I became a born again believer and baptized 4-23-17 All my life I've celebrated Easter Sunday, but God has revealed His real Passover His revelations have been so strong at these strange times and I found this chanel that answers many questions I had about passover. And for the first time in my life I celebrated passover with my family and It felt like Jesus was sitting next to us at the table! May the Love of Christ touch many hearts during this time Amen and Amen!
Shalom Shalom Jerusalem Peace be to you When Messiah comes to take us home May His Peace found in you.🎤🎸 Love you Paul Wilbur ~ for years. Thank you for explaining the bread. I never knew.. Praise his forever HOLY NAME ~
Thanks God for your love, until die because our sin and you paid all. God bless Israel, God bless your family and God bless all of us. I feel blessing with this video.🙏🙏🙏
I’m grateful for your teaching.Thank you from the heart.
4 ปีที่แล้ว
Gracias siervo querido, saludos desde Guatemala, y coloqué una breve interpretación de su bella lección en mi comentario inicial, perdone, pero algunas personas pidieron una traducción y la comparto, DIOS LOS BENDIGA A TODOS, estamos en oración por todos, es maravilloso que el Señor nos revela estos misterios a traves de familias perseverantes. En el nombre de Yashua. Amen.
Che dio ti benedica grandemente ora e in eterno paul gloria eterna ad adonai gloria eterna a Gesù cristo gloria eterna allo spirito santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen alleluyia
Thank you sir for that explanation we learned about the shabbat and passover. Appreciate your take the time to share it with everyone who loves God and the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ , Joshua the messiah. Shabbat shalom. Gracias. Amen
Wow such a beautiful explanation. It totally makes a huge difference to understand this from the Jewish perspective. It makes soooooo much sense now why Yeshua said what he said, and to know about the different cups and their meaning. And the piece of bread that is to bring back at the end of the meal. Amazingly beautiful and meaningful. Thank you so much brother Paul for this awesome explanation. May God continue to use you and bless you and your beautiful family!!!
Amen Amen Amen so beautiful and we are so grateful Thank You Heavenly Father for all the Blessings we receive through this moment of Teaching and communion in the Name of Our Messiah Yeshua Our LORD and KING AMEN Thank You Spirit of the Living GOD.
I'm hearing this the third time and each time I'm overcome with emotion....what a mighty God we serve. Thank you Abba Father for your miraculous love in giving Your Son, Yeshua Jesus. Blessed Pesach Shabbat shalom to you all🙏❤️
Thank you Paul for all your faithfulness..I first met you in Gaithersburg, MD at Stan Telchin's church Living Word Fellowship..back in the day you led Isreals Hope..what are lovely family you have . in His Grace..jennifer
I would LOVE a Haggadah that not only parallels the Messianic exodus from sin, to the Exodus from Egypt, but one that also includes the parallel of (the Prophet like Moses) Jesus’ return, and our miraculous exodus from the plagues and horrors that will come upon this world in the future! For almost every step of the Seder order, there is a future exodus parallel! That couldn’t have been coincidence! As the end draws closer everyday, it would be SO beautiful if our Passover celebrations could start reflecting and preparing us, and our children for our promised future rescue! I’m still of the notion that Jesus will return during the fall festivals, but there are parallels of that future day in each of the festivals; just to get us ready! 😊 Passover, though, has such amazingly detailed pictures of that exciting future Day so visibly wrapped up in its celebration! (Is. 26:19-21; 42:9) P.S. I was just reading that some Jewish people celebrate 2 Seders, the 2nd one being celebrated the following night. As noted in the gospels, Jesus and the disciples had theirs the night before everyone else. Perhaps a brief, less formal, “ready-to-go” 2nd Seder for Christians the following night could become a thing! It could be a night where we simply, and briefly celebrate the parallels of the 1st exodus, with our future, final exodus. It could be a lot of fun-an exciting night of preparation, mystery and anticipation for Jesus’ soon return! ...I’m such a dreamer 😄... But perhaps something to consider if doing so on the first night makes the celebration too long. (?) 🤔😉 ✡️💟✝️💟✡️
So blessed by this revelational truth about the difference of Passover, Feast of unleavened bread and Lords Supper, used to think they all mean the same..🙌🙏
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your beautiful family at this time. Thank you for sharing your heart with us in the Knowledge of the Truth💓.
I watched live. What a blessing. Thank you Wilbur Family from North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The first song I recall hearing you sing was around 1984/1985 I think - The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. Searching for it I found your channel. Thank you for your ministry.
B'H" ...thank you for this post. It has touched me so, as I celebrate Pesaj home alone. Thank you for inviting us all into your home. I look forward to the Hagaadah (please post). Blessing, joy and light
Nuestro Abba, que se llama Yahshua se cansó en un Miércoles, y resucitó en Sabbath (Sábado). El pan sin elevadora, representa al Eterno, sin pecado. El pan Matzo, tiene líneas, y si usted levanta el pan va ver unos agujeros, q representa/los latigazos, y el agüjero donde le pusieron el clavo. Por 50 días se leen los salmos, y se parten en tres secciones. Ej.: 1rd día es Pesaj - lea 1,51, 101. 2do salmo: 2, 52, 102 etc. En la cena del 1rd día solo se pone en la mesa: 1 matzo (pan) vino, y las hojas amargas. (Carne) cordero, nada puede quedar de sobra, así q si está sola, solo compre un corte. Y la oración es: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheynu Melech Ha-olam. Si quiere en Spañol: busque Gozo y Paz, ellos son más informativos y están basado en la Biblia.
Paul in the matter of the 4 cups, 3 have passed Matthew 1 v 17. The final cup of judgement Rev 20 v 11-15, which YESHUA broken body and blood redeems us from.
A paz Senhor! irmão Paul, esse programa precisa ter uma legenda em português. Eu gostaria de compreender o que esta sendo ministrado, mas não compreendo a língua inglesa.
You can’t have a Relationship with a Religion with GOD, but you can have a Relationship with GOD. Call out to GOD, repent of your Sins and ask Jesus to come into your Heart (and say) Amen. The harvest is even at the door. The LORD our GOD will send His Son Jesus our Savior to bring us Home soon. We all praise you our Heavenly Father. We thank you Father in Jesus Name, and we all said Amen. Let it be so. . הקציר אפילו ליד הדלת אדוננו, אלוהינו ישלח את בנו ישוע המושיע שיחזיר אותנו הביתה בקרוב. . כולנו מהללים אותך אבינו השמימי אנחנו מודים לך אבא בשם ישו, וכולנו אמרנו אמן. . תן לזה להיות כך
Can anyone tell me where scripture uses the phrase "the last supper?" I'm not trying to bd contentious, but Wilbur made a differentiation between the last supper and passover.
Que li das son tus alabanzas...pero lastima que no entiendo ingless
4 ปีที่แล้ว
El siervo dice que su familia tiene planeado compartir con el en Florida, luego el comienza a explicar que la fiesta de la Pascua comienza con la reunión del pan sin levadura, luego busca en las escrituras, en Lucas y comienza a explicar el contexto en que Jesus celebra esa Pascua con sus discipulos, antes de ser llevado al madero. Dice que en el relato hay cosas inusuales, como el hombre que lleva una jarra de agua (yo pienso que no era un humano, sino un ángel), luego los discipulos van a preparar la cena pascual, en el lugar donde el hombre con la jarra de agua.
4 ปีที่แล้ว
El siervo continua: que el propósito de YHWH es que su familia de siervos, los hijos de Yaakov, conozca su nommbre. El siervo también indica que es notable que toda la cristiandad (gentiles y ovejas israelitas) está comenzando a celebrar las siete fiestas ordenadas por YHWH, porque esto moverá a la última tribu rebelde (los judíos) a los celos (y pienso que a la reflexión).
4 ปีที่แล้ว
El siervo también dice que en el contexto de los evangelios, el mensaje era de judios a judios, asi que se hizo énfasis en los detalles notables que Jesús manifestó en esa reunión.
4 ปีที่แล้ว
Dice el siervo: debemos entender la unión entre la PASCUA y la ULTIMA CENA, la cena es parte integral de la Pascua, y la Pascua es indispensable para que la cena tenga significancia. Por esto pareciera en las escrituras evangelicas que la CENA DEL SEÑOR es una forma ritual aparte de la PASCUA, porque en realidad en aquel tiempo todos los discipulos (que eran judios) entendían que la CENA y la PASCUA se completaron para dar el inicio al proceso de pacto nuevo.
4 ปีที่แล้ว
El siervo indica que hay un video mostrando, el con su familia, todo el proceso de la cena pascual, hay matza o pan sin levaduura, hay cuatro copas de vino.
4 ปีที่แล้ว
El siervo dice que en el matza tash hay tres hojuelas de matza, o pan sin levadura, pinchado, o marcado con lineas (extraordinariamente manifestando el tratamiento dado a Jesús en el madero, según otros siervos), luego indica que de las tres hojuelas se saca primero la del medio. Esto es misterioso, dice el siervo, pero el matza tash (cartera para pan sin levadura) representaría la unidad, y el pan del medio representa específicamente a JESÚS, tomado de entre YHWH y el RUAJ HAKODESH (espíritu SANTO O espiritu de santidad que forma la nueva vida del creyente).
Ta vrsta hleba ima i kod nas da se kupi. Tako što ga pakuju po desetak tih tankih plocica. Veoma su ukusne same da se jedu a može nešto i da se namaze.
No one was taking heed to the many signs, due to prophetic ignorance mostly. This virus, howsoever caused, probably is being used by God as one of very few final warnings to the world and church attenders, to repent and get born-again in Christ. Keep looking up Paul, than you.
Dijo el apóstol Pablo a Pedro delante de todos: Si TÚ, SIENDO JUDÍO, vives como los gentiles y NO como judío, ¿PORQUE OBLIGAS A LOS GENTILES A JUDAIZAR? sabiendo que el hombre NO es justificado por las obras de la ley, sino por la fe de Jesucristo, nosotros también hemos creído en Jesucristo, para ser justificados por la fe de Cristo y NO por las obras de la ley, por cuanto por las obras de la ley NADIE será justificado. Porque yo por la ley soy muerto para la ley, a fin de vivir para Dios. Gálatas 2:14, 16, 19
Los cristianos evangelicos también se justifican EN SUS OBRAS DE SUS LEYES en sus liturgias dominicales, siguen el calendario como el Vaticano dicta, no se judaizan pero si se paganizan, con la navidad y la semana santa y los domingos etc, LAS OBRAS DE LA LEY, son tradiciones judias que añadieron a las leyes del libro de la ley OBRAS DE LA LEY NO ES LO MISMO QUE EL LIBRO DE LA LEY, EN ESE CASO ESTA UD. CANCELANDO LA LEY DEL ETERNO, Gál 3:10 Porque todos los que son de las obras de la ley están bajo maldición. Porque está escrito:((( Maldito todo el que no permanece en todas las cosas que han sido escritas en el libro de la ley, para hacerlas))))
Godbless bro. Paul Wilbur and all of the entire creation! Amen! Keep safe! We will be healed!
This is sooo good! Praise Yeshua the Messiah!
I became a born again believer and baptized 4-23-17 All my life I've celebrated Easter Sunday, but God has revealed His real Passover His revelations have been so strong at these strange times and I found this chanel that answers many questions I had about passover. And for the first time in my life I celebrated passover with my family and It felt like Jesus was sitting next to us at the table! May the Love of Christ touch many hearts during this time Amen and Amen!
Thank you Paul Wilbur. We need more video's like this to teach us the correct meaning of the Word of God.
Toda rabah. A good lesson. Chag Pesach Sameach to you and your family.
Shalom Shalom Jerusalem
Peace be to you
When Messiah comes to take us home
May His Peace found in you.🎤🎸
Love you Paul Wilbur ~ for years.
Thank you for explaining the bread. I never knew.. Praise his forever HOLY NAME ~
Thanks God for your love, until die because our sin and you paid all. God bless Israel, God bless your family and God bless all of us. I feel blessing with this video.🙏🙏🙏
I’m grateful for your teaching.Thank you from the heart.
Gracias siervo querido, saludos desde Guatemala, y coloqué una breve interpretación de su bella lección en mi comentario inicial, perdone, pero algunas personas pidieron una traducción y la comparto, DIOS LOS BENDIGA A TODOS, estamos en oración por todos, es maravilloso que el Señor nos revela estos misterios a traves de familias perseverantes. En el nombre de Yashua. Amen.
May the Almighty God continues to use you and your family so powerful for His Glory, Stay all blessed in Jesus Mighty Name
Che dio ti benedica grandemente ora e in eterno paul gloria eterna ad adonai gloria eterna a Gesù cristo gloria eterna allo spirito santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen alleluyia
Amazing, thank you so much for all this informations. I never heard this bevor, Our God is so good. Thank you Jesus
Thank you for your wonderful explanations.
God bless you and your family. Thanks for teaching this, it's wonderful.
Thank you very much for explaining communion from the Jewish peoples perspective .
Thank you very much! Chag Sameach.
I am so grateful for this teaching and how the Way, the Truth and the Life is being lifted up. Life is present here.
Thank you sir for that explanation we learned about the shabbat and passover. Appreciate your take the time to share it with everyone who loves God and the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ , Joshua the messiah. Shabbat shalom. Gracias. Amen
What a lovely teaching! 🙏
Shabbat shalom, thank you. South Africa
Bid v my sblief💚😷💛
Thank you so much so we’ll explained may God bless you we gentiles are united to the jewish people in Jesus name
Wow such a beautiful explanation. It totally makes a huge difference to understand this from the Jewish perspective. It makes soooooo much sense now why Yeshua said what he said, and to know about the different cups and their meaning. And the piece of bread that is to bring back at the end of the meal. Amazingly beautiful and meaningful. Thank you so much brother Paul for this awesome explanation. May God continue to use you and bless you and your beautiful family!!!
Amen Amen Amen so beautiful and we are so grateful Thank You Heavenly Father for all the Blessings we receive through this moment of Teaching and communion in the Name of Our Messiah Yeshua Our LORD and KING AMEN Thank You Spirit of the Living GOD.
I really thank God for your life. From South Africa
Thank you may God bless you and family
This information about last supper very detail and I had never hear the explanation about it before.
That was exactly what I needed!
Happy Passover, shalom, from California 🙏
Thank you! Shabbat Shalom from Indiana.
Gracias hermano Paul... bendiciones.. saludos desde Baja California, Mexico 🇲🇽..
Shabbat Shalom Pastor Wilber. Thank you for teaching and sharing with us.
Looking forward to seeing a Havdalah video! God bless you Pastor Paul for these videos, they are such a blessing.
God Bless You and Your Family and Love and Peace to You All
I'm hearing this the third time and each time I'm overcome with emotion....what a mighty God we serve. Thank you Abba Father for your miraculous love in giving Your Son, Yeshua Jesus.
Blessed Pesach
Shabbat shalom to you all🙏❤️
Thank you for this amazing teaching our Brother Paul...what a great blessing to us you have been. Regards, Cleola 💓💓🇧🇸 Bahamas
Desde Buenos Aires, Argentina. Que puedan traducir al español. Todah Rabah. Baruj Shabat Shalom❤
Mira, le coloqué una breve interpretación, en el video.
Shabbat shalom
Preach it brother!! Shabbat shalom!!!
Thank you, Paul! That was such a blessing, as are you and your music.!
Thank you Paul for this blessing!
I have been blessed by your music over the years. I praise the Lord for the annointing upon your life.
Thank you Paul for all your faithfulness..I first met you in Gaithersburg, MD at Stan Telchin's church Living Word Fellowship..back in the day you led Isreals Hope..what are lovely family you have . in His Grace..jennifer
I would LOVE a Haggadah that not only parallels the Messianic exodus from sin, to the Exodus from Egypt, but one that also includes the parallel of (the Prophet like Moses) Jesus’ return, and our miraculous exodus from the plagues and horrors that will come upon this world in the future!
For almost every step of the Seder order, there is a future exodus parallel! That couldn’t have been coincidence!
As the end draws closer everyday, it would be SO beautiful if our Passover celebrations could start reflecting and preparing us, and our children for our promised future rescue!
I’m still of the notion that Jesus will return during the fall festivals, but there are parallels of that future day in each of the festivals; just to get us ready! 😊
Passover, though, has such amazingly detailed pictures of that exciting future Day so visibly wrapped up in its celebration!
(Is. 26:19-21; 42:9)
I was just reading that some Jewish people celebrate 2 Seders, the 2nd one being celebrated the following night.
As noted in the gospels, Jesus and the disciples had theirs the night before everyone else.
Perhaps a brief, less formal, “ready-to-go” 2nd Seder for Christians the following night could become a thing!
It could be a night where we simply, and briefly celebrate the parallels of the 1st exodus, with our future, final exodus. It could be a lot of fun-an exciting night of preparation, mystery and anticipation for Jesus’ soon return!
...I’m such a dreamer 😄...
But perhaps something to consider if doing so on the first night makes the celebration too long. (?) 🤔😉
Thanks for sharing your video's & your knowledge.
jaer yahweh Panav Eleja vi-juneja...
You made my day my father show me about it
Amen! from Croatia
So blessed by this revelational truth about the difference of Passover, Feast of unleavened bread and Lords Supper, used to think they all mean the same..🙌🙏
The Grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with your
beautiful family at this time.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us in the Knowledge of the Truth💓.
Thank you, Mary for kind words.
Thank you for your explanation very helpful God bless you
Thank you my brother in ☝️🔥YESHUA🕊HAMASHIYACH🔥☝️
Pray God Almighty may this plague not stand against us. Through Christ our Lord, Amen
Its all so good. True love of God displayed by you thanks
Thank you so much for this, I can’t wait to have the copy of the instructions this is helping me so much to better understand the word of God 🙏💕
I really enjoyed this. Thanks
Shaalom alaikahem 🙌🙏 to everyone
I watched live. What a blessing. Thank you Wilbur Family from North Vancouver, BC, Canada. The first song I recall hearing you sing was around 1984/1985 I think - The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. Searching for it I found your channel. Thank you for your ministry.
Amen brother
Thank you so much for this explanation, brother Paul. This is a great blessing to have this revelation
Thank you!
wouu! awesome revelation my borther, thank you very much!
It was a real mistery at all
Goodnight my brother... i can't think anymore...HOld on to Jesus yiu bléssed broth
BROTHER... ohhh sórry i'm só tíred...!! I pray for you and your family...
B'H" ...thank you for this post. It has touched me so, as I celebrate Pesaj home alone. Thank you for inviting us all into your home. I look forward to the Hagaadah (please post). Blessing, joy and light
Amen y Amen
Nuestro Abba, que se llama Yahshua se cansó en un Miércoles, y resucitó en Sabbath (Sábado). El pan sin elevadora, representa al Eterno, sin pecado. El pan Matzo, tiene líneas, y si usted levanta el pan va ver unos agujeros, q representa/los latigazos, y el agüjero donde le pusieron el clavo. Por 50 días se leen los salmos, y se parten en tres secciones. Ej.: 1rd día es Pesaj - lea 1,51, 101. 2do salmo: 2, 52, 102 etc. En la cena del 1rd día solo se pone en la mesa: 1 matzo (pan) vino, y las hojas amargas. (Carne) cordero, nada puede quedar de sobra, así q si está sola, solo compre un corte. Y la oración es: Baruch ata Adonai
Eloheynu Melech Ha-olam.
Si quiere en Spañol: busque Gozo y Paz, ellos son más informativos y están basado en la Biblia.
Les coloqué una interpretacion.
@@PassPreFuture Gracias. Shalom❤
слуга слуг yo no pude encontrarla
Shalom, miss the live...glad for the replay
Por fa traducir en español me gustaría saber su contenido saludos bendiciones Shabat shalom desde chile.💖💖
Shalom from Jacksonville Fl.
נהדר חג פסח שמח!
Hola hermano Dios le bendiga grandemente.. mire no le puedo entender asu predicación Esque yo no habló inglés.. pero gracias por su palabra
Shalom thank you
(NIV has many scriptures missing)
Happy to subscribe =)
Traducción para Argentina ! Por favor
Me gustaría tener la traducción, del servicio del Shabat
Odslusala sam sve. Ja neznam engleski, ali 90%razumem kad neko prica. Sprema se poseban hleb .Mislim da znam o kom govori, koji se jede kad je Sabat.
Paul in the matter of the 4 cups, 3 have passed Matthew 1 v 17. The final cup of judgement Rev 20 v 11-15, which YESHUA broken body and blood redeems us from.
Si puede ser traducido al spañol x favor
A paz Senhor! irmão Paul, esse programa precisa ter uma legenda em português. Eu gostaria de compreender o que esta sendo ministrado, mas não compreendo a língua inglesa.
Por favor!!!! Traduscanlo a español !!!!!
Thank you Paul Wilbur, may you an your family have blessed passover.Where can i buy the book ,my family wants to do the passover the right way .SHALOM
You can’t have a Relationship with a Religion with GOD, but you can have a Relationship with GOD. Call out to GOD, repent of your Sins and ask Jesus to come into your Heart (and say) Amen. The harvest is even at the door. The LORD our GOD will send His Son Jesus our Savior to bring us Home soon. We all praise you our Heavenly Father. We thank you Father in Jesus Name, and we all said Amen. Let it be so.
. הקציר אפילו ליד הדלת אדוננו, אלוהינו ישלח את בנו ישוע המושיע שיחזיר אותנו הביתה בקרוב. . כולנו מהללים אותך אבינו השמימי אנחנו מודים לך אבא בשם ישו, וכולנו אמרנו אמן. . תן לזה להיות כך
Remember Deuteronomy 28: 21-23
Hay algun canal de este video en español??
Can anyone tell me where scripture uses the phrase "the last supper?" I'm not trying to bd contentious, but Wilbur made a differentiation between the last supper and passover.
Que li das son tus alabanzas...pero lastima que no entiendo ingless
El siervo dice que su familia tiene planeado compartir con el en Florida, luego el comienza a explicar que la fiesta de la Pascua comienza con la reunión del pan sin levadura, luego busca en las escrituras, en Lucas y comienza a explicar el contexto en que Jesus celebra esa Pascua con sus discipulos, antes de ser llevado al madero. Dice que en el relato hay cosas inusuales, como el hombre que lleva una jarra de agua (yo pienso que no era un humano, sino un ángel), luego los discipulos van a preparar la cena pascual, en el lugar donde el hombre con la jarra de agua.
El siervo continua: que el propósito de YHWH es que su familia de siervos, los hijos de Yaakov, conozca su nommbre. El siervo también indica que es notable que toda la cristiandad (gentiles y ovejas israelitas) está comenzando a celebrar las siete fiestas ordenadas por YHWH, porque esto moverá a la última tribu rebelde (los judíos) a los celos (y pienso que a la reflexión).
El siervo también dice que en el contexto de los evangelios, el mensaje era de judios a judios, asi que se hizo énfasis en los detalles notables que Jesús manifestó en esa reunión.
Dice el siervo: debemos entender la unión entre la PASCUA y la ULTIMA CENA, la cena es parte integral de la Pascua, y la Pascua es indispensable para que la cena tenga significancia. Por esto pareciera en las escrituras evangelicas que la CENA DEL SEÑOR es una forma ritual aparte de la PASCUA, porque en realidad en aquel tiempo todos los discipulos (que eran judios) entendían que la CENA y la PASCUA se completaron para dar el inicio al proceso de pacto nuevo.
El siervo indica que hay un video mostrando, el con su familia, todo el proceso de la cena pascual, hay matza o pan sin levaduura, hay cuatro copas de vino.
El siervo dice que en el matza tash hay tres hojuelas de matza, o pan sin levadura, pinchado, o marcado con lineas (extraordinariamente manifestando el tratamiento dado a Jesús en el madero, según otros siervos), luego indica que de las tres hojuelas se saca primero la del medio. Esto es misterioso, dice el siervo, pero el matza tash (cartera para pan sin levadura) representaría la unidad, y el pan del medio representa específicamente a JESÚS, tomado de entre YHWH y el RUAJ HAKODESH (espíritu SANTO O espiritu de santidad que forma la nueva vida del creyente).
Ta vrsta hleba ima i kod nas da se kupi. Tako što ga pakuju po desetak tih tankih plocica. Veoma su ukusne same da se jedu a može nešto i da se namaze.
What if someone doesn't drink wine?
Ciao poule come stai io bene te ??¿
No one was taking heed to the many signs, due to prophetic ignorance mostly. This virus, howsoever caused, probably is being used by God as one of very few final warnings to the world and church attenders, to repent and get born-again in Christ. Keep looking up Paul, than you.
He rose on Shabbat, and NOT on the day of the SUN. -Not sun-day!! Teach them truth.
Why do you call him by the Roman name, “Jesus “ and not by His Hebrew name YAHSHUA?
Dijo el apóstol Pablo a Pedro delante de todos: Si TÚ, SIENDO JUDÍO, vives como los gentiles y NO como judío, ¿PORQUE OBLIGAS A LOS GENTILES A JUDAIZAR? sabiendo que el hombre NO es justificado por las obras de la ley, sino por la fe de Jesucristo, nosotros también hemos creído en Jesucristo, para ser justificados por la fe de Cristo y NO por las obras de la ley, por cuanto por las obras de la ley NADIE será justificado.
Porque yo por la ley soy muerto para la ley, a fin de vivir para Dios.
Gálatas 2:14, 16, 19
Los cristianos evangelicos también se justifican EN SUS OBRAS DE SUS LEYES en sus liturgias dominicales, siguen el calendario como el Vaticano dicta,
no se judaizan pero si se paganizan, con la navidad y la semana santa y los domingos etc, LAS OBRAS DE LA LEY, son tradiciones judias que añadieron a las leyes del libro de la ley
OBRAS DE LA LEY NO ES LO MISMO QUE EL LIBRO DE LA LEY, EN ESE CASO ESTA UD. CANCELANDO LA LEY DEL ETERNO, Gál 3:10 Porque todos los que son de las obras de la ley están bajo maldición. Porque está escrito:((( Maldito todo el que no permanece en todas las cosas que han sido escritas en el libro de la ley, para hacerlas))))