Yoshi's backflip from indian stance has 2 hitboxes, one that you mentioned (If this hits a standing opponent, it will launch), and one when he hits with his feet, that slams the opponent down on the ground.
I couldn't fine any video with it, go to practice mode, pick yoshi, try spcing yourself colse (not the closest) to your opponent, then 3+4~3. If you done it right, you will launch your opponent instead of slamming him / her on the ground.
6:36 amazing combo conversion.
16:14 interesting when he backflips he actually hits with his arms as well if you are very close to him and maybe you have to be on the ground as well
Yoshi's backflip from indian stance has 2 hitboxes, one that you mentioned (If this hits a standing opponent, it will launch), and one when he hits with his feet, that slams the opponent down on the ground.
launch him to a combo ?! i never seen that ! can you give me a link to a vid that shows it please ?!
I couldn't fine any video with it, go to practice mode, pick yoshi, try spcing yourself colse (not the closest) to your opponent, then 3+4~3. If you done it right, you will launch your opponent instead of slamming him / her on the ground.
KYSG_Guc once i get tekken 7..lol