had one genius in my german neighboorhood who turned his pool into a fish pond ... noone told him that there are birds who love to fish, not just on the coasts. ... took just one or two cormorants to empty his pond within a week or two, as there were zero cover for the fish.
Hi from Switzerland lol Had a cat when I was little and also had a neighbour with a pond. I won‘t get into the detrimental effect of ‚outside‘ cats on local animals, but our cat of course appreciated the buffet. No surprises there. But then he wanted to charge my parents for the fish lol I was little, so I have no idea how they resolved it, weird memory nonetheless
@@MeanOldLady ironicly the "professionals" in our region also show some serious lack of research in that regard ... crying all day about the cormorants as they invade their overstocked fish breeding pools, shooting them as if that would make a difference and even asking the local governments for financial compensation (as those birds have certain protections, especially in the nature reserves all around) ... instead of creating more natural habitats in and around their ponds/lakes which would give the fish meaningful protection. Doesnt actually require a ton of research to prevent such issues, just make it natural .. nature figured out stuff a long time ago.
If you want to give someone easy quick advice on how to do a natural style pond ecosystem with cover, just look up serpa designs, he's done tons of videos on ponds with natural cover.
as much as i love my amano shrimp, i have one mystery snail who i've kind of trained to take food from my hand. when it's feeding time, i set the food in front of his tank while i sort everything out so he has time to notice it and start climbing. usually by the time im done feeding my other tank, he's most of the way to the top. i do minimal maintenance while i wait. when he gets to the top, he presses his mouth parts to the water surface and i set a bloodworm or a couple crumbs of the higher quality food on him. he so cute when he munches, so im really happy he comes up where i can see him to do it. i've had him pull a bloodworm out of my grasp before; that was a fun experience. he's a lot stronger than i expected.
I got a $175 freshwater eel species as a hitchhiker. Ok, well, it wasn’t exactly a hitchhiker, but I was supposed to get a $40 starry night eel, and accidentally ended up with the $175 mastacembelus moorii eel that the shop owner thought was dead/lost. Discovered the mistake later after I got him in my tank, but he let me keep him. His name is Eli the eel.
My husband once yelled at me for rollerblading in the kitchen. It was 1am. We were in bed. He was sleep talking. I told him I’m not going to stop and he can’t tell me what to do. He sighed, rolled over and continued snoring.
The brief "This is America" clip in the typically oversaturated intro-spiel was, frankly, really well done. I miss when I could understand everything and every nuance, but that's the race you run between the frenetic pace of social media and the slow, plodding brains of old people. I guess. Anyway... I briefly joined your Discord. It was terrible; there are lots of people there, and I don't care for people. Not really sure what I was expecting. What I'm trying to say is I like you, and your channel, a lot, and as a newb (to fishkeeping, not to life) I have learned a lot from you, albeit housed in comedy. I would like to thank you, sincerely, for both the content and the consistency of what you've been doing. There are many like me who never say it, but we are all, always, appreciative of you. As to your question of the week: Nerite snails
oh yeah, that reminded me. the funniest thing ever is rabbit snails giving birth. they move weirdly, they pick themselves up and drag themselves, but when they give birth, when they pick themself up, there's just a baby snail where it was (this happened to me in my guppy breeder tank, and I was somewhat startled to see a tiny snail randomly appear)
Coming across those all the time on Etsy while looking for lava rocks... Now I think I might have some space for a delightfully tacky, lava rock skull... 🤔
I saw this pool the other day and was so excited and jealous, until the kids starting cannonballing into it 😳😬😬😬 can’t imagine that’s conducive to reducing fish stress
Yeah I agreed because there’s no way they’re getting all the oils, soaps, etc off themselves before jumping in either. Also the addition of the iridescent shark tells me they really aren’t doing their research on these species. This is so fun in theory but in practice I don’t think it’s very ethical for the fish
8:00 the sleep talking thing, my wasband sleepwalked/sleeptalked and it was fucking hilarious. He could take commands and answer simple questions so yes you can respond as a sleeptalker. One time he sat up out of a dead sleep and in a brittish accent said "Appy Birthday Ma'Facko" and then just fell back into bed and began snoring again
I had a coolie Loach and a Clown loach as hitchhikers in the past. And the snail is so relatable. I have those too and they got stuck like that as well
Blood parrots and severums in a pool that you swim in is a level of confidence I wish I had. Why not put some candiru and exodons in there for extra excitement?
Gotta pause and say, i just saw a post on fb for 380$ for a 0.5gallon with no filter, light, heater, or anything but some used blue gravel and 2 5$ decor caves.
I mean crested geckos were believed to have gone extinct up until 1994. But they are apparently threatened by the very invasive small fire ant. And of course loss of habitat due to fire, rodents, pigs and deer (which humans introduced/ keep). The fact that they are popular pets is whats going to keep them from complete extinction, but wild numbers seem to be decreasing.
Not only the eggs are not attached to the female neocaridina shrimp, but you can remove them if a female died before the others eat it and raise the eggs in clean water, with oxygenation we have higher chances for it to born Ive done it some times, the first one even withou oxygenation, just regularly removing any with egg
This IS my favourite Monday show! My dad converted our backyard pool into a fish pond growing up, and I would never swim in that water knowing the amount of wildlife that has visited over the years (raccoons, herons, snakes, frogs, salamanders, river otters and more!) They really do things differently in Florida. Every FishTuber from that area is like Crocodile Dundee just scooping fish out of drains and abandoned pools. But yeah, I'd rather err on the side of caution and avoid any potential parasitic contact!
7:00 Yoo speaking of hitch hikers like a week ago I found like 3 Amanos in some plants I bought. Saved me like 15 bucks and a trip to the aquascaping store lol
NEOCARADINA DAVIDI!!! A whole seething Jupiter sized swirling storm of color. With enough plants in the tank, you can play "where's waldo" everyday... It's fun to get all the colors, then watch as successive generations do fun things with it. Eventually they revert to wild type, which is also cool.
Woohoo!! It's FTR day everyone! It's the best darn talk show on earth!!!! Wishing all an awesomely positive week and hope to see you back here next week. ✌️ Edit; I've been obsessed with turning our pool into a pond, but from what I've researched it's recommended to do some demo to the pool and create a more natural pond. But I guess if keeping the diving board and everything works for those folks... I'll be emailing that Sharp contracting company now, or at least looking up photos at least. QotW; I can't choose a specific species of invertebrate so I'll just stuff all under the umbrella of shrimp. Shrimp. Shrimp!!! Bamboo, vampire, Neocaridina, Caridina, Sulawesi, even Whisker shrimp that I just got for $0.75 each to seed a source of food in my Black Tiger Badis tank are so cute I'm having thoughts I want more! One of them just battled a black worm and conquered and ate it!! They're so cool!! I love shrimp!! They even forgive me for sometimes eating shrimp tacos!! They're so loving and forgiving!! 😅😂
8:08 i had rabbit snails before and can confirm that they occasionally get stuck in weird places where i have to help them get out of. They are cute but i have no idea how they survive in the wild.
I bought plants once and couldnt put them in the tank right away so i had them in a spare empty tank for a few days... looked in one day and suddenly tiny fish were swimming around... a few month and lots of care and feeding later I had 8 diamond rainbowfish ready to be transfered into my bigger tank. Funnily enough, I wanted to get a big group of these anyway so 8 as a start was a nice surprise. They do be growing very slow tho.
Don't have fish at the moment (it's a whole thing) but I DO keep loads of inverts, millipedes are my fave but I have more GALS, because they breed like rabbits and occasionally a clutch of eggs gets missed and doesn't get to the freezer in time...
Fun fact in India mosques have this place where people wash their face and hands with water before going to prayer and it is kind of like a Tub or something which has water full to the brim and people use to wash their face , hands feet etc from the water and sometimes people who can't take care of fish as they have grown big in their tank like goldfish or iridescent cat fish put their fishes in These places and these guys Grow HUGE it's a sight to see
Yeah, you can talk to people when they are sleep-talking and sometimes get a reaction. You know how sometimes you will hear your wake-up alarm in your dreams before you wake up fully, but your brain tries to incorporate the sound into the dream itself? Same thing. Pretty neat stuff.
The QOTW is a difficult one. It's a tie between my amano shrimp and mystery snails. They are both entertaining to watch. The evolution of hands was great😂
Qotw: Red Clawed Crabs. I got some for a paludarium thinking they would stay in the water, maybe come out a little bit but stay by the water. But no. That thing was all the way at the top of the paludarium hanging upside down from the screen lid I had at the time.
I accidentally got a sparkling gourami hitchhiker one time. Funny thing is, the pet store I got it from doesn’t sell them, so it hitchhiked to the pet store and then my home. 😂 and honestly it’s my favorite fish.
Qotw answer, mine would be crabs. They are fascinating and come in so many varieties, not just color, but i recently learned some crabs that spend most of their time in the water, actually climb TREES and will live up in the CANOPY of cloud rainforests! They live in bromalids in the water that collects in them.
as someone that has sleep disorders of sleep talk/walking - yes it is entirely normal for the sleeping patient to respond. we have some wild conversations in our sleep, and one of our highlights had been "Don't let it fall," to which our partner asked - Don't let what fall ? -- "The fish, don't let it fall." It's in the tank ? "Shh, no." The tank is in another room entirely.
fun fact, crested geckos were thought extinct for many years. Only recently re-discovered in the wild ('94). Introduced fire ants and other invasive species are some of the biggest threats to them currently.
Neocaridina shrimp for the absolute Olympic Gold win for inverts. My first 10gal scape is in week 6 and cycled. I'm waiting for my LFS to restock ocean blue neos. My 1 gal shrimp vase lured me into making a 10gal. 7 weeks ago petsmart had aqueon tanks 50% off and I got my 10 gal for $15. I can't wait to stock it with the blue neos and chili rasboras. Plants are growing and my monte Carlo is slowly spreading. I'm coming for that 5/5 Chris! Just a few more months hehehe
QOTW: snails!! i had one with my previous betta and when i added my snail, the algae was gone by the end of the day. yes, i had to keep my snail from climbing into the filter multiple times, but i enjoyed watching it go up the sides of the tank
I would loooove to have a brackish water tank someday. After seeing the grass shrimp and sponges on the pilings at a marina (chesapeak bay), it became a dream to pursue...
QOTW: Have a new favorite invertebrate. The blueberry snail. Just love their spots. They have live births but only a few at a time, eat algae , eat l/o food when I accidentally give a little too much and they keep the substrate turned over. Perfect snails imho. 💙
I rescued a 75 gallon tank from a lady who lost her husband. The tank was in rough shape, and I lost several fish. Four times I went to remove the two clown loaches and they where just playing ded lmao.
Qotw- I got some ghost shrimp to help with hair algae cleanup in my 29gallon, they do a phenomenal job. Definitely my favorite invertebrate. Simple but mesmerizing. I put spirulina time release feeding cubes in occasionally & and one of the shrimp turned blue afterwards, wowza. My aquariums antics never cease to amaze me. 😮
Qotw: bamboo shrimp 🥹 their little fan hands (and the way they move them) make my heart happy! But I also have a soft spot for neocaridinas, still planning on getting them :)
The thing with natural swim ponds is that you need proper flow and filtration and aeration. Probably also need to ensure temp is not too high to prevent Brain-Eating Amoeba
The mantis shrimp hitchhikers is definitely not a joke! And frankly it's kind of a pain, because they will kill and eat fish, in addition to the risk that they'll hit your glass and crack your tank. They are also relatively intelligent, making them more difficult to trap and remove. However, they have a small but dedicated fanbase, so if they are one of the more colorful types, you can often find other saltwater aquarists who would be happy to take them off your hands once you finally catch them. And some people decide to simply set up a small dedicated tank themselves for their hitchhiker mantis shrimp.
The clown loaches are just sleeping. Sometimes you will also see SAE do that, but it's most common in larger loaches :D Had one SAE that was sleeping so soundly he didn't move until I tried grabbing him, thinking he was dead and was about to throw him out XD
Happy FFTday everyone! I dunno how I feel about that swimming pool set up. I can't imagine the fish love the diving in and cannonballs that we all know happen when humans are near a pool on a hot day.
FROM THAT THUMBNAIL - i had a dream like this and it was super cool. but looking at the pic, my first thought is..... you're swimming around in fish waste. (sure we do that at the beach but the ocean takes care of a lot of it. also my dream pool thingy was saltwater and didn't look dark n dirty like that)
Getting a mantis shrimp as a hitch hiker in saltwater is actually a nightmare scenario. You DO NOT want a mantis shrimp in your tank unless it is a dedicated mantis shrimp tank. Thats like being jealous of bobbit worm hitch hikers.
its really nice living in an environment where keeping tropical fish outdoors is an option. ive seen some wild combos. oscars and aros in koi ponds. ive got paradise fish breeding in my koi pond. lol i actually really like arowana in koi ponds. they seem to leave the koi alone and so cool to see that dragon in there with all the graceful koi.
I love shrimp💕I spend HOURS watching them eat and swim around. I had a shrimp couple who lived in a cave I made out of 3 rocks.. Sadly I hit the rocks while doing a water change on the tank and never could set it up how it was.. they moved out.. I hope they remained a couple after I ruined their home🫣🦐😥
I watched a closer more detailed video of that shrimp behavior. it appears as though they are attached by a silk like wire. and if they need to they can pull them away from the cluster and clean them one by one.
QOTW: I got into the hobby because I fell in love with mystery snails. They somehow manage to be both graceful and doofy. Had one blue mystery snail with a 10 gallon all to itself for a while lmao
i sleep talk like that too…. and i never lie while sleep talking…… my aunt has carried a whole conversation with me thinking i was awake and i cant recall any of it. my family has probably stolen so much secret data without me knowing
I’m watching this at the airport with a 4 hour flight ahead of an of course the plane got delayed over 30 minutes this video made waiting so much better
Those clown loaches gave me war flashbacks to cooonstantly having to explain to customers that no, those fish are indeed not dead. Congratulations, you just got pranked by a fish. QTAW: I would have said Amano shrimp in the past, but I've fallen in love with my crystal reds so much over the last couple of weeks. Also bamboo shrimp, obviously. Shrimp just are the best. Wouldn't really feel right keeping one in an aquarium, but if we're talking invertebrates as a whole, nothing beats octopuses imo.
A group of friends and I were at a gaming convention once and 1 of my friends and I both talked in our sleep. The others said we talked about music with each other all night every night while we slept
►► JOIN the Fishkeeping Discord & SUBMIT your Fish Tank bit.ly/3z05bpC
🙏 Thank you for the support!
Hi mate have you ever tried the all in one lily pipe called the hermit
Chirs trying to convince us he would have something other than 3,000 Corydoras in a 10,000 gallon backyard pool pond.
had one genius in my german neighboorhood who turned his pool into a fish pond ... noone told him that there are birds who love to fish, not just on the coasts. ... took just one or two cormorants to empty his pond within a week or two, as there were zero cover for the fish.
It's his own fault for not doing a ton of research. Poor dude...
Hi from Switzerland lol Had a cat when I was little and also had a neighbour with a pond. I won‘t get into the detrimental effect of ‚outside‘ cats on local animals, but our cat of course appreciated the buffet. No surprises there. But then he wanted to charge my parents for the fish lol I was little, so I have no idea how they resolved it, weird memory nonetheless
@@MeanOldLady ironicly the "professionals" in our region also show some serious lack of research in that regard ... crying all day about the cormorants as they invade their overstocked fish breeding pools, shooting them as if that would make a difference and even asking the local governments for financial compensation (as those birds have certain protections, especially in the nature reserves all around) ... instead of creating more natural habitats in and around their ponds/lakes which would give the fish meaningful protection.
Doesnt actually require a ton of research to prevent such issues, just make it natural .. nature figured out stuff a long time ago.
cormorants are super cool, and very efficient!
If you want to give someone easy quick advice on how to do a natural style pond ecosystem with cover, just look up serpa designs, he's done tons of videos on ponds with natural cover.
as much as i love my amano shrimp, i have one mystery snail who i've kind of trained to take food from my hand. when it's feeding time, i set the food in front of his tank while i sort everything out so he has time to notice it and start climbing. usually by the time im done feeding my other tank, he's most of the way to the top. i do minimal maintenance while i wait. when he gets to the top, he presses his mouth parts to the water surface and i set a bloodworm or a couple crumbs of the higher quality food on him. he so cute when he munches, so im really happy he comes up where i can see him to do it. i've had him pull a bloodworm out of my grasp before; that was a fun experience. he's a lot stronger than i expected.
that is crazy xD
I got a $175 freshwater eel species as a hitchhiker.
Ok, well, it wasn’t exactly a hitchhiker, but I was supposed to get a $40 starry night eel, and accidentally ended up with the $175 mastacembelus moorii eel that the shop owner thought was dead/lost.
Discovered the mistake later after I got him in my tank, but he let me keep him. His name is Eli the eel.
I got a tilapia as a hitchhiker in my turtle pond once
It grown to a few inches but then the turtle ate it
A turtle*
that's so cool xD luckeee
Bro the only hitchhikers I get is ick lol
My husband once yelled at me for rollerblading in the kitchen. It was 1am. We were in bed. He was sleep talking. I told him I’m not going to stop and he can’t tell me what to do. He sighed, rolled over and continued snoring.
The brief "This is America" clip in the typically oversaturated intro-spiel was, frankly, really well done. I miss when I could understand everything and every nuance, but that's the race you run between the frenetic pace of social media and the slow, plodding brains of old people. I guess. Anyway...
I briefly joined your Discord. It was terrible; there are lots of people there, and I don't care for people. Not really sure what I was expecting.
What I'm trying to say is I like you, and your channel, a lot, and as a newb (to fishkeeping, not to life) I have learned a lot from you, albeit housed in comedy. I would like to thank you, sincerely, for both the content and the consistency of what you've been doing. There are many like me who never say it, but we are all, always, appreciative of you.
As to your question of the week: Nerite snails
thanks for the support! Sorry the discord was not for you :(
oh yeah, that reminded me. the funniest thing ever is rabbit snails giving birth. they move weirdly, they pick themselves up and drag themselves, but when they give birth, when they pick themself up, there's just a baby snail where it was
(this happened to me in my guppy breeder tank, and I was somewhat startled to see a tiny snail randomly appear)
Causually adding a tiny skull at the top of that brackish red shrimp tank
Coming across those all the time on Etsy while looking for lava rocks...
Now I think I might have some space for a delightfully tacky, lava rock skull... 🤔
I saw this pool the other day and was so excited and jealous, until the kids starting cannonballing into it 😳😬😬😬 can’t imagine that’s conducive to reducing fish stress
Yeah I agreed because there’s no way they’re getting all the oils, soaps, etc off themselves before jumping in either. Also the addition of the iridescent shark tells me they really aren’t doing their research on these species. This is so fun in theory but in practice I don’t think it’s very ethical for the fish
peeing in the pool
It's like birds or seals diving in to eat fish all the time in nature.
@@onlywei that’s a lot more water and also very stressful for fish? We’re not trying to mimic predation?
@@cassiopeaknack, I don't think that person is saying that we should, just pointing out the behavior it mimics.
I am honestly jealous that someone had enough money to turn their entire pool into a fish tank 😂
8:00 the sleep talking thing, my wasband sleepwalked/sleeptalked and it was fucking hilarious. He could take commands and answer simple questions so yes you can respond as a sleeptalker. One time he sat up out of a dead sleep and in a brittish accent said "Appy Birthday Ma'Facko" and then just fell back into bed and began snoring again
Lol wasband. That’s hilarious, although seeing someone sleepwalking would probably freak me out at first.
I had a coolie Loach and a Clown loach as hitchhikers in the past. And the snail is so relatable. I have those too and they got stuck like that as well
Blood parrots and severums in a pool that you swim in is a level of confidence I wish I had.
Why not put some candiru and exodons in there for extra excitement?
Gotta pause and say, i just saw a post on fb for 380$ for a 0.5gallon with no filter, light, heater, or anything but some used blue gravel and 2 5$ decor caves.
I mean crested geckos were believed to have gone extinct up until 1994. But they are apparently threatened by the very invasive small fire ant. And of course loss of habitat due to fire, rodents, pigs and deer (which humans introduced/ keep). The fact that they are popular pets is whats going to keep them from complete extinction, but wild numbers seem to be decreasing.
yes exactly!
Their only defense is looking like bird poop.
Human activity is such a boring way to go. At least the dinosaurs got the meteor.
Not only the eggs are not attached to the female neocaridina shrimp, but you can remove them if a female died before the others eat it and raise the eggs in clean water, with oxygenation we have higher chances for it to born
Ive done it some times, the first one even withou oxygenation, just regularly removing any with egg
These office water jugs are typically 5 gal.
This IS my favourite Monday show! My dad converted our backyard pool into a fish pond growing up, and I would never swim in that water knowing the amount of wildlife that has visited over the years (raccoons, herons, snakes, frogs, salamanders, river otters and more!) They really do things differently in Florida. Every FishTuber from that area is like Crocodile Dundee just scooping fish out of drains and abandoned pools. But yeah, I'd rather err on the side of caution and avoid any potential parasitic contact!
7:00 Yoo speaking of hitch hikers like a week ago I found like 3 Amanos in some plants I bought. Saved me like 15 bucks and a trip to the aquascaping store lol
@ 4:15 You can see a skull amongst the rocks in that shrimp tank.
A natural swimming pond is a great idea! Having a diverse set of aquatic plants will make it lower maintainence and attractive to wildlife.
My brothers used to sleep walk and sleep talk and amazingly they do respond to whatever you say lol
FFT bro. I've been watching your vids for years and made my own planted tank a while ago. Now I even have fry from my honey gouramis. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
NEOCARADINA DAVIDI!!! A whole seething Jupiter sized swirling storm of color. With enough plants in the tank, you can play "where's waldo" everyday...
It's fun to get all the colors, then watch as successive generations do fun things with it. Eventually they revert to wild type, which is also cool.
so cool
Woohoo!! It's FTR day everyone! It's the best darn talk show on earth!!!! Wishing all an awesomely positive week and hope to see you back here next week. ✌️
Edit; I've been obsessed with turning our pool into a pond, but from what I've researched it's recommended to do some demo to the pool and create a more natural pond. But I guess if keeping the diving board and everything works for those folks... I'll be emailing that Sharp contracting company now, or at least looking up photos at least.
QotW; I can't choose a specific species of invertebrate so I'll just stuff all under the umbrella of shrimp. Shrimp. Shrimp!!! Bamboo, vampire, Neocaridina, Caridina, Sulawesi, even Whisker shrimp that I just got for $0.75 each to seed a source of food in my Black Tiger Badis tank are so cute I'm having thoughts I want more! One of them just battled a black worm and conquered and ate it!! They're so cool!! I love shrimp!! They even forgive me for sometimes eating shrimp tacos!! They're so loving and forgiving!! 😅😂
definitely a natural pond for me too, no diving boards xD
QoTW: fav invert is Bamboo (Atyopsis sp) for freshwater
For saltwater its the bumble bee shrimp(Gnathophyllum sp)
8:08 i had rabbit snails before and can confirm that they occasionally get stuck in weird places where i have to help them get out of. They are cute but i have no idea how they survive in the wild.
It’s always a good day when the latest FTR comes out! [QOTW: My favorite aquarium invertebrates are neocaridina shrimp.]
I bought plants once and couldnt put them in the tank right away so i had them in a spare empty tank for a few days... looked in one day and suddenly tiny fish were swimming around... a few month and lots of care and feeding later I had 8 diamond rainbowfish ready to be transfered into my bigger tank. Funnily enough, I wanted to get a big group of these anyway so 8 as a start was a nice surprise. They do be growing very slow tho.
Don't have fish at the moment (it's a whole thing) but I DO keep loads of inverts, millipedes are my fave but I have more GALS, because they breed like rabbits and occasionally a clutch of eggs gets missed and doesn't get to the freezer in time...
Fun fact in India mosques have this place where people wash their face and hands with water before going to prayer and it is kind of like a Tub or something which has water full to the brim and people use to wash their face , hands feet etc from the water and sometimes people who can't take care of fish as they have grown big in their tank like goldfish or iridescent cat fish put their fishes in These places and these guys Grow HUGE it's a sight to see
Do people keep washing their body with it even with fish pooping in the water? If so, that seems unwise.
@@feuerling yes But the water is constantly moving so I doubt it will cause any disease
I have to say, I'm a huge fan of rabbit snails. They look so clumsy and cute.
3:16 POLLUTED PLATOON PATHFINDER!!!! This song goes SO hard
I'm a pretty big fan of snails myself, including the "pest" varieties.
Does liking to eat crab legs count? I so love your channel it DOES make my day better always.
QotW: Bladder snails. They have so much personality, and I love the way they can float through the water.
Fish keepers unite. One of my fave lines bro. 😮
qotw - Leetle shreemp!
Love how they look like little submarines when they swim around.
First world problems, I never even seen a snow board.
that’s the Olympic Fire Torch Snail @ 8:26
LOVE seeing the bigger freshwater sharks in a pond!
Yeah, you can talk to people when they are sleep-talking and sometimes get a reaction. You know how sometimes you will hear your wake-up alarm in your dreams before you wake up fully, but your brain tries to incorporate the sound into the dream itself? Same thing. Pretty neat stuff.
always love the use of the kerning city music
Key Chris those snails are called rabbit snails. I got a few colors of them. Really beautiful.
The QOTW is a difficult one. It's a tie between my amano shrimp and mystery snails. They are both entertaining to watch. The evolution of hands was great😂
Qotw: Red Clawed Crabs. I got some for a paludarium thinking they would stay in the water, maybe come out a little bit but stay by the water. But no. That thing was all the way at the top of the paludarium hanging upside down from the screen lid I had at the time.
I accidentally got a sparkling gourami hitchhiker one time. Funny thing is, the pet store I got it from doesn’t sell them, so it hitchhiked to the pet store and then my home. 😂 and honestly it’s my favorite fish.
Qotw answer, mine would be crabs. They are fascinating and come in so many varieties, not just color, but i recently learned some crabs that spend most of their time in the water, actually climb TREES and will live up in the CANOPY of cloud rainforests! They live in bromalids in the water that collects in them.
Moina are the coolest inverts I have in my opinion. It is miraculous how animal life can live in such a microscopic world
as someone that has sleep disorders of sleep talk/walking - yes it is entirely normal for the sleeping patient to respond.
we have some wild conversations in our sleep, and one of our highlights had been
"Don't let it fall,"
to which our partner asked - Don't let what fall ?
-- "The fish, don't let it fall." It's in the tank ? "Shh, no."
The tank is in another room entirely.
fun fact, crested geckos were thought extinct for many years. Only recently re-discovered in the wild ('94). Introduced fire ants and other invasive species are some of the biggest threats to them currently.
I want to see Chris set up more tanks. Bigger tanks.
Neocaridina shrimp for the absolute Olympic Gold win for inverts. My first 10gal scape is in week 6 and cycled. I'm waiting for my LFS to restock ocean blue neos. My 1 gal shrimp vase lured me into making a 10gal. 7 weeks ago petsmart had aqueon tanks 50% off and I got my 10 gal for $15. I can't wait to stock it with the blue neos and chili rasboras. Plants are growing and my monte Carlo is slowly spreading. I'm coming for that 5/5 Chris! Just a few more months hehehe
QOTW: snails!! i had one with my previous betta and when i added my snail, the algae was gone by the end of the day. yes, i had to keep my snail from climbing into the filter multiple times, but i enjoyed watching it go up the sides of the tank
I would loooove to have a brackish water tank someday. After seeing the grass shrimp and sponges on the pilings at a marina (chesapeak bay), it became a dream to pursue...
QOTW: Have a new favorite invertebrate. The blueberry snail. Just love their spots. They have live births but only a few at a time, eat algae , eat l/o food when I accidentally give a little too much and they keep the substrate turned over. Perfect snails imho. 💙
I rescued a 75 gallon tank from a lady who lost her husband. The tank was in rough shape, and I lost several fish. Four times I went to remove the two clown loaches and they where just playing ded lmao.
I was just waiting for them to reveal a betta fish in the pool
Qotw- I got some ghost shrimp to help with hair algae cleanup in my 29gallon, they do a phenomenal job. Definitely my favorite invertebrate. Simple but mesmerizing. I put spirulina time release feeding cubes in occasionally & and one of the shrimp turned blue afterwards, wowza. My aquariums antics never cease to amaze me. 😮
haha nice!
Qotw: bamboo shrimp 🥹 their little fan hands (and the way they move them) make my heart happy!
But I also have a soft spot for neocaridinas, still planning on getting them :)
I really have a soft spot for scuds😊
The thing with natural swim ponds is that you need proper flow and filtration and aeration. Probably also need to ensure temp is not too high to prevent Brain-Eating Amoeba
The mantis shrimp hitchhikers is definitely not a joke! And frankly it's kind of a pain, because they will kill and eat fish, in addition to the risk that they'll hit your glass and crack your tank. They are also relatively intelligent, making them more difficult to trap and remove. However, they have a small but dedicated fanbase, so if they are one of the more colorful types, you can often find other saltwater aquarists who would be happy to take them off your hands once you finally catch them. And some people decide to simply set up a small dedicated tank themselves for their hitchhiker mantis shrimp.
apparently,mantis shrimp are common as hitch hikers in saltwater
The clown loaches are just sleeping. Sometimes you will also see SAE do that, but it's most common in larger loaches :D Had one SAE that was sleeping so soundly he didn't move until I tried grabbing him, thinking he was dead and was about to throw him out XD
Happy FFTday everyone!
I dunno how I feel about that swimming pool set up. I can't imagine the fish love the diving in and cannonballs that we all know happen when humans are near a pool on a hot day.
true, the cannonballs are a little extra to say the least
Qotw: right now it's mystery snails. They get nice and big and have amazing coloration and sheen. They are like living jewels with funny antenna.
What a nice surprise before my backpacking trip
9:54 well, i heard the shrimps sort of just *hold* the eggs with their feet/swimmers, so i guess they are just dropping one out to clean? aerate? lol
My favourite invert has gotta be fan shrimp, I’ve not owned one yet but for sure eventually I will!
Yes it's Monday you definitely are my favorite Monday show
QOTW:- definitely cherry shrimp! They're so easy, easy to keep, easy to breed and just so small and beautiful.
What's worse with those tiny fish prisons is that the owners never fill it all the way up??
FROM THAT THUMBNAIL - i had a dream like this and it was super cool. but looking at the pic, my first thought is..... you're swimming around in fish waste. (sure we do that at the beach but the ocean takes care of a lot of it. also my dream pool thingy was saltwater and didn't look dark n dirty like that)
it's true. there needs to be more filtration and such
You got me into fish keeping!!
I wish I could do this to my pool. Have giant plecos and schools of platies and corys
Getting a mantis shrimp as a hitch hiker in saltwater is actually a nightmare scenario. You DO NOT want a mantis shrimp in your tank unless it is a dedicated mantis shrimp tank. Thats like being jealous of bobbit worm hitch hikers.
its really nice living in an environment where keeping tropical fish outdoors is an option. ive seen some wild combos. oscars and aros in koi ponds. ive got paradise fish breeding in my koi pond. lol i actually really like arowana in koi ponds. they seem to leave the koi alone and so cool to see that dragon in there with all the graceful koi.
I love shrimp💕I spend HOURS watching them eat and swim around. I had a shrimp couple who lived in a cave I made out of 3 rocks.. Sadly I hit the rocks while doing a water change on the tank and never could set it up how it was.. they moved out.. I hope they remained a couple after I ruined their home🫣🦐😥
I used to have a nerite snail that used acrobatics to escape my turtle tank. It would climb up the submerged plants and id find it on the floor 😅
My favorite invertebrate is probably triops longicadautus. You have probably never heard of it but they love sweet potatoes❤
Awesome video! You should start featuring more shrimp related stuff too!
i would love that
10:46 oh this is so incredibly real
I watched a closer more detailed video of that shrimp behavior. it appears as though they are attached by a silk like wire. and if they need to they can pull them away from the cluster and clean them one by one.
QOTW: I got into the hobby because I fell in love with mystery snails. They somehow manage to be both graceful and doofy. Had one blue mystery snail with a 10 gallon all to itself for a while lmao
My favorite is either vampire shrimp or vampire crabs. Have 1 shrimp and soon to be 1 more plus 10 vampire crabs in my 75 gallon paludarium
i sleep talk like that too…. and i never lie while sleep talking…… my aunt has carried a whole conversation with me thinking i was awake and i cant recall any of it. my family has probably stolen so much secret data without me knowing
4:44 welp i wasnt expecting that today, didnt mean to lowball xD i just wanted to get those fish outa there!
Shrimp or snails are my favorite, my nerrite snail keeps scattering eggs all over my tank even the live plants and she finally got one baby
I’m watching this at the airport with a 4 hour flight ahead of an of course the plane got delayed over 30 minutes this video made waiting so much better
assassin snail?
you mean, we have guppy at home.
6:19 this seem nice to water change :)
About invertebrates, shrimp are in the god shelf
Thousands of fish in one pool??? Sounds ovestocked👿 they need a bigger tank🗣🗣🗣🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥💀💀
That pool would be actually big enough for a Betta fish!
My favorite Monday show
yay lets gooo
Those clown loaches gave me war flashbacks to cooonstantly having to explain to customers that no, those fish are indeed not dead. Congratulations, you just got pranked by a fish.
QTAW: I would have said Amano shrimp in the past, but I've fallen in love with my crystal reds so much over the last couple of weeks. Also bamboo shrimp, obviously. Shrimp just are the best.
Wouldn't really feel right keeping one in an aquarium, but if we're talking invertebrates as a whole, nothing beats octopuses imo.
A group of friends and I were at a gaming convention once and 1 of my friends and I both talked in our sleep. The others said we talked about music with each other all night every night while we slept
Yes you can talk to people who are sleep talking and they will respond. My 5yo is a very active sleeper, it's a bit creepy but also super fun!