This is nice. We lost close to 100 farm yard birds, my parrots, 3 cats, dog, and horse, in the Almeda fires here in Oregon and I can’t get over it. Anxious all the time and dissolving into tears at least once a day. We did not kill our birds for food, and we had 25 beautiful rescued roosters. My heart is broken. I’m turning to meditation and yoga. Being raised a humanist my spiritual world is extremely private. Thank you for this wonderful quiet space.
Hi, that is so sad, I would humbly suggest, perhaps, reading, and listening to Michael Singer, especially his latest living untethered Also the book the greatest secret by Rhonda Byrne I would listen to it on audible, and you will hear some of the worlds most recognized, spiritual leaders and gurus Light and love
It is a year later, but as a fellow animal lover I can imagine this tragedy stays with you 💔 I know it is hard but honour them by focusing on the good life you gave them. With much love and compassion 🙏❤️ Niki -UK
Thank for your willingness to share your intimate thoughts here about your loss. That is a lot of loss of family members. I believe our animals are an extension of our family members. May you continue to meditate and find comfort in meditation. Give a blessing to yourself for loving and caring for those family members. You made their lives lovely. How blessed they were to have your loving kindness. ♥️💝♥️
To you reading this right now... you are beautiful. Everything will work itself out. Everyone here knows how you feel right now. This feeling sucks, but know that you will be be ok. This too shall pass...Don’t fight the anxiety, just allow it to work it’s way through and Let it do its thing. Embrace the moment as you become at peace with things. Now I want you to close your eyes and place your hands in front of you and lightly wiggle your fingers like you’re playing a piano. You are shedding this off as we speak. It’s dripping off your fingertips...Feel it melt off yourself. See, there it goes......we love you . At peace... at peace.... at peace... at peace....🙏🏻🌼🍀☀️✨🌼🍀🌼🍀🐣🌼🍀☀️✨🙏🏻
Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. imagine carrving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
This is the first time I ever used mediation and to be honest I was at the brink. 5 mins in I was feeling something I never felt before... you just can't explain it but in one word= peace
@@CarolynCreed ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר את ראש ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ללא לתאר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררר ללא
Stick with them everyday if you really need it because If you truly have anxiety, you may find yourself getting pulled away from that feeling of peace and serenity. I had to train my body to be at peace, mediations morning and evening for about 3 months when I started to feel like a different person, always in touch with being spiritual, the robotic life didn’t affect me after that. A quiet mind that can “shut up” is even better than a positive mindset Best wishes
I came upon this after spending all day in what felt like fight or flight. Like I was running in circles...worried, unable to think things thru, overwhelmed. As soon as Deepak spoke...I cried. Because he described EXACTLY what I was feeling. Thank you for being who you are. You save lives.
Namaste. Immediately after I started Chanting Sat Chit Ananda, I felt sweetness in my mind. Then, while listening to this soothing sound of water, the image of Lord Vishnu in Ananta appeared to my mind. I meditated on that image with the Mantra. I felt sweet and relieved from negative feelings. Thank you, Deepak ji.
Good health, Life, and Blessings wished upon all reading this!! Thank you Deepak Chopra, your meditation videos help many people across the globe. Prayers for mindfulness, awareness, ability to live in the present, Peace and calm to all.
Wowww!!! I'm feeling so light and relaxed post practising this meditation technique. I got instant relief from stress, anxiety and overwhelming thoughts. I'm feeling so grateful and thankful to Deepak Chopra! Thank you so much Deepak!! God bless!
I practiced this meditation today and now I feel so good from within after connecting to my higher self - I am so grateful for this practice thank you so much
My great spiritual teacher is this person who rakes my nerves. I am meditating twice a day to prepare for a brief encounter. A true source of inspiration.
This makes me feel connected to the inner essence of my universal self on a biospheric quantum level. Can literally feel my primary vagal vibrations oscillating as they shift from the dualistic level to pure wholeness. The energy of the universe is 1!
I find it really hard to relax, it almost never happens, but this helped me to keep calm and try to relax. I have tried to meditate to different things on utube but this is the first that has helped, thankyou for making it.
@@TheChopraWell: meditate: to think on. From the Latin “meditat-”, meaning “contemplated”, from the verb “meditari”, from a base meaning “measure”. In most religious/spiritual traditions, particularly those originating in Bharāta (India), meditation is a mental practice in which one either allows thoughts to appear in the mind (and simply observe those thoughts without discrimination) or else one tries to focus all thought upon a single object. That object can be almost anything, yet most commonly is a religious figure (such as God, a demigod, or a spiritual master), a point in one’s visual field (such as a candle flame), a brief prayer (normally referred to as a “mantra”), or else observing or focusing on one’s own breath (a fundamental part of “vipassanā”, in the Buddhistic tradition [“vipaśyanā”, in Sanskrit]). The main benefit of meditational practices is to free the mind of superfluous thoughts. Some individuals in the so-called “ultra-spiritual” community mistakenly believe that the cause of suffering is any thought whatsoever, and therefore, embark on a fruitless endeavour to eradicate all thoughts from the mind (or at least from the intellect - see Chapter 05). How I wish that every single one of those persons end-up in a coma for the remainder of their lives, since that is the only way that they can possibly achieve their impossible goal. Humorously, even coma patients can experience dream thoughts, so even then, their aim may be thwarted! Fortunately, as demonstrated in Chapter 15 of this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the source of suffering is NOT due to thoughts as such, but due to a misunderstanding of how life operates. The cure for such nescience is unerring knowledge. In fact, I would posit that excessive meditational practices, such as that observed by the stereotypical Hindu/Buddhist monk who flees to a mountain cave in order to meditate for about fifteen hours per day, is actually detrimental to one’s spiritual development, because it weakens the intellect. Just as the physical body requires regular exercise, the intellectual dimension of the human person also needs to be exercised via the study of philosophy and yoga, which is especially important for those who profess to be spiritual teachers. Therefore, a healthy balance between contemplative practice, intellectual endeavour, and physical exercise is most beneficial. Perhaps the most apposite form of meditation for the overwhelming majority of humans is a kind of ACTIVE meditation, in which one is perpetually contemplating how to best benefit society. Because it is practically impossible for one to fully control one’s thoughts, one should use the hyperactive nature of the intellect to its advantage, by constantly devising methods how to further dharma. This is the principal meditation practice of the current World Teacher Himself, The Saviour of Humanity, Jagadguru Svāmī Vegānanda. Some persons believe that one can learn the “secrets of life” (that is, to fully understand life/existence, and how to live one’s life in accordance with the universal, Divine Will) by sitting in the lotus position and focusing one’s attention on the base (or tip) of one’s nose for several hours per day! Undoubtedly, some have received wise insights during their meditation practice, but to assume that one can replace the accumulated wisdom of the sages over the past twenty thousand years or so, with an introspective path of illumination, is, sad to say, one of the many delusions of pseudo-spirituality. None of the great sages in history were so naturally enlightened as to dispense with a living guru. Even a single day spent at the feet of an actual spiritual master can be more valuable to gaining knowledge and insight into the meaning of life, than an entire lifetime of meditating on one’s navel (figuratively speaking).
This man is speaking truth. These beliefs are what prompted me to make an anxiety meditation video. Taking care of the mind is just as important as taking care of the body. It is simply a must.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7
I love your calming voice it sends me back to when I first started meditation with the 21 days of meditation challenge through covid lockdown. I am extremely grateful every day for your continuous teachings ❤. Thank you 🎉
i don't mind your subject. but it is your voice that is soothing.... just hear any topic ... we feel relaxed... the magic..... blessing of divine god saraswathy. saraswathy kadaaksham ... in sanskrit.. you are blessed
Same! My childhood was spent riding horses and I was flooded with memories of the sound and smell of the barn. It was a place I was truly happy and carefree.
Thank you Deepak. I have been listening to this at bedtime and it has helped me tremendously to fall asleep and feel contentment. Your voice is very soothing.
I love your all medition. I was trying another medition since a year but i can't find help and i can't finished it. I was getting very bed mood, sleep, Energy as mom makes me very hard life and going to suicide through.When i find u books and medition i really find help. God blessed!
Its Never Too Late. I Just Gone Through This Meditation. Now A Days I M Going Through Some Unnecessary TOUGH Time Due To That ANXIETY Or UNCERTAINTY/NEGATIVE Vibes Distracting/Intervening In Taking DECISIONS. THANKS - NAMASTE. 🍁
Thank you for all the help and guidance you give to so many. I needed this. Worried about a course I'm in in grad school. Thank you for helping me relax and refocus. 💙
Infinite love and blessings for a beautiful meditation. You are one of my favourite all time Guru and mentor. Loooove all your teachings💟🙏🌍Stay blessed always ⭐😇🌟💞
Thanks Deepak for posting this most Beautiful and peaceful meditation video-your voice, music and lovely pics are breathtaking. Watching and listening while meditating brings much Peace, relaxation and awareness to myself and to many, many people all over the World. Prayers for you and for all ♥️🙏😊🥰
Hello Deepak, I am big fan, I love all your marvelous videos about meditation and focus, I have a trouble of stress and anxiety so I practice Yoga and meditation for getting peace and calm, I really appreciate it,you are a powerful inspiration, thank you very much, God bless you.
listened to three meditation as I’ve been having stressful three weeks. This one’s was about the most calming. thank you! ❤ I routinely meditate before I star my day and at night. Thank for the mantra I will incorporate it in my daily activities ❤
Good luck with your upcoming surgery Pat. I can relate due to ongoing health issues and more tests etc. Release all anxiety and know that GOD is with you and will help to keep you strong and in the right mind set to get through your surgery and recovery and you will heal completely. Prayers for you and for all...many Blessings to all ♥️🙏😊🥰
Thank you so much for this wonderful meditation. I feel more relaxed now and decided to do it all over again when I finished it. Keep carry on the good work. You are a Ray of sunshine in this world ! Namaste 🙏
Deepak jee, Thanks a lot for wonderful presentation on meditation..I am highly impressed by your perfection in pronunciation which offers True Satisfaction in Meditation.
This is nice. We lost close to 100 farm yard birds, my parrots, 3 cats, dog, and horse, in the Almeda fires here in Oregon and I can’t get over it. Anxious all the time and dissolving into tears at least once a day. We did not kill our birds for food, and we had 25 beautiful rescued roosters. My heart is broken. I’m turning to meditation and yoga. Being raised a humanist my spiritual world is extremely private. Thank you for this wonderful quiet space.
Hope you get this I’m so sorry for your loss. I never commented befor I am praying for you & the animals you lost !!
Hi, that is so sad, I would humbly suggest, perhaps, reading, and listening to Michael Singer, especially his latest living untethered
Also the book the greatest secret by Rhonda Byrne I would listen to it on audible, and you will hear some of the worlds most recognized, spiritual leaders and gurus
Light and love
It is a year later, but as a fellow animal lover I can imagine this tragedy stays with you 💔
I know it is hard but honour them by focusing on the good life you gave them.
With much love and compassion 🙏❤️
Niki -UK
Thank for your willingness to share your intimate thoughts here about your loss. That is a lot of loss of family members. I believe our animals are an extension of our family members. May you continue to meditate and find comfort in meditation. Give a blessing to yourself for loving and caring for those family members. You made their lives lovely. How blessed they were to have your loving kindness.
To you reading this right now... you are beautiful. Everything will work itself out. Everyone here knows how you feel right now. This feeling sucks, but know that you will be be ok. This too shall pass...Don’t fight the anxiety, just allow it to work it’s way through and Let it do its thing. Embrace the moment as you become at peace with things. Now I want you to close your eyes and place your hands in front of you and lightly wiggle your fingers like you’re playing a piano. You are shedding this off as we speak. It’s dripping off your fingertips...Feel it melt off yourself. See, there it goes......we love you . At peace... at peace.... at peace... at peace....🙏🏻🌼🍀☀️✨🌼🍀🌼🍀🐣🌼🍀☀️✨🙏🏻
I appreciate this so much
❤ Thank you, in Love, Respect and Appreciation 🕉️💖🙏🏿 (Yemanja 💦)
love and hugs @ peace
Thank you❤
Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.
Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. imagine carrving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.
The Trips I've been having have really helped me a lot,I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Micheal Harris Can dr.sporess send to me in OH?
Scamming on meditation sights wow
It didn’t work for me, but what did work for me is ibogaine. What a life changing experience
I move through my days light hearted and carefree knowing that all is well
This is the first time I ever used mediation and to be honest I was at the brink. 5 mins in I was feeling something I never felt before... you just can't explain it but in one word= peace
This is brilliant! It's pretty amazing when we realize that peace is just always there, waiting for us to access it. 🙏
@@CarolynCreed o
@@CarolynCreed ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר את ראש ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ללא לתאר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררררארררררלרררר ררררררררררררר ללא
Stick with them everyday if you really need it because
If you truly have anxiety, you may find yourself getting pulled away from that feeling of peace and serenity.
I had to train my body to be at peace, mediations morning and evening for about 3 months when I started to feel like a different person, always in touch with being spiritual, the robotic life didn’t affect me after that.
A quiet mind that can “shut up” is even better than a positive mindset
Best wishes
This meditation saves me every time I am ill. When I'm nervous or stressed. a heartfelt thank you, Deepak Chopra
Glad youRe sharing this wisdom of Patanjali according to the present times
I came upon this after spending all day in what felt like fight or flight. Like I was running in circles...worried, unable to think things thru, overwhelmed. As soon as Deepak spoke...I cried. Because he described EXACTLY what I was feeling. Thank you for being who you are. You save lives.
Meditation starts at 4:48
*for my own future reference in using this meditation
LOL I always fast forward.
@Mayra: Thank you💚🙏🏼
Im always anxious. I say this through out the day.
This is very nice. Helps with my stress and anxiety 🙏
I move through my days light heated and carefree knowing that all is well ...
this was insane, I never went this deep into a meditation. Feeling grateful and hopeful for the day
Immediately after I started Chanting Sat Chit Ananda, I felt sweetness in my mind. Then, while listening to this soothing sound of water, the image of Lord Vishnu in Ananta appeared to my mind. I meditated on that image with the Mantra. I felt sweet and relieved from negative feelings.
Thank you, Deepak ji.
Good health, Life, and Blessings wished upon all reading this!! Thank you Deepak Chopra, your meditation videos help many people across the globe. Prayers for mindfulness, awareness, ability to live in the present, Peace and calm to all.
Sat, Chit, Ananda
Existence, consciousness, bliss
:) Thank you
Thanks. I was wondering what that meant 👍
Wowww!!! I'm feeling so light and relaxed post practising this meditation technique. I got instant relief from stress, anxiety and overwhelming thoughts. I'm feeling so grateful and thankful to Deepak Chopra! Thank you so much Deepak!! God bless!
You are serving humanity.Respect and gratitude.
Sending love and positive vibes to everyone here! ❤ ~ A Daily Ritual
I practiced this meditation today and now I feel so good from within after connecting to my higher self - I am so grateful for this practice thank you so much
I move through my days lighthearted and carefree, knowing that all is well 💗
My great spiritual teacher is this person who rakes my nerves. I am meditating twice a day to prepare for a brief encounter. A true source of inspiration.
@Sage true story eh 😌🌻
I've rediscovered Deepak. Many years ago I would watch him on PBS, thank you so much for these blessed meditations ✌️
I move through my day light hearted and care free knowing all is well
Namaste 🙏
This makes me feel connected to the inner essence of my universal self on a biospheric quantum level. Can literally feel my primary vagal vibrations oscillating as they shift from the dualistic level to pure wholeness. The energy of the universe is 1!
Beautiful, peaceful meditation. It is calming as your voice is too! Thank you.
I find it really hard to relax, it almost never happens, but this helped me to keep calm and try to relax. I have tried to meditate to different things on utube but this is the first that has helped, thankyou for making it.
Thank you! I found this very helpful.
No matter how many times I go through this meditation, it is helpful.
I move through my days light hearted and carefree knowing all is well!
Thank you. Reminding myself - I move through my days light hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.
This is a wonderful meditation. I did it at night, and it was so restful. Thank you, Deepak. 😊❤️
One of the most heavenly meditations I’ve experienced recently. The vibration of the video feels airy and lighthearted. Thank you so much🤍🙏🏽
Thanks so much! Namaste.
एक बिल्कुल नया अनुभव❤विधि ❤
Thank you 🙏🏻 I have been doing this meditation for a few years now 🙏🏻 I feel peace and tranquility in my life since 🙏🏻❤️🌈🙏🏻 NAMASTE 🙏🏻🕉🙏🏻
When I was very dusturbed two years before...Chopra sir' s mediatition helped me a lot..and now its a part of my life!😊👍
Amazing i love his voice and meditation 🧘♀️
to think on. From the Latin “meditat-”, meaning “contemplated”, from the verb “meditari”, from a base meaning “measure”.
In most religious/spiritual traditions, particularly those originating in Bharāta (India), meditation is a mental practice in which one either allows thoughts to appear in the mind (and simply observe those thoughts without discrimination) or else one tries to focus all thought upon a single object. That object can be almost anything, yet most commonly is a religious figure (such as God, a demigod, or a spiritual master), a point in one’s visual field (such as a candle flame), a brief prayer (normally referred to as a “mantra”), or else observing or focusing on one’s own breath (a fundamental part of “vipassanā”, in the Buddhistic tradition [“vipaśyanā”, in Sanskrit]).
The main benefit of meditational practices is to free the mind of superfluous thoughts. Some individuals in the so-called “ultra-spiritual” community mistakenly believe that the cause of suffering is any thought whatsoever, and therefore, embark on a fruitless endeavour to eradicate all thoughts from the mind (or at least from the intellect - see Chapter 05). How I wish that every single one of those persons end-up in a coma for the remainder of their lives, since that is the only way that they can possibly achieve their impossible goal. Humorously, even coma patients can experience dream thoughts, so even then, their aim may be thwarted!
Fortunately, as demonstrated in Chapter 15 of this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the source of suffering is NOT due to thoughts as such, but due to a misunderstanding of how life operates. The cure for such nescience is unerring knowledge. In fact, I would posit that excessive meditational practices, such as that observed by the stereotypical Hindu/Buddhist monk who flees to a mountain cave in order to meditate for about fifteen hours per day, is actually detrimental to one’s spiritual development, because it weakens the intellect. Just as the physical body requires regular exercise, the intellectual dimension of the human person also needs to be exercised via the study of philosophy and yoga, which is especially important for those who profess to be spiritual teachers. Therefore, a healthy balance between contemplative practice, intellectual endeavour, and physical exercise is most beneficial.
Perhaps the most apposite form of meditation for the overwhelming majority of humans is a kind of ACTIVE meditation, in which one is perpetually contemplating how to best benefit society. Because it is practically impossible for one to fully control one’s thoughts, one should use the hyperactive nature of the intellect to its advantage, by constantly devising methods how to further dharma. This is the principal meditation practice of the current World Teacher Himself, The Saviour of Humanity, Jagadguru Svāmī Vegānanda.
Some persons believe that one can learn the “secrets of life” (that is, to fully understand life/existence, and how to live one’s life in accordance with the universal, Divine Will) by sitting in the lotus position and focusing one’s attention on the base (or tip) of one’s nose for several hours per day! Undoubtedly, some have received wise insights during their meditation practice, but to assume that one can replace the accumulated wisdom of the sages over the past twenty thousand years or so, with an introspective path of illumination, is, sad to say, one of the many delusions of pseudo-spirituality. None of the great sages in history were so naturally enlightened as to dispense with a living guru. Even a single day spent at the feet of an actual spiritual master can be more valuable to gaining knowledge and insight into the meaning of life, than an entire lifetime of meditating on one’s navel (figuratively speaking).
I feel more abundance after this meditation-Thank you to your team and you Deepak, for helping the world be more present & blissful
its Amazing when suddenly you see the light
जिसमें सच बोलने की ताकत होती है सबसे ज्यादा नफरत की ज्वाला का शिकार भी वही होता है 🖋️✨💯
What about one that has the power to translate (listen) AND speak the truth?
Thank you so much . Sending attitude of gratitude for this very relaxing meditation.
First time I meditate. Feel quiet. I'll keep trying it. From now on thank you
Namaste🙏! Thank You 😌
This is just what I need. I am so pleased that I have found this beautiful mediation, thank you. Namaste
I just finished this, and I feel amazing. Namaste 🙏🏾
This is genuinely the only meditation that has ever worked for me
This is brilliant, I follow this meditation once a day and it never fails. I love how the 15mins turns into infinity each time I listen in ❤😊😇
This helps me a lot to relax when I cannot. Thank you Deepak and team
This man is speaking truth. These beliefs are what prompted me to make an anxiety meditation video.
Taking care of the mind is just as important as taking care of the body. It is simply a must.
Thanks and Gratitude Mr CHOPRA! Namashka Laxmanji!
Very special meditation. Takes one to a special place within. Thank you so much Deepak Chopra. Namaste
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation present your requests to God by prayer with thanksgiving. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding shall guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7
Passion of the Christ
Thanks 😌
What a wonderful meditation. I felt so calm after doing it. Gratitude. Namaste.🙏🙏🙏✨✨
My favorite meditation by Deepak. My spirit aligns with the Universe
I love your calming voice it sends me back to when I first started meditation with the 21 days of meditation challenge through covid lockdown.
I am extremely grateful every day for your continuous teachings ❤.
Thank you 🎉
Thank you🙏💖
Hawai’i is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
i don't mind your subject. but it is your voice that is soothing.... just hear any topic ... we feel relaxed... the magic..... blessing of divine god saraswathy.
saraswathy kadaaksham ... in sanskrit.. you are blessed
Gave me the first smile of my day. Thank you.
Just too beautiful meditation 🙏 your spiritual lesson and your soothing voice, mantra is helping with many peoples life. God Bless Dr. Chopra!
Great way to start my day...thank you❤️🙏🏻
Thank you so much for making this meditation available. It was just what I needed. I love your calm and soothing voice and your guidance. Namaste
Dr.Chopras Voice, Is Wonderful
Beautiful so peaceful brought back memories of when I moved through my days lighthearted and carefree. Thankyou
Same! My childhood was spent riding horses and I was flooded with memories of the sound and smell of the barn. It was a place I was truly happy and carefree.
Thank you so much! I’m learning that meditation is my friend.🙏❤️
Deepak ❤ My Saviour 🙏
So wonderful ❣️ Very soothing + relaxing
So happy I found this
Thank you Deepak. I have been listening to this at bedtime and it has helped me tremendously to fall asleep and feel contentment. Your voice is very soothing.
It begins at 4:50 if you wanna skip to there
Thank God there is someone here to do this channel!
Love this meditation feel so blissful
Much love deepak!!!
Hi. I hv been guided to this channel from my mental health counselor. Relaxing
I love your all medition. I was trying another medition since a year but i can't find help and i can't finished it. I was getting very bed mood, sleep, Energy as mom makes me very hard life and going to suicide through.When i find u books and medition i really find help. God blessed!
Its Never Too Late. I Just Gone Through This Meditation. Now A Days I M Going Through Some Unnecessary TOUGH Time Due To That ANXIETY Or UNCERTAINTY/NEGATIVE Vibes Distracting/Intervening In Taking DECISIONS. THANKS - NAMASTE. 🍁
Thank you for all the help and guidance you give to so many. I needed this. Worried about a course I'm in in grad school. Thank you for helping me relax and refocus. 💙
Morning everyone l am very pleased with this one .it makes me feel very grounded and to cope with. The day thank you .love. Sue
I adore this Meditation. It’s so Grounding & Timeless.✨
It’s been a pretty stressful few weeks for mr but meditation helps me finally relax more than sleep even.
Could not recommend more.
Infinite love and blessings for a beautiful meditation. You are one of my favourite all time Guru and mentor. Loooove all your teachings💟🙏🌍Stay blessed always ⭐😇🌟💞
Thanks Deepak for posting this most Beautiful and peaceful meditation video-your voice, music and lovely pics are breathtaking. Watching and listening while meditating brings much Peace, relaxation and awareness to myself and to many, many people all over the World. Prayers for you and for all ♥️🙏😊🥰
Gracias Deepak, contigo aprendí el camino de la meditación
Thank you so much. Namaste.
Wonderful. Thank you. Namaste
I keep coming back to this. ❤
Wonderful meditation.. I enjoy the Chopras' voice, sounds like a peace and armony for my soul... Thank a lot
Thank you very much, Mr.Deepak, You Are a Wonderful Person.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I really needed this today🙏🏻 Thank you so much Deepak. I love all your meditations. God bless you always 🙏🏻❤️
Hello Deepak, I am big fan, I love all your marvelous videos about meditation and focus, I have a trouble of stress and anxiety so I practice Yoga and meditation for getting peace and calm, I really appreciate it,you are a powerful inspiration, thank you very much, God bless you.
I really love you your voice keepping me to stay alivegreetings from Greece
listened to three meditation as I’ve been having stressful three weeks. This one’s was about the most calming. thank you! ❤ I routinely meditate before I star my day and at night. Thank for the mantra I will incorporate it in my daily activities ❤
This really helped me, thank you so much, I have suffered from depression and anxiety all of my life, but I have to keep at it, X
He gets FLUSHED.
I LOVE this video and the message. It's my "go to" whenever I am stressed. I share it with friends all the time.
Thank you, I was feeling anxiety over an upcoming surgery, this is just what I needed
Good luck with your upcoming surgery Pat. I can relate due to ongoing health issues and more tests etc. Release all anxiety and know that GOD is with you and will help to keep you strong and in the right mind set to get through your surgery and recovery and you will heal completely. Prayers for you and for all...many Blessings to all ♥️🙏😊🥰
I ❤ Deepak Chopra
Thank you. I greatly needed this ... made me feel calm and relaxed following a rough night of sleep due to GAD issues.
I have the same issue. I hope you are better today :)
Sat, Chit, Ananda ❤❤❤
Thank you. I do this every morning n it really helps
I meditate every day. This one is one i do everyday.
Namaste thank you
Thank you so much for this wonderful meditation. I feel more relaxed now and decided to do it all over again when I finished it. Keep carry on the good work. You are a Ray of sunshine in this world ! Namaste 🙏
Thank you so much for sharing this meditation.
That was so amazing thank you so much! I have such bad anxiety and this helped calm me. 🙏
Deepak jee, Thanks a lot for wonderful presentation on meditation..I am highly impressed by your perfection in pronunciation which offers True Satisfaction in Meditation.
I I am going out kinda late
I will send the updated updated key to my