Agreed totally and judging by the plethora of new products coming out 32 bit float recording . it will become pretty standard very quickly. More kit to buy!
I laugh at people who are protesting against it. It's going to be the standard within a few years. All cameras. All recorders. 32bit is not going away. All of Zoom's new recorders (even the small ones) are 32bit. It may take cameras a couple of years, but I think the demand will grow. For me, it's not as much about clipping as it is nice to not have to futz around with gain levels. To just hit record and not worry if your gain was too low or high.
100% worth it, especially in a scenario where the shooting conditions are uncontrolled or the operator is unable to monitor audio closely 🤙🏻
Yes exactly what we think. A real game changer
Agreed totally and judging by the plethora of new products coming out 32 bit float recording . it will become pretty standard very quickly. More kit to buy!
Good work guys..keep it up!
I laugh at people who are protesting against it. It's going to be the standard within a few years. All cameras. All recorders. 32bit is not going away. All of Zoom's new recorders (even the small ones) are 32bit. It may take cameras a couple of years, but I think the demand will grow. For me, it's not as much about clipping as it is nice to not have to futz around with gain levels. To just hit record and not worry if your gain was too low or high.
Yes we agree, we think it will become an industry standard. Be interesting to see if and how future cameras implement it.