@@tyromemiller8639Yeah Considering it's 100% AI written and Narrated, they couls just type the same prompts and update the length of the video they want generated. Two second fix
The time, the effort, the energy, the work you put into creating these videos, it’s possible the vastness of the universe is just a metaphor for your work and our appreciation
The video footage is used (without attribution) from other shows such as PBS Nova. The voice is an AI text to speech. The writing comes from pirated ebooks from torrent sites. Sorry to shatter your experience.
Ive always loved learning anything about the cosmos im the only one in my family that loves anything space related so i read watch and learn as much as i can "you tube videos" lol
Yes! A new Kosmo documentary! Love your voice and your content, always makes me so relaxed before bed. I watch your vids a few times because I tend to drift off and miss stuff :)
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms. Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms. Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
This universe was birthed by the collapse of the previous universe, which was also birthed by the collapse of the universe before that one. Eventually our universe will reach the limits of it's expansion before suddenly collapsing in on itself to produce another 'big bang' which will start the process all over again... ...or... In the previous universe, there was a planet that birthed intelligent lifeforms similar to human beings. They became incredibly intelligent, but arrogant and began to dabble with quantum mechanics and particle colliders. One average day, their scientists prepared to begin a new revolutionary experiment to simulate the conditions of the very early moments of the universe. With much confidence and determination, the leading scientist walked towards the control panel and pressed the Start button. There was a deafening sound, followed shortly after by a blinding light and suddenly their entire universe was collapsed in on itself with their planets core being the point of singularity. And then the next explosion would be known as 'The Big Bang' by the new space monkeys, who are doomed to repeat the same mistakes but this is the circle of universal life. It is inevitable Mr.Anderson!!! (I'm a tad sleep deprived, sorry).
Honestly after such a long long time there is something good made in terms of precisely depicting known universe great job it's very entertaining, fresh and full with knowledge ❤❤❤
Try history of the universe or another non-AI channel. I'm sorry and I mean this in the politest way possible, but this whole channel is AI script and AI voice, and stolen visual content. There are some awesome channels on TH-cam that are real humans and much better
We will never know what humans will be like living in the space until a child is born in space and scientist can study it and see what the effects are on the body and see if we adapt to living in space just like we do on earth
When we "Peter out," this energy keeps going and the next thing you know, "Boom!" We then enter another life form "automatically. " There are many types with respect to size, shapes, colors, and intelligence. Everything we see around us and beyond (is) the anatomy of ourselves including (all) life forms. 👽
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms. Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
That's what I love about yhis stuff, we are never going to know it all, mos, or even a fraction of reality. But what we do know....some clever folk out there.
I hope you will make a video about the periodic table and all the connections of the elements and their birth from big bang to super nova, hyper nova… etc thank you 🙏
Use AI like this channel does, just type what you wrote in the form of a command to an AI generating app and presto, you have your own personal tailored AI video, instead of having to listen to this entirely written and narrated by AI video.
20:57 I'm not trying to knit-pick, but in compact binaries, it's not the more massive partner to accrete matter. It's the denser partner. The denser partner has the deeper gravity well. Really good video, though. I really enjoyed it.
Want to live an extra-dimensional life? In many-minds consciousness, e.t.'s explained that at "plus-or-minus" light speed, we live in a vastly larger volume of time. To understand how that can be, you must remember that all physics is defined within a full universe wavespan/wave space. You can't define or encompass that in mind at mere light speed. However, at plus-or-minus light speed we can nearly instantly encompass and probe all complexity in the universe. The defining term in this is the full universe wavespan, or wave space. All else is merely fractions of the universe. Meanwhile, minds in the universe are composed of ideas and relationships. As such, at plus-or-minus light speed we can easily encompass the many-minds universe in a greater volume of time. More importantly, time, which e.t.'s define as extra-dimensional order-in-complexity, is the defining, goes-everywhere term in our equations. Once you realize this, you know that no place in the universe is at the edge of the full universe wave-span. Instead, we're all distributed out extra-dimensionally, and when we step out into universe-spanning volume of time, there are no things, there are no concretes in the universe. Instead, we're softly and gently distributed far out, across a greater kind of extra-dimensional time. How does that affect consciousness? It tells us that many-minds consciousness can be accessed anywhere in the universe. In other words, e.t.'s share extra-dimensionally in many-minds consciousness. They don't use money, and they don't engage in violent conflicts. After all, absent money and concretized, hence primitive ideas about the universe, e.t. minds encompass, hence share a vastly distributed, extra-dimensional mind life, wherein, when you think of a vast parameter or time, you remotely visit it. It's phenomenal, and it places us in a more interesting, interchangeable kind of mind life of vastly greater possibilities.
I honestly don’t think the universe has an edge. I don’t think it began and I don’t think it ends. It’s called the cosmos. This eliminates the need for a hairy thunder or a cosmic muffin.
Yeah so this is 100% AI written and narrated. And for a non-AI and much better space channel I go to History of the Universe. The AI wave is real and insanely saturated of TH-cam these days, and if you don't spot it and stop supporting it, real human creators will suffer. Hot tips to spot AI videos: You gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms. Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
At the beginning of the first Superman movie you can hear Jor el explaining to kal el as he travels through space to earth, that there are 28 known galaxies. That's what they knew at the time. Back in the seventies. Interesting isn't it
In the '70s they knew of thousands of distant galaxies outside the Local Group, but technology was still limited compared to today. So I get what you're saying though.
I'm intrigued about the idea of alternate universes with different physical fundamentals to our own. Perhaps we could exploit these differences somehow to create "gateways" to other solar systems? I'm sure absolutely nothing will go wrong if we do this and we will NOT upset the denizens of those universes by intruding.
No we can't travel to another universe, and if you hypothetically go to a universe with different physics laws your atoms will be disintegrated. This are fundamental laws of all universes.
Our universe is just a simulation of super beings (maybe Kardashev Type XX or XXX) and their programming restricts gateways to parallel universe, if any.
How the light from far off stars doesn't mix into a "nightlight" effect is crazy... Yeah, he said the milky way does... But look at all the stars that are easily distinguishable... It's crazy
Here's a fact i picked up. There are more bacteria on Earth ,10 quadrillion quadrillion, then there are stars and planets in the Universe- and by far. Fun fact
@@DreadPirateRobertz No,bacteria on earth are even greater then the 90 billion light year Universe we cannot see--much greater btw. Now if the Universe is infinite with infinite matter, then bacteria lose-ha
........Enjoying these viewing cosmic knowledge is for more advance over this & MIND BLUING "STAR" WIND's of "OUR" "ROUGE" & "LUMISETY" of "OWER" .................................................................... {U N I V E R S E} !!
@markshillaw3536 lmfao I love this channel and trust me the owner knows people nap to this. I will watch the videos many times and catch the full thing at least once. Don't police my speech
Thank you for this interesting video! "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim his handiwork." The beauty, order, and complexity of the universe is such overwhelming EVIDENCE of a supernatural DIVINE CREATOR... that is, the God of the bible.... that a child can understand and acknowledge that. There is much aesthetic beauty in and on this planet earth and the universe for us human beings to appreciate even in a sin tainted world. Thank goodness for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord's love for his highest creation... mankind! Love, Joy, Peace and Blessings to all!
Hi, everyone! Enjoy the viewing!
Oh we will
Thank you❤
Looking forward to science facts, thank you.
Once a month is punishing but I'll take it. Keep up the great work with your non-AI video's. 🙏 Their aren't too many of you left. 😢
Goodnight everyone :) have fun falling to sleep with some cosmic knowledge
If your lucky sometimes it'll spill over to your dreams
Make it over 3 hours and we got a deal
I’m telling you guys, I’m just here to fall asleep. 😂
@@tyromemiller8639Yeah Considering it's 100% AI written and Narrated, they couls just type the same prompts and update the length of the video they want generated. Two second fix
I sleep to them of course but I do come back whike awake and re watch usually listen at work.
The time, the effort, the energy, the work you put into creating these videos, it’s possible the vastness of the universe is just a metaphor for your work and our appreciation
The video footage is used (without attribution) from other shows such as PBS Nova. The voice is an AI text to speech. The writing comes from pirated ebooks from torrent sites.
Sorry to shatter your experience.
This is an AI channel bud....very little human effort goes into making these videos....now wake up and get ur shit together
It's entirely AI written and Narrated man, they fooled you sorry. These 100% AI only channels are saturating TH-cam at an insane rate.
Ive always loved learning anything about the cosmos im the only one in my family that loves anything space related so i read watch and learn as much as i can "you tube videos" lol
Woke up at 5 in the night and started watching universe videos !! Some day they will come take me there !! This is were I came from ! Let me go !!
Yes! A new Kosmo documentary! Love your voice and your content, always makes me so relaxed before bed. I watch your vids a few times because I tend to drift off and miss stuff :)
Ha me too space homie
is it an AI voice? These always sound off to me
@@xellestarI’m wondering that too but the accent is very specific so it makes me think it might not be. But who knows
@@ZachisSublimeAIs have accents now. No joke, even southern drawl. This voice is definitely TTS.
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms.
Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
Your videos graphics and size/scale displays/comparisons are amazing. Very comprehendable.
I love your graphics. It always feels so immersive!
Good job!
This is AI shiz.
Imagine just floating out there in pitch black except for star lights in the distance.
Imagine being in the middle of the great void and seeing absolutely nothing…
The universe is never ending.
I have probably fell asleep to this documentary for the past 2 months straight 😂❤😅
Great documentary though
wow these graphics make it so immersive
Absolutely ❤ the channel, the amount of time spent, the level of education and lovely narration with graphics. Just superb - a gem of TH-cam.
It's pbs nova footage with the text from an astronomy ebook. He's profiting from other peoples hard work.
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms.
Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
Damn I gotta smoke another joint to take all this in ! 🤯🤯
Open that mind
Get this: each tick represents 10 years in earth life which has passed by…. Now smoke one for me my friend
I had to laugh so hard when I read your comment !
Make it a big one!!
Perfect movie for tonight 🎉🎉
Yep! Gonna watch this while eating dinner!
No edge, No boundaries. Infinite and eternal. Why is so hard to accept?
Because the universe had a beginning
It's not eternal it's just expanding to fast we will never reach the end
Because AI told me so haha. The whole channel is scripted and narrated by AI
This universe was birthed by the collapse of the previous universe, which was also birthed by the collapse of the universe before that one. Eventually our universe will reach the limits of it's expansion before suddenly collapsing in on itself to produce another 'big bang' which will start the process all over again...
In the previous universe, there was a planet that birthed intelligent lifeforms similar to human beings. They became incredibly intelligent, but arrogant and began to dabble with quantum mechanics and particle colliders. One average day, their scientists prepared to begin a new revolutionary experiment to simulate the conditions of the very early moments of the universe. With much confidence and determination, the leading scientist walked towards the control panel and pressed the Start button. There was a deafening sound, followed shortly after by a blinding light and suddenly their entire universe was collapsed in on itself with their planets core being the point of singularity. And then the next explosion would be known as 'The Big Bang' by the new space monkeys, who are doomed to repeat the same mistakes but this is the circle of universal life. It is inevitable Mr.Anderson!!!
(I'm a tad sleep deprived, sorry).
As always, beautiful work ❤
I really love your videos! Thank you
Honestly after such a long long time there is something good made in terms of precisely depicting known universe great job it's very entertaining, fresh and full with knowledge ❤❤❤
Try history of the universe or another non-AI channel.
I'm sorry and I mean this in the politest way possible, but this whole channel is AI script and AI voice, and stolen visual content.
There are some awesome channels on TH-cam that are real humans and much better
I've not watched this yet, but Im sure it's brilliant like most of your other projects! Thanks
Stolen just like the rest
Lovely video and very informative. Best regards from Sweden
It's an AI channel my friend. The script and voice are AI
Thanks Kosmo! Best astronomy videos on TH-cam!!
Great haul! I need to share my goodreads lists with my family that's a great idea!
Drinking Challenge:
Take a shot each time Kosmo DOC says "Rarified"
Yeah because it's 100% AI
it would be pretty wild if sagittarius starting pulling us in fast
Fantastic mind blowing video, thank you.
Our Destiny as a species is to go to space and live there, travel with FTL, and join the chorus of the Cosmos
We will never know what humans will be like living in the space until a child is born in space and scientist can study it and see what the effects are on the body and see if we adapt to living in space just like we do on earth
We already are in space. Living and traveling through it too.
We have politicians so that is very unlikely
There's no such thing as destiny.
When we "Peter out," this energy keeps going and the next thing you know, "Boom!" We then enter another life form "automatically. " There are many types with respect to size, shapes, colors, and intelligence. Everything we see around us and beyond (is) the anatomy of ourselves including (all) life forms. 👽
space is full of creation! Creators are creating new space & filling it with creation! Sincerely the senior foundation creator! Note: am not Larry!
This is definitely a well made video. Thank you very much......... is it Alex ? 😎
You have such a way with words...
Fortitude is dragging plans fit for vkj
It's 100% AI written and Narrated sorry everyone, you gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms.
Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
🎉❤ always an exciting work day when a new video drops!
That's what I love about yhis stuff, we are never going to know it all, mos, or even a fraction of reality. But what we do know....some clever folk out there.
Thanks Kosmo these are always just amazing.
I dreamed I went to the end of the universe and a collection agent was waiting for me.
I hope you will make a video about the periodic table and all the connections of the elements and their birth from big bang to super nova, hyper nova… etc thank you 🙏
Use AI like this channel does, just type what you wrote in the form of a command to an AI generating app and presto, you have your own personal tailored AI video, instead of having to listen to this entirely written and narrated by AI video.
Nice.. Time to open this and sleep.
Great video 👍
Finally cosmo upload again 😂
It's a voice to put us to sleep not a video to watch.
No boundaries for the edge of the universe, possible that's infinite,our observation has limits
There are contradictions In what you wrote. Find them.
YES !! 😊
Good Thing We Live In The Suburbs Of The Milky Way 👍
It all arises and is perceived within the boundless Cosmic Consciousness.
The universe is very, very, very big. Like, the biggest thing I know. It’s really, really big-I’m absolutely, completely sure about it!
Big enough to hold everything we can see or imagine with room to spare.
20:57 I'm not trying to knit-pick, but in compact binaries, it's not the more massive partner to accrete matter. It's the denser partner. The denser partner has the deeper gravity well. Really good video, though. I really enjoyed it.
I see Kosmo i click ❤
We ll See ...We shall see
Vow, everyone enjoy the view. 😊
What a masterpiece. Pumped up with breathtaking facts
Want to live an extra-dimensional life? In many-minds consciousness, e.t.'s explained that at "plus-or-minus" light speed, we live in a vastly larger volume of time. To understand how that can be, you must remember that all physics is defined within a full universe wavespan/wave space. You can't define or encompass that in mind at mere light speed. However, at plus-or-minus light speed we can nearly instantly encompass and probe all complexity in the universe. The defining term in this is the full universe wavespan, or wave space. All else is merely fractions of the universe.
Meanwhile, minds in the universe are composed of ideas and relationships. As such, at plus-or-minus light speed we can easily encompass the many-minds universe in a greater volume of time. More importantly, time, which e.t.'s define as extra-dimensional order-in-complexity, is the defining, goes-everywhere term in our equations. Once you realize this, you know that no place in the universe is at the edge of the full universe wave-span. Instead, we're all distributed out extra-dimensionally, and when we step out into universe-spanning volume of time, there are no things, there are no concretes in the universe. Instead, we're softly and gently distributed far out, across a greater kind of extra-dimensional time.
How does that affect consciousness? It tells us that many-minds consciousness can be accessed anywhere in the universe. In other words, e.t.'s share extra-dimensionally in many-minds consciousness. They don't use money, and they don't engage in violent conflicts. After all, absent money and concretized, hence primitive ideas about the universe, e.t. minds encompass, hence share a vastly distributed, extra-dimensional mind life, wherein, when you think of a vast parameter or time, you remotely visit it. It's phenomenal, and it places us in a more interesting, interchangeable kind of mind life of vastly greater possibilities.
Considering this is AI written AND narrated, is not a bad effort for something to fall asleep to.
Thank you for the amazing enlightenment… Gotta be someone “in charge” !
I used to believe in the theory that “shit just happens” for no reason! What I’ve found out, though, there’s always someone behind the doing…. 😉
Dear add to your Sleep Playlist
The Truth Is Out There 👽
I honestly don’t think the universe has an edge. I don’t think it began and I don’t think it ends. It’s called the cosmos. This eliminates the need for a hairy thunder or a cosmic muffin.
Yeah so this is 100% AI written and narrated.
And for a non-AI and much better space channel I go to History of the Universe.
The AI wave is real and insanely saturated of TH-cam these days, and if you don't spot it and stop supporting it, real human creators will suffer.
Hot tips to spot AI videos:
You gotta stay sharp and listen for the off yet immaculately consistent tone, and the strange stray sentences like referring to the baby boom, and finally, weird repetition but using Synonyms.
Once you coin on to how all AI currently speaks and structures sentences, you can't un-hear it and you'll be more savvy to it in future.
There is no time for the universe as we know
Thanks for the upload!
I could watch these videos all day long after smoking a fatty 😂
Narrator is the grandson of HAL 9000
There is no edge to the universe. It is endless. Let your mind settle on that for awhile.
The cool thing is that we all came from somewhere billions light-years ago . A hell of a trip
Light years away.
We got this universe for free ❤
Hello fellow star jumpers, I'm ready to explore
I rewatch repeatedly ty ty
At the beginning of the first Superman movie you can hear Jor el explaining to kal el as he travels through space to earth, that there are 28 known galaxies. That's what they knew at the time. Back in the seventies. Interesting isn't it
In the '70s they knew of thousands of distant galaxies outside the Local Group, but technology was still limited compared to today. So I get what you're saying though.
@@JohnnyNiteTrainyep, technology goes up, and intelligence goes down. 🎉
I'm intrigued about the idea of alternate universes with different physical fundamentals to our own. Perhaps we could exploit these differences somehow to create "gateways" to other solar systems? I'm sure absolutely nothing will go wrong if we do this and we will NOT upset the denizens of those universes by intruding.
No we can't travel to another universe, and if you hypothetically go to a universe with different physics laws your atoms will be disintegrated. This are fundamental laws of all universes.
Our universe is just a simulation of super beings (maybe Kardashev Type XX or XXX) and their programming restricts gateways to parallel universe, if any.
@@Hyperion1722until you turn off the Playstation. 😂
@@bluemarble_YT lol. Not your ordinary playstation I guess. Could be a playstation a trillion times over in power and AI.
How do we know 🤔
How the light from far off stars doesn't mix into a "nightlight" effect is crazy...
Yeah, he said the milky way does... But look at all the stars that are easily distinguishable...
It's crazy
Black hole,,there is nothing there,, empty space
Its fascinating but also oblivion
The Black Eye Galaxy, should be called the Giant Squid Eye galaxy.
I m drive in peace ready
🍫 MILKY WAY ♐ Sagittarius
Glory To God and His amazing Creations.
Imagine believing in fairy tales in the age of information
Why our galaxy change his radius every dam documentary? 😂
Excellent video, one of my favorite channels on TH-cam 🫡
Here's a fact i picked up. There are more bacteria on Earth ,10 quadrillion quadrillion, then there are stars and planets in the Universe- and by far. Fun fact
Yes. With the newest variants now consuming plastics. Amazing.
Fascinating 🤨
In the observable universe maybe.
@@sethprice241 Big thank you to plastic-eating bacteria! 😊
@@DreadPirateRobertz No,bacteria on earth are even greater then the 90 billion light year Universe we cannot see--much greater btw. Now if the Universe is infinite with infinite matter, then bacteria lose-ha
........Enjoying these viewing cosmic knowledge is for more advance over this & MIND BLUING "STAR" WIND's of "OUR" "ROUGE" & "LUMISETY" of "OWER" .................................................................... {U N I V E R S E} !!
Perfect timing....I was thinking about a nap
Cmon now don’t be disrespectful maybe you didn’t mean it like that but think 🤔 before you type!!
@markshillaw3536 lmfao I love this channel and trust me the owner knows people nap to this. I will watch the videos many times and catch the full thing at least once. Don't police my speech
@ take a joke buddy no hard feelings yeah
@@whocares2214 take a joke buddy no hard feelings yeah
@@markshillaw3536 it doesn't come off as a joke
To think that the fusion of galaxies could be dangerous at all.
Really? Why?
We can never escape it(Universe) even in death,and somehow l am happy with that! Eventually we all go home🤔😉
Eventually we stay home.
The micro & the macro
A classic example of how little we know. Suggestions and specukation at best but little proven knowledge.
Nothing makes me happier than waking up to seeing a Kosmo DOC
The universe is infinite. It has no edge.
How do other dimensions fit into this be cause ive seen another dimension.
Thank you for this interesting video! "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim his handiwork."
The beauty, order, and complexity of the universe is such overwhelming EVIDENCE of a supernatural DIVINE CREATOR...
that is, the God of the bible.... that a child can understand and acknowledge that.
There is much aesthetic beauty in and on this planet earth and the universe for us human beings to appreciate even in a
sin tainted world. Thank goodness for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord's love for his highest creation...
mankind! Love, Joy, Peace and Blessings to all!
Thank you Kosmo, it's late at night and time for bed. 🫡
Food looks great, please change the background music. It’s feels and sounds like I’m at a funeral
Earth is nothing more than an atom within the universe. The universe is not an infinity nor ending. Our mind is infinity craving for the unknown.
Kosmo and Wanda
Thank you!!! I will do my own research too!! 🤩
New sleeping vid :)
We're but one second in Galactic terms?
Thanks alot.😮😅
What is that knocking sound at the beginning of the video
Mom calling for dinner.