At first Gabbi came off to me as a little annoying, but as the episode continued, it quickly wore off as I realized her eagerness to please and help others. It was so addicting. However this is the first episode I think of season 6 that actually chocked me up. I teared up a bit at the moral I was seeing. That sometimes we can't always get what we want, no matter how hard we may work at it. Sometimes it's just out of our hands whether by our physical or mental abilities. It brought me back to when I was a child and wanting to be a Palentologiest... but realized I wasn't strong enough in science to cut it. Or... I had wish that I could be just as pretty and talented as ahem... one of the Spice Girls? *blushes* But like my mother used to say "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ^^
As Tendou Souji's grandmother said in the Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper Battle Video, "It's alright to imitate others as long as it's to discover your true self."
In a recent IDW comic they did have a unicorn kid that had bones as a cutie mark...her ability was to make skin and flesh transparent so all you see is bones on herself and other characters including Luna ...was kinda cool
I'm glad he did that cause the fact that the episode forgot about twilight at the end bugged me. I figured she would be the ending joke, kind of like Celestia and Cranky did for "No Second Prances"
I love Gabby. From the get go she made me smile the whole way and she made me feel hopeful about my own life. She reminded me of when I was once passionate and eager to try everything to reach a seemingly impossible task. Coming from a family where making plans is essentially defines how you live your life, I felt like I lost hope of my ambitions. This episode really gave me hope.
My first reaction to Gabby was "OMG she's so adorable it is diabetic~!" My second reaction was "Do all griffins only have names starting with the letter G?"
I see the CMC becoming a kind of Equestria wide organization over time. Right now they already have members in Manehatten and Gryphonstone with a primary HQ in Ponyville. I could just imagine Babs Seed and Gabby recruiting more members within their town, and, as word spreads, them finding ponies and maybe other creatures as well in other places across Equestria enlisting their help and starting their own branches of the CMC.
You know, from this episode and then remembering all the others who the CMC had helped. It gave me a thought of their future. I can actually see them opening up a type of business that involves helping others, with what you said with wanting to see them expand their horizon and inspire others across the land, I could see more members becoming a part of the CMC, so many where it would just happen. Maybe.
I really enjoyed this episode, Dr. Wolf. It was a great step in the Crusaders' journey, and I can't wait to see what happens next, especially since we probably are not getting another episode focusing on the Crusaders until probably Season 7, considering the details we have on the rest of Season 6 already.
I think this episode beat out Gauntlet of Fire as my favorite for the season. I love the trend they're keeping up of making friends with members of other species, what with Ember, Thorax and now Gabby. Gabby is just so lovable, I wanted to see her get a cutie mark even though I knew it wasn't gonna happen. Plus, I think the title of this episode gave the episode a deeper meaning. It made me think of a child with a life-threatening illness the whole time and it made me think this would be a good moral for anybody who wants to be a physician of any kind. Giving Gabby a fake cutie mark is kind of like putting a wig on a chemotherapy patient. It may not be real, but it makes them feel better. Fantastic episode. I'd gladly welcome Gabby back for another episode.
loved the episode, one of the best this season! And it really shows how much the CMC have grown! I mean characterwise they became so adult, they actually thought about consequences, went to Twilight first to check on some facts concerning the Cutie Mark, they even drew parallels to their own life when Sccotaloo sais how she kbnows how it feels to aspire somehting you can't get! So yeah, bravo. I think my 3rd favourite of the season (1. Saddle Row revoiew, 2. Dungeaons and discord)
Mr. Pokirby There might be some people who would be turned off by this extroverted character. If you wanted a better question, Who here really likes Gabby by give a like.
Matías Aguayo Despite the fact that she's a griffon, among the selfish species next to the yaks, That's an accomplishment that I want to hug a griffon.
This was my favorite episode of the season so far. I can also fully understand why they wanted to wait to air it. The notable time passage does well in showing what happened between the events of "On Your Marks" and now.The CMC also seem to be maturing a bit more. The way Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle talked in regard to Gabby's goal was more realistic, but kind, while it felt like Scootaloo certainly had a bit more investment. This was well noticed when she mentioned, after promising Gabby she'd get a mark, Scoots told her friends how she knew what it was like to want something, not be sure if it is possible, but not giving up on it.The resolution was also a wonderful surprise. It showed the thoughtful creativity of the CMC while making Gabby feel all proud to be the first-ever Griffon Crusader.As it is very unlikely the show will ever acknowledge Scoots as a "Ony with Special Needs", I'm glad we can at least see tales, like Gabby's, where a workaround is found that can cope with a situation.
That ending haha😄😄 I actually expected them to do something along that lines at the end of the episode twilight sitting at a table full of parchment ink and quills eagerly waiting for the CMC to enter and you know it's not gonna happen
I was on a similar train of thought as you when I saw this episode. I wasn't entirely sure how the episode would end, since I could feel a lot of story/lesson potential in both major possibilities. I enjoyed Gabby's character quite a bit, but I was also genre-savvy enough to tell that not everyone would like her. That being said, an interesting question popped into my mind while watching this episode; what makes ponies so special? Why are ponies seemingly the only ones that have some seemingly-other-worldly-force give them a literal/symbolic sign of what their purpose in life is? That, in conjunction with the fact that the Mane 6 and just about everyone else that's played a part in saving the world is a type of pony, it almost feels like there's actually someone or something in or beyond their world that intentionally decided how this would work... I hope someone on the writing staff explores this later.
Joshua Pyun While Tree Hugger may have referenced reincarnation, I *_highly_* doubt Hasbro would straight-up explain a plot point with "Literally because God said so".
My favorite part of this one is how the Crusaders were essentially confronted with their own past: Unbounded enthusiasm paired with a complete misunderstanding of how cutie marks actually work. This episode really shows how much they've grown since Apple Bloom first took Dash's "try everything" suggestion and ran with it.
At the first scene, one thought came into my mind: “Cutie Mark Counselors.” That definitely had me thinking of what the Cutie Mark Crusaders should do to help someone find their cutie mark from a psychological standpoint. The Cutie Mark Crusaders have consistently tried to find someone their cutie mark by having them try everything where that really doesn’t seem like the way to go. There are millions of things to try and they can’t possibly try it all. I think taking a personality inventory would help narrow it down much faster. Instead of having Gabby try things like baseball, baking, or brewing with a cauldron, connect it to her already present skill set which means having her do a LOT of community service. Instead of having her try out every single thing and just waiting for the cutie mark to appear, the CMC should have been observing, trying to find a link between each trial and determining her overall personality. They did discover this in the end, of course, but not before we were able to call it out exactly what her special talent was the whole episode.
THAT ENDING! L'MAO! XD But yeah, this was a great and inspiring episode. Good pace that really fitted well with Gabby and the CMC. I hope we see Gabby again and I can't wait to see how the CMC grow next.
I actually couldn't hold in my laughter when you got to 1:14. I totally agree with you about Gabby's adorableness! By the way, you noticed how in Twilight Time, Sweetie Belle was kinda leading the other Crusaders through the idea of getting in Diamond Tiara's good side by using their association with Princess Twilight? She did, after all, said, "I got this" a few times there; While here, it's mostly Scootaloo who was leading the CMC through the dilemma of the episode?
Gabby was so adorable. And I think this is the best CMC episode in this season. A definite follow up in their next step in their journey and the song and story was relatable as well, even though Gabby didn't get what she wanted she got her own Cutie Mark Crusader badge and became a new member as she found that helping others is her talent, a great story with a well deserving payoff. I give it 9/10 ^^
I love this episode for the doors it opens to new ones. Imagine an episode starring Gilda and Gabriella sharing what they're learned with the rest of Griffonstone. It'd certainly make for a fun comic, if nothing else.
think it helped thatg a large amjority of those activities made use of his talons XD ponies are awesome with their hooves but its hard to beat opposable thumbs when it comes to baseball Ands tiring when the cauldron mix gets too goopy. Also the Tree of Harmony's magic seem to be at work here, in a sense. It sends rainbow dash and pinkie to griffonstone. And very quickly it drew one of hte grpyhons to ponyville. Now we have agryphon that wants to try and help other griffons come to realize that they have attributes of their own. Cause and effect it seems. One actions leads to a helpful other.
this episode has renewed and restored my faith in the series. after the go kart episode, I was worried if they were loosing touch with the writing. but with this, I feel reassured that everything will be just fine.
One aspect of this episode that I have heard touched on before was the aspect that caught my attention the most: the fact that the writers are handling Scootaloo's "disability" in the best way possible. I honestly think she is the most mature of the CMC. The proof is in the way that she is the one to persuade Applebloom and Sweetie Belle into agreeing to help Gabby despite the possibilities of it working is slim to none. "I know what it's like to want something that's out of reach. But just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't!" She knows that most pegasi can fly by her age, but despite the fact that she can't doesn't mean that she isn't going to stop trying! That scene alone marks her as not only the best CMC but one of the best ponies in the show itself. Side note: If given the choice I would adopt Scootaloo in a heartbeat. No ifs, ands, or buts!
My thoughts on Gabby is that she kinda reminds me of Ikari Gai, aka Gokai Silver, from Gokaiger. She has this drive to do her best at everything just to please everyone, has a peppy attitude, and her interests with the CMC almost borderlines on fangirling. Just like Gai with every other ranger
i loved this episode so far season 6 has had some of the best episodes so far and have had only a few bad one and this one was great to see a griffion being so bubbly and happy i liked the entire episode with her just being there and be so happy and affectionate to everypony including the CMC
I think I see the theme of this season, a dragon that favors intelligence over brute strength, a changling that wants to share love of just consume it, and a cheery optimistic gryphon. season of outsiders
All i'm wondering is what species can get a cutie mark... obviously not griffons or sheep or pigs or cows ect. But from what I've seen from the fandom- anything with a horse butt can get a cutimark.. even hippogriffs
Everything about the Crusaders' attempts to help Gabby reminded me about their attempts to get their own cutie marks, together with her impatience to get one. I thought they would remember too, but only Twilight called them out on it. It's just too bad she ended up getting so excited and then so disappointed. But I like the lesson here, that you can continue onward even if your precise goal seems impossible. Gabby's optimism really _is_ contagious. I wonder if we'll ever actually meet Gabby Gums?
I'd's episode is number one or two in quality for this season. Gabby is incredibly cute, and her near Pinkie Pie level enthusiasm is contagious. A well written Pinkie Pie is fun, Gabriella was fun. This was an awesome episode.
This one didn't had a big impact on on me, I believe because I started watching the full episodes since season 6 started and I got familiar with other episodes were through reviews. This episode had an interesting conflict; however, I would've liked that the cmc explained that there is no need to have a cutie mark in order to have a purpose from the beginning,.
She reminds me of a griffin version of fanon-Derpy. Incurably optimistic. Physically affectionate. Shunned by her peers, but not put off by it. Generally adorable.
If we think of the series as a documentary of important past events, similar to how the series started as a documentary of the clash between the two sisters, then the CMC might be important because of who they become, and so the story is a means of showing what led them to greatness, starting with when the CMC was first founded. Diamond Tiara started off as their greatest antagonist, until they helped reveal what she could become. Assuming she continues moving up in life, with her talent of convincing anyone to do anything, she would become a fantastic political ally. Gabriella enters the story wanting to know her purpose, but her true goal is to bring friendship into the griffon kingdom. With her ability to do anything in order to help others, I would not be surprised if she becomes Queen Gabriella in a future episode. It's the most efficient way to turn a society around, at least for someone as gifted as her.
I think something big is going to happen soon. With the show so far is slowly making friend with different types of species. i feel that the show are going to have all the different kinds of characters need to come together. To defeat something of a bigger threat in order to stop it.
Personally, I'm interested to see what Griffonstone is starting to look like. A lot of aspects of pony culture are starting to take root there, after generations of having _no_ culture at all. Having lost their national identity and not really found a new one, most griffons are bitter and selfish, experiencing no magic of friendship. But evidently, that doesn't mean they _can't_, and we have a few griffons of the younger generation starting to adopt some elements of pony culture. That's got to be changing the feel of the place. And, before she even turned up in the episode, I was asking 'What about Zecora?' They're very clear that zebras are not ponies, and Twilight said no non-pony has ever gotten a cutie mark. So what is that mark on her flank? A tattoo? If zebras don't get cutie marks, why would they even have a cultural custom of putting a tattoo in that spot? WHEN are we going to go to Zecora's homeland and have ANY questions about her people answered?
I've got a friend named Gabriella, but she prefers Gaby (she insists that there's one b) of course. Griffin Gab(b)y reminded me a lot of her up til the point where she helped people. The Gaby I kno is a lot more self-centered, stubborn, usually asks for help instead of doing things herself (not really learning how in the process), complains when things aren't done the way she wants them, and a lot more of a mooch. Griffin Gab(b)y would potentially become an enabler for her. There was an incident where she spent an entire (art) class period asking someone to get her a chair, then blamed everyone else for her not getting any work done, but the next class she got her own chair so at the very least she can learn.
It would be fun if her full name was Gabriella Gums. Also, it bothered me that Twilight said no creature other than ponies ever get cutie marks. Zecora is even in the episode!
I think the parents in the beginning don't get enough love or attention. You can see that they're unsettled by their child's cutie mark, and nervous about the pirate implications. Yet instead of making her feel like her cutie mark is wrong or something to be ashamed of, or forcing her to 'choose' another destiny, they buy her pirate clothes. They might not agree with their child's path in life, but they were willing to support her the entire way despite that. Awesome parenting
CPCoulterTweedles true, that is good parenting. Even if they don't fully agree with what she might have been, they still showed support because the child has the right to be whoever they want to be, and do what they love. So for the parents to accept and support their child no matter what the child becomes is a sign of a good parent.
I was surprised that I didn't know which direction the episode was going; were they going to do the cheesy ending where Gabby actually got a cutie mark or go the more mature route saying, "You don't need a cutie mark to show you that you're awesome/give you self purpose, you find it within yourself."
My only gripe is that they said that Petunia in the beginning is an archaeologist. An archaeologist studies human (or in this case, pony) history by digging up ancient artifacts. What she's doing is digging up the bones of extinct animals, which makes her a palaeontologist. But that is just one problem in an otherwise great episode. I give it an 8/10.
at the end I kind of hoped when they gave her the wood cutie mark that the realization of her purpose would actually trigger a cutie marks appearance. I know it would seem a bit odd but it would honestly lead to some interesting questions about how cutie marks work. is the only reason only ponies have them that the other races don't generally realize their special talent? is this the real purpose of the CMC to help the other races of equestria find their marks? and many other points of speculation would have been brought up had Gaby earned a mark. I still loved the episode and the moral is that even if it isn't what you expected finding your talent can still be reward enough on its own. I hope we get a follow up on this with more detail on what cutie marks are and where they come from and why only ponies get them.
Ya know, after watching this episode at least twice, not only is Gabby among my favorite non-pony characters, but I am curious to see if the CMC will not only gain more non-pony members, but also I wonder if we'll see more of Gabby later. I haven't watched your video on the finale yet, but I really do want more of the new characters we have seen thus far in Season 6. It drives me nuts when a show introduces a character, only for it to be a one and done deal.
This might be my favourite season six episode. I haven't been this invested in a minor MLP character since... ever?? Maybe Lightning Dust, but that was more about trying to understand her motivations. Gabriella is just a really relatable character to me, right down to being eager to help others and being sort of a jack-of-all-trades who knows what she wants but has only a very vague idea of how to achieve it, if it's even possible. I feel her, man.
What still lingers on my mind from this episode(which was not only lovely but pleasantly surprising as well) was that Twilight said that the probability was Slim and not impossible. This makes me wonder what creatures other than pony's can get cutie marks and while writing this down I just figured it out from thinking of another Brony Analyst. Hippogriffs. They are the most likely candidate as they are/most likely to be part pony. It would be nice to see how a society other than ponies react to getting their cutie marks and how it affects them.
This has to be one of my new favorite Cutie Mark Crusaders episode so far! Also I can't wait to see fan art of Gabby and Derpy together, or Gabby and Pinkie Pie! :-)
Gabby is quite an interesting and relatable character to me because I am good at and interested in so many different things that it is hard to choose what to do. We both have something called multipotentiality
I have NO IDEA WHY, but my DVR didn't consider this a new episode and it did not record it, for some dumb reason. I checked, and this episode is not gonna have a rerun this week, which can mean two things: 1. I have to wait until it's on demand. 2. I have to find it on the Internet.
The main reason griffons can not have a cutiemark is because HASBRO was clear that only ponies (or other similar creatures using the same plastic base molds) will have it. Zecora´s "symbol" was refered specifically as her cutiemark in the box of one of her toys.
I was kind of thinking Petunia would either be a paleontologist or Equestria's greatest Undertale player. ... In an unrelated note: Holy crap! Gabby is so energetic! I think I... whew... need a minute to breathe here.
This was an absolutely _darling_ episode I'm probably gonna watch again. ^^ Gabby is a GREAT character, and the CMC adding her to their group set my heart SOARING with "D'aww
I thought this episode was great. I found Gabby's enthusiasm a little much at first, but liked her a lot, very quickly the more selfless she showed herself to be during the song. She's just lovely! ^_^ The fact she painted on her cutie mark just to cheer up the Crusaders was a nice surprise, and very sweet of her. It fit perfectly with her character, and I'd personally love to see an episode with her and Thorax. I was already drawing comparisons with those two as both are characters who felt like they didn't fit in amongst their kind. I wonder if this will be a running theme? Will we see a third character who doesn't fit with their kind? Or maybe an old villain (Tirek) return, who fits in nowhere?
Of course, the real question is, if they plucked all the feathers off, would they actually see the mark Gabby has? I mean, are they on a pony's fur or etched directly to the skin and thus each hair strand takes the form of the mark in full on their flanks? Still, it does give me a excellent new character for Fallout to take out as a 'Ghoul Griffon'.
Also, this only shows the CMC is branching out and gaining popularity over all. The more followers they get, the more customers come in for consultation until it becomes a worldwide corporation of sorts.
In truth, I loved Gabby's character. Her happy demeanor, her optimism, her helpfulness. All of these traits just felt like a breath of fresh air to me mainly because she is a griffon. I will admit that ever since the Griffonstone episode my opinion on griffons in MLP was a little wavering between a little anger and sadness since the place just seems like a depressing place, not to mentions that all of the griffons seemed similar to some of the unfriendly people in my town who only care about themselves. Yet, if a sour place like Griffonstone can produce a young Griffon like Gabriela then there may be hope in it's citizens making the same change Gilda did.
I need help. There's always someone on TH-cam who posts the episode, but this time I can't find it! I'm not even going to watch the dr wolf review till I see it. I've searched TH-cam and google. Someone please help me I've been looking forward to this all day. Where can I find it?
Gabby is a wonderful character, and a great in-between to bring back Gilda and her progression on helping the Griffons find the Magic of Friendship. I know the new Gilda wouldn't turn away Gabby so easily, despite being reminded of Pinkie Pie, because it WAS Pinkie Pie who helped her rekindle her friendship with Dash and inspired her to attempt to make friends with other Griffons. I would even be waiting until S7 for this episode to come out!
From the get-go I just loved her enthusiasm and part of me was like "You don't know ALL the rules here it might happen." Though the wrap up was pretty heartwarming in it's own way.
I'm just scared for the pony who may end up with the 8 pointed symbol of chaos, or the red 'I' of the inquisition or the skull and wings of the Commissariat. Don't know how that would end up effecting their lives? But it would definitely lead to a good but bloody story.
Hey DrWolf how do you get your OC into your videos? Personally I cant draw anything, and I cant afford to pay an artist to do it? Do you have any tips?
This episode made me smile from start to finish. I have to admit, it did make me curious to know what the next species to join the CMC will be. Donkey? Yak? Changeling?! There was that one sitting with the kids at Cranky and Matilda's wedding, after all. Oh, how about a zebra! A cutie mark the CMC don't understand would make for an interesting challenge, after all.
I liked the Griffin gabriala ,though I figured out halfway into the song that her purpose was helping I still enjoyed the ep Becuse I could relate to her. I will always try and help unless Iam unable to,so I liked her in that regards. I had hoped that she would get a cuitimark at the end,that for other creatures it took more effort and the physical want of one to work,though she got a fake one I still wish she got a real one after everything she had been though. And about the cutimark at the start it made me think one of my ocs an Alicorn with a skull as a cutimark who talent is necromancy(so she rarely uses her magic Becuse of fear of her talent,so she's more a Pegasus with a horn) seem more like it is posable to have ponys with cutimarks that could mean bad things. like being a piret XD that had me laughing.
"It's never really occurred to me that anyone besides ponies would actually find interest in discovering their own destiny the way ponies do." OBJECTION!! A green toothless alligator by the name of gummy would beg to differ! TAKE THAT!!
I love Gabby. She's cute, outgoing, and near Frisk-level of determination. The ending was very sweet as well as it truly marks (no pun intended) her friendship with the CMC. I hope we get to see her again. If we do, I hope Gilda and Greta are with her. The latter because I want to hear her speak.
At first Gabbi came off to me as a little annoying, but as the episode continued, it quickly wore off as I realized her eagerness to please and help others. It was so addicting.
However this is the first episode I think of season 6 that actually chocked me up. I teared up a bit at the moral I was seeing. That sometimes we can't always get what we want, no matter how hard we may work at it. Sometimes it's just out of our hands whether by our physical or mental abilities. It brought me back to when I was a child and wanting to be a Palentologiest... but realized I wasn't strong enough in science to cut it. Or... I had wish that I could be just as pretty and talented as ahem... one of the Spice Girls? *blushes*
But like my mother used to say "Be yourself, everyone else is taken." ^^
i agree there is some things out of reach that wish i coould do and this episode nailed it
hey blissy
As Tendou Souji's grandmother said in the Kamen Rider Kabuto Hyper Battle Video, "It's alright to imitate others as long as it's to discover your true self."
+godzillafanboy2 Did you actually memorize all of those quotes?
The episode also reminded of that famous quote, "When a door shuts, open a window."
I think the reason we were more touched by Scootaloo's struggle is because we've known her before along with hints of her struggle
i want pinkie and gabby to meet, but then the world might explode
Gabby 4 best Griffin.
Sorry Gilda.
Yes Gilda made Fluttershy cry so I hate her now.
My first thought of Gabriella "Oh, right. I'd forgotten Faust initially wanted Pinkie to be a pegasus."
A skull & bones cutie mark? I'd think, "AWESOME!!!"
Not going to lie: my mind immediately went to serial killer when I saw that cutie mark
I think the parents did too
im going to guess treasue hunter
In a recent IDW comic they did have a unicorn kid that had bones as a cutie mark...her ability was to make skin and flesh transparent so all you see is bones on herself and other characters including Luna ...was kinda cool
Nah! Nah! Paleontology is the obvious answer.
that ending to this video was funny lol
I'm glad he did that cause the fact that the episode forgot about twilight at the end bugged me. I figured she would be the ending joke, kind of like Celestia and Cranky did for "No Second Prances"
1:48 which would make sense since this episode is written by Ed Valentine, who also wrote Flight to the Finish.
I think Gabs will return in the season finale, alongside Sunburst, Princess Ember, Trixie, Thorax, and probably Discord
my thoughts?
If Gabby, Fluttershy, Maud, Marble, and Coco met, would the universe implode?
And Thorax! ^_^ Both Thorax and Gabby are really nice and felt like they don't fit in where they belong. Everybody ship them now!! #Thorby
Holly Brown: Obsessed Shipper :D I LOVE Marble! I ship her with Big Mac. :)
Holly Brown: Obsessed Shipper :D What do you think of Thorax and Gabby? Weird? Interesting? Adorable?
I love Gabby. From the get go she made me smile the whole way and she made me feel hopeful about my own life. She reminded me of when I was once passionate and eager to try everything to reach a seemingly impossible task. Coming from a family where making plans is essentially defines how you live your life, I felt like I lost hope of my ambitions. This episode really gave me hope.
My first reaction to Gabby was "OMG she's so adorable it is diabetic~!"
My second reaction was "Do all griffins only have names starting with the letter G?"
Same here. Maybe it's a Griffinstone custom?
I_I...... We NEED to get a Griffin voiced by Gilbert Gottfried. And give him a color scheme similar to Iago from Aladdin.
+Torterra I second that!
Gabby, Gilda, Ummmmmm
Treetop Gardens You forgot Greta
I see the CMC becoming a kind of Equestria wide organization over time. Right now they already have members in Manehatten and Gryphonstone with a primary HQ in Ponyville. I could just imagine Babs Seed and Gabby recruiting more members within their town, and, as word spreads, them finding ponies and maybe other creatures as well in other places across Equestria enlisting their help and starting their own branches of the CMC.
You know, from this episode and then remembering all the others who the CMC had helped. It gave me a thought of their future. I can actually see them opening up a type of business that involves helping others, with what you said with wanting to see them expand their horizon and inspire others across the land, I could see more members becoming a part of the CMC, so many where it would just happen. Maybe.
I really enjoyed this episode, Dr. Wolf. It was a great step in the Crusaders' journey, and I can't wait to see what happens next, especially since we probably are not getting another episode focusing on the Crusaders until probably Season 7, considering the details we have on the rest of Season 6 already.
I love the endings of your videos SO MUCH :D thanks for the SPECIAL laughter at the end
Glad you enjoyed it. :)
I think this episode beat out Gauntlet of Fire as my favorite for the season. I love the trend they're keeping up of making friends with members of other species, what with Ember, Thorax and now Gabby. Gabby is just so lovable, I wanted to see her get a cutie mark even though I knew it wasn't gonna happen. Plus, I think the title of this episode gave the episode a deeper meaning. It made me think of a child with a life-threatening illness the whole time and it made me think this would be a good moral for anybody who wants to be a physician of any kind. Giving Gabby a fake cutie mark is kind of like putting a wig on a chemotherapy patient. It may not be real, but it makes them feel better. Fantastic episode. I'd gladly welcome Gabby back for another episode.
Gabby: Basically Pinkie Pie but with no 4th wall breaking powers.
loved the episode, one of the best this season! And it really shows how much the CMC have grown! I mean characterwise they became so adult, they actually thought about consequences, went to Twilight first to check on some facts concerning the Cutie Mark, they even drew parallels to their own life when Sccotaloo sais how she kbnows how it feels to aspire somehting you can't get! So yeah, bravo. I think my 3rd favourite of the season (1. Saddle Row revoiew, 2. Dungeaons and discord)
Who here tolerated Gabby by show of hooves?
(Raise Hoof) Yes, I like her.
Isn't that somewhat of a loaded question? What with the use of "tolerated" and whatnot?
Mr. Pokirby There might be some people who would be turned off by this extroverted character. If you wanted a better question, Who here really likes Gabby by give a like.
*raises hoof* I think more people will like her than dislike her.
She's kind of season 1 Pinkie Pie, a lot of people liked her.
Matías Aguayo Despite the fact that she's a griffon, among the selfish species next to the yaks, That's an accomplishment that I want to hug a griffon.
as i first saw the filly with the skull and bones as CM I first thought that the Raiders are here.
I think that pony must be a paleontologist.
+Dustin Freeman same lol
I mean Raiders are here, they take over ponyville! How long till megaspells are launched and pony's have to live in stables?!?!?!
I wonder what Silver Quill will say if he reviews this.
But he's a Hippogriff, so he's actually part horse. It just so happens to be the part that _gets_ cutie marks.
Yeah, the other way around would be rather, well, weird...
I'm sure there was a video where his halves got switched around, but I don't remember what it was.
There was but it was way back in S4
+Calliope Pony Yeah, that was the "Leap of Faith" review. It did indeed look weird.
Gabby was a sweetheart and I want to hug her
This is what I like seeing, seeing the OCs doing the reviews, I kind of finding more interesting seeing them doing it.
This was my favorite episode of the season so far. I can also fully understand why they wanted to wait to air it. The notable time passage does well in showing what happened between the events of "On Your Marks" and now.The CMC also seem to be maturing a bit more. The way Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle talked in regard to Gabby's goal was more realistic, but kind, while it felt like Scootaloo certainly had a bit more investment. This was well noticed when she mentioned, after promising Gabby she'd get a mark, Scoots told her friends how she knew what it was like to want something, not be sure if it is possible, but not giving up on it.The resolution was also a wonderful surprise. It showed the thoughtful creativity of the CMC while making Gabby feel all proud to be the first-ever Griffon Crusader.As it is very unlikely the show will ever acknowledge Scoots as a "Ony with Special Needs", I'm glad we can at least see tales, like Gabby's, where a workaround is found that can cope with a situation.
That ending haha😄😄 I actually expected them to do something along that lines at the end of the episode twilight sitting at a table full of parchment ink and quills eagerly waiting for the CMC to enter and you know it's not gonna happen
I was on a similar train of thought as you when I saw this episode. I wasn't entirely sure how the episode would end, since I could feel a lot of story/lesson potential in both major possibilities. I enjoyed Gabby's character quite a bit, but I was also genre-savvy enough to tell that not everyone would like her. That being said, an interesting question popped into my mind while watching this episode; what makes ponies so special? Why are ponies seemingly the only ones that have some seemingly-other-worldly-force give them a literal/symbolic sign of what their purpose in life is? That, in conjunction with the fact that the Mane 6 and just about everyone else that's played a part in saving the world is a type of pony, it almost feels like there's actually someone or something in or beyond their world that intentionally decided how this would work... I hope someone on the writing staff explores this later.
I think it's equestria' version of God who decides what happens, like our God.
+Joshua Pyun
Equstria's god I believe goes by the name Hasbro. ;) lol
Joshua Pyun While Tree Hugger may have referenced reincarnation, I *_highly_* doubt Hasbro would straight-up explain a plot point with "Literally because God said so".
My biggest question is will Lightning Bliss, Silver and MangaKamen react to this episode
I'm betting they're trying to put things into words
Nelson Demifur
Blissy probably got blue screened, due to Gabby's cuteness
sadlobster1 and silver is probably getting mail delivered by her to hit on her
Nelson Demifur
And Manga would be fighting him for Gabby's affections
(in old-timey voice)
Like true gentlemen
I'm more curious about how Manga is going to react to the possible fact that griffons can't have a cutie mark despite his OC having one... I think...
3:45 precisely what I was thinking at first.
It's a good thing the writers did make sure to shut that door before the episode ended.
My favorite part of this one is how the Crusaders were essentially confronted with their own past: Unbounded enthusiasm paired with a complete misunderstanding of how cutie marks actually work. This episode really shows how much they've grown since Apple Bloom first took Dash's "try everything" suggestion and ran with it.
At the first scene, one thought came into my mind: “Cutie Mark Counselors.” That definitely had me thinking of what the Cutie Mark Crusaders should do to help someone find their cutie mark from a psychological standpoint. The Cutie Mark Crusaders have consistently tried to find someone their cutie mark by having them try everything where that really doesn’t seem like the way to go. There are millions of things to try and they can’t possibly try it all. I think taking a personality inventory would help narrow it down much faster. Instead of having Gabby try things like baseball, baking, or brewing with a cauldron, connect it to her already present skill set which means having her do a LOT of community service. Instead of having her try out every single thing and just waiting for the cutie mark to appear, the CMC should have been observing, trying to find a link between each trial and determining her overall personality. They did discover this in the end, of course, but not before we were able to call it out exactly what her special talent was the whole episode.
But yeah, this was a great and inspiring episode. Good pace that really fitted well with Gabby and the CMC. I hope we see Gabby again and I can't wait to see how the CMC grow next.
I actually couldn't hold in my laughter when you got to 1:14. I totally agree with you about Gabby's adorableness!
By the way, you noticed how in Twilight Time, Sweetie Belle was kinda leading the other Crusaders through the idea of getting in Diamond Tiara's good side by using their association with Princess Twilight? She did, after all, said, "I got this" a few times there; While here, it's mostly Scootaloo who was leading the CMC through the dilemma of the episode?
I'm with you DRWolf, I loved Gabby from the very start.
This episode is definitely up there with my S6 favorites.
Gabby was so adorable. And I think this is the best CMC episode in this season. A definite follow up in their next step in their journey and the song and story was relatable as well, even though Gabby didn't get what she wanted she got her own Cutie Mark Crusader badge and became a new member as she found that helping others is her talent, a great story with a well deserving payoff. I give it 9/10 ^^
I love this episode for the doors it opens to new ones.
Imagine an episode starring Gilda and Gabriella sharing what they're learned with the rest of Griffonstone. It'd certainly make for a fun comic, if nothing else.
think it helped thatg a large amjority of those activities made use of his talons XD
ponies are awesome with their hooves but its hard to beat opposable thumbs when it comes to baseball
Ands tiring when the cauldron mix gets too goopy.
Also the Tree of Harmony's magic seem to be at work here, in a sense.
It sends rainbow dash and pinkie to griffonstone. And very quickly it drew one of hte grpyhons to ponyville.
Now we have agryphon that wants to try and help other griffons come to realize that they have attributes of their own.
Cause and effect it seems. One actions leads to a helpful other.
And Gabby was short for Gabriella, so its "her talons". And magical pony hooves don't seem to need thumbs, probably due to said magic.
Gabbi must've found out about this cutie mark thing when she noticed Silver Quill having one
this episode has renewed and restored my faith in the series. after the go kart episode, I was worried if they were loosing touch with the writing. but with this, I feel reassured that everything will be just fine.
One aspect of this episode that I have heard touched on before was the aspect that caught my attention the most: the fact that the writers are handling Scootaloo's "disability" in the best way possible. I honestly think she is the most mature of the CMC. The proof is in the way that she is the one to persuade Applebloom and Sweetie Belle into agreeing to help Gabby despite the possibilities of it working is slim to none. "I know what it's like to want something that's out of reach. But just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't!" She knows that most pegasi can fly by her age, but despite the fact that she can't doesn't mean that she isn't going to stop trying! That scene alone marks her as not only the best CMC but one of the best ponies in the show itself.
Side note: If given the choice I would adopt Scootaloo in a heartbeat. No ifs, ands, or buts!
Could this be leading to a gryphon equivalent to the main six?
My thoughts on Gabby is that she kinda reminds me of Ikari Gai, aka Gokai Silver, from Gokaiger. She has this drive to do her best at everything just to please everyone, has a peppy attitude, and her interests with the CMC almost borderlines on fangirling. Just like Gai with every other ranger
I admit. As the story neared the ending I was kinda hoping she might get one. But I think the ending fit a lot better than if she had.
My first impression of Gabby............. Was that Pinkie Pie had Died and got reincarnated as a Griffin.......
Gabby all of that Pinkie Pie Hope, joy and energy, but without the 4th wall awareness and reality breaking powers.
AnonymouslyKnown they realized she had too much power, so they had to end her run, and replace her with someone else.
i loved this episode so far season 6 has had some of the best episodes so far and have had only a few bad one and this one was great to see a griffion being so bubbly and happy i liked the entire episode with her just being there and be so happy and affectionate to everypony including the CMC
Do all griffon names start with G?
I think I heard that before
Let's see... Gilda, Greta, Gabriella... yeah seems to be a lot of G's
Grandpa Gruff, King Grover, King Guto ...
I think I see the theme of this season, a dragon that favors intelligence over brute strength, a changling that wants to share love of just consume it, and a cheery optimistic gryphon. season of outsiders
My inner fangirl always goes crazy every time I see her adorable face!
All i'm wondering is what species can get a cutie mark... obviously not griffons or sheep or pigs or cows ect.
But from what I've seen from the fandom- anything with a horse butt can get a cutimark.. even hippogriffs
Everything about the Crusaders' attempts to help Gabby reminded me about their attempts to get their own cutie marks, together with her impatience to get one. I thought they would remember too, but only Twilight called them out on it. It's just too bad she ended up getting so excited and then so disappointed.
But I like the lesson here, that you can continue onward even if your precise goal seems impossible. Gabby's optimism really _is_ contagious.
I wonder if we'll ever actually meet Gabby Gums?
I'd's episode is number one or two in quality for this season. Gabby is incredibly cute, and her near Pinkie Pie level enthusiasm is contagious. A well written Pinkie Pie is fun, Gabriella was fun. This was an awesome episode.
This one didn't had a big impact on on me, I believe because I started watching the full episodes since season 6 started and I got familiar with other episodes were through reviews. This episode had an interesting conflict; however, I would've liked that the cmc explained that there is no need to have a cutie mark in order to have a purpose from the beginning,.
She reminds me of a griffin version of fanon-Derpy. Incurably optimistic. Physically affectionate. Shunned by her peers, but not put off by it. Generally adorable.
this was indeed a great episode, i loved that Scootaloo pushed a bit harder to help Gabby,
SIn wave starts at x=0
that's -cos(x), or -cos theta
Gabby's special talent seemed to be having hands in world of hooves
If we think of the series as a documentary of important past events, similar to how the series started as a documentary of the clash between the two sisters, then the CMC might be important because of who they become, and so the story is a means of showing what led them to greatness, starting with when the CMC was first founded.
Diamond Tiara started off as their greatest antagonist, until they helped reveal what she could become. Assuming she continues moving up in life, with her talent of convincing anyone to do anything, she would become a fantastic political ally.
Gabriella enters the story wanting to know her purpose, but her true goal is to bring friendship into the griffon kingdom. With her ability to do anything in order to help others, I would not be surprised if she becomes Queen Gabriella in a future episode. It's the most efficient way to turn a society around, at least for someone as gifted as her.
also one thing catched my eye right at the start with arcilogist was there a prehistoric pony period
Also the fault in our cutie marks
The fault in our stars anyone
I think something big is going to happen soon. With the show so far is slowly making friend with different types of species. i feel that the show are going to have all the different kinds of characters need to come together. To defeat something of a bigger threat in order to stop it.
That was just most cutest but saddest episode when the CC said that no animal in that world could get a Cutiemark. but it turned they need members:3
To those "turnabout storm" fans like me, "Griffon Express" is now CANNON!!!
If guns existed in Equestria, we could have marksmanship Cutie Marks
Personally, I'm interested to see what Griffonstone is starting to look like. A lot of aspects of pony culture are starting to take root there, after generations of having _no_ culture at all. Having lost their national identity and not really found a new one, most griffons are bitter and selfish, experiencing no magic of friendship. But evidently, that doesn't mean they _can't_, and we have a few griffons of the younger generation starting to adopt some elements of pony culture. That's got to be changing the feel of the place.
And, before she even turned up in the episode, I was asking 'What about Zecora?' They're very clear that zebras are not ponies, and Twilight said no non-pony has ever gotten a cutie mark. So what is that mark on her flank? A tattoo? If zebras don't get cutie marks, why would they even have a cultural custom of putting a tattoo in that spot? WHEN are we going to go to Zecora's homeland and have ANY questions about her people answered?
The ending. It's like the Wizard of OZ.
I've got a friend named Gabriella, but she prefers Gaby (she insists that there's one b) of course. Griffin Gab(b)y reminded me a lot of her up til the point where she helped people. The Gaby I kno is a lot more self-centered, stubborn, usually asks for help instead of doing things herself (not really learning how in the process), complains when things aren't done the way she wants them, and a lot more of a mooch. Griffin Gab(b)y would potentially become an enabler for her. There was an incident where she spent an entire (art) class period asking someone to get her a chair, then blamed everyone else for her not getting any work done, but the next class she got her own chair so at the very least she can learn.
It would be fun if her full name was Gabriella Gums.
Also, it bothered me that Twilight said no creature other than ponies ever get cutie marks. Zecora is even in the episode!
Fraxlevein Zecora is kinda unexplained..
I think the parents in the beginning don't get enough love or attention. You can see that they're unsettled by their child's cutie mark, and nervous about the pirate implications. Yet instead of making her feel like her cutie mark is wrong or something to be ashamed of, or forcing her to 'choose' another destiny, they buy her pirate clothes. They might not agree with their child's path in life, but they were willing to support her the entire way despite that. Awesome parenting
CPCoulterTweedles true, that is good parenting.
Even if they don't fully agree with what she might have been, they still showed support because the child has the right to be whoever they want to be, and do what they love.
So for the parents to accept and support their child no matter what the child becomes is a sign of a good parent.
I was surprised that I didn't know which direction the episode was going; were they going to do the cheesy ending where Gabby actually got a cutie mark or go the more mature route saying, "You don't need a cutie mark to show you that you're awesome/give you self purpose, you find it within yourself."
My only gripe is that they said that Petunia in the beginning is an archaeologist. An archaeologist studies human (or in this case, pony) history by digging up ancient artifacts. What she's doing is digging up the bones of extinct animals, which makes her a palaeontologist. But that is just one problem in an otherwise great episode. I give it an 8/10.
at the end I kind of hoped when they gave her the wood cutie mark that the realization of her purpose would actually trigger a cutie marks appearance. I know it would seem a bit odd but it would honestly lead to some interesting questions about how cutie marks work. is the only reason only ponies have them that the other races don't generally realize their special talent? is this the real purpose of the CMC to help the other races of equestria find their marks? and many other points of speculation would have been brought up had Gaby earned a mark. I still loved the episode and the moral is that even if it isn't what you expected finding your talent can still be reward enough on its own. I hope we get a follow up on this with more detail on what cutie marks are and where they come from and why only ponies get them.
Ya know, after watching this episode at least twice, not only is Gabby among my favorite non-pony characters, but I am curious to see if the CMC will not only gain more non-pony members, but also I wonder if we'll see more of Gabby later. I haven't watched your video on the finale yet, but I really do want more of the new characters we have seen thus far in Season 6. It drives me nuts when a show introduces a character, only for it to be a one and done deal.
This might be my favourite season six episode. I haven't been this invested in a minor MLP character since... ever?? Maybe Lightning Dust, but that was more about trying to understand her motivations. Gabriella is just a really relatable character to me, right down to being eager to help others and being sort of a jack-of-all-trades who knows what she wants but has only a very vague idea of how to achieve it, if it's even possible. I feel her, man.
This gryphon is my spirit animal now.
What still lingers on my mind from this episode(which was not only lovely but pleasantly surprising as well) was that Twilight said that the probability was Slim and not impossible. This makes me wonder what creatures other than pony's can get cutie marks and while writing this down I just figured it out from thinking of another Brony Analyst.
Hippogriffs. They are the most likely candidate as they are/most likely to be part pony. It would be nice to see how a society other than ponies react to getting their cutie marks and how it affects them.
This has to be one of my new favorite Cutie Mark Crusaders episode so far! Also I can't wait to see fan art of Gabby and Derpy together, or Gabby and Pinkie Pie! :-)
Where can I watch this episode? I can't find it for the life of me
Same here they said it aired early in other countries so there no English version available yet I believe
Gabby is quite an interesting and relatable character to me because I am good at and interested in so many different things that it is hard to choose what to do. We both have something called multipotentiality
1:53 wrong graph for sin(x) function... xD
parents have pirate cutie marks. pirate swords and a pearl
there retired Pirates
I have NO IDEA WHY, but my DVR didn't consider this a new episode and it did not record it, for some dumb reason. I checked, and this episode is not gonna have a rerun this week, which can mean two things:
1. I have to wait until it's on demand.
2. I have to find it on the Internet.
Are zebras earth ponies or is that spiral on Zecora not a cutie mark?
that's actually a good question I hope they explain it eventually.
The main reason griffons can not have a cutiemark is because HASBRO was clear that only ponies (or other similar creatures using the same plastic base molds) will have it.
Zecora´s "symbol" was refered specifically as her cutiemark in the box of one of her toys.
That's crossing cannons though.
I was kind of thinking Petunia would either be a paleontologist or Equestria's greatest Undertale player.
In an unrelated note: Holy crap! Gabby is so energetic! I think I... whew... need a minute to breathe here.
You want to know my impression of her.....
This was an absolutely _darling_ episode I'm probably gonna watch again. ^^ Gabby is a GREAT character, and the CMC adding her to their group set my heart SOARING with "D'aww
I thought this episode was great. I found Gabby's enthusiasm a little much at first, but liked her a lot, very quickly the more selfless she showed herself to be during the song. She's just lovely! ^_^ The fact she painted on her cutie mark just to cheer up the Crusaders was a nice surprise, and very sweet of her. It fit perfectly with her character, and I'd personally love to see an episode with her and Thorax. I was already drawing comparisons with those two as both are characters who felt like they didn't fit in amongst their kind. I wonder if this will be a running theme? Will we see a third character who doesn't fit with their kind? Or maybe an old villain (Tirek) return, who fits in nowhere?
Of course, the real question is, if they plucked all the feathers off, would they actually see the mark Gabby has? I mean, are they on a pony's fur or etched directly to the skin and thus each hair strand takes the form of the mark in full on their flanks? Still, it does give me a excellent new character for Fallout to take out as a 'Ghoul Griffon'.
Also, this only shows the CMC is branching out and gaining popularity over all. The more followers they get, the more customers come in for consultation until it becomes a worldwide corporation of sorts.
So crusader recruiting has begun, as it was foretold
In truth, I loved Gabby's character. Her happy demeanor, her optimism, her helpfulness. All of these traits just felt like a breath of fresh air to me mainly because she is a griffon. I will admit that ever since the Griffonstone episode my opinion on griffons in MLP was a little wavering between a little anger and sadness since the place just seems like a depressing place, not to mentions that all of the griffons seemed similar to some of the unfriendly people in my town who only care about themselves. Yet, if a sour place like Griffonstone can produce a young Griffon like Gabriela then there may be hope in it's citizens making the same change Gilda did.
I need help. There's always someone on TH-cam who posts the episode, but this time I can't find it! I'm not even going to watch the dr wolf review till I see it. I've searched TH-cam and google. Someone please help me I've been looking forward to this all day. Where can I find it?
Gabby is a wonderful character, and a great in-between to bring back Gilda and her progression on helping the Griffons find the Magic of Friendship. I know the new Gilda wouldn't turn away Gabby so easily, despite being reminded of Pinkie Pie, because it WAS Pinkie Pie who helped her rekindle her friendship with Dash and inspired her to attempt to make friends with other Griffons. I would even be waiting until S7 for this episode to come out!
Anybody else died from cuteness overload.
From the get-go I just loved her enthusiasm and part of me was like "You don't know ALL the rules here it might happen." Though the wrap up was pretty heartwarming in it's own way.
I'm just scared for the pony who may end up with the 8 pointed symbol of chaos, or the red 'I' of the inquisition or the skull and wings of the Commissariat. Don't know how that would end up effecting their lives?
But it would definitely lead to a good but bloody story.
Hey DrWolf how do you get your OC into your videos? Personally I cant draw anything, and I cant afford to pay an artist to do it? Do you have any tips?
This episode made me smile from start to finish. I have to admit, it did make me curious to know what the next species to join the CMC will be. Donkey? Yak? Changeling?! There was that one sitting with the kids at Cranky and Matilda's wedding, after all. Oh, how about a zebra! A cutie mark the CMC don't understand would make for an interesting challenge, after all.
Actually, I'm kinda interested in what SilverQuill is going to do for a skit. His reaction would be AWESOME!!!
I liked the Griffin gabriala ,though I figured out halfway into the song that her purpose was helping I still enjoyed the ep Becuse I could relate to her. I will always try and help unless Iam unable to,so I liked her in that regards.
I had hoped that she would get a cuitimark at the end,that for other creatures it took more effort and the physical want of one to work,though she got a fake one I still wish she got a real one after everything she had been though.
And about the cutimark at the start it made me think one of my ocs an Alicorn with a skull as a cutimark who talent is necromancy(so she rarely uses her magic Becuse of fear of her talent,so she's more a Pegasus with a horn) seem more like it is posable to have ponys with cutimarks that could mean bad things. like being a piret XD that had me laughing.
I also was waiting for an end credits scene/ending scene with twilight's reaction
"It's never really occurred to me that anyone besides ponies would actually find interest in discovering their own destiny the way ponies do."
OBJECTION!! A green toothless alligator by the name of gummy would beg to differ! TAKE THAT!!
I love Gabby. She's cute, outgoing, and near Frisk-level of determination. The ending was very sweet as well as it truly marks (no pun intended) her friendship with the CMC. I hope we get to see her again. If we do, I hope Gilda and Greta are with her. The latter because I want to hear her speak.