Thank you, John. I really enjoyed it the film. I first went Piel back in the 1940s when my parents took my sisters and myself over for the day. We continued to go every year on our annual holiday to the Coast Rd. I could never understand about King Stephen of Normandy, but just recently I have read a series of books about the Plantagenet royal family so re-reading the above extract it has made sense. In 1950 my uncle took me to Windsor Castle. I didn't like it because it was nothing like 'my Piel Castle'.
Thank you, John. I really enjoyed it the film. I first went Piel back in the 1940s when my parents took my sisters and myself over for the day. We continued to go every year on our annual holiday to the Coast Rd. I could never understand about King Stephen of Normandy, but just recently I have read a series of books about the Plantagenet royal family so re-reading the above extract it has made sense. In 1950 my uncle took me to Windsor Castle. I didn't like it because it was nothing like 'my Piel Castle'.