Can't say enough good things about this bag! Bought mine in MCB for my bike but have ended up using it as my edc sling for the last 8 months. Was perfect for Canadian grand prix weekend in Montreal where we got stuck in complete downpours. Everything including my phone and battery bank stayed completely dry. Love the orange interior on this version it makes locating anything within the bag so easy.
Can't say enough good things about this bag! Bought mine in MCB for my bike but have ended up using it as my edc sling for the last 8 months. Was perfect for Canadian grand prix weekend in Montreal where we got stuck in complete downpours. Everything including my phone and battery bank stayed completely dry. Love the orange interior on this version it makes locating anything within the bag so easy.
Bought the last one! Have been eyeing this for a while but haven’t made it back to TO since before the pandemic.