You think it's bad now! If labour wins the next general election with the help of snp libdems greens they'll send us back to the dark ages! And it will be brexit fault 🤣
I think all the trades should call their bluff for one week on mass, and bring all the tools they need to work, and everyone can wait as bag after bag after bag of tools are loaded onto the tube, bus, train etc…and just when everyone is thinking they can finally get going All the materials can then be dragged on to.
I’m already paying green taxes on the fuel I buy. I’m taxed on the car I drive. I’ll go where I want, when I want and how I want. It’s not the governments job to restrict me in any way whatsoever.
@@oojimmyflip no it isn’t. It’s called civil liberties. As soon as you surrender it never comes back. The bill of rights of 1689 says we have freedom from government interference . Being restricted in travel is just that.
or go shopping for the weekly food shop and cycle back with that or try and carry 6 bags of food onto a bus and I do hope the icecream doesn't melt before you stumble through the door exhausted
Yep, being told we all need to give up our cars and take 10 times longer to get to work and home, only to slog your nuts off for a 12 hour shift soaked through to the fucking bone.. and before an eco freak cockily says "waterproofs" anyone with ANY experience on the matter knows that waterproofs keep the rain off, but keep the heat, and therefore sweat in so you end up just as soaked only it's with sweat instead of rain water.. guy's probably never had a real job in his life.
It's very likely to cause more accidents involving pedestrians too - as they're much more likely to "assume" that it's safe to wander into the roadway.
The amount of kids and teenagers I've had to swerve or brake for cause their on their phone with earphones on ,not only are they not looking at the road or where their going ,but with earphones on can't hear traffic.
Yep, virtually impossible to drive my car at 20mph, im constantly fluctuating from 2nd to 3rd gear burning more fuel and distracted by having to constant gear change and im sure im not the only one
Ohhh Thank you Fred! I have just looked through the comments to see if anyone else was as annoyed as me about his hand around his face. I am furious about these people saying get out of your car and on a bike. Why don't we go back to horses!!
In the real world you are privileged rather than penalised. Compared to the average motorist, your costs are paid by mobility allowance, you re also free to park using blue badge privileges
@kevinwalker so I'm privileged being disabled am I? I would love to get on a push bike like you obviously can. I don't get paid mobility allowance but if I did, I'd give it all up to be able to walk properly again. Yes, I have a blue badge but I still pay for my parking like any one else, which is only fair, it just allows me to park closer. You're the privileged one being able to still do what you want. But if you ever become disabled, let me know if you feel privileged then!!!
I live in Wales, and there are no speed cameras on any of the housing estates near me, where kids play, but plenty on the main roads where kids DON’T play. Funny that.
Why don't they campaign for a decent transport system in all cities and towns? All rural bus services have been cancelled. How do they expect these people to get around? They all live in cloud cuckoo land!
I live out in the sticks too. It would be an absolute nightmare to have to rely on the buses - unreliable and expensive. I don't know how I would plan to travel from A to B to C to D in a day.
These nutters have no idea how Britain has cleaned up its towns and cities since the fifties. Worse case scenario was when you could not see the signs on a bus or the newspaper you bought at the street vendor stall. Clothing reeked and often disintegrated quickly. What a pathetic nation of whingers we have become, sadly.
Sounds like he is getting desperate when claiming the Mother of yes a tragic death of her daughter, is now his main arguement in the propaganda he is pushing.
That mother MOVED her daughter to a house right next to the South Circular. If she really cared about her daughter’s health she would have move outside London. I’m fed up to the back teeth hearing about her
Office of National Statistics stated only one person has died from respiratory issues from traffic in London between 2000 and 2023. They further stated that they could not say that the death was caused by car emissions. This clown knows full well that 4000 deaths per year is a complete fabrication.
No accountability on the mothers doubt she has excused herself of her own actions......not moving out of a busy city to ensure her daughters make it the cities responsibility to ensure her daughters safety thus making it our responsibility via taxes and inconvenience
The damage being blamed on climate change is actually being caused by world overpopulation, stopping oil would be like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Fuller- shite! No wonder he has to hold his chin with the weight of crap coming out, next time he goes to the Netherlands he wants to bloody stop there!
If you delved real deep in a lot of these companies guess what you would find and it' s NOT Honesty,integrity and fairness. Now use all the negative connotations you like as they will ALL APPLY.
You can't make a blanket rule just because a few people think it's a good idea. For the rest of the people who can't abide by that rule the whole idea is totally IMPRACTICAL which means it just doesn't work. Take for example a disabled person who can drive a car but can't ride a bicycle what are they going to do when they can't use the car to get to their place of work or if retired, place of voluntary charity work? Who wants to turn up at an interview soaked to the skin after riding 8 miles into the city in the rain? It's a ludicrous madness and a waste of life. It's madness.
As with any Statute Law (the Acts passed in Parliament), it requires the consent of the people to make it work. If everyone ignores it, it cannot operate. We tend to forget that the people are sovereign - not Parliament, not the judiciary, not the executive, not even the monarch (in this sense) - the people are sovereign.
You miss the point. You're not meant to use any form of transport, car, bike or horse. You're meant to sit in your 15 minute ghetto where you can be more easily controlled.
You need to remember, in dry weather you will be soaked with sweat.... All your clothes will have patches of sweat. So if you cycle to work, you will need to shower when you get there and change clothes.... and in cold weather when it gets icy, best to wear a helmet and shoulder and knee pads or you might crack a bone or two when the wheels slide out from under you and you hit the ground....very bad news for older people with brittle bones...
When the new oil rigs in the North Sea were announced i went onto the JSO YT channel and asked when they'll be launching their dinghies? They were strangely quiet .
Can we please build a large gated car exempt community and just LOCK THEM IN ?, why do these nuts feel that it is their place to tell others how to live their lives, he should mind his own business and simply Jog on, or get on his bike!
I'm 79 years-old. I can just about get on a bicycle now, and to cycle a couple of miles would take me nearly as many hours, but I'm damned sure I won't be able to do it in a few years. To say 'everybody' can cycle is a very sweeping statement when an increasingly large section of the population aren't physically able to. And our only (TfL) bus *used* to be half decent, but I live near the outer end of our one-and-only bus route and now many of the scheduled buses are curtailed before they reach our outlying part of London because the drivers can't maintain the timetable due to the 20mph speed limits on *all* the main roads they traverse, imposed by our local -Lib- UnDem council.
I'm a paver and I'm currently digging up the roads in Manchester putting in new cycle lanes. I'm also and cyclist and I don't even have a driving licence. No one uses the cycle lanes eco nutter! I can cycle on a road with the cars like I always have. Its only dangerous when you ride about like a mug going through red lights. I saw a gentleman today of African heritage cycling the wrong way in the middle of the street expecting the cars to move out of his way and not hit him head on. When I pointed this out to him I was threatened. Do we really wanna make cycling safer for people like that?
Don't build the cycle lanes. A cyclist was slowly cycling on the pavement, on the wrong side of a busy high street. I told him twice there's a bollarded cycle route on the other side of the road. He stopped, turned & told me to f!@# off twice! Why bother buildìng cycle lanes?
@@jasonking442 No one can live their lives on a bike! Take a look along almost any British residential road at 11:00am & you'll see they're car lined. There are multiple types of public transport around & people will have a car. It's endemic in British society for decades. A car is the safest, most comfortable form of transport. Amen.
Julia, where do you get these people from. Let's see where these people live and see how they heat their homes and how they go about on the roads. How did he get to Talk TV? Did any of the Talk TV team see how he got to the TV station and photograph him.
It means you have more cars concentrated in a small (20mph) area .......... therefore more emissions, allegedly. Oddly if its raining or snowing or freezing cold or have to carry tools I am afraid I will be taking the car. Errr Leeds, Sheffield and NEWCASTLE!!
The trouble with public transport is that it goes from where you aren’t, and takes you to a place you don’t want to be, and all the time you have to share it with The General Public.
Has Jon Fuller got a heat pump, no car but a bicycle, nothing in his home made from outside Europe, solar panels fitted to his home, and a big salary with a fat pension paid for by taxpayers? Will he move to Birmingham and cycle to Leeds, Manchester etc? lmao
Hey Jon. I live rurally, 30 minutes from the nearest town. Well it used to take 30 now takes much longer due to the numerous 20 mile limits in place, so as I see it...on the road for longer, creating more emissions! We have 3 buses a day, 3 days a week. Drakeford has just cancelled our Saturday bus. How, exactly, are we to work, shop, attend appointments etc, without a car? NUMPTY!
I use my car to get out and about because there is no other transport options available and quite frankly totally pissed of with these eco nutters telling me how to live my life.
road tax does not exist -- car drivers dont pay Road Tax they pay duty on a car ownership. There could be an argument to levy a bike ownership tax ---- but who would pay, the rider? Good luck on trying to get under 18 year olds to pay a tax on a bike ! Whilst at it, perhaps horses need to taxed if on the road and insured along with all the other vehicles on the road including those electric cars that cause at least 50% increased damage due the excess axial weight.
@@citroen-fe3qqthat's why their parents should pay it. When they let them ride around in the dark with no lights on. Insurance and some form of visible ID should be required
Good luck trying to enforce that rule; you do know here are an estimated 1 million uninsured drivers in the UK. According to the Motor Insurers Bureau scheme (MIB); cant even enforce it for cars LOL @@chappy2121
The thing they haven't realised yet is, how are they going to replace the tax revenue once people stop using their cars. The government is killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
Walking and cycling is all very well in urban areas but is impractical in rural areas where public transport barely exists, if at all, especially given the distances that most people travel to work.. and that's not the only impracticality.. I was out the other day with my wife, she was driving and it was hammering down with rain and very blustery. We came up behind some slow moving traffic and as the vehicles in front of us overtook the holdup and we got closer to the front of the tailback I could see the 'holdup' was in fact a cyclist, who seemed to be wearing some sort of giant flapping yellow plastic cape, I glanced at him as we passed and going by the look on his face I'm pretty certain he wasn't very pleased with his decision to cycle to work..
Even if his claim of 50% of people want to ride bikes to work was true (which it isn’t) why does that mean it’s ok to price the majority out of driving? Why should his beliefs impact everyone else’s lives
and car drivers want these 50% who switch to bikes to pay Road Tax, have registration and insurance on thier bike as well as on cars but no electric cars! --- how do they make this nonsence up LOL
Ok John . Take me up on this . Have a family go shopping (you go with them and carry the equivalent shopping with say 2 children under 10 years ) do a journey of 5 miles each way carrying that shopping .without using a personal vehicle Then do the same journey every week for one month . I doubt you have the guts to take this challenge up in case reality hits you about life for thousands of ordinary people every single day.
after getting up at half 5 in the morning and doing a 14 hour shift, i am not cycling an hour home up and down hills! I wonder if these people ever look out their windows and realise we live in Northern Europe and would be soaking all the time!
At 20mph emissions are HIGHER. I mean, what the hell? Further, unlike London, most places are not flat! How the hell are we going to cycle? These people are a disgrace.
Road tax, so that the roads are useable. MOT testing, so that your vehicle complies with motoring rules. 20 mph does not allow your engine to run at it's best for clean emission. He goes "to the Netherlands from time to time", what, on a bike?. This country, and most others, have developed the way they have to encourage the use of motor vehicles. When he says "we need to make the change, and we need to use our car's a lot less", and that "it is linked to climate change", what qualifies him to say that? NOTHING.
This guy is so out of his depth on the argument , and beggars belief he hasnt the ability to do some critical thinking for himself rather than spouting someone elses agenda for which he is most likely overpaid
He doesn’t care because I bet you he doesn’t want to use public transport over his car. But as long as it’s everyone else affected and not him he doesn’t care
I love cycling, and work only 11 miles from home. Thats well within my ability. There are A roads, which make it too unsafe for me to attempt the ride. But ultimately i wont ride to work because the weather is only suitable for about 3 months of the year. I dont want to be a muddy mess or have sweaty balls and swamp ass when i get to work thanks.
If traveling 20 miles per hour was about keeping people safe. I would pose the question why on earth did it take soooo long to come to this realization?!
Not just motor freedom but freedom generally. Freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of association. We are turning into North Korea and it's only going to be a short step from their to Cambodia under Pol Pot. The students are already telling the teachers what to think (at least those teachers resisting the "message"). It won't be long until they are all running around waving whatever their equivalent will be of Mao's little red book.
"Fuel duty frozen" is a complete misnomer. It's like saying VAT or income tax has been frozen. Why should ANY tax constantly rise when the taxpayer sees no benefit
Where do we get these brain washed idiots from. Even if it was logistically practical to cycle to work distance wise. What happens when, it's pouring with rain. Freezing temperatures, snowing etc etc. I live in a rural area. No buses, and my employment is 25 miles away. How can I, or others in similar situations do without their personal transport. I would love to know what this gentleman's employment history was. I'll bet he was employed in institutionalised employment, civil service, education etc etc, where everything is guaranteed and therefore they have no idea how people who work in the commercial private sector have to make a living, or don't get paid.
All cars over three years old have a compulsory MOT each year and emissions are checked to make sure they fall within safety margins, so how can they have a detrimental impact on the environment.
These people are utterly deluded. If the UK banned ALL car use tomorrow it would make no difference AT ALL to climate change. This bloke (who presumably paddleboards when he undertakes his numerous trips to Amsterdam) just sees this measure as a way to frustrate people into giving up driving when the obvious fact is that driving at 20mph in your warm car is still going to be preferable, when even not necessary, to walking in the cold/rain - the only difference the speed limit will make is INCREASED emissions due to the much less efficient speed/gear ratios needed to drive so artificially slow.
Many people would use cycles if the cycles didn't get nicked the minute they are left anywhere. If you want people to use cycles in cities give them secure places to leave them.
I took the Bullet train from Paris to Geneva in 1988. I had barely sat down when we were in the Alps. The same journey by coach would have taken over ten hours. High Speed trains are normal in Europe.
I drive a car and here's why catching a bus will never, that's NEVER be a suitable alternative for me as far as I'm concerned. 1. I can enjoy my own space - and indeed have space - to make my journey. I don't have to share it with other people - some of whom are often less than desirable - cramped upright in a space no more than two feet wide. If I wish to share my space then it is with people of my choosing. 2. I have the flexibility to shop as I please. If I travel by bus I'm limited to what I can carry in a carrier bag resting on my knees as I'm sat upright. By car, I can make repeated journeys back to my car in the car park to load it up and return to shopping - not an option when you've got a bus to catch. 3. I can go (and come back) at a time that suit's me. Not at a time that suit's the bus company. And that's if the bus turns up in the first place, which in this city they often don't - regularly! I can also take the route I want to take therefore arriving at my destination quicker. If this seems a selfish attitude then so be it, I make no apologies.
they started measuring the temperatures of the globe at its coldest point in the last 10,000 years obviously its going to start warming up to back how it used to be at some point, it goes up and down in temps just like it has from day 1
My question would be... How many more vehicles are on the road due to mass migration since 1997. How many more homes requiring gas and electricity are filled with migrants arrived after 1997. What's the overall increase in pollution solely due to the increase in population from mass migration since 1997?..
Well, back in 1997 the metric tons CO2 per capita was 9 tons. And in 2020 it was 5 tons, so let's take the 2020 data of 5 tons as standard. As of 2020, gov stats show 9.5 million non UK born/British nationals in the UK. That's 47,500,000 tons of CO2 emmissions annually from the immigrant population alone. Getting rid of 47,500,000 tons of CO2 emmissions annually would satisfy most climate lunatics.
@@keithianlockeStrangely the Greens are in favour of immigration, ignoring all the damage it does environmentally and socially. Their heads are full of unicorns and rainbows
The problem with a 20mph speed limit vis a vis pollution is that the internal combustion engine is at its most efficient is 56mph. So it stands to reason that at 20mph the engine will be less efficient and therefore it will emit more pollution.
This guy is a spokesman for this group? Using words like "probably" to argue stats and then using the only single example of someone dying from pollution as a reason to completely change our infrastructure and culture is intellectually redundant.
I walk to work as I live in the city centre 5 minutes from work. But I have a car for the convenience of where I need to go. And no way in hell am I sacrificing it for a peasant wagon, so stick that XR 😂
More people in Wales have signed the anti 20MPH petition than voted Labour in the last assembly elections.
But they must have voted for the farshiztmarxizts in the first place.. they deserve everything they get... 20mph speed limits and fkd hospitals...
Check the full 2 pages of petitions on there, there's a few good ones which need numbers
You think it's bad now! If labour wins the next general election with the help of snp libdems greens they'll send us back to the dark ages! And it will be brexit fault 🤣
and ?
Touché Drakeford gets PTSD flashbacks if he goes over 25. It reminds him of the time his Mum took him to Narbeth abd he pissed his pants.
im sure the elderly and disabled will be thrilled at the thought of walking everywhere
And carrying shopping....
@@valeriegrimshaw1365 -and cycling on tandems !!
I'm disabled and I've never been fortunate enough to ever drive! Guess what!? I cab or bus everywhere!
@@naminakamura5290 good for you that you have a bus network that meets your needs -but or cab !! -ie use someone else's car for your transport needs
This people are nuts 🤪
Its as idiotic as Sadiq Khan saying tradesmen should use the tube or the busses.
What the fuck is wrong with these people. I bet you he's got a car 🚗
I think all the trades should call their bluff for one week on mass, and bring all the tools they need to work, and everyone can wait as bag after bag after bag of tools are loaded onto the tube, bus, train etc…and just when everyone is thinking they can finally get going
All the materials can then be dragged on to.
They do see it on the Tube every day
I’m already paying green taxes on the fuel I buy. I’m taxed on the car I drive. I’ll go where I want, when I want and how I want. It’s not the governments job to restrict me in any way whatsoever.
To these zealots, "freedom of movement" only applies to some.....and we know who they are!
Oh yes it is.....
@@oojimmyflip no it isn’t. It’s called civil liberties. As soon as you surrender it never comes back. The bill of rights of 1689 says we have freedom from government interference . Being restricted in travel is just that.
Hear bloody hear.
Who wants to walk and cycle in the pouring rain? Dusabled people? Older people? Families with several kids?
Are you saying you dont like swamp ass when you turn up for work?
or go shopping for the weekly food shop and cycle back with that or try and carry 6 bags of food onto a bus and I do hope the icecream doesn't melt before you stumble through the door exhausted
Yep, being told we all need to give up our cars and take 10 times longer to get to work and home, only to slog your nuts off for a 12 hour shift soaked through to the fucking bone.. and before an eco freak cockily says "waterproofs" anyone with ANY experience on the matter knows that waterproofs keep the rain off, but keep the heat, and therefore sweat in so you end up just as soaked only it's with sweat instead of rain water.. guy's probably never had a real job in his life.
Try walking to work in Norfolk
Sorry,much like brexit,if you aren’t a metropole millennial you don’t count as people
I do assume the Extinction Rebellion spokesman uses no carbon fuels or products whatsoever. Otherwise he is no position to criticize others.
Everything the numptie uses, eates, wears and owns was produced and delivered using fossil fuels. Hypocrisy writ large.
He’s sitting on a chair that used energy to be made
I guess he has a phone made in the very green country called China as well.
including his shoes and glasses lol
They don't think the rules apply to them.
Reducing the speed limit from 30 to 20 mph actually increases the emissions. Ask any competent engineer!
Yup. Slow-moving traffic is less efficient and generates more emissions
It's very likely to cause more accidents involving pedestrians too - as they're much more likely to "assume" that it's safe to wander into the roadway.
The amount of kids and teenagers I've had to swerve or brake for cause their on their phone with earphones on ,not only are they not looking at the road or where their going ,but with earphones on can't hear traffic.
Yep, virtually impossible to drive my car at 20mph, im constantly fluctuating from 2nd to 3rd gear burning more fuel and distracted by having to constant gear change and im sure im not the only one
@@johnbowman6981 yeah, sometimes I have to look up from my phone while driving /s
These people that want this are completely crazy....i travel 86 miles a day too and from work, and they can stick this climate con enough is enough.
This cuy has had one to many jabs.
@@raymondwilliams5661- *guy. *too.
I love it when Julia calls these people out on their BS
What about your bs
@catherinemartin6258 what about yours?
Do you think laurence Fox would shag julia? 😂
What about calling Julia out on her BS?
A body language expert would have a field day with the way he keeps playing with his face - classic trait of someone telling porkies.
I found it so annoying & weird I had to just listen & not watch! 🤡🙈👂
Found the same thing or was he trying to look ‘learned’
Not so much porkies - just dies not know his subject but thinks he does.
He knows he will have to come out with some bullshit to try and answer the difficult questions...
Ohhh Thank you Fred! I have just looked through the comments to see if anyone else was as annoyed as me about his hand around his face. I am furious about these people saying get out of your car and on a bike. Why don't we go back to horses!!
20 mph speed limits cause more wear on brake pads and causes more brake pad particles released into the air.
They've got that covered. Tyre tax incoming.
I'm disabled, I would love to be able to walk or cycle like him!! But I cant, so I'm being penalised against because I'm disabled!
You are not just being penalised, you are being discriminated against.
But no one is mobilising with protests to support the physically disabled.
@@tonygreenfield7820richard tice wants to tip people out of their wheelchairs and force them into work to save on benefit spending..
In the real world you are privileged rather than penalised. Compared to the average motorist, your costs are paid by mobility allowance, you re also free to park using blue badge privileges
@kevinwalker so I'm privileged being disabled am I? I would love to get on a push bike like you obviously can.
I don't get paid mobility allowance but if I did, I'd give it all up to be able to walk properly again. Yes, I have a blue badge but I still pay for my parking like any one else, which is only fair, it just allows me to park closer. You're the privileged one being able to still do what you want. But if you ever become disabled, let me know if you feel privileged then!!!
I absolutely love Julia Hartley Brewer, she always makes me giggle when she puts the thumb screws on.
Imagine her in black leather 😂
Is this man real he must live in a different universe deluded😮
He's a bloody nut case Alan (in my opinion).
Just controlled
Lefty’s are a different species to us , very similar in looks apart from hair dye and dungarees but it’s the brain capacity that’s gives them away 👍
He doesn't work. He just gets payment from Soros to annoy us.
I live in Wales, and there are no speed cameras on any of the housing estates near me, where kids play, but plenty on the main roads where kids DON’T play. Funny that.
you would think they are just interested in fining people for money ; that cant be true, they say its safety and we can always trust politicians ;)
Have the CCTV cameras cut crime?
Or do they just record the crime happening?
Why don't they campaign for a decent transport system in all cities and towns? All rural bus services have been cancelled. How do they expect these people to get around?
They all live in cloud cuckoo land!
I live out in the sticks too. It would be an absolute nightmare to have to rely on the buses - unreliable and expensive.
I don't know how I would plan to travel from A to B to C to D in a day.
Since the "Clean Air" acts came in starting in the 1950s , the air in towns and cities has never been cleaner
These nutters have no idea how Britain has cleaned up its towns and cities since the fifties. Worse case scenario was when you could not see the signs on a bus or the newspaper you bought at the street vendor stall. Clothing reeked and often disintegrated quickly. What a pathetic nation of whingers we have become, sadly.
Sounds like he is getting desperate when claiming the Mother of yes a tragic death of her daughter, is now his main arguement in the propaganda he is pushing.
That mother MOVED her daughter to a house right next to the South Circular. If she really cared about her daughter’s health she would have move outside London. I’m fed up to the back teeth hearing about her
Office of National Statistics stated only one person has died from respiratory issues from traffic in London between 2000 and 2023.
They further stated that they could not say that the death was caused by car emissions.
This clown knows full well that 4000 deaths per year is a complete fabrication.
The whole thing is a scam from start to finish!
No accountability on the mothers doubt she has excused herself of her own actions......not moving out of a busy city to ensure her daughters make it the cities responsibility to ensure her daughters safety thus making it our responsibility via taxes and inconvenience
It's not about climate its about control
So bloody true!
To bloody right mate it is. 👍 all the best from Australia 🇦🇺
The damage being blamed on climate change is actually being caused by world overpopulation, stopping oil would be like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Jon Fuller is Full of it.
You mean “sh” it ??🤔🤔
He is aka Cupid Stunt in his private life...😉
Fuller- shite! No wonder he has to hold his chin with the weight of crap coming out, next time he goes to the Netherlands he wants to bloody stop there!
He is actually fuller of it than somebody who is full of it.
If you delved real deep in a lot of these companies guess what you would find and it' s NOT Honesty,integrity and fairness.
Now use all the negative connotations you like as they will ALL APPLY.
You can guarantee that whatever Wishi Washi says is going to happen, the total opposite will transpire.
Oh god no, that means Labour might win the Election next year.
Your comment aged well...
Motorist pays vast taxes, leave us alone. that man is a draconian ludite.
Yes he really is.
'Draconian ludite' haha nice 👌🏽
You can't make a blanket rule just because a few people think it's a good idea. For the rest of the people who can't abide by that rule the whole idea is totally IMPRACTICAL which means it just doesn't work. Take for example a disabled person who can drive a car but can't ride a bicycle what are they going to do when they can't use the car to get to their place of work or if retired, place of voluntary charity work? Who wants to turn up at an interview soaked to the skin after riding 8 miles into the city in the rain? It's a ludicrous madness and a waste of life. It's madness.
As with any Statute Law (the Acts passed in Parliament), it requires the consent of the people to make it work. If everyone ignores it, it cannot operate.
We tend to forget that the people are sovereign - not Parliament, not the judiciary, not the executive, not even the monarch (in this sense) - the people are sovereign.
You miss the point. You're not meant to use any form of transport, car, bike or horse. You're meant to sit in your 15 minute ghetto where you can be more easily controlled.
You need to remember, in dry weather you will be soaked with sweat.... All your clothes will have patches of sweat. So if you cycle to work, you will need to shower when you get there and change clothes.... and in cold weather when it gets icy, best to wear a helmet and shoulder and knee pads or you might crack a bone or two when the wheels slide out from under you and you hit the ground....very bad news for older people with brittle bones...
When's Extinction Rebellion's Asian tour starting?
It’s a flipping long walk 😂😂
@@Christine-ry1qq lmao
When the new oil rigs in the North Sea were announced i went onto the JSO YT channel and asked when they'll be launching their dinghies?
They were strangely quiet .
Nice one, Julia! 👍🏻
Shut these fools down!
First question should always be where do you live and how far do you live from work
And clearly No Calouses on them either. hes porobably never done a decent days graft in his life.
Not really.
Just a total prat.....
Think he has gone senile!
Sitting In his centrally heated house mortgage paid off😆
Can we please build a large gated car exempt community and just LOCK THEM IN ?, why do these nuts feel that it is their place to tell others how to live their lives, he should mind his own business and simply Jog on, or get on his bike!
Try carrying 2 growbags and some shelving from a DIY store, on a Pushbike.
Just try towing a ton of building materials with a pushbike.
Or your weekly shop at eg ASDA
Slower the car drives, the more polution it puts out!
I'm 79 years-old. I can just about get on a bicycle now, and to cycle a couple of miles would take me nearly as many hours, but I'm damned sure I won't be able to do it in a few years. To say 'everybody' can cycle is a very sweeping statement when an increasingly large section of the population aren't physically able to. And our only (TfL) bus *used* to be half decent, but I live near the outer end of our one-and-only bus route and now many of the scheduled buses are curtailed before they reach our outlying part of London because the drivers can't maintain the timetable due to the 20mph speed limits on *all* the main roads they traverse, imposed by our local -Lib- UnDem council.
I misheard Julia when she said "cycle paths". I thought she said "psychopath" and I though it entirely appropriate.
I'm a paver and I'm currently digging up the roads in Manchester putting in new cycle lanes. I'm also and cyclist and I don't even have a driving licence. No one uses the cycle lanes eco nutter! I can cycle on a road with the cars like I always have. Its only dangerous when you ride about like a mug going through red lights. I saw a gentleman today of African heritage cycling the wrong way in the middle of the street expecting the cars to move out of his way and not hit him head on. When I pointed this out to him I was threatened. Do we really wanna make cycling safer for people like that?
Don't build the cycle lanes.
A cyclist was slowly cycling on the pavement, on the wrong side of a busy high street. I told him twice there's a bollarded cycle route on the other side of the road.
He stopped, turned & told me to f!@# off twice!
Why bother buildìng cycle lanes?
@@danielrawlings8355 To inconvenience motorists more and normalise cycling more...
No one can live their lives on a bike!
Take a look along almost any British residential road at 11:00am & you'll see they're car lined. There are multiple types of public transport around & people will have a car. It's endemic in British society for decades. A car is the safest, most comfortable form of transport. Amen.
@@danielrawlings8355 100% agree there mate. A car offers such comfort and freedom, bikes and public transport cannot be compared.....
Long live private car ownership & independent, private car use!
Julia, where do you get these people from. Let's see where these people live and see how they heat their homes and how they go about on the roads.
How did he get to Talk TV? Did any of the Talk TV team see how he got to the TV station and photograph him.
I'd also like to see how he lives...
(ps he wasn't at the studio)
It means you have more cars concentrated in a small (20mph) area .......... therefore more emissions, allegedly. Oddly if its raining or snowing or freezing cold or have to carry tools I am afraid I will be taking the car. Errr Leeds, Sheffield and NEWCASTLE!!
Make extinction rebellion extinct.
The trouble with public transport is that it goes from where you aren’t, and takes you to a place you don’t want to be, and all the time you have to share it with The General Public.
Has Jon Fuller got a heat pump, no car but a bicycle, nothing in his home made from outside Europe, solar panels fitted to his home, and a big salary with a fat pension paid for by taxpayers?
Will he move to Birmingham and cycle to Leeds, Manchester etc? lmao
Nope, like everyone else everything he owns ,eats, uses and wears involved the burning of fossil fuels.
Has he renounced all things made of plastic?
Hey Jon. I live rurally, 30 minutes from the nearest town. Well it used to take 30 now takes much longer due to the numerous 20 mile limits in place, so as I see it...on the road for longer, creating more emissions! We have 3 buses a day, 3 days a week. Drakeford has just cancelled our Saturday bus. How, exactly, are we to work, shop, attend appointments etc, without a car? NUMPTY!
I use my car to get out and about because there is no other transport options available and quite frankly totally pissed of with these eco nutters telling me how to live my life.
Nowadays due to all the Rainbow Police, it's safer to go anywhere in your car due the sharp increase in crime everywhere over the last 2 years...
about time the cyclists started contributing to road tax and have insurance
road tax does not exist -- car drivers dont pay Road Tax they pay duty on a car ownership. There could be an argument to levy a bike ownership tax ---- but who would pay, the rider? Good luck on trying to get under 18 year olds to pay a tax on a bike ! Whilst at it, perhaps horses need to taxed if on the road and insured along with all the other vehicles on the road including those electric cars that cause at least 50% increased damage due the excess axial weight.
@@citroen-fe3qqthat's why their parents should pay it. When they let them ride around in the dark with no lights on. Insurance and some form of visible ID should be required
Good luck trying to enforce that rule; you do know here are an estimated 1 million uninsured drivers in the UK. According to the Motor Insurers Bureau scheme (MIB); cant even enforce it for cars LOL @@chappy2121
The thing they haven't realised yet is, how are they going to replace the tax revenue once people stop using their cars. The government is killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
Walking and cycling is all very well in urban areas but is impractical in rural areas where public transport barely exists, if at all, especially given the distances that most people travel to work.. and that's not the only impracticality.. I was out the other day with my wife, she was driving and it was hammering down with rain and very blustery. We came up behind some slow moving traffic and as the vehicles in front of us overtook the holdup and we got closer to the front of the tailback I could see the 'holdup' was in fact a cyclist, who seemed to be wearing some sort of giant flapping yellow plastic cape, I glanced at him as we passed and going by the look on his face I'm pretty certain he wasn't very pleased with his decision to cycle to work..
Even if his claim of 50% of people want to ride bikes to work was true (which it isn’t) why does that mean it’s ok to price the majority out of driving? Why should his beliefs impact everyone else’s lives
and car drivers want these 50% who switch to bikes to pay Road Tax, have registration and insurance on thier bike as well as on cars but no electric cars! --- how do they make this nonsence up LOL
I work from home and there's no way I'm riding a bike to work, it would damage the walls and I would probably have an accident going downstairs.
@@aquapony You will cycle to your toilet and you will be happy...
@@jasonking442 that's where I recycle, not where I cycle
Ok John . Take me up on this . Have a family go shopping (you go with them and carry the equivalent shopping with say 2 children under 10 years ) do a journey of 5 miles each way carrying that shopping .without using a personal vehicle Then do the same journey every week for one month . I doubt you have the guts to take this challenge up in case reality hits you about life for thousands of ordinary people every single day.
Never mind taking the dog/cat to the vet.
after getting up at half 5 in the morning and doing a 14 hour shift, i am not cycling an hour home up and down hills! I wonder if these people ever look out their windows and realise we live in Northern Europe and would be soaking all the time!
It rains at some point of the day on average 265 day of the year in the uk .
At 20mph emissions are HIGHER. I mean, what the hell? Further, unlike London, most places are not flat! How the hell are we going to cycle? These people are a disgrace.
Why don`t these people go and live there if they like it so much
Road tax, so that the roads are useable. MOT testing, so that your vehicle complies with motoring rules. 20 mph does not allow your engine to run at it's best for clean emission. He goes "to the Netherlands from time to time", what, on a bike?. This country, and most others, have developed the way they have to encourage the use of motor vehicles. When he says "we need to make the change, and we need to use our car's a lot less", and that "it is linked to climate change", what qualifies him to say that? NOTHING.
Public transport is crap
This guy is so out of his depth on the argument , and beggars belief he hasnt the ability to do some critical thinking for himself rather than spouting someone elses agenda for which he is most likely overpaid
He doesn’t care because I bet you he doesn’t want to use public transport over his car. But as long as it’s everyone else affected and not him he doesn’t care
he’s an ideologically menticided repeater of agenda manufactured tropes
Who put him in charge?
It's called social Engineering. If he doesn't tow the Woke line he's toast.
Agree with you 100%.
The expression is "TOE the line".
Government simply telling the public what they want to hear. Must be an election coming up.
Why are TalkTV stopping people from commenting on certain videos then?
GB News is company that don’t have to be freedom of speech
It's you tube that stop comments.
@@run2cat4runWhat does that even mean!
@@rosemarywoolley8394 it’s mean’s private companies got their own set of rules
@@run2cat4run Well they seem to have their own rules but went a bit to far this time with Mr Foxes comment.
Fuel here has gone up 12p a litre since August
he must have had trouble getting the super glue off his hands after the last protest he was on, his right hand is stuck to his face.
I love cycling, and work only 11 miles from home. Thats well within my ability. There are A roads, which make it too unsafe for me to attempt the ride. But ultimately i wont ride to work because the weather is only suitable for about 3 months of the year. I dont want to be a muddy mess or have sweaty balls and swamp ass when i get to work thanks.
So it's safer to have to keep looking at your speedometer to make sure you don't drive over 20 instead of looking at the road is it?
If traveling 20 miles per hour was about keeping people safe. I would pose the question why on earth did it take soooo long to come to this realization?!
at 4.33,are people really scared to go out walking because the speed limit is 30mph but would go out if it was 20mph?
How can you reduce cars? Only let rich people have them?
If you slow down to 20 miles an hour your car runs in a lower gear and higher revs which causes more polution !!!
I don’t want to tackle climate change because I know we can’t change it. It’s entirely natural and our impact is negligible.
They want 15mins cities/prisons
Wont be long before we can pay £12.50 to drive at 30mph, £20 to drive at 50mph etc........
there is a war on motorist ...every motorist will tell you ...this is the beginning of curbing motor freedom...pity the young
Not just motor freedom but freedom generally. Freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of association.
We are turning into North Korea and it's only going to be a short step from their to Cambodia under Pol Pot. The students are already telling the teachers what to think (at least those teachers resisting the "message"). It won't be long until they are all running around waving whatever their equivalent will be of Mao's little red book.
20 mile zones should be in housing estates no where else.
I lived in the Netherlands a total of 15 years and more and more people drive cars there.
"Fuel duty frozen" is a complete misnomer. It's like saying VAT or income tax has been frozen. Why should ANY tax constantly rise when the taxpayer sees no benefit
Shove your 20 mile an hour zone. John your out of touch!!!!!
Where do we get these brain washed idiots from. Even if it was logistically practical to cycle to work distance wise. What happens when, it's pouring with rain. Freezing temperatures, snowing etc etc. I live in a rural area. No buses, and my employment is 25 miles away. How can I, or others in similar situations do without their personal transport.
I would love to know what this gentleman's employment history was. I'll bet he was employed in institutionalised employment, civil service, education etc etc, where everything is guaranteed and therefore they have no idea how people who work in the commercial private sector have to make a living, or don't get paid.
He needs to go missing and never be seen again.
Yes yes yes you got it mate 👍.
Wake up man the vast majority of people do not want to reduce traffic they rely on it !
I wonder how he got to Amsterdam, walked maybe? rode a bike? or perhaps he went using something that burns fuel, full of crap!!
The funds raised from car tax far outweigh money required for potholes and road building. Car tax goes into a pot and is spent elsewhere.
This wasn't a 'furious' clash. It was an entirely polite discussion between two people with different views. Why the hyperbole?
All cars over three years old have a compulsory MOT each year and emissions are checked to make sure they fall within safety margins, so how can they have a detrimental impact on the environment.
I have a 50 mile round trip 4 days a week to work… not doing it on a bike
These people are utterly deluded. If the UK banned ALL car use tomorrow it would make no difference AT ALL to climate change. This bloke (who presumably paddleboards when he undertakes his numerous trips to Amsterdam) just sees this measure as a way to frustrate people into giving up driving when the obvious fact is that driving at 20mph in your warm car is still going to be preferable, when even not necessary, to walking in the cold/rain - the only difference the speed limit will make is INCREASED emissions due to the much less efficient speed/gear ratios needed to drive so artificially slow.
Many people would use cycles if the cycles didn't get nicked the minute they are left anywhere. If you want people to use cycles in cities give them secure places to leave them.
I took the Bullet train from Paris to Geneva in 1988. I had barely sat down when we were in the Alps. The same journey by coach would have taken over ten hours. High Speed trains are normal in Europe.
Where does he live.
you can make as many miles of cycle lanes as you want, but I will NOT be cycling to work 15 miles away.
It rains in this country😮 Try getting a weekly shop and cycling home.
Y do these people presume what we are thinking and how we want to live our life's.
I drive a car and here's why catching a bus will never, that's NEVER be a suitable alternative for me as far as I'm concerned. 1. I can enjoy my own space - and indeed have space - to make my journey. I don't have to share it with other people - some of whom are often less than desirable - cramped upright in a space no more than two feet wide. If I wish to share my space then it is with people of my choosing. 2. I have the flexibility to shop as I please. If I travel by bus I'm limited to what I can carry in a carrier bag resting on my knees as I'm sat upright. By car, I can make repeated journeys back to my car in the car park to load it up and return to shopping - not an option when you've got a bus to catch. 3. I can go (and come back) at a time that suit's me. Not at a time that suit's the bus company. And that's if the bus turns up in the first place, which in this city they often don't - regularly! I can also take the route I want to take therefore arriving at my destination quicker. If this seems a selfish attitude then so be it, I make no apologies.
Poor lad. He needs a lie down in a quiet room. And to stay there.😊
they started measuring the temperatures of the globe at its coldest point in the last 10,000 years obviously its going to start warming up to back how it used to be at some point, it goes up and down in temps just like it has from day 1
This guys living in cloud cuckoo land, He needs to live in Sheffield and cycle everywhere. Its built on seven (7) hills.
My question would be...
How many more vehicles are on the road due to mass migration since 1997. How many more homes requiring gas and electricity are filled with migrants arrived after 1997. What's the overall increase in pollution solely due to the increase in population from mass migration since 1997?..
That is to sense able for him to understand 👏. He is a sheep 🐑 😊
Well, back in 1997 the metric tons CO2 per capita was 9 tons. And in 2020 it was 5 tons, so let's take the 2020 data of 5 tons as standard.
As of 2020, gov stats show 9.5 million non UK born/British nationals in the UK.
That's 47,500,000 tons of CO2 emmissions annually from the immigrant population alone.
Getting rid of 47,500,000 tons of CO2 emmissions annually would satisfy most climate lunatics.
@@keithianlockeStrangely the Greens are in favour of immigration, ignoring all the damage it does environmentally and socially. Their heads are full of unicorns and rainbows
20mph speed limits will increase emissions with vehicles less efficient at this speed.
The problem with a 20mph speed limit vis a vis pollution is that the internal combustion engine is at its most efficient is 56mph. So it stands to reason that at 20mph the engine will be less efficient and therefore it will emit more pollution.
Did these dick heads go to school 🏫 😅.
Body language of the guy covering his mouth through half the interview. Even he knows hes lying.
This guy is a spokesman for this group? Using words like "probably" to argue stats and then using the only single example of someone dying from pollution as a reason to completely change our infrastructure and culture is intellectually redundant.
So he visits the Netherlands occasionally. How does he get there 🤔
So a parent and their children are supposed to cycle to school in the winter, in the dark and freezing fog,snow and rain.Has he ever done this?
I walk to work as I live in the city centre 5 minutes from work. But I have a car for the convenience of where I need to go. And no way in hell am I sacrificing it for a peasant wagon, so stick that XR 😂