1:01:00.In the presence of Λ(0) in Einstein's equations Newtonian mechanics is no longer a special case of GR. P.S.The relativistic equations of the gravitational field can be reached intuitively, based on the Poisson equation: Δφ=4πGρ. Now it is required that in the case of a weak field in GR, the Poisson equation is obtained, and this took place {by the way, a generally recognized achievement and “...a great success of GR” (Pauli, RT)}. But only when there are still unknown constants in the desired equations: a=-1/2 (which can be determined using the equivalence principle) and, attention: Λ(0)=0! Initially, in 1915, Einstein wrote the equations exactly in the form: R(ik) - (1/2)Rg(ik)=(8πG/c4)T(ik), i, k=0,1,2,3. , however, for philosophical reasons, in 1917 he added the unknown constant Λ(0)* to his equations as a "cosmological constant". Modern speculations** with an unknown constant based on the equation: T(ik)^v=-(c^4/8πG)Λ(0)g(ik), where T(ik)^v is interpreted as the energy-momentum tensor for vacuum, then when there is no solution in GR for a completely empty 4-space. Further worse: it becomes necessary every time to take into account the limitations imposed by the observational data on the value Λ(0). ---------------- *) - After Friedmann's solution (1922) Einstein discarded it. **) - "A good joke should not be repeated." (Einstein).
0.Comparing with Einstein's equations of 1915, we find a=-c^3/16πG. Strictly speaking, in order to determine the constant a, it was necessary to make a transition to the Poisson equation. Thus, a rigorous derivation of Einstein's equations can be given. 1.The transition to the non-relativistic limit allows us to determine a constant factor for the integral of the gravitational field according to: R[(0)^0]=(4πG/c^2)p; Δφ=-pc^3/4a=4πGр. And a=(1/16π)m(pl)w(pl). 2.Therefore, the Poisson equation can be written as: ∆g(00)=8πGT(00)/c^4, where g(00) is the time component of the metric tensor (for a weakly curved metric the time component of the energy-momentum tensor: T(00)~=pc^2). 3.This equation is true only in the non-relativistic case, but it is applicable to the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, when Einstein's equations have only solutions with a time-varying space-time metric. 4.Then the energy density of the gravitational field: g^2/8πG=T(00)=pc^2 [~=(ħ/8πc^3)w(relic)^4= =1600 quanta/cm^3, which is in order of magnitude consistent with the observational-measured data (~500 quanta/cm^3)], where the critical density value determining the nature of the model is: p=(3/8π)H^2/G. Hence it follows: g~πcH. 5.Expansion is a special kind of motion, and it seems that the Universe is a non-inertial frame of reference that performs variably accelerated motion along a phase trajectory, and thereby creates a phase space. Real gravitational fields are variable in space and time, and we can now talk about the fact that it is possible to generate a gravitational field in a non-inertial frame of reference.That is, finally achieve global (instead of local in GR) compliance with the equivalence principle. According to the strong equivalence principle: g=|a*|=πcH [=r(pl)w(relic)^2], and w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. Thus H=1,72*10^-20 sec^-1. {By the way, at t(universe)= πт(pl), w(“relic”) was =w(pl), g=cw(pl)=g(pl); at 1/”H”= t(universe)=380000 years, w(“relic”)/2π was =3.5*10^14 Hz} 6.And а*=-2πcа/M(universe), what is F=M(universe)а*=-2πса=-с^4/8G=-(⅛)F(pl). In the case of the Universe: M(universe)H=m(pl)w(pl)/8π=c^3/8πG=-2a (~ the "dark" const~inv), where M(universe)=E/c^2 is the full mass of the Universe, and the total energy E is spent on creating a phase-quantized space-time: m(pl)w(pl)=8πM(Universe)H { w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. 7.That is: Δφ=-pc^3/4a= рс^3/2M(universe)H^2. And Δφ=4π[с^3/Gm(pl)w(pl)]H^2= 4πH^2; which is evidence of a phenomenon: spontaneous Lorentz transformations. 8.Thus; Δφ(0)/Δφ=w(pl)^2/H^2~10^126, where Δφ(0)=4πw(pl)^2; the “best” prediction. P.S. Intra-metagalactic gravitational potential: |ф0|=πGm(pl)/λ(relic)=[Gm(pl)/2c]w(relic), where the constant Gm(pl)/2c is a quantum of the inertial flow Ф(i)=h/4πm(pl) (magnetic flux is quantized: = h/2e, Josephson’s const; and the mechanical and magnetic moments are proportional).Thus, the phenomenon can be interpreted as gravity/inertial induction. a.The basic formula QG of the quantum expression of the Newtonian gravitational potential is: ф(G)=-Ф(i)w, where w is the frequency of the quanta of the gravitational (~ vibrational) field.} b.“Giving the interval ds the size of time, we will denote it by dт: in this case, the constant k will have the dimension length divided by mass and in CGS units will be equal to 1,87*10^-27", Friedmann, (On the curvature of space, 1922). [The ds, which is assumed to have the dimension of time, we denote by dт; then the constant k has the dimension Length Mass and in CGS-units is equal to 1, 87.10^ ± 27. See Laue, Die Relativitatstheorie, Bd. II, S. 185. Braunschweig 1921.] c. Apparently, the following expression takes place: μ(0)ε(0)Gi=1, which means that Gi=с^2 where i is inertial constant, i=1,346*10^28[g/cm]; or k°=1/i=7,429*10^-29[cm/g]: k(Friedmann)/k°=8π; where k°=r(pl)/m(pl)=r(G)/2m(0); i=m(pl)/r(pl)=(1/c)m(pl)w(pl), w=[r(G)/r]w(pl). d.That is ф(G)=-[Gm(pl)/2c]w=-(½)[w/w(pl)]c^2=-(½)(√Għ/c)w=-Ф(i)w. e.w(pl)=(√8n')w(relic)=8πn'H; where H=c/L, L=8πn’r(pl) is the length of the phase trajectory, n'=4*10^61. H=1,72*10^-20(sec^-1). f.By the way, it turns out that the universe is 1.6 trillion years old. g.The area of the "crystal sphere": S(universe)~n' λ(relic)^2~n'S(relic). r=2.7*10^29cm, L=2πr. P.P.S.The inscription on the ancient Roman clock: “More than you think”.
The chief librarian at Alexandria, Eratosthenes, calculated the circumference of the Earth over 2000 years ago (250 BCE) with remarkable accuracy using pretty elementary geometry, finding it to be about 25,000 miles. Also, if one looks at the circular shadow of the Earth on the crescent Moon, one can deduce that it is indeed a sphere.
The crescent moon is formed by the Earth’s shadow, but of course, not the entire shadow. Both phenomena (partial and full occultation) are clear evidence for the spherical nature of the Earth.
He doesn't talk about black holes relevance to cosmology as if there isn't an important relevance, doesn't mention the Holographic Principle. And maybe the CMB is simply the temperature of the universe and not a left-over of a big bang, its gotta have a temperature around 3K can't be zero and that's by normal simple physics. The story in no way adds-up - 80% (actually more) of the universe is unknown "dark matter", oh that's just a constant in an equation. I'll try to post more about what's really going on on my channel.
Creation is a loop! Creators are going further & further into the distant past & turning nothingness into space & filling it with creation! sincerely the senior foundation creator! Note: I am not Larry!
in the grand scheme of things mankind will only last about a minute hopefully their will be enough time for this irrelevant lecture to be seen as the caveman mentallity it truly is
I will never believe in the expansion of space. A vacuum can not exert force on galaxies to accelerate them. Sadly, so much nonsense. 😮😮😮 Cosmology is becoming FICTIONAL, Alice in wonderland, Rabbits 😮
Youre missing the point. Its nothing to do with a vacuum exerting a pressure. Maybe try to expand your knowledge (pun intended) rather than derriding what you dont understand.
Expansion is a fact as attested by the red-shift of distant galaxies moving away from us. While we are using the JWST to observe objects over 13 billion lightyears old, expansion has placed them more than 45 billion light years away from us today. Vacuum is not exerting a force on galaxies, rather space itself is expanding, and that is placing galaxies further apart. Technically this is referred to as ‘negative pressure’ due to a calculated positive energy density (the cosmological constant in general relativity). Nature is not at all intuitive, which should be clear from quantum theory. Also, it is quite mind bending to see how small stellar remnants can be due to degenerate matter: white dwarves might weigh as much as our Sun, but they are the size of the Earth; while neutron stars weigh over twice as much and are basically an atomic nucleus the size of a city. Thanks to gravitational wave laser interferometers (LIGO) we can observe the mergers of both black holes and neutron stars. We have even captured neutron star mergers with both LIGO and conventional telescopes. It is not fiction nor nonsense, but it is still a bit like Alice in Wonderland, and it is mind blowing.
Excellent presentation, thank you!
1:01:00.In the presence of Λ(0) in Einstein's equations Newtonian mechanics is no longer a special case of GR.
P.S.The relativistic equations of the gravitational field can be reached intuitively, based on the Poisson equation: Δφ=4πGρ.
Now it is required that in the case of a weak field in GR, the Poisson equation is obtained, and this took place {by the way, a generally recognized achievement and “...a great success of GR” (Pauli, RT)}.
But only when there are still unknown constants in the desired equations: a=-1/2 (which can be determined using the equivalence principle) and, attention: Λ(0)=0!
Initially, in 1915, Einstein wrote the equations exactly in the form: R(ik) - (1/2)Rg(ik)=(8πG/c4)T(ik), i, k=0,1,2,3. , however, for philosophical reasons, in 1917 he added the unknown constant Λ(0)* to his equations as a "cosmological constant".
Modern speculations** with an unknown constant based on the equation: T(ik)^v=-(c^4/8πG)Λ(0)g(ik), where T(ik)^v is interpreted as the energy-momentum tensor for vacuum, then when there is no solution in GR for a completely empty 4-space.
Further worse: it becomes necessary every time to take into account the limitations imposed by the observational data on the value Λ(0).
*) - After Friedmann's solution (1922) Einstein discarded it.
**) - "A good joke should not be repeated." (Einstein).
0.Comparing with Einstein's equations of 1915, we find a=-c^3/16πG. Strictly speaking, in order to determine the constant a, it was necessary to make a transition to the Poisson equation. Thus, a rigorous derivation of Einstein's equations can be given.
1.The transition to the non-relativistic limit allows us to determine a constant factor for the integral of the gravitational field according to: R[(0)^0]=(4πG/c^2)p; Δφ=-pc^3/4a=4πGр.
And a=(1/16π)m(pl)w(pl).
2.Therefore, the Poisson equation can be written as: ∆g(00)=8πGT(00)/c^4, where g(00) is the time component of the metric tensor (for a weakly curved metric the time component of the energy-momentum tensor: T(00)~=pc^2).
3.This equation is true only in the non-relativistic case, but it is applicable to the case of a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, when Einstein's equations have only solutions with a time-varying space-time metric. 4.Then the energy density of the gravitational field: g^2/8πG=T(00)=pc^2 [~=(ħ/8πc^3)w(relic)^4=
=1600 quanta/cm^3, which is in order of magnitude consistent with the observational-measured data (~500 quanta/cm^3)],
where the critical density value determining the nature of the model is: p=(3/8π)H^2/G. Hence it follows: g~πcH.
5.Expansion is a special kind of motion, and it seems that the Universe is a non-inertial frame of reference that performs variably accelerated motion along a phase trajectory, and thereby creates a phase space.
Real gravitational fields are variable in space and time, and we can now talk about the fact that it is possible to generate a gravitational field in a non-inertial frame of reference.That is, finally achieve global (instead of local in GR) compliance with the equivalence principle.
According to the strong equivalence principle: g=|a*|=πcH [=r(pl)w(relic)^2], and
w(relic)^2=πw(pl)H. Thus H=1,72*10^-20 sec^-1.
{By the way, at t(universe)= πт(pl), w(“relic”) was =w(pl), g=cw(pl)=g(pl);
at 1/”H”= t(universe)=380000 years, w(“relic”)/2π was =3.5*10^14 Hz}
6.And а*=-2πcа/M(universe), what is F=M(universe)а*=-2πса=-с^4/8G=-(⅛)F(pl).
In the case of the Universe: M(universe)H=m(pl)w(pl)/8π=c^3/8πG=-2a (~ the "dark" const~inv), where M(universe)=E/c^2 is the full mass of the Universe, and the total energy E is spent on creating a phase-quantized space-time:
7.That is: Δφ=-pc^3/4a=
4πH^2; which is evidence of a phenomenon: spontaneous Lorentz transformations.
Δφ(0)/Δφ=w(pl)^2/H^2~10^126, where Δφ(0)=4πw(pl)^2; the “best” prediction.
P.S. Intra-metagalactic gravitational potential:
|ф0|=πGm(pl)/λ(relic)=[Gm(pl)/2c]w(relic), where the constant Gm(pl)/2c is a quantum of the inertial flow Ф(i)=h/4πm(pl) (magnetic flux is quantized: = h/2e, Josephson’s const; and the mechanical and magnetic moments are proportional).Thus, the phenomenon can be interpreted as gravity/inertial induction.
a.The basic formula QG of the quantum expression of the Newtonian gravitational potential is: ф(G)=-Ф(i)w, where w is the frequency of the quanta of the gravitational (~ vibrational) field.}
b.“Giving the interval ds the size of time, we will denote it by dт: in this case, the constant k will have the dimension length divided by mass and in CGS units will be equal to 1,87*10^-27", Friedmann, (On the curvature of space, 1922).
[The ds, which is assumed to have the dimension of time, we denote by dт; then the constant k has the dimension Length Mass and in CGS-units is equal to 1, 87.10^ ± 27. See Laue, Die Relativitatstheorie, Bd. II, S. 185. Braunschweig 1921.]
c. Apparently, the following expression takes place: μ(0)ε(0)Gi=1, which means that Gi=с^2 where i is inertial constant, i=1,346*10^28[g/cm]; or k°=1/i=7,429*10^-29[cm/g]:
k(Friedmann)/k°=8π; where k°=r(pl)/m(pl)=r(G)/2m(0);
i=m(pl)/r(pl)=(1/c)m(pl)w(pl), w=[r(G)/r]w(pl).
d.That is ф(G)=-[Gm(pl)/2c]w=-(½)[w/w(pl)]c^2=-(½)(√Għ/c)w=-Ф(i)w.
e.w(pl)=(√8n')w(relic)=8πn'H; where H=c/L, L=8πn’r(pl) is the length of the phase trajectory, n'=4*10^61.
f.By the way, it turns out that the universe is 1.6 trillion years old.
g.The area of the "crystal sphere": S(universe)~n' λ(relic)^2~n'S(relic).
r=2.7*10^29cm, L=2πr.
P.P.S.The inscription on the ancient Roman clock: “More than you think”.
The chief librarian at Alexandria, Eratosthenes, calculated the circumference of the Earth over 2000 years ago (250 BCE) with remarkable accuracy using pretty elementary geometry, finding it to be about 25,000 miles. Also, if one looks at the circular shadow of the Earth on the crescent Moon, one can deduce that it is indeed a sphere.
You can only ever see the earth's shadow on a full moon (I.e. during an eclipse) never on a crescent moon. Just sayin'
The crescent moon is formed by the Earth’s shadow, but of course, not the entire shadow. Both phenomena (partial and full occultation) are clear evidence for the spherical nature of the Earth.
@rockburst Wrong. The crescent IS the earth's (circular) shadow.
Just sayin'.
He doesn't talk about black holes relevance to cosmology as if there isn't an important relevance, doesn't mention the Holographic Principle. And maybe the CMB is simply the temperature of the universe and not a left-over of a big bang, its gotta have a temperature around 3K can't be zero and that's by normal simple physics.
The story in no way adds-up - 80% (actually more) of the universe is unknown "dark matter", oh that's just a constant in an equation.
I'll try to post more about what's really going on on my channel.
Creation is a loop! Creators are going further & further into the distant past & turning nothingness into space & filling it with creation! sincerely the senior foundation creator! Note: I am not Larry!
Data from 1924 has been debunked by JWST ... 😂😂😂 Lecturer should read more
in the grand scheme of things mankind will only last about a minute hopefully their will be enough time for this irrelevant lecture to be seen as the caveman mentallity it truly is
Thanks to social media, we've evolved from that.
We are bubblemen now, we live in bubbles and our bubble-mentality says they are all wrong!
@@worfoz and their bubble says they are all right
I will never believe in the expansion of space.
A vacuum can not exert force on galaxies to accelerate them.
Sadly, so much nonsense.
😮😮😮 Cosmology is becoming FICTIONAL, Alice in wonderland, Rabbits 😮
Propose your theory then!!!
Youre missing the point. Its nothing to do with a vacuum exerting a pressure. Maybe try to expand your knowledge (pun intended) rather than derriding what you dont understand.
Expansion is a fact as attested by the red-shift of distant galaxies moving away from us. While we are using the JWST to observe objects over 13 billion lightyears old, expansion has placed them more than 45 billion light years away from us today. Vacuum is not exerting a force on galaxies, rather space itself is expanding, and that is placing galaxies further apart. Technically this is referred to as ‘negative pressure’ due to a calculated positive energy density (the cosmological constant in general relativity). Nature is not at all intuitive, which should be clear from quantum theory. Also, it is quite mind bending to see how small stellar remnants can be due to degenerate matter: white dwarves might weigh as much as our Sun, but they are the size of the Earth; while neutron stars weigh over twice as much and are basically an atomic nucleus the size of a city.
Thanks to gravitational wave laser interferometers (LIGO) we can observe the mergers of both black holes and neutron stars. We have even captured neutron star mergers with both LIGO and conventional telescopes. It is not fiction nor nonsense, but it is still a bit like Alice in Wonderland, and it is mind blowing.
Ah - another unembarrassed Dunning-Kruger demonstration.
Matter in the Universe is made of protons, neutrons, electrons and morons.