish . ;-; so sad
Sizin amk lan
You better get used to that
@@DuyguNVM Nah, this is why I'm grateful to be Somali but appreciate the Turkish Nation. Bring back the rashidun!
@CAN No Yes, I have a pretty complicated history with this, it's very complex.
Rather not say why.
it's hard to be gay in Turkey, so many homophobic people living in Turkey and we always under the pressure of hate comments and I hate it I don't wanna live like this...
Deniyorum, olmuyor. Ekonomi kötü olduğu için euro filan çok yüksek... Türkiye çok güzel bir ülke ve çok seviyorum, ama herkesi kabul etse ve burada aç kalmayacağıma dair umudum olsa daha da güzel bir ülke olurdu ve kalırdım.
@@muffinqueen5754 Gidebilirsin batıyı o kadar seviyorsan. K.Kore değiliz
Batıyı o kadar sevmiyorum. Az önce Türkiyeyi ne kadar sevdiğimden bahsettim. Arkadaşlarımın çoğu yurt dışına kaçmayı planlıyor ben kalmak istiyorum hatta. Ve şu an k. Kore olmayabiliriz ama çok da özgür de sayılmayız
@@muffinqueen5754 Batı senin yerin. Düzenimize karışma
Ibnelik is not acceptable in our Turkish community. We stand together against people who are aiming to destroy our family tradition ✊!
Nobody's destroying anything or forcing you to be gay. Stop being a crybaby and let people live their lives in peace.
@@GalaxyGal- then why did they have protest? If they want live in peace? Before doing that protest nobody interrupted them. Theyre the one here who forcing something that aren't allowed there.
Asıl hetero dünyanın rezillikleri aileyi bozuyor.
Çevrede nikahsız beraberlikler kuran heteroları görmüyor musun?
Ensest ilişkileri görmüyor musun?
Fuhuş düzeninin genç kızları geneleve düşürmesini görmüyor musun?
Birbirini aldatan karı kocaları görmüyor musun?
LGBQT Rights for Turkey!! We all stand together! Europe is with you!
I wish i lived in more peaceful and more LGBT friendly country. It all happens because of the goverment. Everything will change. I believe 🏳️🌈🙏🏻😢
I hope things will change in India too. Homosexuality was decriminalized but the mindset of the Society hasn't changed yet.
Well guess what? It will not change. You cant force your pride up to us
I am turkish. I don't like the idea of being gay, because it is against human nature etc. However I still accept and tolerate them. It is still their business. I don't have to like them but I must tolerate them
@@metee.7368 It is obvious that the human body is built for the opposite sex
It's not you don't know anything about male body
You know nothing...
For repruduction yes, but for human sexual behaviour it's not always about repruduction, sex is also about bonding and social, that's why there are gay people...
Chad opinion
I feel sorry for Turkey; losing the tolerance that made it so special.
Nah lol
More often than not the "respect" for Turkey comments are made by people who live in countries that no Westerner would live a day in. Iran, Pakistan, etc. I'm curious to the Western Europeans who make such comments: Why do you believe that you have a right to an opinion but another person should be arrested if you don't agree with their opinion? Why do you have free speech, but you demand that LGBT people be quiet? Either we have freedom to speak our minds or not, regardless of any position.
My respect for Turkey : 📈
@@haseebhassan8207 because why not :D
Me to
@@haseebhassan8207 why not🤷♂️
Idk why people care so much if other people are lgbtq or not, and if others wanna support the lgbtq community that's their business no one else's.
Translate to English of my words please.
İlgilendirir. İleride bana veya yakın çevreme sapıklık yapabilirler. Benden hoşlanabilirler. Aile yapısını bozabilirler. Zaten LGBT aile yapısını bozmak için uydurulmuş bir zırvadır.
@@Emirr4413 Sorry bro I cannot understand your language.
@@dakotachristopher5532 No problem. Me too cannot understand your language :) We speak Turkish always.
@@Emirr4413 ayn knk daha lgbt açılımını bilmeyen insanların böyle yorum yapması çok ironik değil mi ama
@@Emirr4413 olm sapıklığı nasıl hala cinsel yönelime bağlıyonuz çözemiyorum, yani biri eşcinsel olunca sapık ama sizin gibi homofobikler gibi hetero olunca düzgün mü oluyo bi düşün bunu bak, aile yapısını bozmak için kurulmuş diyon ya bide en çok ona güldüm, lgbt sonradan kurulmuş bi dernek yada şirket fln mı sanıyonuz siz, kökeni Milattan önceki zamana dayanıyo git bi bak ona da, sanki adamlar size kendi yönelimlerini zorla dayatıyolarmış gibi tepki vermeyi de bırakmazsınız zaten ,şuan dayatılan şey tam tersi homofobik olmak, o kadar hakları olmasına rağmen hiçbir hak tanımamak zaten büyük bi dezavantaj bide daha da üstlerine gidiyonuz, senede bir olan pride walk yapmalarına bile izin yok ama lgbt karşıtı miting düzenlenebiliyo?
This is heart breaking.
Support from Costa Rica.
I love that guy that says using violence and repression against the gay community would be as much a sin as being gay. At least he's speaking against violence, I could be proud of him if he were my father.
0.37 the man sitting and smirking at the 2 gays walking past...LOL
This is why Turkey should not be part of the EU
Good. We don't wanna be a part of that either after what you did to greece
Kadın geğkem geğkem diyip duruyordu videonun sonunda anladım Görkem dediğini...
erdogan ve hükümetinin ne kadar zayıf olduğunu gösterir. Demek istediğim, büyükelçilik Kudüs'e taşındığında erdogan İsrail'e karşı çok sert davranıyor, erdogan bu eylemden rahatsız oldu, çok konuştu, ama gerçek bir korkak gibi hiçbir şey yapmadı, erdogan sadece boş bir takım. erdoğan sadece en zayıf ülkelerle kavga ediyor. erdogan bir eşcinsel eşcinsel durduramadığı zaman zayıf bir liderdir çok kötü adamlar boş konuşmaları için düşüyorlar. sadece erdogan ölü gün için wsiting ve biz gerçek uygun bir lider olsun. Ortadoğulu ülkeler Türkiye'yi terk ediyor çünkü kimse erdogan'a güvenmiyor veya saygı duymuyor. erdogan bu eşcinselleri durduramadığında ne bekliyorsunuz ve eşcinselleri bile yenemediğinde İsrail ile karşılaşacağını mı düşünüyorsunuz? kaybol seni kaltak orospu çocuğu!
@@georgebeef9631 omg ahahaha nice translate...
@@georgebeef9631 yuhhhh kız kötü bir yorum yapmamış ne yaptın sen abiiii jdjdjdjfjjffjfif
Guys I feel like something is misunderstood. I'm a proud Turk and I have a gf. I can say that I'm happy and peaceful in my country. The only problem is that İstanbul is such a crowded city. Which means every type of people is there. But in Mediterrean (sorry I can't spell that) Region, especially Izmir is open-minded. I live in Antalya and I don't ever wanna leave here.
blue Izmir is in the Aegean region, but whatever
@@SkynetGeneral it was not in the past
Who came here after watching the video where the Turkish police hosed a gay pride parade?
not really...but thanks for the heads up ✋🏻
gonna check it out right away, sounds based 👍🏻
Love 🌈 Turkey 🏳️🌈. From Greece 🇬🇷
Turgay *
If only the whole world acted as turkey does
Respect for authoritarianism? Arresting people who say things you don''t agree with? You wouldn't want to be a citizen in a country where you get arrested if someone doesn't like what you say. Why don't I demand you get arrested? I don't like your opinion. How sad that you don't understand the basis for democracy.
@@MarkEliasGrant that was 2 years ago u tard
Bisexuality destroys gay and lesbian importance, and pansexuality destroys bi, gay, lesbian importance.
I'm bisexual. I just like both genders. I swear if I could choose I'll be a 100% lesbian but I can't.
Would marrying both genders at the same time resolve this?
Guess I'm destroying gay and lesbian's importance lmao.
Good to know that turkey still has standarts
Standards created by themselves,praised by themselves🤓😵
@@1233-i3f better than man being woman and woman being undefined
@@1233-i3f against the ones you created and still praise? Yeah, we have standarts
Allah’ın cezaları ya... bu zulmü yapan herkes tek tek cezasını çekecek, ya burada ya ahirette ama hepsi cezasını çekecek. ‘Allah’ın rızası’ adı altında masum insanlara haksızlık etmek değil Allah’ın hoşlanacağı.
Pardon ne yazdınız anlamadım
i need a translator!
sen nerden biliyorsun Allah'ın neyden hoşlanıp neyden hoşlanmayacağını şu LGBTliler Mekkenin fotorafını alıp yere attılar ve sen diyorsun "Allah bundan hoşlanmaz" sende büyük ihtimalle lgbt destekçisisin yada lgbt üyesisin resmen Kuranda escinselliği, fenalığı Allah'ın yasak kıldığı yazıyor. Eğer insan olsaydınız size insan muamelesi yapardık
Allah bundan hoşlanmaz, islam hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğin zaman söylemeyi bırak, islamda yasak, türk değilim ben müslümanım ve sen islam hakkında yalanlar yayman hoşgörmediğim bir şey
Sen Allah'ın bu lgbt lerden hoşlandığını mi zannediyorsun? Ahahahahaha
Keep Fighting my LGBTQ brothers and sisters 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
sending love and support from Brasil🇧🇷 🇹🇷🏳️🌈
Do not put that damned flag near my flag
@@hasnicktir5310 lol hello what country are you and who lives in you??🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈🏳🌈
@@1233-i3f Bruh go learn english
@@hasnicktir5310 Damned adındır
Mans fasting and gay 😂😂😂😂😂😂 am dead ☠️
What s the wrong point on being gay and fasting?
Ignore deez replies, they think Islam accepts gays lmao
@@trashposs3849 Islam accepts everyone. Also it has been proved by science that homosexuality is genetic and not a choice. Are you saying that Allah created them wrong or something?
@@ilkergurman6430 islam forbids going with the same sex
they guy at 7:10 I like him. he doesnt agree with it, but he supports their rights.
From the bottom of my heart I am with you, brothers and sisters !
Nah not from me LOL
Thats why i left islam
They are all humans. Bejng gay doesnt make them subhuman
@@cxarhomell5867 : We couldn't care less of your answer and you are not the center of the world !
you are saying why are people not tolerating gays in turkey..98% of turkey is muslim most are practicing muslims and gays are about lets say 3% max. the question here is why are they not tolerating us its ramadan a holy month.
98% percent of Turkey is not muslim. Only 75% of us are muslims. And about %25 of them are really conservative. Dont believe what authorities say.
That 98% is just what is written on their IDs. Many people with Muslim on their ID are atheist. I am one of them.
Human rights cannot trump religious liberty.
hahaha dude didn't even get to read his statement. Turkey is awesome.
This is why its awesome
You're a part of Europe... what is it good for if you have to endure this.. also maybe don't do it on Ramadan tbh
@who am i dont mind me whats colasted?
I’m planning to have my next vacation on that country ,,,, and after seeing this ,,, I have to back out .,, I feel so sorry for my fellow LGBTQ...
Mel Cowell pfft, nobody does anything. Seriously.
nah, dont be, turkey is way more advanced like russia
Alhamdulillah, may Allah keep us on the path which takes us to Jannah.
turkey has come very far if they are able to hold big rallies. in some countries the backlash from public would be too big
@DeeZ Almonds turkey liked to have those male only bath places
Turkey is based Respect from Virginia
I love Turkish men 😍😍
Why a u geh
@@Big-BossX a em not gei
@@furkancan5219 he iz gei
What are you Turkish?
Turkey is a free country. We must all respect the secular revolution movement for more fair societies to emerge. As long as people are acting as contributing and decent human beigns, it's not our buisness to bother on their personal choices.
Turkey a free country 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You’re not even Turkish
@@patrickaccioly4398 I am Turkish, and I agree with them
@@unknowndwt2.070 I know right???🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
Kemalizmm doesn't allow this degenerate behaviour Sorry.
Turkish LGBT: we will demonstrate
Turkish goverment: All kinds of demonstrations are prohibited
Turkish youth: let them demonstrate
Other Turks: I wonder what's going to be on TV soon oh LGBT boring Yes football
As a Turkish person I can confirm the people are really warm towards the LGBTQ community, but the politicians hate it.
Aynen toplum buna çok hazır.😂
Nah stop the cap mate lmao
Huge respect for POLICE
I'm gay and my parents do not know, I live in turkey
I'm studying college, I will go from my country for graduate to become a citizen of a country where gay marriage is legal, hope they know the meaning of love, our language may be different but we are family, LGBTIQ 💗, I told my cat that I am gay ,Countries where gay marriage is legal, if only there were no visa requirement for homosexuals ,I graduated from 3 universities,Countries with same-sex marriage should require university
Believe it or not straight to jahannam
@@GoldenKast FACTS!!
Saçmalama. Bir hastalık uğruna neslini yok mu edeceksin
They upset that the community reject them while they reject them selfs
How do they reject themselves for being gay!? The ones who reject themselves are the ones who are projecting.
Damn, you are right, they reject themselfs. 👍🏼
I am a queer woman and my heart goes out to all LGBTQIA people throughout the world.
@@RRG932 The Qur'an is anomaly
@@Ray-es7zn cry
This is a pure fascism.
Listen up fellow Americans: the Turkish right wing finds power in the Pulse massacre.
Are Turkish citizens violent like this..broke my heart
These type of citizen want to be popular country praised by another homophobic countries just like murderes appreciate each others
f*** your heart
We dont care about western ideologies
greek alt
Yes I am.
Why would they do it during ramadan tho?
Leo Moretti because they are uneducated and dont have respect! imagine there was a hetero pride where everyone provokes. it would be critizised too. those persons should not live in turkey when they disrespect ramadan!
Pride is always at the same time, but Ramadan isn't. That's the point. You can't just change Stonewall riots' date.
@@dawahdeutschland5375 why would heteros have a pride gays are the ones oppressed all over the world. What would you even celebrate in a straight pride? The fact that you have an easier and more previleged life?
Fluffers you just shot your own leg well done!
They are so many religious people living in Turkey. I can't even believe this happened in istanbul
So sad to watch yet incredible how brave these men and women are.
It's because of these types of men that American society faces a problem today. Man like this are now allowed to call themselves women and use women's spaces.
Did you just assume their gender?
I don’t get why they specifically choose that fasting period. Ramadan etc. If most of the people don’t want you to march on a specific religious day, then change your schedule guys? Easy
yazıklar olsun ülkenin geldiği bu hale
Ne diyon abla
teyze sus
@@jeremyemilio9378 lett say she is not happy with ( so am i i hope erdogan change this)
Aynen öyle
Germany decriminalised homosexuality in 1994, Turkey decriminalised homosexuality in 1858
My support to GORKEM and his colleagues sad that a beautiful country have a very narrow minded in this and other issues 👍👍
U can do what u want in turkey. What u cant do is push your idiology onto others.
Did you watch the video you fool :) Görkem attacked by police because of he is gay :)
From Ataturk to... this
Yeah! >.
DereMemo Dude, You serious? Who is your history teacher?!!
TheMaltamonument :(
DereMemo I love how people calls ''dictator'' to a leader who doesn't like. Okay tell me how he was a dictator and what did he wrong? He rescued Turkey, made a new republic... wait these are the good ones he did. xD
TheMaltamonument Ataturk didn't promote LGBT rights either.
I’ve been to a Gay bar in Turkey and I felt very unsafe entering it. The dictator who is their president needs to go.
I agree with you as a Turk who is not a homophobic and racist fuck.
Support from Laos 🇱🇦💪💪💪
Well, if Turkey joined the European Union, I am sure they would have to force Turkey to legalize LGBT. I know that Turkey really wanted to join the EU so badly. They told Turkey that if the country really wanted to join the EU, the country would have to need to withdraw the Turkish troops out of Northern Cyprus, but the country has refused to withdraw, so the EU told Turkey to not join until the country willingly has to withdraw first prior to processing with the EU.
Keep going and fight for our rights our LGBT brothers and sisters in Turkey!
We respect them as they are human but there idea is not good
So proud of Turkey for this 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
i like ur name and the pic
🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love to all LGBTQ+ people❤️❤️🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️
Lol at your pic 🤣
It must be terrible to live in a country of surpression. Being gay is is not a choice it's genetic. its always strange that straight people dhow so much interest when it's not there business. religion causes so much anger. good luck to you all there and happy pride))
Martin Peters it's not the religion, it's the government.
It is a choice
Can someone explains to me why they think that the fault of being gay in Turkish is the goverment and not the islam???
Because the Ottoman Empire (basically Turkey) decriminalized homosexuality in 1858 as one of the first countries in the world. It was an Islamic empire without secularism, yet it was decriminalized. The issue isn't religion, it's the government.
Flexxshitt A Do you think Kemalist people or Atatürk himself would accept gay people? Just asking out of curiosity, by the way im not turkish and not intolerant.
+A S Ataturk would definitely have accepted it since he wanted nothing else than a Turkey with an European or Western civilization and society. He succeeded in that, in the 30s 40s 50s 60s etc Turks dressed en behaved no different than e.g Germans and most houses looked like the ones in Italy, but sadly, Erdogan is removing all of his achievements.
Be proud! All the best for you!
i am a turkish person and i support it
i am very sad to see people in turkey hating on the lgbtq+ community
Each Country has Majority of Homophobes !
It's not New
Even our Hindu Majority India is Homophobic
Though our Culture Never Demeaned it(It Didn't Talk about it Much)
Bro you don't know why? Ha ha...
Salute to these guys' courage. More power to you.