+Pershia Kidane why are so many Eritrians leaving your country...I am in Botswana and 10 of your football players are looking for asylum...Whats happenning there?
ok...whats wrong with the economics,who's in control of economics and what has the Government done about it?....I am from Zimbabwe and i feel the Government is to blame because they basically encouraged the invasion of productive farms besides other things.
+KritiQue But 25 returned home kritique. Like your foreign minister said... the ones who hold their nation in high esteem are already back home. Also Eritrean goverment doesn't repatriot by force so if a country tries to send them back it won't take them anyways. If it was dictatorial it would bring them back and make an example out of them. Their was story reported about about a dozen football players that tried to join a pro goverment event in western USA and UK (these are other soccer defectors btw not the recent ones). Anyways these guys were threatened by the "so called opposition" that they will try to get them deported. They got their papers so they didn't listen anyways. These guys are just looking for an opportunity thats it. I for one don't mind it but yes the football players or anyone of the guys that do it during a national event i find a problem with. But i do see the logic in it why risk the trip through libya? When this will get you almost auto asylum. Anyways these are things that go on behind the scenes that you might not know about. Also about our border war with Ethiopia which we got the demarcation to favor us and ethiopia still occupy our land. This is not a big deal but shortly after this we get sanctioned and ethiopia is the darling of the west. LOL to give you a contrast you mentioned zimbabwe do you know America (obama) promised to make the zimbabwe sanctions tougher?? for what you ask? some violence? or something? NO for making a deal with russia for a 3billion platnium mine. This system is screwed bro the sooner you know the better. At one point we couldn't even import heavy trucks because they said we used them as weapons?? really? Do you know part of the embargo on cuba america threathen ferrari not to sell engines to cuba? Cuban old cars use tons of gas because of old tech so they wanted to give their people option to put ferrari made engines in old autos to improve gas mileage. CIA swiftly makes a flight to italy and threathens to make ferrari dealings in business arena "not so savory". These are just some examples of the many 2faced dealings of people with power. We will change this sooner than later. I have no problems with these countries that do this.. this is just the nature of empire but we need to rise up to the challenge to change the image of our country that they are trying to put in the media.
+Easthorn7 Its not even that Eastern horner... The british goverment told Zimbabwae that they will refund them for the land stolen. When blair got into office he was like " The goverment before mines made you that promise., I don't have to keep that. So Mugabe said ok then you don't mind if i take the land back. End of story action = reaction and the F**ing land was stolen to begin with anyways.
Eritrea remains at the receiving end of multifaceted hostilities aimed at it's very existence as a sovereign state. Yet not only has it preserves it's statehood, it has also built a solid foundation for a sustainable economic development. Externally imposed Hardships have only concentrated the resolve of the vast majority of the Eritrean people. Prosperous and peacefully Eritrea that meets the aspirations of its society is with in sight.
The future is in the hands of the youth of a country. This doc. is really special. National Service to not brainwash but to educated and empower - give self reliance and loyalty to better work together is admirable and necessary. Congratulations to Eritrea ..continue to blossom
Neska Teberaber Your a complete liar there is plenty of video on the net to prove it. The fact that you don't want to acknowledge that just shows your hate for anything Eritrean.
Neska Teberaber Keep on educating this delusional idiots, sooner or later when they loose their immediate family they will get it. It is unfortunate instead of defending their brothers and sisters they chose to defend a ruthless cold blooded murderer who contributed very little to our independence but too much harm to our country, our people and our identity.
Alem Kidane "What’s going to generate the most response from a wider public that is not familiar with Eritrea? And what would weaken Isaias’ ability to govern? I don’t think you can organize a campaign for regime change but you can organize campaigns that can make regime change more possible…I would certainly suggest an end to unlimited conscription into national service partly because it’s so easy to tie that together with so many other issues: the refugee issue, the trafficking issue, and so on. And partly because the pressure on Isaias would weaken his ability to govern. …A campaign should be simple direct and uncomplicated. Other obvious issues that can be in some way linked, focusing our attention on the trafficking issue and always linking it to the source of the refugee flows. This trafficking issue is a consequence of the situation inside Eritrea. No other issue is likely to generate attention and support from the American public. Calls for increased financial and technical support for refugees in the support and for far better security in the camps are also simple issues to link them to this. Pressure on the US, Canadian, European and Israeli asylum seekers is another one that comes directly out of this." - DAN CONNELL (former ousted "professor) Now writing papers for the propaganda wing of the Guardian news paper.
Neska Teberaber Judging from your comments, I can see that the short profile irritate the living out of you. it is safe to say that you don't want Eritreans and outside actors to know what Eritreans have achieved and what they are doing to change the media hostility has been going on for years against Eritrea and Eritreans. The problem with you and people like you; however, your mind is fixed in a single set of point.ዋላ ትንፈር እምበር ጤል እያ ዝዓይነቱ:: You can argue, whether this is documentary or not, but you can not tell me this does not make any sense to the peace loving Eritreans, be it the positions or supporters who wishes Economical and political success in Eritrea.
Easthorn7 & u , go back to Eritrea permanently, work as slave With same rights as those in the country& then we will believe you that you REALLY support ur sugardaddy iseias. coz,right now ur brain is smoking ¬ seeing what's Beyond the smoke.
Easthorn7 You are a dead brain Idiot completely detached from reality. Since you don't have much in your brain to make a valid argument, you are insulting everybody with the same stupid barking. you are calling any one with a different opinion than yours,WOYANE, AGEME, FAGGOT, ETHIOPIA, CIA, OAU, EU, NOT ERITREAN, BITCH. It might be very difficult for a delusional like you to accept the idea but diversity is a recipe for progress. I don't think here is hope for you so get a brain transplant.
Professor Henok's tesitmonial is unique "i feel proud to be part of the development" idey-idka ilna nesrah style..Participation small part of everyone, Eritrea will in time will shine brighter like sun rays
mahari afwerki well the 2%knowledg i have is thats how smart u are. 99.1% empty head, memory:0,9%, LOADING to Upgrade to 100%&will take 4 decades. _---------------99,1%remaing. please be patient With Meharis' stupidness meanwhile.
It is so important to hear ALL Eritrean voices and not just those that are being reiterated in the UK by a few - doing so defeats the UK freedom of expression and democracy and alludes to a subversive agenda
I'm Eritrean I LEGALLY moved. My dad was in the army so that meant I had to to be in the army and there was a chance that I wouldn't get my education if I went. But your forced to.so my brother, my mom, my sister and I had to move to the US to get the education. Now that I know both countries I like eritrea more. America is very successful but it not like most of the kids obey their parents or follow a lot of the commandments. America spoils the kids or parents it doesn't matter to most of the kids or adults about behavior. USA It's successful in the wrong way. I love how safe Eritrea is I don't have to worry about getting killed or raped or anything just maybe getting hit by a car. So Eritrea is trying to be America if they keep this progress murder will come up rape, drunk driving. I WORRIED THEYLL SPOIL THEM?😫 I pray they don't
Eritrea is way better off then djibouti sudan somalia kenya ethiopia we are number one in this continent- President ISAIAS AFWERKI dedicated fifty years of his life from the age of 20 to 69 to eritrea and its people nobody from the u.n,tigray,Ethiopia and the oppisition parties funded by the cia and ethiopian government can say that. Awet Ne hafash Victory To The masses.
Henok Bereket --- you mean to tell you fought and sacrificed 50+ years for Eritrean Independence?? Do G-15 in Eritrea get any sort of pity or leniency since most of their life devoted to Eritrean cause??
Henok Bereket --- trial was not open to public, military tribunal, or televised, only hearsay and once-independence newspaper publications taken over to print libel. this means HGDEF or Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice falsely promotes fake principles and values of Democracy and Justice -- where was the fairness ?
Berhane Ghebremeskel nabey'u gets Eritrea? Enber alena'do ? No sebawi mesel, no freedom or ability to conduct business in Eritrea, .... oh yea, nkid tiraH ! what an idiot
Eritrea EmbassyMedia i would advise you also to moderate your comments section.., We know there are 1,000 internet trolls form you know where looking to badmouth Eritrea 24/7 and most times its under a guise.
mahari afwerki --- oohhh , censorship advocate. hehe, entai koinka mushmush ? get the fvk out and go work in Ministry of Indoctrination and Misinformation
nmen ilka tnebr When you make your next account chose a decent name. I know making fake accounts is your forte but come on atleast humor us. 2%? is that your brain capacity? Dude seriously go get some typing lessons or... maybe grammar i should say?
nmen ilka tnebr Typical woyane loser when corner like the dog he is woof woof. You guys are such good shit talkers till you get punched in the face by the truly brave.
You know why we claim propaganda? No press, no freedom of speech, no voting, no freedom of movement. Come on, please. There are a few who benefit for working for the government and the rest who are suffering. Enough is enough
"What’s going to generate the most response from a wider public that is not familiar with Eritrea? And what would weaken Isaias’ ability to govern? I don’t think you can organize a campaign for regime change but you can organize campaigns that can make regime change more possible…I would certainly suggest an end to unlimited conscription into national service partly because it’s so easy to tie that together with so many other issues: the refugee issue, the trafficking issue, and so on. And partly because the pressure on Isaias would weaken his ability to govern. …A campaign should be simple direct and uncomplicated. Other obvious issues that can be in some way linked, focusing our attention on the trafficking issue and always linking it to the source of the refugee flows. This trafficking issue is a consequence of the situation inside Eritrea. No other issue is likely to generate attention and support from the American public. Calls for increased financial and technical support for refugees in the support and for far better security in the camps are also simple issues to link them to this. Pressure on the US, Canadian, European and Israeli asylum seekers is another one that comes directly out of this." - DAN CONNELL (former ousted "professor) Now writing papers for the propaganda wing of the Guardian news paper.
Georgios Ware because Eritrea refuse foreign aid and the west want to give African countries aid and take what they can( natural resources) in return, after crippling the people.
***** Example.., there are 1.5million Australia youth or young adults in just europe nevermind the usa. But that is not reported because there is no need. So if youth are willing to leave a "developed" country.. why would they stay in a developing one? 2013 sudan lost 4,000 doctors.. Ethiopia lost x10 number of Eritreans same with somalia uganda kenya and other countries who are not exactly bursting with jobs. The fact of the matter is this is a phenomenon that has always happend. It happend to Europe in the 17' and 1800's mass exodus to America and Africa. Its just politicized in this instance because certain powers or peoples want Eritrea to look like libya or sirya or iraq.. you see what im getting at.
***** MISMANAGEMENT (economy and resources), OPPRESSION [of the people], AND ABUSE [of power and position)..... it's sad, but Eritrea turning in a shithole because of a shitty so-called 'President' (ironically, never been formally elected by the people) -- SANE PEOPLE would call him a "DICTATOR"
Easthorn7 who warships the devil, is devil its self. u perfectly showed who you are. bravo. but i don't wish to happen same as them to u,as i couldn't see ur pathetic nefat face begging...oh god oh god please.
nmen ilka tnebr Look at how you speak man Obama trained you very very well. Another uneducated African in the west pushing the status quo for the empire. Who needs colonialism anymore when they have your stupid ass trolling the internet all day with your stupid western slang thug culture that they have seeped deep into the blacks in America. I'll be sure to pray for you. Nothing is more depressing than seeing someone whos so uneducated.
The Guardian June 8, 2015 Eritrea human rights abuses may be crimes against humanity, says UN UN report accuses government of extrajudicial executions, torture, national service and forced labour that create a climate of repression driving many to flee
‘It is not law that rules Eritreans - it is fear,’ says the UN … refugees from Eritrea in the reception centre for asylum seekers in Munich, Germany, October 2014. The Eritrean government’s systematic use of extrajudicial killing, torture, rape, indefinite national service and forced labour may amount to crimes against humanity, according to an excoriating UN report. The 500-page investigation by the UN commission of inquiry on human rights in Eritrea catalogues a litany of human rights violations by the “totalitarian” regime of President Isaias Afwerki “on a scope and scale seldom witnessed elsewhere”. It also accuses the government of using a program of imprisonment, forced disappearance, surveillance and censorship to create a culture of permanent fear and crush all dissent. The year-long study, which was carried out without the co-operation of the Eritrean government, is based on first-hand testimony gathered through 550 confidential interviews with witnesses in third countries and 160 written submissions. Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem - at least I won't be tortured' Eritrea’s climate of repression, violence and paranoia, and its indefinite national service, is prompting hundreds of people to flee every day Read more The report finds gross human rights violations are widespread throughout the state apparatus, and identifies the main perpetrators as Afwerki, his office, the ruling and only party - the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) - the Eritrean defence forces, the national security office, the police, and the ministries of defence, justice and information. It says that while the struggle for Eritrean independence from Ethiopia has gone down in history as a “major feat of a people’s fight for self-determination”, the fight has long since lapsed into relentless political self-interest and terror. The report says: “The commission finds that the current situation of human rights in Eritrea is the tragic product of an initial desire to protect and ensure the survival of the young state that very quickly degenerated into the use of totalitarian practices aimed at perpetuating the power of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front and its successor, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice.” The report says that state spying and surveillance are conducted to such a degree in the country that Eritreans live in constant fear of arbitrary arrest, detention, torture, disappearance or death. That culture has given rise to a poisonous climate of self-censorship and mistrust that permeates communities and families. “Information gathered through the pervasive control system is used in absolute arbitrariness to keep the population in a state of permanent anxiety,” it says. “It is not law that rules Eritreans - it is fear.” One witness told the commission: “When I am in Eritrea, I feel that I cannot even think because I am afraid that people can read my thoughts and I am scared.” When I am in Eritrea, I feel I cannot even think because I am afraid that people can read my thoughts Witness to the commission The report also notes the lengths to which the state will go to stop people fleeing. “Eritreans who attempt to leave the country are seen as traitors,” it says. “For a considerable period of time, the government has implemented a shoot-to-kill policy in border areas to prevent people from fleeing.” Equally feared is the government’s policy of conscription, which can leave young people trapped in indefinite national service. Some interviewees told the commission they had decided to flee the country after spending 17 years as conscripts. Conditions in military training camps - which lack adequate food, water, hygiene facilities, accommodation and medical facilities - are further compounded by abuse and ill-treatment of both men and women. “Sexual violence against women and girls is widespread and indeed notorious in military training camps,” says the report. “Furthermore, the enforced domestic service of women and girls who are also sexually abused in these camps amounts to sexual slavery. The commission considers that these violations of the rights of women and girls also amount to torture.” It accuses Eritrean officials of using beatings and rapes as a way to inflict severe physical and psychological pain, adding: “The purpose of these acts is to extract confessions and information, and to punish, intimidate and coerce detainees and conscripts.” Crushing repression of Eritrea's citizens is driving them into migrant boats Dan Connell To stem the tide of Eritrean asylum seekers heading for Italy, policymakers need to ensure the country is really on a path from dictatorship to nascent democracy Read more In addition to draconian limits on freedom of speech, media, movement and assembly, says the report, only four religious denominations - the Eritrean Orthodox church, the Catholic church, the Lutheran church and Sunni Islam - are tolerated. All other religious communities are restricted or attacked by the government. Its publication comes as the international community struggles to find a way to deal with the growing number of Eritreans who are fleeing their homeland and crossing the Mediterranean in search of a better life. Last November, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that the number of Eritreans seeking asylum in Europe had nearly tripled over the first 10 months of the year, rising from 13,000 over the same period in 2013 to nearly 37,000 in 2014. It found that after Syrians, Eritreans were the most common nationality to arrive on European shores, comprising 22% of all people entering Italy by boat last year. The report expresses little surprise at the exodus. “Faced with a seemingly hopeless situation they feel powerless to change, hundreds of thousands of Eritreans are fleeing their country,” it says. “In desperation, they resort to deadly escape routes through deserts and neighbouring war-torn countries and across dangerous seas in search of safety. They risk capture, torture and death at the hands of ruthless human traffickers.” It adds: “To ascribe their decision to leave solely to economic reasons is to ignore the dire situation of human rights in Eritrea and the very real suffering of its people. Eritreans are fleeing severe human rights violations in their country and are in need of international protection.” As well as making dozens of recommendations on how Eritrea can address its human rights violations, the report makes a blunt appeal to Afwerki for engagement with the international community and proper political and social reform. “I sincerely regret that in spite of repeated calls for access and for information related to the human rights situation, your government decided not to engage with us and not to provide any cooperation,” writes Mike Smith, the chair of the commission of inquiry. “We are still ready to engage with you and your government, should you wish to invite us to visit Eritrea and discuss the outcome of our investigation with you and your collaborators.” After collecting evidence from more than 700 testimonies, says Smith, the commission has concluded that “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed in Eritrea under the authority of your government”. He adds: “The commission also finds that the violations in the areas of extrajudicial executions, torture (including sexual torture), national service and forced labour may constitute crimes against humanity. The commission emphasises that its present findings should not be interpreted as a conclusion that international crimes have not occurred in other areas.” On Sunday, the British prime minister, David Cameron, said more needed to be done to stop people leaving their homelands and crossing the Mediterranean, adding that the UK could use its aid budget to try to stem the flow. Speaking as he arrived at the G7 summit in Germany and as a British warship picked up at least 500 migrants found in four boats off the coast of Libya, Cameron described Britain as a country with a conscience. “Britain is a country that doesn’t walk on by,” he said. “But we also need to do more to stop these people leaving their countries in the first place. That’s what we are using our aid budget for, that’s why we will be talking here at the G7 about how we try and put a Libyan government together. “We need to deal with the causes of this migration, not simply with its consequences,” he said.
Mr. Mehari G Yusus @22:45,I am so sorry but it doesn't take genius to tell that you are not telling the truth. It seems that you are under a lot of pressure to say what exactly you are told to say. I wouldn't blame you.
But, why did many youth escape the country? Dzs iz only the positive achievements. Where is the equally harsh policy applied on the youth. Life feels futureless , the last time i remember.
These people are the ones that are authorised and ranked. If u wanna find out z truth y don't u interview the blue collar workers where z harsh policy is applied for. If ma country #eritrea was like that y would i risk my life to flee?
Let’s be honest here. We left Eritrea because we prioritized our selves more than our country. We were supposed to change our people’s lives now as well as the next generation. It’s better to appreciate those people who are doing the work we were supposed to do than find an excuse and someone to blame for leaving the country. When our fathers were struggling for 30 years , they gave up their dreams and did the impossible, not because they never had dreams or they never want a comfortable life, but because they prioritized their country more than themselves.
Man you can see the dogs barking so hard on this page.. neska teberaber., aka wedi hasad has over 50+ comments here. Go fight the war stop smacking your gums online.
Propaganda! Seeing only is not believing! That is like trying partial truth or the resemblance of truth to be the whole truth. Where does using one sense, that is "seeing" would aide one to come to the right perspective come from? It is far wise to think through all, using all the senses possible. But it doesn't surprise one the Higdef slaves like to use only one organ of the senses, instead of five or even may be six in some cases. Where Higdef would end up sooner or later is not difficult to see now.
Freedom.now I can see that writing cohesive statements is not your best suit, nor is being a critical thinker. But i don't blame you, all of you anti Isayas seem to be shortsighted idiots who are incapable of analyzing things for themselves. Regarding your last sentence, keep creating fallace statements, because our government is too busy rebuilding our nation, while all of you illiterate haters dream of watching your country fall.
We are proud of our Eritrean brothers. From Somalia.
ብኤርትራውነተይ ኩሩዕ እየ!
Proud to be Eritrean!
Eritrea never knell down my god bless Eritrea
Iam from Switzerland love you Eritrean country
good to know petros kebreab is from swiss lol
Education is free in Eritrea great thing
Great documentary I love my country Eritrea !!
+Pershia Kidane why are so many Eritrians leaving your country...I am in Botswana and 10 of your football players are looking for asylum...Whats happenning there?
KritiQue Economic migration.
ok...whats wrong with the economics,who's in control of economics and what has the Government done about it?....I am from Zimbabwe and i feel the Government is to blame because they basically encouraged the invasion of productive farms besides other things.
+KritiQue But 25 returned home kritique. Like your foreign minister said... the ones who hold their nation in high esteem are already back home. Also Eritrean goverment doesn't repatriot by force so if a country tries to send them back it won't take them anyways. If it was dictatorial it would bring them back and make an example out of them. Their was story reported about about a dozen football players that tried to join a pro goverment event in western USA and UK (these are other soccer defectors btw not the recent ones). Anyways these guys were threatened by the "so called opposition" that they will try to get them deported. They got their papers so they didn't listen anyways. These guys are just looking for an opportunity thats it. I for one don't mind it but yes the football players or anyone of the guys that do it during a national event i find a problem with. But i do see the logic in it why risk the trip through libya? When this will get you almost auto asylum. Anyways these are things that go on behind the scenes that you might not know about. Also about our border war with Ethiopia which we got the demarcation to favor us and ethiopia still occupy our land. This is not a big deal but shortly after this we get sanctioned and ethiopia is the darling of the west. LOL to give you a contrast you mentioned zimbabwe do you know America (obama) promised to make the zimbabwe sanctions tougher?? for what you ask? some violence? or something? NO for making a deal with russia for a 3billion platnium mine. This system is screwed bro the sooner you know the better. At one point we couldn't even import heavy trucks because they said we used them as weapons?? really? Do you know part of the embargo on cuba america threathen ferrari not to sell engines to cuba? Cuban old cars use tons of gas because of old tech so they wanted to give their people option to put ferrari made engines in old autos to improve gas mileage. CIA swiftly makes a flight to italy and threathens to make ferrari dealings in business arena "not so savory". These are just some examples of the many 2faced dealings of people with power. We will change this sooner than later. I have no problems with these countries that do this.. this is just the nature of empire but we need to rise up to the challenge to change the image of our country that they are trying to put in the media.
+Easthorn7 Its not even that Eastern horner... The british goverment told Zimbabwae that they will refund them for the land stolen. When blair got into office he was like " The goverment before mines made you that promise., I don't have to keep that. So Mugabe said ok then you don't mind if i take the land back. End of story action = reaction and the F**ing land was stolen to begin with anyways.
Eritrea remains at the receiving end of multifaceted hostilities aimed at it's very existence as a sovereign state. Yet not only has it preserves it's statehood, it has also built a solid foundation for a sustainable economic development. Externally imposed Hardships have only concentrated the resolve of the vast majority of the Eritrean people. Prosperous and peacefully Eritrea that meets the aspirations of its society is with in sight.
God bless Eritrea & it's people🇪🇷viva Erey🇪🇷
The future is in the hands of the youth of a country. This doc. is really special. National Service to not brainwash but to educated and empower - give self reliance and loyalty to better work together is admirable and necessary. Congratulations to Eritrea ..continue to blossom
Happy 24th Independence month Deqi Halal meriet!! nKid Tray, the sky is the Limit Erena!
Nice!!!---Proud to be ERITREAN!!!...
Easthorn7 --you never served in Sawa Tealim, Hagerawi Agelglot, Hzbi Serawit -- as far as the government's viewing of you concerned -- you a nobody
Neska Teberaber Your a complete liar there is plenty of video on the net to prove it. The fact that you don't want to acknowledge that just shows your hate for anything Eritrean.
Neska Teberaber Keep on educating this delusional idiots, sooner or later when they loose their immediate family they will get it. It is unfortunate instead of defending their brothers and sisters they chose to defend a ruthless cold blooded murderer who contributed very little to our independence but too much harm to our country, our people and our identity.
Alem Kidane "What’s going to generate the most response from a wider public that is not familiar with Eritrea? And what would weaken Isaias’ ability to govern? I don’t think you can organize a campaign for regime change but you can organize campaigns that can make regime change more possible…I would certainly suggest an end to unlimited conscription into national service partly because it’s so easy to tie that together with so many other issues: the refugee issue, the trafficking issue, and so on. And partly because the pressure on Isaias would weaken his ability to govern. …A campaign should be simple direct and uncomplicated. Other obvious issues that can be in some way linked, focusing our attention on the trafficking issue and always linking it to the source of the refugee flows. This trafficking issue is a consequence of the situation inside Eritrea. No other issue is likely to generate attention and support from the American public. Calls for increased financial and technical support for refugees in the support and for far better security in the camps are also simple issues to link them to this. Pressure on the US, Canadian, European and Israeli asylum seekers is another one that comes directly out of this." - DAN CONNELL (former ousted "professor) Now writing papers for the propaganda wing of the Guardian news paper.
Wish you the best motherland!!!!!!
aarona Haile -- like you'll ever set foot or resettle in Eritrea...give the motherland talk a break...
This is the kind of media we have been waiting for. It is well overdue. This informative and educational media, must continue at home and abroad.
Neska Teberaber Judging from your comments, I can see that the short profile irritate the living out of you. it is safe to say that you don't want Eritreans and outside actors to know what Eritreans have achieved and what they are doing to change the media hostility has been going on for years against Eritrea and Eritreans. The problem with you and people like you; however, your mind is fixed in a single set of point.ዋላ ትንፈር እምበር ጤል እያ ዝዓይነቱ::
You can argue, whether this is documentary or not, but you can not tell me this does not make any sense to the peace loving Eritreans, be it the positions or supporters who wishes Economical and political success in Eritrea.
iVisionAfrica --- umm, point being?
god bless you Eritrea
Great work on the documentary., The future is always bright for us cause we refuse to stop working.
A great documentary.
slumhiwot a great LIE be more fitting, no?
Neska Teberaber go comment on tigrayonline . Eritrea for Eritreans by Eritreans. Mr negative
Eritrea, a nation of winners!!! Let them bark, we have already won this war too!
Keep your Habit positive because your habit become your values .Awet N'Hafas !!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't have said it better,
great Documentary
Aron -- yea dumbass beles, you never lived the Eritrean experience -- what would we expect you to actually know ??
Easthorn7 & u , go back to Eritrea permanently, work as slave With same rights as those in the country& then we will believe you that you REALLY support ur sugardaddy iseias. coz,right now ur brain is smoking ¬ seeing what's Beyond the smoke.
Easthorn7 You are a dead brain Idiot completely detached from reality. Since you don't have much in your brain to make a valid argument, you are insulting everybody with the same stupid barking. you are calling any one with a different opinion than yours,WOYANE, AGEME, FAGGOT, ETHIOPIA, CIA, OAU, EU, NOT ERITREAN, BITCH. It might be very difficult for a delusional like you to accept the idea but diversity is a recipe for progress. I don't think here is hope for you so get a brain transplant.
hey there
Love it. Telling it how it is!!!
Eri91may24 Telling age-old, lies?? Telling bold myths? To be honest, actually getting boring.
Professor Henok's tesitmonial is unique "i feel proud to be part of the development" idey-idka ilna nesrah style..Participation small part of everyone, Eritrea will in time will shine brighter like sun rays
GOD bless Eritrea.. .
No matter what the dumb west liars says im more proud to be Eritrean than to be born in america. ERITREA FOREVER
Well said bro
I have mad respect for people like you
We need 50 of these FACT based documentaries!!!
mahari afwerki -- facts? ahaha, you a funny man. Should do improv comedy
nmen ilka tnebr
When you make your next account chose a decent name. I know making fake accounts is your forte but come on atleast humor us.
nmen ilka tnebr
Go and get 2% knowledge first.
mahari afwerki well the 2%knowledg i have is thats how smart u are. 99.1% empty head, memory:0,9%, LOADING to Upgrade to 100%&will take 4 decades. _---------------99,1%remaing. please be patient With Meharis' stupidness meanwhile.
nmen ilka tnebr
Keep trying to bad mouth us it won't work. Keep up your trolling it won't work. You will get a one way ticket back to adigrat.
It is so important to hear ALL Eritrean voices and not just those that are being reiterated in the UK by a few - doing so defeats the UK freedom of expression and democracy and alludes to a subversive agenda
I'm Eritrean I LEGALLY moved. My dad was in the army so that meant I had to to be in the army and there was a chance that I wouldn't get my education if I went. But your forced to.so my brother, my mom, my sister and I had to move to the US to get the education. Now that I know both countries I like eritrea more. America is very successful but it not like most of the kids obey their parents or follow a lot of the commandments. America spoils the kids or parents it doesn't matter to most of the kids or adults about behavior. USA It's successful in the wrong way. I love how safe Eritrea is I don't have to worry about getting killed or raped or anything just maybe getting hit by a car. So Eritrea is trying to be America if they keep this progress murder will come up rape, drunk driving. I WORRIED THEYLL SPOIL THEM?😫 I pray they don't
We ❤ you Eritrea🇪🇷
from Houston Texas 🇺🇸
Eritrea is way better off then djibouti sudan somalia kenya ethiopia we are number one in this continent- President ISAIAS AFWERKI dedicated fifty years of his life from the age of 20 to 69 to eritrea and its people nobody from the u.n,tigray,Ethiopia and the oppisition parties funded by the cia and ethiopian government can say that. Awet Ne hafash Victory To The masses.
Henok Bereket --- blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Neska Teberaber hey you didnt fight for fifty years to to gain independence your just a poser regionalist with a reginalist agenda
Henok Bereket --- you mean to tell you fought and sacrificed 50+ years for Eritrean Independence?? Do G-15 in Eritrea get any sort of pity or leniency since most of their life devoted to Eritrean cause??
Neska Teberaber no they shouldnt becauae they were inflatrated by the cia and two carry out a coup detat towards thier president
Henok Bereket --- trial was not open to public, military tribunal, or televised, only hearsay and once-independence newspaper publications taken over to print libel. this means HGDEF or Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice falsely promotes fake principles and values of Democracy and Justice -- where was the fairness ?
great documentary
This short video is explained the fact on the ground in Eritrea may god bless to the people of Eritrea and all the leaders 🙏
Great documentary! The Eritrean government is doing things right! May Eritreans continue to develop their country.
ንሕና ንሕና'ኢና: ደቂ'ዞም ጀጋኑ.ንህንጸትኪ አለና.ዓወት ንሐፋሽ. 🙏🏻❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️🌹⭐️🐫
When you belive. ..may Allah bless ERITREA 😇🙇🙏❤💚
Lavender what do you mean ?when you blieve
I love this! Home is where the heart is definitely!!.
Eritrea never dawn my god pless
Nice documentary.
Ajokum hagerey mikrti eru😍🌷❤👍🙏🙏
Good Job!
i proud with my president i love him♥♡♡♡♡♥♡♡♡♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥
God bless Eritrea and Eritreans
አሰና ደቂ ኤሬይ ደቂ አናብስ ስይይይይይይይይይ🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
yes education is free in eritrea
ሓቂ ይጸንሕ ንደቂዩሞ ኣጆና ንኺድ ጥራሕ ንቕድሜና
Berhane Ghebremeskel nabey'u gets Eritrea? Enber alena'do ? No sebawi mesel, no freedom or ability to conduct business in Eritrea, .... oh yea, nkid tiraH ! what an idiot
Neska Teberaber what will your next troll screen name be?
i am proud to be Eritrean
nic Jobs forsa deki halal meriet
Free education from primary school until college.
And medical is free as well
Eritrea EmbassyMedia i would advise you also to moderate your comments section.., We know there are 1,000 internet trolls form you know where looking to badmouth Eritrea 24/7 and most times its under a guise.
mahari afwerki --- oohhh , censorship advocate. hehe, entai koinka mushmush ? get the fvk out and go work in Ministry of Indoctrination and Misinformation
nmen ilka tnebr When you make your next account chose a decent name. I know making fake accounts is your forte but come on atleast humor us. 2%? is that your brain capacity? Dude seriously go get some typing lessons or... maybe grammar i should say?
nmen ilka tnebr
Typical woyane loser when corner like the dog he is woof woof. You guys are such good shit talkers till you get punched in the face by the truly brave.
እንታይ ደኣ ሽምካ ቀይርካ
ከምቶም ጭፍራ ኣሕዋትካ
ጽቡቕ ነገር ሓቂ ዘይትቕበሉ
ምስ ጻዕዱ ኣትማን ትሕክሉ
ክንርእየኩም ኢና ጽባሕ ኣበይትውዕሉ
እንተ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ሓቂዩ እምነትና
ዝኾነ ይኹን ነገራት ግዜዩ መልኪዒና
በዓል ጭፍራ ክበኽዩ ቀሪቡዩ ዓወትና
well said bro
You know why we claim propaganda? No press, no freedom of speech, no voting, no freedom of movement. Come on, please. There are a few who benefit for working for the government and the rest who are suffering. Enough is enough
"What’s going to generate the most response from a wider public that is not familiar with Eritrea? And what would weaken Isaias’ ability to govern? I don’t think you can organize a campaign for regime change but you can organize campaigns that can make regime change more possible…I would certainly suggest an end to unlimited conscription into national service partly because it’s so easy to tie that together with so many other issues: the refugee issue, the trafficking issue, and so on. And partly because the pressure on Isaias would weaken his ability to govern. …A campaign should be simple direct and uncomplicated. Other obvious issues that can be in some way linked, focusing our attention on the trafficking issue and always linking it to the source of the refugee flows. This trafficking issue is a consequence of the situation inside Eritrea. No other issue is likely to generate attention and support from the American public. Calls for increased financial and technical support for refugees in the support and for far better security in the camps are also simple issues to link them to this. Pressure on the US, Canadian, European and Israeli asylum seekers is another one that comes directly out of this." - DAN CONNELL (former ousted "professor) Now writing papers for the propaganda wing of the Guardian news paper.
Western is ABSOULUTLE wrong about Eritrea
16:54 narrator: "improve the quality of life" image: guy drinking a beer :)
Why do western media portray it so badly then? Someone please explain it to me
Georgios Ware because Eritrea refuse foreign aid and the west want to give African countries aid and take what they can( natural resources) in return, after crippling the people.
@@reagansimon111 yes
It is a great country! that's why people keep leaving it.
***** Example.., there are 1.5million Australia youth or young adults in just europe nevermind the usa. But that is not reported because there is no need. So if youth are willing to leave a "developed" country.. why would they stay in a developing one? 2013 sudan lost 4,000 doctors.. Ethiopia lost x10 number of Eritreans same with somalia uganda kenya and other countries who are not exactly bursting with jobs. The fact of the matter is this is a phenomenon that has always happend. It happend to Europe in the 17' and 1800's mass exodus to America and Africa. Its just politicized in this instance because certain powers or peoples want Eritrea to look like libya or sirya or iraq.. you see what im getting at.
***** Even Italy is a great country, though many italians now are in north europe..so?
***** MISMANAGEMENT (economy and resources), OPPRESSION [of the people], AND ABUSE [of power and position)..... it's sad, but Eritrea turning in a shithole because of a shitty so-called 'President' (ironically, never been formally elected by the people) -- SANE PEOPLE would call him a "DICTATOR"
Easthorn7 who warships the devil, is devil its self. u perfectly showed who you are. bravo. but i don't wish to happen same as them to u,as i couldn't see ur pathetic nefat face begging...oh god oh god please.
nmen ilka tnebr
Look at how you speak man Obama trained you very very well. Another uneducated African in the west pushing the status quo for the empire. Who needs colonialism anymore when they have your stupid ass trolling the internet all day with your stupid western slang thug culture that they have seeped deep into the blacks in America. I'll be sure to pray for you. Nothing is more depressing than seeing someone whos so uneducated.
The Guardian June 8, 2015
Eritrea human rights abuses may be crimes against humanity, says UN
UN report accuses government of extrajudicial executions, torture, national service and forced labour that create a climate of repression driving many to flee
‘It is not law that rules Eritreans - it is fear,’ says the UN … refugees from Eritrea in the reception centre for asylum seekers in Munich, Germany, October 2014.
The Eritrean government’s systematic use of extrajudicial killing, torture, rape, indefinite national service and forced labour may amount to crimes against humanity, according to an excoriating UN report.
The 500-page investigation by the UN commission of inquiry on human rights in Eritrea catalogues a litany of human rights violations by the “totalitarian” regime of President Isaias Afwerki “on a scope and scale seldom witnessed elsewhere”.
It also accuses the government of using a program of imprisonment, forced disappearance, surveillance and censorship to create a culture of permanent fear and crush all dissent.
The year-long study, which was carried out without the co-operation of the Eritrean government, is based on first-hand testimony gathered through 550 confidential interviews with witnesses in third countries and 160 written submissions.
Escaping Eritrea: 'If I die at sea, it's not a problem - at least I won't be tortured'
Eritrea’s climate of repression, violence and paranoia, and its indefinite national service, is prompting hundreds of people to flee every day
Read more
The report finds gross human rights violations are widespread throughout the state apparatus, and identifies the main perpetrators as Afwerki, his office, the ruling and only party - the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) - the Eritrean defence forces, the national security office, the police, and the ministries of defence, justice and information.
It says that while the struggle for Eritrean independence from Ethiopia has gone down in history as a “major feat of a people’s fight for self-determination”, the fight has long since lapsed into relentless political self-interest and terror.
The report says: “The commission finds that the current situation of human rights in Eritrea is the tragic product of an initial desire to protect and ensure the survival of the young state that very quickly degenerated into the use of totalitarian practices aimed at perpetuating the power of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front and its successor, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice.”
The report says that state spying and surveillance are conducted to such a degree in the country that Eritreans live in constant fear of arbitrary arrest, detention, torture, disappearance or death. That culture has given rise to a poisonous climate of self-censorship and mistrust that permeates communities and families.
“Information gathered through the pervasive control system is used in absolute arbitrariness to keep the population in a state of permanent anxiety,” it says. “It is not law that rules Eritreans - it is fear.”
One witness told the commission: “When I am in Eritrea, I feel that I cannot even think because I am afraid that people can read my thoughts and I am scared.”
When I am in Eritrea, I feel I cannot even think because I am afraid that people can read my thoughts
Witness to the commission
The report also notes the lengths to which the state will go to stop people fleeing.
“Eritreans who attempt to leave the country are seen as traitors,” it says. “For a considerable period of time, the government has implemented a shoot-to-kill policy in border areas to prevent people from fleeing.”
Equally feared is the government’s policy of conscription, which can leave young people trapped in indefinite national service. Some interviewees told the commission they had decided to flee the country after spending 17 years as conscripts.
Conditions in military training camps - which lack adequate food, water, hygiene facilities, accommodation and medical facilities - are further compounded by abuse and ill-treatment of both men and women.
“Sexual violence against women and girls is widespread and indeed notorious in military training camps,” says the report. “Furthermore, the enforced domestic service of women and girls who are also sexually abused in these camps amounts to sexual slavery. The commission considers that these violations of the rights of women and girls also amount to torture.”
It accuses Eritrean officials of using beatings and rapes as a way to inflict severe physical and psychological pain, adding: “The purpose of these acts is to extract confessions and information, and to punish, intimidate and coerce detainees and conscripts.”
Crushing repression of Eritrea's citizens is driving them into migrant boats
Dan Connell
To stem the tide of Eritrean asylum seekers heading for Italy, policymakers need to ensure the country is really on a path from dictatorship to nascent democracy
Read more
In addition to draconian limits on freedom of speech, media, movement and assembly, says the report, only four religious denominations - the Eritrean Orthodox church, the Catholic church, the Lutheran church and Sunni Islam - are tolerated. All other religious communities are restricted or attacked by the government.
Its publication comes as the international community struggles to find a way to deal with the growing number of Eritreans who are fleeing their homeland and crossing the Mediterranean in search of a better life.
Last November, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported that the number of Eritreans seeking asylum in Europe had nearly tripled over the first 10 months of the year, rising from 13,000 over the same period in 2013 to nearly 37,000 in 2014.
It found that after Syrians, Eritreans were the most common nationality to arrive on European shores, comprising 22% of all people entering Italy by boat last year. The report expresses little surprise at the exodus.
“Faced with a seemingly hopeless situation they feel powerless to change, hundreds of thousands of Eritreans are fleeing their country,” it says.
“In desperation, they resort to deadly escape routes through deserts and neighbouring war-torn countries and across dangerous seas in search of safety. They risk capture, torture and death at the hands of ruthless human traffickers.”
It adds: “To ascribe their decision to leave solely to economic reasons is to ignore the dire situation of human rights in Eritrea and the very real suffering of its people. Eritreans are fleeing severe human rights violations in their country and are in need of international protection.”
As well as making dozens of recommendations on how Eritrea can address its human rights violations, the report makes a blunt appeal to Afwerki for engagement with the international community and proper political and social reform.
“I sincerely regret that in spite of repeated calls for access and for information related to the human rights situation, your government decided not to engage with us and not to provide any cooperation,” writes Mike Smith, the chair of the commission of inquiry.
“We are still ready to engage with you and your government, should you wish to invite us to visit Eritrea and discuss the outcome of our investigation with you and your collaborators.”
After collecting evidence from more than 700 testimonies, says Smith, the commission has concluded that “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed in Eritrea under the authority of your government”.
He adds: “The commission also finds that the violations in the areas of extrajudicial executions, torture (including sexual torture), national service and forced labour may constitute crimes against humanity. The commission emphasises that its present findings should not be interpreted as a conclusion that international crimes have not occurred in other areas.”
On Sunday, the British prime minister, David Cameron, said more needed to be done to stop people leaving their homelands and crossing the Mediterranean, adding that the UK could use its aid budget to try to stem the flow.
Speaking as he arrived at the G7 summit in Germany and as a British warship picked up at least 500 migrants found in four boats off the coast of Libya, Cameron described Britain as a country with a conscience. “Britain is a country that doesn’t walk on by,” he said.
“But we also need to do more to stop these people leaving their countries in the first place. That’s what we are using our aid budget for, that’s why we will be talking here at the G7 about how we try and put a Libyan government together.
“We need to deal with the causes of this migration, not simply with its consequences,” he said.
Alem resah agame eka eska kulu geze eritrawe temselka hagernan mengestnan ketkfe lemani agame
aze gaga ny mngsty ertra Mrat gash barka na tigrnga twahibo wantato ka tsagigom
Mr. Mehari G Yusus @22:45,I am so sorry but it doesn't take genius to tell that you are not telling the truth. It seems that you are under a lot of pressure to say what exactly you are told to say. I wouldn't blame you.
If there is so good, why there is so bad?
But, why did many youth escape the country? Dzs iz only the positive achievements. Where is the equally harsh policy applied on the youth. Life feels futureless , the last time i remember.
,we detest hypocrite peoples that involeve in the mater of the
ምርኣይ ምእማን ንዓኹም ትበል ሜሬት ነቶም ንኤርትራ ክትሃንጹ ኣብ ሃገር ዘሎኹም ክብሪ ንዓኹም
These people are the ones that are authorised and ranked. If u wanna find out z truth y don't u interview the blue collar workers where z harsh policy is applied for. If ma country #eritrea was like that y would i risk my life to flee?
Let’s be honest here. We left Eritrea because we prioritized our selves more than our country. We were supposed to change our people’s lives now as well as the next generation. It’s better to appreciate those people who are doing the work we were supposed to do than find an excuse and someone to blame for leaving the country. When our fathers were struggling for 30 years , they gave up their dreams and did the impossible, not because they never had dreams or they never want a comfortable life, but because they prioritized their country more than themselves.
Man you can see the dogs barking so hard on this page.. neska teberaber., aka wedi hasad has over 50+ comments here. Go fight the war stop smacking your gums online.
Sure የ ሕጂ ብሙሎኦም ሃዲሞም ኣለዉ ክክክክክ ኣብ ኣውሮጳ ይነብሩ ይህሉዉ
Ab dege zelekum nikhu tewedebu temaharu wielka hadirka nab Betka eka
Nab kelay eto wedi shermuta
Propaganda! Seeing only is not believing! That is like trying partial truth or the resemblance of truth to be the whole truth. Where does using one sense, that is "seeing" would aide one to come to the right perspective come from? It is far wise to think through all, using all the senses possible. But it doesn't surprise one the Higdef slaves like to use only one organ of the senses, instead of five or even may be six in some cases. Where Higdef would end up sooner or later is not difficult to see now.
Freedom.now I can see that writing cohesive statements is not your best suit, nor is being a critical thinker. But i don't blame you, all of you anti Isayas seem to be shortsighted idiots who are incapable of analyzing things for themselves. Regarding your last sentence, keep creating fallace statements, because our government is too busy rebuilding our nation, while all of you illiterate haters dream of watching your country fall.
Ahmed najemeddine