السلام عليكم ورحمة الله thanks a lot off i have i request if you can share video how can execute other scripte Base bande remotly by oss-rc from back oofice and share this script 1. RBS Summary Script 2. Site Basic Script 3. Site Equipment Script 4. Transport Network Script 5. Radio Network Scripte im used this commande but not work for me !ssh -o PubKeyAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ForwardX11=no -p 830 rbs@ -s netconf < /home/enurnug/BB5212/Test/Transport_Local.xm
بارك الله فيك أخي الكريم thanks lot of
Thank a lot ,new videos about DUW scripts will be uploaded soon so don't miss watching them please.
جهود اكثر من رائع يا ريت لو في تفاصيل عن الريت وتعريفه سواء علي
DUW and Baseband by moshell
thank you very much....so useful information...would appreciate if explained in English to be more understandable
Many thanks 😘.I appreciate your words ..I hope to add more vedios and create English version as it possible
بارك الله فيك ي
كل عام وانتم بخير يا باشمهندس
لو تكرمت محتاج رقم تليفون حضرتك
فى كام استشارة
وجزاكم الله خيرا عل مجهودك
عندي مشكلة ب cygwin..يا ريت تقدر تساعدني؟
الله يعطيك العافية..ياريت تعطينا ايميلك..عندي مشكلة ب cygwin
Please needed how to define external alarm on baseband and define SAU & CSU & PDU and how to define internal alarm on baseband
Will try to prepare vedio for you next days inshaa Allah
Did you you know how to define the alarms ?
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله thanks a lot off i have i request if you can share video how can execute other scripte Base bande remotly by oss-rc from back oofice and share this script 1. RBS Summary Script
2. Site Basic Script
3. Site Equipment Script
4. Transport Network Script
5. Radio Network Scripte
im used this commande but not work for me !ssh -o PubKeyAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ForwardX11=no -p 830 rbs@ -s netconf < /home/enurnug/BB5212/Test/Transport_Local.xm