Ironically here in N.Ireland, an area that suffered from civil conflict we've the most liberal gun laws in the UK, I've a Sig P226 Emperor scorpion and until recently had a Ruger mini 14 (semi auto), there are an estimated 120,000 licensed full bore rifles and hand guns in N.I. (not including shot guns) and not a single murder or intentional wounding by any of these weapons in the last 25 years, which IMO shows how over the top the laws are on the mainland.
@@arnoldtm31 Yes unfortunately even co2 airguns must be licensed but the upside is if you get a firearms certificate you can get anything from an air pistol to a shotgun ,full bore rifle or handgun.
Exactly it's ridiculous. A firearm is a tool, an inanimate object. I'm sure you could go to the local hardware store and buy a chainsaw or circular saw without any registration or license right?
I think I might move to N.I from N.E England. Northern Ireland will be a staging area for the English folk to retake their land. The last bastion of Britain.
The irony is in the UK if you have the correct firearm license you can buy a rifle suppressor over the counter. No need for a background check if you produce the correct firearm licence. The same with a large capacity magazine. Only if you produce the correct firearm licence.
Maybe you shouldn't have voted for them, huh? With crowd funding, there's nothing stopping you from running for office, or backing somebody that you trust.
@@aaarghzombies640 2 party system the illusion of choice... Just like you in the states and the rest of Europe, Banks coperations media run this show, don't be fooled.
When you open and look into the Arizona gun laws book. It's just a picture of George Washington with a bald eagle on his shoulders giving you a thumbs up!
I myself live in AZ and live within 5 miles of the range in Casa Grande and try to go there every weekend, and I also carry open or concealed every day. I love AZ
If you open a Utah Gun Laws book, its actually a history story accounting the time that the Utah militia organized to fight the US Army up at the pass near Park City. Then there is a painting of the the angel Moroni handing Brigham Young an AR-15...
ap1986 That is the biggest reason I want to move to AZ. It is a gunowner's paradise. It is ranked the #1 Pro Gun state by Guns & Ammo. If not the world. I'm stuck in the The People's Republic of Illinois and I should have moved out many years ago when I was able to :/
Alprazolam08 PA is the worst for gun laws and just about anything else, though we are one of the big hunter states. Commonwealth = Communist,the Brits must have won the revolution in my state !!
I will remember that the next time I have to check my gun at the door when I go to my kid's school. We never had metal detectors or armed guard on schools when I was a kid. We didn't have them in malls, or department stores either.
Im a brittish husband and father. I have no criminal record, Ive probabbly only started 1 fight in my life ( Or threw first punch should I say) and last year my younger bro was taken hostage by 3 meth heads in his own home. It royally pisses me of that in this day and age the government denies people like me the means and right to protect myself and my own. If i owned a firearm, it would only be used as a last resort in extreme circumstance and id prob still try and help the guy i had to shoot, its who i am.
S. T. It's genuinely how I feel. I don't ever want to shoot a person (I used to hunt with my dad, so I'm very aware guns are not in the least bit funny in real life) but I would if I had to for my family. I just don't get how one freedom loving country can be so different from another in an area like this. Oh well.
In the UK, we live under a false brand of freedom, we don't have true freedom here in the UK, like in the US, I'm English and I'm saying this, I have also visited the US.. America really is the land of the free, here its a nanny state.. not only do they have the 2A, they have many other rights such as True freedom of speech etc.. too many to mention.
Here in the US,we are given a BB gun for Christmas at the age of 6-7,and go out shooting targets,cans,etc. In High School,we had a shooting team,and brought our shotguns to School. Big difference now that Liberal Ninnies have taken over.
shooting shark Monarchy! Do you even know how our political system works! The Monarchy is LITERALLY a figurehead and that is IT. Parliament decides and votes on all laws in the UK
I'm a registered Paramedic, no criminal record , and had a shot gun certificate from my early 20s, I then applied and was granted a firearms certificate (granted...its not a right in the UK, its a privilege) many years later , after a divorce , split with several subsequent girlfriends, and no complaints about violence or any criminal issues, a complaint about me was received by derbyshire constabulary , they turned up and took my guns, they didn't investigate the validity of the complaint (had come via my employer in the form of an anonymous letter to them) my employer dismissed me , on the basis of gross misconduct , after I admitted to saying at some point in 18 years that management what lining up and shooting (sounds bad right ? But everyone says that at some point or they want stringing up ...) guess what my registration board , allowed me to continue practicing without going to a hearing no case to answer, as not a direct threat , Derbyshire Constabulary revolked my shotgun and firearms , without proving I'd done anything wrong , I had no problems surrendering my guns , I expected them to investigate the allegation, no such luck , kept my license to practice as a paramedic, no criminal record, no violent history no criminal prosecution...police applying same rule as a minor conviction ie 5 years b4 I can apply again...chance of success zero impartial investigation , no right to appeal ...7 years now ...whats fair about the police not investigating the alleged incident/offence , and taking an un substantiated accusation ...any firearms holder can be accused of misconduct at any time with no defence unless got 30,000 to defend themselves ....
When one considers that in 1900 anyone in UK could own a firearm, carry it around without registering it but due to fear of Marxist/Communist thugs fermenting violent revolution post WW1 the first gun laws were introduced in 1919.
I’m a young adult in the UK and have always been so interested in guns, I would have to say it’s my number one hobby or at least would be if the gun laws weren’t so broken so to my American Friends (where I wis I lived) don’t get rid of you guns
It's odd because I'm a liberal but I've always supported the 2A. I mean come on man this isn't right or left it's basic right self preservation or not.
@@True-Scotsman wow I just woke up from a dream of being in a school shooting and this is the notification I get, Ironic lmao. Also. I was conservative but found that most conservative positions aren't really logical further than a surface level.
I have no hope for people in my country anymore. All i am seeing in the comments are stuff about "all the school shootings." In the US but in reality most deaths with guns are suicide I think the statistics are something like 63% Suicide 20% Gang violence. 5% Homocide less than 1% school shootings and the rest are used in self defence. I'm not sure how much they have changed but school shootings are so rare and I live in the UK and I know how common knife crime is in comparison. In my area nearly 12 people are stabbed every week and the solution the government wants to put out there is to ban knifes. I say give me a gun and watch someone attempt to stab me. You will see how much of a drop in crime we will have when you give people the chance to fight back.
Of course people focus on school shootings, why wouldn't they huh? its like a bloody epidemic with you Americans......Name another country where parents see their kids getting slaughtered by lunatics at the same rate and numbers as you lot do, go on, just name one other. And yet, despite America being armed to the teeth, it's never able to stop it. Go figure
@@ericwilliams2317 Because guns are illegal in schools and you get hit with a felony charge if you're caught with it, so most don't bring guns to school and it doesn't stop the mass murderer to bring a gun anyway and kill people so go figure. Gun free zones only get people killed here.
@@ericwilliams2317 Its almost like its completely illegal to have any firearms on school property so the only people who have them are the psychotic criminals.
They don't have to, going to France is cheaper than going to other parts of the UK where the guns are legal (pistols and semis). The Isle Of Man for instance costs a fortune to visit especially when the TT is on
Ben Webb Lol how gullible are you? What gun caused the 2010 massacre? A shotgun, that’s what. It can happen with any gun & there’s a huge difference between Olympic pistols & ordinary ones.
Actually it`s Czech Republic with the best gun laws in Europe at the moment. Unfortunately EU is trying to ruin it. Thousands of UK visitors are now comming into CZ to shoot from anything from handgun to .50BMG sniper rifle in very cost effective package.
Lukáš Pospíšil Baltic countries are quite lax too. So is Finland except for select fire, you can go and buy a .50BMG no problem if you find one for sale and register it, but not in the Netherlands because you can't shoot one anywhere so there is no legit use for it which you do have to have. However you can buy a semi auto .223 for rifle sports shooting and have as big of a magazine on it you can find.
Lukas, we respect you in Poland for that, and what your government now does, to avoid Lex Bienkowska. We did a great job along with FU to stop it, and when it not worked, to make it less painfull possible.
noth606 in NLD the gun laws are the worst. Hunters can own more than 5 rifles for as long as they live and even newer shoot one round, but sport shooters have to get 18 shooting stamps each year, otherways they must have to sell there weapons (max 5 weapons). First year shooting training, 2 year you can only get a .22lr if you have proof of 18 shooting stamps in your book. 3 rd year you can get a 9mm or rifle cal. it is only getting worse by the day here. thanks to Brussel and our scaired goverment. If u have served the army and got back to the normal world andvwould like to shoot the first year 9mm and 308 , garands u are fucked. you cant soldier. start with the .22lr. I have seen many 50 cal marines who where pissed that they canot get a normal caliber to own , even do they have shot in the army everything that has powder in it. People would think twice if they would get into a fight with usa. most people there have at least 2 wheelbarrows full of weapons to protect themselfs.
Absolutely agree, hopefully our American friends will resist any attempt to restrict their right to bear arms. Hopefully one day we can start to give British citizens once again their right to bear arms.
@Jordan he’s right you twat gun crime in the UK would sky rocket its low at the moment because our police do their job we don’t need people packing because we aren’t paranoid inbreds🤣🤣😂
@@markbenjamin1703 The right of the “people” to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. I notice when 2A gets picked on its well regulated or Militia that is focused on. Like the founding fathers had caused a misprint….🤨
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” - George Orwell
As a U.K. Citizen and firearms(and shotgun-but that's a different kettle of fish) certificate holder, I can say that it all depends on your local firearms officer and how sensible he is about interpreting the grey areas. The only advantage I can think of is certificate holders in the U.K. Tend to extremely committed and knowledgeable about civilian firearm use, there are no casual cowboys on ranges here.
I hate it my comrade a drill Sgt in the RAF and former Falkland's Veteran, he had his shotgun and rifles taken from him because one of his work mates reported him as depressed, the Police never once asked for medical proof or called him in for a councillor report to say he was depressed, just took it. After his guns was taken he did become depressed and his more trained on ire arms (as I am ) than any armed Police officer is, SO 19 have to score a 70 minimum, to be an expert in the Army and remember a 70 is a marksmen, but not a sharpshooter or expert, sharpshooters are 80 point shot on target and expert it normally 9 out of 10 shots on point continuously in different situations, environments etc...
The worst thing about the UK's gun laws is that the American bill of rights and constitution was influenced heavily by the English bill of rights and Magna Carta. The common people of England were armed hundreds of years before America existed and their right to bear arms was guaranteed by law in the English bill of rights 1689. It wasn't until 1920 that the UK began ceasing firearms and the right to bear arms without a licence and that was because they feared A communist revolution. In 1910 foreign anarchists occupied a building in London and were armed and killed three unarmed officers. The police who were unarmed by law had to ask normal people on the streets if they could borrow their pistols that they were carrying, the police literally had to go around asking passerby's if they could use their weapons. Gun violence was that rare and violent crime in general that the police were able to unarmed despite the fact you could buy a gun from a local shop without any identification or licence. Guns don't make people violent, Britain pre-1920 proves that. Little fact, Winston Churchill was at the anarchist shootout with police in 1910, in his suit and top hat he commanded the police on scene probably due to his military background.
inTHEwrongGENERATION I was in the navy , stationed on a cruiser in Long Beach CA when the LA bankrobber shootout happened . The police had no rifles , only pistols and some shotguns , so they had to borrow AR 15s from a gun shop to take out the robbers . My girlfriend was in the CA National Guard . She told me that during the LA riots after the Rodney King incident the police were powerless to stop the rioters . She and her unit were deployed to the streets and the rioters avoided the areas where the N G were posted . However , they weren't issued ammo , just empty mags . Many Navy families (including the families of some of my shipmates) had to take refuge on the Navy base , where the base guards (civilian , navy , and marine corps) were locked and loaded . My ship was on deployment in the Western Pacific at the time , and many of the crew were worried about the safety of their families back home . Some families left the area entirely , going back to their home states . I've heard the stories from the wives of shipmates and people in my girlfriend's unit about what happened then , and you don't want that to happen in your town .
inTHEwrongGENERATION I was in the navy , stationed on a cruiser in Long Beach CA when the LA bankrobber shootout happened . The police had no rifles , only pistols and some shotguns , so they had to borrow AR 15s from a gun shop to take out the robbers . My girlfriend was in the CA National Guard . She told me that during the LA riots after the Rodney King incident the police were powerless to stop the rioters . She and her unit were deployed to the streets and the rioters avoided the areas where the N G were posted . However , they weren't issued ammo , just empty mags . Many Navy families (including the families of some of my shipmates) had to take refuge on the Navy base , where the base guards (civilian , navy , and marine corps) were locked and loaded . My ship was on deployment in the Western Pacific at the time , and many of the crew were worried about the safety of their families back home . Some families left the area entirely , going back to their home states . I've heard the stories from the wives of shipmates and people in my girlfriend's unit about what happened then , and you don't want that to happen in your town .
inTHEwrongGENERATION PS After returning to Long Beach I spent three years stationed there . During that time I saw first hand the aftermath . Entire minimalls and shopping centers had been burnt , smashed , and looted . Where once had been shops and businesses where people of all colors and races had worked and made a living , only scorched and boarded up ruins stood . The only people who seemed to have stood up for themselves were the Korean store owners . Many of them stationed their men on the roofs of their stores , armed with AR type rifles , watching news television , sitting under patio umbrellas with ice chests of food and drink , while the women ran the stores during the chaos . The rioters avoided them . The LA rioters are the parents of today's BLM rioters , gone nationwide . The rioters learned the lessons that mass violence works , and that the police can't defend the people under their jurisdiction . The LAPD later admitted that that they cannot ensure the safety of the individual citizen , they can only ensure the safety of society in general . The lessons that we should learn from this are that the individual citizen is responsible for his or her own protection , that the right of the individual citizen to be armed shall not be infringed , and that the government has no interest in the well being of any one person . Best Wishes ! from the U.S.A.
Well said. The images of the Koreans on the rooftops and around their stores are truly iconic and an example of why the right to bear arms is a fundamental foundation of liberty and property. The police as you said can't protect everyone at all times and in situations of the breakdown of law and order the police are even more helpless and each individual should be able to be protected and able to defend life, liberty, and property. Best wishes man.
The problem with your example of Korean shopkeepers is that it only really works for mom and pop size shops. Chain stores don't have people with a personal interest - only governments can police large public space - and they don't have the money (hello taxman) to do it properly.
I’m a American born and trapped in the uk. I’ve jumped through the hoops to get my firearms certificate but I’m extremely restricted as to where and when I can shoot. Looking to emigrate in the near future 🤞
I am still jealous - if you come back to US you can buy gun next day. If I migrate to us I will have to wait 5 years until I become resident and will be allowed to start collecting guns I love.
I'm a British citizen living in the UK. I completely support the carrying of guns for use in self-defence, along the lines of the Second Amendment. Having the First Amendment would be a nice bonus! In 1900, any Englishman could own any modern weapon, yet crime was so rare that Bobbies seldom carried firearms. Now, UK residents are disarmed, yet violent crime is so common that the cops carry submachine guns.
Check out the 40,000 gun deaths per year in the USA + 250 mass shootings in the USA in 2019. Hand guns are designed specifically to kill people. There is no other use for hand guns.
@@cdnsk12 So you loved to lump in suicide by gun and with other homicide by guns. And mass shootings are usually means more than 4 people being shot at, also it mainly happens in gun free zones.
In 1900 gun deaths were relatively rare in the uSA. The so called Wild West in the USA Pre 1900, is literary artistic fantasy nonsense. There were far more gun deaths per 100 population in the USA, than in neighbouring Canada, pre 1900. But the USA wasn't near as violent then as now.
@@TheWatcher740 hahah ol bill aint thick, and had you done that you wouldn't have had anywhere to shoot them anyway, not to mention 5yr firearm possession charge
The thing I personally hate the most about being a firearm lover in the UK is the INSANE stigma. I'll never forget the day about 7 years ago when my Aunt (technically step-aunt) came downstairs and found me cleaning out my air rifle, and started basically interrogating me as to why the hell I'd want to partake in shooting and going on about how she "doesn't understand gun people" and that they all seem like a "bunch of weirdos" blah blah... I had just turned 16 at the time and was super excited to own my first airgun, had just started attending my local rifle club, and was honestly heartbroken that already I'd been subjected to negative judgement like that... especially from a family member (who's literally acted "funny" around me ever since)... I see it all the time on Facebook and TH-cam etc., British people saying "yeah well we don't want/ need guns 'cause we're not insane unlike you bloody yanks". Yeah, because wanting to partake in a hobby makes you completely insane... Want to be part of a tight-knit community full of awesome people? Must be completely out of my mind... I guess I'm also insane for playing/ collecting guitars, making music and playing video games! I think it sucks that we're victimised just because our hobby of choice involves devices that have the potential to harm someone/ thing. I could quite easily wait for someone to walk past my window and drop an amplifier on them. Or run outside a smack the next child I see full-pelt with a guitar to the head. Pretty much guaranteed serious injury/ death. Does that mean I should have some bloke come round and make sure I've got my own little fortified arsenal in my cupboard, with one cabinet for my guitars and one for my amps? Should chefs have the same for their knives, or darts players for their, well, darts? (I'm FULLY aware that that's a ridiculous argument, but you get my point ;L) Sorry, I'm rambling, but it genuinely upsets me. Even being from one of the most gun-friendly areas of the UK (Cornwall
I know mate, it's annoying, I've always been fascinated by firearms, well all weapons and combat really. I never, ever want to shoot someone with a gun, or a bow and arrow, or stab them with a longsword. That would be horrible.
Places like that exist here in America as well. College campuses and the wealthy big cities are like that as well. San Diego los Angeles and NYC to name a few. And my parents are anti gun themselves tho not to the same degree as your family. They let me shoot in their backyard. But when I told them I was going to be carrying every day under our new constitutional carry law I could tell right away they were uncomfortable with that. It's my life and my money and I can spend it however I like. I try not to bring it up in front of them because I don't want to start a fight. But sometimes it can't be avoided and there have been several occasions where my mom is either afraid of me or talks in a condescending manner about it. It's very difficult to restrain myself when it comes from someone so close to you. Not only in anger but also just from their ignorance regarding firearms. It's probably the most misunderstood hobby in America.
There is a reason America has so many mass shootings and a reason the U.K. just doesn't. There just isn't any reason for the general public to own firearms, guns are designed for one purpose and that is to be a refined and efficient killing machine, you can't say they're not because that's the purpose of their existence. Also the argument "good people need guns to defend themselves from bad people with guns" is nullified by the fact that if the bad person doesn't have a gun in the first place then the good person doesn't have anything to defend themself from so they don't need a gun...u know a machine designed to take life.
1:20 - the disarming act of 1716 n 1725 (6th paragraph). 2:01 - pistol ban, semiautomatic ban in 1987. 3:03 - has armed response team. More police with tasers n pepper spray. 8:44 - knife attacks, gun attacks, illegal firearms from E. Europe n Russia.
I am a firearms owner in the UK. Just to clarify some of the things said in the video. On concealed carry, this right disappeared only in the 1950s with the passing of the offensive weapons acts. Prior to that, anyone could carry a gun in a public place if they had a gun or game licence issued under the terms of the 1870 Gun Licence Act. Spencer Percival was the Prime Minister murdered by a pistol in 1812 but there were no changes to firearms laws as a result of that, amazingly. Until 1920 you could buy any gun you wanted to, if you had the money. Then the laws got stricter and stricter with the 1920, 1937, 1968, 1988 and 1997 firearms acts. The 1988 act banned semi auto centre fire rifles and the 1997 act banned most handguns. But handguns for humane destruction of animals, for starting athletics matches (no, I am NOT kidding) and collecting were EXEMPTED from the ban. I myself own over 100 live handguns legally on a firearms licence as a collector and I shoot about 20 of them on a regular basis. I can supply more info if anyone is interested
This just goes to show how overblown this video is, and all the misinformation about UK gun laws. If people are genuinely interested in firearms, and want to do shooting as a hobby, they are perfectly able to do so. Somehow people don't understand why letting any fucker buy a gun and carry it in public is a bad idea.
My friend here in the UK had to hand in his handguns,the politicians decided he and thousands of others who had never broke the law in their lives could not have them any more,since that time violent crime has sky rocketed,politicians and their stupid policies are also responsible for this happening.
I'm very happy with the laws we have in the UK. I am aware that illegal guns are in the UK, but I'm also aware of how many school shootings have happened since 1997. The guns laws we have are very COMMON SENSE. I have only seen one hand gun in the UK and I'm 36 years old. I'm happy that our police know how to de-escalate a situation without the end result being death. Desire for a change in gun laws, outside the people strongly for changes is almost non existent.
RM_Prime Heard of the SPG,Flying Squad, Regional Crime Squad & Force Firearms Units-police units? De-escalation wasn't in their vocabulary. The police only de-escalate situations in today's world. Back in those days, they'd hit first ( with a fist or a gun)ask questions later.
WJS losing argument on guns: BAM school shootings. You realize most school shooters were reported before hand and nothing was done? Of course you didn’t because you’re a brainwashed npc
It’s crazy; in the UK we’re of course allowed to defend our lives by necessary means. But for some reason aren’t authorised to carry the tools to do so.
That's because it's not necessary if you look at the statistics police brutality is non-existent and people killed by guns are extremely small compared to us and it's very expensive to get guns even illegally from a black-market so you guys are safe.
@@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 You have no idea what you are talking about as everything you’ve said is wrong. A friend of mine died on Saturday in London from being stabbed. You have no facts
@@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 Most gun deaths in the US are suicide. Also stabbings and truck attacks in the UK are skyrocketing, also UK doesn't have Mexico on it's border where it is being run by cartels fighting over a multi billion dollar industry. I mean here in Canada firearm owners are 3x less likely than any other group to commit any crime and that's a fact from my provincial firearm officer.
@@NB-nk1qy if someone has a knife against you you have a much better chance to survive than someone blasting a gun in your face even if you have a gun.
Every American needs to see this thread. All our U.K. brethren are saying dont give up our guns, keep and cherish our 2nd amendment. That honestly means a lot coming from a country that is suffering from laws that our politicians are trying to ram up our asses here in the states. Holocaust survivors have told us the same thing. Do NOT give up our guns.
In a nutshell the UK has a two tier firearms certificate. The first is a shotgun licence which assuming you dont have a criminal record can obtain without issue. However you are essentially limited to a double barrel shotgun with a minimum length of 40". The second is a firearm licence which gives you access to bolt action rifles of any caliber and semi auto shotguns with no magazine limit though the 40" length still applys. The only semi auto rifle you can by in .22 caliber. For a shotgun licence you dont really need give a reason to acquire one however with a firearms certificate you do but simply being a member of a gun club for sporting purposes is all that is required. But that is the easy part. You also need two references from people "of good character" who are not family members. Your doctor needs to ok it to basically say your not mental and you will be visited by a firearms liaison officer inspect the property you intend on keeping your firearm in and to interview you. The police must be satisfied that you can be trusted with a firearm "without danger to the public safety or to the peace" Self defense is not considered a valid reason for a firearms licence with the exception of Northern Ireland which is also the only place in the UK where pistols are legal. In addition all firearms mush be locked in an approved metal cabinet fixed to the wall or floor and the ammunition must also be locked in its own cabinet. There are limits on how much ammunition you can keep at any one time. They vary. There is no limit on how may firearms you can own.
Very knowledgeable. There is only a limit on rifle ammunition, shotgun cartridges with the exception of slugs, has no limit and does not need to be stored in a cabinet. I have 750 cartridges under my bed,
I'm autistic however, very careful with anything dangerous, and 2 of my friends can say that even though I weird, I'm not insane and don't have the intention on hurting anyone. (unless I'm forced to) So would I be allowed to own a gun because of my mental illness?
Gotta give this channel credit. Showing a lot of people what's happening in other countries so we can avoid those same mistakes. Great vid guys keep it up!
I believe when Eric was talking about the "Domestic Violence" thing he meant when a woman assaults her boyfriend, and he defends himself, so HE gets arrested. I feel like that makes more sense.
We DON'T have Firearms "licenses" in the UK. We have Shotgun Licenses and Firearms Certificates. While a license grants a privilege, a certificate confirms something that already exists. In the UK, most people already have a right to bear arms under the 1689 Bill of Rights. This is the same Act of Parliament that gives Members of the British Parliament "Parliamentary Privilege", which is a protection for Ministers from prosecution whatever they say they say in Parliament. As such, successive British governments have been afraid to attempt any amendments to the 1698 Bill of Rights, in case they should lose their own privileges and rights. Of course it is only right and proper that anyone owning a firearm should have to be a law-abiding citizen. The problem arises because government and police would like to think that they are in charge of what we do, say, and think, rather than your famous "government of the people, by the people, for the people". Whenever a firearms atrocity has occurred in the UK, there has been a media clamour for all firearms to be made illegal. However, on every single occasion it has been shown that it was those responsible for our safety who had failed in their duty to investigate the activities of persons whose highly suspicious behaviour was already known to the police. Most interesting are the anti-gun lobbies. For example: the Gun Control Network is no such thing. It was just 4 people. Yet they received National publicity, as though they were a legitimate large scale network. You can't join the Gun Control Network, as it is strictly limited to just four people. Their biggest supporter is the discredited British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Channel 4 Television. I'm sure our American friends are already well aware of the BBC's campaign to channel British taxes (the so-called TV License) into political groups campaigning against gun ownership in the USA.
Need a Canadian to come on and explain AR-15 magazine rules. Or how you can have a non-restricted gun manufactured with a barrel under 18.5 inches but if you cut a barrel shorter than that, you're going to jail. Or how Tavors are legal but Aks aren't. Or how AR-15s are restricted by name. Or how there's no magazine restriction on .22 long rifles except for Ruger 10/22s. Or how Lugers are prohibited... I need to move south.
Our canadian gun laws, at heart, are pretty decent. What we need is to convince the RCMP to stop interpreting the laws as they see fit and to stop restricting/prohibiting guns based on their aesthetics. Nobody wants to be arbitrarily turned into a criminal overnight because a government body is abusing its authority.
It is Nov 2019. They have banned all lock knives. Swords (carry, sale, manufacture and import ) and any item that you use to injure another person (even in self defence) can see you charged with possession of an Offensive Weapon! I mean ANY ITEM! Yet crime goes on!
I love it when a British person asks me why we have so many guns, I always respond "because it's America, that's the way it is here, guns are a part of our culture" usually they respect that.
I have always taken that view, including a while when I lived in the USA. I find it strange that some Americans take the view that when British people say that they like the laws we have in Britain, that shows that they have been brainwashed. It's bollocks. British people like the fact that we live in a gun-free society because that's how they want to live; not because they have been brainwashed.
@Zachary Peterson To stab someone, the attacker has to come within fighting distance of whoever they're attacking not to mention you can run away from a knife... so no... not '"zero ability to defend yourself "
@Zachary Peterson Every day more then 100 Americans are shot to death. More than two per day are shot by US police. Fewer than one (on average) Brit is stabbed to death per day.
@@v8pilot haha, that's bullshit and you know it, stop being a little bitch. Can't really compare a country with a population of 60 million people, to one with over 350 million, and a massive landmass. You cannot. There is at least 1 stabbing per day in my area.
TheSpritz0 what so u need to defend yourself from???? fists? u can use your own fist to do that u know. Think of it this way..... if nobody can own a gun then the only thing you're that can harm u are fist and knives and melee weapon . do u need a gun for that? and if u can own a gun it means the people trying to hurt u can sneak on u undetected and kill u in a second compared to someone using a melee weapon who can't kill u in one shot undetected
Evan Chong If someone was coming at me, period, I'd rather have a pistol on me. Fair fights are for suckers Also, if I were killed, I would rather be shot unseen in the head, than beaten to death with a baseball bat or stabbed 10 times
Evan Chong lol a bad guy will always git a gun and stoping civilians from owning them will not stop them because if a bad guy whants to do harm he will
Self defense of any kind using a "weapon" is not permitted in Canada. Canadians do have very STUPID gun laws but we are able to purchase handguns, semi-autos as well as shotguns following your approval of PAL or RPAL . Obviously our gun laws are most likely going to get worse but look on the bright side.....Eastern Canada voted for legal marijuana to get rid of nasty guns and balanced budgets. Thank you Canada East. Brilliant politics out there.
What the U. K. chap failed to mention was that the strict gun laws in the U K came into law after 2 massacres, 1 in Hungerford 19.8.1987 , 16 killed and 1 in Dunblane, 13.3.1996 , 16 school children killed . The people/public of the U K rose as one and said enough is enough and demand that the gun laws be revised.
Most of us in the UK want strict gun laws because it makes it more difficult for criminals to acquire guns. It is legal to use guns in the UK for legitimate purposes so UK gun laws are not an impediment of liberty but reasonable regulation. While guns can be (and are) illegally acquired in the UK, UK gun laws reduce gun crime in the UK. The knife crime argument (that strict gun laws are futile because people will just use knives instead) is flawed because (with the very rare statistical fluke) fewer people in the UK are stabbed than in the USA.
Your forgetting the UK population is a fraction of the US population. The murder rate in London is higher than every American city outside Chicago (that coincidentally has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States). Criminals have no problem getting their hands on handguns in the UK, they prefer knives because they are easier to conceal, silent and the penalty for carrying them is a slap on the wrist. Why would they carry a gun when they can just hack someone to death and get the same result.
also some of the school shooting stats in the US include shootings not including the school like a suicide outside of one or a murder outside of one also you don't hear about the private schools when a school shooter is killed by a teacher
It really wouldn't matter if the Laws existed or not as to the number of Mass Shootings. Richard points it this out exceptionally well, in that every single Gun Regulation in the UK was a *direct* response to a specific outrage event… highly reactionary and isn't ever legislated in a way that really stops the ownership of Firearms completely (the exception being LASER or Magnetic Rail Firearms) but instead a regulation that for all intended purposes would make ownership in the case of said events to have been illegal if they were to occur again. Yet then look at how many actual Firearm Acts have been passed. 14 in 350 Years. Then bare in mind what Arms still completely unregulated... for example Bows, Crossbows, Throwing Daggers (as long as it's < 6" it doesn't break the Blade Laws in the 90s), etc. and there are have been very few *actual* notable incidents involving said Arms. There is a key difference that has to be kept in mind and that's Culture. If you notice the Regions where there is exceptional Gun Crime, regardless of Laws; it's occurring primarily due to a lack of Respect for Weaponry and Heightened Violence in said Regions anyway. Would I want the Gun Laws to be relaxed today? Honestly, despite how I firmly believe that we British are more than mature and respective enough of them to not abuse such a freedom; we have to be brutally honest here that Demographics are changing. You have those who believe in Far Left Socialism, who are starting to Violently Protest (and on a disturbingly regular basis) then on the other end of the Spectrum you have Fundamentalist Muslims, who are also doing the same thing. Look at the UK as a whole and Violent Crime has continued to decline; while we look at Cities that are Metropolitan in Nature; and we're seeing Dramatic increases of 100 - 400% rises in Violent Crimes with Bladed Weapons. Should said people be freely able to acquire Firearms, we'd almost certainly see a dramatic rise in those Crimes as well or even potential creation of Warzones; between Foreign Political Ideology against British Cultural Values. These groups are not Mature... they have no Respect or sense of Self-Responsibility for their Actions. Again, we already have seen smaller but notable rises in said regions for Gun Crimes despite the illegality. If that were to be reverted, this would be deeply problematic seeing a sharp rise in such Crime; which would in turn force the Police to also Militarise (or expansion to the Royal Forces more often in Internal Security Matters) in essence an Arms Race. For the moment, I think there is Solace to be taken from how (from the outside) Convoluted our Firearms Regulations are to where most will merely assume "Guns are Banned" because if groups intent on said stockpile and usage of such things were aware of what they could legally acquire then it could be potentially catastrophic. < • > It's a frustrating situation where, Politicians approaches are being proven the best option; only because they themselves have created the very environment where they would be True... like a Self Fulfilling Prophecy.
+Leyvin When the second mass shooting in a short number of years happened in the UK I was currently shooting pistols at a local gun range and was ready to start the process of getting a firearm licence myself. My mother freaked out over the shooting and at the time I told her that the firearm used was just "a means to an end" a few years later a person went on a rampage in a primary school with bladed weapons, thus sadly proving my point. Now I do not regret the passing of stricter firearm laws in the UK, yes there are still shootings mainly due to drug dealers, gangs and organised crime and we will never stop that, but to allow an increased number of firearm ownership without the potential owner face exacting standards would be a mistake.
There are still a lot of mass hit and runs going down though, perhaps there should be background checks for motor vehicle licenses and car engines cannot be above a certain cc and have to be stored in a safe locked garage (fuel stored separately) previously inspected by police and drivers must have no previous history of psychological issues. If maniacs wish to commit mass murder they will find a method, should GCSE level chemistry be abolished in schools for example in case somebody learns about oxidation and then discovers the secret of gunpowder?
Hi Eric and everyone, from here in the UK. I'm a great fan of the channel and completely understand where you're coming from here... but there is another way of looking at these UK laws. I've only been a gun owner for a couple of years. I own one 12G shotgun, and five rifles (mostly great American Marlin lever guns). When I applied for the licences to own these weapons the police firearms department here dealt with it all quickly and in a friendly way. They checked I had somewhere to safely store and use the guns and that I wasn't going to be a danger to myself or others. The only reason I had to give for ''needing'' the guns was that I liked shooting targets and hoped to shoot deer and vermin. I know this is going to sound crazy to many good shooting folk out there, but in my opinion our UK laws have protected my right, as a responsible citizen, to own and use these beautiful guns. There are a lot of good people in the world... most of us fall into that category. But there are plenty of others who are not at all good or responsible. I know that gangsters and organised criminals can get access to illegal weapons... but not cheaply or easily. I'm convinced UK gun laws do make it very difficult for a lot of reckless, aggressive and dangerous people to access guns. I know our laws here are intrusive and cumbersome, but I think that in the main they're to protect the rights of the good people here... Respectfully, Richard
That was very informative, thank you both! Nice to see a calm, polite conversation on this topic to help break through the media hysteria. I would say though that UK gun laws are a case of democracy in action. A majority of our people want strong gun control laws even if it means a bit of inconvenience for those who own them for legitimate and peaceful purposes. This might seem odd or bad to you, but very few people in the UK believe that gun ownership is a right. It's a privilege that we as a society grant to people who need them, like during a war or to protect their farms from foxes. And besides, applications are generally not turned down unless there's something quite wrong.
This is the second time I have watched this since 2017 and it scares me cause these laws are becoming much more prominent Democrat supported talking points
Y’all some little female dogs, if someone tries to take your guns, take an example off of our forefathers. The Brit fks tried to take our guns, they got clapped by the gat. F the atf
I am from Engalnd and I just found out that I can own rifles/shotguns but has to be kept in cabinet locked away. If someone tries to burgle my home with a gun I am not allowed to defend myself apparently - I have to KEEP THE BLOODY GUN LOCKED IN THE CABINET!!!!
@@Vision.Target.Shoot1 you will only be granted a FAC or SGC if your a non threat to the public, even if you have a argument mwith your wife and your neighbours tell the police they will take your guns from you ,you need to be 100% a good boy any slight issue and you will have them taken away ,just a pity the police did not do this with Dunblane and Hungerford and Cumbria and Plymouth, as these guys had their guns taken from them and then was given them back ,
in case you care what British people think..... now here me out having been born in the uk, and spent 32 years mostly in london,.... i love guns, ive played with more of them then most people would ever do here and im glad i cant have them, because if i could have them.... anyone could we love our gun laws in the uk...... because it works HERE..... im not saying it would work in the us, theres so many unregistered legal guns, and illegal guns in your country you couldn't take guns away from good owners without there still being guns everywhere here, because there was so few guns to start with its not a problem, one reason guns are so rare is because theres no legal guns to get nicked dont believe the crap that we have a massive gun problem... its bigger then its ever been i agree.... theres was like 80 or something people shot last year... thats considered a massive problem here, compare that to your county iv been to 25 us states, i love the us.... if i lived in the us i would have guns, because everyone else has them...... its an arms race to the idiot in the comments who wrote "You prefer safety over freedom? " in a sarcastic 'your an idiot' kinda way, im free for YOU not to have a gun, not you reading this, the random wack jobs who have no history and would be allowed guns by your system but if the thing you love the most is freedom.... brits by a massive majority want gun control..... we would vote for it, on mass.......... thats our freedom, please respect it
fearlessjoe Because you could have them doesn't mean everyone else could. That's why we have a licencing process haha. I mean in Northern Ireland the only difference in us and America is semi auto centre fire rifles. And we have a lover crime rate than mainland UK. I mean the gun laws didn't stop paramilitaries getting fully auto guns... grenades. Rocket launchers or anti aircraft weapons in northern ireland. Open your eyes and think logically
fearlessjoe If that's the case why the hell do you guys come to these videos? keep the hell away and shut up and respect what we want. Take that in the nicest way you can
I loved this one. I have a heavy knowledge of the UK licensing system due to my job so if anyone wants to ask any questions, please let me know. There was a lot missed out though as it is a long subject. For example the shortest rifles you can own is with a 12 inch barrel and 24 inches overall length, so no SBR issues for rifles up until that mark. Also some select few can have historic pistols for collection or for keeping at a designated range, but it is very rare and ridiculous as it is so hard to achieve it, some can own them in 2 shot form for humane dispatch such as vets and hunt servants. The shotgun license is much easier as you can buy and sell when you want, but with rifles you have to ask permission for each one, and if you sell it you have to ask permission to get a replacement. You can however have a Saiga 12 gauge with a 30 round drum mag on your firearms license. So it already makes no sense why the centerfire rifles were banned. Hollowpoints are banned for target use, you a maximum allowance of ammunition you cannot exceed. The list goes on. If you want to know any more, I am open to questions.
cokedaz they need to become more lax on firearms laws In the UK are police force is pretty good at stopping the wrong people getting firearms and I 100 percent agree on background checks sercue storage and having to have a reason to own a firearm however I don't agree on the centre fire semi auto band I have been vetted to own a rifle so why is ok for me to own a old battle rifle that stopped Nazi Germany so pretty affective at what it was desgin for however I can't own a semi auto ar15 it doesn't make sense to me as long as you have been checked and proven not to be a danger you should be able to own what you want
Exactly. And it's not just good for us. Think of the savings the police could get from loosening some of the moronic requirements and stipulations of the certificates. It would mean much less work and saved money. My force is under severe cuts. (Lost a lot of enquiry officers in the last year due to it). Less staff = longer waits. Which is what has happened in the recent years. This can also be attributed to the ATF in the US. I imagine it is a similar situation. Often not purposely holding anyone back, just not enough staff to get it all done in a timely manner anymore. Hence why the need for loosening the law to allow the police to focus more on the public safety side instead of micromanaging what you own.
cokedaz it 6 months to get my FAC the police seem to be under a lot of pressure in that department however I don't blame the police for that it's down to government kick backs the police need to relocate the money in more important areas I guess than FAC application the government seem to think putting cuts in the police and army is a good thing lol this are two areas that shouldn't be cut and the NHS
cokedaz Expanding ammo is no longer restricted, you can buy it with a standard FAC now. There are only 7 p'pistol only' calibres which you can't buy expanding ammo for. The law changed a fortnight ago :)
Thank you I was happy to do this video to help others it was there idea as I was visiting them at the time of the NRA show it was done in one take and they did not want the video far too long for the trolls. I tried to cover what I thought where the main points to make and get across to good people. Thank you for watching.
For those that need them, it's actually fairly straightforward to acquire and keep fire-arms in the uk. In fact, prima facie, you have the right to own fire-arms - it is up to the authorities to prove that you don't. If they can't, then you will be issued with a FAC and you can crack-on in accordance with the law. Yes, certain types of firearm are banned, but a hell of a lot aren't. There is a perception, both here and abroad, that the State is completely anti gun ownership. In actual fact, if they're satisfied you're going to use the gun for law abiding purposes - and there are over half a million legally licensed fire arms plus 1.5 million shotguns - there isn't a problem.
Not quite correct, you can own a shotgun just because you want to but, you have to show a need for a firearm. You have a right to a shotgun certificate but, you have to show need for a firearms licence. I agree that it's pretty straightforward to apply and get a licence. You are right that certain classes are banned but, it is another misconception that handgun ownership is absolutely banned. there are still plenty of privately held pistols out there but, the rules on ownership are extremely tight.
You will find most men in the UK have had or have an interest in guns, I grew up in the country so I naturally love firearms. In terms of the laws I'm not apposed to gun control in the UK but I think licensing air rifles is a step to far I could do more damage with a spoon.
Gun related deaths in the UK are very very low, gun control works at least for the UK, I understand why Americans want the right to have guns but let's face facts gun related deaths in the USA are incredibly high and occur on an hourly basis.
Owning a gun should be a simple but regulated process. Background check on a case by case basis, medical history check case by case, licence given or not, if licence is given to purchase a gun you simply walk into a shop give store employee licence number they can check it on a gun licencing/ownership computer system (very simple) if its all good then he/she attaches the gun serial number to that licence (online) and done u walk out with ur new gun. This simple system would A) keep firearms out of the hands of violent crims, B) allow law abiding citizens to easily acquire firearms, suppressors should they want one, C) Keep track of who owns what in case of break ins, theft, or licence revocation due to violent behaviour. Licence does not need to be renewed at all and includes carry permissions. It would allow easy sale of firearms from one licence holder to another with a simple web interface for transfer. Allowing anyone to walk into a store and buy a firearm no questions asked is dumb as fuck, it just is, any denying it is equally dumb, but there is nothing wrong with letting law abiding citizens own, collect and shoot firearms. In this case compromise is necessary to ensure maximum safety but the process should be made as quick and easy as possible for those law abiding citizens who wish to acquire firearms. Rules and regulation is not inherently bad, you need a licence to drive a car and no one complains about that. It is the abuse of power by politicians that is the real enemy.
"Now they're tryin' to take my guns away And that would be just fine If you take 'em away from the criminals first I'll gladly give ya mine" Charlie Daniels
Great episode. Thanks! Totalitarian tiptoes. U.K. Laws are made by low or no caliber individuals who are poorly informed. Examples: Blank guns must be top ported (more dangerous to the user imo). You effectively need a permit to own an all black airsoft rifle (otherwise they must be 50% bright 2 tone) but you could legally own the same model of gun in a target shooting (pellet/steel bb) configuration, obviously in terms of threat, the latter is going to do more damage when used to assault someone. The wire extension due to minimum length requirements. Gun crime is still an issue despite guns being “banned” and knife crime is still rife despite knife “bans”. You can’t post a knife to a residential address. Technically you can’t even carry a Leatherman type tool. They even looked at banning body armour!
The U.K. laws are draconian but if you want to fit a suppressor have at it, if it will fit you can have it and cheap under £100 no extra taxes or special permits. Why. because guns are noisy so people will complain so there’s no problem with making them quieter.
Plus we have very few lobbying parties or pro-gun politicians so stopping changes is very hard, let alone reversing any laws. On top of that, pretty much all of our media is biased and strongly anti-gun and I believe our population is being (has been) brainwashed to believe guns are dangerous.
Thomas Gosling The tories tend to be pro Gun and pro shooting sports, David Cameron former leader of the Conservative party is pro Gun, his biggest hobbies are Dear stalking and pigeon shooting, most conservatives like me tend to be pro shooting. The tories are very libertarian when it comes to guns and shooting sports. All other parties are extremely Hostile towards guns, the conservatives are the only party that's pro shooting sports.
I'm in the UK and I'm pretty happy with the gun laws. But I don't see any reason that people can't fire regular length handguns at a shooting range, seems a bit silly to ban that, but it's not the end of the world. This was a pretty good discussion overall I thought, but I disagree with Eric around 13.30 where he says he only agrees with mental health background checks a "little bit". I know a lot of American's see gun ownership as a basic right, but surely it's a good idea to check that someone isn't crazy before allowing them access to a lethal weapon?
Most Brits want the current gun laws. In fact, a majority want stricter laws. Totally different culture so pointless comparing and the fact is, that every time we've had a big shooting incident in the UK, the government brought in more rules or bans and it's worked as far as mass shootings for that particular weapon is concerned. If that happens, it's not really a surprise that the British public support strict gun laws.
Swiss Militis Christi LXXII last i checked england, scotland, wales, germany, netherlands, canada, usa, australia and new zealand where mainly protestant countries. They seem very popular to me. According to the last census protestants appear to be a minority in NI
Here in Russia it's pretty similar to UK, but there're 2 licenses (for shotguns and rifles) you get first one and you can only get the second one after 5 years of smooth bore shotgun ownership. And absolutely no pistols allowed :( And there's a pretty hilarious law about fun switches and cans. Basically, you can own, for example, a full auto trigger group, but you cant insert it in your gun, lol. But you know, we still do and everyone's okay with it. And cans... Law prohibits "noiseless" gadgets for shooting, but suppressor isn't noiseless completely, lol. Well, it's not easy to start owning guns (cause of these medical checks like in UK etc), but then you ramp up it gets okay. Oh, and if you use it for self defense 99.9% you're screwed.
Rights And Liberty Nope. Though, you can transport guns and 1000 rounds in your car freely. But carrying one on your person in public is a no-no (except transportation, again).
I can't imagine living in a country where the 2nd Amendment freedoms we enjoy here (in most states) are heavily regulated, but in the UK's case, it's a small country that's heavily populated and not many open spaces to shoot. I hope the British gentleman in this video is living in the United States.
Well England and Wales is. Here Northern Ireland is mostly rural though privately owned and North end of Scotland there is miles upon miles of open land without a house in sight especially in the highlands.
Good point at the end about the nature of a 'militia.' The Founding Fathers wanted to protect our right as free people to arm ourselves and train in the use of firearms. They understood that tyranny will always attempt to undermine the ability of a free people to retain the equipment and social practices (training, the networking and speech of likeminded armed citizens, a public culture devoted to firearms rights and issues) necessary for self defense, self reliance, and armed resistance to foreign and domestic enemies. That is the sense in which the 'militia' is necessary for the preservation of freedom - it has nothing to do with the goddamn national guard.
Proud ToBe It is not difficult. Let me see if I can explain. The American people have a right to form a militia from their own communities to defend their unalienable rights, if and when needed, to stay free. Having the National Guard or Army Reserve (in which I am currently enlisted) controlled by the state, for the well-being of the state, is great.
Leon Visagie I must be confused, but I've watched countless hunts within south africa where the PH, more times than not, carries a rifle chambered in a caliber larger than half an inch.
In fact there are more murders in the UK, but for some reason murder using a gun - bad, murder not using gun - good. The number of murders went up after the 1997 gun ban. You never hear about the UK having more murders as the UK only counts it as a murder if some one is convicted of murder. In the UK if no one is convicted of murder it does not count. So if in one year no one was convicted they would say that there was zero murders in that year. This worked against the UK government when Doctor Harold Shipman was convicted of 200+ murders a year after his death. In the US it is listed as a murder if the first Cop on the scene says it was a suspicious death. It will stay a murder even if it is a hart attack. (I had a next door neighbor who had a hart attack, fell down and hit his head. It was the bang to the head that killed him, it was a suspicious death for four hours, in the US it would still be on the list for murder, My dad was asked by the police 57 years ago, if he had seen anything when some one was murdered on his route to school. No one has ever been convicted of this murder, so it has never been added to the government list). If you take murder to mean person A murdered person B the there are more murders per population in the UK. Just look this up it is a fact. Also a fact that most murders in - of any kind - in the US happen in the five citys with the most strictest gun laws. Most (may be all) mass shotings happen in gun free zones. Bans only stop good people, criminals can get one as they do not obey the law, any more than in the UK.
When you say "there are more murders in the UK" do you mean gun related murders, or just murders in general? Either way, I simply cannot believe there are more murders of "any" kind in the UK compared to the USA. Am I right in saying that gun related murders in the US are in the high hundreds / thousands each year? Because if so, there is no way on earth that that many people are murdered in the UK per year, whatever item is used as a weapon - even bare hands. You go on to say that it only counts as a murder if someone is convicted of murder.....Surely, isn't that the way most countries do it? There is of course "Manslaughter" but then, its not classed as Murder is it. So I'm not at all sure where you get your facts & figures from, but perhaps you need to take a closer look at them.
U.K. thoughts on guns, c.1943 “That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” -George Orwell
Honestly, the Brits might have us beat as far as possession of military vehicles with integrated weapons. They may not be able to engage with many small arms against an invasion force, but some random bloke showing up with a tank that's ready to fire live rounds sounds pretty terrifying to me.
I'm a gun owner in the UK, this guy doesn't know it well enough to give info on it. Yeah our laws are shite but they're not unfair, if you're a hunter, target shooter or anything in between (so long as you're not mental or have a recent criminal record) you can own guns and shoot them. The only bans on what you can own is full and semi auto rifles (semi auto shotguns are perfectly fine), pistols are very restricted compared to days gone but the pistol 'ban' isn't black and white, you can still own pretty much any as a collector but if you want to shoot they have to be kept at a range, it is strict but at least you can do it if you really want. It also depends where you are, generally Northern Ireland has the best laws but second to that is the Isle Of Mann, Jersey, Guernsey and basically all the self ruling island which follows the same basic laws as Great Britain but with the exception is they ignored a lot of the bans. Scotland has the worst laws, they made it so even air rifles and air pistol (BB guns basically) are now licensed. Some countries have way way worse laws than us, even countries that allow semi auto rifles (Denmark off the top of my head) requires you to go on hunting courses, safety courses etc etc and even after that i think there's serious magazine limits for hunting at least. So yeah, strict but not completely shit especially if you're a hunter or target shooting. Getting into it is cheap and headache free, people also say "you need to have a good reason to own a gun" which is true but liking guns and target shooting is considered "good reason". Also with shotguns you don't need a reason to own one, my nan could get a shotgun license it's a piece of piss
I shoot my semi auto rifle in my backyard all the time. I didnt realize until recently thats a very, very rare freedom in the world. For me its just a fun way of throwing a pebble at a piece of paper.
For the UK to have gun laws for recreation, defense, collection, we would first have to be able to vote on our own laws and for that we would need to be outside of the EU. The EU taxes us and gives us no representative say in laws or regulations that are passed, they're currently even trying to take away our cars let alone the guns that remain.
@@conlaiarlaNothing whatsoever has changed, apart from doing away with environmental legislation that has turned our rivers into open sewers. That's what Brexit was about, making the rich even richer, and slightly over half the population fell for it.
This is actually way softer laws than where I live (Norway). Here, we have to be a member of a shooting range club or sport shooting club for some time (usually 6 months) or have a hunting licence which you need to take a course for before you can apply for gun ownership. You aren't allowed to own guns for self defense. Automatic weapons and high power hand guns (such as the S&W 500) are illegal. Cops are also allowed to go and check on your property where your guns are stored to do whatever inspections the government wants. We have no gun rights. Suppressors are however not regulated funny enough, anyone can buy them.
Suppresors aren't very quiet. You could hear it through several walls away or a dozen yards away in an open area at least. Logically speaking, there's no reason to use suppressors. They're terrible for use in any crime.
The video doesn't go into too much detail on UK laws, but thats pretty much the same as the UK. For a UK Firearms licence you don't just need 2 safes. You also need a monitored NACOSS Alarm system, appropriate security on your house, and it does get visited by a police firearms officer to check. Realistically most people are members of gun clubs, few go have enough land or money to do what the chap in this video describes. Hunting large animals, Deer for example, does require a licence and you have to demonstrate your proficiency (basically 1 shot 1 kill). It's actually perfectly legal in the UK to own a .50 calibre sniper rifle with suppressor. But you would have problems getting a licence unless you lived near one of the 2 ranges that are licenced for .50 shooting (one of them is Bisley) or you owned a colossal amount of land (we're talking a Scottish shooting estate in practice).
being a British citizen the one thing I will say is that the massive 'street' culture in the uk would need to diminish highly for private gun ownership to be good idea I mean you see all the yobs and chavs on the street and consider that if they had access to firearms there would be nothing stopping them from just doing what they want with those firearms
I think the reason they're so bold is because the average person can't stand up to them. I strongly suspect that if they found themselves in somewhere like Georgia or Texas, they'd get polite PDQ. Harassing passersby for fun is a hell of a lot _less_ fun if you have a one-in-ten chance of picking someone armed.
You bring up a good point. The rates of knife crime are very high, what says our nation can even be trusted with less restrictive gun laws. The UK have backed themselves into a corner which is going to be almost impossible to get out of. USA, don't let that happen to you!
Tom H 64 Chavs & yobs would be the last people to get gun licenses. All license forms are from the police & they have to be submitted to a firearms licensing department. Name one chav who would pass the selection & who’d want the cops watching them?
Most UK people say the US is bad because of mass shootings, linked to high number of guns owners in the US. Well Canada has the similar number of guns per 1 millions people and hardly any incidents with legal guns. It is a matter of common sense of the citizen whether to or not to own a gun, not the number of guns owned. I know a guy who never gets into trouble, because he fears losing his guns licence. So owning guns is even restricting his behavior to commit violent crime, not encouraging it.
Guys I loved the show. I live up in the northwest of England, Blackburn to be exact. I have never owned a firearms licence. mainly through bad luck and timing. I was looking into getting one in 1987. Then we had the Hungerford disaster. So that put that to and end. After marrying in 1990. I began thinking of joining the local indoor gun club, After hearing from one of my mates, the amount of fun he had had, on the occasions that he had been. Being made to feel welcome right from the get go. To the point that he had got his licence. and was looking to purchase a 357 Magnum. Well within weeks of him telling me this. We had the Dunblane shooting, with Thomas Hamilton. Which as you know soon led to the ban on ALL handguns. I have my different theories on the shootings. Especially Dunblane. which effectively led to the disarming of this great country overnight .I have had several, high powered air rifles. And done hunting.But it was not what I was looking for. I for one would love to see a softening of the gun laws here. And have always said I would certainly do a conceal carry. And with the way things are heading. without doubt if more people were legal carriers. Most of these ISIS clowns could be stopped in their tracks. So I am just waiting and praying for a change of direction. And my firearms application will be sat on the Chief Constables desk.. h
Here in New South Wales Australia,we come under State and Federal laws. If you want long arms in NSW you have to provide a reason for wanting a firearm. You can have an 'A' recreational 'B' hunting vermin control you are required to do a minimum number of shoots per year at a registered club. There is also an 'R' for hunting on public lands (forests). You can own handguns if you are a member of a registered club, you are required to do a minimum number of shoots per year and changes if you own multiple calibres. To own any firearm you have to prove to the state police certain levels of storage for firearms. Our premises are inspected and issued with a certificate of safe storage for firearms and ammunition. Transporting firearms are another thing, bolt actions cannot be transported with the bolt in the firearm,or a trigger lock and in a locked container. As a licence holder you registration plate will bring up a warning on Police vehicles with number plate recognition cameras.
Ironically here in N.Ireland, an area that suffered from civil conflict we've the most liberal gun laws in the UK, I've a Sig P226 Emperor scorpion and until recently had a Ruger mini 14 (semi auto), there are an estimated 120,000 licensed full bore rifles and hand guns in N.I. (not including shot guns) and not a single murder or intentional wounding by any of these weapons in the last 25 years, which IMO shows how over the top the laws are on the mainland.
You need license for air rifles right? I lived in Ballymena for 3 years. That was the only reason I moved back to England.
@@arnoldtm31 Yes unfortunately even co2 airguns must be licensed but the upside is if you get a firearms certificate you can get anything from an air pistol to a shotgun ,full bore rifle or handgun.
Exactly it's ridiculous. A firearm is a tool, an inanimate object. I'm sure you could go to the local hardware store and buy a chainsaw or circular saw without any registration or license right?
differant tack, but there were over 100 cases of rabies in uk, after, they introduced quarantine. None in france
I think I might move to N.I from N.E England. Northern Ireland will be a staging area for the English folk to retake their land. The last bastion of Britain.
2017: "Good chance we'll get suppressors off the registry"
2019: Good chance suppressors will be banned entirely
September 2019: Good chance guns able to accept suppressors will be banned entirely.
Good chance that tap and die sets won't ever become illegal.
Update, the D is backing the American suppressor association and may possibly loosen up on importation of firearms. I'm still not holding my breath...
Stupid to even joke about it as if we will let it happen....
The irony is in the UK if you have the correct firearm license you can buy a rifle suppressor over the counter. No need for a background check if you produce the correct firearm licence. The same with a large capacity magazine. Only if you produce the correct firearm licence.
I love the naievity of some people who think politicians have credibility.
None of them do. None. Not one.
Maybe you shouldn't have voted for them, huh?
With crowd funding, there's nothing stopping you from running for office, or backing somebody that you trust.
@@aaarghzombies640 2 party system the illusion of choice... Just like you in the states and the rest of Europe, Banks coperations media run this show, don't be fooled.
@@JohnSmith-lb6ww but since the space lizards run both the government and the banks...
@@aaarghzombies640 the J's, look at trumps cabinet and who got the wall? That's right Israel.
Citizen: Can I own this tank?
U.K: Sure, that’s fine.
Citizen: Oh so this .22 rimfire should be ok then...
U.K: Arrest him!
You can own a tank but it can't fire explosive shells.
You can own a .22lr rimfire
@@captainadams8565 tanks are de-weaponised prior to customer delivery
@@ryadhasanahmed5443 Rather like a battle of Britain Spitfire. It doesn't come with 8 browning machine guns.
Can by a crossbow no questions asked
Look at our laws and take it as a warning, don't give them an inch!
Anthony Williams We Americans will never hand over our firearms believe me!
We took care of that in 1776.
Cabaret Macabre tell that to California
Anthony Williams ohh got him boi
maybe after brexit the U.K. government will loosen up in order to make money from gun sales
When you open and look into the Arizona gun laws book. It's just a picture of George Washington with a bald eagle on his shoulders giving you a thumbs up!
With a hard on.
I myself live in AZ and live within 5 miles of the range in Casa Grande and try to go there every weekend, and I also carry open or concealed every day. I love AZ
If you open a Utah Gun Laws book, its actually a history story accounting the time that the Utah militia organized to fight the US Army up at the pass near Park City. Then there is a painting of the the angel Moroni handing Brigham Young an AR-15...
ap1986 That is the biggest reason I want to move to AZ. It is a gunowner's paradise. It is ranked the #1 Pro Gun state by Guns & Ammo. If not the world. I'm stuck in the The People's Republic of Illinois and I should have moved out many years ago when I was able to :/
Alprazolam08 PA is the worst for gun laws and just about anything else, though we are one of the big hunter states. Commonwealth = Communist,the Brits must have won the revolution in my state !!
I live in the Uk.And I support America gun ownership.
Good man , like to here this.
So do I. Let em live their lives the way they want.
Thank You, your awesome man.
Could come live here , USA got many awesome qualities including the rights of it's citizens to keep and bear arms 🇺🇲
"Shall not be infringed" All laws, restrictions, licensing, ect are unconstitutional.
but they are not laws they are acts and statues only if you agree to be governed
@@karlkuttup It was the citizens of 1776 whom established the right to bear arms, not any state or government.
@Turquoise Cheetah A sheriff and his deputies, a Marshall and his posse?
I will remember that the next time I have to check my gun at the door when I go to my kid's school.
We never had metal detectors or armed guard on schools when I was a kid.
We didn't have them in malls, or department stores either.
@frank franklin I live in post 9/11 land. Shopping malls here sometimes have cops with those smg things too. The ones that swat teams used to carry.
Im a brittish husband and father. I have no criminal record, Ive probabbly only started 1 fight in my life ( Or threw first punch should I say) and last year my younger bro was taken hostage by 3 meth heads in his own home.
It royally pisses me of that in this day and age the government denies people like me the means and right to protect myself and my own.
If i owned a firearm, it would only be used as a last resort in extreme circumstance and id prob still try and help the guy i had to shoot, its who i am.
S. T. It's genuinely how I feel. I don't ever want to shoot a person (I used to hunt with my dad, so I'm very aware guns are not in the least bit funny in real life) but I would if I had to for my family. I just don't get how one freedom loving country can be so different from another in an area like this. Oh well.
In the UK, we live under a false brand of freedom, we don't have true freedom here in the UK, like in the US, I'm English and I'm saying this, I have also visited the US.. America really is the land of the free, here its a nanny state.. not only do they have the 2A, they have many other rights such as True freedom of speech etc.. too many to mention.
And then those meth-heads are then also armed. So what has your scenario achieved?
Scenario A: Neither of us is armed.
Scenario B. Both of us are armed.
Scenario A is objectively safer.
Scenario A will never happen...the criminals still have them and always will.
Holy fuck, I live in Scotland and I can legal own a tank and a straight pull AR-15, but I need a fucking license to own an air rifle
Absolute Madness What the fuck?
Absolute Madness in Scotland l can bring my shotgun with me on holiday but can't bring an air pistol fucking Jimmy Krankie and her gang,,
Here in the US,we are given a BB gun for Christmas at the age of 6-7,and go out shooting targets,cans,etc. In High School,we had a shooting team,and brought our shotguns to School. Big difference now that Liberal Ninnies have taken over.
Its because a baby was shot in the head and killed by an air rifle
shooting shark Monarchy! Do you even know how our political system works! The Monarchy is LITERALLY a figurehead and that is IT. Parliament decides and votes on all laws in the UK
why ban guns?
just pass a law making murder illegal
I thought that already was lol
+Ammo Man That's probably the point lol
Jon H The UK only has 40 gun deaths per year
ojideagu and what about murders and homicides?
When I was in the British army I was accused of having an unhealthy interest in firearms????? Mind you I was the only one who could hit the target.
I'm a registered Paramedic, no criminal record , and had a shot gun certificate from my early 20s, I then applied and was granted a firearms certificate (granted...its not a right in the UK, its a privilege) many years later , after a divorce , split with several subsequent girlfriends, and no complaints about violence or any criminal issues, a complaint about me was received by derbyshire constabulary , they turned up and took my guns, they didn't investigate the validity of the complaint (had come via my employer in the form of an anonymous letter to them) my employer dismissed me , on the basis of gross misconduct , after I admitted to saying at some point in 18 years that management what lining up and shooting (sounds bad right ? But everyone says that at some point or they want stringing up ...) guess what my registration board , allowed me to continue practicing without going to a hearing no case to answer, as not a direct threat , Derbyshire Constabulary revolked my shotgun and firearms , without proving I'd done anything wrong , I had no problems surrendering my guns , I expected them to investigate the allegation, no such luck , kept my license to practice as a paramedic, no criminal record, no violent history no criminal prosecution...police applying same rule as a minor conviction ie 5 years b4 I can apply again...chance of success zero impartial investigation , no right to appeal ...7 years now ...whats fair about the police not investigating the alleged incident/offence , and taking an un substantiated accusation ...any firearms holder can be accused of misconduct at any time with no defence unless got 30,000 to defend themselves ....
The precursor of confiscation is ALWAYS registration. Be warned, America.
True, as the history has repeated all over the world.
Tony Wayt v v true.
When one considers that in 1900 anyone in UK could own a firearm, carry it around without registering it but due to fear of Marxist/Communist thugs fermenting violent revolution post WW1 the first gun laws were introduced in 1919.
They can't register my 3d printer
I’m a young adult in the UK and have always been so interested in guns, I would have to say it’s my number one hobby or at least would be if the gun laws weren’t so broken so to my American Friends (where I wis I lived) don’t get rid of you guns
If you ever in Texas, let me know. I have many rifles. We can go to the shooting range.
You can shoot; get a licence; go to a club. If you want a gun for any other reason then you need to be on a watch list...
Daniel Aramburo bro extremely appreciate it.
Chris Harvey I want a gun to go shooting and to defend myself but you just can’t do that in the uk also the difficulty to get guns in the uk is a pain
@@parallel-knight Getting shot is a pain ... thankfully very rare in the UK - DUE TO GUN LAWS!!!
It's odd because I'm a liberal but I've always supported the 2A. I mean come on man this isn't right or left it's basic right self preservation or not.
The founders of Bill of Rights wanted every able bodied person to have same fire arms as the military
Wrong think NOT ALLOWED!!!!👉👉👉
@Turquoise Cheetah No, that's not self-preservation. Abortions, weed and guns.
Well, with this common sense attitude you won't be a liberal for long. They'd throw you out on your butt if they heard you say this.
@@True-Scotsman wow I just woke up from a dream of being in a school shooting and this is the notification I get, Ironic lmao. Also. I was conservative but found that most conservative positions aren't really logical further than a surface level.
I have no hope for people in my country anymore. All i am seeing in the comments are stuff about "all the school shootings." In the US but in reality most deaths with guns are suicide I think the statistics are something like 63% Suicide 20% Gang violence. 5% Homocide less than 1% school shootings and the rest are used in self defence. I'm not sure how much they have changed but school shootings are so rare and I live in the UK and I know how common knife crime is in comparison. In my area nearly 12 people are stabbed every week and the solution the government wants to put out there is to ban knifes. I say give me a gun and watch someone attempt to stab me. You will see how much of a drop in crime we will have when you give people the chance to fight back.
Of course people focus on school shootings, why wouldn't they huh? its like a bloody epidemic with you Americans......Name another country where parents see their kids getting slaughtered by lunatics at the same rate and numbers as you lot do, go on, just name one other. And yet, despite America being armed to the teeth, it's never able to stop it. Go figure
But school shootings don't happen in other countrys
@@ericwilliams2317 Because guns are illegal in schools and you get hit with a felony charge if you're caught with it, so most don't bring guns to school and it doesn't stop the mass murderer to bring a gun anyway and kill people so go figure. Gun free zones only get people killed here.
@@ericwilliams2317 Its almost like its completely illegal to have any firearms on school property so the only people who have them are the psychotic criminals.
@@craigsmith7273 Yes they do
In the UK, there are competition shooters who have to travel to France to practice. I think that gives you an idea of UK gun laws.
They don't have to, going to France is cheaper than going to other parts of the UK where the guns are legal (pistols and semis). The Isle Of Man for instance costs a fortune to visit especially when the TT is on
Lord Baldur a ridiculous policy to say the least.
We also haven't had a mass shooting in a long time, pretty good trade off.
Ben Webb Lol how gullible are you? What gun caused the 2010 massacre? A shotgun, that’s what. It can happen with any gun & there’s a huge difference between Olympic pistols & ordinary ones.
Oh & a bolt-action .22 Rifle, the same calibre Olympic shots practise with in Britain. You don’t understand the licensing system in Britain, do you?
Actually it`s Czech Republic with the best gun laws in Europe at the moment. Unfortunately EU is trying to ruin it. Thousands of UK visitors are now comming into CZ to shoot from anything from handgun to .50BMG sniper rifle in very cost effective package.
Lukáš Pospíšil Baltic countries are quite lax too. So is Finland except for select fire, you can go and buy a .50BMG no problem if you find one for sale and register it, but not in the Netherlands because you can't shoot one anywhere so there is no legit use for it which you do have to have. However you can buy a semi auto .223 for rifle sports shooting and have as big of a magazine on it you can find.
Lukas, we respect you in Poland for that, and what your government now does, to avoid Lex Bienkowska. We did a great job along with FU to stop it, and when it not worked, to make it less painfull possible.
noth606 in NLD the gun laws are the worst. Hunters can own more than 5 rifles for as long as they live and even newer shoot one round, but sport shooters have to get 18 shooting stamps each year, otherways they must have to sell there weapons (max 5 weapons). First year shooting training, 2 year you can only get a .22lr if you have proof of 18 shooting stamps in your book. 3 rd year you can get a 9mm or rifle cal. it is only getting worse by the day here. thanks to Brussel and our scaired goverment. If u have served the army and got back to the normal world andvwould like to shoot the first year 9mm and 308 , garands u are fucked. you cant soldier. start with the .22lr. I have seen many 50 cal marines who where pissed that they canot get a normal caliber to own , even do they have shot in the army everything that has powder in it.
People would think twice if they would get into a fight with usa. most people there have at least 2 wheelbarrows full of weapons to protect themselfs.
African Twin
yeah gunlaws are the worst in the netherlands but most people have them without licenses though.
very nice situation -_-'
Lukáš Pospíšil Czech Republic is the shit. Make excellent guns, too. Fuck the EU and fuck Merkel.
I’m from UK, don’t give the state anything. The 2A should not be up for discussion.
Absolutely agree, hopefully our American friends will resist any attempt to restrict their right to bear arms. Hopefully one day we can start to give British citizens once again their right to bear arms.
@@myroseaccount which will subsequently lead to higher death and crime rates.
@Jordan he’s right you twat gun crime in the UK would sky rocket its low at the moment because our police do their job we don’t need people packing because we aren’t paranoid inbreds🤣🤣😂
That's literally what amendments are for, also "well regulated"
The right of the “people” to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed. I notice when 2A gets picked on its well regulated or Militia that is focused on. Like the founding fathers had caused a misprint….🤨
Richard is a great guy and I appreciate the great info and warning! Thumbs way up!
sootch00 be strong, be of good courage. God bless America , and long live the republic !
Thank you.
sootch00 sootch00, your the man! I'm enjoying my S&W SD 9 VE with Apex trigger and spring kit installed!
He has no idea why the guns laws where made so good in the UK.
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” - George Orwell
Mr Orwell understood that, many in our world today dont understand that
I feel sorry for the shooters in mainland UK not being able to have handguns. I guess there is one good reason to live in Northern Ireland.
you can't really get a handgun in northern ireland either tbh,
CapiTen10 yeah you can!
John Smith The procedure is pretty bs
You can, for certain reasons have a handgun in the mainland UK.
Trev Ford Yes, but not for the main reason for why most people want them & that was ( Back in the day) for target-shooting.
I want to move to America so I can have a Second Amendment.
I want you to move to America.
@@aadrianlee I am not a troll, I am a responsible gun own.
Captain Adams We welcome anyone to move to the U.S. that does it legally! Country of origin?
@@Ziiphyr Thank You ( ;
please do@@captainadams8565
As a U.K. Citizen and firearms(and shotgun-but that's a different kettle of fish) certificate holder, I can say that it all depends on your local firearms officer and how sensible he is about interpreting the grey areas. The only advantage I can think of is certificate holders in the U.K. Tend to extremely committed and knowledgeable about civilian firearm use, there are no casual cowboys on ranges here.
I hate it my comrade a drill Sgt in the RAF and former Falkland's Veteran, he had his shotgun and rifles taken from him because one of his work mates reported him as depressed, the Police never once asked for medical proof or called him in for a councillor report to say he was depressed, just took it. After his guns was taken he did become depressed and his more trained on ire arms (as I am ) than any armed Police officer is, SO 19 have to score a 70 minimum, to be an expert in the Army and remember a 70 is a marksmen, but not a sharpshooter or expert, sharpshooters are 80 point shot on target and expert it normally 9 out of 10 shots on point continuously in different situations, environments etc...
That because by the time you have spent a lot of time and money into it any one who is only 99.99% in to it will have given up.
@@diongibbsbpwp160 RAF more highly trained than a firearms officer.....give your head a wobble crab
@@coops9871 the only thing the RAF are trained in is the local hotels and what time they stop serving breakfast
The worst thing about the UK's gun laws is that the American bill of rights and constitution was influenced heavily by the English bill of rights and Magna Carta. The common people of England were armed hundreds of years before America existed and their right to bear arms was guaranteed by law in the English bill of rights 1689. It wasn't until 1920 that the UK began ceasing firearms and the right to bear arms without a licence and that was because they feared A communist revolution.
In 1910 foreign anarchists occupied a building in London and were armed and killed three unarmed officers. The police who were unarmed by law had to ask normal people on the streets if they could borrow their pistols that they were carrying, the police literally had to go around asking passerby's if they could use their weapons.
Gun violence was that rare and violent crime in general that the police were able to unarmed despite the fact you could buy a gun from a local shop without any identification or licence.
Guns don't make people violent, Britain pre-1920 proves that.
Little fact, Winston Churchill was at the anarchist shootout with police in 1910, in his suit and top hat he commanded the police on scene probably due to his military background.
inTHEwrongGENERATION I was in the navy , stationed on a cruiser in Long Beach CA when the LA bankrobber shootout happened . The police had no rifles , only pistols and some shotguns , so they had to borrow AR 15s from a gun shop to take out the robbers . My girlfriend was in the CA National Guard . She told me that during the LA riots after the Rodney King incident the police were powerless to stop the rioters . She and her unit were deployed to the streets and the rioters avoided the areas where the N G were posted . However , they weren't issued ammo , just empty mags . Many Navy families (including the families of some of my shipmates) had to take refuge on the Navy base , where the base guards (civilian , navy , and marine corps) were locked and loaded . My ship was on deployment in the Western Pacific at the time , and many of the crew were worried about the safety of their families back home . Some families left the area entirely , going back to their home states . I've heard the stories from the wives of shipmates and people in my girlfriend's unit about what happened then , and you don't want that to happen in your town .
inTHEwrongGENERATION I was in the navy , stationed on a cruiser in Long Beach CA when the LA bankrobber shootout happened . The police had no rifles , only pistols and some shotguns , so they had to borrow AR 15s from a gun shop to take out the robbers . My girlfriend was in the CA National Guard . She told me that during the LA riots after the Rodney King incident the police were powerless to stop the rioters . She and her unit were deployed to the streets and the rioters avoided the areas where the N G were posted . However , they weren't issued ammo , just empty mags . Many Navy families (including the families of some of my shipmates) had to take refuge on the Navy base , where the base guards (civilian , navy , and marine corps) were locked and loaded . My ship was on deployment in the Western Pacific at the time , and many of the crew were worried about the safety of their families back home . Some families left the area entirely , going back to their home states . I've heard the stories from the wives of shipmates and people in my girlfriend's unit about what happened then , and you don't want that to happen in your town .
inTHEwrongGENERATION PS After returning to Long Beach I spent three years stationed there . During that time I saw first hand the aftermath . Entire minimalls and shopping centers had been burnt , smashed , and looted . Where once had been shops and businesses where people of all colors and races had worked and made a living , only scorched and boarded up ruins stood . The only people who seemed to have stood up for themselves were the Korean store owners . Many of them stationed their men on the roofs of their stores , armed with AR type rifles , watching news television , sitting under patio umbrellas with ice chests of food and drink , while the women ran the stores during the chaos . The rioters avoided them . The LA rioters are the parents of today's BLM rioters , gone nationwide . The rioters learned the lessons that mass violence works , and that the police can't defend the people under their jurisdiction . The LAPD later admitted that that they cannot ensure the safety of the individual citizen , they can only ensure the safety of society in general . The lessons that we should learn from this are that the individual citizen is responsible for his or her own protection , that the right of the individual citizen to be armed shall not be infringed , and that the government has no interest in the well being of any one person . Best Wishes ! from the U.S.A.
Well said.
The images of the Koreans on the rooftops and around their stores are truly iconic and an example of why the right to bear arms is a fundamental foundation of liberty and property. The police as you said can't protect everyone at all times and in situations of the breakdown of law and order the police are even more helpless and each individual should be able to be protected and able to defend life, liberty, and property.
Best wishes man.
The problem with your example of Korean shopkeepers is that it only really works for mom and pop size shops.
Chain stores don't have people with a personal interest - only governments can police large public space - and they don't have the money (hello taxman) to do it properly.
Not as bad as Australia..Atleast you can get airsoft there 😭
Cheeki Breeki Comrade hold up, excuse me for my ignorance, you can't have fucking AIR RIFLES????
Lou Fin too spooky might trigger someone
Fuck man. This shit has gone too far. Forks are more dangerous than airsoft rifles.
you would be hard pressed to blind someone with an airsoft rifle
you don't just become a member of a club but you need to participate in competitions at least twice a year
I’m a American born and trapped in the uk. I’ve jumped through the hoops to get my firearms certificate but I’m extremely restricted as to where and when I can shoot. Looking to emigrate in the near future 🤞
@@martinwood2219 damn you must hate fellow british gun owners, right?
Whats stopping you?
Daniel Arnold I’d emigrate and I was born here
I am still jealous - if you come back to US you can buy gun next day. If I migrate to us I will have to wait 5 years until I become resident and will be allowed to start collecting guns I love.
I'm a British citizen living in the UK. I completely support the carrying of guns for use in self-defence, along the lines of the Second Amendment. Having the First Amendment would be a nice bonus!
In 1900, any Englishman could own any modern weapon, yet crime was so rare that Bobbies seldom carried firearms. Now, UK residents are disarmed, yet violent crime is so common that the cops carry submachine guns.
Check out the 40,000 gun deaths per year in the USA + 250 mass shootings in the USA in 2019. Hand guns are designed specifically to kill people. There is no other use for hand guns.
I am sure that the cops would be killed for those sub machine guns. If the people have the chance.
@@cdnsk12 So you loved to lump in suicide by gun and with other homicide by guns. And mass shootings are usually means more than 4 people being shot at, also it mainly happens in gun free zones.
In 1900 gun deaths were relatively rare in the uSA. The so called Wild West in the USA Pre 1900, is literary artistic fantasy nonsense. There were far more gun deaths per 100 population in the USA, than in neighbouring Canada, pre 1900. But the USA wasn't near as violent then as now.
"I had to turn mine in too" *looks left and right*
I also enjoy boating a lot.
@@TheWatcher740 hahah ol bill aint thick, and had you done that you wouldn't have had anywhere to shoot them anyway, not to mention 5yr firearm possession charge
@@co9221 the country? Why not just bury your shit? Come on
So free you need to use the boating excuse
The thing I personally hate the most about being a firearm lover in the UK is the INSANE stigma. I'll never forget the day about 7 years ago when my Aunt (technically step-aunt) came downstairs and found me cleaning out my air rifle, and started basically interrogating me as to why the hell I'd want to partake in shooting and going on about how she "doesn't understand gun people" and that they all seem like a "bunch of weirdos" blah blah... I had just turned 16 at the time and was super excited to own my first airgun, had just started attending my local rifle club, and was honestly heartbroken that already I'd been subjected to negative judgement like that... especially from a family member (who's literally acted "funny" around me ever since)... I see it all the time on Facebook and TH-cam etc., British people saying "yeah well we don't want/ need guns 'cause we're not insane unlike you bloody yanks". Yeah, because wanting to partake in a hobby makes you completely insane... Want to be part of a tight-knit community full of awesome people? Must be completely out of my mind... I guess I'm also insane for playing/ collecting guitars, making music and playing video games! I think it sucks that we're victimised just because our hobby of choice involves devices that have the potential to harm someone/ thing. I could quite easily wait for someone to walk past my window and drop an amplifier on them. Or run outside a smack the next child I see full-pelt with a guitar to the head. Pretty much guaranteed serious injury/ death. Does that mean I should have some bloke come round and make sure I've got my own little fortified arsenal in my cupboard, with one cabinet for my guitars and one for my amps? Should chefs have the same for their knives, or darts players for their, well, darts? (I'm FULLY aware that that's a ridiculous argument, but you get my point ;L)
Sorry, I'm rambling, but it genuinely upsets me. Even being from one of the most gun-friendly areas of the UK (Cornwall
100% agreed. Glad someone in this damn country sees sense
I know mate, it's annoying, I've always been fascinated by firearms, well all weapons and combat really. I never, ever want to shoot someone with a gun, or a bow and arrow, or stab them with a longsword. That would be horrible.
That’s so stupid about that yank thing when the place is terrible for getting stabbed
I can only imagine what your aunt would say about my grandparents buying me my first 22 rifle for my sixth birthday. Guns are tools
Places like that exist here in America as well. College campuses and the wealthy big cities are like that as well. San Diego los Angeles and NYC to name a few. And my parents are anti gun themselves tho not to the same degree as your family. They let me shoot in their backyard. But when I told them I was going to be carrying every day under our new constitutional carry law I could tell right away they were uncomfortable with that. It's my life and my money and I can spend it however I like. I try not to bring it up in front of them because I don't want to start a fight. But sometimes it can't be avoided and there have been several occasions where my mom is either afraid of me or talks in a condescending manner about it. It's very difficult to restrain myself when it comes from someone so close to you. Not only in anger but also just from their ignorance regarding firearms. It's probably the most misunderstood hobby in America.
There is a reason America has so many mass shootings and a reason the U.K. just doesn't. There just isn't any reason for the general public to own firearms, guns are designed for one purpose and that is to be a refined and efficient killing machine, you can't say they're not because that's the purpose of their existence. Also the argument "good people need guns to defend themselves from bad people with guns" is nullified by the fact that if the bad person doesn't have a gun in the first place then the good person doesn't have anything to defend themself from so they don't need a gun...u know a machine designed to take life.
1:20 - the disarming act of 1716 n 1725 (6th paragraph).
2:01 - pistol ban, semiautomatic ban in 1987.
3:03 - has armed response team. More police with tasers n pepper spray.
8:44 - knife attacks, gun attacks, illegal firearms from E. Europe n Russia.
I am a firearms owner in the UK. Just to clarify some of the things said in the video.
On concealed carry, this right disappeared only in the 1950s with the passing of the offensive weapons acts. Prior to that, anyone could carry a gun in a public place if they had a gun or game licence issued under the terms of the 1870 Gun Licence Act. Spencer Percival was the Prime Minister murdered by a pistol in 1812 but there were no changes to firearms laws as a result of that, amazingly.
Until 1920 you could buy any gun you wanted to, if you had the money. Then the laws got stricter and stricter with the 1920, 1937, 1968, 1988 and 1997 firearms acts. The 1988 act banned semi auto centre fire rifles and the 1997 act banned most handguns. But handguns for humane destruction of animals, for starting athletics matches (no, I am NOT kidding) and collecting were EXEMPTED from the ban. I myself own over 100 live handguns legally on a firearms licence as a collector and I shoot about 20 of them on a regular basis. I can supply more info if anyone is interested
Is that on section 7?
This just goes to show how overblown this video is, and all the misinformation about UK gun laws. If people are genuinely interested in firearms, and want to do shooting as a hobby, they are perfectly able to do so. Somehow people don't understand why letting any fucker buy a gun and carry it in public is a bad idea.
100 handguns how? Is there a collector exemption?
EliteDavid Horne A Section 7.1 & 3 status, which is a ticket, on top of a Section 1 license.
@@MarineAqua45 As I understand it section 7 is much more restrictive than section 1.
My friend here in the UK had to hand in his handguns,the politicians decided he and thousands of others who had never broke the law in their lives could not have them any more,since that time violent crime has sky rocketed,politicians and their stupid policies are also responsible for this happening.
Air rifles now require a license here in Scotland.
God bless the United States of America, the Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment.
Thank mad king George
Hm. New Jersey has airgun registration as well. Crazy
Yeah well your half of the U.K. is responsible for ruining our rights to own handguns.
Scotland should’ve voted independence in 2014. They ruined handgun ownership for the rest of the uk.
I'm very happy with the laws we have in the UK. I am aware that illegal guns are in the UK, but I'm also aware of how many school shootings have happened since 1997. The guns laws we have are very COMMON SENSE. I have only seen one hand gun in the UK and I'm 36 years old. I'm happy that our police know how to de-escalate a situation without the end result being death. Desire for a change in gun laws, outside the people strongly for changes is almost non existent.
RM_Prime Heard of the SPG,Flying Squad, Regional Crime Squad & Force Firearms Units-police units? De-escalation wasn't in their vocabulary. The police only de-escalate situations in today's world. Back in those days, they'd hit first ( with a fist or a gun)ask questions later.
Are you also aware of how many school shootings happened _before_ 1997?
WJS losing argument on guns: BAM school shootings. You realize most school shooters were reported before hand and nothing was done? Of course you didn’t because you’re a brainwashed npc
It’s crazy; in the UK we’re of course allowed to defend our lives by necessary means. But for some reason aren’t authorised to carry the tools to do so.
I know. It just blows my mind.
That's because it's not necessary if you look at the statistics police brutality is non-existent and people killed by guns are extremely small compared to us and it's very expensive to get guns even illegally from a black-market so you guys are safe.
@@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 You have no idea what you are talking about as everything you’ve said is wrong. A friend of mine died on Saturday in London from being stabbed. You have no facts
@@dcmarvelcomicfans9458 Most gun deaths in the US are suicide. Also stabbings and truck attacks in the UK are skyrocketing, also UK doesn't have Mexico on it's border where it is being run by cartels fighting over a multi billion dollar industry. I mean here in Canada firearm owners are 3x less likely than any other group to commit any crime and that's a fact from my provincial firearm officer.
@@NB-nk1qy if someone has a knife against you you have a much better chance to survive than someone blasting a gun in your face even if you have a gun.
My truck's exhaust pipe has an UNREGULATED SILENCER. I mean muffler.
Why can't my hunting rifle?
Probably something to do with your truck not firing chunks of metal faster than the speed of sound out of the exhaust... just a theory though mate
@@koriuk5032 but the truck itself is a very large, very fast multi ton chunk of metal capable of plenty of damage
@@koriuk5032 vehicles kill far more people than firearms every year
Every American needs to see this thread. All our U.K. brethren are saying dont give up our guns, keep and cherish our 2nd amendment. That honestly means a lot coming from a country that is suffering from laws that our politicians are trying to ram up our asses here in the states. Holocaust survivors have told us the same thing. Do NOT give up our guns.
In a nutshell the UK has a two tier firearms certificate.
The first is a shotgun licence which assuming you dont have a criminal record can obtain without issue. However you are essentially limited to a double barrel shotgun with a minimum length of 40".
The second is a firearm licence which gives you access to bolt action rifles of any caliber and semi auto shotguns with no magazine limit though the 40" length still applys. The only semi auto rifle you can by in .22 caliber.
For a shotgun licence you dont really need give a reason to acquire one however with a firearms certificate you do but simply being a member of a gun club for sporting purposes is all that is required. But that is the easy part. You also need two references from people "of good character" who are not family members.
Your doctor needs to ok it to basically say your not mental and you will be visited by a firearms liaison officer inspect the property you intend on keeping your firearm in and to interview you. The police must be satisfied that you can be trusted with a firearm "without danger to the public safety or to the peace"
Self defense is not considered a valid reason for a firearms licence with the exception of Northern Ireland which is also the only place in the UK where pistols are legal.
In addition all firearms mush be locked in an approved metal cabinet fixed to the wall or floor and the ammunition must also be locked in its own cabinet.
There are limits on how much ammunition you can keep at any one time. They vary. There is no limit on how may firearms you can own.
Very knowledgeable. There is only a limit on rifle ammunition, shotgun cartridges with the exception of slugs, has no limit and does not need to be stored in a cabinet. I have 750 cartridges under my bed,
I'm autistic however, very careful with anything dangerous, and 2 of my friends can say that even though I weird, I'm not insane and don't have the intention on hurting anyone. (unless I'm forced to) So would I be allowed to own a gun because of my mental illness?
GreyKid I don’t see why autism would preclude the grant of an FAC.
some autistic people can be classed as mentally unstable, some would freak out over holding a gun, some would not be trusted, etc.
well you cant really carry shotgun with you at all times.
Gotta give this channel credit. Showing a lot of people what's happening in other countries so we can avoid those same mistakes. Great vid guys keep it up!
True. Politicians all over the world sneak these laws through, always taking a little bit more away every law change.
Why are you avoiding 5 year olds not getting shot at school
I believe when Eric was talking about the "Domestic Violence" thing he meant when a woman assaults her boyfriend, and he defends himself, so HE gets arrested. I feel like that makes more sense.
Been there, done that. Payed a lawyer out the nose for the legal right to own my guns.
We DON'T have Firearms "licenses" in the UK. We have Shotgun Licenses and Firearms Certificates. While a license grants a privilege, a certificate confirms something that already exists. In the UK, most people already have a right to bear arms under the 1689 Bill of Rights. This is the same Act of Parliament that gives Members of the British Parliament "Parliamentary Privilege", which is a protection for Ministers from prosecution whatever they say they say in Parliament. As such, successive British governments have been afraid to attempt any amendments to the 1698 Bill of Rights, in case they should lose their own privileges and rights.
Of course it is only right and proper that anyone owning a firearm should have to be a law-abiding citizen. The problem arises because government and police would like to think that they are in charge of what we do, say, and think, rather than your famous "government of the people, by the people, for the people".
Whenever a firearms atrocity has occurred in the UK, there has been a media clamour for all firearms to be made illegal. However, on every single occasion it has been shown that it was those responsible for our safety who had failed in their duty to investigate the activities of persons whose highly suspicious behaviour was already known to the police.
Most interesting are the anti-gun lobbies. For example: the Gun Control Network is no such thing. It was just 4 people. Yet they received National publicity, as though they were a legitimate large scale network. You can't join the Gun Control Network, as it is strictly limited to just four people. Their biggest supporter is the discredited British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Channel 4 Television. I'm sure our American friends are already well aware of the BBC's campaign to channel British taxes (the so-called TV License) into political groups campaigning against gun ownership in the USA.
Need a Canadian to come on and explain AR-15 magazine rules. Or how you can have a non-restricted gun manufactured with a barrel under 18.5 inches but if you cut a barrel shorter than that, you're going to jail. Or how Tavors are legal but Aks aren't. Or how AR-15s are restricted by name. Or how there's no magazine restriction on .22 long rifles except for Ruger 10/22s. Or how Lugers are prohibited... I need to move south.
All AKs are illegal in Canada except...Valmet (Hunter, Hunter Auto, and M78).
GhostyToasty27 well we wouldn't be able to honestly. There is no valid reason other than "safety". Most of our gun laws are based purely on emotion.
GhostyToasty27 well we wouldn't be able to honestly. There is no valid reason other than "safety". Most of our gun laws are based purely on emotion.
Our canadian gun laws, at heart, are pretty decent. What we need is to convince the RCMP to stop interpreting the laws as they see fit and to stop restricting/prohibiting guns based on their aesthetics. Nobody wants to be arbitrarily turned into a criminal overnight because a government body is abusing its authority.
Still better than the UKs.
It is Nov 2019. They have banned all lock knives. Swords (carry, sale, manufacture and import ) and any item that you use to injure another person (even in self defence) can see you charged with possession of an Offensive Weapon!
I mean ANY ITEM!
Yet crime goes on!
Correct, in the UK you are not allowed to carry a knife or sword for self defence.
uk laws in short: You are not allowed to defend yourself, your family or your home......if you do, you will go to prison
PUNISHERMARKO Dutch laws are pretty much the same
PUNISHERMARKO French laws are same...
But you're allowed to train on open private grounds, don't you? Many countries don't allow that either
If anyone brakes into my house ill beat the shit out of them with a bat :-)
like here in Brazil, we have a really weird gun control law
That guy is taking a jean jacket to a whole new level...
I like your name, reminds me of my early teen years
He’s an American wannabe lol
I love it when a British person asks me why we have so many guns, I always respond "because it's America, that's the way it is here, guns are a part of our culture" usually they respect that.
I have always taken that view, including a while when I lived in the USA.
I find it strange that some Americans take the view that when British people say that they like the laws we have in Britain, that shows that they have been brainwashed. It's bollocks. British people like the fact that we live in a gun-free society because that's how they want to live; not because they have been brainwashed.
@@v8pilot 100% agree there
@Zachary Peterson To stab someone, the attacker has to come within fighting distance of whoever they're attacking not to mention you can run away from a knife... so no... not '"zero ability to defend yourself "
@Zachary Peterson Every day more then 100 Americans are shot to death. More than two per day are shot by US police. Fewer than one (on average) Brit is stabbed to death per day.
@@v8pilot haha, that's bullshit and you know it, stop being a little bitch. Can't really compare a country with a population of 60 million people, to one with over 350 million, and a massive landmass. You cannot. There is at least 1 stabbing per day in my area.
Everyone should have AK 47, AR15, and Glock 19 !!
Thank you.
LONG TIME subscriber here from CANADA- you guys should next show how bad our gun laws here are, we can't even own a pistol for home defense!!!
TheSpritz0 what so u need to defend yourself from???? fists? u can use your own fist to do that u know. Think of it this way..... if nobody can own a gun then the only thing you're that can harm u are fist and knives and melee weapon . do u need a gun for that? and if u can own a gun it means the people trying to hurt u can sneak on u undetected and kill u in a second compared to someone using a melee weapon who can't kill u in one shot undetected
Evan Chong
If someone was coming at me, period, I'd rather have a pistol on me. Fair fights are for suckers
Also, if I were killed, I would rather be shot unseen in the head, than beaten to death with a baseball bat or stabbed 10 times
The criminals have guns, and they USE that against us law-abiding sentences, lots of instances here of home invasions!
Evan Chong lol a bad guy will always git a gun and stoping civilians from owning them will not stop them because if a bad guy whants to do harm he will
Self defense of any kind using a "weapon" is not permitted in Canada. Canadians do have very STUPID gun laws but we are able to purchase handguns, semi-autos as well as shotguns following your approval of PAL or RPAL . Obviously our gun laws are most likely going to get worse but look on the bright side.....Eastern Canada voted for legal marijuana to get rid of nasty guns and balanced budgets. Thank you Canada East. Brilliant politics out there.
What the U. K. chap failed to mention was that the strict gun laws in the U K came into law after 2 massacres, 1 in Hungerford 19.8.1987 , 16 killed and 1 in Dunblane, 13.3.1996 , 16 school children killed . The people/public of the U K rose as one and said enough is enough and demand that the gun laws be revised.
Most of us in the UK want strict gun laws because it makes it more difficult for criminals to acquire guns. It is legal to use guns in the UK for legitimate purposes so UK gun laws are not an impediment of liberty but reasonable regulation.
While guns can be (and are) illegally acquired in the UK, UK gun laws reduce gun crime in the UK.
The knife crime argument (that strict gun laws are futile because people will just use knives instead) is flawed because (with the very rare statistical fluke) fewer people in the UK are stabbed than in the USA.
Your forgetting the UK population is a fraction of the US population. The murder rate in London is higher than every American city outside Chicago (that coincidentally has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States). Criminals have no problem getting their hands on handguns in the UK, they prefer knives because they are easier to conceal, silent and the penalty for carrying them is a slap on the wrist. Why would they carry a gun when they can just hack someone to death and get the same result.
Even though here in Northern Ireland our gun laws are slacker than the rest of the UK but our laws are still shite. We need a second amendment
Yes sir my brother! 👍🏻
we really don't. Look at every country that has gun laws they have low rates of gun crime.
Suppressors are regulated more in the US than the weapon they attach to...
Instead of shootings in bad areas in the uk , it’s stabbings with 22inch blades..
The UK has only ever had 1 school shooting. Ever.
I wonder why?
i wonder why crime rates are higher in london than in new york atm the great questions in life huh
also some of the school shooting stats in the US include shootings not including the school like a suicide outside of one or a murder outside of one also you don't hear about the private schools when a school shooter is killed by a teacher
"Bad" is very much a matter of opinion. I'm quite happy with our current rate of mass shootings here in the UK.
Common sense and logic right is lost on the neck beards here.
I thought that lol.
It really wouldn't matter if the Laws existed or not as to the number of Mass Shootings.
Richard points it this out exceptionally well, in that every single Gun Regulation in the UK was a *direct* response to a specific outrage event… highly reactionary and isn't ever legislated in a way that really stops the ownership of Firearms completely (the exception being LASER or Magnetic Rail Firearms) but instead a regulation that for all intended purposes would make ownership in the case of said events to have been illegal if they were to occur again.
Yet then look at how many actual Firearm Acts have been passed.
14 in 350 Years.
Then bare in mind what Arms still completely unregulated... for example Bows, Crossbows, Throwing Daggers (as long as it's < 6" it doesn't break the Blade Laws in the 90s), etc. and there are have been very few *actual* notable incidents involving said Arms.
There is a key difference that has to be kept in mind and that's Culture.
If you notice the Regions where there is exceptional Gun Crime, regardless of Laws; it's occurring primarily due to a lack of Respect for Weaponry and Heightened Violence in said Regions anyway.
Would I want the Gun Laws to be relaxed today? Honestly, despite how I firmly believe that we British are more than mature and respective enough of them to not abuse such a freedom; we have to be brutally honest here that Demographics are changing.
You have those who believe in Far Left Socialism, who are starting to Violently Protest (and on a disturbingly regular basis) then on the other end of the Spectrum you have Fundamentalist Muslims, who are also doing the same thing. Look at the UK as a whole and Violent Crime has continued to decline; while we look at Cities that are Metropolitan in Nature; and we're seeing Dramatic increases of 100 - 400% rises in Violent Crimes with Bladed Weapons.
Should said people be freely able to acquire Firearms, we'd almost certainly see a dramatic rise in those Crimes as well or even potential creation of Warzones; between Foreign Political Ideology against British Cultural Values.
These groups are not Mature... they have no Respect or sense of Self-Responsibility for their Actions.
Again, we already have seen smaller but notable rises in said regions for Gun Crimes despite the illegality.
If that were to be reverted, this would be deeply problematic seeing a sharp rise in such Crime; which would in turn force the Police to also Militarise (or expansion to the Royal Forces more often in Internal Security Matters) in essence an Arms Race.
For the moment, I think there is Solace to be taken from how (from the outside) Convoluted our Firearms Regulations are to where most will merely assume "Guns are Banned" because if groups intent on said stockpile and usage of such things were aware of what they could legally acquire then it could be potentially catastrophic.
< • >
It's a frustrating situation where, Politicians approaches are being proven the best option; only because they themselves have created the very environment where they would be True... like a Self Fulfilling Prophecy.
+Leyvin When the second mass shooting in a short number of years happened in the UK I was currently shooting pistols at a local gun range and was ready to start the process of getting a firearm licence myself. My mother freaked out over the shooting and at the time I told her that the firearm used was just "a means to an end" a few years later a person went on a rampage in a primary school with bladed weapons, thus sadly proving my point. Now I do not regret the passing of stricter firearm laws in the UK, yes there are still shootings mainly due to drug dealers, gangs and organised crime and we will never stop that, but to allow an increased number of firearm ownership without the potential owner face exacting standards would be a mistake.
There are still a lot of mass hit and runs going down though, perhaps there should be background checks for motor vehicle licenses and car engines cannot be above a certain cc and have to be stored in a safe locked garage (fuel stored separately) previously inspected by police and drivers must have no previous history of psychological issues.
If maniacs wish to commit mass murder they will find a method, should GCSE level chemistry be abolished in schools for example in case somebody learns about oxidation and then discovers the secret of gunpowder?
I don't understand why someone would need a firearm to end their life, when there are so many that want to do us harm.
I'm from the UK and our gun laws are beyond stupid. We need access to guns.
Hi Eric and everyone, from here in the UK. I'm a great fan of the channel and completely understand where you're coming from here... but there is another way of looking at these UK laws. I've only been a gun owner for a couple of years. I own one 12G shotgun, and five rifles (mostly great American Marlin lever guns). When I applied for the licences to own these weapons the police firearms department here dealt with it all quickly and in a friendly way. They checked I had somewhere to safely store and use the guns and that I wasn't going to be a danger to myself or others. The only reason I had to give for ''needing'' the guns was that I liked shooting targets and hoped to shoot deer and vermin.
I know this is going to sound crazy to many good shooting folk out there, but in my opinion our UK laws have protected my right, as a responsible citizen, to own and use these beautiful guns. There are a lot of good people in the world... most of us fall into that category. But there are plenty of others who are not at all good or responsible. I know that gangsters and organised criminals can get access to illegal weapons... but not cheaply or easily. I'm convinced UK gun laws do make it very difficult for a lot of reckless, aggressive and dangerous people to access guns.
I know our laws here are intrusive and cumbersome, but I think that in the main they're to protect the rights of the good people here...
Respectfully, Richard
That was very informative, thank you both! Nice to see a calm, polite conversation on this topic to help break through the media hysteria. I would say though that UK gun laws are a case of democracy in action. A majority of our people want strong gun control laws even if it means a bit of inconvenience for those who own them for legitimate and peaceful purposes. This might seem odd or bad to you, but very few people in the UK believe that gun ownership is a right. It's a privilege that we as a society grant to people who need them, like during a war or to protect their farms from foxes. And besides, applications are generally not turned down unless there's something quite wrong.
This is the second time I have watched this since 2017 and it scares me cause these laws are becoming much more prominent Democrat supported talking points
@museack I'm curious, what makes you think Trump gives a single f*ck about the Constitution? Did he hug it once, because I missed that
It's even more terrifying in 2021. I really hate how terrifying it is today.
Rather be judged by twelve than carried by six
Y’all some little female dogs, if someone tries to take your guns, take an example off of our forefathers. The Brit fks tried to take our guns, they got clapped by the gat. F the atf
I am from Engalnd and I just found out that I can own rifles/shotguns but has to be kept in cabinet locked away. If someone tries to burgle my home with a gun I am not allowed to defend myself apparently - I have to KEEP THE BLOODY GUN LOCKED IN THE CABINET!!!!
And don't even mention it to the FAO when he comes round he won't let you have a licence
@@crazycressy7986 How come please explain
@@Vision.Target.Shoot1 you will only be granted a FAC or SGC if your a non threat to the public, even if you have a argument mwith your wife and your neighbours tell the police they will take your guns from you ,you need to be 100% a good boy any slight issue and you will have them taken away ,just a pity the police did not do this with Dunblane and Hungerford and Cumbria and Plymouth, as these guys had their guns taken from them and then was given them back ,
@EL JAY virtually zero chance. Because we don't have many guns around!
in case you care what British people think..... now here me out
having been born in the uk, and spent 32 years mostly in london,.... i love guns, ive played with more of them then most people would ever do here
and im glad i cant have them, because if i could have them.... anyone could
we love our gun laws in the uk...... because it works HERE..... im not saying it would work in the us, theres so many unregistered legal guns, and illegal guns in your country you couldn't take guns away from good owners without there still being guns everywhere
here, because there was so few guns to start with its not a problem, one reason guns are so rare is because theres no legal guns to get nicked
dont believe the crap that we have a massive gun problem... its bigger then its ever been i agree.... theres was like 80 or something people shot last year... thats considered a massive problem here, compare that to your county
iv been to 25 us states, i love the us.... if i lived in the us i would have guns, because everyone else has them...... its an arms race
to the idiot in the comments who wrote "You prefer safety over freedom? " in a sarcastic 'your an idiot' kinda way, im free for YOU not to have a gun, not you reading this, the random wack jobs who have no history and would be allowed guns by your system
but if the thing you love the most is freedom.... brits by a massive majority want gun control..... we would vote for it, on mass.......... thats our freedom, please respect it
fearlessjoe Because you could have them doesn't mean everyone else could. That's why we have a licencing process haha. I mean in Northern Ireland the only difference in us and America is semi auto centre fire rifles. And we have a lover crime rate than mainland UK. I mean the gun laws didn't stop paramilitaries getting fully auto guns... grenades. Rocket launchers or anti aircraft weapons in northern ireland. Open your eyes and think logically
If that's the case why the hell do you guys come to these videos? keep the hell away and shut up and respect what we want. Take that in the nicest way you can
It’s because the UK isn’t free.
Neither is the US
I loved this one. I have a heavy knowledge of the UK licensing system due to my job so if anyone wants to ask any questions, please let me know. There was a lot missed out though as it is a long subject. For example the shortest rifles you can own is with a 12 inch barrel and 24 inches overall length, so no SBR issues for rifles up until that mark. Also some select few can have historic pistols for collection or for keeping at a designated range, but it is very rare and ridiculous as it is so hard to achieve it, some can own them in 2 shot form for humane dispatch such as vets and hunt servants. The shotgun license is much easier as you can buy and sell when you want, but with rifles you have to ask permission for each one, and if you sell it you have to ask permission to get a replacement. You can however have a Saiga 12 gauge with a 30 round drum mag on your firearms license. So it already makes no sense why the centerfire rifles were banned. Hollowpoints are banned for target use, you a maximum allowance of ammunition you cannot exceed. The list goes on. If you want to know any more, I am open to questions.
cokedaz they need to become more lax on firearms laws In the UK are police force is pretty good at stopping the wrong people getting firearms and I 100 percent agree on background checks sercue storage and having to have a reason to own a firearm however I don't agree on the centre fire semi auto band I have been vetted to own a rifle so why is ok for me to own a old battle rifle that stopped Nazi Germany so pretty affective at what it was desgin for however I can't own a semi auto ar15 it doesn't make sense to me as long as you have been checked and proven not to be a danger you should be able to own what you want
Exactly. And it's not just good for us. Think of the savings the police could get from loosening some of the moronic requirements and stipulations of the certificates. It would mean much less work and saved money. My force is under severe cuts. (Lost a lot of enquiry officers in the last year due to it). Less staff = longer waits. Which is what has happened in the recent years. This can also be attributed to the ATF in the US. I imagine it is a similar situation. Often not purposely holding anyone back, just not enough staff to get it all done in a timely manner anymore. Hence why the need for loosening the law to allow the police to focus more on the public safety side instead of micromanaging what you own.
cokedaz it 6 months to get my FAC the police seem to be under a lot of pressure in that department however I don't blame the police for that it's down to government kick backs the police need to relocate the money in more important areas I guess than FAC application the government seem to think putting cuts in the police and army is a good thing lol this are two areas that shouldn't be cut and the NHS
cokedaz Expanding ammo is no longer restricted, you can buy it with a standard FAC now. There are only 7 p'pistol only' calibres which you can't buy expanding ammo for. The law changed a fortnight ago :)
Thank you I was happy to do this video to help others it was there idea as I was visiting them at the time of the NRA show it was done in one take and they did not want the video far too long for the trolls. I tried to cover what I thought where the main points to make and get across to good people. Thank you for watching.
For those that need them, it's actually fairly straightforward to acquire and keep fire-arms in the uk. In fact, prima facie, you have the right to own fire-arms - it is up to the authorities to prove that you don't. If they can't, then you will be issued with a FAC and you can crack-on in accordance with the law.
Yes, certain types of firearm are banned, but a hell of a lot aren't.
There is a perception, both here and abroad, that the State is completely anti gun ownership. In actual fact, if they're satisfied you're going to use the gun for law abiding purposes - and there are over half a million legally licensed fire arms plus 1.5 million shotguns - there isn't a problem.
Not quite correct, you can own a shotgun just because you want to but, you have to show a need for a firearm. You have a right to a shotgun certificate but, you have to show need for a firearms licence.
I agree that it's pretty straightforward to apply and get a licence.
You are right that certain classes are banned but, it is another misconception that handgun ownership is absolutely banned. there are still plenty of privately held pistols out there but, the rules on ownership are extremely tight.
You will find most men in the UK have had or have an interest in guns, I grew up in the country so I naturally love firearms.
In terms of the laws I'm not apposed to gun control in the UK but I think licensing air rifles is a step to far I could do more damage with a spoon.
William Stanway why ? Look how far it's gotten, your part of the problem.
As I say I'm not apposed but I don't fully think restricting us that much is a good thing at all
William Stanway any restrictions are bad they are the gateway to more...
Gun related deaths in the UK are very very low, gun control works at least for the UK, I understand why Americans want the right to have guns but let's face facts gun related deaths in the USA are incredibly high and occur on an hourly basis.
Owning a gun should be a simple but regulated process. Background check on a case by case basis, medical history check case by case, licence given or not, if licence is given to purchase a gun you simply walk into a shop give store employee licence number they can check it on a gun licencing/ownership computer system (very simple) if its all good then he/she attaches the gun serial number to that licence (online) and done u walk out with ur new gun. This simple system would A) keep firearms out of the hands of violent crims, B) allow law abiding citizens to easily acquire firearms, suppressors should they want one, C) Keep track of who owns what in case of break ins, theft, or licence revocation due to violent behaviour.
Licence does not need to be renewed at all and includes carry permissions. It would allow easy sale of firearms from one licence holder to another with a simple web interface for transfer.
Allowing anyone to walk into a store and buy a firearm no questions asked is dumb as fuck, it just is, any denying it is equally dumb, but there is nothing wrong with letting law abiding citizens own, collect and shoot firearms. In this case compromise is necessary to ensure maximum safety but the process should be made as quick and easy as possible for those law abiding citizens who wish to acquire firearms.
Rules and regulation is not inherently bad, you need a licence to drive a car and no one complains about that. It is the abuse of power by politicians that is the real enemy.
"Now they're tryin' to take my guns away
And that would be just fine If you take 'em away from the criminals first I'll gladly give ya mine" Charlie Daniels
Great episode. Thanks!
Totalitarian tiptoes. U.K. Laws are made by low or no caliber individuals who are poorly informed.
Examples: Blank guns must be top ported (more dangerous to the user imo).
You effectively need a permit to own an all black airsoft rifle (otherwise they must be 50% bright 2 tone) but you could legally own the same model of gun in a target shooting (pellet/steel bb) configuration, obviously in terms of threat, the latter is going to do more damage when used to assault someone.
The wire extension due to minimum length requirements.
Gun crime is still an issue despite guns being “banned” and knife crime is still rife despite knife “bans”.
You can’t post a knife to a residential address. Technically you can’t even carry a Leatherman type tool.
They even looked at banning body armour!
What about black powder Flint-lock
@@donaldhatch6439 you can own without a licence but you need a licence for the blackpowder. If your over 18 you could just buy some fireworks though.
The U.K. laws are draconian but if you want to fit a suppressor have at it, if it will fit you can have it and cheap under £100 no extra taxes or special permits. Why. because guns are noisy so people will complain so there’s no problem with making them quieter.
They are bloody awful, UK citizen,
Plus we have very few lobbying parties or pro-gun politicians so stopping changes is very hard, let alone reversing any laws. On top of that, pretty much all of our media is biased and strongly anti-gun and I believe our population is being (has been) brainwashed to believe guns are dangerous.
Thomas Gosling and we’ve had barely any mass shootings since dunblaine, in 1997, and america, with ‘good gun laws’ had one last Wednesday.....
Gun laws are great in the UK, do not worry that in the USA trump and others take NRA blood money so nothing will happen.
Thomas Gosling The tories tend to be pro Gun and pro shooting sports, David Cameron former leader of the Conservative party is pro Gun, his biggest hobbies are Dear stalking and pigeon shooting, most conservatives like me tend to be pro shooting. The tories are very libertarian when it comes to guns and shooting sports. All other parties are extremely Hostile towards guns, the conservatives are the only party that's pro shooting sports.
Chris Vaughan Cumbria in 2010 was a mass shooting, done with a shotgun & rifle. Not had one since
2010, either & guess what, they are still legal.
I'm in the UK and I'm pretty happy with the gun laws. But I don't see any reason that people can't fire regular length handguns at a shooting range, seems a bit silly to ban that, but it's not the end of the world.
This was a pretty good discussion overall I thought, but I disagree with Eric around 13.30 where he says he only agrees with mental health background checks a "little bit". I know a lot of American's see gun ownership as a basic right, but surely it's a good idea to check that someone isn't crazy before allowing them access to a lethal weapon?
That says it all.. the politicians are scared that we would stand up for ourselves..
Most Brits want the current gun laws. In fact, a majority want stricter laws. Totally different culture so pointless comparing and the fact is, that every time we've had a big shooting incident in the UK, the government brought in more rules or bans and it's worked as far as mass shootings for that particular weapon is concerned. If that happens, it's not really a surprise that the British public support strict gun laws.
move to northern ireland dude. cheap houses and 90% of your gun rights back
Weak eye dominant but not the republic I mean fuck
Who wants to live in a shitty protestant country ???
and lot's of foreign pu$$y.
yea weak eye and look at the state of it can you imagine if we all got a rifle the wild west would look like kinder garden leslie dodds
Swiss Militis Christi LXXII last i checked england, scotland, wales, germany, netherlands, canada, usa, australia and new zealand where mainly protestant countries. They seem very popular to me. According to the last census protestants appear to be a minority in NI
Glad were threw the Brits out when we did.
Here in Russia it's pretty similar to UK, but there're 2 licenses (for shotguns and rifles) you get first one and you can only get the second one after 5 years of smooth bore shotgun ownership. And absolutely no pistols allowed :(
And there's a pretty hilarious law about fun switches and cans. Basically, you can own, for example, a full auto trigger group, but you cant insert it in your gun, lol. But you know, we still do and everyone's okay with it. And cans... Law prohibits "noiseless" gadgets for shooting, but suppressor isn't noiseless completely, lol.
Well, it's not easy to start owning guns (cause of these medical checks like in UK etc), but then you ramp up it gets okay.
Oh, and if you use it for self defense 99.9% you're screwed.
O4KAST but aren't you allowed to carry for self defence now?
Rights And Liberty Nope. Though, you can transport guns and 1000 rounds in your car freely. But carrying one on your person in public is a no-no (except transportation, again).
Rights And Liberty There are a lot of semi-legal workarounds, as you can see.
O4KAST if you shoot some one in self defense do you pay that persons medical bill ?
Aaaaand you get locked up as well, in most cases
Were fucked if Corbyn becomes prime minister
I can't imagine living in a country where the 2nd Amendment freedoms we enjoy here (in most states) are heavily regulated, but in the UK's case, it's a small country that's heavily populated and not many open spaces to shoot. I hope the British gentleman in this video is living in the United States.
Well England and Wales is. Here Northern Ireland is mostly rural though privately owned and North end of Scotland there is miles upon miles of open land without a house in sight especially in the highlands.
Be glad you don't have to. Like me.
Good point at the end about the nature of a 'militia.' The Founding Fathers wanted to protect our right as free people to arm ourselves and train in the use of firearms. They understood that tyranny will always attempt to undermine the ability of a free people to retain the equipment and social practices (training, the networking and speech of likeminded armed citizens, a public culture devoted to firearms rights and issues) necessary for self defense, self reliance, and armed resistance to foreign and domestic enemies. That is the sense in which the 'militia' is necessary for the preservation of freedom - it has nothing to do with the goddamn national guard.
kristokirov Best comment ever. You are right on the bullseye, my fellow Patriot.
On the money!
Proud ToBe Do you understand the common militia and the Minutemen's role in preserving freedom?
Proud ToBe Are you still referring the militia to the National Guard?
Proud ToBe It is not difficult. Let me see if I can explain. The American people have a right to form a militia from their own communities to defend their unalienable rights, if and when needed, to stay free. Having the National Guard or Army Reserve (in which I am currently enlisted) controlled by the state, for the well-being of the state, is great.
I am from South Africa and round here we are not allowed to have guns bigger than 50. bmg
But that still leaves plenty of guns and calibers to have fun with, so...
Don't really something to complain about.
***** Couldn't live without my 20mm.
Leon Visagie "bigger than 50. bmg"? what about the .557, .600, .700 nitro express? 4 bore?
sorry but no nothing only up to 50 bmg
Leon Visagie I must be confused, but I've watched countless hunts within south africa where the PH, more times than not, carries a rifle chambered in a caliber larger than half an inch.
In fact there are more murders in the UK, but for some reason murder using a gun - bad, murder not using gun - good. The number of murders went up after the 1997 gun ban.
You never hear about the UK having more murders as the UK only counts it as a murder if some one is convicted of murder. In the UK if no one is convicted of murder it does not count. So if in one year no one was convicted they would say that there was zero murders in that year. This worked against the UK government when Doctor Harold Shipman was convicted of 200+ murders a year after his death. In the US it is listed as a murder if the first Cop on the scene says it was a suspicious death. It will stay a murder even if it is a hart attack. (I had a next door neighbor who had a hart attack, fell down and hit his head. It was the bang to the head that killed him, it was a suspicious death for four hours, in the US it would still be on the list for murder, My dad was asked by the police 57 years ago, if he had seen anything when some one was murdered on his route to school. No one has ever been convicted of this murder, so it has never been added to the government list). If you take murder to mean person A murdered person B the there are more murders per population in the UK. Just look this up it is a fact. Also a fact that most murders in - of any kind - in the US happen in the five citys with the most strictest gun laws. Most (may be all) mass shotings happen in gun free zones. Bans only stop good people, criminals can get one as they do not obey the law, any more than in the UK.
When you say "there are more murders in the UK" do you mean gun related murders, or just murders in general?
Either way, I simply cannot believe there are more murders of "any" kind in the UK compared to the USA. Am I right in saying that gun related murders in the US are in the high hundreds / thousands each year? Because if so, there is no way on earth that that many people are murdered in the UK per year, whatever item is used as a weapon - even bare hands.
You go on to say that it only counts as a murder if someone is convicted of murder.....Surely, isn't that the way most countries do it? There is of course "Manslaughter" but then, its not classed as Murder is it. So I'm not at all sure where you get your facts & figures from, but perhaps you need to take a closer look at them.
Shipman was responsible for the higher murder rate after the gun ban.
U.K. thoughts on guns, c.1943
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”
-George Orwell
Honestly, the Brits might have us beat as far as possession of military vehicles with integrated weapons. They may not be able to engage with many small arms against an invasion force, but some random bloke showing up with a tank that's ready to fire live rounds sounds pretty terrifying to me.
Awesome video, it is nice to hear insight and knowledge from fellow gun owners in other counties. "gun control" only hurts the good guys!
I'm a gun owner in the UK, this guy doesn't know it well enough to give info on it. Yeah our laws are shite but they're not unfair, if you're a hunter, target shooter or anything in between (so long as you're not mental or have a recent criminal record) you can own guns and shoot them. The only bans on what you can own is full and semi auto rifles (semi auto shotguns are perfectly fine), pistols are very restricted compared to days gone but the pistol 'ban' isn't black and white, you can still own pretty much any as a collector but if you want to shoot they have to be kept at a range, it is strict but at least you can do it if you really want. It also depends where you are, generally Northern Ireland has the best laws but second to that is the Isle Of Mann, Jersey, Guernsey and basically all the self ruling island which follows the same basic laws as Great Britain but with the exception is they ignored a lot of the bans. Scotland has the worst laws, they made it so even air rifles and air pistol (BB guns basically) are now licensed. Some countries have way way worse laws than us, even countries that allow semi auto rifles (Denmark off the top of my head) requires you to go on hunting courses, safety courses etc etc and even after that i think there's serious magazine limits for hunting at least.
So yeah, strict but not completely shit especially if you're a hunter or target shooting. Getting into it is cheap and headache free, people also say "you need to have a good reason to own a gun" which is true but liking guns and target shooting is considered "good reason". Also with shotguns you don't need a reason to own one, my nan could get a shotgun license it's a piece of piss
As a Canuck from Canuckistan I really enjoyed that guys.
“How bad” I’m sorry but when was the UK’s last mass shooting? Unfortunately Dunblane but look what happened. We got our shit together.
🇬🇧 cost of living is so high there ❗
Exactly right! 👏
Jordan Wilson Whitehaven in 2010, was the last mass-shooting in Britain.
I shoot my semi auto rifle in my backyard all the time. I didnt realize until recently thats a very, very rare freedom in the world.
For me its just a fun way of throwing a pebble at a piece of paper.
Google Dumblaine massacre. That's why. That's our past and it can stay there. It's your present and it needs to be dealt with.
For the UK to have gun laws for recreation, defense, collection, we would first have to be able to vote on our own laws and for that we would need to be outside of the EU. The EU taxes us and gives us no representative say in laws or regulations that are passed, they're currently even trying to take away our cars let alone the guns that remain.
You are no longer EU .What' legislation changes have occurred ?
@@conlaiarlaNothing whatsoever has changed, apart from doing away with environmental legislation that has turned our rivers into open sewers. That's what Brexit was about, making the rich even richer, and slightly over half the population fell for it.
This is actually way softer laws than where I live (Norway). Here, we have to be a member of a shooting range club or sport shooting club for some time (usually 6 months) or have a hunting licence which you need to take a course for before you can apply for gun ownership. You aren't allowed to own guns for self defense. Automatic weapons and high power hand guns (such as the S&W 500) are illegal. Cops are also allowed to go and check on your property where your guns are stored to do whatever inspections the government wants. We have no gun rights. Suppressors are however not regulated funny enough, anyone can buy them.
Incremental slavery. Just like all other tyrannical systems of control throughout history.
Suppresors aren't very quiet. You could hear it through several walls away or a dozen yards away in an open area at least. Logically speaking, there's no reason to use suppressors. They're terrible for use in any crime.
The video doesn't go into too much detail on UK laws, but thats pretty much the same as the UK. For a UK Firearms licence you don't just need 2 safes. You also need a monitored NACOSS Alarm system, appropriate security on your house, and it does get visited by a police firearms officer to check. Realistically most people are members of gun clubs, few go have enough land or money to do what the chap in this video describes. Hunting large animals, Deer for example, does require a licence and you have to demonstrate your proficiency (basically 1 shot 1 kill). It's actually perfectly legal in the UK to own a .50 calibre sniper rifle with suppressor. But you would have problems getting a licence unless you lived near one of the 2 ranges that are licenced for .50 shooting (one of them is Bisley) or you owned a colossal amount of land (we're talking a Scottish shooting estate in practice).
being a British citizen the one thing I will say is that the massive 'street' culture in the uk would need to diminish highly for private gun ownership to be good idea I mean you see all the yobs and chavs on the street and consider that if they had access to firearms there would be nothing stopping them from just doing what they want with those firearms
I think the reason they're so bold is because the average person can't stand up to them. I strongly suspect that if they found themselves in somewhere like Georgia or Texas, they'd get polite PDQ. Harassing passersby for fun is a hell of a lot _less_ fun if you have a one-in-ten chance of picking someone armed.
You bring up a good point. The rates of knife crime are very high, what says our nation can even be trusted with less restrictive gun laws. The UK have backed themselves into a corner which is going to be almost impossible to get out of. USA, don't let that happen to you!
"My kid was hit by a stray knife while watching tv in the house," said nobody ever.
Tom H 64 Chavs & yobs would be the last people to get gun licenses. All license forms are from the police & they have to be submitted to a firearms licensing department. Name one chav who would pass the selection & who’d want the cops watching them?
In the UK you don't really have the right to defend yourself.
Most UK people say the US is bad because of mass shootings, linked to high number of guns owners in the US. Well Canada has the similar number of guns per 1 millions people and hardly any incidents with legal guns. It is a matter of common sense of the citizen whether to or not to own a gun, not the number of guns owned. I know a guy who never gets into trouble, because he fears losing his guns licence. So owning guns is even restricting his behavior to commit violent crime, not encouraging it.
Guys I loved the show. I live up in the northwest of England, Blackburn to be exact. I have never owned a firearms licence. mainly through bad luck and timing. I was looking into getting one in 1987. Then we had the Hungerford disaster. So that put that to and end. After marrying in 1990. I began thinking of joining the local indoor gun club, After hearing from one of my mates, the amount of fun he had had, on the occasions that he had been. Being made to feel welcome right from the get go. To the point that he had got his licence. and was looking to purchase a 357 Magnum. Well within weeks of him telling me this. We had the Dunblane shooting, with Thomas Hamilton. Which as you know soon led to the ban on ALL handguns. I have my different theories on the shootings. Especially Dunblane. which effectively led to the disarming of this great country overnight .I have had several, high powered air rifles. And done hunting.But it was not what I was looking for. I for one would love to see a softening of the gun laws here. And have always said I would certainly do a conceal carry. And with the way things are heading. without doubt if more people were legal carriers. Most of these ISIS clowns could be stopped in their tracks. So I am just waiting and praying for a change of direction. And my firearms application will be sat on the Chief Constables desk.. h
And a proud English man, any gun law is unconstitutional 👌
Here in New South Wales Australia,we come under State and Federal laws. If you want long arms in NSW you have to provide a reason for wanting a firearm. You can have an 'A' recreational 'B' hunting vermin control you are required to do a minimum number of shoots per year at a registered club. There is also an 'R' for hunting on public lands (forests). You can own handguns if you are a member of a registered club, you are required to do a minimum number of shoots per year and changes if you own multiple calibres. To own any firearm you have to prove to the state police certain levels of storage for firearms. Our premises are inspected and issued with a certificate of safe storage for firearms and ammunition. Transporting firearms are another thing, bolt actions cannot be transported with the bolt in the firearm,or a trigger lock and in a locked container. As a licence holder you registration plate will bring up a warning on Police vehicles with number plate recognition cameras.