It's not like anga asingaziwe iye murume wacho atori ngochani but afraid to come out saka wakatoita plan yacho wese because kana anga asingaziwe time yebonde zvaifamba sei kkk iye aisaona here kuti sikarudzi yakamira sei
Ngochani straight, yaaa Morris nemurume wake vakaoma kutotsvaga lawyer kureva kuti vaiziva zvavo game ravo. Nekuti it's an abomination munyika medu kuti Adam na Adam varoorane.
Ha this is why zvichinzi musa roore munhu pasina hama dzake😂😂 vaiti hama dzemuroora dziripi? Varume ava vaizivana hanzi ndaichinja kuita mukadzi pa bonde😂😂imi ityai mwari
IMHO I think these 2 men know each other kuti varume vese. But munyika medu we know what it means to be known to be gay let alone a man openly marrying another man. There’s no way the so-called husband spent over a year without noticing that’s a bloke I’m sleeping with. Vanozivana. Izvi zve miscarriage it’s just a cover up story to remove focus on him. These 2 men are clever to know that after marrying, families and the community are looking forward to welcoming babies. They should’ve removed the weave and honest to God he’ll still be sitting right there. This claim of disappearing for 24 hours is just to frighten people and to deter further scrutiny. This claim that at night he changes to be a female is just another storyline, but it doesn’t happen.
Hausvike pakuroora munhu usingazive zvakadaro. These were 2 men who didn't know how to tell a society that doesn't tolerance ngochani kuti toda kuroorana pachirume!
Story was first covered by Karaganda and from wat I gathered vanhu Ava vaizivana hmm. Ngochani vese
No problem by update this video hatisi tose tinoona kangaranda thank you Mr Andrew
Hello love oupa am very very happy to hear your voice missing to see u will u dear
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂.....aya ndo ma funnies manje. Uuuuuuuuh 👐
Mkoma Andrew namainin Thando mukudzifambira dzakasiyanasiyana taking us to another level sure.
This was covered by Karanganda TV last year
Haunyepi bright
Uuuuuuu last year ipi
Isusu yanga yakatijamba
@@Zee-r2h sha do you have a link I’m looking for it… I watched it but can’t find it anywhere
@@godalmightyismyeverything7031 ayehwa handina link dear bt l think ukatarisa kuma vidios avo hauyishaye in
Pakayipa apo kugara 1 year wotadza kana kundogeza kokurara mu bedroom nemurume ayisarara hre kuyita bonde
Kkk ayaas... Smile yasabhuku iyo
Ingito mbiri dzanga dzasangana idzodzo how come to you so unotadza kuona kuti uyu mumwe Mrume here imwi ka mutye Mwari 🤔
Ndoo kwaana mbuya vangu .kumusha kwamai vangu. Ndabva ndakufunga now watching from capetwn
Kana nenio ndokawa mama vangu vangu vanobva ku sagambe
@@lydiat7636 hoo
Iwee nau hessy....
@@naumesembezeya5968 mushe mushe zviri sei sei
Njani kodwa,angizwa kahle indoda nendoda
Nyaya iyi takainzwa paKaranganda tv
Thank you Drewmas ndatonzwa for the first time taking us to another level.
Ingochani dzose vanozivana plz bvumaiwo hungochani mu Zim
Are you supporting hungochani?
@@rejoicechihona322 mubvunze hako aaaaa ndazvishaya
What do you mean by "please "are you serious??
YaShumba mmmmmmm apa mauyanenyaya which I was having many questions than answers Thank You mmmmmmm Big African Story
There is no way munhu anga gare nemunhu asingazive kuti mudzimai or murume
keep up the good work
Kkkkkkkkkkkk kutaura kuti anga asikaoni here kuti murume aaaaaa zvimwe so ka kkkkkkk
Murume aiziva. Ma gay vanhu ava. but nemiriro yeZimbabwe kubuda pachena zvinonetsa.hezvo vakazopika 4 months.
the song at the beginning of the show is a hit. but it reminds me of a song I used to like.I dont remember which one.pane angabatsira here??
The song ine mawords mamwe ekuti mai vaRubi munoendepiko hamuzivi hre kuti ... ...something like that
It's not like anga asingaziwe iye murume wacho atori ngochani but afraid to come out saka wakatoita plan yacho wese because kana anga asingaziwe time yebonde zvaifamba sei kkk iye aisaona here kuti sikarudzi yakamira sei
Apa wataura chokwadi Josephine.
Kkkk nhai zvako iwe zim ka haidi ngochani saka waito vhara vhara kkkk ndeipi wangu
Kunyepa kuri pachena akarohwa anotaura chokwadi mudhara uyu anojairira
nhaii zvako aisaona here
Ngatinamatei nesimba tikwanise kupinda mugore idzva nyama nemweya zviri pamwe chete vateveri ve Dreams
Im happy for you gyz shumba naThando visit my home area lol
Kwedu chaiko
Nyaya iyi ndakamboiona paKaranganda Tv
Are going to ignore smile ya sabuku here
Aaaaah vanozivana ava ingochani idzi
Kumusha kwangu
Haiwawo nxaaa vaiita bonde sei kana vachitiudza kuti heee akatinyepera kuti mrume moreover nyaya iyi chimunya takasoinzwa kare
Plus vaziyiyana avo dzaiva ngochani dzose
It's an old story yakabuda pa karanganda
Oh yah I remember the story
Yes i remember too
So wat
Yaaah ndeye kudhara zveshuwa
But best yesong iyo yakapenga ...ndafarira mbira moto
Vaitozivana ngochani idzi.
I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🙌 handzi miscarriage yematwins🙌
🤣🤣🤣🤣kna matwins
Kkkkk ngochani dzese nxaa ngavasungwe Imbwa dzevanhu
Uku ndokumusha kwedu kkkkkk muripamba apo munoona chikoro chiripa mhiri apo 😂😂😂😂ndopedu.
Makasvikawo kwedu Drumas Dam raNyawamba makarionahere and Esternhighlands plantation tea😂
Maonere angu Morris nemurume wake vataurirana deal ravo zvekuti murume vaiti hameno zvaivhundutsira panguva yekurara chitsotsi kikiki hanzi ndikabvisa Wig ndino disappear kikiki Morris so ka.Thank you Drewmas Media🇿🇼🇬🇧
Yaaar nyaya iyindakamboinzwa. Apa pambapandogara ndopavainzi vaitoroja ipapo. Ndakarohwa nehana ndikati sure zvirikuitikawo hr pamushapangu PAHONDE VALLEY APOOOO
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢,,ninji chairo chairo mumusha menyu muHonde imomo
Kkkkk zvivindi zvekuzotamba bhora revakadzi
Ko kunogeza kurwizi nevakadzi achiona hake kkkk
😂😂😂😂😂😂 mukomana WAcho haaaa
ndozvairambwa nemutungamiri wedu vamugabe..nyika yayenda kumawere
Ngochani straight, yaaa Morris nemurume wake vakaoma kutotsvaga lawyer kureva kuti vaiziva zvavo game ravo. Nekuti it's an abomination munyika medu kuti Adam na Adam varoorane.
hello hello drewmas media
Nyaya iyi ndakainzwa kwababaTaps
Andrew Ka hazviiti kuti gore rose munhu asingaone kuti nhengo idzi dzimire sei ummmmmmm Yaa nya iyi yakamboburitswa zvayo
What charges were laid against them?
Ha this is why zvichinzi musa roore munhu pasina hama dzake😂😂 vaiti hama dzemuroora dziripi? Varume ava vaizivana hanzi ndaichinja kuita mukadzi pa bonde😂😂imi ityai mwari
Imagine, vari kuda kutipusisa
IMHO I think these 2 men know each other kuti varume vese. But munyika medu we know what it means to be known to be gay let alone a man openly marrying another man. There’s no way the so-called husband spent over a year without noticing that’s a bloke I’m sleeping with. Vanozivana. Izvi zve miscarriage it’s just a cover up story to remove focus on him. These 2 men are clever to know that after marrying, families and the community are looking forward to welcoming babies. They should’ve removed the weave and honest to God he’ll still be sitting right there. This claim of disappearing for 24 hours is just to frighten people and to deter further scrutiny. This claim that at night he changes to be a female is just another storyline, but it doesn’t happen.
It's not munyika medusa everywhere it's not easy Kadershians in America ndivo vakarivhura no family accept it's not easy France no go area
Ma gay ndivo varume vaniroorana
Ko Chihera havana kubuda pacamera indava asi vanaka kani.🤰.We love you Chihera
Pamuromo chaipo
Lol 😂
@@Troys_Aaliyah_s-Dad musadaro kani kubvunza chete
Ini handidi nyaya dzekutsanangurwa nevamwe vanhu ma subjects acho aripo. Tavakutongonzwa ma opinions evanhuà. Evidence hapana.
Kkkk yooo ichi ndochakavharisa
Ndakamboinzwa nyaya iyi I think it was on karanganda TV
Mukoma Andrew why ku dzokorora nyaya iyi
Takamboiita here
Tru takaiona kukaranganda TV kikikkiki BaTaps
Nyaya iyi yakamboitwa kune chimwe chirongwa not namkoma Andrew vanogonawo kunge vasina kuziva kuti kune vakaiita kudhara...
Ummm mashura chaiwo ko vairara SEI
Ende kwakanaka kwaHonde, scenery yacho , minda yacho
Ende Misha yacho yakatsvinda
Vanhu ava vari smart
Ndagutsikana hangu
Varume awa dzainge ngochani dzese kwaida kubhaiza vanhu chete
Yes l remember watching this same nyaya shuwa. Thank u drewmas
Kkkkkkk ndongochani iyo
😂😂😂😂😂 nyika iyi yoguma
Murume nemukadzi vane nhengo dzakafanana here kkklk
Kkkk takambochiona chinyaya ichi tikatovaona Moriss wacho ne Andrew kkkk
Eeh nhai kwaBa Taps
Ughmmm Chihera takusuwa🤗
Ini hndidi hngu madrama......... 😂😂😂
They were supposed to be banished, we have no room for such disgusting immoral (things) in our moral society
😢😢😢😢😢,,,,Ngozi yerombe igandanzara
For one year six months where they not sleeping together
Haaaa ingochani idzo kunyepa uko how come
Vanhu ava vaizivana. I ngochani dzakatya kubuda pachena chete. Zvekuti anochinja izvo I nhema.
south Africa ndozvitori kuno mazimba apanduka nekuda kwemari
Hày boo indoda yayilala njani
Mkoma Andrew Shumba yenyu ndeipi iyi?
Ingochani dzakawirirana kuroworana muchihwande
Haa ichii chandipedza
Murume nemurume kuroorana south africa ndiyo inodaro kwete Zimbabwe saka zvakabuda nekuti zim ndeye vadzimu vepasi hazviitike
Ndakamboinzwa kwa baba Taps
Mari yerora yantambirwa Nani ,asikazive kuthi murume matsotsi bamberek
Kkk pakaipa vaizivana vanhu ava dzaingova ngochani dzese
1year 6mnths asingadyi bota airidyirepi
Manje stonyeni zvaifamba sei
Takamboinzwa nyaya iyi na bba Taps karanganda TV
Uye mabhinya anyanya kuZindi ,Mhanda and Madzinga .vanhu vanouraiwa asi mabhinya acho haabatiwi.
Nepamudhebhu dhebhu wekuenda kwamandeya mabhinya anyanya
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 jaaaa neh
Haiwa vanoziva a avo murume uyo anonyepa vakatotorana vachiziva kuti ingochani avo
Variko vanhu vakazvarwa vaine nhengo mbiri yechirume neyechikadzi. He could be one of those.
Vaitozivana kti varume Vose kkkkkkkkk dhiri ravo
Kungovhara hake bt vaizivana ko kusangangana vaisangana sei
How are yu chihera
Vanhu makutinyepera 😅😅😅
Chizezuru nzimbo inemapiripiti inonzi manhika ndipo pakabva zita rekuti manicaland
Hoooo taziva history Manhika to Manikaland
. But blaaz ayo looks ngito zvavo. Anyway that's life lala
I’m the first person 😂❤
Nyaya iyi yakaitika Kare l think kutanga kwa2022 chaiko wani.drewmas media nhasi matiunzira munya chaiwo
@@previousmafiyosi9492 MUNYA KWAMURI VAMWE HAVAIZIVI
Pawakainzwa iwewe wakaudzawo vamwe here ,,tatika tikubatsireyi kuzivisa vasingazive
@@previousmafiyosi9492 😂😂😂😂😂.....idziwo idzi. Ko kana ukangomedza hako mate wonyarara wosiira isu tine nzara munya wako
Vaneshamba havazivi vakaita
Nyaya iyi inga yakambobuda wani
Vanhu vakatoenda vese kuharare ava, zvekuti akabvisa wig ano dissappear zvakamboitika kupi izvozvo kupatisa vanhu chaiko. Dai akanatsorohwa mushe aitaura zvakanaka nyaya yavo
Good dramma
Vaizivana vanhu avaa
Ingochimbi idzi. Basa rekurovana kumufudze
Hausvike pakuroora munhu usingazive zvakadaro. These were 2 men who didn't know how to tell a society that doesn't tolerance ngochani kuti toda kuroorana pachirume!
My village people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fambirai nyaya ya Livingston ku St Mathias Tsonzo
Muzumbabwe hamutenderwi ngochani ngadzisungwe ngochani iyi
😂😂😂😂😂 zvinhu zvacho so
Bt obvious murume wacho aitoziva cz vairara vese musame blanket
Takambinzwa kwa baba taps
Inyaya yekare iya yakuita kunge nyowani ummmm
Uye Mari yeroora yakapihwa ani
Ingochani idzo
Andrew wakadya manonoko nyaya iyi takainzwa last year na baba Taps karanganda tv
Murisei long time
saka aiwonera madzimai asina kupfeka irombe
Ichi chirikupisa kkkkk
Ndizvo zvinotadzisa mvura kunaya,makuna kuna