Wow !! Sunrise and sunset are actually mentioned a lot in quran as holy times of prayer, glorifying, thanking ... etc It's very fortunate for you to have that 'mood' on those times. Salam
first versse is a miracle where the Persians defeated the Romans at the lowest points of the earth. Modern science has discovered that the lowest points on the earth are where that war took place. And the Qur'an has described that place"adna al'ard" What it means the lowest points on land .
What is so amazing is that you started the video talking about how you particularly enjoy reading the Quran in the sunrise and sunset time. And you literally read the verse (17) which says “Therfore Glorify Allah when you reach evening (sunset) and when you reach morning (sunrise). Destiny or what!?
Explaining the ayah (verse) in 12:00, "what your right hand posses" means slaves, so the parable is "if you don't expect your slaves to have a share of your wealth and even the thought of them sharing your money (willing or by force) doesn't even cross your mind, then how come it is OK for you to have someone be worshiped alongside Allah". So, in the parable, you have Allah compared with the Master, Idols and other gods compared with the slaves, Allah's kingdom and rule compared with the Master's money and properties
About 08:17 --- "the variations in your languages and your colours" يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّـهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ ﴿الحجرات: ١٣﴾ [49:13] O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware.
talking about verse no. 22: Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts and accomplishments". [Muslim].
God Bless You, seriously, it is truly amazing how you are interacting with the quran the exact same way a muslim would, for example the smiles and the "WOW"s at certain verses.
Wow you're truly smart. A great way to read and interpret. Kudos, may God bless you and all your efforts. I've really enjoyed listening to how you reflect on each verse. The anecdotal bits were also interesting. Good job.
Sister Milahan i have just an advice in this Friday. If you find in your heart that it is the truth you should not hesitate to follow the light and prounounce Shahada and get yourself to the safe side and you continue seeking for Knowledge as well at the end we all are learning until the last Moment 😊 👍🏼
That the most beautiful part of the Quran each Ayat can be meaningful in a different way for each person. And Subhan Allah each Ayat touch us reverted in a different way. I cry when it talk about surah al Maryam when the prophet Zakaria allahy Salam starts by asking Allah for a son and he say I never had been sad in making dua to you Allah. It touch me so badly I cry cry. When she giving birth to I love it the shaking of the palm tree date :) I love dates more because of Maryam story :)
This is how it was translated (Ar-Rum 30:28) He sets forth for you a parable from your ownselves:Do you have partners among those whom your right hand possess (i.e your slaves) to share as equals in the wealth we have bestowed on you whom you fear as you fear each other? Thus do we explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense. Allah is basically saying in this verse: How do you join to us partners of that which we created,while you for yourselves will not accept partner's from your slaves?
0:42 The word used is ادنى الارض Which means the lowest place on earth (the valley of the dead sea - 400 meters below sea level). And recently, it has been discovered that the lowest exposed land on earth is at the dead sea shore. This chapter was revealed because the pagan Arabs used to mock Muslims because Persians defeated the Romans to the point they sieged its capital, Constantinople. And they thought that the Roman empire will never rise again!
I really recommend you read ‘The Clear Quran’ by Mustafa Khattab. It is the most accurate and recent Quran translation yet, and it was created with the purpose of fixing errors made in previous Quran translations
There's no best translation than by Muhsin Khan. Where he relates one verses to another by interconnecting for better understanding and also he adds a little story to the bottom on each page related to verses from Tafsir Ibn Katheer. And most importantly the words he uses are simple amazing
What make the difference between a man and another in the eyes of God is his righteousness (faith and deeds) not his color: Sura 49:13: "O people! We created you from a male and a female, and made you races and tribes, that you may know one another. The best among you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous." The Prophete peace upon him said: ""There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."
That what Allah say read morning and at Magrib ;) lol you are amazing MashaAllah:) love the fact that you covered your hair :) that so respectful to the word of Allah ;)
The verses may not be speaking directly about the Romans but for example 13:20 "those who split up their religion and become mere sects" sounds very much like the disease that afflicted the Roman Empire when the Catholic and Orthodox churches split the empire. It is like a warning from Allah to the muslims not to repeat their mistake.
Yes, but we made those mistakes . The prophet- sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - has predicted that this will happen to his community , he said:" The jews split into 71 sects: one will enter paradise and 70 enter hell. The christians split into 72 sects: 71 will enter hell and one will enter paradise. By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, my ummah will split into 73 sects : one will enter paradise and 72 will enter hell (abu Dawud, Tirmidzi). In another hadith he- sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - said : " My ummah will divide into 73 sects ,all of them will be in the fire except one , and that is the jama'ah" . It was said , "and wiho are they, O Allah's messenger? " He responded , " that which i and my companions are upon" So a clever man will try do be of the this group/ sect that goes to paradise.
In this surah, Allah tell us the knowledge men and their Creator has. From, the beginning of human creation to the hereafter. This surah is tells many events that will happen in the future in important stage of life for individuals in the world and in the hereafter: *Ar Ruum 30:7* *_They know but the outer_*_ (things) _*_in the life of this world_*_ but of the End of things they are heedless._ *Ar Ruum. **30:29* _Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, _*_being devoid of knowledge_*_ . But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers._
Mashaallah, you are amazing daughter and clever God bless you and guide you to straight path. 💐 The best after minutes 13:35 who know I want know. Excellent.
Allah comes to the lower heavens during the night until the morning. we even pray at night time because Allah is actually coming closer to you to listen to what you want. this could be why you like reading when the sun is going down or coming up, perhaps you feel more connected
12:40 Dr. Mustafa Khattab He sets forth for you an example ˹drawn˺ from your own lives: would you allow some of those ˹bondspeople˺ in your possession to be your equal partners in whatever ˹wealth˺ We have provided you, keeping them in mind as you are mindful of your peers? This is how We make the signs clear for people who understand.
This chapter has one of the historical miracles because the Persians were way stronger than the Romans and the Persian thought, nobody will be able to defeat them, so in 9 years or so the table is turned around. What is so funny is that the Muslims used to say to the arab pagans, that the Persian empire will collapse and they would laugh at them. What is so amazing is that Allah is showing us that dont underestimate the poor ones because Both empires later own underestimated the Muslims because they had nothing. But later own the Muslims took down both empires at the same time. Remember, the Roam empire was like Russia and America of today compared to the Arabs. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Madina used to say to his followers, ye are going to conquer the roman empire and Persian empire and some of the hypocrites would laugh at him but later own Khalid Ibn al-Walid took down both of them in one battle. Any human being who loves history can see that the way that the Muslims been able to take down both empires was almost impossible. What does this teach today? It teaches us, don't feel happy with your power because when the poor people rise they will take you down. And this is really a message to the American government and those tyrant goverments who use the weak for their interest. The real question How did prophet Muhammed peace be upon him knew that the Romans will defeat the Persians in that period of time(the exact period) I will give you another one. Prophet Muhammed said: ye Muslims will conquer Constantinople(Turkey), later own Turkey is a muslim country If you Told you that a country in Africa one day it will defeat America you would say, "You are mad" but if you look through the history empires thought the are undefeatable but all of the sudden they became in the history book. The Quran always reminds you to not think that you have power because Pharao thought he had power till God sent him Moses to take care of him.
Regarding the verse which talks about what your right hand posses, allah Almighty presents an example for those who Allah gave them servants/wealth, asking if they would share their ownership of the wealth and servants which allah provided for them. This exemplifies allahs oness and presents a logical argument for there being only one God. Praise be to God who makes his signs evident through this book.
Right hands posses is someone dependent on you financially, someone you sponsor in other words. In the context of the Quran, right hands possessions are the orphans dependent on the Muslims that have sponsored them.
Since you like Rome, and since you're also interested in military strategies and tactics judging by you reading "The Art of War" I recommend you also read "The Sword of Allah, Khalid Bin Al-Waleed: His Life and Campaigns" by A. I. Akram, I've read this one recently, and to put it mildly it was EPIC!! Khalid was one of the companions of the Prophet pbuh, and he (alongside Hannibal) is my favorite military general of all time. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Peace!
@@waferification after thinking about it for a moment I guess it would be better to read it after finishing the sealed nectar, it would be confusing the other way around, since most of the important events happen after the death of the Prophet pbuh, it would be like reading "The Return of the King" before the fellowship! xD
@@SP1435exe i don't agree here .. she want to understand islam and learn about it. let her start with the basic books after that she can move on with more than basics books. even muslims usually don't read what you ask her to read !
Khalid Alaryani Dude, this is basically what I said. This book covers an entirely different field, it's more of a military history book rather than a religion one, it's the biography of Khalid from a "military" perspective and a study of the battles he fought. This is literally a military biography book for one of the greatest generals of all time, that's why I said if one was interested in Roman history or military history in general he/she would definitely love it. Anyway if you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend it.. Peace, brother!
This Sura is named after the mention of the Romans in the first verse. At the time the Roman empire had been defeated by the Persians and the polytheists of Makkah who used to identify with the Persians, who were polytheists as well, used to mock the Muslims who used to side with the Romans who were Christian and monotheistic. They treated this defeat of the Romans as the victory of polytheism over monotheism and used to make fun of the Muslims. Allah came to the aid of the Muslims at the time and boosted their morale by making a prediction that within a period of less than 10 years the Romans will win again. Abu Bakr (RA), one of the first Muslims and the closest friend of the Prophet (pbuh) was so confident in the Quran's prediction that he made a bet of a 100 camels with a polytheist that the Romans will be victorious again. At the time the prohibition against betting had not been introduced in Islam. Exactly as had been predicted in the Quran, the Romans defeated the Persian empire and Abu Bakr (RA) collected on his bet.
Hi I applaud and appreciate what you're doing and I see how you're seeking knowledge. For this reason I would recommend getting a copy of The Study Qur'an written in part by Hossein Nasr - who is also a philosophy professor I believe - where he collates and explains various commentary of the Holy Qur'an I think you would appreciate the background knowledge
Had the Romans didn't win, the whole Islamic message would've been in jeopardy. But since they did, this increases the Quran's credibility. Yet another prophecy came true.
Your statement about less being said about the Roman empire. The Quran always uses things happening around whether its the defeat of the Romans, the spider, the ant...anything to establish a point. That point always goes back to the BELIEVE IN GOD, Paradise and Hell. Even the most detailed of stories, the chapter of Joseph, Q12 ends by using the story as means to remind us of the ultimate goal.
Salaam, I wrote a pretty long post here about what you are saying , yes Allah subhanahu does not provide details about past generations that he destroyed. It's about pondering and reflecting about those stories so a person may take heed, that's the important thing and reason for revelation in the first place .It's about wisdom and becoming wise,not collecting information about historical details which do not provide much of wisdom .Quran(2:141): That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned ,and you of what you earn. And you will NOT BE ASKED OF WHAT THEY USED TO DO.
The first few verses was a prophecy and it unfolded exactly afterwards. The two superpowers of the time, Persia and Rome were always entangled with war at this time, the Persians who were fire worshippers won. The believers in Arabia were naturally inclined to support the Roman empire who were Christians.
The chapter names in Quran isn't a topic on which that chapters talks... to distinguish one chapter from another prophet named each chapter. Like "the cow" (It means.. The chapter which mentions cow) "The spider" (Chapter that mentions spider) "Rum" (Chapter that mentions rum) "Maryam" (Chapter that mentions maryam) "The ant" (Chapter that mentions ant) And so on.......
The Quran is not a book of history or a book of tales, it tells us segments of stories or historical events to teach us wisdom and the methodology of thinking, or to point our attention to certain important things, so while we won't find a history of the roman empire in this surah, what we find is a refutation of the main problems that the modern current version of the roman empire (the western civilization of today led by the US), so one must look at the whole of the subjects addressed in this surah to understand why it was called Rum. I'll give you some examples of this: Verse 7 talks about people who have knowledge about a portion of the apparent material world while they are oblivious to spiritual life or the hereafter, just like the technologically advanced western civilization that is ignorant of other aspects of spiritual and social life but thinks it knows everything while it crumbles socially and spiritually. Verse 9 is a reference to their arrogance that stems from their military might and material wealth, but don't they see that previous civilizations were stronger and wealthier still they all came to an end. Verse 21 talks about relationships and is a reference to the current corruption of the marriage bond and family life by the western civilization. Verse 22 talks dresses racism and nationalism which are one of the major sicknesses of the western civilization. Verse 32 addresses the split of the christian religion to different sects each are believing that they are the best and are happy with what they have. Verse 39 talks about usury and interest which is one of the major sicknesses of the western civilization. Verse 41 talks about the corruption in the land and the sea that is caused by humans, pollution is an aspect of that, and no other civilization has ever corrupted the earth like the western civilization.
@Milahan PhilosophersCorner *Greetings to you, I like the way you said "I want to Know ......* Nice one! There are four causes of infidelity and loss of belief in Allah: hankering after whims, a passion to dispute every argument, deviation from truth; and dissension, because whoever hankers after whims does not incline towards truth; whoever keeps on disputing every argument on account of his ignorance, will always remain blind to truth, whoever deviates from truth because of ignorance, will always take good for evil and evil for good and he will always remain intoxicated with misguidance. And whoever makes a breach (with Allah and His Messenger) his path becomes difficult, his affairs will become complicated and his way to salvation will be uncertain. Similarly, doubt has also four aspects absurd reasoning; fear; vacillation and hesitation; and unreasonable surrender to infidelity, because one who has accustomed himself to unreasonable and absurd discussions will never see the Light of Truth and will always live in the darkness of ignorance. One who is afraid to face facts (of life, death and the life after death) will always turn away from ultimate reality, one who allows doubts and uncertainties to vacillate him will always be under the control of Satan and one who surrenders himself to infidelity accepts damnation in both the worlds. For more click below
The description of earth being dead and then God makes it alive is symbolic. The earth is dead when you do not see plants growing and animals moving.. Etc like a desert after a drout period. However, when God sends rain to this lifeless eath you start to see plants growing (by the way some plants seeds can stay years inside the soil until rain comes and then they florish) and animals appearing... Now we say the earth becomes a live again
11:51 It was an example from their own lives since slavery was common at that time. It means you wouldn't accept having slaves or people working for you as partners who would share your wealth and power with you, then how you accept having partners with god when you don't accept it for yourself! It's important to mention that Quraysh believed in God (Allah) but the problem was having partners (idols) who they praised and worshipped as middlemen to Allah, that's why you'll find people named Abdullah (worshipper of Allah) even before the start of Islam. So there are two kinds of people who aren't Muslims, people who worshiped someone along with god either as another god or as a middleman, and people who don't believe in god at all.
Promise of Allah. Very power full line. Once I collected all the promises of Allah told in Quran And told by Muhammad pbuh. Make a list you will be amazed that all the promises if memorized and keep on remind daily. No person can suffer any mental sickness e.g depression. It is only my experiment this above experiment is nothing to do with any molvi or sect. Although it is true for the whole Quran but I only tried for the promises of Allah only.
Imagine sister... We just like dust in this universe... So small...worthless ...and I can't imagine how many people in this earth so arrogant in front his Creator...I hope Allah make us not in side this people... I pray for you and all people who search the truth ... Sorry for my bad english
5:00 that means looks at Serengeti rivers dry out plants nearby death mass migrations of animal because lack of food than its allah who sends down the rain which gives life. surah waqia
The muslims loved the romans to win over the Persian because they were the peoe of the book they are more closer than the persian ... So Allah revealed those first verses when the romans were defited badly and now one thought they will come back and win .. so allah said the romans will win after a few years and the belivers( muslims) will be happy with the victory ..
Sister, first verse has aprediction in it about the roman christians beinng defeated by the percians near the dead sea,the lowest part of earth and after sometime romans taking over the percians.muslims will rejoice at christians being victorious as being the people of the book.,hence the name of the sura.
Having expelled the Persians from Anatolia in 612, Heraclius launched a major counter-offensive in Syria in 613. He was decisively defeated,... and the Roman position collapsed. Over the following decade Persians were able to conquer Egypt. Late in 627, Heraclius launched a winter offensive into Mesopotamia, where he defeated the Persians at the Battle of Nineveh
شي عجيب في هذه الاخت كلما تحدثت في شيء جاءها مصداق كلامها من ايات الله انظرو الى بداية كلامها حينما قالت انها تحب قراءة القران في اول الصباح وايضا حين المساء عندما تنتهي من اعمالها وجاءت اية في بنفس سياق كلامها 3:36 وانا الاحظ هذا الشيء كثيرا يحدث مع هذه الاخت الكريمة
What I understood from these verses 1- We should not follow blindly, we should use our intellect, reason, and mediation to know the truth. And to realize that this universe was not created as a Joke or as a game ! 2- we should be humble and discard Narcissism. 3- If we saw a ruin of a city that was destroyed by a “natural disaster”, we should look deeper into that city to know why it was destroyed “Thamud and Pompeii for example” . 4- An example of resurrection is a dry land in the summer that will be full of life after the winter season. 5- If we saw thunder, we should glorify God, because we don’t know what the clouds are carrying (rain, flood or storm). 6- Another example on the one God : Does it make sense to interview an employee at Microsoft and give him the credit instead of Bill Gates ! 7- Each nation is proud of itself Everyone is saying “I am a patriot to my country, my sect, my ideology. And our way of life is the best one” and then, they will point to other nations in an inferior way !
In explanation of "brings to life the earth after its lifeless ness. " Just like the earth in the desert is like lifeless and after rain, it will become full of color and creatures and you really smell life.
( 28 ) He presents to you an example from yourselves. Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein [and] would fear them as your fear of one another [within a partnership]? Thus do We detail the verses for a people who use reason. 30:28) He sets forth* for you a parable from your own lives. Do you have among your slaves some who share with you the sustenance that We have bestowed on you so that you become equals in it, all being alike, and then you would hold them in fear as you fear each other?** Thus do We make plain the Signs for those who use reason. * In the forgoing section, arguments have been given both for Tauhid and for the Hereafter; now the discourse turns to only Tauhid. ** The mushriks, even after admitting that Allah is the Creator and Master of the earth and heavens and all that they contain, held some of His creatures as associates in His attributes and powers, and prayed to them, presented offerings and performed rites of worship before them. Their belief regarding their self-made associates is found in the words of the Talbih that they used to pronounce while going round the Ka'bah. They said: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am in Thy presence! Thou hast no partner except the partner who is Thy own. Thou art his owner as well as owner of what he owns." (Tabarani on the authority Ibn 'Abbas) AIlah has refuted this kind of shirk in this verse. The argument is to this effect: "When you do not make your own slaves partners in your wealth, how do you think and believe that Allah will make His creatures partners in His Godhead?"
'Rum' means NOT the Roman empire in Italy it was the Constantinople now called Istanbul, before broke way into two parts. The city build by Constantin. Because when the Quran was revealed at that time there was no Roman in Vatican. So Allah speaking about a Christian people who will be victorious two times by Allah's helps and Muslims rejoice and celebrate their victory because they are friends of each other. That one victory comes in the life times of prophet Muhammad pbuh. So they have yet another victory to come. Most certainly this people are Orthodox Christians, today leads by Russia. Quran tells us lots of things about orthodox Christians in many verses of the Quran. I hope you will understand.
(30:28) He sets forth ** for you a parable from your own lives. Do you have among your slaves some who share with you the sustenance that We have bestowed on you so that you become equals in it, all being alike, and then you would hold them in fear as you fear each other? *** Thus do We make plain the Signs for those who use reason. Explana: **) In the forgoing section, arguments have been given both for Tauhid and for the Hereafter; now the discourse turns to only Tauhid. ***) The mushriks, even after admitting that Allah is the Creator and Master of the earth and heavens and all that they contain, held some of His creatures as associates in His attributes and powers, and prayed to them, presented offerings and performed rites of worship before them. Their belief regarding their self-made associates is found in the words of the Talbih that they used to pronounce while going round the Ka'bah. They said: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am in Thy presence! Thou hast no partner except the partner who is Thy own. Thou art his owner as well as owner of what he owns." (Tabarani on the authority Ibn 'Abbas) AIlah has refuted this kind of shirk in this verse. The argument is to this effect: "When you do not make your own slaves partners in your wealth, how do you think and believe that Allah will make His creatures partners in His Godhead?" (For further details, see E.N. 62 of An-Nahl).
The first verse is a scientific miracle. The quran clearly states that persia defeated rome in the lowest of the land. But the translation you have is not exact since it said in a land near by. The correct translation is in the lowest of the land which is an area in the dead sea in jordan my country.
12:27 This is the explanation : God has set an example for you - polytheists - taken from yourselves: Do you have a servant and your money who is a partner who shares your wealth with you together, you are afraid to share your money with you just as some of you fear his free partner to divide money with him? Are you satisfied with your slaves by this? There is no doubt that you will not be satisfied with this, for God is more precious than not having a partner in his possession of his creatures and slaves, similar to that of the parable of proverbs, as well as explaining the arguments and proofs by diversifying them to people who are reasonable, because they are the ones who benefit from this.
Fun fact when the quran said muslim will be rejoicing it’s not because romans won But rather the roman battle happened at the same time muslims won thier first battle aginst wuraish which is why they were rejoicing another miracle
The right hand possess are those who you taking care or your workers/employments... in the west the term "slaves" is negative. So your obligation is feed them, pay them, taking care of them untill they have capable of taking care themselves then free them, however if we free them without preparation of education, the society will see them as slaves due to their mindset
3:48 verse 19 From this verse I learnt not to judge people based on where they are from or what their parents are. Because good could come from within evil and verse versa. I believe that Allah in this verse resembled evil with the dead and good with the living. A thought to share :D
This is just an interpretation of the verse which you were unsure about.. This is the parable Allah makes of the idolators, those who worship others besides Him and attribute partners to Him, while at the same time admitting that these so-called partners -- idols and false gods -- are enslaved to and belong to Him. In their Talbiyah (during Hajj and 'Umrah they used to say, "At Your service, You have no partner except the partner that You have, You own Him and whatever he owns.'' (He sets forth for you a parable from yourselves) "something which you yourselves can see witness, and understand." (Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you...) "None of you would like to have his servant as a partner in his wealth, each of them having an equal share." (whom you fear as you fear each other.) "You fear that they will have a share in your wealth with you." Abu Mijlaz said, "You do not fear that your servant will have a share in your wealth, because he has no such right; similarly, Allah has no partner." The point is, that since any one of you would abhor such a thing, how can you attribute rivals to Allah from among His creation At-Tabarani recorded that Ibn 'Abbas said, "The people of Shirk used to say in their Talbiyah, "At Your service, You have no partner except the partner that You have, You own Him and whatever he owns." Then Allah revealed the words: (Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you, whom you fear as you fear each other) If humans have this characteristic, this parable shows that it is even less befitting for Allah to have a partner. (Thus do We explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense.) Then Allah points out that when the idolators worship others instead of Him, doing so out of their own folly and ignorance... (Source qtafsir)
-----Muhammad Sarwar----- God has told you this parable about yourselves: Could your slaves share your wealth equally with you and could you fear them as you fear yourselves? Thus, do We clarify the evidence (of the truth) for the people of understanding. -----Yusuf Ali----- He does propound to you a similitude from your own (experience): do ye have partners among those whom your right hands possess, to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you? Do ye fear them as ye fear each other? Thus do we explain the Signs in detail to a people that understand. Al-Quran - Surah 30 - Ar-Room - Ayah 28
Yes Milahan, no details about the Roman empire in the Noble Quran . One of the characteristics of the Quran is that it doesn't provide details about past empires that God has destroyed like history books do. The main reason for that is the fact that the Quran points out that the importance for us humans lies in reflecting ,pondering about those past generations so that we may take heed from it. Take for instance the Egyptians to whom Moses was sent, despite the frequent mentioning of that story from his different angles, God provides almost no details about their daily lives and activities. And if He does so,then for a wise reason and as such it's no longer a detail in fact. Quran(14:52) : This is a Message for mankind , in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is the Only God , and that men of understanding may take HEED. Quran (38:29): This is a Book which We have send down to you , full of blessings, that they may PONDER over its Verses ,and that MEN OF UNDERSTANDING may REMEMBER. Also is this a kind of punishment for those past generations, do you not see that God not even once has mentioned 1 good thing about those whom He destroyed, despite the fact that every community/nation must have done at least some good ,especially in the field of the human sciences, the field of construction, medicine, art, etc. But because of their disbelief and polytheism, everything of good they did was in vain, moreover it's not even considered as any good at all as its foundation was not monotheism, Quran(25:23) And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did , and shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust. The Quran is the way to become wise in the real meaning of its word, and this is something completely else than collecting information about past events and their details, Quran(36:2) : By the Quran Full Of Wisdom. The goal of a human's life can be summarised as the following, regardless of their religion and fate: acquiring as much good(physical and mental) and eliminating as much bad (physical and mental), that's the human nature. Of course, " earthy souls" will restict this only to this present life ,while " enlightened/ heavenly souls" will take the hereafter all so in account. And yes true wisdom is the bearing of small discomfort if by that bigger discomfort can be eliminated,the more if this discomfort is enormous and everlasting. In Islam wisdom, and as such a man's journey starts with monotheism ( and not with doubting like the philosophers say),hence that besides the frequent mentioning of God being the only god who deserves worship explicitly in the Quran,are most of the parables also about affirmation of God's oneness and disapproval of polytheism. The parable of the spider-house in the previous chapter was of this kind ,how could it be else if the verse clearly says: The likeness of those who take protectors/false deities other than Allah is the likeness of a spider......,and also in this chapter is the parable of this kind as a lot have justly explained here in the comment section. But historical details,which is the domain of historians is fine,but it will not produce much of wisdom, Quran(2:141): That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned , and you of what you earn .AND YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED OF WHAT THEY USED TO DO.
Dear sister you have to do some research concerning the Roman Empire specially the year 1054 the war happened and the division of the church into catholic leaded by Pope of Rome and Orthodox lead by Russians
Verse 28, you had a little struggle to understand that 😅 so it means Allah has made an example of yourself, 'DO YOU GUYS LIKE FOR SOMEONE TO SHARE WITH YOU YOUR WEALTH LIKE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE OR OTHER ASSETS OR EVEN YOUR CHILDREN?' As such, Allah doesn't like for you to make a share for someone Allah's belongings like to worship, supplications... Allah knows best.
See a chapter talks about the roman .. from god in his book .. And no other empire where named as a chapter .. The Quran is more closer to the people of the book then us ..
With regard to verse 28 in which I noticed that you are strugling in understanding it I will just try to simplify it. In the time of the prophet slavery was common. God here gives an example to those who posses slaves and he asks them: do you accept that your slaves are your partners in the wealth you have... Surely not. So how come that you accept to make partners to God and he is the owner of you and your slaves... Do not you have common sense
Those "your right hand possesses", are servants and slaves. The Qur'an doesn't totally abolish slavery and treats it like a continuous fact of life. There is great good in releasing a slave and is a required form of penance to make up for some sins. However, the Qur'an behaves like the slaves one has are not just property, but potential spouses for men, and siblings. One has to treat them as well as he would treat himself or his own blood.
BTW the fact that rum will make a comeback is the first prediction made by the Qur'an a few years ahead of it's time
Which came true.
Everyone is missing the fact that this blessed sister is simply sharing her experiences with the Quran. She is pure hearted. Bless you dear sister.
Wow !!
Sunrise and sunset are actually mentioned a lot in quran as holy times of prayer, glorifying, thanking ... etc
It's very fortunate for you to have that 'mood' on those times.
True, when she was saying the same thinking came into mind.
first versse is a miracle where the Persians defeated the Romans at the lowest points of the earth. Modern science has discovered that the lowest points on the earth are where that war took place. And the Qur'an has described that place"adna al'ard" What it means the lowest points on land .
@Mohammad K Sorry I made a mistake Thanks for the correction
@Mohammad K جزاك الله خيراً يا أخي
There are historic and scientific facts in those verses. Can you find it ?
Not the first verse though
which battle was it ? were they lost against the persians
I was driving while listening to you . Thank you.
What is so amazing is that you started the video talking about how you particularly enjoy reading the Quran in the sunrise and sunset time. And you literally read the verse (17) which says “Therfore Glorify Allah when you reach evening (sunset) and when you reach morning (sunrise). Destiny or what!?
cool sign😁😁
Explaining the ayah (verse) in 12:00, "what your right hand posses" means slaves, so the parable is "if you don't expect your slaves to have a share of your wealth and even the thought of them sharing your money (willing or by force) doesn't even cross your mind, then how come it is OK for you to have someone be worshiped alongside Allah". So, in the parable, you have Allah compared with the Master, Idols and other gods compared with the slaves, Allah's kingdom and rule compared with the Master's money and properties
I was about to explain this passage for her, then I saw this comment, we'll done.
Did you just make up this parable ? I don't see any basis for it.
About 08:17 --- "the variations in your languages and your colours"
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا
إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّـهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ ﴿الحجرات: ١٣﴾
O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and
have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know
one another.
Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one
who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing,
I suddenly like this vid when you said “ when people dont read a book then talk about it “
Late night and morning are when Allah (swt) is in the first heaven 🙂
I love your commentaries when you read some verses,
i like reading
God Almighty has spoken the truth
i love the way you smile and underline :) im really enjoying your commentary!
Have u noticed that this verse goes along with what u said earlier???
That u enjoyed reading the quran in the morning or when the sun sets 😊
wow... cool
Where the sun set?
talking about verse no. 22:
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts and accomplishments".
God Bless You, seriously, it is truly amazing how you are interacting with the quran the exact same way a muslim would, for example the smiles and the "WOW"s at certain verses.
Wow you're truly smart. A great way to read and interpret. Kudos, may God bless you and all your efforts. I've really enjoyed listening to how you reflect on each verse. The anecdotal bits were also interesting. Good job.
Sister Milahan i have just an advice in this Friday. If you find in your heart that it is the truth you should not hesitate to follow the light and prounounce Shahada and get yourself to the safe side and you continue seeking for Knowledge as well at the end we all are learning until the last Moment 😊 👍🏼
That the most beautiful part of the Quran each Ayat can be meaningful in a different way for each person. And Subhan Allah each Ayat touch us reverted in a different way. I cry when it talk about surah al Maryam when the prophet Zakaria allahy Salam starts by asking Allah for a son and he say I never had been sad in making dua to you Allah. It touch me so badly I cry cry. When she giving birth to I love it the shaking of the palm tree date :) I love dates more because of Maryam story :)
This is how it was translated (Ar-Rum 30:28) He sets forth for you a parable from your ownselves:Do you have partners among those whom your right hand possess (i.e your slaves) to share as equals in the wealth we have bestowed on you whom you fear as you fear each other? Thus do we explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense.
Allah is basically saying in this verse: How do you join to us partners of that which we created,while you for yourselves will not accept partner's from your slaves?
The word used is ادنى الارض
Which means the lowest place on earth (the valley of the dead sea - 400 meters below sea level).
And recently, it has been discovered that the lowest exposed land on earth is at the dead sea shore.
This chapter was revealed because the pagan Arabs used to mock Muslims because Persians defeated the Romans to the point they sieged its capital, Constantinople.
And they thought that the Roman empire will never rise again!
Thanks for make video my Sister 🧕💎🤝💮🌺🌻🌻🌼🌸😍
I ENJOYED it..! Peace be upon you..!
more plz 😍
I really recommend you read ‘The Clear Quran’ by Mustafa Khattab. It is the most accurate and recent Quran translation yet, and it was created with the purpose of fixing errors made in previous Quran translations
There's no best translation than by Muhsin Khan. Where he relates one verses to another by interconnecting for better understanding and also he adds a little story to the bottom on each page related to verses from Tafsir Ibn Katheer. And most importantly the words he uses are simple amazing
Mysterious Drifter Mustafa Khattab does all that and even more. Muhsin Khan adds too much detail in brackets which interrupts the flow of the text
What make the difference between a man and another in the eyes of God is his righteousness (faith and deeds) not his color:
Sura 49:13: "O people! We created you from a male and a female, and made you races and tribes, that you may know one another. The best among you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous."
The Prophete peace upon him said: ""There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."
Nice video
That what Allah say read morning and at Magrib ;) lol you are amazing MashaAllah:) love the fact that you covered your hair :) that so respectful to the word of Allah ;)
The verses may not be speaking directly about the Romans but for example 13:20 "those who split up their religion and become mere sects" sounds very much like the disease that afflicted the Roman Empire when the Catholic and Orthodox churches split the empire. It is like a warning from Allah to the muslims not to repeat their mistake.
Yes, but we made those mistakes . The prophet- sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - has predicted that this will happen to his community , he said:" The jews split into 71 sects: one will enter paradise and 70 enter hell. The christians split into 72 sects: 71 will enter hell and one will enter paradise. By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, my ummah will split into 73 sects : one will enter paradise and 72 will enter hell (abu Dawud, Tirmidzi). In another hadith he- sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - said : " My ummah will divide into 73 sects ,all of them will be in the fire except one , and that is the jama'ah" . It was said , "and wiho are they, O Allah's messenger? " He responded , " that which i and my companions are upon"
So a clever man will try do be of the this group/ sect that goes to paradise.
@@dannydebruin4090 Yes, brother. "sadaqa rasool Allah" (The prophet peace be upon him spoke the truth.)
In this surah, Allah tell us the knowledge men and their Creator has. From, the beginning of human creation to the hereafter. This surah is tells many events that will happen in the future in important stage of life for individuals in the world and in the hereafter:
*Ar Ruum 30:7*
*_They know but the outer_*_ (things) _*_in the life of this world_*_ but of the End of things they are heedless._
*Ar Ruum. **30:29*
_Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, _*_being devoid of knowledge_*_ . But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers._
Mashaallah, you are amazing daughter and clever God bless you and guide you to straight path. 💐 The best after minutes 13:35 who know I want know. Excellent.
One of the meanings of being dead is to be completed dry without any drop, like seeds in desert then comes to life again
Allah comes to the lower heavens during the night until the morning. we even pray at night time because Allah is actually coming closer to you to listen to what you want. this could be why you like reading when the sun is going down or coming up, perhaps you feel more connected
Sister, the dead land is about when the seasons change and plants die and then Allah brings it back to life
In the last verse talkes about slaves. It says do you share your belongings with your slave afraid of him?
Dr. Mustafa Khattab
He sets forth for you an example ˹drawn˺ from your own lives: would you allow some of those ˹bondspeople˺ in your possession to be your equal partners in whatever ˹wealth˺ We have provided you, keeping them in mind as you are mindful of your peers? This is how We make the signs clear for people who understand.
You can see that Allah is having a personal conversation with you. When I read it, he's having a personal conversation with me.
You right. Don’t judge a book by it cover!
This chapter has one of the historical miracles because the Persians were way stronger than the Romans and the Persian thought, nobody will be able to defeat them, so in 9 years or so the table is turned around.
What is so funny is that the Muslims used to say to the arab pagans, that the Persian empire will collapse and they would laugh at them.
What is so amazing is that Allah is showing us that dont underestimate the poor ones because Both empires later own underestimated the Muslims because they had nothing. But later own the Muslims took down both empires at the same time.
Remember, the Roam empire was like Russia and America of today compared to the Arabs.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Madina used to say to his followers, ye are going to conquer the roman empire and Persian empire and some of the hypocrites would laugh at him but later own Khalid Ibn al-Walid took down both of them in one battle.
Any human being who loves history can see that the way that the Muslims been able to take down both empires was almost impossible.
What does this teach today?
It teaches us, don't feel happy with your power because when the poor people rise they will take you down.
And this is really a message to the American government and those tyrant goverments who use the weak for their interest.
The real question
How did prophet Muhammed peace be upon him knew that the Romans will defeat the Persians in that period of time(the exact period)
I will give you another one.
Prophet Muhammed said: ye Muslims will conquer Constantinople(Turkey), later own Turkey is a muslim country
If you Told you that a country in Africa one day it will defeat America you would say, "You are mad" but if you look through the history empires thought the are undefeatable but all of the sudden they became in the history book.
The Quran always reminds you to not think that you have power because Pharao thought he had power till God sent him Moses to take care of him.
Regarding the verse which talks about what your right hand posses, allah Almighty presents an example for those who Allah gave them servants/wealth, asking if they would share their ownership of the wealth and servants which allah provided for them. This exemplifies allahs oness and presents a logical argument for there being only one God. Praise be to God who makes his signs evident through this book.
Right hands posses is someone dependent on you financially, someone you sponsor in other words.
In the context of the Quran, right hands possessions are the orphans dependent on the Muslims that have sponsored them.
Quran and hadeeth are completing together like Roman Empire's history. Quran is a message from Allah. Hadeeth is saying of prophet Muhammad scw.
The stages of Iman
Right hand posess means "your servants ,employees, slaves" etc
Since you like Rome, and since you're also interested in military strategies and tactics judging by you reading "The Art of War" I recommend you also read "The Sword of Allah, Khalid Bin Al-Waleed: His Life and Campaigns" by A. I. Akram, I've read this one recently, and to put it mildly it was EPIC!! Khalid was one of the companions of the Prophet pbuh, and he (alongside Hannibal) is my favorite military general of all time.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I would also like to hear her read this book
@@waferification after thinking about it for a moment I guess it would be better to read it after finishing the sealed nectar, it would be confusing the other way around, since most of the important events happen after the death of the Prophet pbuh, it would be like reading "The Return of the King" before the fellowship! xD
@@SP1435exe Yes, agreed
@@SP1435exe i don't agree here .. she want to understand islam and learn about it. let her start with the basic books after that she can move on with more than basics books. even muslims usually don't read what you ask her to read !
Khalid Alaryani Dude, this is basically what I said. This book covers an entirely different field, it's more of a military history book rather than a religion one, it's the biography of Khalid from a "military" perspective and a study of the battles he fought. This is literally a military biography book for one of the greatest generals of all time, that's why I said if one was interested in Roman history or military history in general he/she would definitely love it. Anyway if you haven't read it yet, I strongly recommend it..
Peace, brother!
This Sura is named after the mention of the Romans in the first verse. At the time the Roman empire had been defeated by the Persians and the polytheists of Makkah who used to identify with the Persians, who were polytheists as well, used to mock the Muslims who used to side with the Romans who were Christian and monotheistic. They treated this defeat of the Romans as the victory of polytheism over monotheism and used to make fun of the Muslims. Allah came to the aid of the Muslims at the time and boosted their morale by making a prediction that within a period of less than 10 years the Romans will win again.
Abu Bakr (RA), one of the first Muslims and the closest friend of the Prophet (pbuh) was so confident in the Quran's prediction that he made a bet of a 100 camels with a polytheist that the Romans will be victorious again. At the time the prohibition against betting had not been introduced in Islam.
Exactly as had been predicted in the Quran, the Romans defeated the Persian empire and Abu Bakr (RA) collected on his bet.
Hi I applaud and appreciate what you're doing and I see how you're seeking knowledge. For this reason I would recommend getting a copy of The Study Qur'an written in part by Hossein Nasr - who is also a philosophy professor I believe - where he collates and explains various commentary of the Holy Qur'an I think you would appreciate the background knowledge
Keep it up sis...
Had the Romans didn't win, the whole Islamic message would've been in jeopardy. But since they did, this increases the Quran's credibility. Yet another prophecy came true.
The right hand-thing (ma malalat aymanukum) refers to slave or prisoner of war.
Your statement about less being said about the Roman empire.
The Quran always uses things happening around whether its the defeat of the Romans, the spider, the ant...anything to establish a point. That point always goes back to the BELIEVE IN GOD, Paradise and Hell. Even the most detailed of stories, the chapter of Joseph, Q12 ends by using the story as means to remind us of the ultimate goal.
Abdulmalik Suleiman
Best comment . 💯
I wrote a pretty long post here about what you are saying , yes Allah subhanahu does not provide details about past generations that he destroyed. It's about pondering and reflecting about those stories so a person may take heed, that's the important thing and reason for revelation in the first place .It's about wisdom and becoming wise,not collecting information about historical details which do not provide much of wisdom .Quran(2:141): That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned ,and you of what you earn. And you will NOT BE ASKED OF WHAT THEY USED TO DO.
The first few verses was a prophecy and it unfolded exactly afterwards. The two superpowers of the time, Persia and Rome were always entangled with war at this time, the Persians who were fire worshippers won. The believers in Arabia were naturally inclined to support the Roman empire who were Christians.
Love you sister Milahan 😊😊
The right hand possess are slaves..
Slavery was common in that time so it was an understandable parallel
The chapter names in Quran isn't a topic on which that chapters talks... to distinguish one chapter from another prophet named each chapter.
Like "the cow" (It means.. The chapter which mentions cow)
"The spider" (Chapter that mentions spider)
"Rum" (Chapter that mentions rum)
"Maryam" (Chapter that mentions maryam)
"The ant" (Chapter that mentions ant)
And so on.......
I like the way you ends the video... so... you want to know?
That's why the Qur'an is the last revelation for Mankind. It's not just meant for Arabs but the whole world of Mankind and the world of the Jinns.
I wanna know! I wanna be one of those who know! Do I know? you know? Aaah Love your reading keep it up
The Quran is not a book of history or a book of tales, it tells us segments of stories or historical events to teach us wisdom and the methodology of thinking, or to point our attention to certain important things, so while we won't find a history of the roman empire in this surah, what we find is a refutation of the main problems that the modern current version of the roman empire (the western civilization of today led by the US), so one must look at the whole of the subjects addressed in this surah to understand why it was called Rum.
I'll give you some examples of this:
Verse 7 talks about people who have knowledge about a portion of the apparent material world while they are oblivious to spiritual life or the hereafter, just like the technologically advanced western civilization that is ignorant of other aspects of spiritual and social life but thinks it knows everything while it crumbles socially and spiritually.
Verse 9 is a reference to their arrogance that stems from their military might and material wealth, but don't they see that previous civilizations were stronger and wealthier still they all came to an end.
Verse 21 talks about relationships and is a reference to the current corruption of the marriage bond and family life by the western civilization.
Verse 22 talks dresses racism and nationalism which are one of the major sicknesses of the western civilization.
Verse 32 addresses the split of the christian religion to different sects each are believing that they are the best and are happy with what they have.
Verse 39 talks about usury and interest which is one of the major sicknesses of the western civilization.
Verse 41 talks about the corruption in the land and the sea that is caused by humans, pollution is an aspect of that, and no other civilization has ever corrupted the earth like the western civilization.
@Milahan PhilosophersCorner *Greetings to you, I like the way you said "I want to Know ......* Nice one!
There are four causes of infidelity and loss of belief in Allah: hankering after whims, a passion to dispute every argument, deviation from truth; and dissension, because whoever hankers after whims does not incline towards truth; whoever keeps on disputing every argument on account of his ignorance, will always remain blind to truth, whoever deviates from truth because of ignorance, will always take good for evil and evil for good and he will always remain intoxicated with misguidance. And whoever makes a breach (with Allah and His Messenger) his path becomes difficult, his affairs will become complicated and his way to salvation will be uncertain.
Similarly, doubt has also four aspects absurd reasoning; fear; vacillation and hesitation; and unreasonable surrender to infidelity, because one who has accustomed himself to unreasonable and absurd discussions will never see the Light of Truth and will always live in the darkness of ignorance. One who is afraid to face facts (of life, death and the life after death) will always turn away from ultimate reality, one who allows doubts and uncertainties to vacillate him will always be under the control of Satan and one who surrenders himself to infidelity accepts damnation in both the worlds.
For more click below
11:30 What do you think the meaning of : "Every being that is in the heavenS and on the earth"?
1:25 you would be amazed once you read surah 96 and the 1st verse is (iqra = read). we have been told to read, but we forgot to read.
The description of earth being dead and then God makes it alive is symbolic. The earth is dead when you do not see plants growing and animals moving.. Etc like a desert after a drout period. However, when God sends rain to this lifeless eath you start to see plants growing (by the way some plants seeds can stay years inside the soil until rain comes and then they florish) and animals appearing... Now we say the earth becomes a live again
It was an example from their own lives since slavery was common at that time. It means you wouldn't accept having slaves or people working for you as partners who would share your wealth and power with you, then how you accept having partners with god when you don't accept it for yourself!
It's important to mention that Quraysh believed in God (Allah) but the problem was having partners (idols) who they praised and worshipped as middlemen to Allah, that's why you'll find people named Abdullah (worshipper of Allah) even before the start of Islam. So there are two kinds of people who aren't Muslims, people who worshiped someone along with god either as another god or as a middleman, and people who don't believe in god at all.
Promise of Allah.
Very power full line.
Once I collected all the promises of Allah told in Quran And told by Muhammad pbuh.
Make a list you will be amazed that all the promises if memorized and keep on remind daily. No person can suffer any mental sickness e.g depression. It is only my experiment this above experiment is nothing to do with any molvi or sect.
Although it is true for the whole Quran but I only tried for the promises of Allah only.
Imagine sister... We just like dust in this universe... So small...worthless ...and I can't imagine how many people in this earth so arrogant in front his Creator...I hope Allah make us not in side this people... I pray for you and all people who search the truth ... Sorry for my bad english
5:00 that means looks at Serengeti rivers dry out plants nearby death mass migrations of animal because lack of food than its allah who sends down the rain which gives life. surah waqia
I remember that meme "do you know de wei" the knuckles character you have as your icon.
The muslims loved the romans to win over the Persian because they were the peoe of the book they are more closer than the persian ...
So Allah revealed those first verses when the romans were defited badly and now one thought they will come back and win .. so allah said the romans will win after a few years and the belivers( muslims) will be happy with the victory ..
Sister, first verse has aprediction in it about the roman christians beinng defeated by the percians near the dead sea,the lowest part of earth and after sometime romans taking over the percians.muslims will rejoice at christians being victorious as being the people of the book.,hence the name of the sura.
Having expelled the Persians from Anatolia in 612, Heraclius launched a major counter-offensive in Syria in 613. He was decisively defeated,... and the Roman position collapsed. Over the following decade Persians were able to conquer Egypt.
Late in 627, Heraclius launched a winter offensive into Mesopotamia, where he defeated the Persians at the Battle of Nineveh
الله يرحمك
شي عجيب في هذه الاخت كلما تحدثت في شيء جاءها مصداق كلامها من ايات الله انظرو الى بداية كلامها حينما قالت انها تحب قراءة القران في اول الصباح وايضا حين المساء عندما تنتهي من اعمالها وجاءت اية في بنفس سياق كلامها 3:36 وانا الاحظ هذا الشيء كثيرا يحدث مع هذه الاخت الكريمة
What I understood from these verses
1- We should not follow blindly, we should use our intellect, reason, and mediation to know the truth. And to realize that this universe was not created as a Joke or as a game !
2- we should be humble and discard Narcissism.
3- If we saw a ruin of a city that was destroyed by a “natural disaster”, we should look deeper into that city to know why it was destroyed “Thamud and Pompeii for example” .
4- An example of resurrection is a dry land in the summer that will be full of life after the winter season.
5- If we saw thunder, we should glorify God, because we don’t know what the clouds are carrying (rain, flood or storm).
6- Another example on the one God :
Does it make sense to interview an employee at Microsoft and give him the credit instead of Bill Gates !
7- Each nation is proud of itself
Everyone is saying “I am a patriot to my country, my sect, my ideology. And our way of life is the best one” and then, they will point to other nations in an inferior way !
In explanation of
"brings to life the earth after its lifeless ness. "
Just like the earth in the desert is like lifeless and after rain, it will become full of color and creatures and you really smell life.
There's a similar verse about race in chapter 49, think you'll like that one better
04:00 Its interesting you said that because God says in the latter part of the Quran that after the human race, God will create another creation.
( 28 ) He presents to you an example from yourselves. Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein [and] would fear them as your fear of one another [within a partnership]? Thus do We detail the verses for a people who use reason.
30:28) He sets forth* for you a parable from your own lives. Do you have among your slaves some who share with you the sustenance that We have bestowed on you so that you become equals in it, all being alike, and then you would hold them in fear as you fear each other?** Thus do We make plain the Signs for those who use reason.
* In the forgoing section, arguments have been given both for Tauhid and for the Hereafter; now the discourse turns to only Tauhid.
** The mushriks, even after admitting that Allah is the Creator and Master of the earth and heavens and all that they contain, held some of His creatures as associates in His attributes and powers, and prayed to them, presented offerings and performed rites of worship before them. Their belief regarding their self-made associates is found in the words of the Talbih that they used to pronounce while going round the Ka'bah. They said: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am in Thy presence! Thou hast no partner except the partner who is Thy own. Thou art his owner as well as owner of what he owns." (Tabarani on the authority Ibn 'Abbas) AIlah has refuted this kind of shirk in this verse. The argument is to this effect: "When you do not make your own slaves partners in your wealth, how do you think and believe that Allah will make His creatures partners in His Godhead?"
'Rum' means NOT the Roman empire in Italy it was the Constantinople now called Istanbul, before broke way into two parts. The city build by Constantin.
Because when the Quran was revealed at that time there was no Roman in Vatican.
So Allah speaking about a Christian people who will be victorious two times by Allah's helps and Muslims rejoice and celebrate their victory because they are friends of each other. That one victory comes in the life times of prophet Muhammad pbuh. So they have yet another victory to come.
Most certainly this people are Orthodox Christians, today leads by Russia.
Quran tells us lots of things about orthodox Christians in many verses of the Quran.
I hope you will understand.
(30:28) He sets forth ** for you a parable from your own lives. Do you have among your slaves some who share with you the sustenance that We have bestowed on you so that you become equals in it, all being alike, and then you would hold them in fear as you fear each other? *** Thus do We make plain the Signs for those who use reason.
**) In the forgoing section, arguments have been given both for Tauhid and for the Hereafter; now the discourse turns to only Tauhid.
***) The mushriks, even after admitting that Allah is the Creator and Master of the earth and heavens and all that they contain, held some of His creatures as associates in His attributes and powers, and prayed to them, presented offerings and performed rites of worship before them. Their belief regarding their self-made associates is found in the words of the Talbih that they used to pronounce while going round the Ka'bah. They said: "Here I am, O Allah, here I am in Thy presence! Thou hast no partner except the partner who is Thy own. Thou art his owner as well as owner of what he owns." (Tabarani on the authority Ibn 'Abbas) AIlah has refuted this kind of shirk in this verse. The argument is to this effect: "When you do not make your own slaves partners in your wealth, how do you think and believe that Allah will make His creatures partners in His Godhead?" (For further details, see E.N. 62 of An-Nahl).
You will soon learn about Romans in The Sealed Nector In'sha'Allah
The first verse is a scientific miracle. The quran clearly states that persia defeated rome in the lowest of the land. But the translation you have is not exact since it said in a land near by. The correct translation is in the lowest of the land which is an area in the dead sea in jordan my country.
This is the explanation :
God has set an example for you - polytheists - taken from yourselves: Do you have a servant and your money who is a partner who shares your wealth with you together, you are afraid to share your money with you just as some of you fear his free partner to divide money with him? Are you satisfied with your slaves by this? There is no doubt that you will not be satisfied with this, for God is more precious than not having a partner in his possession of his creatures and slaves, similar to that of the parable of proverbs, as well as explaining the arguments and proofs by diversifying them to people who are reasonable, because they are the ones who benefit from this.
Fun fact when the quran said muslim will be rejoicing it’s not because romans won
But rather the roman battle happened at the same time muslims won thier first battle aginst wuraish which is why they were rejoicing another miracle
The right hand possess are those who you taking care or your workers/employments... in the west the term "slaves" is negative. So your obligation is feed them, pay them, taking care of them untill they have capable of taking care themselves then free them, however if we free them without preparation of education, the society will see them as slaves due to their mindset
what the right hand possesses ( captives, slaves, workers below you etc .... )
3:48 verse 19
From this verse I learnt not to judge people based on where they are from or what their parents are. Because good could come from within evil and verse versa. I believe that Allah in this verse resembled evil with the dead and good with the living.
A thought to share :D
Rum refers to The Byzanties
This is just an interpretation of the verse which you were unsure about..
This is the parable Allah makes of the idolators, those who worship others besides Him and attribute partners to Him, while at the same time admitting that these so-called partners -- idols and false gods -- are enslaved to and belong to Him. In their Talbiyah (during Hajj and 'Umrah they used to say, "At Your service, You have no partner except the partner that You have, You own Him and whatever he owns.''
(He sets forth for you a parable from yourselves)
"something which you yourselves can see witness, and understand."
(Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you...)
"None of you would like to have his servant as a partner in his wealth, each of them having an equal share."
(whom you fear as you fear each other.)
"You fear that they will have a share in your wealth with you." Abu Mijlaz said, "You do not fear that your servant will have a share in your wealth, because he has no such right; similarly, Allah has no partner." The point is, that since any one of you would abhor such a thing, how can you attribute rivals to Allah from among His creation At-Tabarani recorded that Ibn 'Abbas said, "The people of Shirk used to say in their Talbiyah, "At Your service, You have no partner except the partner that You have, You own Him and whatever he owns." Then Allah revealed the words:
(Do you have partners among those whom your right hands possess to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you, whom you fear as you fear each other)
If humans have this characteristic, this parable shows that it is even less befitting for Allah to have a partner.
(Thus do We explain the signs in detail to a people who have sense.)
Then Allah points out that when the idolators worship others instead of Him, doing so out of their own folly and ignorance... (Source qtafsir)
-----Muhammad Sarwar-----
God has told you this parable about yourselves: Could your slaves share your wealth equally with you and could you fear them as you fear yourselves? Thus, do We clarify the evidence (of the truth) for the people of understanding.
-----Yusuf Ali-----
He does propound to you a similitude from your own (experience): do ye have partners among those whom your right hands possess, to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you? Do ye fear them as ye fear each other? Thus do we explain the Signs in detail to a people that understand.
Al-Quran - Surah 30 - Ar-Room - Ayah 28
Yes Milahan, no details about the Roman empire in the Noble Quran . One of the characteristics of the Quran is that it doesn't provide details about past empires that God has destroyed like history books do. The main reason for that is the fact that the Quran points out that the importance for us humans lies in reflecting ,pondering about those past generations so that we may take heed from it. Take for instance the Egyptians to whom Moses was sent, despite the frequent mentioning of that story from his different angles, God provides almost no details about their daily lives and activities. And if He does so,then for a wise reason and as such it's no longer a detail in fact. Quran(14:52) : This is a Message for mankind , in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is the Only God , and that men of understanding may take HEED. Quran (38:29): This is a Book which We have send down to you , full of blessings, that they may PONDER over its Verses ,and that MEN OF UNDERSTANDING may REMEMBER.
Also is this a kind of punishment for those past generations, do you not see that God not even once has mentioned 1 good thing about those whom He destroyed, despite the fact that every community/nation must have done at least some good ,especially in the field of the human sciences, the field of construction, medicine, art, etc. But because of their disbelief and polytheism, everything of good they did was in vain, moreover it's not even considered as any good at all as its foundation was not monotheism, Quran(25:23) And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did , and shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust. The Quran is the way to become wise in the real meaning of its word, and this is something completely else than collecting information about past events and their details, Quran(36:2) : By the Quran Full Of Wisdom.
The goal of a human's life can be summarised as the following, regardless of their religion and fate: acquiring as much good(physical and mental) and eliminating as much bad (physical and mental), that's the human nature. Of course, " earthy souls" will restict this only to this present life ,while " enlightened/ heavenly souls" will take the hereafter all so in account. And yes true wisdom is the bearing of small discomfort if by that bigger discomfort can be eliminated,the more if this discomfort is enormous and everlasting. In Islam wisdom, and as such a man's journey starts with monotheism ( and not with doubting like the philosophers say),hence that besides the frequent mentioning of God being the only god who deserves worship explicitly in the Quran,are most of the parables also about affirmation of God's oneness and disapproval of polytheism. The parable of the spider-house in the previous chapter was of this kind ,how could it be else if the verse clearly says: The likeness of those who take protectors/false deities other than Allah is the likeness of a spider......,and also in this chapter is the parable of this kind as a lot have justly explained here in the comment section. But historical details,which is the domain of historians is fine,but it will not produce much of wisdom, Quran(2:141): That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward of what they earned , and you of what you earn .AND YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED OF WHAT THEY USED TO DO.
Dear sister you have to do some research concerning the Roman Empire specially the year 1054 the war happened and the division of the church into catholic leaded by Pope of Rome and Orthodox lead by Russians
Verse 28, you had a little struggle to understand that 😅 so it means Allah has made an example of yourself, 'DO YOU GUYS LIKE FOR SOMEONE TO SHARE WITH YOU YOUR WEALTH LIKE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE OR OTHER ASSETS OR EVEN YOUR CHILDREN?' As such, Allah doesn't like for you to make a share for someone Allah's belongings like to worship, supplications...
Allah knows best.
See a chapter talks about the roman .. from god in his book .. And no other empire where named as a chapter ..
The Quran is more closer to the people of the book then us ..
With regard to verse 28 in which I noticed that you are strugling in understanding it I will just try to simplify it. In the time of the prophet slavery was common. God here gives an example to those who posses slaves and he asks them: do you accept that your slaves are your partners in the wealth you have... Surely not. So how come that you accept to make partners to God and he is the owner of you and your slaves... Do not you have common sense
Those "your right hand possesses", are servants and slaves. The Qur'an doesn't totally abolish slavery and treats it like a continuous fact of life. There is great good in releasing a slave and is a required form of penance to make up for some sins. However, the Qur'an behaves like the slaves one has are not just property, but potential spouses for men, and siblings. One has to treat them as well as he would treat himself or his own blood.