It sounds like a decent foundation to a new type of PvE system. I hope they continue to add new features, maps, and rewards as the expansion continues to keep it fresh and relevant.
I think it would be fun if it was a big battleground with the same end goals. Only difference is that slowly the invading faction gets more and more NPCs that are stronger and stronger until like Friday when it’s impossible for the defending team to win. I think it would be fun to see how long your side can hold on to the warfront and not let the other faction win. Try to win as fast as you can vs hold them off for as long as you can. I think that would be a fun little secondary game for the other faction to do instead of run around in an empty warfront all week.
You know what i think would be cool? A Warfront of where we have Gnomes vs Goblins. where we get into shredders and other things, plant bombs and such and get gnome and Goblin themed gear and weapons.
Would be cool if: -You could choose didderent paths and different strategies to victory -The enemy could do random attacks on outposts to try and recapture it EDIT: p.s. good vid liked it
These Started on Skywall. This is a lot of fun, great gear every time for me so far. No toys yet, but the precurser stage is great for azurite at 500 per turn in.
I would like to see this content be similar to the island expeditions with a pve and a pvp mode available. Maybe a 5v5 or 10v10 also and make it more like a MOBA with a pvp struggle involved would be amazing.
1) The resources you gather, are they shared with other players? or is it limited to yourself? 2) Do you lose the resources when you die? Do you need to bring those resources back to base? 3) Are the troop upgrades just for yourself or shared with your team?
TH-camrs are so negative anymore. Went out there on live servers today and actually enjoyed the content. Killed the World Boss and farmed some rares. Can't wait to see what they do next.
Its rather sad that their is no incentive to actually do anything. Everything is pre-arranged and you cant even lose, whats the point of doing it then if most people probably afk for 15 minutes and still win.
'' To prevent one dominant faction to hold the area for weeks '' Yeah, I wonder which overpopulated PvP faction we are talking about here. Once again, Blizzard's kool aid bandage to fix unbalanced population.
I honestly dont want a pvp version of it, because I know that as a horde I will always win and as a alliance I will always loose. I would be one sided thing where horde always holds it. But I do think they should raise the difficulty of AI so we might have a danger of loosing.
Hey Selwen ! I love so much your contents, all of your guide for classes or BFA was very helpful, and help me a lot ! I just suscribed on your Patreon, keep up like that's, love ya :p
hi there ,i dont know what to do because i wanna go to arathi but i have no portal in vol'dun but i have seen people of my faction going trough a portal but it does not show up for me,what am i doing wrong ps: but but but but lol(making fun of my own usage of the word "but,, wich i have used 3 times in one sentence)
I didnt quite get it, while the horde is still collecting resources there wont be a portal to arathi right? I unlocked the warfront and now I cant do anything?
How often will this be available? Our server hasn't even had one yet. As of tonight we are at 61%. I would think this would have been easier to get into?
But when i first did the introduction quest and all the base was overrun with mobs and there was no quests to be done. After i turned in the quest where it shows the places it automatically teleported me back to The Great Seal and can't go back till the bar has reached 100%
Warfronts look awesome EXCEPT that you always win....if they made it so you actually need to try in order to win then it would be fun. Maybe a Mythic version of warfronts with rewards similar to M+? I was VERY excited to try warfronts until I heard that you hardly have to try in order to win...I agree that 20% of the group will afk 40% of the group will watch tv / be very lazy and hardly do much of anything and then the other 40% of the ppl will be working hard and carrying the rest. Make it so we actually have to work to win and Ill love it =)
That would result in some, if not even many, players not doing Warfronts, as they aren't guaranteed their rewards and therefore not worth the time spent (despite BfA barely having anything to spend time on).
I see a great deal of potential with war fronts, I’m hoping that this is a test or introduction to the system which with new maps will give more freedom in building and creep management. I’m not to worried about it being pve (pvp would be cool tho) so long as new maps come and give variety. I do think you should be able to lose tho and that the dominant faction should retain control giving it more weight.
Warfronts look very promising. I will definitely be participating in them if only just for the Azerite. I think that you should be able to loose a match if your team fails to cooperate. That would motivate participation and overall enjoyment. Getting supplies from 'Creeps' and buffs from rares/boss mobs would add a tactical component. If they had some MOBA gameplay in there I think it would be spectacular!
Im fresh 120 , Cant seem to do any world quests or Battle fronts. Been working alot so was too tired to look around aimlessly to these start ups. Maybe there is a certain day or gated behind more rep or those table quests. Sigh guess ill just do random shit
Its a fair complaint. Too many things nowadays, reviews, shows, videos try to shape your perception of something at the start of the content, rather than allowing people to form opinions on their own. This is not me bashing Selwen, its more me agreeing with a trend in current media which is a littlie annoying, where opinions come before the main content. I mean I still get the content, but I find it a littlie annoying.
I tihnk that there should be some risk involved... Maybe for balance reason you awlays win, but say if you lost the game will explain it as we "barely" won and you won't get any loot/less azarite.
Well, isn't that quite obvious that we must collect resources at first place, as this mode presented to be the 1-st preson strategy? In Warcraft 3 you collect to build too, you know. In every strategy with resource collecting you collect to construct and win. That's why I believe these first steps as protecting the base and capturing mines and lumbermills are no big deal about repititive content.
Instead of having just 1 faction attacking for that week Blizzard could make 1 faction attack and 1 faction defend and I mean against npcs. Then there won't be any down time for a faction when the the opposite faction is attacking.
This'll probably be the case when they add new warfronts (like Southern Barrens). It probably won't be all warfronts under one faction but rather they'll rotate so you always have a warfront in control and a warfront world boss to kill.
I'd rather have S.Barrens given back as a Horde leveling territory. I don't think we have an Horde territory for levels 20 to 25 anymore, yet alliance has both Redridge and the Duskwood.
They should have just made it like GW2 WvWvW kind of pvp. Has pvp, pve, resource gathering, base building and defending said buildings. And 1 side isn't always winning, it fluctuates, at least it did when I played.
You clearly haven't played GW2 from the beginning. For the first months (if not even over a year) the same 3 servers were on the top positions, never even changing colours (as those were/are tied to how your server played the previous week). I've played with several player who complained about this very fact as they couldn't complete world completion (as it required WvW to 100% explore the world) and thus couldn't make any legendaries. Luckily, at some point Arenanet decided to shuffle the match ups (and removed WvW from world completion).
Played GW2 day 1, didn't do pvp till later, but you're missing my point. Never said to have wow be server v server pvp for Warfronts, they already do that for normal pvp(sort of) and ex-pvp servers always win. Have horde and Alliance on the same server fight in the Warfront with all the ideas I stated already. It would be fair cause if you're on an pve server everyone pretty much is the same and wont be too bad at doing pvp. Meanwhile ex-pvp servers will be going ham on each other and it still would be fair cause its not server v server.
why on earth would blizzard make the world boss bi weekly and pick one faction for the week one..... most assuredly giving one faction an edge over the other going onto world first/ server first boss kills in raiding and in mythic raiding.....
So in those 2 days that is up i HAVE to spam this to get a full gear? and not do dungeons or raid? since i can easy spam this broring thing 48 hours? The prblem is its giving gear equivalet to mythic 0 dungeons that can warforge... so basicly u have to spam this during those 2 days for a full set of gear
Well, during the beta it allowed me to queue for Warfronts for those 2 days without any penalty or diminishing returns in terms of rewards, I got 3 pieces of gear(340ivl) straight off. This might change during live though, for now just covered what I experienced. Might've been just lucky.
Horde Alliance Controls the zone/has taken the zone Dailies to fill a contribution bar(takes about 1 week) Daily worlds quests up World boss and rares are reset for Horde Portal to zone open for Horde Zone does not flag Horde Zone flags Alliance Kill rares quest reset for Horde(Darkshore) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continues to control zone Repeatable warfront scenario available(lasts 1 week) Daily worlds quests up Scenario quest for gear and 15 badges reset for Alliance Portal to zone open for Horde Zone does not flag Horde Zone flags Alliance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dailies to fill a contribution bar(takes about 1 week) Controls the zone/has taken the zone Daily worlds quests up World boss and rares are reset for Alliance Portal to zone open for Alliance Zone flags Horde Zone does not flag Alliance Kill rares quest reset for Horde(Darkshore) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repeatable warfront scenario available(lasts 1 week) Continues to control zone Scenario quest for gear and 15 badges reset for Horde Daily worlds quests up Portal to zone open for Alliance Zone flags Horde Zone does not flag Alliance
Warfronts are really really boring. So far only thing I"m really disappointed with in BFA right now... Is there incentive to do it again after the inital quest giving 370 gear?
Again another weekly chore that they are forcing down are throats. This looked so awesome when they first announced it, but shortly after hearing that there was always going to be a pre determent winner I lost my interest right away. I hope this will be optional end game content and not a mandatory one, never the less good video. Thumbs up!
Every "must do" content is self-imposed, like unlocking Mag'har is to me. The developers never said you must do anything (they actually would be happier with you not doing anything but staying subbed).
I wouldn’t call it complaining just pointing out the obvious here. Blizzard is trying more and more to hold our hand and force us down into doing specific weekly chores because you need to do them to improve your character and this keeps you subscribed to the game. Quick question would you do island exp and warfronts if they we’re optional and not mandatory? From what I hear a lot of people wouldn’t do them and rightfully so, except for maybe the pvp island exp.
But every dungeon,raid,battleground is repetitive and the same...warfronts just add the same ideal in another way. Dont see how folks are complaining about them. Its yet another thing to do on a game that has so much to do as it is.
You should be able to build your „army“ before it attacks and then choose where it attacks just like in wc3 ... would feel much better in terms of choice and tactics and not that hard to do. Also difficulty needs to be raised alot. NOBODY likes free loot thats not the point of a game
Your definition of "nobody" conveniently excludes: 1) most of the casual players 2) raiders who started late into the xpac and want to quickly get better equipment to be on par in raids 3) people who level freshly unlocked Mag'har or Dark iron midgets and want those "new mains" to get geared in a reasonable time. 4) everyone who also wants to get presents on birthday and "christmas" (or whichever religious days they celebrate). So basically, your "nobody" includes the majority.
Its nice and all but being forced to complete this as part of the regular quest/campaign material is almost as not fun as being forced into mythics/raids when youre not able to get groups or the time to dig into progression style play like the old days. I'm a bit sad that these play out so linesr after all the work blizz took to get these going and integrated. But thats good for ally players worldwide since most realms are dominated by horde. Hehe.
It sounds like a decent foundation to a new type of PvE system. I hope they continue to add new features, maps, and rewards as the expansion continues to keep it fresh and relevant.
It's all about the eyeron
go home english, yourrrrr drunk.
no no no, it's iren
Can't wait to gather eyeran
I think it would be fun if it was a big battleground with the same end goals. Only difference is that slowly the invading faction gets more and more NPCs that are stronger and stronger until like Friday when it’s impossible for the defending team to win. I think it would be fun to see how long your side can hold on to the warfront and not let the other faction win. Try to win as fast as you can vs hold them off for as long as you can. I think that would be a fun little secondary game for the other faction to do instead of run around in an empty warfront all week.
Vanilla Alterac valley sounds more like what a warfront should be than this casual pve version of it.
i never thought about that, damn you're so right
Agree 100%. I leveled my DK through AV in WotLK and it was so much fun.
You know what i think would be cool? A Warfront of where we have Gnomes vs Goblins. where we get into shredders and other things, plant bombs and such and get gnome and Goblin themed gear and weapons.
I couldn't focus on the video... irwen kept throwing me off. 8^)
Would be cool if:
-You could choose didderent paths and different strategies to victory
-The enemy could do random attacks on outposts to try and recapture it
EDIT: p.s. good vid liked it
It isn't a Selwen vid if there's not a word mispronounced. ;)
you make good guides man keep that good work up!
Aron he means Iron?
he said "eye ron" correctly.
Dont forget to upgrade the "bare axe".
These Started on Skywall. This is a lot of fun, great gear every time for me so far. No toys yet, but the precurser stage is great for azurite at 500 per turn in.
Very insightful & informative video.
I would like to see this content be similar to the island expeditions with a pve and a pvp mode available. Maybe a 5v5 or 10v10 also and make it more like a MOBA with a pvp struggle involved would be amazing.
War front looks like a ton of fun.
its this mod avalaible already?
1) The resources you gather, are they shared with other players? or is it limited to yourself?
2) Do you lose the resources when you die? Do you need to bring those resources back to base?
3) Are the troop upgrades just for yourself or shared with your team? much I-Run do i need?
Maybe since it’s the first warfront= it’s an introduction to wow players, coming on a future warfront it will be a real moba.
gene colon more like battle Royale like fortnite
Lumberjack uniforms??! Sign me up! Hilarious, but I love that
TH-camrs are so negative anymore. Went out there on live servers today and actually enjoyed the content. Killed the World Boss and farmed some rares. Can't wait to see what they do next.
im amazed how Selwen pronounced facade correctly while couldn't say iron properly
Iron has non-pronounced letters while facade doesn't D:
I'm amazed how many people can pronounce war and money correctly, but not the letter Z.
Iron = Eye Urn 😭
Eye ren
Its rather sad that their is no incentive to actually do anything. Everything is pre-arranged and you cant even lose, whats the point of doing it then if most people probably afk for 15 minutes and still win.
'' To prevent one dominant faction to hold the area for weeks ''
Yeah, I wonder which overpopulated PvP faction we are talking about here. Once again, Blizzard's kool aid bandage to fix unbalanced population.
why didnt they just revamp AV, thats all this looks like.... AV vs AI that u cant win.. and u get free 370 gear... i dont get it.
I honestly dont want a pvp version of it, because I know that as a horde I will always win and as a alliance I will always loose. I would be one sided thing where horde always holds it. But I do think they should raise the difficulty of AI so we might have a danger of loosing.
I actually went out there on live and got some gear.
Hey Selwen ! I love so much your contents, all of your guide for classes or BFA was very helpful, and help me a lot ! I just suscribed on your Patreon, keep up like that's, love ya :p
Thanks! - Glad I could help :D
Thanks, Selwen!
hi there ,i dont know what to do because i wanna go to arathi but i have no portal in vol'dun but i have seen people of my faction going trough a portal but it does not show up for me,what am i doing wrong
ps: but but but but lol(making fun of my own usage of the word "but,, wich i have used 3 times in one sentence)
I didnt quite get it, while the horde is still collecting resources there wont be a portal to arathi right? I unlocked the warfront and now I cant do anything?
how do I even get into one to begin with. My 120 in in the zone now and nothing is there.
How often will this be available? Our server hasn't even had one yet. As of tonight we are at 61%. I would think this would have been easier to get into?
But when i first did the introduction quest and all the base was overrun with mobs and there was no quests to be done. After i turned in the quest where it shows the places it automatically teleported me back to The Great Seal and can't go back till the bar has reached 100%
lol at the higher ground movie reference bro, good one
Two days? Is not it 7 at release? Will you make also updated version, since horde in eu already had enough funds?
Yea they changed it from beta
Warfronts look awesome EXCEPT that you always win....if they made it so you actually need to try in order to win then it would be fun. Maybe a Mythic version of warfronts with rewards similar to M+? I was VERY excited to try warfronts until I heard that you hardly have to try in order to win...I agree that 20% of the group will afk 40% of the group will watch tv / be very lazy and hardly do much of anything and then the other 40% of the ppl will be working hard and carrying the rest. Make it so we actually have to work to win and Ill love it =)
That would result in some, if not even many, players not doing Warfronts, as they aren't guaranteed their rewards and therefore not worth the time spent (despite BfA barely having anything to spend time on).
@@CazaliEiben barely have anything to spend time ? Bro what? Do u even do normal life ? How many hours are u playing ?
i have free game so am not be able to play warfronts mode?
I hope they make this similar to raids in difficutly.
what addon do you have to get those nice looking enemy health bar?
I see a great deal of potential with war fronts, I’m hoping that this is a test or introduction to the system which with new maps will give more freedom in building and creep management. I’m not to worried about it being pve (pvp would be cool tho) so long as new maps come and give variety.
I do think you should be able to lose tho and that the dominant faction should retain control giving it more weight.
The contributions stalled
Warfronts look very promising. I will definitely be participating in them if only just for the Azerite. I think that you should be able to loose a match if your team fails to cooperate. That would motivate participation and overall enjoyment. Getting supplies from 'Creeps' and buffs from rares/boss mobs would add a tactical component. If they had some MOBA gameplay in there I think it would be spectacular!
I agree or ppl will zone in and go afk
Hope we can vote kick baddies
hi do you know what loot drops at the end of each warfront? Seems I get only 3 items over and over, so not sure if there's anything else.
Weapons, all gear slots except for trinkets and rings.
oh ok maybe I'm not rly lucky, because I keep getting boots, waist and cloak over and over nothing else dropped to me.
Im fresh 120 , Cant seem to do any world quests or Battle fronts. Been working alot so was too tired to look around aimlessly to these start ups. Maybe there is a certain day or gated behind more rep or those table quests. Sigh guess ill just do random shit
Wait didn't Danath Trollbane die ages ago? That's why there is a monument of him in Stormwind City?
surely blizz will make a pvp mode for this like they have for islands would be such a missed opportunity
Hey Selwen! Do you have a updated UI for BfA? If so, will you post it somewhere? Really love your vids btw.
Funny that you ask, just finished recording it, coming sometime later today...tomorrow(?) sometime before BFA launch hehe .
Nice hahaha
Waiting for it :)
Your damage numbers are so smooth compared to mine.. do you use an addon for it?
This was beta so I was addon free, might just be my resolution, I play at 4k.
Selwen nice, thanks for the quick reply
How do your game run so smooth?
Thanks for the info... can't wait to gather all that IRUN.
A guide shouldnt start out with opinions on if its fun or not.
I'll figure that out on my own. Just tell me what I need to know to play it.
Talliy Boltair you mean you’ll decide that on your own . . . Question mark
Its a fair complaint. Too many things nowadays, reviews, shows, videos try to shape your perception of something at the start of the content, rather than allowing people to form opinions on their own.
This is not me bashing Selwen, its more me agreeing with a trend in current media which is a littlie annoying, where opinions come before the main content. I mean I still get the content, but I find it a littlie annoying.
I tihnk that there should be some risk involved... Maybe for balance reason you awlays win, but say if you lost the game will explain it as we "barely" won and you won't get any loot/less azarite.
still sounds fun to build up the base - Maybe it gets boring but i am Looking Forward to basically playing rts/moba wow :P
what country pronounces iron like that
how much time does this take, it looks time consuming
How can i queue to warfronts or i need to go arathi highlands to join?
On a table on the opposite side of the island expedition one.
Sept 4th west coast USA 8am they open
And the EU gets it one day late, as usual.
What about the Ally side??
Do you get 7th legion rep from doing this? if so is it much?
The turn ins in beta were giving 250? I believe.
I wouldn't be surprised if we only get 25 per turn in on live.
Can't let you unlock Mag'har or new midgets in an appropriate time after all.
why the ground mount? flying saves time
Love your videos! Keep it up
The way you say Iron..lmao
So how do you get the tier 3 gear?
Ranked PvP rewards and on low chance on the weekly quest loot box to win a Warfront.
thanks very informative
Man that would be a cool idea for a pvp zone make it like a moba
they should make it like TB for these world bosses control the zone get access to the raid or bosses in this case
Well, isn't that quite obvious that we must collect resources at first place, as this mode presented to be the 1-st preson strategy? In Warcraft 3 you collect to build too, you know. In every strategy with resource collecting you collect to construct and win. That's why I believe these first steps as protecting the base and capturing mines and lumbermills are no big deal about repititive content.
Looks awesome to me :)
I'm sure in the future they will make this 20vs20 with real people and npc. And it would cap at 24 or 48 hrs of control over the zone
Instead of having just 1 faction attacking for that week Blizzard could make 1 faction attack and 1 faction defend and I mean against npcs. Then there won't be any down time for a faction when the the opposite faction is attacking.
This'll probably be the case when they add new warfronts (like Southern Barrens). It probably won't be all warfronts under one faction but rather they'll rotate so you always have a warfront in control and a warfront world boss to kill.
I'd rather have S.Barrens given back as a Horde leveling territory.
I don't think we have an Horde territory for levels 20 to 25 anymore, yet alliance has both Redridge and the Duskwood.
Selwen where are you from bro? You sound Portuguese :P
That's because I am :)
I wonder if Selwen pronounces Aaron, a-a-ron?
They should have just made it like GW2 WvWvW kind of pvp. Has pvp, pve, resource gathering, base building and defending said buildings. And 1 side isn't always winning, it fluctuates, at least it did when I played.
You clearly haven't played GW2 from the beginning.
For the first months (if not even over a year) the same 3 servers were on the top positions, never even changing colours (as those were/are tied to how your server played the previous week).
I've played with several player who complained about this very fact as they couldn't complete world completion (as it required WvW to 100% explore the world) and thus couldn't make any legendaries.
Luckily, at some point Arenanet decided to shuffle the match ups (and removed WvW from world completion).
Played GW2 day 1, didn't do pvp till later, but you're missing my point. Never said to have wow be server v server pvp for Warfronts, they already do that for normal pvp(sort of) and ex-pvp servers always win. Have horde and Alliance on the same server fight in the Warfront with all the ideas I stated already. It would be fair cause if you're on an pve server everyone pretty much is the same and wont be too bad at doing pvp. Meanwhile ex-pvp servers will be going ham on each other and it still would be fair cause its not server v server.
You have to be lvl 120 right?
Filbert Tuxen yes
@@SavageDarknessGames god dang it
Island expeditions are difficult as it is.
It's about "gear the horde alts, then nerf it".
Island expeditions and Warfronts could be and $HOuLD be a game in its own!!!
why on earth would blizzard make the world boss bi weekly and pick one faction for the week one..... most assuredly giving one faction an edge over the other going onto world first/ server first boss kills in raiding and in mythic raiding.....
people will do it once a week for the gear other then that not so much they might add more who knows
Am i the only one who's only gonna do these to to able to continue reseach with Alleria Windrunner?
Hopefully they can add a pvp mode like the islands. Can you use warmode talents in the warfronts?
Don't believe so.
Would really have preferred more tutorial and less commentary
So in those 2 days that is up i HAVE to spam this to get a full gear? and not do dungeons or raid? since i can easy spam this broring thing 48 hours? The prblem is its giving gear equivalet to mythic 0 dungeons that can warforge... so basicly u have to spam this during those 2 days for a full set of gear
No, you can not spam it in order to get full gear, you can only contribute one time per logout afaik.
Well, during the beta it allowed me to queue for Warfronts for those 2 days without any penalty or diminishing returns in terms of rewards, I got 3 pieces of gear(340ivl) straight off. This might change during live though, for now just covered what I experienced.
Might've been just lucky.
I cannot see that to happen tbh, for the fact that eben mythic + dungeons are on a 1 week cooldown (loot cd) this would be very weird indeed.
True but at the same time, your faction can only access it every 2 weeks since it alternates.
i saw another video regarding warfronts and yes u can q multiple times for it and get gear every time u q for it. its just stupid
Every WoW content creator is dyslexic.
Change my mind
True that.
So all you really do is run around and collect wood and go back to contribute it like a load of fetch quests? That kinda sucks.
Looks like Garrison Invasion 2.0
Horde Alliance
Controls the zone/has taken the zone Dailies to fill a contribution bar(takes about 1 week)
Daily worlds quests up
World boss and rares are reset for Horde
Portal to zone open for Horde
Zone does not flag Horde Zone flags Alliance
Kill rares quest reset for Horde(Darkshore)
Continues to control zone Repeatable warfront scenario available(lasts 1 week)
Daily worlds quests up Scenario quest for gear and 15 badges reset for Alliance
Portal to zone open for Horde
Zone does not flag Horde Zone flags Alliance
Dailies to fill a contribution bar(takes about 1 week) Controls the zone/has taken the zone
Daily worlds quests up
World boss and rares are reset for Alliance
Portal to zone open for Alliance
Zone flags Horde Zone does not flag Alliance
Kill rares quest reset for Horde(Darkshore)
Repeatable warfront scenario available(lasts 1 week) Continues to control zone
Scenario quest for gear and 15 badges reset for Horde Daily worlds quests up
Portal to zone open for Alliance
Zone flags Horde Zone does not flag Alliance
I run too
I will never not think 'iron' is spelled differently than it actually sounds.
Ay-ran? You mean Iron?\
Warfronts are really really boring. So far only thing I"m really disappointed with in BFA right now... Is there incentive to do it again after the inital quest giving 370 gear?
man if only they had this in pvp...
It's not pvp???????
What's iran?
Just the reason that causes Trump's endless tries to turn the U.S.A. into the enemy of the rest of the world.
Again another weekly chore that they are forcing down are throats. This looked so awesome when they first announced it, but shortly after hearing that there was always going to be a pre determent winner I lost my interest right away. I hope this will be optional end game content and not a mandatory one, never the less good video. Thumbs up!
Every "must do" content is self-imposed, like unlocking Mag'har is to me.
The developers never said you must do anything (they actually would be happier with you not doing anything but staying subbed).
Yes, lets complain about new content.
No one is going to stay subbed when there is no content like WoD for exmaple....
There is Already more content than wod dipshit.
I wouldn’t call it complaining just pointing out the obvious here. Blizzard is trying more and more to hold our hand and force us down into doing specific weekly chores because you need to do them to improve your character and this keeps you subscribed to the game. Quick question would you do island exp and warfronts if they we’re optional and not mandatory? From what I hear a lot of people wouldn’t do them and rightfully so, except for maybe the pvp island exp.
ffs. the RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is silent
But bro we also gotta get whood not just iran
It's basically vanilla Alterac valley?!
But every dungeon,raid,battleground is repetitive and the same...warfronts just add the same ideal in another way.
Dont see how folks are complaining about them. Its yet another thing to do on a game that has so much to do as it is.
You are playing a fury warrior a lot these days
You should be able to build your „army“ before it attacks and then choose where it attacks just like in wc3 ... would feel much better in terms of choice and tactics and not that hard to do.
Also difficulty needs to be raised alot. NOBODY likes free loot thats not the point of a game
Your definition of "nobody" conveniently excludes:
1) most of the casual players
2) raiders who started late into the xpac and want to quickly get better equipment to be on par in raids
3) people who level freshly unlocked Mag'har or Dark iron midgets and want those "new mains" to get geared in a reasonable time.
4) everyone who also wants to get presents on birthday and "christmas" (or whichever religious days they celebrate).
So basically, your "nobody" includes the majority.
Its nice and all but being forced to complete this as part of the regular quest/campaign material is almost as not fun as being forced into mythics/raids when youre not able to get groups or the time to dig into progression style play like the old days.
I'm a bit sad that these play out so linesr after all the work blizz took to get these going and integrated. But thats good for ally players worldwide since most realms are dominated by horde. Hehe.
>Drop in at the beginning
>Resource gathering phase
This is fortnite