What a powerful song and singing? How much it makes relates with our lives? No human is perfect and it reminds us when the world around turns cold there is surely goodness and mercy in him
Thanks be to God, little did I know that I shall feast here in Uk with many Saints around me. Being reminded that whatever we do in life it will surely come to pass here on Planet Earth. Thanks be to God for his Faithfulness.
When I walk through the dark lonesome valley, My Savior will walk with me there; And safely His great hand will lead me To the mansions He's gone to prepare.
【1】 A pilgrim was I and a-wand'ring 旅人 私は行き In the cold night of sin I did roam 罪の冷たい夜迷い When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me イエス良き羊飼いに And now I am on my way home 見つけられ家に向う今 【繰り返し】 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me 確かに 良きと赦しを与えられる All the days all the days of my life いのちを受ける全ての日々で 【2】 restoreth my soul when I'm weary 疲れた魂を癒やし He giveth me strength day by day 主はひごとの糧を与え He leads me beside the still waters 荒波を鎮め導き He guards me each step of the way 主は道を守られる 【3】 When I walk thro' the dark lonesome valley 暗い谷を行くときに My Savior will walk with me there 救い主はともにいて And safely His great hand will lead me 御手をのばし導かれる To the mansions He's gone to prepare 整えに帰られた御住まいへ And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever 私はとこしえに主の家にとどまり、 And I will feast at the table spread for me 祝宴に着き喜びに満たされる 詩篇 23:1-6 口語訳 [1] 主はわたしの牧者であって、 わたしには乏しいことがない。 [2] 主はわたしを緑の牧場に伏させ、 いこいのみぎわに伴われる。 [3] 主はわたしの魂をいきかえらせ、 み名のためにわたしを正しい道に導かれる。 [4] たといわたしは死の陰の谷を歩むとも、 わざわいを恐れません。 あなたがわたしと共におられるからです。 あなたのむちと、あなたのつえはわたしを慰めます。 [5] あなたはわたしの敵の前で、わたしの前に宴を設け、 わたしのこうべに油をそそがれる。 わたしの杯はあふれます。 [6] わたしの生きているかぎりは 必ず恵みといつくしみとが伴うでしょう。 わたしはとこしえに主の宮に住むでしょう。
I love that beautiful.hymn I was singing along with all of u what a happy blessings it was
What a powerful song and singing? How much it makes relates with our lives? No human is perfect and it reminds us when the world around turns cold there is surely goodness and mercy in him
Thanks be to God, little did I know that I shall feast here in Uk with many Saints around me. Being reminded that whatever we do in life it will surely come to pass here on Planet Earth. Thanks be to God for his Faithfulness.
Thanks for sharing this song, I remember singing it in my Sunday School class in Glen Norah. Zimbabwe long time ago.
A Wonderful presentation. God bless you
I seem to remember another verse about walking through the dark, lonesome valley.
When I walk through the dark lonesome valley,
My Savior will walk with me there;
And safely His great hand will lead me
To the mansions He's gone to prepare.
@@mrcharlesfong yes, that's it. Thank you! 💜
Is it possible to use this clip of Surely Goodness and mercy, please? Is it OK to use it in a church service next Sunday?
Yes sir you may! :-)
That is the good song for children
A pilgrim was I and a-wand'ring
旅人 私は行き
In the cold night of sin I did roam
When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me
And now I am on my way home
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
確かに 良きと赦しを与えられる
All the days all the days of my life
restoreth my soul when I'm weary
He giveth me strength day by day
He leads me beside the still waters
He guards me each step of the way
When I walk thro' the dark lonesome valley
My Savior will walk with me there
And safely His great hand will lead me
To the mansions He's gone to prepare
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever
And I will feast at the table spread for me
詩篇 23:1-6 口語訳
[1] 主はわたしの牧者であって、 わたしには乏しいことがない。 [2] 主はわたしを緑の牧場に伏させ、 いこいのみぎわに伴われる。 [3] 主はわたしの魂をいきかえらせ、 み名のためにわたしを正しい道に導かれる。 [4] たといわたしは死の陰の谷を歩むとも、 わざわいを恐れません。 あなたがわたしと共におられるからです。 あなたのむちと、あなたのつえはわたしを慰めます。 [5] あなたはわたしの敵の前で、わたしの前に宴を設け、 わたしのこうべに油をそそがれる。 わたしの杯はあふれます。 [6] わたしの生きているかぎりは 必ず恵みといつくしみとが伴うでしょう。 わたしはとこしえに主の宮に住むでしょう。