"Haha, good one! No fire risk here, thankfully. The gloves are for a couple of reasons: better grip on the wheel, especially during long races when my hands start to get sweaty, and they also help prevent blisters if the Direct Drive wheel gets out of hand! Plus, let's be honest, they look pretty cool, too." And part of a partnership deal with Syncmesh 😉
gloves? incase you catch fire?
Ever used a Direct Drive wheel before? I'm guessing not if you wrote this.
"Haha, good one! No fire risk here, thankfully. The gloves are for a couple of reasons: better grip on the wheel, especially during long races when my hands start to get sweaty, and they also help prevent blisters if the Direct Drive wheel gets out of hand!
Plus, let's be honest, they look pretty cool, too." And part of a partnership deal with Syncmesh 😉