Three years ago I commented on this video about how my wife and I wanted to have children but have been unsuccessful. This song was a perfect depiction of what was happening in our hearts. I am pleased to announce that 1 week and 2 days ago, my wife and I adopted a baby girl. God is so good! His will is good and he is always deserving of our praise! Love you guys! Thanks to everyone who prayed for my wife and I. Her name is Alice Diana Ray!
Ricky, most importantly, are you sure you're going to heaven when you die? John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
I’m 16 and Im struggling with depression, anxiety & an addiction to smoking weed. Today was the first day going to church in a few months.. and I’m so lost and I pray to find myself and God. Please pray for me.
Praying for u!! You are def not alone!! Not only is God w u always, even when we maybe cant feel Him He never leaves us! And you have brothers n sisters in Christ here for u too! Theres an app cld the Bible app(was cld youversion) n its been such a blessing n help in my struggle w aniexty too n helps me stay in God's Word more. It has Bible studies u can do by urself or w others n there's tons for aniexty n all diff topics. I hope it helps n blesses u too! 💜🙏🌻
I’m so sorry for your loss. I am going to pray for you and your baby. May God confort your soul. You are stronger than you think, you will get trough this. ❤️
Stay strong! My sister is going through the same addiction and it is really sad. Also my friend got through a heroine addiction, if he can do it you can.
Dear... Whoever is reading this I just want to let you know that you have what it takes to overcome any obstacles in your way. Don't listen to the negativity around you, don't look at your circumstances, don't listen to the voice of fear but trust God with all your heart. Submit your all to Him and He will come through for you, because He is greater and stronger than your fear, circumstances or the negativity around you!. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Don’t give up. God is in control!.💛
Thank you fir your words . My aunt died today, she loved hillsong and this is very much about her this song. God bless you auntie Teresa I love you always I’m pleased your at peace with your god
I lost my mother as well in April my birthday month I just got rejected at the college I wanted to go to. I miss my father I haven’t seen him in two years but throughout all this I will praise Him.
God is good all the time , he is around you , when you think he isn’t there he is always never forget that , god’s love is greater than you think , he speaks to us a lot but it is up to us to listen to him ❤️pu prayers go out to you
I came here to listen to the song with tears because I had such a rough day. And then after the song I scrolled down to the comments section and I felt the LORD reminding me that we are His sons and daughters and we are loved. No sickness, disease, heartache, bad day, death, demon, whatever it is that hurts us, none and absolutely none of it will ever separate us from God's love! He loves us even when it hurts, He loves us on our highest mountains and He loves us when we are in the lowest of valleys. I thank Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross because though we were deserving of death he gave us every good gift instead, He gave us life! Praise His Holy name!
Grace Danielle your comments are encouraging. I feel tired and when I scroll through the comments, feeling His Presence among His sons and daughters . To anyone reading. Nothing CAN separate us from God’s love through Christ Jesus. Because He’s with us even to the end of the days. Amen! God comfort and help us wherever we are weak! Amen!
Um hi? I'm 14 and I'm dealing with depression and anxiety and an addiction to pornography and I just ask for anyone who sees this to please pray for me.
GOD BLESS YOU, so it it is prayed for, so it shall be, in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY, Satan, all your evil minions and all evil spirits I hereby demand you leave CaptainBooper1 completely alone, I break all ties of evilness trying and bound to us in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY....AMEN AND AMEN
Im so sorry you are going threw this but i wont to tell you something you are not alone jesus love you so much these things are hard to overcome but you can do this find scriptures in the bible like i can do all thinks threw christ that strenghens me and god has not given me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind
"We're the best of friends, and I only pray for good fortune in everything you do and for your good health- that your everyday affairs prospers as well as your soul." 3 John 1:2 You've got a great friend in Jesus through the Holy Spirit just talk to him as if he's right in front of you ,because really he is in you, He will listen without judgement but with compassion and love. His love for you can never depart from you you just need to be aware of it and he'll wait until you're ready he's a gentleman like that.❤😍
The part where she sang: "Even when the fight seems lost, I'll praise you" just confirmed that even during this corona virus outbreak in the world God still got us and he shall deliver us through it all!! I shall not be moved because greater is he that is within us than he that is in the world!
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you". Psalm 91:5-7
My son died in a motorcycle accident seven months ago. A school bus took his right of way. He was 27. This song was the opening song at his funeral service. It is forever linked to him. I shed tears every time I hear it. At the same time, I praise the Lord because I know that Max and I are safe in his arms and that He is our refuge. Even when it hurts...
Praying overwhelming peace over you. I know nothing said on earth can fix the pain of what you feel. So I won’t try. But heaven is coming, run your race. He’s waiting for you at the end.
8 months ago, I commented on this video of how I still remain faithful to His plans for me even though I don't understand why He let that happen. Now, after 8 months, He just answered my greatest prayer. Thank you Lord for everything.
Allison, do you know for sure that you are on your way to heaven? Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist for how you can be sure :) John 5 24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
June 13, 2021 Verse of the Day This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 NLT
In my clearest most present moments i see that's all I am. So broken I'm not sure if ill ever find love or a wife but I know that God is carrying me through this life. I just wish I could cry more often. Please pray for me. I love all of you.
the rattles and the shock of life becoming real are the worst part, but the fear of dealing with life and all its consequences whilst sober can at first be crippling. I've just done a relapse prevention course and am only just starting to slowly commit to staying more sober after years of this illness. .. fun fact dude, your stronger than you know. as giving up drinking is scientifically / biologically on par with giving up heroin. keep going, and laugh more in your new found freedom. :) xx
I was born a Muslim in Iraq. I was worried and depressed, sitting and looking at the Tigris River in my city.Jesus' face appeared to me in the water and told me. "Son, you're not alone" And now I'm a Christian, and I pray every day at the edge of the river.Thank you Jesus for this grace. I'm not alone right now. Jesus is with me.✝🙏💖💖🙏🙏
Oh wow. That's strong. Looks like you were given an offer and reminder that we are getting close. Btw, I love Iraq. Bless you, on your journey. If I never see you in this evil world, I'll meet you in paradise.
Sherri Kitchens sorry for your loss. May the Holy spirit continue to comfort you in this difficult time and continue only to sing His praise even when it hurts
So sorry for your loss Sherri, 37 years wow! What an incredible gift to have had that relationship although im sure you are lost without his companionship now. I cant imagine what you must be going through. My best friend was killed not long ago, jogging down the side of the road a pick up truck came from around the bend just as she stepped around a road sign neither one of them saw each other or had time to react...The day I found out and for days and days after this is the only song I really listened to and even now 7 months later it makes me cry but its comforting too. Sometimes it really is a sacrifice to praise...I will be praying for you, God bless
I felt called to share my experience This past month had been very hard. My dad was diagnosed with cancer, my grades and job plans were falling through, and my roommates had caught COVID. It felt like I was barely holding on. I was crying and confused on the car ride home and wanted to give up. But God never fails. He never abandons us. Praise the Lord.
Update! My Dad was told he wouldn't need Chemo, my job plans have been secured, and my grades were lifted! Praise the Lord, because I can't do it in my own strength but his power is made perfect in weakness.
Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, they called him Master. Had no degree, yet called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him... He was buried in a tomb, yet He LIVES!
Lord it’s 12 December 2024 and I’m not yet where I want to be but I’m here to say Thankyou I pray 2025 I will praise you with a heart full of joy AMEN❤
This comment section makes me feel that I'm not alone in this fight, that I'm not the only one who's suffering. Anyone who will see this, please continue to fight, we're all in this together with God.
The comment section in worship songs are the best!! It's so beautiful that people would pray for one another despite not knowing who they are, to God be the glory!!!💖
He is with you, he will heal you. He loves you. He will not forsaken you, hold on and leave it all in his hands. I pray for you and that this hurt will be overcome by his love.
I've been saved for a year, and God has set me free from addictions and shame that came with that and did so many miracles in my life. I'm 18, but I still live with my parents. They think I'm brainwashed and last time they forced me to go home from christian event. I'm so hurt, and so hard to stay in faith when everybody (family, classmats, some friends) around me thinks I'm out of my mind. And I have these voices in my head telling I'm crazy when I talk about God. Guys, can you please pray for me! I know God is here, He is real, He has changed my life upside down, it's just really hard...
Eliza oh my goodness, I'm so sorry that happened, stay strong!! I know it seems really hard, I'm a sophomore in high school and a lot of the kids at school think that too
@@Cornerstone-z4d thank you! I go to youth evenings at church, where there are really strong christians. It's been really crazy, God has healed me, He had gave me gifts from Heaven, I have been going in streets to share the gospel and pray for strangers and God's give me His Word, like many crazy things with God. But thank you for your words! It means a lot when someone prays for me :) I pray that Your relationship with God get's even more deeper!
Remember when Elijah thought he was alone against the King that was killing all the priests, i'd suggest you to Read it, Never give Up, you're Never alone, Going through all of this is only Going to make you Stronger and maybe God allows all this to happen because He knows very well that you'll later need the strenght that Will come out of this, you're Never alone cause Our Almighty Father, the One that can save trough every situation Exists and He will always be there for you, stay close to Him❤
My mother died today .... it hurts but thank God, He prepared me. We were all dead, Jesus made us alive again. Bless our Great and Wonderful God. He is the best God. I live or I die, I'm healthy or suffer, (in pain) GOD will always be a Wonderful God.
You're an example of his love and life... Through all his unmeasurable suffering he loves and dies for us.... The least we can do is love and praise him through our troubles. Will pray for you Brandi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, my name is Marla, Jerry was my Love who suffered with cancer. After years of battle, he returned to Heaven in January 2016. I pray that you will be healed in Jesus name.
Brandi Mayo praying for you earnestly! You have purpose. You are loved. You are supported. God is pleased with you! Keep the faith! By His stripes, we are healed!
Praying for comfort and a peace that surpasses understanding to cover you during this incredibly hard time. I pray that you feel God's embrace over you and that He will fill the parts of you that are aching and raw.
He is faithfull he is faithful hold on to him he knows why how and he is the solution you will teestfy to me i swear ibeleive be firm in him i assure you that he is the way truth and light isaiah 43.:1-10
Our faith doesn't make us invincible to pain, but it allows us to cling to God-- who can ultimately take that pain and turn it into growth, into learning, into meaning. Hold on, guys. You're not alone ❤
Today I went to church after 5 years of not attending and today I seeked God after 13 years of not calling out to him. These songs have grounded me back to him, it feels so good to come back to him. I know that he will bless me and all will turn out well.
I am 18 years old and have been struggling with depression for years now. I feel so alone , but I know I will always have God. I am at a constant battle with myself. I do not ever stop praying, but all of yours will help as well. God will get me through this.
I’m dealing with depression for 10 years now, and I can’t help but feel how bad I wish I could hug Jesus and tell him, but everyday I pray and pray too heal. ❤
" Even when it hurts " Lyrics Take this fainted heart Take these tainted hands Wash me in your love Come like grace again Even when my strength is lost I'll praise you Even when I have no song I'll praise you Even when it's hard to find the words Louder then I'll sing your praise I will only sing your praise Take this mountain weight Take these ocean tears Hold me through the trial Come like hope again Even when the fight seems lost I'll praise you Even when it hurts like hell I'll praise you Even when it makes no sense to sing Louder then I'll sing your praise I will only sing your praise I will only sing your praise I will only sing your praise I will only sing your praise And my heart burns only for you You are all you are all I want And my soul waits only for you And I will sing till the morning has come Lord my heart burns only for you You are all you are all I want And my soul waits only for you And I will sing till the miracle comes I will only sing your praise I will only sing your praise I will only sing your praise Even when the morning comes I'll praise you Even when the fight is won I'll praise you Even when my time on earth is done Louder then I'll sing your praise I will only sing your praise
Reading all the comments made me cry , i thought i have problems but after reading all the comments i found that i dont really have problems at all, i pray that God comforts your hearts and souls just like he said in his word that he is more closer to the broken hearts.
The problems you are going through are just as valid. There's no need to feel like yours don't matter compared to someone elses', and try to downplay your hurt. You matter too.
Oct.1, 2019 I am hurting right now, i feel so lost. I have a lot of problems, family, finances. I am so afraid. Someone is whispering that I am not worthy, I am a failure. But I know God is bigger than this agony. I have my big God who will always by my side and that will never leave. I am almost in my victory, and I dont want to let someone pull me down. Thank you God for these trials, thank you Lord for this season. You made me realize that I must hold only to you. You have plans for me. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross just for me, to continue the fight here on earth. Use me Lord, to spread your Love and Goodness. Thank You God
God will give you the strength to push past this! Keep your head high and his word in your heart! I pray that you may feel him and stay strong. You’re loved and I pray for you and your family. That whisper is not true and you are NOT a failure! Please keep your head up and keep on truckin
Are you not worth more than many sparrows yet your father in Heaven feeds them all and not one of them is ever forgotten oh you of little faith. Do not be disheartened. He will certainly bless you. Keep your faith
With that faith, you will be very blessed sister. Rejoice! You're doing so well. It's only a matter of his perfect timing. He's placing all the pieces together right now. Remember the book of Job. I'm praying for your healing and strength. He has plans for you! Like this song says, praise Him. Even in the storm, you will be made stronger! Also read Hebrews 12 ❤️ think of all the things you should be grateful for and keep on having faith! Much love to you!!
Melissa Ochoa thanks for your testimony it’s easy to just see the people who are wanting gods love but it’s important to see when someone has received it, hope life’s ok, god bless 🙏
I was just diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer today. I don’t have much longer to live and I feel as though my world has been turned on it’s head and I’m not sure what to do. I’m so very scared. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to live out my life. Not to mention my depression and anxiety have been progressively getting worse since the start of the pandemic. Please pray for me.
Bella, I'm sorry to hear that :( but hey, most importantly, are you sure you're on your way to heaven? John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
God be with you every step of the way and i may not know you but don't hide away your beautiful smile. He listens and he sees all. Let your testimony be an inspiration. My prayers are with you Bella. Xoxo
I am 18 years old. I struggled with depression & suicidal thoughts from 13 to 16 years old. my parents have a horrible marriage and there is much emotional and mental abuse. I reached a point where I almost gave up a couple days ago. I was so low I felt like God had turned his face from me. but I went forward at church the other night to make things right. God is gracious but I have a long road ahead. please pray for me. I feel like not many people in my life care but this song, it means something. to all of us. together we can heal. praise jesus!
We will all be praying for you, and I hope that God will heal and help you through this and lead you closer to himself , heal you and form you into the person He wants you to become. God bless!
Mindy Snyder I'm praying for you! Hold on to God's glory to give you strength to pull you through this trying time! Only by his grace we are set free from all bondage and suffering! He gave His life for you and I so we can have life abundantly...I rebuke all these suicidal thoughts you are having from satan, to be taken from you and sent to the pit of hell where they belong! Lord pour your Holy Spirit into Mindy and set her free! Put on the Helmet of Salvation and read God's word to fill you with LIFE! Amen!
Your enemy attempts to stamp out your desire to live because he knows how powerful the love in your heart for the Savior is and what it means and what you are capable of in your identity in Christ. Look to Jesus, who has been tempted in every way, just as we are ― even to give up ― yet persevered because of how precious your life was and is to Him. You are loved and treasured. My prayers for you.
Mindy i totally understand..i lost my whole family a few years back, broken and full of emptiness i buried all 3 of them by friend i stand with you arm and arm as friend and family ever how ever what ok..message me anytime ..heres my email and i fb aswell....
To whoever needed this: Where there seems to be a full stop, God places a comma. Just because you're trapped in a fog, doesn't mean God didn't prepare a plan for you. Pray for faith, like the one that takes the first step without seeing the whole staircase, and trust Him.
I LOST MY FAITH 3 months ago and here i am turning to him and seeking for his Love i know i am not lonely i am not the one who is fighting in my own battle but God does❤️
Having NOT grown up in the church and NOT knowing Jesus for 24years... I dont ever want to go back. The world was not enough and will never be enough. I can FEEL the spirit move through this sister!! My spirit recognizes her desperation for Jesus. Glory be to heaven forever and EVER, AAAAAMEN
31:30 Beloved Amen to that! I too dont want to go back. For all my life i felt really empty.. until i found solace in God in June. My life has never been the same. Even though i have my ups and down, its always great running to Him and trusting in Him.
Take this fainted heart Take these tainted hands Wash me in Your love Come like grace again Even when my strength is lost I'll praise You Even when I have no song I'll praise You Even when it's hard to find the words Louder then I'll sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise Take this mountain weight Take these ocean tears Hold me through the trial Come like hope again Even when the fight seems lost I'll praise You Even when it hurts like hell I'll praise You Even when it makes no sense to sing Louder then I'll sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise And my heart burns only for You You are all You are all I want And my soul waits only for You And I will sing till the morning has come Lord my heart burns only for You You are all You are all I want And my soul waits only for You And I will sing till the miracle comes I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise Even when the morning comes I'll praise You Even when the fight is won I'll praise You Even when my time on earth is done Louder then I'll sing your praise I will only sing Your praise
I’m 15, I lost my dad at 11, my mom left at 5, I live with my Grammy but even she is getting old. My friends are showing me how truly replaceable they find me. I don’t even know who’s really anymore cuz I fear all of them will do the same. My loving boyfriend, he has a perfect family, he lives a life I wish for. He’s good. He has nothing to worry about. He’s gonna go pro in golf and he has a heart that will take him far. He doesn’t need me. The only time I really feel God is at this camp I go to where I live in the Bahamas. I haven’t gone this year because of COVID. I can feel myself plummeting. Drowning. I don’t know what to do anymore. I smile whenever I see people so they don’t ask questions. All in all I am losing the little happiness I have found after so many years of depression after the passing of my best friend, my father. Please pray for me. My future. My strength in these times.
Lesha I dont even know what to say, I know God uses adversity and turns it into good. And the storm you're going through is going to help you in another season once you get out of this. God loves you and your testimony is going to be amazing. Another thing is don't be jealous of others( I know its hard not to) but dont be Jealous of your boyfriend and his life because 1 in reality he's has many worries and isnt perfect, 2 you shouldn't be jealous instead ask God what it Is you want and he can give it to you. Cant wait to see what God does in your life and try to not worry because God's in control and worry causes stress and stress causes diseases. I pray that all things will work out for you, you are right where you are supposed to be. God won't put a burden on you you cant bear
Dear you are not alone! I'm struggling as well! You are loved. Valued. A queen in the eyes of your king Jesus! Your life matters. You matter! You are needed to make this world a better place. Prayers and hugs dear. Lean on the Father.
I want you to know that your happiness comes from within you and not the people around you. You have to keep believing in God and lean on His strength. Its very hard when you are down but please take it a day at a time and hold on. My prayer is for God to send you angels to guide you through this and lift you up in the darkest hour. You are never alone as you think. Even though people here never met you they are praying with and for you. Let that comfort you cause I know God led me to comment on this to give you hope. You are not alone keep praying and God will see you through. Take care and God bless you
Five years ago I listened to this song in pain. Now I’m looking back how far Jesus has delivered me from that pain. I’m just so thankful. “Even when my time on Earth is done, louder than I sing Your praise, I’ll only sing Your praise”.
I’m struggling with anxiety, and i’m having a hard time in school rn, cause there’s some days that i just can’t stay there and try to learn something. Sometimes i just wanna stay in my bed forever. But i’m here to say some things. When i first heard this song, i was so deeply hurt. I was literally screaming for God’s help. He heard my prayers. I was happy again. Then, anxiety took control over my life. Sometimes, it still does. But Jesus is my hope. Nothing lasts forever, and we need to go through some situations to grow up. To be a better person. Even when it hurts, i’ll never gonna leave God, because he never left me. Love from Brazil, God bless.
Proclaim that Jesus is Your Lord and Saviour, proclaim that You believe Jesus is the Son of God, proclaim that Jesus has resurrected and already won Your battle, proclaim Jesus blood protection over You, because If You are in Jesus, He is over You, and in You! God in You is bigger than anything else. Proclaim that anxiety (spirit) to leave You in Jesus name. Because if You are washed clean and born again, than You are free and new creation, but sometimes our soul, mind does not gets it, and we need to renew our mind and receive the healing, because in Jesus wounds we are healed. And sometimes enemy will speak lies, many lies over you, but that's why Lord Word (bible) is a sword to fight, and we need to put our full armor on - to understand our identity in Christ, that God is for us not against us, we are Children of God, God LOVES us soo much and He has so much grace for us. Don't give a place for the enemy. Pray that God reveals lies, bring them in light (tell your family in Christ if You need), and cast them away, smash those lies and replace them with truth. That's why it is vital to know what Word of God is saying, so that we could walk in our purpose and calling. And I have question, have You been baptized? Because in baptism in Jesus name, we are crucified with Jesus and resurrected to a new life. It's not a symbol, as people may say it, but a commandment and spiritual crussifiction, when You brake chains of sin, burie Your old life , that is required, if we want to walk with Christ. We are clothed in Jesus, when we get baptized. I encourage You to read Roman's 6 - all chapter, and left aside what people have told You, but ask the Holly Spirit to reveal the truth. And the book of Acts is a wonderful part in a bible, where they go baptising people in Jesus name, and living out their faith. But God's grace is why we get saved, but batism is important part of our walk with Christ, because we couldn't walk with Him for a long time, if don't get baptized. And maybe fast from food, but ask God when, how long and what kind of meal, beverages and etc. I pray freedom over Your life and that God could shine bright through You! In Jesus name, Amen! P.S. Maybe You know, but I recommend You to watch Kytia L'amour TH-cam channel, she is a real Christian and with a lot of wisdom from God! Have a blessed day! :)
I'm a teen mom, been in a toxic relationship for the sake of my daughter because i myself also grew up without dad and i know how hard it was to spend my childhood without a dad..... He cheated on me multiple times but still manage to manipulate me, but i ended it all tonight... It hurts so much and i regret all the bad things that i did in my past... Please pray for me and my daughter for his forgiveness and his protection
I pray that you find strength in the Lord, that he cleans you giving you hope and faith for a better tomorrow, that he becomes your daughter's father and that he may be and will be sending a helping hand❤ amen
i understand...i have no dad too,my parents divorced when i was young.Please dont give up,no matter what life throws,Jesus still loves you and is still faithful no matter what.Ask for guidance and help.God will never allow a situation that passes more than your limits.Rise,Child of God.You are stronger than you think.God blessed you and your children.Take care.Im here if you need me.Love yah💖🙃
I was ready for my daughter to be born. She’s 41 weeks and 4 days when she died inside me. She was stillborn but still born. I was so mad and now I ask for forgiveness. Lord, please take care of her. I pray everyday for her. I cry everyday for her. I think of her everyday. Mama will see you soon my love when the Lord calls for me too. I love you, Emma Juliette.
Even if my careers fail Even if my strength is lost Even if my life is down right now Even if i struggle financially Even if i fail in love Even if i have commit sins I'll Praise you 🙏 Will always be you ♥️
I was doing drugs for almost 20 years, almost destroyed my family and myself. One evening the God himself came to me, and has changed my life forever. I have stopped next day, started new life. I am clean for over 2 years now, living my dream and making my wife and little boys happy. I will be grateful eternally, and praising God every day of my life🙏
My mom has stage 4 cancer she is so ill we don’t know how much longer we lost my brother 4 moths ago and this coronavirus it’s so hard god you are so good please help us through this
I too lost my Mother to cancer, right after we lost my brother to an overdose. It can be such a lonely road. But we are not alone sister. The song Heavens not too far by we three is one of my favorites. And "I'll think about you" by messengers. Hang in there 💜 God is with you in every moment.
Candy Sanchez trust in him heartedly. He will listen to you. Talk to him heartedly. Ask for sign. Everything will be ok. I wanna hug you dear. You are not alone. You have GOD, you have me.
I lost my wife of 16 years to cancer last month. She was only 35. Since her diagnosis, she never gave up hope nor lost faith, and this song had been one of her rallying cries ... now it is mine. I try, anyway, it's not easy giving praise in this season
wayneorama prayers. So very sorry for your heartwrenching loss. I feel this reply is the only one bc when people see things this real and heartbreaking, it's hard to know how to reply. Just know you're loved. She is with you in spirit- & when your time comes- You'll be together again.
Our prayers are with you, please keep praying as The Lord will eternally and unconditionally comfort you and love you. God Bless, All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
I’m praising the Heavenly Father right now even when I’m crying and praying for healing ❤️🩹 for my grandma who’s in critical condition in the hospital right now but I will praise him.
During this difficult time around the world, facing COVID 19, people losing their lives, the lost of jobs, businesses shutting down. WE NEED YOU GOD!!!
"Listen to what the Spirit of God has spoken to me regarding this fearful season. I trust that you will also be established by His Rhema. The first thing I heard was this… “Your Father God uses strange warfare tactics that many don’t understand. He directed me to look at the Prophet Habakkuk in the scriptures. This confused Prophet asked the Father…. “how can you use the wicked Babylonians to judge You’re people? The Father replied to the prophet… I can use whatever nation or means I need to in order to reestablish & reset the nation of Israel. I believe He is also doing that very thing right now. A second thing I heard was that our God is using the sound of confusion right NOW as He fights by releasing “ a noise into the camp of the enemy”. Several times in scripture we see our God fighting in this fashion for His people. In 2 Chronicles 20:22… there was a noise of confusion that caused 3 threatening nations who were about to destroy Israel to actually wage war against each other. The Lord is even now fighting this pandemic in a similar fashion , I believe. There is a lot of noise. Don’t worry about it… “the Battle is the Lord’s”. It’s time for our Father’s kind of warfare and his kids need to know about it. Why Is our God fighting like this on the earth? … I asked this very question to the Holy Spirit and I heard these words.. “ RIGHT NOW, I’m removing False Gods off of the nations” Listen to Zeph The Spirit of God is working and fighting for stubborn souls right now. These are the ones who will soon come in during the Harvest season - a Godly fear will come upon them. He speaks out His heart clearly in Joel 2:31 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.” This is a way Father gets to the hearts of people who are bound in the world. If you can receive this word today - your God is fighting for you and your destiny today. He is working and fighting for the nations and for souls in a way we may never have seen Him Fight. But it’s Biblical ! Harvest Time is soon to fall upon city after city and nation after nation in the wake of this pandemic. 1. Psalms 91 : 1-2 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” - Psalms 91…. The shadow of His shelter can look frighting at times…. Fight fear" - Jim Paul Sundays 11am EST Worship, Scripture, Healing & Prophecy Live:
slay imani I pray god brings healing and restoration and replaces your depression and anxiety with peace and joy and hope to carry you through your life, god bless 🙏💙
I just buried my sister and best friend who left behind four kids including a new born son 😢 my family is devastated and empty right now, but even with this I will praise you Jesus because you know our yesterday and all of our tomorrows … this is the hardest thing I have dealt with 😢😭💔
That beginning hits me hard, she's sitting there getting ready to sing to our God and they're talking next to her but she doesn't hear them. She's focusing on what matters the most to her. Makes me think about those moments when I'm "hearing" my thoughts that begin to make me sad. I stop and I thank God for everything He has done for me, I ask for His forgiveness and for His blessing. I stop for a moment to realize how lucky I am to have Him in my life. I feel that I don't deserve Him but I still try to regret the bad stuff I do. I never believed in God, but since February I do and I am happy for that. Thank you Hillsong
I don't know you but I believe that one day you will have an opportunity and you will be capable and confident to sing both of these songs to Him. Don't focus on how your voice sounds like, focus on doing you best because that's what He cares about. I'm sure he loves you. Btw, He already hears you since he is watching out for you everyday :)
I'm bipolar and suffer from major depression and anxiety. I was raised to know the Lord but when my mental illnesses began to arise in my early teens I turned away from him. I didn't know how I was going to feel or be from one day to the next. This led me to use drugs from a young age. I'm an addict. It's a battle I fight every day alone. I've been sober for a year..thanks to Jesus who reached out to me and saved my life. Recently I have been feeling myself slowly slip away. I have given in to temptation and have been pushing God away because I'm so ashamed. How could I ever again let down our wonderful merciful Almighty God and still have his perfect love? You are truly amazing Lord. If anyone reads this, please pray for me. I'm really in a time of need.
Pure Love be strong, dear friend! You have a beautiful heart, God loves you! I don't you for sure, but I hope you keep believing, because the best is yet to come. Sending you love. I pray for you
Keep fighting. You are armed with all things you need to evade it. You have to let holy spirit guide you. You have to stay in your word. You have to get in community with a local, bible based, church. I'll be praying for you.
Praying for you now. Keep holding on to hope. He is there for you every moment- Just reach out to him and he will draw near to you, whisper His name when you cna't do anything else. Know you are His loved child.
Ephesians 6:10-18. The Lord is your strength, and once you put the full armor of God on, there is nothing you can't conquer. Know that you aren't fighting against yourself, but you are fighting against the enemy who doesn't want you to be free. The Lord is faithful and just to see you through to the end. In the end YOU HAVE TO WIN! Victory belongs to US through Christ Jesus!
Although it might seem small in the eyes of others, I’m going through my first break up. I knew our relationship wasn’t God honoring, I knew I prioritized him over my relationship with God so I asked God to take away things from my life that took His place, deep down knowing that I meant my boyfriend. We had a bad month of arguments and then he broke up with me and I was left thinking it was all my fault until I remembered what I asked of the Lord. It hurts to lose a relationship that I was in for 3 years but I know God’s ways are higher. I hope who ever needs it will read this and be reminded that God’s will is good.
Alexa cruz I think you worked it all out the way god wanted you to and strengthened yourself in god, I pray he brings love to restore any loss and hope to carry you on your journey with him, god bless 🙏
Trust me i faced the same situation and instead of crying I ended praising the lord and becoming closer to the lord day by day cause always deep down in my heart i knew god saved me from disaster :) god bless you!❤️
Alexa cruz Waw Alexa it will get better for you ..I a stronger than this’ll remember times like this and laugh...God wants to develop so he isolate you for a season 🙂
❤️Alexa Cruz I relate to you. I'm currently going through the same thing and I understand. Personally I trust that God is working to make it all better, everything happens for the greatest good.
I came here bc I just got in an argument with my bf, and I came across this comment. recently I have been very depressed and would cry all the time until I realized I would rather be shedding my tears even if their out of pain I’d shed them while I praise him my tears cried for my god. It’s kind of what I needed to read at this moment. I need to stop draining myself and leave it to God, he is my defender, I just need to get that through my head. I don’t need to stoop low to prove a point. God sees the injustices against me and he is my defender.
I love scrolling down to the comments, seeing how God really impacted peoples lives with his love. It warms my heart to know that God is saving lives everyday and people are getting to know our amazing Father and his unconditional love. Without Him I don't know where I would be, he saved me so many times. I will and forever praise and follow him. I'm only a teen, but I can feel his love every second of the day.
Amen! I am only a teen too i want people to experience the love of God and what Jesus Christ did for all humanity! Because of Gods goodness i am not afraid of the future or anything because we are being looked after by an Almighty God and it makes me joyful!
Amen, as a teen too, I feel the love of God everyday, and my faith becomes increasingly stronger each and everyday. I am in awe of Our Heavenly Father, The Lord truly works miracles in all our lives. All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
Me too but after traitorous backstabbing I can’t believe anybody anymore I try to but I feel disgusted and I feel like Me, my immediate family, and my girlfriend the only Christian out there
Oran Oranian13 Pray that you can build up your trust again, I assure you there are millions and billions of Christians out here. Keep praying and The Lord will always deliver you an answer, always keep faith. My prayers are also with you. God Bless you and your family! All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
i have an ulcer in my eye right now, im in extreme pain and in hospital and im 18 pls pray for me if anyone sees this. im scared i will go blind and i might have surgery aswell. Thank you Jesus , please heal the brokenhearted and sick amen❤️❤️🙏
I'm from India and I am belong from a Hindu family... I worship ideals and everything... Then my father died when I am read in class six.. After that many bad things I do in my life... But one day really jesus open my eyes, hallelujah... Isaiah 43 :4 for me you are precious, hallelujah and there is many verses.. My fav Psalm 2:7 - 9 😍.... God healed my mother, Amen... And I feel Holy Spirit hallelujah.... Now I know who is real God and he is almighty God Jesus.. John 14 :6......
Hi friend. You need help? Are you in a dark situation of your life? You are broken and looking for motivation. I hope I got the chance to show you how great God that he uses people to help us become better in our life.
This is extremely powerful story! I encourage you to continue seeking Him however you can. I bless you to not feel shame from others. I bless you that you have strength. I bless you that Jesus continues to reveal Himself to you in love!
God is a faithful God, he said he'll never leave us nor forsake us so, whatever you're going through right now I pray that God just deliveres you from it; remember he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, just trust him. Even if all you do is cry, keep in mind he heals the broken and he knows your every thought relax and fall back into his arms, surrendering all to him. God bless:)
It’s must be tough- and I know u didn’t want it to happen too. It’s okay not to be okay. Let all your feelings and emotions go out . If u want to cry, cry. If u want to go to your balcony or go somewhere and shout, do it. Let it all out. We’re humans. We make mistakes. Let’s just not let these pain , struggles & other storms in life consumed us. Let it out. I hope you’ll not condemn urself. Talk to someone . You can talk to God too. He will always listen. Tell him what u feel , what u r mad about. Tell him what u want . Ask for light , clarification. Ask for grace. If u need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to dm me @khaleydelarama on ig 🙂
"Even When It Hurts (Praise Song)" Take this fainted heart Take these tainted hands Wash me in Your love Come like grace again Even when my strength is lost I'll praise You Even when I have no song I'll praise You Even when it's hard to find the words Louder then I'll sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise Take this mountain weight Take these ocean tears Hold me through the trial Come like hope again Even when the fight seems lost I'll praise You Even when it hurts like hell I'll praise You Even when it makes no sense to sing Louder then I'll sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise And my heart burns only for You You are all You are all I want And my soul waits only for You And I will sing till the morning has come Lord my heart burns only for You You are all You are all I want And my soul waits only for You And I will sing till the miracle comes I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise I will only sing Your praise Even when the morning comes I'll praise You Even when the fight is won I'll praise You Even when my time on earth is done Louder then I'll sing your praise I will only sing Your praise
I'm broken , I'm stressed , I'm so hurt , but man .. I can't express how Good God is. He has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust God through everything that happens. Even when it hurts the most , I know God is always there. When I had no one to talk to, he was there and he was listening . Hallelujah to the most high God. 🙌🏽
absolutely agree with you. he will always listen to me and understand me. even though no one understand me. The God always rises us up. Really appreciate for your testimony. God loves you.
It’s been 3 months since I’ve self harmed. Honestly, I thought I was gonna end up killing myself one of these days because my strength was lost. I never used to think of God very much because my brother just passed away in 2016. I felt he didn’t listen to me. I would cry myself to sleep, I used to cut everyday. Not caring who saw it anymore because I screamed for help and no did, until... I one day opened my heart to God. I screamed and cried and broke down and prayed for about 30 minutes. Nothing happened that month. But, the next month, I saw improvement. I still have depression but, I know God will heal me again. Praise God. He is the king.
Hi! Just saw this and want to say that you are loved. To anyone who sees this, you are all loved. Jesus sees things in you that are worth dying for. God created you individually exactly how he wanted you to be, with a beautiful plan laid out for you. He knit you together into the person you are now, every part of it, the good and the bad. There's beauty in recognizing our weakness because we can lean on God who makes us complete. I won't lie, there will be times where we will have trials. I've never experienced depression, so I can't say that I completely relate, but I empathize with your pain. I hear you and what you're going through and am praying for you. You are more than the pain you experience, you are more than your bad decisions or mess up or regrets. God sees past all of that and sees you as you are, filled with beauty and wonder, intelligence, and an open heart. I've struggled with some anxiety recently, and it's so so so hard to fight back against Satan whispering lies in my head. It got to a point where I just came home from a long week of restlessness and broke down crying. But it was my friends who were there to pick me up and push me towards Christ and so I want to do that for you. I hope you're doing okay! If you're ever not, it's really okay to not be okay! If all you can give for one day is a baby step, then take that baby step! It may not be leaps like the past or what you wish you could do, but it's still progress. If there are times where you feel like you're back at square one, that's okay too. God forgives everything. I may not know you personally, but I just want you to know, I love you! Shalom
God loves you! In the midst of your addiction, God loves you. In order to see quick improvement, it's best renew your mind daily on God's unfailing love for you. You'll never know how much God loves you until you know how much He Loves Jesus. Because He sent Him to die for all your sins- past, present and future. Try listen to Joseph Prince message here on TH-cam. I'm sure it will help
hey, i feel for you and ill lift you up in my prayers, as someone who has also struggled heavily with self harm, depression and suicidal thoughts, if you ever need to chat, here is my email, i've come so far in the past year and God has lead me into the light and joy of his salvation. I'll pray that he helps you conquer depression too.
Lord please forgive my impatient. You are faithful. Help me be a light and stop feeling sorry for myself while I wait for your promises to be fulfilled with my husband and my children. In Jesus Holy and mighty wonderful glorious name!
At this point of life I'm feeling lost, weak and lonely. These songs are the way to peace in my mind. After an emotional day I am broken but, so beautiful! Thank you Jesus! God bless you! ❤
Get into the word and let it go deep into your mind and soul. Music like this talks to our soul which is awesome. The word gives us the armor, sword and shield every day so you won't be unprepared for daily battle. I promise you will get closer to God as well. The bible helps us to see who he is and we know him more and better and life gets a little brighter and understood. Wisdom grows and you are never alone and you know and feel it always.
Be still in The Lord He has already won the victory for you stay in His word and keep on holding onto Him. He's there He hasn't forgotten what's going on in your life you're His precious daughter and He loves you oh so very much
Just crying and writing, so in future if someone reads this, they'll know that I'm crying, I'm lost but trust me, even when everything seems lost and impossible, hold on to Jesus. Don't ever let go. He loves you. And he will make everything better and even if he doesn't, just smile and say Thank you Jesus for everything. Praise the Lord.
I'm 21 years old and lm so lonely, it eats at my heart everyday.Gods the only constant thing in my life and l love him so much, even after l let my emotions take over my life .He's there when l come back.
I thought I had worries and problems, then I read the posts below and my heart broke for so many hurting people....I realized..........I HAVE NO PROBLEMS, God has answers
Why does it hurt like hell right now? Because of God. He wants to glorify Himself through me. And I will let Him do it. I've given my life to Him, and what are now tears of fear, hopelessness and sadness will soon become tears of joy, hope, justice, mercy and grace... I live in You, Jesus.
Tirso Acuña Hi. I was scrolling through the comments section and your comment just touched me. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety lately because i feel loneliness and just empty. I'm a christian but i have those days that i feel lonely and sad. I cry each night. But this year, its different. I have been more depressed than ever. But your comment made me realize something. God is doing this so i can run to him. To trust in him with all my heart. I'm not the best when it comes to explaining my emotions but i hope you kinda understood it. But thank you. I finally got my answer. God has used you to speak to me. And i'm really thankful for it. God bless.
Kimberly Baliton I've understood what you said. Believe me, I went through things like those, too. Maybe I can't completely understand exactly what you felt because we're different people, but I did go through depression and really lonely times too -even when I had my family and friends around me every day. The last One I thought of going to was the only One willing to hold me, and I finally came to Him. It makes me really glad and thankful to know that just a simple comment -something I felt in my heart to say- has helped you. God wants us to run toward him ALWAYS, and we always go through situations in our lives that make us realize that's the best we can ever do. If you ever want to talk or vent to me, you can message me if you want. God bless you.
I have just lost my sister few days ago. When we had the chance to pray, she insisted to play this song. This song really reminds me of her. How she fought her battles with God beside her, how she loves whole-heartedly, and the way she smiles in her darkest moments. I love you , Ate Yen. Such an amazing Grace.
@@jasoneniola7916 Feel free to browse that channel for some good preaching as well. Sermons have titles so you can easily find what you're interested in :)
Love you brother, I’ll pray that Lord will continue to look over you all the days of your life on Earth. Until the time you’re reunited with her. That our Lord Jesus May imbue you with peace both now and forever. In Jesus name, Amen.
I hope she's doing okay, I hope god gives her a healing heart and a healthy one. Honey just pray and let god take care of it if she passes it's okay to cry, she will be fine with god! Just pray!
Thank you all very much for your prayers, after that day she got better and God gave me the gift of being with me for 2 more years. Today May 10 she left with Jesus, my heart is carnally destroyed but spiritually I rejoice knowing that she is no longer in this world suffering. I ask for strength and peace for myself and my relatives.
I’m 17 years old and I’m lost. I deal with anxiety and I feel sad all the time. One moment I’m happy then the next something happens. I haven’t told anyone but I’ve been dealing with it alone for years I always kept Jesus in mind but never really reached out to him. I’ve known him my whole life but I ignore him like he isn’t here. Some days I feel like he isn’t here and it makes me angry but I need him more than ever the only person I can be angry at is myself. I need Jesus more than ever and I don’t know where to start so I turned this song on and I am crying. I broke down and I realize I need him. Please keep me in your prayers.
Anxiety and sadness can be overwhelming, and it’s completely understandable to feel lost at times. But even in the midst of these emotions, there is hope and a path to healing. Your realization that you need Jesus is a powerful and important step towards finding peace and comfort. Jesus has been with you every step of the way, even when it felt like He wasn’t there. He understands your pain, your struggles, and your heartache. He is reaching out to you with open arms, ready to comfort you and guide you through this difficult time. Here are a few steps to help you reconnect with Him: Prayer: Begin by talking to Jesus in prayer. You don’t need fancy words or a specific formula. Just speak from your heart, tell Him how you’re feeling, and ask for His guidance and peace. Prayer is a powerful way to open your heart to His presence. Scripture: Spend time reading the Bible, even if it’s just a few verses each day. Scriptures like Psalm 34:17-18, Matthew 11:28-30, and Philippians 4:6-7 can bring comfort and remind you of God’s promises. Worship: Listen to worship music that uplifts your spirit and helps you focus on Jesus. Music has a unique way of touching our hearts and reminding us of God’s love and presence. Community: Reach out to someone you trust, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a leader at your church. Sharing your struggles with others can provide support and encouragement. You don’t have to walk this journey alone. Professional Help: Consider talking to a counselor or therapist who can help you navigate your feelings of anxiety and sadness. There’s no shame in seeking professional help; it’s a sign of strength and a step towards healing. I pray that you feel the comforting presence of Jesus surrounding you, that your anxiety and sadness will be lifted, and that you will find hope and joy in Him. Remember, Jesus loves you deeply and unconditionally. He is with you always, ready to carry your burdens and give you rest. Lean on Him, and trust that He will guide you through this challenging time.
I went to church every Sunday with my father when I was younger but around the age of 14/15 I took it upon myself to stop going. Afteri stopped going, my life suddenly went down hill. I got into drugs, sex, violence and depression. My bad habits were there because I'd given up on myself. When I turned 18, my father got my a crucifix necklace and I wear it every day. I started to pray and study the Bible, and my life took a drastic turn for the better. When I thought I'd lost everything in life due to my bad ways, God called to me and helped me to my feet. I guess I just want to say that if you're having a hard time in life or even if you're having a hard time believing, just keep praying and worshiping Jesus. The second you push the lord out of your life, you push away all his good plans for you. If your life isn't going how you want it, just talk to God and I promise you'll feel better. Everything happens for a good reason and the lord knows what he is doing. Jeremiah 30:11 "I am with you and will save you," declares the lord.
I'm a young 14 year old girl that's been beaten from a young age, scared and traumatised , judged til I start crying myself to sleep , and hurt by all the people I had around me. I went to a place of self harm, of not caring about anything and giving up on God but this year I started to except God back into my life because I gave my life to him at summer camp 2017 and my life has been changing rapidly the lord has saved me and my mum. I am so thankful like I can't explain it in words I had so many demons on me even my family could feel it around me but when I gave my life to God he protected me. I love the lord with all my heart and so thankful he found me in beautiful chaos.
Amv_videos, my prayers for you! It’s difficult to hear you have been traumatize through so much at a young age! I am glad that god is healing you, take care of you and lead you! Praying for peace, love, healing and faith for you and hopefully god will bring peace in your surrounding!
i was broken hurt and bruised. a boy with a broken identity, who believed he was born homosexual. the deeper the lust and the sexual encounters, the emptier i felt. Emptier and emptier. i had no joy nor peace in my life, i had a distorted view of what love is, and yet it did not satisfy me, deep down i knew that my lifestyle was wrong, but i was bound by chains and fetters, i started drinking, i started cutting myself to feel. my sexual encounters became more and more sick, and one evening, when i went with someone i never met and never knew, i hit rock bottom, i was so broken, i was so overwhelmed by the weight of my sinful life. i was sinking deep in sin, i was far from the Peaceful shore, but the Master of the Sea came and lifted me out of the pit of destruction. Jesus Christ was with me when i did the filthiest things, He was calling me back to Father everyday. One evening, the weight of my sin was so strong and weighed me down like a 1000 ton of cement, the Holy Spirit convicted me of the life i was living, homosexuality, alcoholism, lust, self-mutilation, self-centeredness, pride, lying... as I was feeling all of this, the Father manifested His LOVE, GRACE & MERCY to me through Jesus Christ. I never felt such love - He moved with such authority yet with such LOVE and COMPASSION. I knew that there is a GOD. Now saved am i, cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, i am dead to my sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. Now my life is a declaration to the Messiah, HE is The Way, The Truth & The Life. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good! Washed and cleansed by the precious Blood of my Jesus Christ! HALLELUJAH!!!!! Psalm 40:2-3 "He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; many will see it, and fear, and will trust in the Lord"
I'm so happy for you! I've also struggled with lust and almost lost myself within it! Always remember how great God's love, mercy and grace is! Love you my brother in Christ ^^
Thank you and grace to you my sister in Christ Jesus. He is worthy of all the praise. He took me out and I am so excited to see what He has in store for me, I cannot wait to get married to my beautiful wife and have a beautiful children. God has made all things NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus loves everyone even homosexuals because he has followers who are homosexual. you have an amazing story but no one should think Jesus won't love them because they are gay lesbian trans... God is good, not hateful and we all need to know that he loves and excepts everyone.
I'll come back here to testify. Right now my strength is gone, I feel the world is against me. I just searched for a soul lifting song. I'll sure reflect back here in few weeks. Amen
The moment I heard this song I knew it would forever be my soul song. As a singer and worship leader at my church I fell in love with the way this song relates to my life with Christ. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Leukemia and I've relapsed twice since. Things have not been easy and I accept all challenges, all struggles, all experience good and bad. I hope for the best and thank God regardless of my situation because I'm still alive 4 years later. This year was the first year I celebrated my birthday away from a hospital since my diagnosis. Praise God in and out of the storm.
+Stephanie Rivera. You know,God always ensures that I get a Word of encouragement when life gets hard. This morning going to Church, I was really feeling down b/c of life issues. I kept listening to Hillsong Transfiguration, Even When It Hurts, & When I call Upon Your Name, over & over again and I was fine for a moment; But when I tried to play them in my car, I couldn't get it to work which irritated me and I started focusing on my 'issues' the time I got to Church I was a wreck. But I thank Jesus, He knew I needed the encouragement and He gave it to me full force :). When I got back home, I began listening to the same songs again and came across your comments. I just wanted you to know I'm encouraged by your post! In the meantime, keep praising God no matter what and He always be the strength each of us to bear our life issues. Stay Blessed in Christ!!! :)
With Christ we can overcome anything the devil throws our way. Continue to stand firm during the storm and sing the Lord's praises. God bless you. This world and its trials are temporary.
Understand . I was diagnosed with SLE - Lupus in 2013. has been a very bumpy road since. I am only 29 and have 2 children and a step-son all under the age of 12. not easy, but I live 1 day at a time. it's all we can do. God Bless!!
I feel so complete reading these comments It make me realise that I’m not alone I’m not the only one going through depression I’m not the only one who needs god to save them So I pray that everyone give there problems to god, pray and worship and thing will start to get easier God will loves you now he will never stop loving you You are so precious and are worth everything Stay strong things will get better🙏🏼🥺
Jessica, most importantly do you know for sure that you are going to heaven? Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist if you are not sure :) John 5 24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
My heart is broken right now. I have been so betrayed that i don't know how to trust anymore. Lord heal my broken heart and fulfill your will for my life.
I'm here u b ok ok just not preying for me to or I don't think I should but I did and I wouldn't have changed it the first time I did. So . But dont lke no this song sung . Not for me to judge tho so ok
Too much pain, agony and anxiety 😭 I pray for God's comfort and restoration. I surrender it all In Jesus Name AMEN 🙏🏻🙌🏻😭 Even when it hurts I praise you🙏🏻🙌🏻😭
I didnt get the scholarship that I applied for, the results were out just earlier. I really needed that scholarship because we are very financially unstable. I dont know what His will is, but ill continue to praise Him and go where He wants me to go.
That literally happened to me , I was actually suppose to get a scholarship for this year I was so close but I didn’t get it and I prayed and I know he’s gonna make a way
Love that saying chris o connor i needed that thank you so much I after years and years clean almost lost my life last week from a terrible terrible mistake mess up I made It took emt several mintues to revive me
I know god has bigger better plan Just have get through this day at time and realize I was forgiven before I even hit my knees to beg him for his forgiveness
The night of my mom's passing, this song started playing on my speaker in the middle of the night and while I was startled from my sleep, I believe it was a gentle reminder that despite the situation, God is still good and worthy of praise in every situation! My absolute favorite song.
I recently had a miscarriage. It hurts so badly I can’t breathe. It’s hard to not think about the pain when my sister in law and I were pregnant at the same time and are living together. Now I just have to witness her healthy pregnancy while grieving for the loss of mine. I’m happy for her, but being around her ... constantly keeps my mind on the pain. I know that God will bless me with a healthy baby one day. But until then I will praise him, even when it hurts.
Praying for you. Having a dream and vision that is already fulfilling itself and then learning that all of this is slowly dissolving into a nightmare is very hard. Especially when we have already planned out things and share our happiness with others. I can only imagine how incredibly hard it must be to share her happiness. You desperately want to be happy, but you just can't. It is hard to mourn for someone you have never met, but deep down you knew that this little human being was already a part of you. Your grievance is part of the journey. I hope you will find comfort in knowing that God will bless you with a child one day, and courage in finding happiness though it might seem impossible.
Remember God has a plan for your baby. If he took this one he knows the best for the baby. And God is faithful he'll definitely bless you with another very very beautiful baby who'll love the Lord wholeheartedly. I'll hold you in prayers sister. ❤️
Cannot tell you how much I know what this feels like.. The pain and the loss almost took me out.. But through ALL OF IT God was always, always close.. It was a raw and excutiatingly painful time, but He was there with me, reminding me He loved me and that He was weeping with me.. During this time I burried my self into Him.. No one could help me or have words to console me.. But He did.. He strengthened me and He carried me.. The days I couldn't emotionally manage, the despair that would come, the anger I would feel, the unfairness of life, the beating of my fists into my pillow pretending it was His chest, and the moments I felt like I couldn't breath.. - He was there. He carried me.. When I couldn't 'anything' He was still there giving me strength and telling me it's gonna be ok. He is with you just as he was with me.. Cling to him, no matter how much it hurts.. By HIS Spirit He will personally sit you at His table and spoon feed you when you can't feed yourself.. He'll wipe your tears and nose when you won't.. He'll let you fall asleep in moments of peace (thats how you'll know he's holding you).. And He'll strengthen you with His strong and gentle hands.. In time your heart will heal.. In time, new life will grow within you, and you'll hold a new promise in your arms.. ❤
Three years ago I commented on this video about how my wife and I wanted to have children but have been unsuccessful. This song was a perfect depiction of what was happening in our hearts. I am pleased to announce that 1 week and 2 days ago, my wife and I adopted a baby girl. God is so good! His will is good and he is always deserving of our praise! Love you guys! Thanks to everyone who prayed for my wife and I. Her name is Alice Diana Ray!
Ricky, most importantly, are you sure you're going to heaven when you die?
John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
@@myslav1805 wdym
Hi Alice 🤗🙏🙏🕊️💐💐💐💐🛡️📖🗡️⚔️
I’m 16 and Im struggling with depression, anxiety & an addiction to smoking weed. Today was the first day going to church in a few months.. and I’m so lost and I pray to find myself and God. Please pray for me.
This will help you:
Please watch, it's just the gospel :)
God loves u so much n even wen it feels impossible with the weed with him everything is possible if u ever wanna talk im here
Praying for u!! You are def not alone!! Not only is God w u always, even when we maybe cant feel Him He never leaves us! And you have brothers n sisters in Christ here for u too!
Theres an app cld the Bible app(was cld youversion) n its been such a blessing n help in my struggle w aniexty too n helps me stay in God's Word more. It has Bible studies u can do by urself or w others n there's tons for aniexty n all diff topics. I hope it helps n blesses u too! 💜🙏🌻
Prayers bbg u got this🥺
Praying for you
I lost my 19 month old baby. I sang this song at his funeral. God is good, even when we can’t understand.
I am sorry for your loss.. No words to comfort. Only faith. I hope you are okay, at peace💜
I am so sorry. I pray you get the strength to fight through.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I am going to pray for you and your baby. May God confort your soul. You are stronger than you think, you will get trough this. ❤️
Heaven has gained an angel . This battle was not yours to fight . God has it covered ❤️ god loves you .
Praying for you. Sending love
I'm 3 days clean from meth addictions, and even I've got so many demons around me I believe He's holding my hands and I ALWAYS SEEK YOUR FACE...
AMEN BROTHER! I pray you are a month clean now!! Bless you my brother the Lord is for you!!!!!
Keep it up. God is your strength. I’m praying for you
Dont give up. You got this.
Stay strong brother 💪 it's possible, much love always, and God bless u
Stay strong! My sister is going through the same addiction and it is really sad. Also my friend got through a heroine addiction, if he can do it you can.
Dear... Whoever is reading this I just want to let you know that you have what it takes to overcome any obstacles in your way. Don't listen to the negativity around you, don't look at your circumstances, don't listen to the voice of fear but trust God with all your heart. Submit your all to Him and He will come through for you, because He is greater and stronger than your fear, circumstances or the negativity around you!. Don’t let your heart be troubled. Don’t give up. God is in control!.💛
Thank u very much.
Thank you, it help me a lot 😭💕
You just made my cry. God bless you, you are a wonderful person!
Thank you 💕❤️ God Bless.
Thank you fir your words .
My aunt died today, she loved hillsong and this is very much about her this song. God bless you auntie Teresa I love you always I’m pleased your at peace with your god
Lost my mother this week. I'm here because God is always Good. Peace love and light to all
Stay strong ❤️ hope you’re doing well
I bless you with peace and love and joy. That Holy Spirit floods you with His love in Jesus name ❤️ God is always good! You will see her again ❤️❤️
I lost my mother as well in April my birthday month I just got rejected at the college I wanted to go to. I miss my father I haven’t seen him in two years but throughout all this I will praise Him.
@@lauramoyo stay strong 💕 God loves you. Never lose hope. ❤
God is good all the time , he is around you , when you think he isn’t there he is always never forget that , god’s love is greater than you think , he speaks to us a lot but it is up to us to listen to him ❤️pu prayers go out to you
Is there anyone still listening to this beautiful song with me on 2024.?
I be listening 23 and here I am still 24 this will never get old
Me 👋🏻
I came here to listen to the song with tears because I had such a rough day. And then after the song I scrolled down to the comments section and I felt the LORD reminding me that we are His sons and daughters and we are loved. No sickness, disease, heartache, bad day, death, demon, whatever it is that hurts us, none and absolutely none of it will ever separate us from God's love! He loves us even when it hurts, He loves us on our highest mountains and He loves us when we are in the lowest of valleys. I thank Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross because though we were deserving of death he gave us every good gift instead, He gave us life! Praise His Holy name!
Grace Danielle your comments are encouraging.
I feel tired and when I scroll through the comments, feeling His Presence among His sons and daughters .
To anyone reading.
Nothing CAN separate us from God’s love through Christ Jesus.
Because He’s with us even to the end of the days.
God comfort and help us wherever we are weak!
@@gachafan1890 Amen! God richly bless you!
@Sheena Gail Thank you so much! I wish the same for you, God richly bless you!
Sheena Gail I am. Thanks for praying.
God bless you.
Um hi? I'm 14 and I'm dealing with depression and anxiety and an addiction to pornography and I just ask for anyone who sees this to please pray for me.
CaptainBooper1 God bless ur heart.. keep the faith runnin.. praying for u
GOD BLESS YOU, so it it is prayed for, so it shall be, in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY, Satan, all your evil minions and all evil spirits I hereby demand you leave CaptainBooper1 completely alone, I break all ties of evilness trying and bound to us in the name of GOD ALMIGHTY....AMEN AND AMEN
Im so sorry you are going threw this but i wont to tell you something you are not alone jesus love you so much these things are hard to overcome but you can do this find scriptures in the bible like i can do all thinks threw christ that strenghens me and god has not given me the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind
"We're the best of friends, and I only pray for good fortune in everything you do and for your good health- that your everyday affairs prospers as well as your soul." 3 John 1:2
You've got a great friend in Jesus through the Holy Spirit just talk to him as if he's right in front of you ,because really he is in you, He will listen without judgement but with compassion and love. His love for you can never depart from you you just need to be aware of it and he'll wait until you're ready he's a gentleman like that.❤😍
CaptainBooper1 I pray for you!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️
The part where she sang: "Even when the fight seems lost, I'll praise you" just confirmed that even during this corona virus outbreak in the world God still got us and he shall deliver us through it all!!
I shall not be moved because greater is he that is within us than he that is in the world!
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you". Psalm 91:5-7
I really did felt that part.
Let's storm the heaven with prayers.
What if the rapture already came, and were already living in hell?
My son died in a motorcycle accident seven months ago. A school bus took his right of way. He was 27. This song was the opening song at his funeral service. It is forever linked to him. I shed tears every time I hear it. At the same time, I praise the Lord because I know that Max and I are safe in his arms and that He is our refuge. Even when it hurts...
So sorry for your loss 😭
tout mon soutien au nom d ecelui de Notre Dieu et d son Fils
Praying overwhelming peace over you. I know nothing said on earth can fix the pain of what you feel. So I won’t try. But heaven is coming, run your race. He’s waiting for you at the end.
Thanks a lot❤@@amandawith4958
I don’t understand His plans right now, but I will always praise Him.
Amen 🙏
Give it time, you will ❤
8 months ago, I commented on this video of how I still remain faithful to His plans for me even though I don't understand why He let that happen. Now, after 8 months, He just answered my greatest prayer. Thank you Lord for everything.
I don’t know what happens if churches are full 😑
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit" Psalms 34:18
Allison, do you know for sure that you are on your way to heaven? Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist for how you can be sure :)
John 5
24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
June 13, 2021
Verse of the Day
This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:25-27 NLT
Y’all people are amazing I love y’all sm and yk just got off a break up but I hope it goes all good
@@isa15king5 I hope that whatever chaos you feel at that point would turn to serenity for your heart💜
In my clearest most present moments i see that's all I am. So broken I'm not sure if ill ever find love or a wife but I know that God is carrying me through this life. I just wish I could cry more often. Please pray for me. I love all of you.
So far I'm 42 days without alcohol. And I feel better since then
joshua perez The waves of craving will come
Keep going, keep praying 🙏
That's wanderful!!!! Keep going
the rattles and the shock of life becoming real are the worst part, but the fear of dealing with life and all its consequences whilst sober can at first be crippling. I've just done a relapse prevention course and am only just starting to slowly commit to staying more sober after years of this illness. .. fun fact dude, your stronger than you know. as giving up drinking is scientifically / biologically on par with giving up heroin. keep going, and laugh more in your new found freedom. :) xx
Spirit be with you Joshua Perez, You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you
I was born a Muslim in Iraq. I was worried and depressed, sitting and looking at the Tigris River in my city.Jesus' face appeared to me in the water and told me. "Son, you're not alone" And now I'm a Christian, and I pray every day at the edge of the river.Thank you Jesus for this grace. I'm not alone right now. Jesus is with me.✝🙏💖💖🙏🙏
May Jesus BLESS you and keep you, He loves US so with unfailing love ❤
Oh wow. That's strong. Looks like you were given an offer and reminder that we are getting close. Btw, I love Iraq. Bless you, on your journey. If I never see you in this evil world, I'll meet you in paradise.
Amen, stay safe !
I recently lost my husband to cancer. We were together for 37 years. I have played this song over and again.
sorry for your loss...the lord is with you and your husband is safe in heaven.may he rest in peace. keep praying
Sherri Kitchens sorry for your loss. May the Holy spirit continue to comfort you in this difficult time and continue only to sing His praise even when it hurts
Sherri Kitchens Praying for you, GOD BLESS!!!
So sorry for your loss Sherri, 37 years wow! What an incredible gift to have had that relationship although im sure you are lost without his companionship now. I cant imagine what you must be going through. My best friend was killed not long ago, jogging down the side of the road a pick up truck came from around the bend just as she stepped around a road sign neither one of them saw each other or had time to react...The day I found out and for days and days after this is the only song I really listened to and even now 7 months later it makes me cry but its comforting too. Sometimes it really is a sacrifice to praise...I will be praying for you, God bless
I'm so sorry for your loss. May God continue to comfort you. Praying for you
I felt called to share my experience
This past month had been very hard. My dad was diagnosed with cancer, my grades and job plans were falling through, and my roommates had caught COVID. It felt like I was barely holding on. I was crying and confused on the car ride home and wanted to give up. But God never fails. He never abandons us. Praise the Lord.
praise the Lord! Hope you feel better now, always remember that God love you and will never leave you. we will pray for you..
May the spirit of God strengthen you, you mighty man of valor!!!
True.... especially when we don't get it at all, the pain and in confusion, here's there and he knows, God knows. You're gonna be ok.
I pray for the healing hand of God to stretch over your household
Update! My Dad was told he wouldn't need Chemo, my job plans have been secured, and my grades were lifted! Praise the Lord, because I can't do it in my own strength but his power is made perfect in weakness.
Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, they called him Master. Had no degree, yet called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him... He was buried in a tomb, yet He LIVES!
Amén 🥺❤️
Nice Argument 😎👍
Hallelujah 🙏🏻
I love this❣💓
Lord it’s 12 December 2024 and I’m not yet where I want to be but I’m here to say Thankyou I pray 2025 I will praise you with a heart full of joy AMEN❤
This comment section makes me feel that I'm not alone in this fight, that I'm not the only one who's suffering. Anyone who will see this, please continue to fight, we're all in this together with God.
You are never alone :)
This will bless you:
Bible way to heaven
i concur with you, i feel like i am not in the fight alone after going through the comment section
You are not alone.
Yes brother I'll pray for you that Jesus will comfort like a mother comforts her children :)
The comment section in worship songs are the best!! It's so beautiful that people would pray for one another despite not knowing who they are, to God be the glory!!!💖
I need prayer. im hurting.
He is with you, he will heal you. He loves you. He will not forsaken you, hold on and leave it all in his hands. I pray for you and that this hurt will be overcome by his love.
Praying for you ❤️
He is the comforter ,he is everything to us talk to him when you feel pain the most he listens to you
He’s still here
God will place his healing hands on you💙
I've been saved for a year, and God has set me free from addictions and shame that came with that and did so many miracles in my life. I'm 18, but I still live with my parents. They think I'm brainwashed and last time they forced me to go home from christian event. I'm so hurt, and so hard to stay in faith when everybody (family, classmats, some friends) around me thinks I'm out of my mind. And I have these voices in my head telling I'm crazy when I talk about God. Guys, can you please pray for me! I know God is here, He is real, He has changed my life upside down, it's just really hard...
Eliza oh my goodness, I'm so sorry that happened, stay strong!! I know it seems really hard, I'm a sophomore in high school and a lot of the kids at school think that too
@@emileegrace3989 thank you! 💛
@@Cornerstone-z4d thank you! I go to youth evenings at church, where there are really strong christians. It's been really crazy, God has healed me, He had gave me gifts from Heaven, I have been going in streets to share the gospel and pray for strangers and God's give me His Word, like many crazy things with God. But thank you for your words! It means a lot when someone prays for me :) I pray that Your relationship with God get's even more deeper!
Remember when Elijah thought he was alone against the King that was killing all the priests, i'd suggest you to Read it, Never give Up, you're Never alone, Going through all of this is only Going to make you Stronger and maybe God allows all this to happen because He knows very well that you'll later need the strenght that Will come out of this, you're Never alone cause Our Almighty Father, the One that can save trough every situation Exists and He will always be there for you, stay close to Him❤
@@claudinemisingi616 thank you so much. When I read your coment, I felt Holly Spirit's present 💙
Pray for my son. His brokenness is deeper then the ocean. Jesus please rescue him
My mother died today .... it hurts but thank God, He prepared me.
We were all dead, Jesus made us alive again. Bless our Great and Wonderful God. He is the best God. I live or I die, I'm healthy or suffer, (in pain) GOD will always be a Wonderful God.
Hope you are doing well. Praying for you. God Bless you and your family, and may He comfort you all in this difficult time.
My deepest condolences to you. May God bless and comfort you
May God give you the strength and grace that you need! I will whisper a prayer for you.
A really really tight hug :(
YouYou I’m so sorry for you loss. I lost my mom in March 2017. The Lord has been seeing me through it and He will see you through it too!
For everyone who need this as a reminder:
God gives the most difficult battles to his strongest soldiers. Bless you😊
The most important truth :)
Praise god may our father bless ur knowledge and faith and ur a wise man and I bless u in Jesus Christ amen shalom777
I've never thought of it this way...
That really touched me. Thank you.
I have cancer when my pain is so bad I just want to die I put this song on repeat it gives my strength makes me feel close to him
You're an example of his love and life... Through all his unmeasurable suffering he loves and dies for us.... The least we can do is love and praise him through our troubles. Will pray for you Brandi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe in His healing Brandi...believe ...for by His stripes you Are Healed
Hi, my name is Marla, Jerry was my Love who suffered with cancer. After years of battle, he returned to Heaven in January 2016. I pray that you will be healed in Jesus name.
Jesus heals those he loves in different ways
Brandi Mayo praying for you earnestly! You have purpose. You are loved. You are supported. God is pleased with you! Keep the faith! By His stripes, we are healed!
I was in a car accident while pregnant and my baby died and dealing chronic pain and I hear this song and it makes me cry every time, Lord heal me
Praying for comfort and a peace that surpasses understanding to cover you during this incredibly hard time. I pray that you feel God's embrace over you and that He will fill the parts of you that are aching and raw.
May his love be abundant in your heart!
I pray for your healing and restoration.
Praying for you Sis. May the Lord comfort your heart and heal your body, mind, and soul🙏🏾 He is a healer, I’m living proof.
He is faithfull he is faithful hold on to him he knows why how and he is the solution you will teestfy to me i swear ibeleive be firm in him i assure you that he is the way truth and light isaiah 43.:1-10
Our faith doesn't make us invincible to pain, but it allows us to cling to God-- who can ultimately take that pain and turn it into growth, into learning, into meaning. Hold on, guys. You're not alone ❤
amen; ty
Thank you!! AMEN!!!!
Well said 💖🙏🏼✝️
Today I went to church after 5 years of not attending and today I seeked God after 13 years of not calling out to him. These songs have grounded me back to him, it feels so good to come back to him. I know that he will bless me and all will turn out well.
wow so encouraging !! keeping on fighting the good fight of faith !
But God!!!!
Shooting a prayer your way tonight, sister
Amazing. God is good. Praying!! X
Stay in Daddy's kind arms!
I am 18 years old and have been struggling with depression for years now. I feel so alone , but I know I will always have God. I am at a constant battle with myself. I do not ever stop praying, but all of yours will help as well. God will get me through this.
Jordann Cordova amen! He will get you through this! I believe it, we serve a wonderful God! Praying for you.
God will come through for you
You're strengthened. God loves you. He keeps you. Focus on the Word of God, and watch it fade away
I’m dealing with depression for 10 years now, and I can’t help but feel how bad I wish I could hug Jesus and tell him, but everyday I pray and pray too heal. ❤
" Even when it hurts " Lyrics
Take this fainted heart
Take these tainted hands
Wash me in your love
Come like grace again
Even when my strength is lost
I'll praise you
Even when I have no song
I'll praise you
Even when it's hard to find the words
Louder then I'll sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
Take this mountain weight
Take these ocean tears
Hold me through the trial
Come like hope again
Even when the fight seems lost
I'll praise you
Even when it hurts like hell
I'll praise you
Even when it makes no sense to sing
Louder then I'll sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
And my heart burns only for you
You are all you are all I want
And my soul waits only for you
And I will sing till the morning has come
Lord my heart burns only for you
You are all you are all I want
And my soul waits only for you
And I will sing till the miracle comes
I will only sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
Even when the morning comes
I'll praise you
Even when the fight is won
I'll praise you
Even when my time on earth is done
Louder then I'll sing your praise
I will only sing your praise
Amen.My fave song to play when I am down
Amen. Beautiful song, voice full of
thank you
Reading all the comments made me cry , i thought i have problems but after reading all the comments i found that i dont really have problems at all, i pray that God comforts your hearts and souls just like he said in his word that he is more closer to the broken hearts.
God Bless you too, Amen, All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
The problems you are going through are just as valid. There's no need to feel like yours don't matter compared to someone elses', and try to downplay your hurt. You matter too.
@@Llawliet130 Amen
Yessssssss amen
Im going through break up and depression😢 Brothers and sisters please pray for me🥺
Praying for you.
Prayers up. Heal well. 🙏🏻❤️
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 watch pastor mark hemans ✝️🕊️💕🔥
Hold your head high ,you will get there we will all pray for you.x❤❤
Everything will be fine please hold on to Jesus
Oct.1, 2019
I am hurting right now, i feel so lost. I have a lot of problems, family, finances. I am so afraid. Someone is whispering that I am not worthy, I am a failure. But I know God is bigger than this agony. I have my big God who will always by my side and that will never leave. I am almost in my victory, and I dont want to let someone pull me down. Thank you God for these trials, thank you Lord for this season. You made me realize that I must hold only to you. You have plans for me. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross just for me, to continue the fight here on earth. Use me Lord, to spread your Love and Goodness. Thank You God
God will give you the strength to push past this! Keep your head high and his word in your heart! I pray that you may feel him and stay strong. You’re loved and I pray for you and your family. That whisper is not true and you are NOT a failure! Please keep your head up and keep on truckin
Are you not worth more than many sparrows yet your father in Heaven feeds them all and not one of them is ever forgotten oh you of little faith. Do not be disheartened. He will certainly bless you. Keep your faith
With that faith, you will be very blessed sister. Rejoice! You're doing so well. It's only a matter of his perfect timing. He's placing all the pieces together right now. Remember the book of Job. I'm praying for your healing and strength. He has plans for you! Like this song says, praise Him. Even in the storm, you will be made stronger! Also read Hebrews 12 ❤️ think of all the things you should be grateful for and keep on having faith! Much love to you!!
Keep on reading the Bible, it's going to help you a lot
I didn't loss anything, instead, he gave me everything. Even in my worse time, in my tough time, Jesus is my best friend 😭
Finally someone is speaking thé mind of Christ. WE didnt loose but gained
Wow Amen 🙌♥️
same here...
He gave me everything.
yes! same here Amen
I cried for years to this song and I'm telling you the miracle comes! Just believe. I will only sing your praise.👐
Melissa Ochoa thanks for your testimony it’s easy to just see the people who are wanting gods love but it’s important to see when someone has received it, hope life’s ok, god bless 🙏
Melissa Ochoa thank you baby! 💞
Indeed, the miracle comes!
This comment made my day :")
I hope everyone who's hurting and listening to this right now gets healed.
Amen 🙏
Pray for me pls🙏🏻
Someone once said "You listen to music when you're happy but you understand the lyrics when you are sad"
Yes u do 💕🙏
How sad Am I, when I understand all those lyrics?
ikr, God bless.
I'm deeply grieving right now😭😭😭😔😔. These lyrics just touches my ♥
Music heals the soul 💜💜
I was just diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer today. I don’t have much longer to live and I feel as though my world has been turned on it’s head and I’m not sure what to do. I’m so very scared. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to live out my life. Not to mention my depression and anxiety have been progressively getting worse since the start of the pandemic. Please pray for me.
Bella, I'm sorry to hear that :( but hey, most importantly, are you sure you're on your way to heaven?
John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
Bella, I am praying for you. You are never alone.
Praying for you 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you all for your prayers, they never go unappreciated.
God be with you every step of the way and i may not know you but don't hide away your beautiful smile. He listens and he sees all. Let your testimony be an inspiration. My prayers are with you Bella. Xoxo
I'm crying here alone in my room, Lord please help me and my brother overcome these obstacles.
In Jesus name believe and receive its a finished work from before the foundation of this world
He'll did it to you ❤
I am 18 years old. I struggled with depression & suicidal thoughts from 13 to 16 years old. my parents have a horrible marriage and there is much emotional and mental abuse. I reached a point where I almost gave up a couple days ago. I was so low I felt like God had turned his face from me. but I went forward at church the other night to make things right. God is gracious but I have a long road ahead. please pray for me. I feel like not many people in my life care but this song, it means something. to all of us. together we can heal. praise jesus!
Mindy Snyder I've already had depression and suicidal thoughts in the past too. If you want to talk with me. Maybe I can help you. 55 34998889135
We will all be praying for you, and I hope that God will heal and help you through this and lead you closer to himself , heal you and form you into the person He wants you to become. God bless!
Mindy Snyder I'm praying for you! Hold on to God's glory to give you strength to pull you through this trying time! Only by his grace we are set free from all bondage and suffering! He gave His life for you and I so we can have life abundantly...I rebuke all these suicidal thoughts you are having from satan, to be taken from you and sent to the pit of hell where they belong! Lord pour your Holy Spirit into Mindy and set her free! Put on the Helmet of Salvation and read God's word to fill you with LIFE! Amen!
Your enemy attempts to stamp out your desire to live because he knows how powerful the love in your heart for the Savior is and what it means and what you are capable of in your identity in Christ. Look to Jesus, who has been tempted in every way, just as we are ― even to give up ― yet persevered because of how precious your life was and is to Him. You are loved and treasured. My prayers for you.
Mindy i totally understand..i lost my whole family a few years back, broken and full of emptiness i buried all 3 of them by friend i stand with you arm and arm as friend and family ever how ever what ok..message me anytime ..heres my email and i fb aswell....
To whoever needed this:
Where there seems to be a full stop, God places a comma. Just because you're trapped in a fog, doesn't mean God didn't prepare a plan for you. Pray for faith, like the one that takes the first step without seeing the whole staircase, and trust Him.
Thank you so much Captain G. I desperately needed these words of encouragement.
Thank you ❤️
Thank you
Thank you so much
Amen. Thank you!
I LOST MY FAITH 3 months ago and here i am turning to him and seeking for his Love i know i am not lonely i am not the one who is fighting in my own battle but God does❤️
You are not alone 🙏🏽
Even when I have no words,
Even when I can’t comprehend it,
Even when I’m too blind to see it,
Come like hope again
I’ll praise you
Want unlike the foolish mistakes pray meed that gkrgiving hope tryst cleansing mercies ..
Having NOT grown up in the church and NOT knowing Jesus for 24years... I dont ever want to go back. The world was not enough and will never be enough. I can FEEL the spirit move through this sister!! My spirit recognizes her desperation for Jesus. Glory be to heaven forever and EVER, AAAAAMEN
Wow amazing 💕
31:30 Beloved Amen to that! I too dont want to go back. For all my life i felt really empty.. until i found solace in God in June. My life has never been the same. Even though i have my ups and down, its always great running to Him and trusting in Him.
@31:30 Beloved and Val B.
I am glad the Lord found you both!
31:30 Beloved Hey Girly you should subscribe to my TH-cam channel ❤️
31:30 Beloved Amen
Take this fainted heart
Take these tainted hands
Wash me in Your love
Come like grace again
Even when my strength is lost
I'll praise You
Even when I have no song
I'll praise You
Even when it's hard to find the words
Louder then I'll sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
Take this mountain weight
Take these ocean tears
Hold me through the trial
Come like hope again
Even when the fight seems lost
I'll praise You
Even when it hurts like hell
I'll praise You
Even when it makes no sense to sing
Louder then I'll sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
And my heart burns only for You
You are all You are all I want
And my soul waits only for You
And I will sing till the morning has come
Lord my heart burns only for You
You are all You are all I want
And my soul waits only for You
And I will sing till the miracle comes
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
Even when the morning comes
I'll praise You
Even when the fight is won
I'll praise You
Even when my time on earth is done
Louder then I'll sing your praise
I will only sing Your praise
thank you
+TheRMgX you're welcome... God bless you! 😍 hugs!
+Kathy Pearl Genobis god bless you too
Thank you so much for the words for this song, now I cam sing along. God Bless you
+Charmaine Jones you should write lyrics of this song not word. Be blessed
I’m 15, I lost my dad at 11, my mom left at 5, I live with my Grammy but even she is getting old. My friends are showing me how truly replaceable they find me. I don’t even know who’s really anymore cuz I fear all of them will do the same. My loving boyfriend, he has a perfect family, he lives a life I wish for. He’s good. He has nothing to worry about. He’s gonna go pro in golf and he has a heart that will take him far. He doesn’t need me. The only time I really feel God is at this camp I go to where I live in the Bahamas. I haven’t gone this year because of COVID. I can feel myself plummeting. Drowning. I don’t know what to do anymore. I smile whenever I see people so they don’t ask questions. All in all I am losing the little happiness I have found after so many years of depression after the passing of my best friend, my father. Please pray for me. My future. My strength in these times.
Jesus is your redeemer... He only can heal a broken heart... Don't lose faith in him. May god bless you❤❤❤❤
Lesha I dont even know what to say, I know God uses adversity and turns it into good. And the storm you're going through is going to help you in another season once you get out of this. God loves you and your testimony is going to be amazing. Another thing is don't be jealous of others( I know its hard not to) but dont be Jealous of your boyfriend and his life because 1 in reality he's has many worries and isnt perfect, 2 you shouldn't be jealous instead ask God what it Is you want and he can give it to you. Cant wait to see what God does in your life and try to not worry because God's in control and worry causes stress and stress causes diseases. I pray that all things will work out for you, you are right where you are supposed to be. God won't put a burden on you you cant bear
Dear you are not alone! I'm struggling as well! You are loved. Valued. A queen in the eyes of your king Jesus! Your life matters. You matter! You are needed to make this world a better place. Prayers and hugs dear. Lean on the Father.
wait for his miracle, he loves you
I want you to know that your happiness comes from within you and not the people around you. You have to keep believing in God and lean on His strength. Its very hard when you are down but please take it a day at a time and hold on. My prayer is for God to send you angels to guide you through this and lift you up in the darkest hour. You are never alone as you think. Even though people here never met you they are praying with and for you. Let that comfort you cause I know God led me to comment on this to give you hope. You are not alone keep praying and God will see you through. Take care and God bless you
Five years ago I listened to this song in pain. Now I’m looking back how far Jesus has delivered me from that pain. I’m just so thankful.
“Even when my time on Earth is done, louder than I sing Your praise, I’ll only sing Your praise”.
I’m struggling with anxiety, and i’m having a hard time in school rn, cause there’s some days that i just can’t stay there and try to learn something. Sometimes i just wanna stay in my bed forever. But i’m here to say some things. When i first heard this song, i was so deeply hurt. I was literally screaming for God’s help. He heard my prayers. I was happy again. Then, anxiety took control over my life. Sometimes, it still does. But Jesus is my hope. Nothing lasts forever, and we need to go through some situations to grow up. To be a better person. Even when it hurts, i’ll never gonna leave God, because he never left me. Love from Brazil, God bless.
Proclaim that Jesus is Your Lord and Saviour, proclaim that You believe Jesus is the Son of God, proclaim that Jesus has resurrected and already won Your battle, proclaim Jesus blood protection over You, because If You are in Jesus, He is over You, and in You! God in You is bigger than anything else. Proclaim that anxiety (spirit) to leave You in Jesus name. Because if You are washed clean and born again, than You are free and new creation, but sometimes our soul, mind does not gets it, and we need to renew our mind and receive the healing, because in Jesus wounds we are healed. And sometimes enemy will speak lies, many lies over you, but that's why Lord Word (bible) is a sword to fight, and we need to put our full armor on - to understand our identity in Christ, that God is for us not against us, we are Children of God, God LOVES us soo much and He has so much grace for us. Don't give a place for the enemy. Pray that God reveals lies, bring them in light (tell your family in Christ if You need), and cast them away, smash those lies and replace them with truth. That's why it is vital to know what Word of God is saying, so that we could walk in our purpose and calling.
And I have question, have You been baptized? Because in baptism in Jesus name, we are crucified with Jesus and resurrected to a new life. It's not a symbol, as people may say it, but a commandment and spiritual crussifiction, when You brake chains of sin, burie Your old life , that is required, if we want to walk with Christ. We are clothed in Jesus, when we get baptized. I encourage You to read Roman's 6 - all chapter, and left aside what people have told You, but ask the Holly Spirit to reveal the truth. And the book of Acts is a wonderful part in a bible, where they go baptising people in Jesus name, and living out their faith. But God's grace is why we get saved, but batism is important part of our walk with Christ, because we couldn't walk with Him for a long time, if don't get baptized.
And maybe fast from food, but ask God when, how long and what kind of meal, beverages and etc.
I pray freedom over Your life and that God could shine bright through You! In Jesus name, Amen!
P.S. Maybe You know, but I recommend You to watch Kytia L'amour TH-cam channel, she is a real Christian and with a lot of wisdom from God!
Have a blessed day! :)
Phil 4:6
Don't fret or worry, instead of worrying pray. let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.
I'm like u sometines, just pray 2 God to help u wake up
I'm a teen mom, been in a toxic relationship for the sake of my daughter because i myself also grew up without dad and i know how hard it was to spend my childhood without a dad..... He cheated on me multiple times but still manage to manipulate me, but i ended it all tonight... It hurts so much and i regret all the bad things that i did in my past... Please pray for me and my daughter for his forgiveness and his protection
God bless you, I've been through same
I pray that you find strength in the Lord, that he cleans you giving you hope and faith for a better tomorrow, that he becomes your daughter's father and that he may be and will be sending a helping hand❤ amen
i understand...i have no dad too,my parents divorced when i was young.Please dont give up,no matter what life throws,Jesus still loves you and is still faithful no matter what.Ask for guidance and help.God will never allow a situation that passes more than your limits.Rise,Child of God.You are stronger than you think.God blessed you and your children.Take care.Im here if you need me.Love yah💖🙃
God is with you through it all and His love for you is endless. Don’t give up, keep going your strength is amazing. I believe in You!❤️
Give it ALL TO GOD!! 🙏🙏🙏💞
I was ready for my daughter to be born. She’s 41 weeks and 4 days when she died inside me. She was stillborn but still born. I was so mad and now I ask for forgiveness. Lord, please take care of her. I pray everyday for her. I cry everyday for her. I think of her everyday.
Mama will see you soon my love when the Lord calls for me too.
I love you, Emma Juliette.
God heals broken hurt and will give you joy again
I feel your pain dear sister. I pray the father gives your heart peace and strength in these times. It is well🙏
Yuniz Sevilla sending you love and light my love . May God continue to see you through ...
It's okay. God loves you.
Yuniz Sevilla
She is not dead but sleeping waiting for the day that the Lord will come and wake her up to eternity life❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Even if my careers fail
Even if my strength is lost
Even if my life is down right now
Even if i struggle financially
Even if i fail in love
Even if i have commit sins
I'll Praise you 🙏
Will always be you ♥️
Amen , exactly how in feeling right now.
Keep your faith dont be like me lost my faith when everything is falling appart
I was doing drugs for almost 20 years, almost destroyed my family and myself. One evening the God himself came to me, and has changed my life forever. I have stopped next day, started new life. I am clean for over 2 years now, living my dream and making my wife and little boys happy. I will be grateful eternally, and praising God every day of my life🙏
Awesome! I hope this will bless you
Please watch and share with your friends and family
Glory to God
You are not alone 🙏🏽
My mom has stage 4 cancer she is so ill we don’t know how much longer we lost my brother 4 moths ago and this coronavirus it’s so hard god you are so good please help us through this
Im praying for you. Trust God. Everything this in His Holy Plan. Just praise. Just praise
I too lost my Mother to cancer, right after we lost my brother to an overdose. It can be such a lonely road. But we are not alone sister. The song Heavens not too far by we three is one of my favorites. And "I'll think about you" by messengers. Hang in there 💜 God is with you in every moment.
Candy Sanchez trust in him heartedly. He will listen to you. Talk to him heartedly. Ask for sign. Everything will be ok. I wanna hug you dear. You are not alone. You have GOD, you have me.
God will see you through in Jesús name. I am praying with you
Sending you so much love and light. ❤️
I lost my wife of 16 years to cancer last month. She was only 35. Since her diagnosis, she never gave up hope nor lost faith, and this song had been one of her rallying cries ... now it is mine. I try, anyway, it's not easy giving praise in this season
wayneorama prayers. So very sorry for your heartwrenching loss. I feel this reply is the only one bc when people see things this real and heartbreaking, it's hard to know how to reply. Just know you're loved. She is with you in spirit- & when your time comes- You'll be together again.
Our prayers are with you, please keep praying as The Lord will eternally and unconditionally comfort you and love you. God Bless, All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
The best season to grow in love and give a "Sacrifice of Praise"
Praying for u brother!
may the good Lord continue to heal you
So sorry for your loss brother. Praying for you.
I’m praising the Heavenly Father right now even when I’m crying and praying for healing ❤️🩹 for my grandma who’s in critical condition in the hospital right now but I will praise him.
During this difficult time around the world, facing COVID 19, people losing their lives, the lost of jobs, businesses shutting down. WE NEED YOU GOD!!!
Don’t worry! God is not far way. God is right there with you wherever you are 😊
I fear i will lose my job.
@@brandenongkp I will be praying for you during this season, and I ask God for favor over your life. Hold on and trust God, this too shall past.
"Listen to what the Spirit of God has spoken to me regarding this fearful season. I trust that you will also be established by His Rhema.
The first thing I heard was this… “Your Father God uses strange warfare tactics that many don’t understand. He directed me to look at the Prophet Habakkuk in the scriptures. This confused Prophet asked the Father…. “how can you use the wicked Babylonians to judge You’re people? The Father replied to the prophet… I can use whatever nation or means I need to in order to reestablish & reset the nation of Israel. I believe He is also doing that very thing right now.
A second thing I heard was that our God is using the sound of confusion right NOW as He fights by releasing “ a noise into the camp of the enemy”. Several times in scripture we see our God fighting in this fashion for His people. In 2 Chronicles 20:22… there was a noise of confusion that caused 3 threatening nations who were about to destroy Israel to actually wage war against each other. The Lord is even now fighting this pandemic in a similar fashion , I believe. There is a lot of noise. Don’t worry about it… “the Battle is the Lord’s”.
It’s time for our Father’s kind of warfare and his kids need to know about it. Why Is our God fighting like this on the earth? … I asked this very question to the Holy Spirit and I heard these words.. “ RIGHT NOW, I’m removing False Gods off of the nations” Listen to Zeph
The Spirit of God is working and fighting for stubborn souls right now. These are the ones who will soon come in during the Harvest season - a Godly fear will come upon them. He speaks out His heart clearly in Joel 2:31 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.” This is a way Father gets to the hearts of people who are bound in the world.
If you can receive this word today - your God is fighting for you and your destiny today. He is working and fighting for the nations and for souls in a way we may never have seen Him Fight. But it’s Biblical ! Harvest Time is soon to fall upon city after city and nation after nation in the wake of this pandemic.
1. Psalms 91 : 1-2 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
- Psalms 91…. The shadow of His shelter can look frighting at times…. Fight fear" - Jim Paul
Sundays 11am EST
Worship, Scripture, Healing & Prophecy Live:
My dad passed away last night. My heart is so heavy...This song came in my mind! 💝I felt so much peace 😌🙏🏼
God is faithful and he is close to the broken hearted, Mine was called home also. 🙏✝️
Sorry for your loss!! I pray god continued to keep you and your family
Morenaizzy B My heart goes to you
Morenaizzy B i am si so sorry. My dad have cancer .... they just told him 😭😭😭😭
I'm sorry your father passed. God heal her pain and comfort her. 🙏😢
This song helps me with me my depression and anxiety. God put Mercy on us.
slay imani I pray god brings healing and restoration and replaces your depression and anxiety with peace and joy and hope to carry you through your life, god bless 🙏💙
Get some prayer for that depression and anxiety and kick it out of your life
I just buried my sister and best friend who left behind four kids including a new born son 😢 my family is devastated and empty right now, but even with this I will praise you Jesus because you know our yesterday and all of our tomorrows … this is the hardest thing I have dealt with 😢😭💔
❤Hugs dear
That is devastating, im praying for your family's peace and comfort. I know that pain is deep but remember you're loved in this world❤
I’m so sorry. I have also buried my sister. 😭 Praying for you right now. Hugs from a sister in Christ.
Sending you and your family peace and comfort. Even when it hurts
Be encouraged watch pastor mark hemans 🙏🏼✝️🕊️✨💕❤❤❤
That beginning hits me hard, she's sitting there getting ready to sing to our God and they're talking next to her but she doesn't hear them. She's focusing on what matters the most to her. Makes me think about those moments when I'm "hearing" my thoughts that begin to make me sad. I stop and I thank God for everything He has done for me, I ask for His forgiveness and for His blessing. I stop for a moment to realize how lucky I am to have Him in my life. I feel that I don't deserve Him but I still try to regret the bad stuff I do. I never believed in God, but since February I do and I am happy for that. Thank you Hillsong
I don't know you but I believe that one day you will have an opportunity and you will be capable and confident to sing both of these songs to Him. Don't focus on how your voice sounds like, focus on doing you best because that's what He cares about. I'm sure he loves you. Btw, He already hears you since he is watching out for you everyday :)
or you know.....she is just thinking about potatoes
Amen brother! I pray that you continue to grow more and more with Christ!
obrigada ruben! Seu comentario foi e é bastante motivador pra mim... Thank youu!!
Your comment hit me hard to the point I can totally relate. We need to be so grateful, no matter what!
I'm bipolar and suffer from major depression and anxiety. I was raised to know the Lord but when my mental illnesses began to arise in my early teens I turned away from him. I didn't know how I was going to feel or be from one day to the next. This led me to use drugs from a young age. I'm an addict. It's a battle I fight every day alone. I've been sober for a year..thanks to Jesus who reached out to me and saved my life. Recently I have been feeling myself slowly slip away. I have given in to temptation and have been pushing God away because I'm so ashamed. How could I ever again let down our wonderful merciful Almighty God and still have his perfect love? You are truly amazing Lord. If anyone reads this, please pray for me. I'm really in a time of need.
Pure Love be strong, dear friend! You have a beautiful heart, God loves you! I don't you for sure, but I hope you keep believing, because the best is yet to come. Sending you love. I pray for you
Эмилия Бесаева thank you so much.
Keep fighting. You are armed with all things you need to evade it. You have to let holy spirit guide you. You have to stay in your word. You have to get in community with a local, bible based, church. I'll be praying for you.
Praying for you now. Keep holding on to hope. He is there for you every moment- Just reach out to him and he will draw near to you, whisper His name when you cna't do anything else. Know you are His loved child.
Ephesians 6:10-18. The Lord is your strength, and once you put the full armor of God on, there is nothing you can't conquer. Know that you aren't fighting against yourself, but you are fighting against the enemy who doesn't want you to be free. The Lord is faithful and just to see you through to the end. In the end YOU HAVE TO WIN! Victory belongs to US through Christ Jesus!
Life is so hard right now. My mind is bombarded with burdens from family problems, pressures as a student and financial resources. I just want to cry.
Jesus is crying with you. You are not alone. When you have no more strength. Jesus will hold you!!!
@@runwild1341 Thanks for your comforting words. ❤
🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️Be encouraged watch pastor Mark hemans 💕🕊️✝️🙏🙏 also try join on line meeting
This too shall pass. Keep praising Him
may the Lord help you 🙏
Although it might seem small in the eyes of others, I’m going through my first break up. I knew our relationship wasn’t God honoring, I knew I prioritized him over my relationship with God so I asked God to take away things from my life that took His place, deep down knowing that I meant my boyfriend. We had a bad month of arguments and then he broke up with me and I was left thinking it was all my fault until I remembered what I asked of the Lord. It hurts to lose a relationship that I was in for 3 years but I know God’s ways are higher. I hope who ever needs it will read this and be reminded that God’s will is good.
Alexa cruz I think you worked it all out the way god wanted you to and strengthened yourself in god, I pray he brings love to restore any loss and hope to carry you on your journey with him, god bless 🙏
Trust me i faced the same situation and instead of crying I ended praising the lord and becoming closer to the lord day by day cause always deep down in my heart i knew god saved me from disaster :) god bless you!❤️
Alexa cruz Waw Alexa it will get better for you ..I a stronger than this’ll remember times like this and laugh...God wants to develop so he isolate you for a season 🙂
❤️Alexa Cruz I relate to you. I'm currently going through the same thing and I understand. Personally I trust that God is working to make it all better, everything happens for the greatest good.
I came here bc I just got in an argument with my bf, and I came across this comment. recently I have been very depressed and would cry all the time until I realized I would rather be shedding my tears even if their out of pain I’d shed them while I praise him my tears cried for my god. It’s kind of what I needed to read at this moment. I need to stop draining myself and leave it to God, he is my defender, I just need to get that through my head. I don’t need to stoop low to prove a point. God sees the injustices against me and he is my defender.
I love scrolling down to the comments, seeing how God really impacted peoples lives with his love. It warms my heart to know that God is saving lives everyday and people are getting to know our amazing Father and his unconditional love. Without Him I don't know where I would be, he saved me so many times. I will and forever praise and follow him. I'm only a teen, but I can feel his love every second of the day.
Amen! I am only a teen too i want people to experience the love of God and what Jesus Christ did for all humanity! Because of Gods goodness i am not afraid of the future or anything because we are being looked after by an Almighty God and it makes me joyful!
Praise be to God almighty! 🙂❤️
Amen, as a teen too, I feel the love of God everyday, and my faith becomes increasingly stronger each and everyday. I am in awe of Our Heavenly Father, The Lord truly works miracles in all our lives. All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
Me too but after traitorous backstabbing I can’t believe anybody anymore I try to but I feel disgusted and I feel like Me, my immediate family, and my girlfriend the only Christian out there
Oran Oranian13 Pray that you can build up your trust again, I assure you there are millions and billions of Christians out here. Keep praying and The Lord will always deliver you an answer, always keep faith. My prayers are also with you. God Bless you and your family! All Praise And Glory Be To The Most High Only, Amen.
God, help me please.
***** Thank you very very much
God blessed you
You're Beautiful #GodBles
Jessica Milena Thank you!💜
James Lumpkin Thank you so much! God is really caring! 💜
i have an ulcer in my eye right now, im in extreme pain and in hospital and im 18 pls pray for me if anyone sees this. im scared i will go blind and i might have surgery aswell. Thank you Jesus , please heal the brokenhearted and sick amen❤️❤️🙏
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊️✨✝️ be encouraged watch pastor Mark hemans 🕊️✨🕊️✨🕊️
I'm from India and I am belong from a Hindu family... I worship ideals and everything... Then my father died when I am read in class six.. After that many bad things I do in my life... But one day really jesus open my eyes, hallelujah... Isaiah 43 :4 for me you are precious, hallelujah and there is many verses.. My fav Psalm 2:7 - 9 😍.... God healed my mother, Amen... And I feel Holy Spirit hallelujah.... Now I know who is real God and he is almighty God Jesus.. John 14 :6......
That's so beautiful
God bless you
Hi friend. You need help? Are you in a dark situation of your life? You are broken and looking for motivation. I hope I got the chance to show you how great God that he uses people to help us become better in our life.
This is extremely powerful story! I encourage you to continue seeking Him however you can. I bless you to not feel shame from others. I bless you that you have strength. I bless you that Jesus continues to reveal Himself to you in love!
Hey everyone. Just wanted to ask everyone to please pray for me. I am lost and I want to come home....
God is a faithful God, he said he'll never leave us nor forsake us so, whatever you're going through right now I pray that God just deliveres you from it; remember he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, just trust him. Even if all you do is cry, keep in mind he heals the broken and he knows your every thought relax and fall back into his arms, surrendering all to him. God bless:)
He's a father that leaves the 99 for the 1
It’s must be tough- and I know u didn’t want it to happen too. It’s okay not to be okay. Let all your feelings and emotions go out . If u want to cry, cry. If u want to go to your balcony or go somewhere and shout, do it. Let it all out. We’re humans. We make mistakes. Let’s just not let these pain , struggles & other storms in life consumed us. Let it out. I hope you’ll not condemn urself. Talk to someone . You can talk to God too. He will always listen. Tell him what u feel , what u r mad about. Tell him what u want . Ask for light , clarification. Ask for grace. If u need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to dm me @khaleydelarama on ig 🙂
amen is the answer god will know the inside of your heart
I will be praying for you! I would love to talk and help you with whatever you are going through if you are interested! Lmk!
I struggle with depression and anxiety when I worship with you that is lifted away thank you for your obedience it is a huge blessing to me
+1ths518 thanks for sharing!
Same with me 😊
+1ths518 yeah !!!
+1ths518 this is the song i listen to when im suffering with those too!! :) thanks for sharing~
Praying for you!
Nothing makes sense right now but I’ll keep singing your praise
Yes, Amen. Praying for you. 🙏🏽
I can relate
One advice I can humbly give you, stay still and listen. That is when you start understanding, he's speaking to you just stay put.
Amen, Keep it up...
Praise 🙌🏽 bless you ❤
"Even When It Hurts (Praise Song)"
Take this fainted heart
Take these tainted hands
Wash me in Your love
Come like grace again
Even when my strength is lost
I'll praise You
Even when I have no song
I'll praise You
Even when it's hard to find the words
Louder then I'll sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
Take this mountain weight
Take these ocean tears
Hold me through the trial
Come like hope again
Even when the fight seems lost
I'll praise You
Even when it hurts like hell
I'll praise You
Even when it makes no sense to sing
Louder then I'll sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
And my heart burns only for You
You are all You are all I want
And my soul waits only for You
And I will sing till the morning has come
Lord my heart burns only for You
You are all You are all I want
And my soul waits only for You
And I will sing till the miracle comes
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
I will only sing Your praise
Even when the morning comes
I'll praise You
Even when the fight is won
I'll praise You
Even when my time on earth is done
Louder then I'll sing your praise
I will only sing Your praise
Thank you ❤️
Thank you!
Eu creio q minha mãe já está nos braços do pai
John Franki I think you write some lyrics not like the original
I'm broken , I'm stressed , I'm so hurt , but man .. I can't express how Good God is. He has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust God through everything that happens. Even when it hurts the most , I know God is always there. When I had no one to talk to, he was there and he was listening . Hallelujah to the most high God. 🙌🏽
sundae Cantu amen
sundae Cantu May God keep you in the palm of his hand! :-)
sundae Cantu It's hard, no? And I understand what you say, It's almost the same for me, and It's really good to know that i'm not alone in this Road!
amen :)
absolutely agree with you. he will always listen to me and understand me. even though no one understand me. The God always rises us up. Really appreciate for your testimony. God loves you.
It’s been 3 months since I’ve self harmed. Honestly, I thought I was gonna end up killing myself one of these days because my strength was lost. I never used to think of God very much because my brother just passed away in 2016. I felt he didn’t listen to me. I would cry myself to sleep, I used to cut everyday. Not caring who saw it anymore because I screamed for help and no did, until... I one day opened my heart to God. I screamed and cried and broke down and prayed for about 30 minutes. Nothing happened that month. But, the next month, I saw improvement. I still have depression but, I know God will heal me again. Praise God. He is the king.
Hi! Just saw this and want to say that you are loved. To anyone who sees this, you are all loved. Jesus sees things in you that are worth dying for. God created you individually exactly how he wanted you to be, with a beautiful plan laid out for you. He knit you together into the person you are now, every part of it, the good and the bad. There's beauty in recognizing our weakness because we can lean on God who makes us complete. I won't lie, there will be times where we will have trials. I've never experienced depression, so I can't say that I completely relate, but I empathize with your pain. I hear you and what you're going through and am praying for you. You are more than the pain you experience, you are more than your bad decisions or mess up or regrets. God sees past all of that and sees you as you are, filled with beauty and wonder, intelligence, and an open heart. I've struggled with some anxiety recently, and it's so so so hard to fight back against Satan whispering lies in my head. It got to a point where I just came home from a long week of restlessness and broke down crying. But it was my friends who were there to pick me up and push me towards Christ and so I want to do that for you. I hope you're doing okay! If you're ever not, it's really okay to not be okay! If all you can give for one day is a baby step, then take that baby step! It may not be leaps like the past or what you wish you could do, but it's still progress. If there are times where you feel like you're back at square one, that's okay too. God forgives everything. I may not know you personally, but I just want you to know, I love you! Shalom
God loves you! In the midst of your addiction, God loves you. In order to see quick improvement, it's best renew your mind daily on God's unfailing love for you. You'll never know how much God loves you until you know how much He Loves Jesus. Because He sent Him to die for all your sins- past, present and future. Try listen to Joseph Prince message here on TH-cam. I'm sure it will help
Hope everything is okay with you right now sweet angel
Thamar Kalangala we care about youu
hey, i feel for you and ill lift you up in my prayers, as someone who has also struggled heavily with self harm, depression and suicidal thoughts, if you ever need to chat, here is my email, i've come so far in the past year and God has lead me into the light and joy of his salvation. I'll pray that he helps you conquer depression too.
Lord please forgive my impatient. You are faithful. Help me be a light and stop feeling sorry for myself while I wait for your promises to be fulfilled with my husband and my children. In Jesus Holy and mighty wonderful glorious name!
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕊️✨✝️ be encouraged watch pastor Mark hemans 🕊️✨🕊️✨🕊️💕
At this point of life I'm feeling lost, weak and lonely. These songs are the way to peace in my mind. After an emotional day I am broken but, so beautiful! Thank you Jesus! God bless you! ❤
You are not alone, od is always with you
Get into the word and let it go deep into your mind and soul. Music like this talks to our soul which is awesome. The word gives us the armor, sword and shield every day so you won't be unprepared for daily battle. I promise you will get closer to God as well. The bible helps us to see who he is and we know him more and better and life gets a little brighter and understood. Wisdom grows and you are never alone and you know and feel it always.
me too am lost and destroyed but i keep on going till i reach there i believe one day yes
MakeLifeBlue God bless you hope things have been good !
Be still in The Lord He has already won the victory for you stay in His word and keep on holding onto Him. He's there He hasn't forgotten what's going on in your life you're His precious daughter and He loves you oh so very much
Just crying and writing, so in future if someone reads this, they'll know that I'm crying, I'm lost but trust me, even when everything seems lost and impossible, hold on to Jesus. Don't ever let go. He loves you. And he will make everything better and even if he doesn't, just smile and say Thank you Jesus for everything. Praise the Lord.
He's with you, always :)
Praying for you Richard..
Thank you. So very much.
He has been carrying you in his arms. Footprints in the sand.
Hope you feel better now ❤
All your testimonies make me cry. Bless u all.
bless you too
I’m saying I keep scrolling and crying 😭😭😭😭❤️
Rosette Mulumba twa sakidijla.. thank you
So sameeee
I'm 21 years old and lm so lonely, it eats at my heart everyday.Gods the only constant thing in my life and l love him so much, even after l let my emotions take over my life .He's there when l come back.
I thought I had worries and problems, then I read the posts below and my heart broke for so many hurting people....I realized..........I HAVE NO PROBLEMS, God has answers
Why does it hurt like hell right now? Because of God. He wants to glorify Himself through me. And I will let Him do it. I've given my life to Him, and what are now tears of fear, hopelessness and sadness will soon become tears of joy, hope, justice, mercy and grace... I live in You, Jesus.
Don't worry. God is merciful and God loves us no matter what.
Tirso Acuña Hi. I was scrolling through the comments section and your comment just touched me. I have been dealing with depression and anxiety lately because i feel loneliness and just empty. I'm a christian but i have those days that i feel lonely and sad. I cry each night. But this year, its different. I have been more depressed than ever. But your comment made me realize something. God is doing this so i can run to him. To trust in him with all my heart. I'm not the best when it comes to explaining my emotions but i hope you kinda understood it. But thank you. I finally got my answer. God has used you to speak to me. And i'm really thankful for it. God bless.
Kimberly Baliton I've understood what you said. Believe me, I went through things like those, too. Maybe I can't completely understand exactly what you felt because we're different people, but I did go through depression and really lonely times too -even when I had my family and friends around me every day. The last One I thought of going to was the only One willing to hold me, and I finally came to Him.
It makes me really glad and thankful to know that just a simple comment -something I felt in my heart to say- has helped you. God wants us to run toward him ALWAYS, and we always go through situations in our lives that make us realize that's the best we can ever do.
If you ever want to talk or vent to me, you can message me if you want. God bless you.
How this has spoken to my heart in this time. Thank you for this encouragement.
Tirso Acuña this comment just helped me so much ! Thanks for you words ❤❤✝️
I have just lost my sister few days ago. When we had the chance to pray, she insisted to play this song. This song really reminds me of her. How she fought her battles with God beside her, how she loves whole-heartedly, and the way she smiles in her darkest moments.
I love you , Ate Yen. Such an amazing Grace.
I'm sorry for your loss, i hope this will bless you
Myslav thank you so much
@@jasoneniola7916 Feel free to browse that channel for some good preaching as well. Sermons have titles so you can easily find what you're interested in :)
You are not alone 🙏🏽
@@mt7able thanks much❤️
I just lost my son’s mother . She was my best friend. She loved the Lord, so she’s up there with him. Grateful for pure worship songs like this.
Love you brother, I’ll pray that Lord will continue to look over you all the days of your life on Earth. Until the time you’re reunited with her. That our Lord Jesus May imbue you with peace both now and forever. In Jesus name, Amen.
Checking in on you
Luke Legaspi amen! 😌🙌🏻
hi, the even when it hurts refers to the discipline of the Lord,, chastening is never pleasant, i am the author, but its not revealed..
Amen..sounds like an understatement of what He went through for us! ❤☦❤
My mother is sick and i pray for she, i hope that God can healt she. My native language is not English but this song ministers my life when I sing it.
Tiffany Rivas you great
I hope she's doing okay, I hope god gives her a healing heart and a healthy one. Honey just pray and let god take care of it if she passes it's okay to cry, she will be fine with god! Just pray!
Thank you all very much for your prayers, after that day she got better and God gave me the gift of being with me for 2 more years. Today May 10 she left with Jesus, my heart is carnally destroyed but spiritually I rejoice knowing that she is no longer in this world suffering. I ask for strength and peace for myself and my relatives.
I’m 17 years old and I’m lost. I deal with anxiety and I feel sad all the time. One moment I’m happy then the next something happens. I haven’t told anyone but I’ve been dealing with it alone for years I always kept Jesus in mind but never really reached out to him. I’ve known him my whole life but I ignore him like he isn’t here. Some days I feel like he isn’t here and it makes me angry but I need him more than ever the only person I can be angry at is myself. I need Jesus more than ever and I don’t know where to start so I turned this song on and I am crying. I broke down and I realize I need him. Please keep me in your prayers.
Anxiety and sadness can be overwhelming, and it’s completely understandable to feel lost at times. But even in the midst of these emotions, there is hope and a path to healing. Your realization that you need Jesus is a powerful and important step towards finding peace and comfort.
Jesus has been with you every step of the way, even when it felt like He wasn’t there. He understands your pain, your struggles, and your heartache. He is reaching out to you with open arms, ready to comfort you and guide you through this difficult time.
Here are a few steps to help you reconnect with Him:
Prayer: Begin by talking to Jesus in prayer. You don’t need fancy words or a specific formula. Just speak from your heart, tell Him how you’re feeling, and ask for His guidance and peace. Prayer is a powerful way to open your heart to His presence.
Scripture: Spend time reading the Bible, even if it’s just a few verses each day. Scriptures like Psalm 34:17-18, Matthew 11:28-30, and Philippians 4:6-7 can bring comfort and remind you of God’s promises.
Worship: Listen to worship music that uplifts your spirit and helps you focus on Jesus. Music has a unique way of touching our hearts and reminding us of God’s love and presence.
Community: Reach out to someone you trust, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or a leader at your church. Sharing your struggles with others can provide support and encouragement. You don’t have to walk this journey alone.
Professional Help: Consider talking to a counselor or therapist who can help you navigate your feelings of anxiety and sadness. There’s no shame in seeking professional help; it’s a sign of strength and a step towards healing.
I pray that you feel the comforting presence of Jesus surrounding you, that your anxiety and sadness will be lifted, and that you will find hope and joy in Him.
Remember, Jesus loves you deeply and unconditionally. He is with you always, ready to carry your burdens and give you rest. Lean on Him, and trust that He will guide you through this challenging time.
@@yaniv505 thank you so much! You truly are a kind person ❤️
🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️🕊️ be encouraged watch pastor mark hemans 💕❤
@@apple5101 ❣
@Preppy_gymnast-o7c thank you so much! ❤️
I went to church every Sunday with my father when I was younger but around the age of 14/15 I took it upon myself to stop going. Afteri stopped going, my life suddenly went down hill. I got into drugs, sex, violence and depression. My bad habits were there because I'd given up on myself. When I turned 18, my father got my a crucifix necklace and I wear it every day. I started to pray and study the Bible, and my life took a drastic turn for the better. When I thought I'd lost everything in life due to my bad ways, God called to me and helped me to my feet.
I guess I just want to say that if you're having a hard time in life or even if you're having a hard time believing, just keep praying and worshiping Jesus. The second you push the lord out of your life, you push away all his good plans for you. If your life isn't going how you want it, just talk to God and I promise you'll feel better. Everything happens for a good reason and the lord knows what he is doing.
Jeremiah 30:11 "I am with you and will save you," declares the lord.
Thank you for your Testimony.
Such a beautiful awesome inspiring testimony.
Kaitie god bless you
I loved that. Thank you for sharing 💖💖💖
Kaitie I'm going to share this with someone I know. It's beautiful thank you.
I'm a young 14 year old girl that's been beaten from a young age, scared and traumatised , judged til I start crying myself to sleep , and hurt by all the people I had around me. I went to a place of self harm, of not caring about anything and giving up on God but this year I started to except God back into my life because I gave my life to him at summer camp 2017 and my life has been changing rapidly the lord has saved me and my mum. I am so thankful like I can't explain it in words I had so many demons on me even my family could feel it around me but when I gave my life to God he protected me. I love the lord with all my heart and so thankful he found me in beautiful chaos.
Amv_videos, my prayers for you! It’s difficult to hear you have been traumatize through so much at a young age! I am glad that god is healing you, take care of you and lead you! Praying for peace, love, healing and faith for you and hopefully god will bring peace in your surrounding!
Amv_videos praying for you. God heals broken hearts and broken lives.
Amv_videos I thank the Lord for you.
Amv_videos Dm me on Instagram it's @muloshizy07....I would love to talk to you 💕
i was broken hurt and bruised. a boy with a broken identity, who believed he was born homosexual. the deeper the lust and the sexual encounters, the emptier i felt. Emptier and emptier. i had no joy nor peace in my life, i had a distorted view of what love is, and yet it did not satisfy me, deep down i knew that my lifestyle was wrong, but i was bound by chains and fetters, i started drinking, i started cutting myself to feel. my sexual encounters became more and more sick, and one evening, when i went with someone i never met and never knew, i hit rock bottom, i was so broken, i was so overwhelmed by the weight of my sinful life. i was sinking deep in sin, i was far from the Peaceful shore, but the Master of the Sea came and lifted me out of the pit of destruction. Jesus Christ was with me when i did the filthiest things, He was calling me back to Father everyday. One evening, the weight of my sin was so strong and weighed me down like a 1000 ton of cement, the Holy Spirit convicted me of the life i was living, homosexuality, alcoholism, lust, self-mutilation, self-centeredness, pride, lying... as I was feeling all of this, the Father manifested His LOVE, GRACE & MERCY to me through Jesus Christ. I never felt such love - He moved with such authority yet with such LOVE and COMPASSION. I knew that there is a GOD. Now saved am i, cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, i am dead to my sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. Now my life is a declaration to the Messiah, HE is The Way, The Truth & The Life. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good! Washed and cleansed by the precious Blood of my Jesus Christ! HALLELUJAH!!!!!
Psalm 40:2-3 "He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
out of the miry clay,
and set my feet on a rock,
and established my steps.
He has put a new song in my mouth,
even praise to our God;
many will see it, and fear,
and will trust in the Lord"
I'm so happy for you! I've also struggled with lust and almost lost myself within it! Always remember how great God's love, mercy and grace is! Love you my brother in Christ ^^
Thank you and grace to you my sister in Christ Jesus. He is worthy of all the praise. He took me out and I am so excited to see what He has in store for me, I cannot wait to get married to my beautiful wife and have a beautiful children. God has made all things NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Hyren Peterson wow this is an amazing victory in Jesus. I'm so , so deeply happy n moved for your rest your soul can now have
Jesus loves everyone even homosexuals because he has followers who are homosexual. you have an amazing story but no one should think Jesus won't love them because they are gay lesbian trans... God is good, not hateful and we all need to know that he loves and excepts everyone.
Amén! His Grace is always greater and his love never fails! God bless you
I'll come back here to testify. Right now my strength is gone, I feel the world is against me. I just searched for a soul lifting song. I'll sure reflect back here in few weeks. Amen
🙏🏼💕be encouraged watch pastor Mark hemans 🕊️🔥✝️
I surrender matt crocker beautiful song uplifting
The moment I heard this song I knew it would forever be my soul song. As a singer and worship leader at my church I fell in love with the way this song relates to my life with Christ. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Leukemia and I've relapsed twice since. Things have not been easy and I accept all challenges, all struggles, all experience good and bad. I hope for the best and thank God regardless of my situation because I'm still alive 4 years later. This year was the first year I celebrated my birthday away from a hospital since my diagnosis. Praise God in and out of the storm.
+Stephanie Rivera. You know,God always ensures that I get a Word of encouragement when life gets hard. This morning going to Church, I was really feeling down b/c of life issues. I kept listening to Hillsong Transfiguration, Even When It Hurts, & When I call Upon Your Name, over & over again and I was fine for a moment; But when I tried to play them in my car, I couldn't get it to work which irritated me and I started focusing on my 'issues' the time I got to Church I was a wreck. But I thank Jesus, He knew I needed the encouragement and He gave it to me full force :). When I got back home, I began listening to the same songs again and came across your comments. I just wanted you to know I'm encouraged by your post! In the meantime, keep praising God no matter what and He always be the strength each of us to bear our life issues. Stay Blessed in Christ!!! :)
With Christ we can overcome anything the devil throws our way. Continue to stand firm during the storm and sing the Lord's praises. God bless you. This world and its trials are temporary.
Understand . I was diagnosed with SLE - Lupus in 2013. has been a very bumpy road since. I am only 29 and have 2 children and a step-son all under the age of 12. not easy, but I live 1 day at a time. it's all we can do. God Bless!!
May God continue to blessed you,He's Love n His full of Grace.
I feel so complete reading these comments
It make me realise that I’m not alone I’m not the only one going through depression
I’m not the only one who needs god to save them
So I pray that everyone give there problems to god, pray and worship and thing will start to get easier
God will loves you now he will never stop loving you
You are so precious and are worth everything
Stay strong things will get better🙏🏼🥺
Jessica, most importantly do you know for sure that you are going to heaven? Please see my Bible way to heaven playlist if you are not sure :)
John 5
24: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
My heart is broken right now. I have been so betrayed that i don't know how to trust anymore. Lord heal my broken heart and fulfill your will for my life.
The Lord loves you Amen 🤍
I pray you may find love that will make you forget all the pain. And the sadness shall once more be happiness❤ amen!
I'm here u b ok ok just not preying for me to or I don't think I should but I did and I wouldn't have changed it the first time I did. So . But dont lke no this song sung . Not for me to judge tho so ok
Im right there now
This is how I feel right now!!!?
Too much pain, agony and anxiety 😭 I pray for God's comfort and restoration. I surrender it all In Jesus Name AMEN 🙏🏻🙌🏻😭
Even when it hurts I praise you🙏🏻🙌🏻😭
🙏🏼🙏🏼✝️🕊️ be encouraged watch pastor mark hemans ❤
I didnt get the scholarship that I applied for, the results were out just earlier. I really needed that scholarship because we are very financially unstable. I dont know what His will is, but ill continue to praise Him and go where He wants me to go.
Joanna Mañamusa praying for & with you ♥️🙏🏽
He has a plan just trust him.
That literally happened to me , I was actually suppose to get a scholarship for this year I was so close but I didn’t get it and I prayed and I know he’s gonna make a way
Trust the process ♥😌
and now do you understand why He didn't give you the scholarship?
When you leave everything in God's hands, after a while you begin to see God's hand in everything. Chris Ireland
So true
Love that saying chris o connor i needed that thank you so much I after years and years clean almost lost my life last week from a terrible terrible mistake mess up I made It took emt several mintues to revive me
I know god has bigger better plan Just have get through this day at time and realize I was forgiven before I even hit my knees to beg him for his forgiveness
@@rachelpannell4459 Hope you are doing much better 💖 Sending you virtual hugs and prays 💖💖
The night of my mom's passing, this song started playing on my speaker in the middle of the night and while I was startled from my sleep, I believe it was a gentle reminder that despite the situation, God is still good and worthy of praise in every situation! My absolute favorite song.
October 2024- anyone?❤
Yes 😊
I recently had a miscarriage. It hurts so badly I can’t breathe. It’s hard to not think about the pain when my sister in law and I were pregnant at the same time and are living together. Now I just have to witness her healthy pregnancy while grieving for the loss of mine. I’m happy for her, but being around her ... constantly keeps my mind on the pain. I know that God will bless me with a healthy baby one day. But until then I will praise him, even when it hurts.
Praying for you. Having a dream and vision that is already fulfilling itself and then learning that all of this is slowly dissolving into a nightmare is very hard. Especially when we have already planned out things and share our happiness with others. I can only imagine how incredibly hard it must be to share her happiness. You desperately want to be happy, but you just can't. It is hard to mourn for someone you have never met, but deep down you knew that this little human being was already a part of you. Your grievance is part of the journey. I hope you will find comfort in knowing that God will bless you with a child one day, and courage in finding happiness though it might seem impossible.
Remember God has a plan for your baby. If he took this one he knows the best for the baby. And God is faithful he'll definitely bless you with another very very beautiful baby who'll love the Lord wholeheartedly. I'll hold you in prayers sister. ❤️
@@celinabos716 .
Cannot tell you how much I know what this feels like.. The pain and the loss almost took me out.. But through ALL OF IT God was always, always close.. It was a raw and excutiatingly painful time, but He was there with me, reminding me He loved me and that He was weeping with me..
During this time I burried my self into Him.. No one could help me or have words to console me.. But He did.. He strengthened me and He carried me.. The days I couldn't emotionally manage, the despair that would come, the anger I would feel, the unfairness of life, the beating of my fists into my pillow pretending it was His chest, and the moments I felt like I couldn't breath.. - He was there. He carried me.. When I couldn't 'anything' He was still there giving me strength and telling me it's gonna be ok.
He is with you just as he was with me.. Cling to him, no matter how much it hurts.. By HIS Spirit He will personally sit you at His table and spoon feed you when you can't feed yourself.. He'll wipe your tears and nose when you won't.. He'll let you fall asleep in moments of peace (thats how you'll know he's holding you).. And He'll strengthen you with His strong and gentle hands.. In time your heart will heal.. In time, new life will grow within you, and you'll hold a new promise in your arms.. ❤