Hello my friend. Thank you for this excellent channel. Please help me my friend. When I am traveling or outside the home, I cannot watch live streaming videos. I can only do it when I am on the same Wi-Fi network! So please if you have a video explaining how to set up the Hik Connect app to watch live streaming when I am outside the home network. Best regards.
Cara Pasang Micro SD Ke CCTV Tapo :
Bang apa kah kita boleh kawal Dari jauh bang? Kalau pakai wifi rumh nya?
Bang kalo misalnya sy lg ditoko mau liat keadaan rumah dr cctv apa bisa? Tp blm sy pakein micro sd bang
Bang kalo liat dr jarak jauh tanpa pake micro sd bisa?
Assalamualaikum bang mau tanya gimana cara nambahin cctv wireless ke dvr lewat jaringan wifi
Wa'alaykumussalam, yang terpenting antara kamera dan dvr terhubung ke router yang sama
@@cctvupdate oke bang terimakasih
Saya selalu nnton konten abang nya buat nambahin ilmu tentang cctv
Bang bagaimana jika wifi cctv taponya gabisa kedetek? Gabisa konek
Hello my friend. Thank you for this excellent channel. Please help me my friend. When I am traveling or outside the home, I cannot watch live streaming videos. I can only do it when I am on the same Wi-Fi network! So please if you have a video explaining how to set up the Hik Connect app to watch live streaming when I am outside the home network. Best regards.
Untuk connect ke lebih dari 1 hp bisa pake scan barcode kak?
Pakai mode berbagi