Xia Vigor Habitat for Humanity ambassador

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 พ.ย. 2019
  • As a first kid ambassador of habitat for humanity Philippines I am so grateful and excited to do my part in its advocacy of providing decent homes and I am really excited to be part of this and I am so excited to do my part and I am really. I’m just so grateful to be part of habitat for humanity and instill a good values the children like me in raising awareness and water conservation proper sanitation and hygiene. Any great victory starts from small meaningful actions and that’s what a brand ambassador. I am dedicated to be the voice of my generation and empower and inspire the youth to do our part in helping people. Aristotle said that good habits formed at youth make all the difference by starting young we can make a generation of Filipinos with compassion, generosity and love for the family. This good habits will be our foundation in creating a home full of love happiness and hope. I know that as kids we can only do so much but I believe that thru our own little ways we can make a big difference. And we are never too young to be a good example to others. We are never too young to stand up for a purpose. We are never too young to speak out and encourage you the older generation to join us in this movement to build a legacy of hope. Together our voice is powerful our voice can make an impact! And we hope that you will listen to us and support this campaign as we create a lasting legacy not only for us your children and more importantly. Our future generation the Filipino kids and family. Thank you! and good evening! - Xia Vigor

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