An Unlikely Convert: A Former Lesbian Professor's Journey to Faith
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- As a tenured lesbian professor at Syracuse University, Dr. Butterfield had no desire to become part of the heterosexist, patriarchal culture that she perceived to be the identity of Christianity. Her thinking was challenged by the letter of a local pastor who inquired about her basic presuppositions and asked her questions no one had ever asked her before. What began as an academic exercise to find fault with the Scripture and expose the darker side of Christianity ended with answers and a changed life that resonates in today's culture.
Great! This incredible woman answered many questions I had about gender and sexuality.Thank you Dr. Butterfield and keep it up!
+jameswwindsor :) you are right. She, like the rest of us are "idiots, nuts and trolls". Praise be to God that He is not and made a way for us to be free from ourselves!
+jameswwindsor :) I'm glad we agree on something at least. It all depends upon what you trust in for truth. what source you depend on. I am an idiot, so I don't trust myself. I trust in something greater than myself that has proven himself faithful. Not just a man with a brilliant mind, but God.
A fool says in his heart there is no God.
+jameswwindsor There is no hate here. Not in the comments or in the video. Just because someone challenges the way you think or what you believe does not mean they hate you. Similarly, you would not say that your college professor hates you because they are teaching something that challenges you or makes you think differently. The very purpose of a school is to teach people to think critically, and to consider the ideas of people who disagree with you.
It's a good thing you aren't hateful.
James I'm getting freaked out by talk of inerrant Bible seriously. i feel like i'm the one who is crazy?????
How deep and rich is our faith in Christ and how encouraging it is to hear someone speak who can express, at least in some measure, the texture of that depth. Dr. Butterfield's testimony ( and I am referring not to her conversion, nor to her experience as a lesbian who has been converted, but to her articulation of her faith and the dynamics of it which is applicable regardless of what our sin history has been) is a breath of fresh air in a community that too often appears to settle for the simplistic explanations thinking it humility. We have been fortunate to have been given the insights into life and we should make the most of that, for the sake of those who do not have it yet.
What a fantastic story of redemption, God's unconditional love, and His ability to redeem any who repents and comes to Him by faith! Thank you for posting
An amazing testimony.
This is so good.
thank you for blessing my soul,you are one sweet lady.
Praise God for Rosario Butterfield!
I'm reading Rosaria's book now. It's open and honest. I'm listening and learning. She's a lovely lady. God bless her real good.
It is amazing how the Holy Spirit so subtly deals with people in ways that are as different as each of us are. It is almost as if he customly tailors his drawing us to him through the same immutable Gospel, and that is amazing. This is an awesome testimony to the grace and mercy of God.
Very interesting, many new point of views to the truth of the Bible. Thank you for uploading this.
Now HERE is a testimony of how God's grace can truly shine through to someone who is bound up in postmodern, feminist and LGBT thinking. And I do agree one one thing for sure; we need to be the church and present the Gospel in a way that will acknowlege sin on all levels. The root is not homosexuality, but rebellion against God in general, and we need to get to that root. It's the reason why so many are falling away.
i think you should thank a feminist for the rights you have today
glen allen: like in Sweden?
True. Interestingly statistics show it's the "Dead" churches that don't teach the Bible and God's commands for humanity that are losing attendees.
Great testimony! Great word for the Christian community.
39 homosexuals and Lesbians dislike this.
So excited to hear this testimony to its fullest as I had only read short articles and heard bits and parts before. Praise God for using my Uncle Ken to speak God's truth. I hope I can extend the same type of Christian compassion and dialogue of truth in love to all who need it. This is personal now as so many in our youngest generation have embraced the same type of all inclusive political and social thought, "a cleaner and more moral choice" as Dr. Butterfield says she once believed, that says the right person is the right person to love regardless of gender, we must accept everyone's truth, men and women do not have important God given roles to fulfill and are basically interchangeable, and anyone who disagrees is filled with hate. Unless we meet this new generation with love and show them Jesus and their true identity in Christ and allow Jesus to convict them of sin, they will be lost. We must be prepared with intelligent informed discussion that does not dismiss their beliefs but challenges them to think. God opens eyes after people come to him, not before. This truly is a "War of Worldviews."
***** no, environment doesn't cause homosexuality, sin does
read the book
and by the way, she speaks in a way that infuriates those who disagree, which is why she is ridiculed--it is not only intelligent and honest, it's biblically based
thank you Rosaria for you contribution to the Kingdom, God bless
wow are you BONKERS !!!!!!! i was just a very young person terrified by how i was feeling . where is the sin in that.
Lets not forget that this is in America where they pay for EVERYTHING EVEN THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS The only GOD in America is the DOLLAR SIGN !!!
This woman obviously needed to get her face in front of the camera so decided the best way was to become a STRAIGHT Lesbian ?????
ragnor56 lol...sure, that's why she gave up everything she had because she believed in something more than this life. Believe me,
Rosaria has very little materially compared to what she had as a tenured professor at a major university.
Conversely she is a very rich woman spiritually.
nothing like real truth thanks
Excellent discussion and amazing testimony. Minor issue: she misuses the theological term "elect" because she claims there are unsaved people who are also elect. Scripture applies the term only to believers and the church, not to the unsaved.
Cut her some slack my friend, she's a new Christian even if it's been a couple of years. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding when we are ready for it. Such as graduating from the milk to the meat. ;-)
God Bless...
torbrew: if it's true, pray for her so that God gives her true understanding of the Bible to further glorify His kingdom.
Like with John Paulk, until you free her from her religious delusions, you aren't going to have a rational conversation with this woman.
by 11:10 on the tape.....I hear many of the reasons that attracted Sy Rodgers (see Sy Rodgers interview here on TH-cam)
It was two gay...married gay men who actually put the brakes on, read the Bible, and in so doing realized they were
not reconciled or surrendered to Jesus Christ. They "unmarried" and began to live for Christ, and wrote Sy Rodgers
to consider the same . Listen to the rest in his interview.
Magnificent undoing of so much of what the world wants to accept, readily believe and thence force others to accept via unmitigated, relentless propaganda.
Bisexual, much?
The world was made through Jesus Christ. Sin deformed us. Jesus came to transform our body, soul and our spirit; and our twisted minds too. See www. gotquestions. org
Rusell Kumar: I agree with you. I go to to seek Biblical answers too. God bless you.
so are dead gay friends in a state of suffering forever and ever whatever that is
Revan, I assume, meant one can't change something that is hardwired into DNA. This is arguing about something which is assumed, without any attempt to evidence the claim. There are many things that have been discovered fairly recently which undercuts the static nature of DNA. There have been studies on phenotypic plasticity, where genetic changes are prompted by external criteria, such as the availability of food, type of environment and behavior. There are examples of a population of animals rapidly changing elements of their morphology to accomodate a drastic change in diet, only to find that such changes become reversible once former dietary elements are reintroduced.
There is the relatively new science of epigenetics, which can account for effects that may be passed on to progeny, which are behaviorally and environmentally based. The fact one can demonstrate a change in brain structure following physiological adjustment or behavioral modification serves to argue against the idea of static orientation. Studies have been conducted on those who have lost their sight. The brain structure has been shown to differ after prolonged adjustment to a sightless lifestyle. The same can be argued for prolonged behavioral effects on the brain. Also, it shows the bankruptcy of ones position when they have to resort to name calling, profanity and obscenity instead of addressing the issues at hand.
what is she talking about ......inerrant? WHICH BIBLE??????? how many versions are there ?????
"......[Christ] pours the supernatural balm of Christian victory into the grooves of our sin patterns until the holes are filled with his grace and until attacks and seductions no longer stop us in our tracks. and THAT is what it means to be a new creature in christ." good stuff.
Why is the introduction too long...
is a hermaphrodite broken????????HOW DO YOU FIX THAT
Use the incorruptible "The Holy Bible" KJV and you will be complete. All other bibles are corrupted words and or verse changed or removed. Great example is Gail Riplingers book "New Age Bible Versions". The Holy Bible KJV says :
For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Revelation 22:18-19 KJV)
King James Version was written for the audience of its day. If its publishers published a Bible today, it would probably resemble the ESV.
NASB (New American Standard Version) is the word-for-word translation, so it's what I personally gravitate to.
Compare the translations:
Hope it helped! :)
FYRFOX198 Doesn't hurt to just study some Hebrew & Greek too; we have access to so many helps today. Then you will see a clearer lay of how translations go. You don't have to be a linguist or expert to see it. Only 22 letters in Hebrew. The Septuagint helps connect the OT & NT more accurately; if you look up Greek words in the Blue Letter BIble... it often indicates the OT word.
Your summation of the KJV, compared to the modern english translations is categorically False.
The KJV was not written for the audience of the time that it is written. It was written By God, for instruction to All People, for All Time.
As for the modern english *perversions,* they are all based primarily on three manuscripts. The Sinaiticus and Vaticanus Codex's, along with the supposedly "Greek" Septuagint, falsely claimed that it originated from Alexandria. Regardless of the "claims" of the Septuagint and it's origins, the Septuagint comes from the very same place as the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codex's came from. And that is oddly from a scrap of paper with notes on it, from a Wastepaper Basket at St. Catherines Monastary at what the Catholics call Mt. Sinai, which it is not.
They are forgeries, originating out of the Catholic hegemony, much of which was published and released in 1844, by a convicted forger named Simonides. There are well over 5,300 differences, many of them Doctrinal, apart from the KJV.
The Authorized King James Bible is from The Textus Receptus, which is the least corrupted out of all of the differing manuscripts, barring none.
The Catholic Church was established by none other than Constantine. The Catholics like to say otherwise, putting the Apostle Peter as the one that established their church, when Peter was never in Rome. The verified Historical records has Peter in Jerusalem, as an important part of the church there, headed by James, the brother of Jesus, by Joseph and Mary. Jerusalem was where Peter laid his head to rest for the last time, and survived by his wife.
I think you should do your homework, rather than basing assumptions gathered from gossip of those that do not "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Tim2:15
When King James had gathered the very best biblical scholars to Pen the KJV, the Catholic church stated, and I quote...
"The Bible is a cruel asp. If we could get our hands on it, we would destroy it."
Enter the Jesuit Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators and The Gun Powder Plot. Where they were attempting to blow up the entire Parlaiment along with King James.
They were caught, tortured and put to death by the King. Guy Fawkes suffering the worst by being "drawn and quartered".
You have a lot of studying to do son. I pray you will put yourself to the task. Lazy or not, if you are diligent, there are Wonderful Rewards for taking up the study of the scriptures. For me, I love the Scriptures in the KJV, and the Love and Wisdom held within those beautiful and inspiring pages.
So many people want to say, "Do your home work." You know, many people are working long hours every week... often at minimum wage. Then a person who has more time to research has to find out WHO is telling the truth.There have been teachers who told us where to look, David Barton of Wallbuilders, for example, points people to original source documents and quotes of founders concerning American History, which show that for decades America's Christian heritage has been cleansed out of public school & college history lessons today.
Recently someone showed me place in the Bible that was totally different in the NIV. I thought it might have to do with the mss being used to translate; but I have no idea where to look that sort of thing up. Where do we look? Thank you,Far North Weaver. The KJV has remained my favorite translation, but that is the one I read from the first when I was a kid looking for answers about 50 years ago. (I seriously had a reading problem; reading the Bible helped fix that. My hearing was fine, but before I could read well, I had trouble even understanding what people were saying.)
Wonderful testimony, but I disagree with her definition of "homophobia"....this term has been used and defined by the politically correct crowd
glen allen: Grab a Bible, pray to God from the bottom of your heart and ask for the Holy Spirit to bless you with understanding and start reading the Bible. Then you shall understand what the God Says sins. . Any sin.
Wow...the wholesale writing off...of their souls
Sounds like the man she married was courting her and evangelizing her at the same time...wonder if she would have stayed in the church if she and the Pastor hadn't eventually asked her to marry him
hmong7819 The pastor Ken who originally reached out to her is not the same person as the Ken she married.
+Calvary Chapel Her husband's name is Kent.
hmong7819 You should read her book - the pastor Ken who she befriended is not the man she later married. The pastor Ken was a much older man with a wife she also befriended
This just shows- homosexuality is a lifestyle - prompted by many things.Particularly lesbianism is often rooted in abuse at the hands of abusive men! But where there is sin grace abounds Praise God
so ken said this and ken said that and the bible said this and the bible said that and you're no longer a lesbian...)
Oh Rosaria, used by people who hate the LGBT and clueless.
I would feel pity for her if she was all over the place with this sad message.
Let him who has ears to hear, hear (Jesus)
The simple believes every word...
The simple people heard Him gladly. Yes - I heard Him because I was sick of the confusion and lies and emptiness of the conflicting voices of the world - and those inner voices. All I know is, I was empty within. Nothing in relationships, pursuits, or "the things of this world" was truly fulfilling; until I met the risen Christ Who caught my attention with: "For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul." That's pretty....simple. : )
Rodger Niemeier
I understand where you are coming from, but I really don't see what this has to do with Rosaria and what she's trying to peddle. My quote was from Proverbs with the purpose of saying don't believe everything you hear, in this case from this woman.
Have you read her book? I finished it, but it certainly is more thorough and understandable to me, as a Christian, than her abbreviated "testimony" on the video. The striking thing to me is that she also came to understand what her lesbianism was actually an expression of, as it is with all "sin", as such. Boiled down, "sin" is just basically telling God He doesn't exist (for some), and then/or that He doesn't know what He's doing and I'm going to do it MY way - because I know best what's best for me. A big assumption to put over the Creator of the Universe - and each of us.