To clarify a lot of these ratios are assuming I don't go onto extra consistency cards. Obvs if you run prosp or the like stuff like 1 diabel makes more sense
In testing yes as in a reduced game state he is just a big guy doing fenrir things, and with full combo he lets you pitch without committing actual resources. Literally the only disadvantage is he makes the mainline combo play into nib if you don't have arvarta
To clarify a lot of these ratios are assuming I don't go onto extra consistency cards. Obvs if you run prosp or the like stuff like 1 diabel makes more sense
Chimkin Nugget Goes Brrr
KFC fresh outta the oven 👌
is fenrir good in this deck?
In testing yes as in a reduced game state he is just a big guy doing fenrir things, and with full combo he lets you pitch without committing actual resources. Literally the only disadvantage is he makes the mainline combo play into nib if you don't have arvarta