"English Jews celebrate Christmas..." That's not so for most British Jews, orthodox or otherwise. The season of goodwill does not go unnoticed, for Christians are likely to exchange Christmas cards, presents, and the like from their Gentile colleagues, friends, and neighbours.
It's notable that Phillips abstracts Freud's biography so as to imply it's irrelevant to psychoanalytic praxis. I'd suggest that Fleiss wasn't just a "crank", and Freud's support for him was support for the reckless endangerment of women's lives. Freud's own distortion of "Dora"'s testimony of sexual exploitation was also not trivial in terms of its consequences for Freudian praxis
Looking forward to getting my copy of Becoming Freud. Thanks for posting this interview.
'Pastoral care' in German could be 'die Seelsorge', literally the care of the soul, mind, psyche.
"English Jews celebrate Christmas..." That's not so for most British Jews, orthodox or otherwise. The season of goodwill does not go unnoticed, for Christians are likely to exchange Christmas cards, presents, and the like from their Gentile colleagues, friends, and neighbours.
It's notable that Phillips abstracts Freud's biography so as to imply it's irrelevant to psychoanalytic praxis. I'd suggest that Fleiss wasn't just a "crank", and Freud's support for him was support for the reckless endangerment of women's lives. Freud's own distortion of "Dora"'s testimony of sexual exploitation was also not trivial in terms of its consequences for Freudian praxis
Could you please stop saying right? It is very distracting!
‘Right’ no you’re wrong….insufferable
To what are you refering exactly?