Aphelios is good he just has a really high skill floor so he's hard to play him if ur bad at him, but if u understand his weapons and his kit he's easily S/ High A tier
But your teammates, specially support, needs to know your skills too. In most of the cases, your teammate will not understand your gun combos which is very problematic.
B tier at best. Compared to other adcs he gets chuncked way too easily and is forced to go Bloodthirster to counter that when his dmg comes from points in E and giant slayer.
Yeah exactly, like even if I ping that I don't have any abilities lv 1 my support goes for the ultra aggressive trade level 1 to which yeah, I can follow up but I can't do more than just auto attacking, like why do they not wait lv2
The problem with bloody Kalista is a very, very clunky camera movement when she pulls you. My buddy played her a lot and I played support with him. It is not a problem when I am close to him, I will hit like 90% of the times, but the problem starts when I am further away. He presses R, then my camera *locks* in place and starts dragging along with me slowly towards Kalista, then it speeds up. When I reach him, camera is still *locked* for a little bit longer. During that time, enemy recalled, purchased items and returned into a fight with us. He complains whenver I miss in those situations but he can never understand the pain :/
I actually think akali can be a pretty good counterpick against champions like Jax, Irelia or Darius. Her Mobility makes it easy to avoid there pressure in lane and if your jungle likes to skirmish near the top lane a lot you can really snowball from that. Also I would say that the assassin build is not that optimal to plane as your team lacks a bruiser so I would advise going ad akali with divine sunderer or goredrinker.
@@techlaka5795 it's viable for sure, akali has really good AD scaling which is why you see ravenous on her now to fix her horrible early waveclear. I got a penta on Aram with duskblade into crit with the champ even tho a barely play her
@@campbelljamieson2714 I'd rather play a champ I enjoy playing than one I don't. Much easier to learn and master if you enjoy the champ in the first place.
I wish if riot made a system that nerfs champions only when pro players play them in tournaments.. Like seriously- Xayah, rakan, kalista, ryze, azir, and many more suffered with nerfs and incapability to become balanced just because of pro players being too good on them. xayah could've been top 5 adc each patch without those constant nerfs bc of pro play. Believe me, I'm a xayah main and I've been playing her since she was released.
As a Aphelios main, seeing him in the thumbnail made me sad. Sure he's got a lower skill floor and he's not a brainless playstyle but if you put time into learning him he's quite fun and rewarding. Though I'm the first to admit that he's very frail despite his high dps. (Admittedly, I queue with a friend who loves playing various supports, so having someone who I play well off of and who plays well off of me is definitely part of why I'm finding him powerful and fun)
Aph is also my favorite adc for the same reason but I will also be the first to admit that getting the same results with Aph takes so much more effort compared to say, Sivir or MF. Ashe is the one adc everyone says is easy but I struggle with because while her W has good range her auto is only average and her damage is lower than that of other adcs due to all of her utility.
The problem is Braum fell behind and he can't be buffed because he is just too good in pro play so he has some of the most underwhelming numbers of any character.
@@thatarmswarrior not a chance. Great top laner, sure, but with his current ult on old w he had essential peel for his adc on a USABLE cd. Now, he has zero peel for his carry until 6, and even then he can only do it once a minute, which, compared to other supports, doesnt measure up. He's much more of a toplaner now; aoe engage and waveclear and sustainable single target cc. Great when ahead, terrible when reliant on base kit, which supports have to rely on.
All the bloody aphelios clips are players just walking into a bloody 1v3 with the wrong weapon combo. Skillcapped has no idea what they are doing with aphelios for sure. Any aphelios mains here would agree with me that grav and crescendum are like the absolute worst guns together.
Difficult mechanics doesn't make a pick bad. Azir is totally fine, so long as you are willing to play 1000 games on him. If you can't commit to that then he will just lose you ELO. Ryze on the other hand needs both mechanics AND positioning. You won't learn much from spam playing him because it will unclear when you messed the mechanics up or the positioning. To play Ryze you first need to nail down positioning by playing something else that requires good positioning but has easy mechanics.
i agree. azir my highest mastery and ive abused him a lot last year or two when i played more ranked. i knew how to play him and tech that people didnt think about much later. was ingenious hunter + tear abusing on item rune rework before people took ingenious after the buffs, then it became better for me. rn seraphs is meh after it gives cdr and sustain. the ap u got before was fun
@@Kamishi845 A good question, I don't think there is really an equivalent mage.. Positioning is just not that critical to most mages as they walk in, blow their combo then are waiting on c/ds. Short range ADCs have much more similar positioning requirements. 90% of Dravens entire mechanic is positioning based, he is probably the best positioning trainer? I can't think of a better one..
10:13 "which is not a recipe for success in soloq" ... Yet Janna is advised? Are we excluding gold an below from that one, right? Heck, even in my low elo tier of Plat 5 that i'm hardstuck bc I recognise I just suck, I wouldnt dare to play a total support if not with a duo that can guarantee me to profit from any little advantage I can scratch, if you play a champion that relies on you teammates to be effective then that is a hard no-no in soloq for me.
Janna does not rely on teammates though. Neither do most other enchanters. Even Skillcapped agrees that Enchanters are the "solo carry" type of support vs engage supports being much more team reliant, as Enchanters scale like a motherfcker and there's many videos on Skillcapped that actually talk about this, as well as gameplay videos of carrying in lower elos on enchanters.
@@LieblingAllerLaDys I'm by no means a Support nor ADC main but fail to see any champ like Janna, Soraka or Yuumi being any good if they have a rock as a partner followed by a consistent bad attitude from it toward the supp, heck, most of the time its a coin flip, either there is one or two on the other team that became literal sustain machines with a Janna, Soraka or Yuumi that knows what they are doing or there are none and the support role is basically dead weight because no one follow the plays they do.
I don’t understand why ryze is on this list, I am not a ryze main but have mastery 4 and I pop off on the champ with 9-10 cs p min and p good kdas. His ult isn’t that hard to use, just ult to flank with a beefy dive champ and you’re all set. Even if you lose lane you can still be incredibly useful due to your ult and impressive waveclear. And when ahead ryze can suffocate the enemy team i through rotating between mid and a side wave to perma pressure. Meaning all objectives are free and his laning is pretty strong due to his incredible anti dive root that will make any assassin that engages into even a small wave lose the trade massively. He’s really safe if you’re in a hard matchup as well since you always have the option to just farm, like an ezreal level of safety. All in alll I recommend everyone gives him a try.
Skarner left the chat: Also when you realize most of this champs are op if u are good at that champion it just takes skill and if u have that skill for example ryze and azir are unstoppable
its funny to hear something about becoming a splitpushing god :D im proud to say im an iron split pushing goddess that gets flamed every game for split pushing instead of aram protecting mid from their aram push to win :D but its kinda hard to make it work when i always get countered when i get too far by some overfed mundo or something
Ngl i do love these "underpowered" champs tho it gives a satisfaction i dont get from other champs when i get good at them and win games using them. Rn im loving aphelios and azir, but kalista is also really fun and i still played zeri when her winrate was god awful
And this proves to me that even you don't know what the fuck some champions do. Azir and aphelios are not even close to the worst champions as of now. The fact that they need the scale doesn't make them bad, it just takes the player piloting the champ to use his brain and not just stand somewhere and w spam his enemy.
I dont agree with aphelios, he is insanely strong, scales really well and can snowball better than most adcs. He was low wr because he is kinda popular and a lot of people that play him lower his wr, but a good aphelios can pretty much adapt to any support and situation
Aphelios WR is so low because it just takes a while until you actually learn how to play him and what to do when and how to combo. during that time you might only have a WR of 20% until you've reached your first 50/80 games with him, then it will probably be closer towards 60% but many players would've given up by then or just realized, they don't like the unique system that much and rather play other cool adcs
as a sion main i can tell that he does not win a matchup ever, it just beats maybe malphite and outscales a couple of assassins but still nobody ever plays assassins top.
Is K’Sante really that strong atm? As a returning player i want to have a otp top laner but idk if i should main him. Is he is well-rounded and good for blink pick? If have to choose between 3, which one is better in ur opinion? -Aatrox -K’Sante -Renekton
Let me say something. The first aphelios clip that they showed was terrible. Coming from an aphelios main, that player firstly had the wrong gun combo, which completely messed up the 2v2. Secondly, they had no mama and less than half health so idk why they commit to that fight. And thirdly, why the hell does that player have gravity and chakran gun in the first place. If he’s a good player, that wouldn’t be the case at all. All of those clips are just baiting us into thinking that Aphelios is a bad champ. I do agree he isn’t as powerful as the current 53 percent win rate adcs like Seraphine etc. but he is not that bad. He scaled so much better than other adcs and if played right, he is a 1v9 carry. No other adc has what he does.
The Aphelios players in this clip are pretty bad, but no offense, this is a pretty bad take. If you're talking about the first clip, if you're level 3, you're going to have Calibrum/Severum lmao. If you're talking about the second clip, it's fine to have Gravitum if you're going to set up ganks, and with the low amount of bullets left, he was trying to cycle Crescendum with Calibrum/Severum. You can use Infernum to prioritize wave clear or poking the enemy, so there are scenarios in which it'll be used up before Gravitum. And it's not like he said Aphelios is trash. He said in the right hands it's good, but his set up is generally hard to execute.
Me, spamming Aphelios for the last month with 70% winrate: oh. Tbf, thats normals with friends who are good, but I enjoy his playstile a ton. Getting good farm and playing safe early usually works well. I'm still hella inconsistent, but Aphelios just clicks for me better than most adcs.
I love Aphelios too but he is just really hard to carry with in low elo solo queue. I'll start playing him again if I get a good duo. I adore his design
they keep releasing more and more champs with 250 dashes, you literally cant hit a Q... why play sion when ksante does the same but with much more mobility, or mundo that is cc immune and has insane healing
It helps himself, but in a meta where top laners are always sustaining, dashing away, and out carrying Sion in general, it’s like choosing the horse over the new sports cars.
@@CreatureCM- im a sion main, and been playing him for 5 years... unfortunately i have to say that despite killing people in the passive gives a lot of satisfaction (expecially with ad/lethality build) it is too easy to play around sions passive. and honestly passives that are relevant after you die are actually the worst passives in the game, surely you can try to get the most with what you get, but what if you play mundo so you dont die and do the same things that sion can do on the passive but without dying? tbh even nasus passive might be more relevant than nasus passive lol. it is not a secret that the worst passives in the game are the one that trigger after you die (karthus passive and kog maw passive are examples of worse passives than sion). anyway it was a joke i dont really think that nasus passive is more useful than sion's passive
The rest of the video is fine, except for Azir. It's just really cringe when they make up reasons for a champ to be bad, when in reality Lee Sin benefited from literally every preseason jungle change. They should have just said don't play Lee Sin cause you're bad, then I wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I get the point about aphelios and his low win rate but I started playing him and got around 50k mastery for the last weeks and I dont think he is a terrible pick. I agree with that he is hard to pull off but once you understand the power of his combinations he becomes one of the best adcs since he has a great teamfight potential with his blue weapon combined with the healing of the red one and after the blue is gone comes the white and we know that the red and white is the best dueling combination with tones of dmg and healing. So my point is that he is a good pick but he just takes a bit more time and focus to be played the right way. :D
Aphelios might have very low win rate, but that cause others don’t know how to use his skillsets. If you can master him, he will be your best choice for an ADC, which can help you reach high ranks!
Excited for the new skin releases and how they match with the new Christmas map skin. Hopefully they make another for lee sin so loosing my ass off gets shadowed by the new shiny looks. Can’t wait to spend more money
You could say the same for lee, ryze, akali, azir, sion though. Some champs are just more rewarding than others and aren’t worth it. Aphelios is a mixed bag of playstyles for others while you could just play Draven and juggle axes the whole game to win 🤡
54% win rate kalista top, raise your hand! 🤚 Yep, kalista top with PTA, not lethal tempo, and more than 800 games and still 54% win rate. If you know how to play it, you'll make it.
@@wildprodigy HEy man, I have two variations of rune sets: 1. Press the Attack with Triumph, Allacrity, Last Stance. The second stone with Conditioning and Overgrowth 2. The variation depends on the mathups, with a more damage driven second stone (more squishy comps). Basically the change is switching to the Domination tree in the second stone with Sudden Impact and Treasure hunter. The items varify also depending on the game, but basically the mythic will be either Shieldbow or Craken Slayer. But the secret is to always rush BORK first right after the beserkers boots. Then, and only then, I start building the mythic. After that, you'll build other items based on the comps. Wits Ends versus heavy AP, Hurricane and Rageblade for more DPS and damage on area versus a lot of melee comps, Both Hydras are good, but lately Ravenous Hydra has been giving me good results, although titanic Hydra gives you more of a bruiser vibe allogside with Black Cleaver. You become quite tanky.
Like Akali, I can understand that she does struggle. But the clips are just troll af. Why would you ever flash ult the Zed, when she could of just walked up. And yes, ik the whole point is to show how bad it is. But like bro, just go D shield, play safe til 6, get riftmaker, bam. But then again. I am just a Gold player. :D
At least Azir is in one Top 10 list....
That champ Is good Just hard
@@shade_7500 true its not bad
@@shade_7500 nah he ain't good. He was before his nerfs but right now he is so bad Challenger players can't even make him work.
@@deejayf69 stop pretending you know what you’re talking about
Idk man whenever i get an azir in my team he carries the game
Aphelios is good he just has a really high skill floor so he's hard to play him if ur bad at him, but if u understand his weapons and his kit he's easily S/ High A tier
But your teammates, specially support, needs to know your skills too. In most of the cases, your teammate will not understand your gun combos which is very problematic.
Yea ngl I still have no idea what his weapon combinations are I don‘t care either he very rarely gets picked in plat games tbh
B tier at best. Compared to other adcs he gets chuncked way too easily and is forced to go Bloodthirster to counter that when his dmg comes from points in E and giant slayer.
Yeah exactly, like even if I ping that I don't have any abilities lv 1 my support goes for the ultra aggressive trade level 1 to which yeah, I can follow up but I can't do more than just auto attacking, like why do they not wait lv2
The problem with bloody Kalista is a very, very clunky camera movement when she pulls you. My buddy played her a lot and I played support with him. It is not a problem when I am close to him, I will hit like 90% of the times, but the problem starts when I am further away. He presses R, then my camera *locks* in place and starts dragging along with me slowly towards Kalista, then it speeds up. When I reach him, camera is still *locked* for a little bit longer. During that time, enemy recalled, purchased items and returned into a fight with us.
He complains whenver I miss in those situations but he can never understand the pain :/
If y'all still combo with her, maybe go into a custom with you playing kalista and switch roles so he can see what it's like from your point of view
@@panzerswineflu I am a little bit too late, huh? He does not play her anymore and I am mainly on mid now :D But yeah, that might be a nice solution
@@tut-4126 sounds like problem solved
Dan does such a dang nice job voicing these videos. He should do every video you all post. Thanks for your narration Dan!
My weak pick is Aphelios. He’s just so much fun and versatile.
Thank you for the coaching i was able to go from d2 to d4 🥳
the Neace special
Neace especial
so basically every champ I liked or play or planning to learn is on this list.
Doesn't make them bad champs.
D1 azir otp her next season going for chall and I didn't play in years.
Play what you enjoy buddy
I actually think akali can be a pretty good counterpick against champions like Jax, Irelia or Darius. Her Mobility makes it easy to avoid there pressure in lane and if your jungle likes to skirmish near the top lane a lot you can really snowball from that. Also I would say that the assassin build is not that optimal to plane as your team lacks a bruiser so I would advise going ad akali with divine sunderer or goredrinker.
I've seen an alkali TP in her shroud when Darius got two bleed stack on her lmao. Never even thought of that until then.
Akali doesn't counter irelia at all. It's a skill match up
bro said ad akali
@@techlaka5795 it's viable for sure, akali has really good AD scaling which is why you see ravenous on her now to fix her horrible early waveclear. I got a penta on Aram with duskblade into crit with the champ even tho a barely play her
@@rayhanakram9912 bro thinks aram is a source to call something “viable”😭
Worst champs are those whom you don't enjoy
@@campbelljamieson2714 I'd rather play a champ I enjoy playing than one I don't. Much easier to learn and master if you enjoy the champ in the first place.
what happened with azir at 5:15? it didnt look like a flash buffer, the ult came out so far ahead of the flash. just a spectator bug?
Spec bug for sure
Despite being a weak choice, Aphelios is the most fun champion to use if played effectively.
Hes not weak by any means. The people who say hes weak just arent good at playing him.
I'd argue aphelios is pretty stong in low elo because people don't know what he does, especially when you can manage his weapon rotations.
he is strong in all elos if u master him he is at least S tier adc
Had an MF complain about Aphelios' ult earlier today as the fed Camille was decimating everyone with true damage.
Don't rely on that. All it takes is someone looking him up on league of legends wiki to have an idea of when he's strong.
You completely missed the point
2:40 gp is really good matchup level 6 if ur even or little behind
because u still murder this guy late game
I wish if riot made a system that nerfs champions only when pro players play them in tournaments.. Like seriously- Xayah, rakan, kalista, ryze, azir, and many more suffered with nerfs and incapability to become balanced just because of pro players being too good on them. xayah could've been top 5 adc each patch without those constant nerfs bc of pro play. Believe me, I'm a xayah main and I've been playing her since she was released.
I've started playing tahm in my games and somewhat I'm doing okay experiencing some win streaks as i support with my first item to build is heartsteel
As a Aphelios main, seeing him in the thumbnail made me sad. Sure he's got a lower skill floor and he's not a brainless playstyle but if you put time into learning him he's quite fun and rewarding. Though I'm the first to admit that he's very frail despite his high dps. (Admittedly, I queue with a friend who loves playing various supports, so having someone who I play well off of and who plays well off of me is definitely part of why I'm finding him powerful and fun)
Aph is also my favorite adc for the same reason but I will also be the first to admit that getting the same results with Aph takes so much more effort compared to say, Sivir or MF. Ashe is the one adc everyone says is easy but I struggle with because while her W has good range her auto is only average and her damage is lower than that of other adcs due to all of her utility.
@@Kamishi845 Absolutely valid
9:53 basically braum is a real support while everyone else is just unbalanced
no, he's just underwhelming and doesn't do much
@@ohhhbirdy5975 Not doing damage, cause as a support he is brilliant, other supports just have enough dps to 1v1 the enemy so he feels underwhelming
The problem is Braum fell behind and he can't be buffed because he is just too good in pro play so he has some of the most underwhelming numbers of any character.
@@ojodeoro1106 Yes, like a lot of the older champions
Anyone know the music playing in the background?❄️
After his rework, Tahm Kench is a top laner. He's not a support anymore
Even before the rework, he was almost always a better top laner than a support.
@@thatarmswarrior not a chance. Great top laner, sure, but with his current ult on old w he had essential peel for his adc on a USABLE cd. Now, he has zero peel for his carry until 6, and even then he can only do it once a minute, which, compared to other supports, doesnt measure up. He's much more of a toplaner now; aoe engage and waveclear and sustainable single target cc. Great when ahead, terrible when reliant on base kit, which supports have to rely on.
All the bloody aphelios clips are players just walking into a bloody 1v3 with the wrong weapon combo. Skillcapped has no idea what they are doing with aphelios for sure. Any aphelios mains here would agree with me that grav and crescendum are like the absolute worst guns together.
Why does this make me want to play these champs more???
Difficult mechanics doesn't make a pick bad. Azir is totally fine, so long as you are willing to play 1000 games on him. If you can't commit to that then he will just lose you ELO. Ryze on the other hand needs both mechanics AND positioning. You won't learn much from spam playing him because it will unclear when you messed the mechanics up or the positioning. To play Ryze you first need to nail down positioning by playing something else that requires good positioning but has easy mechanics.
i agree. azir my highest mastery and ive abused him a lot last year or two when i played more ranked. i knew how to play him and tech that people didnt think about much later. was ingenious hunter + tear abusing on item rune rework before people took ingenious after the buffs, then it became better for me. rn seraphs is meh after it gives cdr and sustain. the ap u got before was fun
everfrost ingenious hob to oneshot ekko before he has chance to press r, etc. was a very creative and innovative player
What's a good mage that requires good positioning but is mechanically easy? Veigar?
@@Kamishi845 A good question, I don't think there is really an equivalent mage.. Positioning is just not that critical to most mages as they walk in, blow their combo then are waiting on c/ds. Short range ADCs have much more similar positioning requirements. 90% of Dravens entire mechanic is positioning based, he is probably the best positioning trainer? I can't think of a better one..
I hate in our low ELO when players pick skill intensive champs....then they face something like mundo or morde....and the game is half done.....
You haven't noticed that Sion becomes immortal with heartsteel?
I was ready to grab my pitchfork after seeing Akali but yeah she’s garbage top… fantastic mid though
10:13 "which is not a recipe for success in soloq" ... Yet Janna is advised? Are we excluding gold an below from that one, right? Heck, even in my low elo tier of Plat 5 that i'm hardstuck bc I recognise I just suck, I wouldnt dare to play a total support if not with a duo that can guarantee me to profit from any little advantage I can scratch, if you play a champion that relies on you teammates to be effective then that is a hard no-no in soloq for me.
Janna does not rely on teammates though. Neither do most other enchanters. Even Skillcapped agrees that Enchanters are the "solo carry" type of support vs engage supports being much more team reliant, as Enchanters scale like a motherfcker and there's many videos on Skillcapped that actually talk about this, as well as gameplay videos of carrying in lower elos on enchanters.
@@LieblingAllerLaDys I'm by no means a Support nor ADC main but fail to see any champ like Janna, Soraka or Yuumi being any good if they have a rock as a partner followed by a consistent bad attitude from it toward the supp, heck, most of the time its a coin flip, either there is one or two on the other team that became literal sustain machines with a Janna, Soraka or Yuumi that knows what they are doing or there are none and the support role is basically dead weight because no one follow the plays they do.
I don’t understand why ryze is on this list, I am not a ryze main but have mastery 4 and I pop off on the champ with 9-10 cs p min and p good kdas. His ult isn’t that hard to use, just ult to flank with a beefy dive champ and you’re all set. Even if you lose lane you can still be incredibly useful due to your ult and impressive waveclear. And when ahead ryze can suffocate the enemy team i through rotating between mid and a side wave to perma pressure. Meaning all objectives are free and his laning is pretty strong due to his incredible anti dive root that will make any assassin that engages into even a small wave lose the trade massively. He’s really safe if you’re in a hard matchup as well since you always have the option to just farm, like an ezreal level of safety. All in alll I recommend everyone gives him a try.
Lee Sin not being meta is weird af to me. I remember when he was picked or banned every game for seasons in row
Skarner left the chat:
Also when you realize most of this champs are op if u are good at that champion it just takes skill and if u have that skill for example ryze and azir are unstoppable
I’ve never heard of this particular fellow named “Skarner”, he must have had a good run during his pro days because I hear his name a lot 🤔
its funny to hear something about becoming a splitpushing god :D
im proud to say im an iron split pushing goddess that gets flamed every game for split pushing instead of aram protecting mid from their aram push to win :D but its kinda hard to make it work when i always get countered when i get too far by some overfed mundo or something
Ngl i do love these "underpowered" champs tho it gives a satisfaction i dont get from other champs when i get good at them and win games using them. Rn im loving aphelios and azir, but kalista is also really fun and i still played zeri when her winrate was god awful
The only benefit for bad picks is that they won't be banned. So you get to play them every game if you want to
I’m a 55% WR ryze out of 343 games ranked. But I’m a one trick of over two years.
I may be a garbage Sion-main Silver player but he's still my boy. I've managed a 60% win-rate with him so far this season.
And this proves to me that even you don't know what the fuck some champions do. Azir and aphelios are not even close to the worst champions as of now. The fact that they need the scale doesn't make them bad, it just takes the player piloting the champ to use his brain and not just stand somewhere and w spam his enemy.
Was about to say wanna bet my beloved azir gone be in that list
I dont agree with aphelios, he is insanely strong, scales really well and can snowball better than most adcs. He was low wr because he is kinda popular and a lot of people that play him lower his wr, but a good aphelios can pretty much adapt to any support and situation
200 years of game design experience
Difference between Aphelios being weak or strong is landing your ult ;-;
other people see information what to avoid, i see a challenge
when s13 start official date ? because im done play 20 rankeds in day on pre season xd
The put my boy Phel right on the cover
Aphelios WR is so low because it just takes a while until you actually learn how to play him and what to do when and how to combo. during that time you might only have a WR of 20% until you've reached your first 50/80 games with him, then it will probably be closer towards 60% but many players would've given up by then or just realized, they don't like the unique system that much and rather play other cool adcs
as a sion main i can tell that he does not win a matchup ever, it just beats maybe malphite and outscales a couple of assassins but still nobody ever plays assassins top.
Thanks im gonna play them all, cuz no one else will
Thank you Ezreal!!!
Is K’Sante really that strong atm? As a returning player i want to have a otp top laner but idk if i should main him. Is he is well-rounded and good for blink pick? If have to choose between 3, which one is better in ur opinion?
Atrox > kasante > Rene in solo duo
How is Sion a weak champ he is one of the strongest top laners he just skills way too good Fiora is legit the only one who can stop him
Let me say something. The first aphelios clip that they showed was terrible. Coming from an aphelios main, that player firstly had the wrong gun combo, which completely messed up the 2v2. Secondly, they had no mama and less than half health so idk why they commit to that fight. And thirdly, why the hell does that player have gravity and chakran gun in the first place. If he’s a good player, that wouldn’t be the case at all. All of those clips are just baiting us into thinking that Aphelios is a bad champ. I do agree he isn’t as powerful as the current 53 percent win rate adcs like Seraphine etc. but he is not that bad. He scaled so much better than other adcs and if played right, he is a 1v9 carry. No other adc has what he does.
The Aphelios players in this clip are pretty bad, but no offense, this is a pretty bad take. If you're talking about the first clip, if you're level 3, you're going to have Calibrum/Severum lmao.
If you're talking about the second clip, it's fine to have Gravitum if you're going to set up ganks, and with the low amount of bullets left, he was trying to cycle Crescendum with Calibrum/Severum. You can use Infernum to prioritize wave clear or poking the enemy, so there are scenarios in which it'll be used up before Gravitum.
And it's not like he said Aphelios is trash. He said in the right hands it's good, but his set up is generally hard to execute.
Play what You enjoy even if It's Sion
Kalistaaa we made it!!!!
Are you guys recording bots for your videos?
Funny how worst picks for soloq = best picks for pro 🤔
all the fun characters are the worst now a days, ryze, azir, leblanc, twisted fate, etc.
If you play your champ well you can always climb guys
Me, spamming Aphelios for the last month with 70% winrate: oh.
Tbf, thats normals with friends who are good, but I enjoy his playstile a ton. Getting good farm and playing safe early usually works well. I'm still hella inconsistent, but Aphelios just clicks for me better than most adcs.
I love Aphelios too but he is just really hard to carry with in low elo solo queue. I'll start playing him again if I get a good duo. I adore his design
I'm here watching this video because I'm playing league for the first time and want to play the worst champs in the game because it will be fun XD
It was the bausffs clip
Fun fact that 2 of this champs are my mains. Now try to guess which ones xd
so sion's buff didnt help him at all?
they keep releasing more and more champs with 250 dashes, you literally cant hit a Q... why play sion when ksante does the same but with much more mobility, or mundo that is cc immune and has insane healing
It helps himself, but in a meta where top laners are always sustaining, dashing away, and out carrying Sion in general, it’s like choosing the horse over the new sports cars.
@@Hclody95 true but his passive is one of the best, u lose a fight but then u win it because of getting back to life temporarily
sion has a lot of strong off meta strategies. He can proxy and counter jungle. I think sion is a better supp and jungler.
@@CreatureCM- im a sion main, and been playing him for 5 years... unfortunately i have to say that despite killing people in the passive gives a lot of satisfaction (expecially with ad/lethality build) it is too easy to play around sions passive. and honestly passives that are relevant after you die are actually the worst passives in the game, surely you can try to get the most with what you get, but what if you play mundo so you dont die and do the same things that sion can do on the passive but without dying? tbh even nasus passive might be more relevant than nasus passive lol.
it is not a secret that the worst passives in the game are the one that trigger after you die (karthus passive and kog maw passive are examples of worse passives than sion).
anyway it was a joke i dont really think that nasus passive is more useful than sion's passive
I swear if I hear this guy say “kasanti” one more time..
its a dumb name, for a dumb creepy champ.
Havent played lol in years and it seems like the same Champions are weak still!
Bro put it in ur mind Their is no bad champ here in lol if I know how to play with u will climb easy
Lee Sin's literally the best he's been in like 3 years. All the preseason jungle changes benefit him. Also, you don't need ravenous hydra.
Thank you! I don´t get the video
The rest of the video is fine, except for Azir. It's just really cringe when they make up reasons for a champ to be bad, when in reality Lee Sin benefited from literally every preseason jungle change. They should have just said don't play Lee Sin cause you're bad, then I wouldn't have anything to complain about.
I get the point about aphelios and his low win rate but I started playing him and got around 50k mastery for the last weeks and I dont think he is a terrible pick. I agree with that he is hard to pull off but once you understand the power of his combinations he becomes one of the best adcs since he has a great teamfight potential with his blue weapon combined with the healing of the red one and after the blue is gone comes the white and we know that the red and white is the best dueling combination with tones of dmg and healing. So my point is that he is a good pick but he just takes a bit more time and focus to be played the right way. :D
I think thats the same for every champion. They're all situational really. Not just on the ability of the player, but also the enemy team comp.
did they really compare a league course with gym membership..?
avoid ez. no one out side of top .000001 percent can pilot him
well there is 90% usless champs in game....
Aphelios might have very low win rate, but that cause others don’t know how to use his skillsets.
If you can master him, he will be your best choice for an ADC, which can help you reach high ranks!
If Qiyana is not here then this is fake
Excited for the new skin releases and how they match with the new Christmas map skin. Hopefully they make another for lee sin so loosing my ass off gets shadowed by the new shiny looks. Can’t wait to spend more money
Bro you re ruining my champions reputation.Just because you re not good enough to play lee sin doesn t mean he s bad
riven is the best champion in the game. period.
I love you🫵😳
For the lee sin clips.. at least pick someone half decent at the champ to show how difficult it is for lee to climb despite having some proficiency..
I think this video is wrong about ryze.
do you think braum sucks? Try it heartsteel and u'll see
They say "There is no reason to pick sion when you have better tanks" but they don't know that sion is not necessarily a tank...
Ye Aphelios bad lmao , biggest joke , it's literaly one of the best ADC now when played correctly
So never
Exactly why he's bad in low elo cus they dont know how to use him lmao
This tier list is created for low elo I think, that’s why he is so low
You could say the same for lee, ryze, akali, azir, sion though. Some champs are just more rewarding than others and aren’t worth it. Aphelios is a mixed bag of playstyles for others while you could just play Draven and juggle axes the whole game to win 🤡
So literaly what they said in the video?
So sad that braum is so bad :(
Zed jungle now have to hit q to win
So he lost 4% wr
Feels bad for new zed players hehe
Zed jungle viable u still win on him eqsilly but you just need to hit q nowadays after nerfs
54% win rate kalista top, raise your hand! 🤚
Yep, kalista top with PTA, not lethal tempo, and more than 800 games and still 54% win rate.
If you know how to play it, you'll make it.
What's your runes and items good sir
@@wildprodigy HEy man, I have two variations of rune sets:
1. Press the Attack with Triumph, Allacrity, Last Stance. The second stone with Conditioning and Overgrowth
2. The variation depends on the mathups, with a more damage driven second stone (more squishy comps). Basically the change is switching to the Domination tree in the second stone with Sudden Impact and Treasure hunter.
The items varify also depending on the game, but basically the mythic will be either Shieldbow or Craken Slayer. But the secret is to always rush BORK first right after the beserkers boots. Then, and only then, I start building the mythic. After that, you'll build other items based on the comps. Wits Ends versus heavy AP, Hurricane and Rageblade for more DPS and damage on area versus a lot of melee comps, Both Hydras are good, but lately Ravenous Hydra has been giving me good results, although titanic Hydra gives you more of a bruiser vibe allogside with Black Cleaver. You become quite tanky.
me making an account to just play lee on lol
No, i dont think i will.
i dont like ur guides at all for Lol at least... on another video sion is S tier on top, here you call him to avoid to pick xD
Like Akali, I can understand that she does struggle. But the clips are just troll af. Why would you ever flash ult the Zed, when she could of just walked up. And yes, ik the whole point is to show how bad it is. But like bro, just go D shield, play safe til 6, get riftmaker, bam. But then again. I am just a Gold player. :D
Where's Shaco?
He used q
zed jungle has one of the fastest clear in the game? what are you talking about
Forgot Leblanc ;-;
Azir and Ryze are obvious. I think they should have mentioned Qiyana instead
its a sad day when one of the best azir one tricks drops him. He is just average, but hard to play
Dont play this game they have ruined it.....
I've been playing for 10 years and its so bad now.
Sucks that normal players have to suffer on behalf of pro play
bruh skillcapped over here calling me out for my 2 adc mains feels bad
Aphelios IS tô Fun for me tô drop him
League is so trash now adays im afraid its sad to say really because its my favorite game. Sorry to say but dont even waste your time guys.