I'm trying to get to gold as well lol. I started playing last season finished bronze 3 lol. this year after placements started b5 and right now I'm s3 with a 59% win rate 113 wins 80 loss. and my 3 main champs I have 64% 66% and a 64% win rates
+Aaron Alarcon I started season 4 and got dumped into silver 4 when I did my placements. then I was given bronze 5 then next season, didn't really play, was sick the last day of the season so I played league all day and climbed to bronze 2 with a13 game win streak xd, so far this season I've climbed to silver finally with about the same win rate as you but my win rate with my main is sitting at 75% rn :P
I've got a nice build for Ekko: Morellos, Hextexh Gunblade, Trinity, Deathcap, Magic pen boots and the last item can be your choice. I suggest Louden's echo, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel, Rylai's Crystal Cepter and others that I don't remember now.
Great games red, also great vid, don't get hung over the bad day and bad games. My Great games happen as often as you get bad games. Also the second pop up after getting mastery 5 on ekko is a notification telling you how you could get mastery 6 and that you now can earn mastery tokens, Riot really should fix that because at first glance, it looks like you already got a mastery token. One of the many problems rito is having.
I got a pair of wireless headsets. Mine cost around 160£ when it came out, now it's at like 60£ Kek. Well anyways, they don't give any noticeable delay. If you wanna get a pair I'd say that mostly any headset that's above 150£/$/€ will do the trick as I assume that money ain't a problem since you want to get a ''wireless''.
hey zed players or redmercy i've got a question i play zed a bit. How come you wait to ult until all of your abilities are on cd? like your w & q. Like it worked half the time but why not full combo r w q e aa? I guess its situational but any answer would be nice
sometimes you don't need that extra dmg, and its easier to land the w-e-q before they're expecting it. on top of that, while you're ulted, your e goes off cool down and you can use it again, which procs thunderlords. plus, zeds passive does a percent health basic attack of the target is low enough. Generally with zed, its good to be unpredictable :)
Does it even happen to someone that you focus on the game and you lose track of time and when you realise what time is it, you remember that youre hungry?
Ludens, morello and into either rylai's or hourglass. Your boots can be flexible but i like to go for sorcers for the magic pen. a 6th item can be anything from ohm whecker for tank and dive potential, to a zzrot for splitpushing.
lol, just got off of a bad day at League myself. Saw enemy lock in Annie and I'm happy because I love playing Karthus and his range is very difficult for her to deal with, so I lock him in. Turns out it was a support Annie, they had a Syndra mid, who Karth struggles against a lot. I died once and the lane turned into a standstill (even though she was winning trades she couldn't kill me off because I was keeping exhaust up for when she tried to ult) after that since she was ahead a kill but I had better cs and we were even on gold. Then their Ashe started ulting me. Ashe arrows started coming out of nowhere and stunning me, at which point Syndra would drop her q, stun me, ult, and I died. Our Eliese jungle started raging at me and calling me an inbred shit because I was doing bad. She even stopped fighting red buff, stood there taking the damage, as she typed into chat about how I was an idiot for picking Karthus who is a bad champion, and that I should at least know how to play the game properly since I "somehow" got to mastery level 6 on him (she lost over half of her health from the buff while typing that). Kept screaming at me to ward (because that does so much against Ashe ults) even though I was putting more wards down than anyone but our sup. Game goes on and things go from bad to worse, Eliese refuses to gank my lane even though I need help and have gotten nothing, and I can't use my ult to start getting kills or assists because both of the other lanes are losing and can't get their opponents low enough for me to even get an assist off of an ult, and all of the enemies are fed, a lot. Teamfights come around and me, Braum, Eliese, and Jax go in on them while Draven tries to stay in the back. Braum is too far behind to be tanky at all and dies near instantly, Jax only tries to focus on diving their Ashe in the back line and dies from overextending, leaving just me and our salty spider to hold back 5 fed enemies. Naturally with a full ap Karthus on the frontlines, i die really fast, but get good damage out on nearly their whole team, focusing Syndra, the main threat. Eliese and Draven get picked off super easy after. Every teamfight after that goes similar and we lose the game hard. I end up with a score of 3/10/2, which is abysmal, even a bronze player would be appalled to have a score like that. Turns out I had over 40k damage to champs (not that great for Karth, but considering the kda I was a little surprised), and out damaged everyone on my team combined. Sigh. And just the day before I got 26/17/16, 12/4/7, and 22/12/20 on the same champ. Moral of the story? Karthus is amazing, and salty players are no fun to deal with.
Can someone explain to me why he aa before using ult? (Usually after he does W Q E W ) .. Doesnt the pop do more dmg the more dmg u deal in the 2 secs? Is it for the CD of the Q and E?
Hey red just a word of advice for your Yasuo plays when u jump on someone at the beginning of a team fight u should be really conservative with your dashes and work around your wind wall to take as little damage as possible
I like how you and pants doesn't give a shit about being carried, what I mean by this is sometimes I watch some players do really crazy shit just for making "the play" that will change the game
I really like this series, i just think you should/can mention or tell some tips, like in this case if you feel like you were behind in kills, u began searching for por cs.. or why you buy that item, that way u can make the series and plus something like "whats redmercy thinking", not about everything, so video don get to long.
Can anyone give me some advice? I'm silver 5 and a talon main. I win lane almost all the time, I try go for their carries and roam yet I still can't seem to get out of silver hell. Can someone tell me how to carry as a talon?
Try to end games early.If you are winning lanes than either siege your lane or help to get kills on other lanes or give kills to teammates and take their jg.Its simple just keep your lead and dont waste it
and maybe the biggest way to escape bronce/silver is by ignoring your team lol most of the times ita team deathmatch and if you main talon you can splitpush fast and eazy and if you are fed noone will be able p 1v1 you so free pass
TheTickoMaster Well, the thing is that league changes the field of view and parts of the UI based on your res, so you can actually gain a small advantage from a higher resolution. Just google league 4k or ultra-wide and you'll see what i mean :D
Since you played some EKK0 Can you discuss my build Rush sheen then get morellonomicon then complete my sheen item ( forgot the name ) zhonya or Abyssal depending on match up but eventually I will get zhonya no matter what then just void staff plus boots If I don't get abyssal I would get death cap or luden's ekko
you are a very humble loser and i really like that ... you mostly take it out on yourself and say you just need to play better ... thats excellent mindset and thinking like that will only make you better
Redmercy is trying to get into masters.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to get to gold.
dw . good luck:)
I got back to gold today, if i did it everyone can
and i stay in bronce :D
I'm trying to get to gold as well lol. I started playing last season finished bronze 3 lol. this year after placements started b5 and right now I'm s3 with a 59% win rate 113 wins 80 loss. and my 3 main champs I have 64% 66% and a 64% win rates
+Aaron Alarcon I started season 4 and got dumped into silver 4 when I did my placements. then I was given bronze 5 then next season, didn't really play, was sick the last day of the season so I played league all day and climbed to bronze 2 with a13 game win streak xd, so far this season I've climbed to silver finally with about the same win rate as you but my win rate with my main is sitting at 75% rn :P
Redmercy: *The Journey To Masters*
Me: *The Journey To Bronze IV*
Same. Road to rank again.
Road to diamond
Me, the road to have enough money to buy a pc worthy of LoL...
Redmercy definitely looking "red" in this video
He looks teary
I really love this new format. It's so much easier to watch especially coming from a person who's been playing for 4 years already
its goldbay99's brother
i thought that was bronzefresco
+DrFeelgoodPhD ayyy i watch all of them. Kappa bronzefresco
feedmercy op.
Goldbay, Bronzefresco and Silvred-mercy
Redmercy when will you use your secret weapon/secret OP/free elo that you mentioned?
AP Zed? Hello?
6:39 nice flash bud
He was so enthusiastic at the beginning of this video, so adorable
i will fail my exams cause of you
i already did
my bad QQ
I managed to make a 3.5 and it's not a 4.0 so it's still failing. I play too much league 0_0
I got an 8.70 in my native language but just a 5 at math xD
I dont usually talk about video thumbnails, but when I do, its about redmercy's videos, first the zed video, and now this
If I saw someone called "Zedmercy" on the enemy team I would make sure zed is permaban
aren't the names "censored"
How would you even know if anyone on the enemy team is called Zedmercy??
You cant see the enemies names, I think they're just called "summoner 1" and so on.
Oh yeah, small glitch in the logic mb
+Murph lmao
I don't usually enjoy watching you play Zed, but there is something beautiful about watching a Zed get outplayed and killed repeatedly :D
did someone else think about phylol at 7:15
He makes a Yasuo build guide and he never follows it. Great job red
Redmercy has other accounts in diamond and I'm stuck in silver1
And I'm stuck in silver 3, I cri everytime
I'm in bronze
+Bonka Binkleton what league are you
Ok im stuck at hronze but im good i push my lane till inhib tower but my team suck dick and blame me what can i do man thats why i never play ranked
use your brain and you'll reach atleast plat
6:40 "F is for flash because it just makes sense, yours is on the wrong keeeeeeeey" sick yasuo plays lel
I could learn for my test in 2 days...nah watching Redmercy is way more important. My teacher will understand it.
hahaha ^^
greeeaaat vid. it's nice that you also post your defeat stories hahaha keep up the good work yo! :D
So close to a million subs Redmercy!!!!! Good luck
Great video man ! :D and that good old outro music...flight
These are the kind of videos that make me want to play league even more 👏🏼 thanks man
I've got a nice build for Ekko: Morellos, Hextexh Gunblade, Trinity, Deathcap, Magic pen boots and the last item can be your choice. I suggest Louden's echo, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel, Rylai's Crystal Cepter and others that I don't remember now.
love seeing you play the champ you are comfortbable with, gg-
I'VE BECOME A CARRIER...? - The Journey To Bronze 5 - 1LP - Ep #420 - League of Feeders
Is it better tl get BC swifties or Deaths dance and cdr boots on zed?
Great games red, also great vid, don't get hung over the bad day and bad games. My Great games happen as often as you get bad games. Also the second pop up after getting mastery 5 on ekko is a notification telling you how you could get mastery 6 and that you now can earn mastery tokens, Riot really should fix that because at first glance, it looks like you already got a mastery token. One of the many problems rito is having.
hey redmercy, are those wireless headsets? Do they have any kind of noticeable delay like most bluetooth headsets?
also great skillz m8 :P
I got a pair of wireless headsets. Mine cost around 160£ when it came out, now it's at like 60£ Kek. Well anyways, they don't give any noticeable delay. If you wanna get a pair I'd say that mostly any headset that's above 150£/$/€ will do the trick as I assume that money ain't a problem since you want to get a ''wireless''.
+RezzillaraX thanks, I'll be checking them out :P
+Awkward Seal thank you for the tips! im looking for something under 100£
lol i cried at the thumbnail keep it up
Hey Redmercy, do you have got a link for your Saitama Desktop Background? I would like to have the same.
hey zed players or redmercy i've got a question i play zed a bit. How come you wait to ult until all of your abilities are on cd? like your w & q. Like it worked half the time but why not full combo r w q e aa? I guess its situational but any answer would be nice
sometimes you don't need that extra dmg, and its easier to land the w-e-q before they're expecting it. on top of that, while you're ulted, your e goes off cool down and you can use it again, which procs thunderlords. plus, zeds passive does a percent health basic attack of the target is low enough. Generally with zed, its good to be unpredictable :)
ONE PUNCH!!!! Love your background dude, same as mine!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fries really are the key to success
What for a monitor have you got?
That ezreal had a beautiful play there with not getting hit by zilean bomb
atleast redmercy shows he's a human just like all of us grinding our way higher in rank :)
redmercy got sunburned.FEELSBADMAN
i love this series red!
lmfao your face in the thumbnail got me
Ever since Redmercy got hacked I feel so bad for him that I've been giving his new videos a thumbs up before even watching it. lol
ive done that ever since i started watching his videos about 2 and a half years ago
Wait , how did the ekko ulti bring you back on mid lane at 12.54? u were more than 5 secs on top lane.
What do you guys think of my build when I play top Yas it's more of a tanky build. It's tri force, boots, Sunfire, steraks, titanic, then usually GA
What build do u use for zed?
Redmercy uses 4 for his active item just like I did in patch while playing Veigar, that was DFG's best iteration.
Does it even happen to someone that you focus on the game and you lose track of time and when you realise what time is it, you remember that youre hungry?
hey red! make sure you get that breakfast before you play. I'm telling you it makes a world of difference
Redmercy would phantom dancer be a better item to rush in the beginning for Yasuo then statikk shiv?
Phantom is for 1v1 or splitiing static is for teamfighting but both are good in lanes the only diff comes in teamfigths
I love this series keep up the good work
nice series man keep up the work
I kinda thought you switched into using Stormraider's Surge as your keystone mastery.
I am in Diamond 3 and I have to say that the quality of the games are so much better. One mistake can make you lose the entire game.
man i love this series
someone please tell me what the benefit of building shiv instead of pd on yasuo is?
I know +Redmercy to be an amazing player. Who knew hunger could fuck his mojo up that much.
guys recomended build for zed? i have a huge problem on building that guy
Ghostblade>Black Cleaver>Duskblade>Hexdrinker>some defensive or LS item and boots somewhere in between
Just search on mobafire if u dunno
Ludens, morello and into either rylai's or hourglass. Your boots can be flexible but i like to go for sorcers for the magic pen. a 6th item can be anything from ohm whecker for tank and dive potential, to a zzrot for splitpushing.
Youmuus duskblade maw black cleaver mercscimitar lucidity boots gl on your way to diamond
+TheTiesPoutsmaShow why are you giving him a false build smh
what is the song during Yasuo game?
mercy...after the tp nerf you think it still viable to use it?
Hey red, so you have a rare ryze Skin? I have Zombie ryze but i've never seen human and triumphant ryze (idk the exact Name).
3:13 Jhin would be proud of that k/d/a
Which Yasuo build do you think is the best currently? What would you change about the build while playing Yasuo Top and not Mid?
Redmercy have you tried the ArKaDaTa build yet ?
lol, just got off of a bad day at League myself. Saw enemy lock in Annie and I'm happy because I love playing Karthus and his range is very difficult for her to deal with, so I lock him in. Turns out it was a support Annie, they had a Syndra mid, who Karth struggles against a lot. I died once and the lane turned into a standstill (even though she was winning trades she couldn't kill me off because I was keeping exhaust up for when she tried to ult) after that since she was ahead a kill but I had better cs and we were even on gold. Then their Ashe started ulting me. Ashe arrows started coming out of nowhere and stunning me, at which point Syndra would drop her q, stun me, ult, and I died. Our Eliese jungle started raging at me and calling me an inbred shit because I was doing bad. She even stopped fighting red buff, stood there taking the damage, as she typed into chat about how I was an idiot for picking Karthus who is a bad champion, and that I should at least know how to play the game properly since I "somehow" got to mastery level 6 on him (she lost over half of her health from the buff while typing that). Kept screaming at me to ward (because that does so much against Ashe ults) even though I was putting more wards down than anyone but our sup. Game goes on and things go from bad to worse, Eliese refuses to gank my lane even though I need help and have gotten nothing, and I can't use my ult to start getting kills or assists because both of the other lanes are losing and can't get their opponents low enough for me to even get an assist off of an ult, and all of the enemies are fed, a lot. Teamfights come around and me, Braum, Eliese, and Jax go in on them while Draven tries to stay in the back. Braum is too far behind to be tanky at all and dies near instantly, Jax only tries to focus on diving their Ashe in the back line and dies from overextending, leaving just me and our salty spider to hold back 5 fed enemies. Naturally with a full ap Karthus on the frontlines, i die really fast, but get good damage out on nearly their whole team, focusing Syndra, the main threat. Eliese and Draven get picked off super easy after. Every teamfight after that goes similar and we lose the game hard. I end up with a score of 3/10/2, which is abysmal, even a bronze player would be appalled to have a score like that. Turns out I had over 40k damage to champs (not that great for Karth, but considering the kda I was a little surprised), and out damaged everyone on my team combined. Sigh. And just the day before I got 26/17/16, 12/4/7, and 22/12/20 on the same champ.
Moral of the story? Karthus is amazing, and salty players are no fun to deal with.
Can anyone tell me the name of that Phylol's song?
Can someone explain to me why he aa before using ult? (Usually after he does W Q E W ) .. Doesnt the pop do more dmg the more dmg u deal in the 2 secs? Is it for the CD of the Q and E?
To make sure to deal enough dmg
auto attacks usually do more damage than even the ult, so he does that to ensure the kill
+Eon era but the thing is he ults as zed after the enemy runs to tower and he gets ccd and mostly dies..
does anyone know the song in the end? cant find it T_T
hey Red in the yasuo game you faced a TF why did you buy statikk shiv and not PD?
big fan man keep the good work
Hey red just a word of advice for your Yasuo plays when u jump on someone at the beginning of a team fight u should be really conservative with your dashes and work around your wind wall to take as little damage as possible
Is shiv even that good on yas anymore? I started picking up pd and its been working wonders. For yas top at least.
hey red I want to ask you is tank ekko back ???
5:45 dat jarvan EQ combo when ulted by bard :P
Cmon red, join us, become a feeder
one punch!!!! you just gained respect ahaha
Everybody has these days red keep it up with the positive attitude!
At 1:55 how is that dragon have zhonyas? pls tell me
Its fukin bard ult
Silver confirmed.....
Zhonyas?it's fucking bard's ult...silver confirmed
I like how you and pants doesn't give a shit about being carried, what I mean by this is sometimes I watch some players do really crazy shit just for making "the play" that will change the game
9:35 ur farm changed ?
It was scuttle.
361-362-373 lol out of nowhere
it was a zyra pant...
what is that picture of saitama ( one puch man) in the background? xc i want it sooooooo much
5:47 That Jarvan though xD
better luck for next episode le
I really like this series, i just think you should/can mention or tell some tips, like in this case if you feel like you were behind in kills, u began searching for por cs.. or why you buy that item, that way u can make the series and plus something like "whats redmercy thinking", not about everything, so video don get to long.
had'nt seen that outro before. looks very crisp.
Thank you for posting this video to show that not even the best (you...
the old feedmercy how we know and love him kappa
Can anyone give me some advice? I'm silver 5 and a talon main. I win lane almost all the time, I try go for their carries and roam yet I still can't seem to get out of silver hell. Can someone tell me how to carry as a talon?
Try to end games early.If you are winning lanes than either siege your lane or help to get kills on other lanes or give kills to teammates and take their jg.Its simple just keep your lead and dont waste it
+Toxic_Turtle 2 thanks dude appreciate the info
You don't always have to focus the carries, try killing the fed people instead.
Zhakai Wala thats a good tip, thanks man :)
and maybe the biggest way to escape bronce/silver is by ignoring your team lol most of the times ita team deathmatch and if you main talon you can splitpush fast and eazy and if you are fed noone will be able p 1v1 you so free pass
1:52 Gragas: Is this going on youtube lol
8:10 that bug pisses me off so bad, it happens all the time after ulting and it needs to be fixed.
Red Mercy has one of those days.
Redmercy I don't know if you herd this before but you look exactly like Manuel Neuer, the Goalkeeper of Germany LOL
how much lp do you get per win and lose per loss?
5 per win and 5 per loss i guess.
The play @ 4:50, so spicy xD
Hey, red! What's the resolution of your screen?
obviously 1080 lol
TheTickoMaster No, not at all. It may very well be 1440p downscaled to 1080p by the recording program lol
KobleOza I don't think so, having a 2k monitor is a pain to the eyes if you are as close as Red to the screen.
TheTickoMaster Well, the thing is that league changes the field of view and parts of the UI based on your res, so you can actually gain a small advantage from a higher resolution. Just google league 4k or ultra-wide and you'll see what i mean :D
I'm trying to get out of bronze any advice?
Redmercy? more like feedmercy hue
11:26 kwebbelkop music into 😂😂
Since you played some EKK0
Can you discuss my build
Rush sheen then get morellonomicon then complete my sheen item ( forgot the name )
zhonya or Abyssal depending on match up but eventually I will get zhonya no matter what
then just void staff plus boots
If I don't get abyssal I would get death cap or luden's ekko
I like how humble he is ^-^
that ryze focused you so hard lol
what happened at 9:07 he had 286 creeps and then at 9:16 he got 291 creeps
can someone explain?
holy shit what resolution is he playing at?
Legends say you Can still hear redmercy talk about how He Can not believe that ezreal is alive.
you are a very humble loser and i really like that ... you mostly take it out on yourself and say you just need to play better ... thats excellent mindset and thinking like that will only make you better