Ask Mike Bickle: Are dreams visions and visitations higher than the Word of God?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024
  • Mike Bickle

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @user-wi2zi9hd7u
    @user-wi2zi9hd7u 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Such a real personality. This is great. The Living God is far exceedingly able to do anything you can ask, think, or imagine, according to His will. I have no doubt. We often pray amiss. Bless you, seekers and disciples. He is truly a rewarder of the diligent.

  • @tamikamathis6230
    @tamikamathis6230 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Regardless of what anyone says about him or his visions, we can't deny the fact that his church is doing what no other church is doing... A command in the Bible... Pray without ceasing. And at some point, the affectual fervent prayer in somebody's righteous heart is going to bring forth the presence of God and that's when miracles happen regardless of any vision or dream that any of us may or may not agree with. We parish because we don't know Him. It's about relstionship.

    • @whodeytko
      @whodeytko 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bickle's whole ministry is based on a lying vision. IHOP is notorious for ripping scripture out of context to prop up their own heretical doctrines (Bridal Paradigm, Joel's Army, Latter Rain, etc.). Mike has been teaching the same heretical ideas dating back to the early 80's. According to the Bible, Bickle and his cohorts are false prophets and false teachers who are leading millions astray. Nowhere in scripture is a massive billion soul harvest mentioned . Instead we see a massive end times church apostasy (which is already happening) and God giving them over to their delusions. It doesn't matter how supposedly pious you are. If you stray from the word of God you are headed for destruction. IHOP should be avoided at all costs.

  • @Exodous26
    @Exodous26 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Don't be "heavy" about people who claim to speak for God when they clearly are not speaking for God??? No my friend, scripture condemns this blasphemy in the strongest terms. We need to value the Holiness of God much more than this.

  • @theburninator5547
    @theburninator5547 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If you claim to have a vision that can be verified in the Bible, then you didn't need the vision but simply just read your Bible. If you claim to have a vision that can't be verified in the Bible then you're a false prophet and should repent and be thankful we don't still live under the old testament law.

    • @lusicampostx
      @lusicampostx 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Burninator Amen and amen!!

  • @aforapple981
    @aforapple981 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    就算會有許多不真實的假像一而再再而三的發生,是否就代​表我們該因此而棄絕不再使用神所賜給我們醫治釋放的權柄​了呢? 這樣的結論,不但是大錯特錯,也不符合聖經的教導。我親​眼目睹神如何做工成就醫治釋放的大事,我也親自見證神所​釋放的話語是如何透過預言,一一的真實實現在我們眼前,​我也親自體驗超自然主和天使的拜訪,讓我不得不對神火熱​,所以我相信神會將這樣的超自然拜訪現象,賜給更多需要​的人。

  • @aforapple981
    @aforapple981 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    西1:9 因此、我們自從聽見的日子、也就為你們不住的禱告祈求、​願你們在一切屬靈的智慧悟性上、滿心知道 神的旨意.
    西1:10 好叫你們行事為人對得起主、凡事蒙他喜悅、在一切善事上​結果子、漸漸的多知道 神.
    西1:11 照他榮耀的權能、得以在各樣的力上加力、好叫你們凡事歡​歡喜喜的忍耐寬容.

  • @aforapple981
    @aforapple981 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    畢叔叔時間 : 我們是否該追求異象和異夢、主和天使的超自然榮耀顯現及拜訪,勝​過專注於神寶貴的話語呢?
    "For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God." (Eccl 5:7)
    "多夢和多言、其中多有虛幻.你只要敬畏 神。" (傳5:7)

  • @aforapple981
    @aforapple981 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    是的,我們當然渴慕真實的經歷,但我們也不需對那些刻意​製造假象的人而產生不悅。我特別稱這些對神火熱,卻使用​錯誤方法的人為"漢堡加料王Hamburgur Helper",換句話說,喜歡在已經很美味的食物上,​再添加符合自己口味的好料。

  • @buzzbbird
    @buzzbbird 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    LOL, Like Mike's vision of 100 ft snakes falling to earth?
    Like Mike's claims of going to the third heaven, having person audiences with Jesus and how IHOP is necessary for Christ to return.
    Like that, Mike?
    Is THAT the stuff you guys reject?

    • @aceapollos
      @aceapollos 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      buzzbbird Mike's vision of snakes falling was the demonic attack mentioned in Revelation 12.

    • @aceapollos
      @aceapollos 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      And yes people do get to Heaven and God speaks to people. That's the point. Bible first but those things are real too.

  • @tedbull97
    @tedbull97 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ur false