فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون .. اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump). ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين. ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين. ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]." الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ الموقع لقراءة البيان كاملًا: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
@@mychess5821 Oz’s previous movie Longlegs had record breaking numbers for Neon so they’d be stupid to not release this everywhere and try to obtain the same success
@nicole.800 I think people will go see it. My hope is that people will see Oz Perkins' name attached to this and make it a success. However you felt about Longlegs, it did well, and I think we could see that again with The Monkey.
@@Thatonehorrormoviefan Yeah three pages or so, but I like the story too. Or how about "Survivor Type" you know, the guy who eats himself to survive. ^^
Osgood has truly crafted his own style and brand of horror, it doesn't have your archetypal fear or suspense but is something that succeeds in creating this horrible eerie feeling that just drowns you in dread and discomfort. More please.
Agree! he’s someone I’m def paying attention to. At first I was like’ ok this looks cool’ then I was like ‘ok yeah Stephen king and this looks pretty stylish’ and then I saw Perkins name and was like ok LETS GO
What a perfect JUST-A-TRAILER! Finally, they figured it out that showing the whole movie in the trailer is like sending ur pics to ur crush without any beautifying filters. Kudos 👏
@IIIOldSchooLIII it was so bad 😂 like that's why I'm not really looking forward to the Monkey I'll watch all the reviews online before deciding to watch it or not but Os doesn't know how to develop a story or plot line properly not to mention he's trash at dialogue his only real strength is contemporary and music I think he needs to hire screenwriters to help develop scripts for him
Underrated? Oz Perkins made it and James Wan is producing it *AND* it's based off a Stephen King short story? This thing is gonna kill it at the box office, dude. This isn't a indie movie lol
@@awesumtoast97 you saying it like OZ Perkins has nothing but hits under his belt. Stephen King movies hardly do well with ratings having more bad movies than good. This is going to be hit like the movie “Cell”, because Stephen King; said nobody ever. None of what you said means this will be a hit. Only reason I give it leeway is because the trailer was actually fire, and the film company doing it is Neon who is similar to A24 to me with production. So again, this looks like it will be an underrated hit in the box office.
@BearsInDaChat it has 3 million views in under 24 hours. Whether the movie is good or not is irrelevant, this movie will be a hit when it's released solely bc of the name grab. Which is what I think the commentor was saying. It's definitely not "hidden" and we will see it's a gem.
@@kangaroocourt9507 Again, just because it has “3 million” views doesn’t mean it will be a hit. The movie Firestarter had a gain of views and promise WITH box office actors and still did terrible. Nobody said this was “hidden”. Ya’ll just forming opinions off whatever you think I meant instead of asking for clarification. “Underrated” doesn’t mean it will be “hidden” or overlooked. Underrated means it will be better than everyone thinks upon release in my opinion just based off the trailer and it being a Neon movie. If this was a film by Blumhouse Productions? I wouldn’t be as fond of it.
My grandparents had one of these in their house when I was growing up. Always gave me the damn creeps growing up when we'd go visit their house. Awesome trailer
Osgood did a great job with Longlegs, and this one has a touch of the last film with a touch of comedy, I hope this is a great work too together with James Wan!!🐵❤️
Longlegs was awful, as was Osgood Perkins previous film The Blackcoats Daughter. Hopefully he can nail the dark humour and brutal over the top deaths in this.
This is one of my most anticipated of the year right here. I read this short story about 15 years ago. and very surprised that it hasn't been done yet. Finally, we get to see what the monkey does.
There was movie called "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders," it's kind of an anthology movie with only two stories in it but the second story in the movie is based on "The Monkey" short story. I remember watching it growing up and being scared by it.
"So it's just Final Destination but with a toy monkey?" Nope. Stephen King published that story two decades before Final Destination 1, and it contained the whole "Rube Goldberg" style of death. Don't get me wrong, that franchise is great. But there shouldn't be accusations of ripping off here.
@@Soredli They're saying the same thing about Nosferatu, claiming it's a rip off of Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula...when the OG Nosferatu came out before Bela Lugosi's Dracula, ffs. Gen Z is stupid.
The Monkey definitely predates Final Destination. It's my favorite story Stephen King has ever done. But it does not contain the "Rube Goldberg" style of death. That is new in this telling, and is likely directly inspired by Final Destination. The deaths in the original story are: Brain embolism Car accident X2 Falling out of a tree There's no reason to make things up. The Monkey did not invent "Rube Goldberg" style deaths.
I haven't seen a movie in theaters for about 5 years. There wasn't anything that was worth it to me. But, I'm planning to see this in the theater. A new movie hasn't grabbed my attention like this in a long time. This looks good.
I can't wait to see them adapt Chattery Teeth next. The story of a pair of wind up chattering teeth that murders people. No, I promise, it's a real story King wrote.
I love James, but you shouldn't take his name in the production credits as a quality certificate, I mean, he produced all the Conjuring spin offs after all
Yes, I was like finally. I thought movies all together gave up or forgot how important lighting is. Because lately it's been darkness = atmosphere trend. It's like no it doesn't.. it means I can't see sh*t! lol.
What do you mean "finally?" I wasn't the biggest fan of Longlegs but one of the main things I gave that movie high praise was Andrés Arochi Tinajero's bomb-ass cinematography. And then we have Greig Fraser over here turning into the second coming of Roger Deacon; killing it on every movie he's worked on for the past decade or so now.
Osgood Perkins keep making movies like this and Stephen King keep writing stories like this. I got hired just in time I am SO seeing this in Theaters 🎉
I absolutely love this! This feels like a movie that doesn't try to take itself too seriously unlike the blood and honey movies, definitely seeing this!❤
Oh I'll definitely be at the theater opening weekend! Osgood Perkins adapting a story by Stephen King, produced by James Wan?! Oh hell yeah!! This looks like a complete blast!
We got it. the director resents his father for bring closeted and his mother for covering it up. Once you know his back story it's really not deep at all
I found this story randomly as a kid and read it. It was part of a collection of stephen king stories in a book called skeleton crew. It doesn't have the final destination style death, but they did keep trying to get rid of it and it coming back like in the trailer, and every time it clapped its drum (I think it might've been cymbals in the OG story), something died.
@@Soredli they said 6. 6 will be bloodlines. Also you said it predates 6, which is true but I'm sure you mean the first film. 6/bloodlines comes out in march
Toy Story didn’t make that monkey toy it existed like 50 years before Toy Story. But it’s a creepy looking toy so it’s perfect as a villain or a horror a movie character
hmmm nooo.... you can USE the monkey Voice on ANYTHING.. wtf are you even talking about?? you DO know that the monkeys voice was originally from a ACTUAL monkey.... soooo wtf are you actually trying to say?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no actualy human can make those noises.. 😂😂😂😂
I've found that some of King's short stories have more emotional impact or weight than some of his novels because they tend to be tighter & deliver much more effectively because of the restrictions. When I recommend King to people, I tell them to start with his short story collections or one of his less lore dense novels.
@ I read Night Shift and Skeleton Crew when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 9. Skeleton Crew had a story called ‘Gramma’ that they made into a really scary episode of The Twilight Zone.
@@thebacklogisreal They also adapted that story into a longer movie called Mercy (2014) but it lessens the impact somewhat by drawing out the narrative & explaining things a bit too much.
This reminds me of those episodes from Happy Tree Friends where there's a cursed Golden Idol and everyone who comes in contact with it dies through horrible accidents. Looking forward to this!
She may have drank from the mug with the skorpion in it, maybe the poison is fucking her up or she swallowed it whole and trying to spit it out who knows
James Wan only produced this. Oz Perkins directed this and got it greenlit 🙃. I wish everyone would stop giving him credit on a movie he did not make. Also by that logic he gave us one already and it was the shotty 2018 one cause blumhouse made it
Ever since Toy Story 3’s release, this felt like a long time coming
omg it's the same monkey??! is it based off some brand or something?
Black ops 1 zombies monkey to attract the zombies
@@jakeh7876Yeah it’s probably a brand. Those wind up monkeys usually look like that.
Perkins has some tough shoes to fill if he thinks he can top that Monkey
@ Only recalling now, I’m pretty sure the Toy Story monkey played the cymbals instead of drum
Glad to see a respectful depiction of the terrifying life of Chris Griffin
There's an evil monkey living in my closet!
Osgood: Write that down! Write that down!
King, plays tic tac toe.
But the monkey wasn’t evil in Chris’s life.
فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون ..
اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump).
ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين.
ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين.
ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]."
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ
03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ
الموقع لقراءة البيان كاملًا: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
@@fulcrum6760Maybe the twist is that the monkey is just killing people by accident tbh
The color grading, sound design, and dialogue may make this an instant cult classic.
He does that in all his movies. If you watched long legs you’ll know what to expect
@NanaJuarez Dam your gorgeous I forgot what the trailer was about 😵💫
@@dfv.dlight2186 It's a damn bot, brother. What are you, indian?
“But…it was no accident. It was a monkey.”
Out of context, you’d think this line was from a Curious George book.
Or a Family Guy episode
Or the cause of a riot
@@grahmmo8595you just can’t help being so damn woke huh?
@@BillyGraysonJewelryok…stfu both of ya, That isn’t relevant to this 😂
Or a police description…
“Hello brother. The monkey that likes killing our family… it’s back. It must be vanquished.”
What a fuckin’ line. Chills
I know right? It's so hillariously campy, I love it!
When the other brother goes "Why don't you vanquish it Bill?" I nearly gagged 😂😂😂
didn't know monkeys had such dark hobbies.
I thought the dialogue was the weakest part of the trailer. It seems like a videogame.
@@myaccount9120 I think that's the point, to sound casual
"The trash is piling up again brother"
"Why don't you go take it out, Bill?"
I think Malignant and Terrifier paved the way for 80’s cocaine horror’s return. Yus
Cocaine Bear??
@@wiinterflowers95 Yes
A little on the nose, but yes...Actually, a lot on the..."nose" oh!
YES I’m stealing this what a perfect way to describe these absolutely fucking insane horror movies that have been coming out
@ God that movie was nuts but I loved *EVERY* second of it!
Sometimes you return to monke.
Sometimes monke return to you.
dangerous monke 🐵💀
I cringed. Cmon its 2025.
Time is a flat circle.
@@EinSophistry no earth is a flat circle
@@EinSophistry earth is
This film looks absolutely bonkers. Definitely going to see it.
Lol find yourself with no screening in your country 😅😂
@@mychess5821 Oz’s previous movie Longlegs had record breaking numbers for Neon so they’d be stupid to not release this everywhere and try to obtain the same success
@@mychess5821I fear the same 😢
Same here. Not only does this film look bonkers, it looks BANANAS!!
It's gonna suck ass
We getting another banger of a meme with the multiple "wait,wait,wait,wait" other than Punisher memes.
so final destination but with monkey...i like it
Toy Story meets Final Destination lmao
Stephen king made final destination before it was cool
Tom and Jerry meets final destination
was literally going to say this haha
AND its Stephen king
Damnnn... Robbie Williams wildin' fr
😂 that's a good one
Ohh so this is that movie they are talking about.
no cap on god fr fr
translate to english
Glad to see James Wan back doing horror once again! Keeping the American horror movies going!
I love how straight its playing this, yet so very clearly being tongue-in-cheek about it
Can you tell me what I'm missing here?
Yea it's pretty obvious the 13% are dangerous
Trump Era bringing it all to light
@@kevy_metalquite possibly a sense of humour? No offence.
Which one is it then? Is it playing it straight or is it tongue in cheek?
This is one of Stephen King's most bizarre stories. I'm glad to see it has been adapted after so many years.
Be gone, BOT
Is this bot AI? Contextual comments is crazy
@@quantumblurrr definitely
I can't believe the internet is dead :(
the color grading, the sound design, the dialogue, this may just be an instant cult classic
Noooo! We want this to be a success!
@ the only problem is, i don't think there's much noise around it 😅
but! the ones who do get to see it would more likely enjoy it (i know i would)
@nicole.800 I think people will go see it. My hope is that people will see Oz Perkins' name attached to this and make it a success. However you felt about Longlegs, it did well, and I think we could see that again with The Monkey.
Besutiful msg🎉
0:31 …yep that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation…
I thought the exact same thing haha
Giving me The Punisher vibes
Josh Bernthal
He did the meme
you are stupid? We read that in the video, no need to type it.
Ongod I was thinking the same thing
My grandson is very excited to see this he’s a big Stephen king fan and he says this looks utterly awesome and very scary.
If this turns out good I hope he adapts more Stephen King stories
I would love to see the short story The Man Who Loved Flowers adapted and hopefully give it more context since the story is a bit short.
Somehow more Stephen King seems unnecessary.
sometimes yeah it can get tiring, but his works are really good
@@Thatonehorrormoviefan Yeah three pages or so, but I like the story too. Or how about "Survivor Type" you know, the guy who eats himself to survive. ^^
Well, it's time for more high-quality, dark (without comedy-scenes) Clive Barker movie adaptations.
Osgood has truly crafted his own style and brand of horror, it doesn't have your archetypal fear or suspense but is something that succeeds in creating this horrible eerie feeling that just drowns you in dread and discomfort. More please.
...with a delicious helping of humor!
A perfect concoction
Sounds well suited for King horror. 😊
Thats exactly what i felt when i read the short story as a kid, sounds like a good match
Agree! he’s someone I’m def paying attention to. At first I was like’ ok this looks cool’ then I was like ‘ok yeah Stephen king and this looks pretty stylish’ and then I saw Perkins name and was like ok LETS GO
What a perfect JUST-A-TRAILER! Finally, they figured it out that showing the whole movie in the trailer is like sending ur pics to ur crush without any beautifying filters. Kudos 👏
You did see the entire movie's premise.
This is going to be one of the best comedies of the year.
The horror of humor.
Longlegs was so bad it was funny so I agree 😂
@@Model_Roe Dude, I legit laughed in the theater when Nicholas Cage first popped up.
@IIIOldSchooLIII it was so bad 😂 like that's why I'm not really looking forward to the Monkey I'll watch all the reviews online before deciding to watch it or not but Os doesn't know how to develop a story or plot line properly not to mention he's trash at dialogue his only real strength is contemporary and music I think he needs to hire screenwriters to help develop scripts for him
@@IIIOldSchooLIII it started off good then went to straight comedy
This looks SO good. The cast and creators are STACKED. I can't wait.
This actually looks like it might be an underrated hit.
Cult horror movie .
Underrated? Oz Perkins made it and James Wan is producing it *AND* it's based off a Stephen King short story? This thing is gonna kill it at the box office, dude. This isn't a indie movie lol
@@awesumtoast97 you saying it like OZ Perkins has nothing but hits under his belt. Stephen King movies hardly do well with ratings having more bad movies than good. This is going to be hit like the movie “Cell”, because Stephen King; said nobody ever. None of what you said means this will be a hit. Only reason I give it leeway is because the trailer was actually fire, and the film company doing it is Neon who is similar to A24 to me with production. So again, this looks like it will be an underrated hit in the box office.
@BearsInDaChat it has 3 million views in under 24 hours. Whether the movie is good or not is irrelevant, this movie will be a hit when it's released solely bc of the name grab. Which is what I think the commentor was saying. It's definitely not "hidden" and we will see it's a gem.
@@kangaroocourt9507 Again, just because it has “3 million” views doesn’t mean it will be a hit. The movie Firestarter had a gain of views and promise WITH box office actors and still did terrible. Nobody said this was “hidden”. Ya’ll just forming opinions off whatever you think I meant instead of asking for clarification. “Underrated” doesn’t mean it will be “hidden” or overlooked. Underrated means it will be better than everyone thinks upon release in my opinion just based off the trailer and it being a Neon movie. If this was a film by Blumhouse Productions? I wouldn’t be as fond of it.
2:00 cussing in church on a mic is insane 😂😂
That bit was hilarious though 😂
Its pathetic. Anything to glorify satan.
Is insane is insane is insane
@@williamshafer1996 Oh cry more. It's a horror film.
@@williamshafer1996 its a horror movie give it a rest would you
My grandparents had one of these in their house when I was growing up. Always gave me the damn creeps growing up when we'd go visit their house. Awesome trailer
imagine the toy monkey had human teeth and human eyes, that would juice up the creep factor.
I'm glad they finally released this trailer. I saw it in the theater last week and it still doesn't disappoint.
Doesn't release until February 21
@@MrCREWCRUSHIN95 I think they meant they saw the trailer in theaters
They have early screenings of all movies…. They already did test screenings for mortal kombat 2 legit a year ago
@@MrCREWCRUSHIN95 the trailer plays with nosfuratu at regal
This is going to be incredible! Well done to the entire team, especially Os Perkins.
Osgood did a great job with Longlegs, and this one has a touch of the last film with a touch of comedy, I hope this is a great work too together with James Wan!!🐵❤️
If you’re weird enough longlegs was pretty funny too
Longlegs was awful, as was Osgood Perkins previous film The Blackcoats Daughter. Hopefully he can nail the dark humour and brutal over the top deaths in this.
@@Quest4Horror Oh god I hated Longlegs! The opening was creepy but it went downhill after that.
Longlegs was good, but it could never live up to the massive press campaign, and how terrifying it was alleged to be.
@@Locusto199 The marketing was good yes but the film itself was a letdown.
This is one of my most anticipated of the year right here. I read this short story about 15 years ago. and very surprised that it hasn't been done yet. Finally, we get to see what the monkey does.
I was shocked as well when I read it 21 years ago. Seems a hugely missed opportunity.
There was movie called "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders," it's kind of an anthology movie with only two stories in it but the second story in the movie is based on "The Monkey" short story. I remember watching it growing up and being scared by it.
He is coming after us spongebob RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!😱
Monkey toy: run
Neon is COOKING THIS YEAR. The Monkey, Life of Chuck, and Shleby Oaks? God DAMN
2024 was their year. 2025 will be no different..they are just upping the ante
You forgot the long walk
Very excited for Shelby Oaks!
Oz Perkins also has Keeper coming out in October from Neon
heyyyyyy me was thinking the same
Yeahhy i was thinking abt that too
It’s a Modestep sample
It Is based on stephen King novels came far before then the substance
Another Stephen King classic. KING OF HORROR, you’ve done it again. ❤❤❤
Jon Bernthal iconic line : "wait wait wait wait wait😰😰"
All I could FUCKING think about
"So it's just Final Destination but with a toy monkey?"
Nope. Stephen King published that story two decades before Final Destination 1, and it contained the whole "Rube Goldberg" style of death. Don't get me wrong, that franchise is great. But there shouldn't be accusations of ripping off here.
Yeah and the gen zers are spamming in the comments about how its final destination with a monkey as if movies cant be inspired by other films
@@Soredlizoomers are Just brainless.
@@Soredli They're saying the same thing about Nosferatu, claiming it's a rip off of Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula...when the OG Nosferatu came out before Bela Lugosi's Dracula, ffs.
Gen Z is stupid.
The Monkey definitely predates Final Destination. It's my favorite story Stephen King has ever done.
But it does not contain the "Rube Goldberg" style of death. That is new in this telling, and is likely directly inspired by Final Destination.
The deaths in the original story are:
Brain embolism
Car accident X2
Falling out of a tree
There's no reason to make things up. The Monkey did not invent "Rube Goldberg" style deaths.
@@seankulbeth9614right why they blaming gen z + its just comparing not saying its a rip off
I haven't seen a movie in theaters for about 5 years. There wasn't anything that was worth it to me. But, I'm planning to see this in the theater. A new movie hasn't grabbed my attention like this in a long time. This looks good.
One of the most insane Stephen King stories. Glad to see it adapted after so many years.
From which book?
@@eyeseer1 Skeleton Crew.
@@eyeseer1 Skeleton Crew.
I can't wait to see them adapt Chattery Teeth next. The story of a pair of wind up chattering teeth that murders people. No, I promise, it's a real story King wrote.
I just had to look it up and omg you’re not kidding. Can’t wait to read that one. The fact that he wrote it five years after he got sober is amazing.
With the title, "The Monkey", all I can hear is the Flying Dutchman screaming out "The Monkey!!"
I think of Toy story 3 “ GET RID OF THAT MONKEY!”
Same honestly lmao.
The only reason I clicked on the trailer is because I read the title in the flying Dutchman's voice
The monkeys chain, the monkeys fist…… THE MONKEYYYY!!!!
stephen kings best story imo. remember reading it in middle school and thought it was amazing, very glad it’s a movie now lol i’m so excited
This looks awesome, can’t believe we got Longlegs a couple months ago Monkey next month and his Keeper movie in October. Oz is busy!
This is slowly becoming my most anticipated movie of the year
I like that this movie isn’t going for straight up serious, it looks like it’s gonna have some tongue in cheek humor and I am here for it
Seeing James Wan being part of this is what actually got me excited for this horror movie.
I love James, but you shouldn't take his name in the production credits as a quality certificate, I mean, he produced all the Conjuring spin offs after all
Finally, a movie with great cinematography. Just look at the use of lighting in these shots
Yes, I was like finally. I thought movies all together gave up or forgot how important lighting is. Because lately it's been darkness = atmosphere trend. It's like no it doesn't.. it means I can't see sh*t! lol.
What do you mean "finally?" I wasn't the biggest fan of Longlegs but one of the main things I gave that movie high praise was Andrés Arochi Tinajero's bomb-ass cinematography.
And then we have Greig Fraser over here turning into the second coming of Roger Deacon; killing it on every movie he's worked on for the past decade or so now.
You gotta watch some more movies my friend
Gotta watch some more movies bro. 2024 had bangers. Cinematography is Oz Perkins' go to thing.
you missed Nosferatu!
1:52 “HOLY SH-
Osgood Perkins keep making movies like this and Stephen King keep writing stories like this. I got hired just in time I am SO seeing this in Theaters 🎉
I absolutely love this! This feels like a movie that doesn't try to take itself too seriously unlike the blood and honey movies, definitely seeing this!❤
The ending to the trailer made me laugh out loud 🤣
Explain me
Oh I'll definitely be at the theater opening weekend! Osgood Perkins adapting a story by Stephen King, produced by James Wan?! Oh hell yeah!! This looks like a complete blast!
I hope that this film repeats the success of Longlegs.
Long legs was a hot piece of trash how it made money beats me. This looks just as dumb as long legs.
@@TheRoboJoJoYpu didn’t like long legs???? Wowowowowo
@@chickenandric3probably because the story was awful.
@@AlphaNumericNZ0 the story was good you just didn’t get it
We got it. the director resents his father for bring closeted and his mother for covering it up. Once you know his back story it's really not deep at all
WOW. Looks like they took that short story and turned it all the way up to 11! Can't wait to see this one!
Stephen King AND Theo James❤❤ oh my what a treat 😅
1:55 I have many questions.
Why in god’s name was the monkey a stripper?
Me when I saw that AYO
That will be 10$😂😂
I’m pretty sure that lady became part of the Benihana experience. 👍
Every horror movie this man makes, is an absolute masterpiece.
Name 3 not including this one
@@KSSBG Longlegs, Gretel & Hansel, The Blackcoat's Daughter
@ItsZeeerky masterpiece is a strong word but i guess thats your opinion..blackcoat was a snooze
christian convery who plays the two young twins is a amazing actor cant wait to see this (:
Loved him in Sweet Tooth!
1:43 😂😂 the music
Neon has proven itself once again.
To people with shit taste
Wdym bro, this looks awesome af
This and Presence, NEON is on a roll lately
@@Thatonehorrormoviefan *is* presence good tho? I hated skinamarink
james a janisse is gonna have a field day with this one
The director and writer of long legs, and James wan producing!! First day in theatres for sure!
I found this story randomly as a kid and read it. It was part of a collection of stephen king stories in a book called skeleton crew.
It doesn't have the final destination style death, but they did keep trying to get rid of it and it coming back like in the trailer, and every time it clapped its drum (I think it might've been cymbals in the OG story), something died.
what happen in the church why is he saying uh f-
@@ILYSM286 the way the body looks/how it happened. The death shook the community and everyone knew about it. Small town.
Lol, I found it exactly the same way in the exact same book. Skeleton Crew is still so great till this day but the story about Monkey is my favorite.
About time someone redid "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders"
Was waiting for this comment
@IanStark-du9jv you're welcome!
Rock n Roll Martian
Final Destination 6 looks crazy!
Final destination 6 death goes bananas
Or death ain't monkeying around this time...or is it?
It's based on a Stephen King short story from the 80's
This predates Final Destination 6. Also it's called Final Destination Bloodlines not Final Destination 6 but ok.
@@Soredli they said 6. 6 will be bloodlines. Also you said it predates 6, which is true but I'm sure you mean the first film. 6/bloodlines comes out in march
Dude reminded me of Adam Ray when he said "why dont you vanquish it, huh Bill?". 1:08. And now i just want to see Adam in a movie like this.
The monkey is from Toy story 3 and the voice at 1:00 is the voice of the toy telephone in the same movie
toy story monkey had symbols not a drum
Toy Story didn’t make that monkey toy it existed like 50 years before Toy Story. But it’s a creepy looking toy so it’s perfect as a villain or a horror a movie character
Its not from toy story lil bro
hmmm nooo.... you can USE the monkey Voice on ANYTHING.. wtf are you even talking about?? you DO know that the monkeys voice was originally from a ACTUAL monkey.... soooo wtf are you actually trying to say?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no actualy human can make those noises.. 😂😂😂😂
Bro I feel so bad for the people who replied to this comment all 3 of them are so lost
Istg Neon is becoming the new A24 back in the days with epic horror films and weird movies!!
Great short story. Strongly recommend this one.
I've found that some of King's short stories have more emotional impact or weight than some of his novels because they tend to be tighter & deliver much more effectively because of the restrictions.
When I recommend King to people, I tell them to start with his short story collections or one of his less lore dense novels.
@ I read Night Shift and Skeleton Crew when I was really young, maybe about 8 or 9. Skeleton Crew had a story called ‘Gramma’ that they made into a really scary episode of The Twilight Zone.
They also adapted that story into a longer movie called Mercy (2014) but it lessens the impact somewhat by drawing out the narrative & explaining things a bit too much.
This film will most likely be rated an 18 in the UK, but I can tell that even from a 16 year old perspective, this looks fucking phenomenal.
Theo James does a great American accent.
Red-banned trailer means Rated R in the US. So it'll be your version of rated r
All ya gotta tell me is James Wan and I'll be there to watch!
This FINALLY looks like a good adaption of Stephen King story....FINALLY. I'll be watching this.
Shawshank redemption?
The Boogeyman was decent
Green Mile?
Kubrick would disagree 😂
even his appearance at Toy's Story, he really looks terrifying
Perfect timing. When no other releases make sense, this gem enters and will probably vanquish its competitors.
This is the scariest trailer I have ever seen, in a psychologically scarring type of way. Genuinely can't stop thinking about this trailer now.
Must be the only trailer you’ve ever seen, because it was more of a comedic trailer than anything else. Movie looks like shit.
Were you born yesterday or something
Google ync horror if you want to see some twisted stuff
This reminds me of those episodes from Happy Tree Friends where there's a cursed Golden Idol and everyone who comes in contact with it dies through horrible accidents. Looking forward to this!
that literally what the concept is
HTF is the most fucked up thing ever lol 😂
The trailer itself looks pretty terrifying plus comedic. This is a must watch.
2:00 did her mouth just get bigger?
Im pretty sure it's crushing her insides AND tearing her apart from the outside.
What was even happening?
Her mouth looks like it’s gonna fall 😮
Had to watch it a couple times, but no. It's dark blood falling from her mouth, not her mouth opening wider
She may have drank from the mug with the skorpion in it, maybe the poison is fucking her up or she swallowed it whole and trying to spit it out who knows
This looks so good. So excited to see this film 😂
James Wan + Osgood Perkins = 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Stephen king going bananas nostalgia critic is gonna have a filed day with this one
0:24 That "No no no no" reminds me of The Punisher.
Instant cult classic. It oozes absolute camp and I am here for it.
“No no no no no”
“Wait wait wait wait wait”
1:28 dude is that the 'I'll call 199 guy' ?
Finally a very good movie comming this year. I hope movie sets the mark of trailer.
0:53 Ah, I see I you attempted the coraline strategy... fatal error.
The dialogue, sound design, and color grading all suggest that this might quickly become a cult classic.
The dead pan line "it must be vanquished" lollollolol
Theo James playing twins is my Roman Empire
Ha ha I’m old. I really don’t understand what this sentence means. But like I said I’m old.
I'm glad they showed everything good from this movie in the trailer.
Good? lol 😂😂
We have been chosen to watch this masterpiece
I CAN'T WAIT!!❤❤!!
Me tooooooooooooooooo
1:03 this tv scene reminded me so much of the poltergeist ending scene just gives me that 80s raw vibe
That was a AC unit
Stephen king 👑👑 the king of horror films
1:15 wai wai wai wai wai wai wait!
Punisher: hey thats my line
2:00 me giving a class presentation
Are you kidding? This looks terrific!
This looks 100 times better than Until Dawn!!!!
Your relating a pg13 movie with no trailer and only a "first look" to a rated R death movie
Como se llama la canción de fondo 2:05
Let the good times roll. Sin embargo, no estoy segura de qué versión. :/
Muchas gracias amiga 😊 @@kari4638
Cult classic vibes written all over it 😍 cant wait!
Imagine if James Wann or Oz Perkins ever made a Slenderman movie??
Good god.
James Wan only produced this. Oz Perkins directed this and got it greenlit 🙃. I wish everyone would stop giving him credit on a movie he did not make. Also by that logic he gave us one already and it was the shotty 2018 one cause blumhouse made it