Ive grown accustomed to how much these mechanics break the game since you first started releasing these. What scares me now is the fact you put them out weekly.
Amazing content mate you def get my sub!. There is another way to get PUs that is not nearly as game breaking that is also worth mentioning (for those who want to keep your dynasty rather than switch it) and this applies to long term allies that you want to backstab. If you build your favour high enough (easy to do with long term allies) you can use said favour to insert a relative of your dyansty in their throne when they have no heir. Than simply break the alliance but maintain the royal marriage (high enough relations), and once your relative assumes power and also has no heir claim throne and go to war. I PU'd russia, a giant austria and UK this way in my Roman WC/Onefaith :)
you can accomplish a similar thing by royal marrying your desired dynasty (if youre in the right RM cycle) and combining with ur previous kill own ruler trick
@@thestudentYT Then I must be mistaken Your videos with someone else video. it have a same format like this. But this Video is great either way. You have my like,and Subscribe.
10/10 for those who are willing to wield this ring. I thought about making a vid about using the Dutch government to rapidly integrate PUs but this is just way beyond.
you can stack diplo annex cost to -100 as provence. -25 ideas -20 quest -30 politces and priviliege -10 papal button and form habsburg tag to gain another -15
If you're willing to TAG switch (only a few achievements care/block that), you can get to the cap of 0.1 dip per development as any starting nation via mission rewards (Sardinia Piedmont + someone I'm forgetting) and then taking ideas like Austria's or Britain's. Makes stuff like annexing 20,000 dev worth of subjects in 15 years or less possible. Since you can stack score cost + dip annex earlier than admin efficiency, players have used this to post impressive WC times as non-hordes.
Its an incredibly well thought through tactic! Again i learned something about this game i play since 11 years. 😁 However, certain mission trees in combination with putting your dynasty on thrones for favours allows PU spam far sooner than going that far down in your government reforms. And for smaller PUs you want to feed german or italian land for example there is also the tactic of creating a vassal, forcing your dynasty on its throne (they ll always start with a weak claim heir), then release it by loosing a war on purpose and then claim throne. Finally there is your rulers. You get random guys very often and as long you dont want to savescum alot, you ll have some pretty shitty guys more often than you want to. But the benefit still outshines this point tbh.
I am pleased to watch these videos. If I have been played normal games, I would use this mechanic. However, now I am interested only in covering map as Austria withouth offensive wars to get successful WC). So pitty, there are a lot of mechanics, which I see here, on this channel, I can't use for it). Incredibly good jobs!
Very nice guide, and very very broken! x) Incredible how you can just pick and chose dynasties on demand. Really also like how you trigger monarch changes constantly, making it possible that the subjects just get instantly integrated. BTW! Ive never used this feature, but cant you always return cores without being in a war at the cost of -20 prestiege, instantly via diplomatic actions?
In austria didn't hate you coudn't you sell the province for free? Austria has a core and it's in the culture group so they should accept it for zero ducats?
Ok I'm literally speechless, this change all Europe games. Yet you have to get royal marriage and some powers never let them do it because bad relations or too many relations
Con Castilla puedes hacer uniones personales con Napoles, Aragón, Portugal, Austria/Borgoña e Inglaterra. Con este método puedes agregar a Francia a la lista 🤩.
Could be really good as Great Britain maybe, since it would be really easy to control who you border, you can get a lot of reform progress if you don't expand much more than the british isles to keep stated provinces low autonomy, and any expansion you do outside the british isles could be colonial/imperial conquests bordering non christian nations.
Yeah they had an Estate Regency at the time with no dynasty that's why... I also only found this out later (but otherwise I would have only had to give Monpellier awsy as well and all would be fine)
For the second part have elective monarchy tier 1 wait 1 month for refresh then switch to autocracy and then to states general Immediately switch to aristocratic court dont click event yet switch back to elective monarchy tier 1 wait at least 1 day to update the game then click event the choose the desired neighbour
3:20 yeah i finally got lotharingia formed in 1500 and i dont have those options elective monarch and stadholder estate.. my government tier 1 is burgundian state.. so im pretty sure i cant do this pu thing unless i get all the dlcs.. although i do have one on tier 2 called nobles electorate but i need aristocratic ideas to use it
But the Burgundian State thing was also added in Domination I think... anyways I could recommend to just wait on a sale of the Domination DLC as it won't cost much then and it was a really good DLC imo
@@thestudentYT i stopped buying after emperor.. i dont think all the dlcs are wortht he money.. maybe id buy if they were $1 each. i think i spent $30 for the game plus all the dlcs up to emperor... from what i gather if u bought full price every dlc at release date ud end up spending something like $500? its ridiculous.. when old games like fallout4 had a dlc it included huge new areas, tons of quests... 100s of hours of extra play for $10... paradox adds a few tiny new features and charges $20 odd... they cant even be bothered to add a unique mission tree for every nation.. when i asked someone why they dont bother, someone said..oh its game limitations... cant be done and takes too much time and effort.. weird how a modder can do extended timelines and missions but the developer cant be bothered to do it? 7 days to die comes out with new alphas every year and charges nothing extra... i think paradox are just greedy and lazy
Maybe but it's typically 20$ maximum full prize for a brand new DLC and then like 5-8$ half a year later so you could buy everything for less than 100$ if you watch out for the sales... You know I really don't care if you want to pay that or not but I am just saying that this Game has enough Content for thousands of hours (I have more than 6k) so even if I paid like 300$ for that already, it's like 5 Cents per hour... Compare that to normal Full Prize Titles like AC or Ark or something like that then you pay 60$ and play like 100 hours maximum for the story... so all I am saying is that it isn't unfair :)
@@thestudentYT i spent £30 for fallout 4 plus all dcls and i played 6000 hours... im poor... for me a game is only valuable with lots of replayability.. eu4 was worth the money all the dlcs arent.. unless i get them for a dollar each.. $300-500 for a game plus dlcs is definitely unfair its a rip off
We could and should definetly argue about the Price of Eu4 but I still think that it isn't as bad as you describe it... but again: I don't want to talk you into buying something that you don't want to of course! I just wanted to represent the other POV here :)
For this you need domination DLC and Cossacks DLC Step 1 have Dutch Fryssian or Flemish Culture Step 2 select elective monarchy reform Step 3 choose the desired nation you want to have personal union with Step 4 make royal marriage step 5 claim throne they also must have no heir to do this step 6 declare war step 7 win war step 8 enjoy
I'm playing as France and I wanted to know if I can do this method too. When I try to change the goverment system it won't let me because of the "French Feudalism" reform, can someone help me with this?
Some Government Reforms are locked so that you cannot change them and honestly France is possibly the worst of these nations as the French Feudalism/Absolutism are very hard to get rid of (as they are not culture based and you cannot form another nation). Idk if you can flip to a Republic with Tier 6 Reform but if you can then you can just do that and flip back to a Monarchy imediatly with the Republics Tier 6 Reform... If that doesn't work then that's basically it and you cannot do it then (without some crazy strategies)
Another banger video! Definitely will use in future campaigns. :) Quick aside, what is the music track you use starting at around 4:08 ? You’ve used it in other videos, but I’ve yet to find it on TH-cam.
Excellent video mate. Bohemia are surely a great tag to do this because they start with an elective monarchy and get diplo annexation cost through missions right?
As I understand it, before one chooses an elected monarchy one must have a reform States General so that when one chooses a monarchy the current monarch dies?
Be States General (or Dutch thing); Switch out of States General while Statists in Power; Hold the Event; Switch Into Elective Monarchy; Wait a month tick; Click the event "Government Abolished" that you Holded earlier; Take the desired Dynasty in the following event; Take the Union; Repeat;
Great strategy! Still works in 1.37. However not for all nations. For some countries the choose ruler event does trigger but for others it won't. For example Scotland & Castille I was not able to get it triggered. Do you know why?
@@thestudentYT Forget my previous comments if you saw them. You are totally right! I had to kill of the king first just to try it with commands. Thanks!!
can you switch government type to get rid of reform? e.g. monarchy to republic and back to monarchy? Republics used to keep their PUs and I think switching gov type now returns all points
Maybe... I haven't tried but then you would still need to pay 4 Stability per Union on top of the 100 Reformprogress for switching to Republic and back to Monarchy right?
Wait... i saw you inherited a throne during the changing of your government. If you were the HRE leader, couldnt you use this to get all reforms using this?
I don't see the elective monarchy reform.... do I need to have states general first? playing with Spain, the 3rd type of first goverment reform is System of Council...
@@thestudentYT I just say what happened. I don't have domination dlc, but the system of council reform is still there, disabled. To enable it, you need to finish the System of Council mission, which belongs to castille (if you formed Spain, you can't unlock it).... this mission tree is only available if you have the dlc.... ridiculous,
You can, but you have to get rid of your special Tier 1 Reform first, the easiest ways for that would be to change to a Theocracy or a Republic for a Day and then switch Back to the Monarchy (via Tier 6 Reforms) and then you can choose whatever Tier 1 Monarchy Reform you want to be :)
Idk for sure but you might not have the Elective Monarchy Reform ( without Domination... but as long as you have that you can do it via the second path
Orthodox is a Christian Religion... And yes theoretically only the Target needs to be Christian but you useally cannot make a royal marriage with Christians as non-Christian so in Practice both have to be Christian
Can you combine this with the Danish Ratified Kalmar union reform? You'd have to fulfil the conditions for that reform, then willingly swap out of it (is that possible?), get all your desired PU's, and then swap back, it takes 100 extra reformprogress per cycle, but the rewards are massive. In general, going inf/adm and forming SP/Austria/Spain seems good for reduced integration costs.
Yes the Danish Reform works fine and it wouldn't even cost any additional Reformprogress compared to the Generic Reforms Strategy with the Tier 6 States General
I've had issues where I can't keep tabs on nations who don't have heirs so I can try to PU them. Is there an easier way to see who doesn't have an heir or do you have to look manually from time to time and hope they are missing an heir?
There is actually an Message Icon (a green one) on the Top where the Alerts show off that is called "disputed successions" and it lists every christian nation without an heir so just need to hover over that from time to time But also as I said in the Video you should definetly mark the most valueable possible PU Targets as Country of Intrest (left click on one of their Province, then right click on their Flag and the left click on that greyed out star showing up there) And then you'll already get Messages on every interesting thing happening with them including new rulers and regencies... But what I did even further is that I went to my Message settings and said that I wanted to get very detailed (every set to "on") Information on the dynasty and the Rulers of countries that I marked as countries of Interest so that I actually got a Pop-Up Message every Time one of my PU Targets got a new ruler or a Regency and then I could have a look if they had no heir as well or if I had to wait for the next Ruler/Regency
@@thestudentYT At 2:45 you're playing as Lotheringia and trying to PU Orleanse. You're saying you don't border Aragon, but there's the border in south France where he's captured Aix, one of Provence their starting provinces.
@@kingjapjep9458 Oh man that is actually crazy what happened there... thanks for noticing! So I had to melt my save file to see the Previous Ruler Statistics of that Aragon and here is what I found out: 1. Aragon had a Consort Regency from 1530-1538 2. Aragons Ruler that I PUed them with was 23 years old in 1553 so actually the Consort Regency started when he was 0 years old! (super random) 3. As the Consort Regency died where he was only 8, an estate Regency took over. That Estate Regent ruled until September 1550 which means that Aragon extended that Regency twice but the Regent probably died in September 1550 which is why Aragon has a Normal King in November 1550 (as seen in my video) Now comes the crazy Part: Even though estate Regents have For and Last Names they are treated as "nodynasty" in Game... That is why I couldn`t get a Dynasty from Aragon in March 1550 (where I PUed Orleans) but I could get one in November 1550 as the Regent died exactly in between (also super random)!! Really crazy stuff in terms of randomness there... but anyways: It doesn`t make a different at all because the only thing I would have had to change would have been to feed Monpellier to Navarra as well, then it would be fine again even without that Regency Stuff Hope that was understandable xD
@@thestudentYT Thanks! Another question tho, I am playing the Netherlands atm and France is my rival, but everytime I try to get Bohemias dynasty or Portugal which I border I only get France which I also border but I have no way on getting a RM with them since we are rivals. What would be the solution to either PU France or to get one of the others I mentioned?
Create a vassal on your border with France so that you don't border them anymore (like I did with Aragon here) or if you want to PU them, you can use the Peace option on them where they abandon you as a rival and then if you abandon them as your rival as well then you should be able to ally them (if they don't desire your land to much)
@@thestudentYT Ohh thats really smart, they have a -200 because they desire my land but I think that goes away after a while, it has been so for quite a long time. Thanks for the great advice 🌹
I already did a video on the (almost) infinite Reformprogress long time ago and the HRE is OP anyways so I don't feel like exploiting it would be any fun xD
13:45 You are making a common mistake in statistics. The chance to have an heir after a regency is independent of previous regencies. The change that there wouldn't be an heir after at least one of the two regencies is 75% not 100%. otherwise nice strat edit: incorrect time mark
You made the mistake here I think... I never said it's 100%, I said that "on average it takes 2 Regencies" which is refering to the expected statistic value that if you see those two Regencies as one Statistic then you would mathematically expect that one of them is with heir and one is without... Of course individually it is 50% every time if you have a look at each regency alone but I talked about the expected value so I didn't ask for a specific chance but for the expected number of positive outcomes: if I asked you what you would expect how often you get heads if I do 10 coinflips then you would say 5 most likely But I admit that as 2 is a very very small sample size so it would have been a more exact description of the Problem not to use an expected statistic value but instead the exact chance calculation so... But still I didn't make an mathematical mistake here
@@thestudentYT as muslim wtih monuments and diplo ideas you can literaly annex russia and istead of coring all this, you can release eyalets and get manpower with forse limit for free, dont even need to annex them
Only if you are the Ottomans (or Rum) and idk why you would put this on the same lvl as my tactic here as playing the Ottomans is basically a Win button anyways and 0% Generic
The student has become the master...
Get the F outta here .
Mer. I don't see yoh on Steam for a year and I see you on a TH-cam Comment section xD
The Tutor
0:44 avg habsburg introduction be like: ...
Why do I hear boss music?
A Habsburg Amalgam has appeared.
@@RKNGLwhere Hungary
Ive grown accustomed to how much these mechanics break the game since you first started releasing these.
What scares me now is the fact you put them out weekly.
the reform progress cost is definitely worth it to pu a big country
Omw to PU Russia in every single of my games now
you just broke the game. Well done.
Elective monarchy is actually the most op christian gov reform
Me without the DLC for it *cries in autocracy or feudal monarchy
@@danshakuimo No way Paradox hides basic mechanics behind DLCs. I am shocked.
@@3komma141592653 *Surprised pikachu face*
@@danshakuimo add /forum/index.php to the end of the link if you wish to bypass the russian frontpage, still just main forum
Amazing content mate you def get my sub!. There is another way to get PUs that is not nearly as game breaking that is also worth mentioning (for those who want to keep your dynasty rather than switch it) and this applies to long term allies that you want to backstab. If you build your favour high enough (easy to do with long term allies) you can use said favour to insert a relative of your dyansty in their throne when they have no heir. Than simply break the alliance but maintain the royal marriage (high enough relations), and once your relative assumes power and also has no heir claim throne and go to war. I PU'd russia, a giant austria and UK this way in my Roman WC/Onefaith :)
you can accomplish a similar thing by royal marrying your desired dynasty (if youre in the right RM cycle) and combining with ur previous kill own ruler trick
A very reliable way to get the 10 PU achievement.
or pu swarm haha
crazy stuff. Always nice to see different ways of approaches and new techniques
The most underrated eu4 channel! The goat at breaking the game. I was here before you blew up
I didn't know that I blew up... xD
@@thestudentYT Haha, I meant in the future. Keep it up 👍🏻
diplomatic ideas seems like a must for this campaign, the lowered impact on stability could save tons of admin points
Why that? I never had any truces except on Austria
@@thestudentYT i think its for the stab hit for having a royal marriage/canceling royal marriage
You definetly shouldn't cancel that Marriage by any means!!! Then you'll lose the claim in the Throne!
I guess he just meant royal marriage stab hit on declaring war can be reduced to 0 with diplomatic ideas
@@thestudentYT aye you get stab hit on declaring on nations that you have royal marriages with
This is .... Spectacular. You amaze me On Russia WC video,but this video is on a different level. Love it!
But... honestly I don't think that I ever did a Russia WC video... I did Russia Siberian Frontier Video like one year ago but... xD
@@thestudentYT Then I must be mistaken Your videos with someone else video. it have a same format like this. But this Video is great either way. You have my like,and Subscribe.
10/10 for those who are willing to wield this ring. I thought about making a vid about using the Dutch government to rapidly integrate PUs but this is just way beyond.
you can stack diplo annex cost to -100 as provence. -25 ideas -20 quest -30 politces and priviliege -10 papal button and form habsburg tag to gain another -15
I know... I found this out and presented it in a video long time ago xD
If you're willing to TAG switch (only a few achievements care/block that), you can get to the cap of 0.1 dip per development as any starting nation via mission rewards (Sardinia Piedmont + someone I'm forgetting) and then taking ideas like Austria's or Britain's. Makes stuff like annexing 20,000 dev worth of subjects in 15 years or less possible.
Since you can stack score cost + dip annex earlier than admin efficiency, players have used this to post impressive WC times as non-hordes.
This shit is CRAZY bro, love it
Game breakingly good tactic you've found, well done sir
Its an incredibly well thought through tactic! Again i learned something about this game i play since 11 years. 😁
However, certain mission trees in combination with putting your dynasty on thrones for favours allows PU spam far sooner than going that far down in your government reforms. And for smaller PUs you want to feed german or italian land for example there is also the tactic of creating a vassal, forcing your dynasty on its throne (they ll always start with a weak claim heir), then release it by loosing a war on purpose and then claim throne.
Finally there is your rulers. You get random guys very often and as long you dont want to savescum alot, you ll have some pretty shitty guys more often than you want to. But the benefit still outshines this point tbh.
Yeah, my last video last week was about creating Personal Unions...
Cries in countries with locked first tier reform like Byz.
I am pleased to watch these videos. If I have been played normal games, I would use this mechanic. However, now I am interested only in covering map as Austria withouth offensive wars to get successful WC). So pitty, there are a lot of mechanics, which I see here, on this channel, I can't use for it). Incredibly good jobs!
You can see the playmaker inspired you greatly.
How that?
Why does this not have more views
Atwix would be proud
Very nice guide, and very very broken! x)
Incredible how you can just pick and chose dynasties on demand. Really also like how you trigger monarch changes constantly, making it possible that the subjects just get instantly integrated.
BTW! Ive never used this feature, but cant you always return cores without being in a war at the cost of -20 prestiege, instantly via diplomatic actions?
Yes but I would have returned that Provinces the Palatinate and not to Austria so...
In austria didn't hate you coudn't you sell the province for free? Austria has a core and it's in the culture group so they should accept it for zero ducats?
Maybe yes...
@@superfish1122 ahhh even more interesting!
I'm taking notes from both of you ;)
Bro's cooking
This is why I love Mondays
Yeah happy Monday ;)
Ok I'm literally speechless, this change all Europe games. Yet you have to get royal marriage and some powers never let them do it because bad relations or too many relations
But most of the cases they do if you break their rivalry and relations in a war before
Con Castilla puedes hacer uniones personales con Napoles, Aragón, Portugal, Austria/Borgoña e Inglaterra. Con este método puedes agregar a Francia a la lista 🤩.
Yo consegui varias veces francia e incluso rusia sin este metodo, unicamente tuve la suerte de q un habsburgo se metio en sus tronos
@thestudentYT tell us what us that awesome epic music in the background starting from 14:20 :d
Great vid mate a lot can be learned from you
Man who knew game was broken, discovers game to be even more broken than previously thought possible.
Could be really good as Great Britain maybe, since it would be really easy to control who you border, you can get a lot of reform progress if you don't expand much more than the british isles to keep stated provinces low autonomy, and any expansion you do outside the british isles could be colonial/imperial conquests bordering non christian nations.
4:50 Isn't Aix owned by Aragon? Does that mean you need to border a province that connects to the capital?
Yeah they had an Estate Regency at the time with no dynasty that's why... I also only found this out later (but otherwise I would have only had to give Monpellier awsy as well and all would be fine)
Dutch, Frisian, and Flemish now being S tier cultures now
Love this trick but I don't think I'm going to use it too much except for the very big countries, still good to have this in one's repertoire tho
For the second part have elective monarchy tier 1 wait 1 month for refresh
then switch to autocracy and then to states general
Immediately switch to aristocratic court dont click event yet switch back to elective monarchy tier 1 wait at least 1 day to update the game then click event
the choose the desired neighbour
3:20 yeah i finally got lotharingia formed in 1500 and i dont have those options elective monarch and stadholder estate.. my government tier 1 is burgundian state.. so im pretty sure i cant do this pu thing unless i get all the dlcs.. although i do have one on tier 2 called nobles electorate but i need aristocratic ideas to use it
But the Burgundian State thing was also added in Domination I think... anyways I could recommend to just wait on a sale of the Domination DLC as it won't cost much then and it was a really good DLC imo
@@thestudentYT i stopped buying after emperor.. i dont think all the dlcs are wortht he money.. maybe id buy if they were $1 each. i think i spent $30 for the game plus all the dlcs up to emperor... from what i gather if u bought full price every dlc at release date ud end up spending something like $500? its ridiculous.. when old games like fallout4 had a dlc it included huge new areas, tons of quests... 100s of hours of extra play for $10... paradox adds a few tiny new features and charges $20 odd... they cant even be bothered to add a unique mission tree for every nation.. when i asked someone why they dont bother, someone said..oh its game limitations... cant be done and takes too much time and effort.. weird how a modder can do extended timelines and missions but the developer cant be bothered to do it? 7 days to die comes out with new alphas every year and charges nothing extra... i think paradox are just greedy and lazy
Maybe but it's typically 20$ maximum full prize for a brand new DLC and then like 5-8$ half a year later so you could buy everything for less than 100$ if you watch out for the sales...
You know I really don't care if you want to pay that or not but I am just saying that this Game has enough Content for thousands of hours (I have more than 6k) so even if I paid like 300$ for that already, it's like 5 Cents per hour...
Compare that to normal Full Prize Titles like AC or Ark or something like that then you pay 60$ and play like 100 hours maximum for the story... so all I am saying is that it isn't unfair :)
@@thestudentYT i spent £30 for fallout 4 plus all dcls and i played 6000 hours... im poor... for me a game is only valuable with lots of replayability.. eu4 was worth the money all the dlcs arent.. unless i get them for a dollar each.. $300-500 for a game plus dlcs is definitely unfair its a rip off
We could and should definetly argue about the Price of Eu4 but I still think that it isn't as bad as you describe it... but again: I don't want to talk you into buying something that you don't want to of course! I just wanted to represent the other POV here :)
You wild for this rn
Finally a good guide and not the trash atwix pu scheme . Also there is a trophy to get 5 pu
What Trophy?
@@thestudentYT achievement: atwix legacy
@@gabri-immortale Yeah but this is only for 10 PUs
For this you need domination DLC and Cossacks DLC
Step 1 have Dutch Fryssian or Flemish Culture
Step 2 select elective monarchy reform
Step 3 choose the desired nation you want to have personal union with
Step 4 make royal marriage
step 5 claim throne they also must have no heir to do this
step 6 declare war
step 7 win war
step 8 enjoy
It's a bit meh that the hard part is getting the cb where as the hard part should really be step 7, "win war".
Aragon casually having a 6 6 6
first comment and no no, im not gonna just click like and leave.
Well, time to do this before it gets patched.
Look insane to pu france as bohemia after anexing burgundy
This is awesome! Haha
I'm playing as France and I wanted to know if I can do this method too. When I try to change the goverment system it won't let me because of the "French Feudalism" reform, can someone help me with this?
Some Government Reforms are locked so that you cannot change them and honestly France is possibly the worst of these nations as the French Feudalism/Absolutism are very hard to get rid of (as they are not culture based and you cannot form another nation).
Idk if you can flip to a Republic with Tier 6 Reform but if you can then you can just do that and flip back to a Monarchy imediatly with the Republics Tier 6 Reform...
If that doesn't work then that's basically it and you cannot do it then (without some crazy strategies)
@@thestudentYT Thanks! I really appreciate it.
The music is so epic it wants me to stop whatever the fuck i am doing and start up eu4
Another banger video! Definitely will use in future campaigns. :)
Quick aside, what is the music track you use starting at around 4:08 ? You’ve used it in other videos, but I’ve yet to find it on TH-cam.
Do you mean this one?
"As long as we breathe" - Dream Cave
@@thestudentYTthat’s the one, massive help!
Hey. Did they fixe it? Cause when i change my dutch gouvernment to elective monarchy, i lose the others country that i have alrdy PU.
Maybe they had negative opinion on you?
Wow. You're right. I didn't think about that. Thx a lot.
revolutionary gameplay. love it
This is amazing! Slightly off topic, but can you cheese Imperial Authority with all those ruler changes?
Yes but only if you have an heir when you chance ruler so you can never be the States General for more than one day
@@thestudentYT interesting.. thanks for the reply :)
I didnt understoot wich governament reformens i need to my ruler get out and i choose a new one
Excellent video mate. Bohemia are surely a great tag to do this because they start with an elective monarchy and get diplo annexation cost through missions right?
As I understand it, before one chooses an elected monarchy one must have a reform States General so that when one chooses a monarchy the current monarch dies?
Be States General (or Dutch thing); Switch out of States General while Statists in Power; Hold the Event; Switch Into Elective Monarchy; Wait a month tick; Click the event "Government Abolished" that you Holded earlier; Take the desired Dynasty in the following event; Take the Union; Repeat;
@@thestudentYT Thank you
It does require luck though - you need to catch them without an heir when it is convenient for you.
If you want it any easier then your going to have to use the console.
Great strategy! Still works in 1.37. However not for all nations. For some countries the choose ruler event does trigger but for others it won't. For example Scotland & Castille I was not able to get it triggered. Do you know why?
It only triggers if the Statists were in Power before
@@thestudentYT Forget my previous comments if you saw them. You are totally right! I had to kill of the king first just to try it with commands. Thanks!!
Very broken mechanic!
How would one gain a lot of reform progress to consistently do this? Would playing court ideas be good for this?
I said that in the video... (End of the 2nd Part)
EU4: The Student vs Spiffing Brit when?
Maybe useless additional info, but you can also do this with the unique Irish gov reform
Wow this is game breaking. What are some perfect idea groups to go along with this strat?
Diplo, Adm, Influence, Quality
Now do this with Trebizont.
I can almost feel the diplo drain
I never get to choose a new ruler; the current just continues. Is this still working or was this removed in the latest fix?
You need to have the Statists in Power for that
really great topic
but something that cought me by suprise is how you sound exactly like Toto Wolff Mercedes F1 team principal.
Maybe because he is also German speaking? xD
But please be aware that Austrian and German is not the same ;)
"You can use this strategy as any nation to play as"
Except if you are a vassal or HRE emporer.
Yeah...you know what I mean
But you can do it as HRE Emperor
can you switch government type to get rid of reform? e.g. monarchy to republic and back to monarchy? Republics used to keep their PUs and I think switching gov type now returns all points
Maybe... I haven't tried but then you would still need to pay 4 Stability per Union on top of the 100 Reformprogress for switching to Republic and back to Monarchy right?
Wait... i saw you inherited a throne during the changing of your government. If you were the HRE leader, couldnt you use this to get all reforms using this?
Yes you can
@thestudentYT most interesting... I love this game, your videos are very entertaining
popcorn rdy
you would get 20 IA ... noice!... will try
or switching through tags you can pu all major powers just by missions )
And you think that would be easier? XD
No but whats crazy is that 666 ruler of Aragon
I don't see the elective monarchy reform.... do I need to have states general first? playing with Spain, the 3rd type of first goverment reform is System of Council...
Is System of Council a locked Reform? Or can you switch to Autocracy for example?
@@thestudentYT I just say what happened. I don't have domination dlc, but the system of council reform is still there, disabled. To enable it, you need to finish the System of Council mission, which belongs to castille (if you formed Spain, you can't unlock it).... this mission tree is only available if you have the dlc.... ridiculous,
Yeah... all of these Generic Special Reform including Elective Monarchy come with the Domination DLC sadly
Oh, it doesn't work for Byzantium, you can't switch to Elective Monarchy,
You can, but you have to get rid of your special Tier 1 Reform first, the easiest ways for that would be to change to a Theocracy or a Republic for a Day and then switch Back to the Monarchy (via Tier 6 Reforms) and then you can choose whatever Tier 1 Monarchy Reform you want to be :)
@@thestudentYT Thanks for the information.
does this work even if you dont have all the dlcs? i havent bought one since emperor
Idk for sure but you might not have the Elective Monarchy Reform ( without Domination... but as long as you have that you can do it via the second path
@@thestudentYT im playing burgundy right now trying to get to lotharingia - will tell you if i have it then
How much this changes the European play from 1 to 10? 42!
feels a little cheesy, i know its not...lol Anyway, very good info.
Do you also have to be Christian or just the target? Also isn't russia Orthodox? How did you make them Chrisitian?
Orthodox is a Christian Religion...
And yes theoretically only the Target needs to be Christian but you useally cannot make a royal marriage with Christians as non-Christian so in Practice both have to be Christian
@@thestudentYT I don't think I'm clear with what is considered 'Christian', thank you for your awnser anyways (I managed to find a list)
Would the change of ruler strategy be viable for HRE Points farming as HRE Emperor too?
So It isn't a way to Pu other, it's just a way to change dinasty
Did I PU all of Europe here or not?
So is it a Guide to PU others?
@@thestudentYT don't get me wrong, the guide is amazing
@@mirkolawe Bro cooked you lmao no fs given
Can you combine this with the Danish Ratified Kalmar union reform? You'd have to fulfil the conditions for that reform, then willingly swap out of it (is that possible?), get all your desired PU's, and then swap back, it takes 100 extra reformprogress per cycle, but the rewards are massive.
In general, going inf/adm and forming SP/Austria/Spain seems good for reduced integration costs.
Yes the Danish Reform works fine and it wouldn't even cost any additional Reformprogress compared to the Generic Reforms Strategy with the Tier 6 States General
I've had issues where I can't keep tabs on nations who don't have heirs so I can try to PU them. Is there an easier way to see who doesn't have an heir or do you have to look manually from time to time and hope they are missing an heir?
There is actually an Message Icon (a green one) on the Top where the Alerts show off that is called "disputed successions" and it lists every christian nation without an heir so just need to hover over that from time to time
But also as I said in the Video you should definetly mark the most valueable possible PU Targets as Country of Intrest (left click on one of their Province, then right click on their Flag and the left click on that greyed out star showing up there)
And then you'll already get Messages on every interesting thing happening with them including new rulers and regencies...
But what I did even further is that I went to my Message settings and said that I wanted to get very detailed (every set to "on") Information on the dynasty and the Rulers of countries that I marked as countries of Interest so that I actually got a Pop-Up Message every Time one of my PU Targets got a new ruler or a Regency and then I could have a look if they had no heir as well or if I had to wait for the next Ruler/Regency
is it hard to do with russia to other europeans as well ?
No you just have to watch your current borders to not get an unintended dynasty
If I do this, the event will offer me a dinasty from another country with which I share a border. How do I get the dinasty of my target country?
Make a vassal own all borders with every bigger neighbor than your target (I talked about this in the very first example with Orleans)
If they dont get your last name you get their last name
How are you not bordering Aragon? They have Aix, you have Montpellier, that's a border, isn't it?
I don't know what you mean...
@@thestudentYT At 2:45 you're playing as Lotheringia and trying to PU Orleanse. You're saying you don't border Aragon, but there's the border in south France where he's captured Aix, one of Provence their starting provinces.
@@kingjapjep9458 Oh man that is actually crazy what happened there... thanks for noticing!
So I had to melt my save file to see the Previous Ruler Statistics of that Aragon and here is what I found out:
1. Aragon had a Consort Regency from 1530-1538
2. Aragons Ruler that I PUed them with was 23 years old in 1553 so actually the Consort Regency started when he was 0 years old! (super random)
3. As the Consort Regency died where he was only 8, an estate Regency took over. That Estate Regent ruled until September 1550 which means that Aragon extended that Regency twice but the Regent probably died in September 1550 which is why Aragon has a Normal King in November 1550 (as seen in my video)
Now comes the crazy Part: Even though estate Regents have For and Last Names they are treated as "nodynasty" in Game... That is why I couldn`t get a Dynasty from Aragon in March 1550 (where I PUed Orleans) but I could get one in November 1550 as the Regent died exactly in between (also super random)!!
Really crazy stuff in terms of randomness there... but anyways: It doesn`t make a different at all because the only thing I would have had to change would have been to feed Monpellier to Navarra as well, then it would be fine again even without that Regency Stuff
Hope that was understandable xD
Atwix legacy? More like The Student Legacy.
Diplo only run now
I mean is it diplo if you force them into a Union via war?
Bohemian elective monarchy works similar way. Does it mean you can do it on bohemy too?
May I know what graphical mod is used ? Map looks nice !
Video description ;)
Hello, what DLC i need for this reform? because i cant see the reform : is it the last DLC i need? i got all bu tnot the last one
I think it is Domination DLC
@@thestudentYT oh :( i want it so much but then i will pass it :)
Just wait a little bit for the next sale, these older DLCs are often offered for just 5~ $ then and that is definetly worth it imo
How do I get the slider to go to the statists??
They are in Power by default but otherwise by electing Statistic Rulers in the Event and through some events
@@thestudentYT Thanks! Another question tho, I am playing the Netherlands atm and France is my rival, but everytime I try to get Bohemias dynasty or Portugal which I border I only get France which I also border but I have no way on getting a RM with them since we are rivals. What would be the solution to either PU France or to get one of the others I mentioned?
Create a vassal on your border with France so that you don't border them anymore (like I did with Aragon here) or if you want to PU them, you can use the Peace option on them where they abandon you as a rival and then if you abandon them as your rival as well then you should be able to ally them (if they don't desire your land to much)
@@thestudentYT Ohh thats really smart, they have a -200 because they desire my land but I think that goes away after a while, it has been so for quite a long time. Thanks for the great advice 🌹
@@aevin122 The AI`s desire of land is mainly based on their Ruler personalities so a diplomat would give way less relations penalty
how does your game look like this!
which countries can be used?
Every Country
You are so close with 2 more exploit:
- infiinity reform progress exploit
- quick hre revoke exploit
I already did a video on the (almost) infinite Reformprogress long time ago and the HRE is OP anyways so I don't feel like exploiting it would be any fun xD
@@thestudentYT oh ya? Great job man. I think I havent found your channel back then when you post that exploit.
Ok ngl that's kinda based
What is the map pack he is using
Video description
what graphics mod is that?
Video description
13:45 You are making a common mistake in statistics. The chance to have an heir after a regency is independent of previous regencies. The change that there wouldn't be an heir after at least one of the two regencies is 75% not 100%.
otherwise nice strat
edit: incorrect time mark
You made the mistake here I think... I never said it's 100%, I said that "on average it takes 2 Regencies" which is refering to the expected statistic value that if you see those two Regencies as one Statistic then you would mathematically expect that one of them is with heir and one is without...
Of course individually it is 50% every time if you have a look at each regency alone but I talked about the expected value so I didn't ask for a specific chance but for the expected number of positive outcomes: if I asked you what you would expect how often you get heads if I do 10 coinflips then you would say 5 most likely
But I admit that as 2 is a very very small sample size so it would have been a more exact description of the Problem not to use an expected statistic value but instead the exact chance calculation so...
But still I didn't make an mathematical mistake here
@@thestudentYT my bad. I mixed 2 statements up one with the 100% and the other with the percentage on average.
Best subject in eu4 is eyalet
I didn't know that you could annex a 700% Warscore Russia in one war with the Eyalets Mechanic...
@@thestudentYT as muslim wtih monuments and diplo ideas you can literaly annex russia and istead of coring all this, you can release eyalets and get manpower with forse limit for free, dont even need to annex them
Only if you are the Ottomans (or Rum) and idk why you would put this on the same lvl as my tactic here as playing the Ottomans is basically a Win button anyways and 0% Generic